Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 17, 1885, Image 2
j|jn Journal. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH, 1885 Published by R. A. BTJMILLER. Democratic County Com. for 1885. DISTRICT. COMMITTER. Bellefonte, N. W Wm. Galbreitli. " 8. W Wm. R. Luawiff, M W. ..William Harper, Howard Boro A.Weber, Mllesburg James B. Prondfoot, MNIHELM J. H . Relfanyder. Pblllpsburg Ist W J Allen T.ukens, " 2nd W A J(i raham, " 3rd W Jackson Gorton, Union vllle 80r0...... John Bing, Benner Twp-..- liobt Henderson, Boras, 8. P - A A Kohibeeker, " N. P....Lewis Miller, Burnside Twp.. —...Oscar Holt, College " Geo R Roan, Curtln " - Thos DeLong. Ferguson E. P.— Peter Lauck, s W. P David H Kusterborder Gregg S P-~ ->.J B Fisher, " NP —Philip Frank. Haines E P Jno C Stover, " W P.. H H Weaver Half moon -..-J H Griffin, Harris. —....H0n W A Murrey, Howard Twp..—.—.Michael Confer, Huston " .—..—Jno Q Miles, liberty '* ...Wm N Bitner, Marlon M ..... Daniel W Orr, Miles " Jared B Kreamer, Patton " Agnow Sellers, Penn ** WF Smith, Potter N P -D C Keller. . " s P W W Royer, Rash S P... —Hugh McCann, " N P -Fred F Smith. Snow Shoe N P Frank Tuberty, u " SP JnoEwing, Spring..— EdC Wood, Taylor—. Vinton Beckwith, Union - Jno H Stover. Walker...——— -.Jas J Graniley, Worth —.George B Williams. G W RVMBBRGBR, R M MAGEK, Secretary. Chairman. HARRISBURG is decked this week with the national colors in honor of her centennial. CANADA is infested with the small pox. Won't that be rough on the crowd of absconding cashiers, who took refhge there ? It's likely to turn the rascals out REPURLICAN Chairman Cooper will find the jcb of collecting campaign fiinds from government clerks some what slower than before. The clerks argue that it is impossible to serve two masters at the same time. THE headquarters of the Democrat ic State Committee have been estab lished for the campaign at the S. E. Corner, Broad and Chestuut Streets, Philadelphia, where the active and wide-awake chairman, W. U. Hensel, and his secretary, J. B. Lichty attend to the cumbersome duties of the cam paign work. THE latest foreign news report that Spain and Germany are about cooling down and are settling their difficulties in a peaceful way. But both are rather hot-headed and the slightest disagreement may get them to quar reling again. The great trouble with the European potentates is that each and every one has a craving to be "on top of the pile." THE Grant Memorial fund in New York which has been started with the intention of making it a round million dollars, as yet lacks about nine hun dred and twenty-six thousand dollars to make the million full. The good people of this country fail to see the use of sticking an enormous sum of money into a great monumental pile, when something more modest would answer just as well. To Go or Not to Go. The Ohio clerks iu Washington, of the Republican faith, are said to be considering whether it is worth while to go home to vote this fall or not. Heretofore they never were given an opportunity tor considering the mat ter. They were required to go home and vote by the political leaders, who were supposed to be all powerful with the appointing power. That settled the matter. The clerks invariably were on hand at the polls on election day and voted the party ticket. At the present juncture matters are in an entirely different shape. There is nobody who can hurt them it they don't go. There is a healthy fear in the minds of some of them that they might have occasion to regret it if they did go. Many of them have ex hausted their thirty days' leave of ab sence and, as the present administra tion does not grant more than the thirty days without deducting from the salaries for the time lost,they have an excellent excuse for not going. While there is no evidence that go ing home to vote would cost any effi cient clerk his place,as there is nobody standing ready to decapitate him if he does not go, it may be taken for granted that the migration to Ohio at election time will be much less this year than usual.