The Millheim Journal, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY R. A. BUMILLER. Office in the New Journal Building, Penn St., near Ilartnian's foundry. SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR $1.26 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. Acceptable Cormpltiice Solicited Address letters to MILLHEIM JOURNAL. B USIXE SS C A BBS. All AUTF.K, Auctioneer, MILLIIEJM, PA. B. STOVER, Auctioneer, s Madisonburg, Pa. ■YY 11. REIFSN YDER, Auctioneer, MILLIIEIM, PA. JOHN F. HARTER, Practical Dentist, Office opposite the Methodist Church. MAIN STREET, MILLIIEIM PA. R.DTII MINGI E, Physician & Surgeon Offlice on Main street, MILLIIKJM, PA. GEO. L. LEE, Physician & Surgeon, MADISONBURG, PA. Office opposite the Public. School House. JPJR. GEO. S. FRANK, Physician & Surgeon, REBERSBURO, PA. Office opposite the hotel. Professional calls promptly answered at ali hours. P-ARD, M. D.. I Physician & Surgeon, WOODWARD, PA. O. DEINIXGEU, " 7 Notary-Public, Journal office, Penn st., Millheim, Pa. and other legal papers written and acknowledged at moderate charges. Fashionable Barber, Having had many years 1 of experience, the public can expect the best work and most modern accommodations. Shop 2 doors west Millheim Banking House, MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. QEORGE L. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Corner Main & North streets, 2nd floor, Millheim, Pa. Shaving, Haircutting, Sbampooning, Dying, &c. done in the most satisfac tory mauner. Jno.H. Orris. C. M. Bower. EUis L. Orvis. QRVIB, BOWER & ORVIS, Attorneys-at-Lnw, BELLEFONTE, PA., Office la WoodingsJßuilding. D. H. Hastings. W. F. Ueeder JJASTINGS & REEDER, Abtornejs-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny Street, two doers east of the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum Hastings, jo. MEYER, AUorney-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. At the Office of Ex-Judge Hoy. C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law . BELLEFONTE, PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre county Special attention to Collections. Consultations In German or English. . A.Beaver. J. W. Gephart. "gEAVER & GEPHART, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street. North of High Street HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. C. G. MCMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Samjde Room on First Floor. Free Buss to and from all traius. Special rates to witnesses and Jurors QUMMINS HOUSE, BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., EMANUEL BROWN, PBOPBIBTOB House n*wly refitted and refurnished. Ev erything toe to make guests comfortable. KateSS&l*ra f * troaage respectfully soliei- R. A. BUMILLER, Editor. VOL. 59. A Quaint Proposal. The lilac bush beneath the south window of Willow Brook Farm's wainscot ted parlor nodded gracefully as a tiny zephyr swept gayly by, waft ing far and near its incense of new mown hay. In its wake fluttered a purple and golden bulteifly, to poise a moment, upon the window's ledge, then to soar boldly foi ward until it lit upon a curious old vase beside an organ, whose yellow keys gleamed softly in the half darkened room The butterfly and the vase mirrored themselves in the polished oak door, and if the range had been right they could have repeated the picture in the shining surface of eacli article of furniture. A young girl was the sole occupant of the room, with the exception, of course, of the butterfly, who bad wing ed his way to a small oval mirror and was busily making his toilet, as bis companion, humming a merry tune, dusted carefully a squatt teapot, whose fat little 9pout and comic tout ensem ble at once iuspired a lougin for gtea brewed in such novel quarters. At that moment a voice, calling "Marthy! Marthy 1" echoed through the house, followed by : "Run—quick, old Tim's in the corn field, and my hands are all oyer dough 1" Hastily replacing the ancient heir loom on a spindle legged table, the young girl darted from the room, while the butterfly, started at is toilet, spread its brilliant wiugs and floated swiftly out into the sunshine again. Snatch ing a suowy sun bonnet from its peg in the hall, Martha flew down the gar den path across to an adjacent meadow. In her hurry she failed to notice a gentleman slowly advancing in her direction, until two masculine bauds stayed her progress. With an exclamation of surprise, Martha raised her pretty blue eyes and met a pair of decidedly good-looking brown ones, gazing with evident appre ciation at the dimpled, blushing face, from off which the sun-bonnet had slip ped, disclosing a crop of reddish golden rings lying close to the finely shaped little head. "I beg your pardon," murmured Martha, the blushes and dimples wax ing deeper, "but I didn't see you, I was in such hurry," "Don't mention it. Wouldn't haye missed the—the pleasure for anything. I—l like to be run into," averred the geutleman with considerable emphasis. Such