— Phila. Times. The New York Governorship. NEW YORK, Sept. 13. —Advices from all over the State are to the effect that Hill will take the Democratic nomina tion for Governor without much oppo sition, also that Carr is leading all the other republican candidates, closely pressed by Morton. If Carr continues to gain as fast as he has the past week he will be nominated, though the friends of Morton and Davis are still very san guine. The Bueinesfl Strain is Passing Away. From the Pittsburg Dispatch. The business reviyal keeps on reviv ing in away to rejoice the hearts of all. The period of strain has been a trying one, but it is passing away, and trade skies are roseate. Asking Clorks for Money is Mean Business. From thoKcimot Advance.Waine-ln-isss Organ Chairman Cooper has bearded the lion in his den, so to speak, and has sent circulars to all the Pennsylvania in government offices, asking for contributions tothe campaign fund. Some of the clerks are kicking as though they feel dreadfully insulted but it is likely that the majority of them will pay up without any fuss, although they may be pub iu the unpleasant di!- emna of trying to serve two masters. It is a mean business and ought to be abolished. Secretary Manning has leased a house at the corner of Eighteenth and P streets, Washington, and will occupy it as soon as Mrs. Manning returns to Washington. The house, a line resi dence, is in Dupont Circle, opposite the Blaine mansion and Stewart castle. Secretary Whitney is fitting up the Means mansion on the Teuallytown road, recently purchased by him, and will spend the autumn there. Attorney General Garland has purchased a resi dence at the corner of Rhode Island avenue and Fourteenth street. All the members of the Cabinet, except Mr. Lamar,may now be said to bo provided with homes in tho District of Colum bia. Miscellaneous News. Secretary Bayard has been informed by cable that cholera is prevalent at Shanghai, China. DEAD AT THE AGE OF 111 YEARS. HUDSON',"N . Y.,Sept. 10. —Christian Cooper, of the town of Livingston, Co lumbia county, died yesterday, aged one hundred and eleven years, ten months and fifteen days. Mr. Cooper was active and retained; his mental faculties until a few days before his death. Castor's Slayer Gets Throe Years. NORRISTOWN, Sept. 12.—Judge Iloy er this afternoon sentenced Alexander Steele, the Insane Asylum attendant who was conyicted at the June court of manslaughter for the killing of Theo dore F. Castor, a patient at the institu tion, to three years at hard labor in the County Prison. Ilis counsel asked for mercy. Steele looked pale. THE BOAT CAPSIZED AND TIIE MINIS TER DROWNED. MUNCY, Sept. 10. —A drowning ac cident occurred yesterday iu the rivr near McEwensville by which the Rev. Mr. Millet, of that place, lost liis life. He and his brother were in a boat fish ing, when it capsized, precipitating both of them into the water. In his efforts to save him his brother ahso came near being drowned. The hoc y was recovered. He Struck a Nitro-Glyccrino Can. BEDFORD, Sept. 13.—This afternoon, about two miles south of this city,some boys discovered a disused nitro glycer ine can. One of the boys, George Can field, aged 17 years, threw a stone at it. He was a good marksman and the stone exploded what little glycerine re mained in the can. The force of the explosion caused the stone to rebound, one piece of it striking Can.ield in the abdomen and another in the cheek. lie lived but au hour. Death of B. L. Wallace. Bishop L. Wallace, of Clearfield, as sistant cashier of the deal field County Bank, died at the residence of iiis fath er, Hon. W. A. Wallace, on Monday morning, from injuries received in a fall on Friday morning last. Mc. Wal lace was a young man of bright prom ise, and his distinguished fathei has the sympathy of his numerous friends in this region in his severe affliction. Tiie deceased was a nephew of Mv. Thomas 1,. Wallace and S. J. M. Mi- Carrell, Esq., of Harrisburg. Overdose of Morphia. LANCASTER, Sept. J 3.