a iippling laugh as bubbled o ver the lips of Martha at this speech, which she hastily apologized for with : "I didn't mean to, really ; but what you said souuded so odd." "You couldn't do it again, could you ? I assure you I never appreciat ed being a—odd until to-day. I—" "Ob, the cow 1" exclaimed Martha, suddenly recollecting her errand. "I forgot all about him," and away she sped, the gentleman hurrying after, re peating : "Cow 1 Him I Let me help you. I —I really am very clever with cows. In fact I would like to make them a study." nowever, when the field was readi ed no cow was to be seen, and remark mg that doubtless some of the hands had ousted old Tim, Martha turned her steps toward the house, thinking the gentlemau would proceed on bis way. To her astonishment, however, he kept along by her side, observing : "Are you acquainted at Willow Brook farm ?" "Why, yes ; it's my home. I was born tnere," answered Martha, sur prisedly. "Happy farm I 1 mean—a—it must be a lovely place. You see, the fact is —that is, I have a note for Mis. Dun can, of Willow Brook Farm." "My mother !" ejaculated Martha, opening wide her blue eyes. Where upon the gentleman scanned with new ly awakened interest a square envelope he had extricated from his breast pock et, as be added : "I am an old—l should say my moth er is an old friend of Mrs. Duncan's," making a rough calculation of the length of time it might take, all things favorable, to place him on equally as good a footing with the daughter,while Martha's thoufihts ran very much m this wise. "Would be nice looking if he wasn't so sallow. Wonder if mother will ask him to make us a visit. I never heard her speak of an old friend that had a son." By this time they were proceeding up the path that led to the farm's pretty rose garlabded porch, and having ush ered the gentleman into the parlor we have already been introduced to, with a demure little courtesy and the words "I will send mother," Martha left him. In a few moments a comely, rosy cheeked woman came hurrying into the parlor with: MILLHEIM PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17., 1885. "Good afternoon, eir. Marl ha tells me you have a letter for mo from an old frhnd." "Yes, from my mother/' and the gentleman held to wind her the letter. Having read It through, interrupted with exclamations such as "Bless me !' ; Who'd have thought -it I" Mis. Duncan, her pleasant face deepening into a smile ei undated : "So you are little Paul Dorsey. My! how time Hies. When I last saw you, you weie only a little shaver. It must be nigh onto fifteen years ago. And to think of Lucindy's remembering me all these years and sending her son to see me. Not that I have forgotten her— not a bit. Only with one thing and another one hasn't time to think much of old days. You see your ma and I went to the same academy, and we thought a sight of eacli other ; only somehow after both of us married we sort of drifted apart. Your ma she married a wealthy city man, while I got wedded to a well-to-do farmer, so gradually we each went our own way. Not to forge; each other though as you see, and now, my dear, excuse the liberty, but it comes natural like, being your Lucindy's son, I'll scud one of the mefiPdown to tha village after your trunk, and you'll just slop along with us aud be as welcome as my own son, if I had one, and Marthy and I will uo our best to make you comfort able," and motherly Mrs. Duncan laid her hand with an approving pat upon Paul Dorsey's slightly stooping should ers, while he, coloring somewhat, en deavored to thank her for her warm hospitality, but was cut short with : "Bless you, it's no put out, we have lots of room, and it will be a real pleas ure to me to see Lucindy's son making himself to home in my house." And thus it was that Paul Dorsey became a guest at Willow Brook Farm. That evening after her visitor had re tired Mrs. Duncan observing to her daughter : "Poor young man, he hasn't a bit of appetite. I don't wonder Lucindy is fretted about him. She writes that he is always that taken up with books,that she can hardly ever coax him to go a bout a bit with young foltss and enjoy himself. I've been thinking Marthy, if you was just to kind of make believe you need his help now and again about the garden and such, it would do him a sight of good, and he'd never suspect it was for the sake of his health," and Mrs. Duncan laughed, a low, pleased laugh, at tha thought of the deception, while Martha exclaimed : "Why, mother ! you are getting to be a regular conspirator. But lam a fraid it won't work, he's so—so odd." Paul Dorsey had been told to make himself perfectly at home ; so the morniug after bis arrival he withdrew from the breakfast table to his own room, and forthwith commenced to un pack his books preparatory to a good day's study. Everything was at last arranged to his satisfaction, but some how his thoughts were strangely wan dering this day, although not a souud disturbed the cool quietness of