—Dr. Frank 31. J/usser, a prominent young physi cian of this city, died at 2 30 yesterday afternoon from the effects of an over dose of morphine. He had long suffer ed from severe headaches and on Thurs day afternoon took an injection of mor phia to relieve tho pain. The dose was too large.and he sank into unconscious ness, from which he did not recover. He was 35 years old and leaves a wife and three children. GOLD ALLEGED TO IJE FOUND AT WILLIAMSPORT. A late dispatch from Williamsport to the Philadelphia Press says : "Peter Weisel a reptutable citizen of this place, claims to have discoycred gold in Lycoming County while out hunting recently. He refuses to divulge the location of his find, but a stock com pany is being formed by him to develop it. Mr. Weisel claims to have sent some of the quarts to New York last week for assay, and states that he to day received information that his spec imens yielded at the rate of $220 per ton. More quartz have been sent to New York, and a number of capitalists are auxipus to open up the alleged vein," Discovery of Coal. MT. ('ARM EL, Sept. 15,—The Com pany of Keed,Sleeker A Heed this week commenced tho work of sinking a slope on tho Northumberland County Coal Company's tract, n few miles north of this borough. A vein of excellent coal seyen feet thick has been discovered, and a prosperous mine will be opened in the near future. THE RAVAGES OK CHOLERA. LONDON, Sept. 12.—The total num ber of eases of cholera reported in Mad rid since September Ist was 10,GGG aud for the whole of Spain for the same pe riod 23,(H1. The total number of deaths from tho disease throughout Spain since September Ist was 0,879. The disease has almost disappeared fiom the provinces of Valencia, Murcin, Saragossa and Granada. A few cases of cholera and deaths from tho disease are daily- reported Irom various towns in the south of France. The Archbish op of Aix, Department of Bouches-du- Ithone, seventeen miles north of Mar seilles, has died from cholera. lie con tracted the disease while visiting a chol era hospital. MOLLIS MAGUIRE MURDERS. NINE PERSONS KILLED BY THE ORDER IN TIIE LUZERNE COAL REGION. SIIAMOKIN, Pa., Sept. 11. —Mollio Maguiroism is again rampant in the up per and lower Luzerne districts. Nine murders have been committed recently in tho northern coal fields, and mines are frequently fired. Murderers and firebugs go free, and tho Coal and Iron Police seem powerless. The "Moon light" ritle companions are drilling un molested, and the Association of Min ers and Laborers is daily growing by hundreds. It is well known here that the Mollio Maguire Brotherhood has been quietly organizing since last April, and a general outbreak is confidently looked for before November. Detect ives are watching for tho approach of Socialist Gorsuch, of Chicago, who, it is thought, will try to organize a revolt among the miners. The familiar "cof fin notices"have been received by mem bers of the Law and Older society. Escape of a Robber. An Old Offender Scales the Wall of the Huntingdon Jail. HUNTINGDON, Pa., Sept. 11.— Paddy Connelly, an old offender, has escaped from the county jail in this city by scaling the wall with the aid of ai: old fashioned bnkeoven scraper, which lie stole from the bakery. Connelly was arrested by railroad officers last spring on the charge of robbing freight cars, and his case would have come before the court next week. Connelly has broken out of jail several times. About three months ago he made his escape from the j lil here with McClay Cherry, but was captured OD one of the ridges adjoining the city, and about t wo years ago he dug his way out of the prison of lioanoke, Va. After he got out of jail in the evening, he made his way to the residence of a confederate, who is out on bail, and asked him to run away,bat this tin? young man refused to do. Con nelly then stole his way to the railroad in the darkness and has not since been seen or heard from. A singular case ot poisoning occur red in West Phila., a few days ago. A young man had catarrh, for which he had tried many remedies, which reliev ed him but did not cure him. lie had noticed a patent medicine advertised for the cure of catarrh, which he con cluded to try. lie repaired to a well established drug store near by, and bought a box of the new preparation, that was properlj put up and labelled. When he reached home he found the contents in a pulverized condition, so as to be used as snuff, fie took aam all amount of the on his finger,and snuffed it. Instantly lie gave a pierc ing shriek, and continued shrieking. Blood issued from his nostrils, aud he became delirious and almost beyond control. A physician was hurried to his bedside, but could afford little re lief. lie hastily examined the box,and found the contents to be henbane, one of the deadliest poisons known. The druggist was entirely blameless, as ho had bought the sealed package for what it was represented to be on the label ; and the house from which he purchas ed it had done the same. The patient survived, but his sufferings were long and terrible. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE for October makes us marvel more than ever how so beautiful a monthly can he published for so low a price. The principal en graving on steel, ' The Star of the Night," is a portrait of one of the love liest of women, and looks as if painted from life. There are two colored pat terns in embroidery; a mammoth color ed fashion-plate; a story profusely illus trated ; and some fifty wood-cuts of fashions, work-table patterns, etc., etc. The powerful novelet by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, which has awakened such in terest all the year, grows more absorb ing as it approaches the close. "Josiah Allen's Wife" has one of her unrivaled humorous sketches; Frank Lee Bene dict begins a new novelet; and there is a little sketch, "That Horrid Dress," which every lady ought to insist on her husband reading. But enough : the best thing to do is to write for a speci men of "Peterson," which will be sent gratis,and compare it with others,when you will be certain to subscribe, or get up a club, for 18SG. Now is the time tor this. The price of this "lady's fa vorite" is but two dollars a year, with great deductions to clubs. Address, j Chas. J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut Street, i Philadelphia, Pa. 1 Dpininpror's Rrmly lieforonro T.ix Kocoipl Hook Is growing in public fa vol. ('ustoiuora Irom a distance) are beginning to call for it. It is an ad mitted necessity fr every tax-payer who does Ids business in a practical manner. It it arranged to last for ten years and sells at tho low prico of 10 cents.- Call and sec it at tho Jouunal Store. tf Aaviei: to noniKUH Are you <ti-tal niglit and broken of your rest b\ a sick child suffering and crying willi pain of cutting Belli t II so, send at once and get a UtlMc <•! Mi;s. WlNst.ow'B KOOtuinu Svnee foil Cmi i>rTs Tkctiiino. Its vlilnr. H Incalculubio. II relieve the por little suf ferer Imniediati lv. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake sihnuHl. It cnresdyseiitery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, ro duces lntlaeiiaatleii, and Rives tone and energy to the whole system. l\lie W inflow's SOOTII im: svm e roil ('uiliiukn Teething is pleasant ao the taste, and (s the proserlptlon of one <>f the oldest and best female nurses and physlei tns in the United States, and Is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 23 cents a bottle. L EGJtL Ji DVE n TIS /;. 1/ EJCTS ADMINISTKATRIX' NOTlCE.—Letters or administration on the estate of .loliu J. Frank, deceased, late of Aarousburg, Pa., hav ing been granted to the undersigned, she re quests nil persons knowing themselves indebted to said e-tate to make Immediate payment, and those having elahns against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. : , 11 11 K£. LYOIA A. FR ANK. ITtXECUTORS' BALK OF REAL ESTATE.— j The Subscribers,executors of the estate of Frederick Weaver, deceased, late of Haines township, will sell at public sale on tin* premis es, one mile east of Aarousburg. on I'ma.iv. St'iT. J.Vrn, atone o'clock, P. M., tho following described real estate, to w it : No.l. A tract of farmland, containing 01 a eres and 1" 1 perches all cleared, excepting 10 acres, which are covered with pine timber. This tract i situate on each side of t tie turnpike leading to Woodward. Thereon erected 2 DWELLING HOUSES, one brick, the other logframe, Hank Bakn, and all necessary outbuildings. N0.2. A tract of Mountain land, containing .".1 acres, more or less, situate about 80 rods northeast of tract No. 1, bounded on the south by land of Enoch Kreamer, on the east by Levi Hurd. on the north by Wolf & stover C0.,0n the west by F. .1. Weaver. The