his sur roundings. A pair of blue eyes seemed to glance mockingly from the musty page he fain would master, he caught himself repeating aloud the old fash ioned name of "Marthy,." which took unto itself the sweetest of sounds ;by reason of its connection with so pretty an owner. Suddenly, with a thud, the book fell from his hand, as,exclaiming: "By Jove 1 that's her yoice,' Paul Dor sey, with one stride, was at the win* dow making sad havoc of the dainty dimity curtains with clumsy hands. Martha, accompanied by a tall, stal wart fellow, was passing down the garden path, her infectious laughter floating merrily upon the balmy air as she chatted away to the young man at her side, who appeared to be enjoying the subject under discussion as much as herself. As they disappeared from view Paul, with rather a blank look, resumed bis seat and sought to apply himself to his interrupted task, but not with the old ardor did he work, and for the first time that he could remember, he listened anxiously for the bell to summon him to luncheon. The days slipped into weeks, and still Paul Dorsey remained a guest at Willow Brook Farm, and it became no unusual sight to see him obediently following Martha's directions concern ing the uprooting of certain weeds, or the fastening of some vine more secure ly about its support.. An honest,bronze tinge had replaced Paul's once sallow complexion, arid the books—well, tbey had become secondary, a more potent charm having outrivaled them. Mrs. Duncan congratulates herself upon her | happy forethought that was working such a change in her friend's sou, and j Martha admitted with a slight Mush, j that Mr. Dorsey was getting to be al j most a3 handsome as her cousin Joe— her beau ideal of manly beauty hereto fore. A I* A PER FOB THE HOME CIRCLE. The sun burned scotching hot upon the broad gravel path just outside of the farm's pretty parlor, but within that quaint room a restful coolness held sway. Lounging idly iu the depths of a willow chair, was Paul, while Martha, seated at the old organ, drew from its aged keys a low, plaint ive melody. As the last note died soft ly away, whirling round upon her seat, Martha exclaimed : "Do you know, Mr. Dorsey, you have been wasting the whole morning? I don't believe you have looked at a book for two days"—this last, it must be owned, with a slight fir of triumph as she continued, penitently : "I am afraid I have been to blame, but to morrow I will leaye you free to spend the whole day with your books, for Cousin Joe has promised to drive me over to Daplestou to do some shop ping." "Hang cousin Joe." "Mr.Dorsey !" from Martha's aston ished hps. "I beg pardon, I really—l hope you will have a delightful time, Miss Dun can. I assure you I shall a—enjoy it immensely being left to my books aud —confound it ! Excuse me I—" And before Martha could reply, Paul Dorsey had left the room. "How queer it is," soliloquized Mar tha, as Paul's departing iootsteps ech oed through the hull. "I don't see why lie ahou'd disliKo JSS so ; Joe is always such a favorite with eyery one. I hope I haven't offended him. I am sure 1 didn't mean to." And with rath er a puzzled look upon tho fair young face, Martha closed the organ. That evening as Martha stood down by the meadow gate caressing old Dox ey, the mare, her quick ears caught the sound of a familiar tread advancing to ward her, and a moment after a voice exclaimed : "I am an idiot. Miss Martha, but I —-I hope you will forgive me. I couldn't bear the idea of his monopo lizing you all day. I kuow you could never think of an old bookworm like myself—still I—l have beeu very hap py, and I forget sometimes that—that there is such a difference betweou us." Martha's cheeks had been growing rosier and rosier, while a strange, wild joy surged through her veins, as she answered, her tones trembling slightly. "Since I con remember Cousin Joe and I have been playmates, and since father died be has been so good and kind to mother, helping her about the farm and in every way, that he has be come like a son to her, and as dear as A brother to me. Dear Joe 1 I don't know what we should have done with out him." She paused, tears gather ing in her pretty eyes. Paul drew nearer, then hestitated, as Martha con tinued : "Joe is engaged to my dearest friend and they are to be married in just six weeks." "I am awfully glad—l mean I wish them joy, and all that sort of thing," and Paul Dorsey advanced still nearer the little figure into whose eyes a sweet shyness had stolen. "Martha, do you think there is a ghost of a chance for me ? As it's my first attempt at anything of the kind, perhaps you will sum it up leniently, and make my senteuce as easy as you can," then gath ring courage from Martha's half averted face, and the ex treme ninkness of the one visible ear, he laid his hand caressingly upon hers, adding : "Martha, do you think you can for give me for—for loving you ?" "Why should I forgive you for what I have done myself ?" cams* the low answer, followed naively by, "But I did not know it until to-day," when 1 thought I had offended you." "And—and you don't mind my be ing odd—or anything ?" stammered Paul, in his excessive joy. "You are not a bit odd," was the in dignant reply ; "I wouldn't have you any different," and Martha touched shyly the coat-sleeve in close proximity to her waist,whereupon she immediate ly disappeared from view, and from some where in the regibn of Paul's waistsoat pocket a muffled little voice might have been heard ejaculating : "Oh, Paul ! suppose somebody is looking V" "I hope they are," was the auda cious reply, succeeded by a second dis appearance on Martha's part. ******* A week or so later a stylishly-dress ed, middle aged lady was sitting tete-a tete with Mrs. Duncan, who was ob serving : "Dear me, Lucindy, you'ye no call to thank me. I had nothing to do with it. Not but what I am real pleas ed that your son and my daughter should come together ; but I had no more thought of it than yourself." A slight smile stirred the lips of Mrs. j Dorsey as she remarked : "You are just the same as ever, Mary. Well, if Martha only turns out half as good a woman as yourself, I am satisfied that Paul has won a treasure." "And he'll never forget, mother,that IHJ owes that treasure to you, for if you had not sent him to seek out your old friend he'd have remained a bachel or to the end of his days," interrupted a masculine voice,while a girlish treble exclaimed, "Oh, Paul!'' the rest of the sentence being forever lost by Paul daringly sealing his betrothed's lips with his own, A Very Sharp Witness. Sometimes a lawyer meets his match on the witness stand. Not long since there was a breach of prom ise case in an Ohio town. The unus ual bully- ragging lawyer was there, but an unusual witness, in the person of a country schoolmarm, met him. 'Ah, miss,' said the lawyer, when she had taken the oath, 'will you state your namo ?' 'Elizabeth Martin,' she responded, quietly. 'Your occupation ?' 'Teaching school.' 'How old are you ?' he next inquir ed,with a sidelong smile at the crowd. 'Old enough to know that it is none of your business,' she answered as gently as the ring dove cooes. 'Objection sustained,' remarked the court. The lawyer's face fell,but he braced up and went on, without a smile. 'Do you know the nature of ail oath,' he asked, spitefully. 'Oh, yes. I heard you damn the court yesterday on the street for rul ing against you,and I know you were not saying your prayers.' The court looked at the lawyer, the lawyer looked at the ceiling and the witness looked at ease. 'Confine your answer to the case, if you know the plaintiff ?' •'Yes, sir, I know her.' 'What do you know of her ?' 'More good than I do of a lawyer, sir.' 'That's not what I want to know.' 'I presume not, sir,' continued the witness softly. 'I want to know,' shouted the exas perated questioner, bringing his fist down on the table, 'if you know any thing about the case before the court.' 'More than you do, possibly.' 'Well, tell it to the court and I have done with it.' 'Thanks. I know, your Honor, that Joseph Hill the defendant, asked Mary Jackson the plaintiff, if she would be his wife. It was done in my presence.' 'lndeed ! Isn't that rather an unus ual way of popping the question ?* 'I don't know, sir. I have no ex perience. I happened to bo present, because I came into the room unex pectedly and found tht plaintiff sitting in the defendant's lap.and he, to show me that he had a right to save the furniture in that way,asked her again to be his wife, as he had done a week earlier.' 'By the way, Miss Martin, how much does the plaintiff weigh V 'One hundred and forty pounds,sir.' 'How do you kuow so exactly V By the weight, of course,' she smil ed and the lawyer went off another track. 'Did you know the defendant was telling the truth V 'Oh, yes; you know he is not a law yer.' 'The witness will confine herself to the facts,' interrupted the court. 'Very well, your Honor. I shall pay no more attention to the statements of the attorney. 'That will do, said the provoked lawyer. The witness may stand down.' 'May it please the court,'she replied, 'the witness would like to sit down.' 'The sheriff will please provide the witness with a chair,' said the court. 'She seems to have sat down on ev erything else in the court room, and the court sees no reason why a chair should be exempt.' The witness smiled placidly and took the chair to await another call to the stand. 'There were countless millions of mosquitoes down on the marsh to-day,' said Johnny. 'Don't exaggerate,' said his mother. 'I don't zaggerate, ma; there were countless millions ; for Jim my Brown and me counted 'em.' SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance. A TOWN LYING IN RUINS. A Tornado's Terrible Destruc tion in Ohio. Washington Court House Leveled to the Earth—Five Persons Kill ed, Throe H md cd Injured— Lo3S Over $1,000,003. Washington, C. 11., 0., Sept. p.