tract is covered W illi pine, oak ind chestnut timber. Terms will bo made known on day of sale by WILLIAM WEAVER. ) v oCutors A. I). WEAVER. S xctulols ' VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE sale. —The undersigned offers at private sale his valuable property, situate 11.,I 1 ., mile north of Spring Mills, Centre Co , l'a., contain ing nearly Six Acuee, ft II of which is inn high state of cultivation. Thereon erected a GOOD DWELL! NG HOUSE, Stable and all noces-ary outbuildings. Oeod orchard of choice fruit, sutlias apples, ticars, plums, grapes, etc., on the premises. Good water at the door. This is a yery desirable property and will be sol 1 cheap. HENRY WALTERS, 34-4t Spring Mills, Pa. AI'DITOIFfUJiATieK.— IN TUE OFFUAX's COURT OP CSNTHE couNrr—lN ti. MAT i'EU OK THE K/JTATII OP .lOUN D. I*o<>T' LlT£ or Mii.iueim, DECEASED.— u dersicucd. an auditor appointed by ' Court to rojHirt distribution of the funds ii. ,i., hands of Dr. P. T. Musser, Administrator of &c., of said decedent, as shown by his second partial account, hereby gives notice that he will meet the part ics in interest at ids office in Rellcfonte on Friday, Sept. lStii at 2 o'clock P. M ..for the purposes of his appointment, when and where all parties Interested may appear if they see p rotter. C. P. illiwES, :>4-3t Auditor. (lAUTION.— Having bought at Constable's j sale on the 30tb of August last, tho billow ing property of Jacob Wingart, to wit: One ('ook Stove, complete, Wood Box, One Bed and Bedding. 6 Chairs, 1 Cradle, 2 Tables, 1 Clock, Sew ing Maehlne,2 Shoats and other articles be longing to the defendant, all persons are here by cautioned not to meddle or in any wise in terfere with the same, as I have leit tu.Tu in his possession at my pleasure. W. 11. Bartholomew, 34-3t Spring Mills, Pa. CAUTION.— Having purchased at Constable's sale, Aug. 25th. 'f the property of A. C. Davis, to wit : Ouc Cook Stove, complete. One Bed and Bedding, Eight-day Clock, - Shoats, and all the other property of the defendant. 1 pcreby natation nil peitoninot t> meddle or in terfere in anywise with tho sun >, as 1 have left it in Ids possession aL my pleasure. "1. J. GUENOni.E, 31-3t Spring Mills, Pa. (TAUTION. —The follow ing property has been J purchased by the subscribers at Cousta ble's sale: AU the lumber belonging to J. W. Bariges,ly ing on the mill: All the grain belonging to J. W. and Robert Bartges,.-11 their homestead at Penu Hall, and far ni at Farmers' MUD. Wo hereby caution all persons not t< meddle .or in anywise interfere with the same. Daniel Duitges, Pentt Hull.Aug.2Dth,lß3s. J.C. Condo. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Letters of administration on the e tato of George Bro m, lute or Gregg township, deceased, hay ing bum granted to the undersigned .all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and i those having claims against the same, to pre sent them duly proven for settlement. Jonathan llartkk, 13€T-Ct Administrator. ELYS CATARRH CREAM BALM ' a„, Hay Fever SUMMER !^ YFEVE:Fi t$<^ COLDS IN HEABgryJfl OltqiTil A pari iclo-is applied into caeh nostril and is agreeable to use." Price focents l>y mail or at Drugglsts. Send for circular. ELY BROTH ERS. Druggists,Owcgo, N. Y. EitabliaiiM jji l*a. MANILLA ROOFING! RESEMRLXS FINE lkatiieu; for ROOFS. OUT SIDE WALLS, and INSIDE in place of Plaster. Very strong and durable. CARPETS and RUGS of same material. Catalogue with testi monials and Free. W. 11, FAY & CO., Camden, N. J. 34-4t THE MAGIC INSECT EXTERMINATOR mid HO.Sqi'ITO BITE CURE. We offer one thousand dollars for its equal. Send for circulars, BALLADE A C 0.,8 East 18lh St., New York.3o-41 fiTflDL 7 Wanted Agents to sell our American e- V* Uilli dition of the lliriml MblPhoto orar/h Album*. I.ifk OF GRANT., Prof. O. S. Fowler's Great Work, etc. Send Mo. for com plete. outfit. Permanent employment, paying ♦ln to S2O weekly, Adores* glouk BIBLE Puu- LISIHNO Co., 70f> Chestnut St., Pnila., l'a. 30-41 WJWTDn RELIABLE MEN to sell our goods. W ii i X i Li ii A full line of FIHIT AND ORNAMEN TAL TUFFS, shrubs, Grape Vines, Roses, &e. Several hundred varieties in stock. Also intro ducer and sole proprietor of MOORE'S DIA MOND