—A tornado last evening at eight o'clock ah most completely demolished this place. Not a single store facing Central Square out of forty is left intact, and a major ity of them are leveled. The storm came from the northwest, and broke up the town very suddenly, carrying everything before-it. The tor nado whirled up Court street, the main business thoroughfare, and ruined al most eyery business block in it, at least forty or fifty in all. Ilardlv a private residence in the town escaped, fully 400 buildings going down. The Bap tist, Presbyterian anil Catholic church es all suffered the common fate. The Ohio Southern, Pan Handle, Narrow Gauge and Midland Bailroai depots were blown into "Smithereens," and every building 111 the vicinity was carried away, making ingress or egress almost impossible. Every wire within a circuit of two miles is down. The reports of the catastrophe were sent by a telegraph operator who tap ped a wire two miles west of the town, and, sitting In a heavy rain storm, worked his instrument. The panic stricken people were taken completely unawares, and fled from the tumbling buildings in every direction through the murky darkness. A mad frenzy seemed to seize the people, and they hurried hither and thither in their wild distraction, little knowing whither they were fleeing. Af ter the whirlwind, which lasted about ten minutes, a heavy raiu set in, which continued unabated throughout the night. Sheriff Raukiu ordered out the militia, which took charge aud helped get order out of chaos. All the gas went out when the storm came up. The gas works were destroy ed. Bon fires had to be burnt 111 streets to give light for the searchers. One of the injured is the manages of the Tele phone Exchange. He was hurled a cross the street and had an arm, leg and collar bone broken. Some houses were lifted up and carried bodily sever al hundred feet. As soon as a few of the cooler heads recovered their senses,searching parties were organized and the sad work of looking for the dead began. The glim mer of lanterns, procured from farm houses in the vicinity and from the few houses left standing, was the only light they had tc work by. Two or three bodies were stumbled upon in the middle of the street, where they were stricken down by flying bricks or tim bers. The cellars of houses and every sort of refuge were filled with shivering people, huddling together in the vain attempt to keep warm. One balo in arms died from exposure. LATER PARTICULARS. * CINCINNATI, Sept. 9.—A special dis patch from Washington Court House says : Mrs. Mollie Jones, Edith Floyd, Ella Forsha, Jennie Forsha and Flora Carr were killed, and Hurbert Taggart, James Jackson and John C. Van Pelt are supposed to be fatally injured. Fu 1 - ly 300 persons were hurt. The loss will exceed $1,000,000. The council has ap pointed a relief committee. The mili tia are guarding the stores whose con tents are all exposed. Washington C. 11. is a town of about 4,000 inhabitants. THE TRACK OF THE TORNADO. CINCINNATI, 0., Sept. 9.—Advices from CircleviJle, Ohio, state that last night a totnado passed through the country soutli of that place, unroofing houses and blowing down fences and trees. A very heavy rain fall accom panied the storm. A Strong Cigar. 'Don't care if I do.stranger. Thanks. Strong ? Yes, tolerable. Strongest cigar I ever smoked ? [Puff, puff.] No, taiu't. [Puff, puff.J Not by a long shot. What was the strongest ci gar I ever smoked ? Well, I'll tell you. It was so strong that it knocked some of my teeth out. You don't belieye it? Wait till you hear the particulars. It was way back in '65. I was with the army of the Potomac, and were closing up on Lee in liiehmond. I was on picket duty one night ,when I got hank erin' for a cigar. It was agin orders to smoke on the picket line,but I couldn't stand It. and I dived down into the trench and lit my weed. Then 1 re turned to my beat, puffing away happy as could be. It was a very dark night, an' everything quiet, an' I was just flatterin' myself that there was no dan ger in a smoke when whish I bang ! and that cigar of mine went to pieces an' I felt a prickly pain in my mouth. I felt, an a couple o' teeth were gone. Pretty strong cigar that, eh ? Loaded? No; but the rifle of that 'ere Johnny reb sharpshooter was, and right here on my cheek is where the ball cum out. If the ash hadn't fell off that cigar I would have two more teeth in my head to-day.'— Chicago Herald, NO. 30. * * , " 1 ■**■**■ NEWSPAPER LAWS ir subscribers order the dlscontlmwtlon the imMMieis may eoutimie to win! ihem until all arrearages are paid. If suOwtHmts refuse iw m tat c their tie vspapers from the ofllee to which i hey.. remit they are held respuiwi hie until they have setMtf the bills and ordered them discontinued. If subscribers more toother places without Ifc forminsr the publisher, and the newspapers f sent to the former place, they are respomdble. 1— .^4 ADVERTWINO RATES. • *1 wk. 1 mo. I 311108. 6 mos. t yea 1 square *2 00 S4OO I f R joo f6 00 t8 00 l