Grane. Liberal terms to Agents. J F. LeCLARE, Brighton, N. Y. 35-4t IV lUTria 1000 BUTCHERS AND CIGAR II A.! I Li' MANUFACTURERS ! Butcher to buy tiie STAR MEAT CUTTER, Cigar Manufacturer to buy the* DAISY SCRAP MACHINE. These Machines are wan anted to bo toe best in the market. Send for circulars to 30-11 S. E. WANNER, Blue Ball, Pcnna. Thin paper is kept on file nt the office of IYER^SON MmDVERTISING Jt% GENTS ktfg ftuii-biwa &Btfsa Phkadeiphh. : ptTHs ATLV ForKEHSPAPER ADVERTISING CDCC LOSImdiLO at Lowest Cash Rates rntt < slumps fur AVER & SON'S MANUAL 'i - -PENH ROLLER FLOURING MUM Farmer's Mills, Pa. Tho mill is now in complete running order and prepared to exchange FLOUR FOR WHEAT. Custom cnopflig will be done as heretofore. Flour and Feed always on hand. The mill 1 fitted up with a full and complete line of tho celebrated ALUS ROLL'* and lias all the modern Improvements known !n the roller process. W THE QUALITY OF TJIE FLOUR IS GUARANTEE I) E QUAL TO ANY MADE IN TIIE STATE. Tho highest market price paid for all kinds of grain. J". 33. FISHEB, PENN HALL, CENTRE CO., PA. NEW GUNS ! NEW PRICES! WINCHESTER RIFLES from xl .7 to 8 IS. * BREECH LOA DING doable g mis from SI? up. RREEC 11 L OADING tingle gnus from s'.s tip. MUZZLE LOADING gun*from $2.50 up. RE VOL VINO C I' L IXD E It GUNS for ball* or shot; CANE GUNS; The MAULIX RIFLE, The SPENCER RIFLE, The REMINGTON RIFLE or SHOT GUN. F I X E BREECH-LOADING RIFLES and SHOT GUNS. REVOLVERS! Loading Tool, A nut nit ion, Car tridge.s, Leggings, Powder, Shot, Caps, Lead, and anything in (he Shooting Line. Guns carefully rejmired at the GREAT CENTRAL GUN WORKS, Bellefonte, Pcnna. THEODORE DESCIINER, Proprietor. J, JLLBISZASES AZISIXH Fmt All /WPI/flO i STATEDF THE GLCS& C'JKES ULCERS, Erysipelas, Scrcfulj.Debility, Cutane ous diseaseS.S;f!£ Eyes,Pjxples cn the Face, H;:zv*.-;Er.cwAL Diseases, an d,u TEE BEST SFRINQ AND SUMXER MEOP DINE EVER CUTEPSS TO THE PUBIIQ.TRY I T f and EE c :u::nct.t3. fr is ari l rely vegetable PREFF.UTiCX. CTW.--IZE C F.rpJf THE FINEST ' Routs, f.'tF£s .if b Leaves. wicu A'ature has VR'j'ir - r;::. ;j lc cr tut. FQRSALE 0 Parker's Tonic. It gives tone and power. For complaints of the Kidneys, Bowels, Stomach. Liver and Lungs,for all the subtle troubles of women and for those bodily disorders induced by anxiety, care and mental strain,its effects will surprise and charm you. It is not an essence of ginger. Delicious to the palate, an antidote to the liquor habit, and exceedingly helpful to the aged and feeble. f>oc. and id sizes. HISCOX & CO., New York. ffl IHjP IkVtfFl? To introduce them we M 111 il UT F Kilii will give away 1,000 •anself-operating Washing Machines. If you "want one send us your name P. U. and ex press office at once. 34-It THE NATIONAL CO„ 21 Dey st, N. Y. ANY WELL RATED BUSIN ESS HODSE in city or country, with banking facilities, who may be embarrassed or dos i rous of ob taining temporary accommodation on their pa per, can secure same by addressing Absolutely Confidential, Box 2517, New York. 34-4t f\ Km ehx awm nt Send six cents for Pip ftp H MWf postage, and receive fevfj H HI PL tree a costly box of ™ ■ goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All. of either sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune o pens before the. workers, absolutely sure. At once address, Tkuk & Co., Augusta, Maine. BY THE STOCKTON Jf K Corner Maryland and Atlantic avenues, Atlantic City. N. J. This sp:endid hotel is now ready to receive guests for the season. Fine view of the ocean, and excellent bathing, boating, fishing, &c. Dancing pavilUou attached. Kelsky & Leflek, Proprietors. [Mention where you saw this ad.] WE ARE READY WITH OUR AUTUMN • DISPLAY OP Seasonable, Fresh, Cheap and Well-selected Goods. Just received and shelved the following: 50 Pieces of MUSLIN, from 5 to 7 1-2 cts. 100 Pieces of PRINTS, " sto 7 1-2 cts. A full line of CASHMERES and LA DIES' CLOTHS, aU prices. All kinds of FLANNELS a specialty in our store. I mm A splendid selection of HAPS and BLANKETS. BRUSSELS. INGRAIN and HOME MADE CARPETS and RUGS. A SIOOO lot of BOOTS and SHOES, for men, women and children. A complete line of READY-MADE CLOTHING. An unequalled stock of LADIES' and GENTS' UNDERWEAR. Space does not permit to enumerate the one-half of our large stock, but before closing we would in vite the attention of our patrons to our excellent display of UOTIOITS. CALL AND SEE! D. S. Kauffman & Co., Ma~n Street , Mittlieim* Pa- Ml libel m Mat-Mel. Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old, 75 Corn 56 Rye 50 Oats White Buckwheat 50 ?lour 4.W) salt, per rl 1 50 Plaster,ground 9.£ Cement, per Bushel 45 tow Barley 40 Tymothyseed IJ® Flaxseed I-*® Cloverseed 6.~> Butter 18 Hams 05 Sides Veal 4 Pork 6 Beet Eggs 13 Potatoes new 35 Lard 3 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AT Spring Mills, Pa. W. L. SNYDER, —DEALER IN— The Light Running Piano Harvester and Binder, Piano Reaper and Mower, McSherry Grain Drill, Cultivators, Hay rakes, Corn Drills and Planters, Plows, Spring Har rows, Land Rollers, Wagons, Fanning Mills, and lu fact everything that a farmer needs. -ALSO AGENT FOR STEAM MACHINERY, Engines, Portable and Station ary Threshing Machines, with engines having upright or horizont al boilers, Clover Hullers, Saw Mills AND MACHINERY BELONGING TO THEM. —1 will also handle— PHOSPHATE! A3-I respec! fully Invite Farmers to come and examine my stock and be convinced that 1 han dle none but first class machinery and am seh ingcheaper than any one in Centre co. 1 also keep a full line of Repairs on hand. W.L.SNYDER, SPRING MILLS, PA. ~~ N. W. Eby, ~ Woodward, Pa. Distiller of PURE RYE WHISKEY. The best article constantly kept on hand and guaranteed to be unadulterated. The best liquor for Medical Use. Sold at the lowest cash prices. 23 ly SELWYN HALL *ST A thorough preparatory School tor Boys. Con ducted upon the Military plan. Boys of any KB admitted. Send for catalogue, terms, etc. O. BISHOP, Head Master, Reading, Pa* Read whet the people fllf coocerniftc the ability of DrTW" Eclectnc Oil to caw nrthmi. catarrh, croup, colds, etc. Mis. Dora Koch of Buffalo, says: M For croup it is dead* edly efficacious." [Mi*. Jacob Melheor of ICarioa. Ohio, says the same thing.] S. S. Graves, Akron, N. Y.. writes: " Had asthma of the wont kind, took one dose of Thomas' Edoctric Oil aad was relieved ia a few minutes. Would walk five miles for this medicine and pay ft a bottle for it." Drug fiat C. R. HalL GnyviUe. lli. says: " Cured an ul cerated throat for me in twenty-lour hour*." ** Sat up in bed and coughed till the clothing was wet wMI perspiration. My wife insisted that I us* Thomas'Edcctric OiL The first teaspoonful niLievsD me." E. H. Perkins. Creek Centre, V. YTThomas' Elec tric Oil k also a Tir- Tor external applica tion for rheumatism, bmises.etc. When visi ting the druggist, ask him what he tnowi off Dr. Thomas' Edoctric Oil; if ho has boom long ia th* drug trade, be sore ho will speak highly of k. Worked Wonders. " My daughter was very bad off os account el n cold aad pain in her lungs. Dr. Tkmmmf BeUc trie Oil cured her in tweuiy-feur kemrt. One of the boys was cured of sore throat. This medi cine has worked wonders in our family." Alvab Piackacy, Lake Mohopac, N. Y. Old in Experience. We have had thirty years' experience in manufacturing Raw Bone Super-Phosphates, and farmers may depend upon our goods. There is no improvement or economy of manufacture suggested by science or ac complished by skilled expe rience, that we have not embodied in producing relia ble and cheap fertilizers. It has been shown over and over again by testimoni als from reliable farmers, and by analyses made and pub lished by State Boards of Ag ricultuie, that Baugh's $25 Phosphate is a complete and reliable fertilizer for general use. BAUGH ft SONS, Philadelphia. T A TVTTt f Claims a specialty. Warrants IjAJNDIwrt ADDITIONAL HOME * STEAD CERTIFICATES and all kinds of LAND SCRIP bought and sold. SUS PENDED ENTRIES, LAND, PATENT and PENSION cases attended to. Correspondence solioited. A. A. 1 bomaa.Attorney at Law Boom 25 St. Glondßld K.WMblßKtoa Remedy* cerooi Swellings, Syphilitic Nodes. Bone Diseaaea, etc. InTslname in General Debility and diaeaaea of de bility of the aged. A rich syrup, containing no Injurious ingredients. No Other Remedy has re, cured such tmoominms. Sold by all DrucgiaU. THIS PAPERKiS NEW YORK* ,'.s*