Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 10, 1885, Image 3

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    |y J| ITTLT<TI Jl ® ARNTTI.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER^
—Chilly, fall-like weather.
* —Mrs. Geo. Mensh is on the sick list.
—For Glass Jars call at Kauff mail's.
—Soon time to lay in coal for the
• winter.
—Light-fall overcoats are put into
—Miss Annie Weiser spent lust week
at Coburn.
—H.J.Kurzenknabe spent a few days
at Miffiinburg this week.
—Mrs. Jon. Harter has our thanks
for a basket full of delicious peais.
—Read what D. S. Kauff man & Co.,
have to say in their new advertisement.
—Wm. Weiser, of Main street his
been on the sick list, but is improving.
-Miss Maggie Kreamer was the guest
of Clara Relfsnyder one day last week.
—Gospel Hymus, No. 1 2 & 3 combin
ed,with or without music—at the Jour
nal store. tf
—The town clock seems to be in first
class order now and everybody feels
—John Kersteiter, Jr., ha 3 the frame
work for his new house about ready to
—For the latest styles of Hats and
Caps call at Kauffman's Store on Main
—Arnica & Oil Liniment is equally
good for man and beast. 25 and 50 cts.
per bottle.
—The acting Postmaster General has
appointed John W. Keller, postmaster
at Linden Hall.
—Rev. M. L. DeilzJer will preach in
the Millheim Lutheran chorcb next
Sunday evening.
—Daniel Breon, an aged citizen of
" Gregg township, departed this life on
Monday morning.
—Chashier Walter, across the way,
had his roof covered yesterday with
Herlacher's fire proof tar.
—For a mild cathartic and efficient
tonic use Baxter's Mandrake Bitters.
Every bottle warranted.
—F. P.-Musser, of this place, has an
agency for a Binghamton, N. Y. acci
dent insurance company.
—Mrs. Tura ( nee Stine) is
hereon a visit to her grandmother,
M ra. Reesm&n, on Penn street.
-Geo. Bredn, late of Gregg town
ship, is a hofceliat in Philadelphia. The
famous G. B. Nash manages bis busi
—James Sboch and lady, from New
Berlin,were here paving a visit to Mrs.
Sboch's parents, Jacob Gephart's, on
North street.
—A valuable property is offered at
private sale in this week's paper, by
Henry Walters, Spring Mills, Pa. See
legal advertisements.
—Mrs. Davis Evans, from Potters
Mills, has again returned to her home,
after spending several days among her
friends at this place.
—Work on the interior of the new
Evangelical church at this place was
resumed last week It will soon be
ready for the plasterers.
—Miss Kate Bartholomew, after
spending her vacation with her parents
on Penn street,returned to the institute
at Philadelphia last Friday.
—Rev. S. M. Mountz and wife, left
for Bloserville, Cumberland county, on
Monday evening, wheie they expect to
spend a few weeks with friends.
—The examination of teachers for
Millheim Borough and Penn township
will take place in the Penn street gram
mar school room next Wednesday.
—On Monday morning the roof of
one of F. F. Wetzel's buildings on
North street caught fire, but was extin
guished before it did much damage.
—Not old ! But every boot and shoe
in the store is new, new, new. Our
patrons should not forget that.
D. S. Kauflfman & Co.
—The choir of the Aaronsburg Re
foimed church has com men jed practic
ing for the dedication services, which
promise to be elaborate and attractive.
—On Monday evening as several men
were driving a steer to Hoy's slaugh
ter house, the animal got a mad spell
aod there was a lively time for a while.
—Mr. Thomas Yearick, was appoint
ed postmaster at Aaronsburg. Certain
ly s good appointment and we congiat
ulate Mr. Yearick in his new position.
mules and horses I give Simmons Liver
Regulator. I have not lost One that 1
gave it t<>. E. T. Taylor, Agt. for
Grangers of Ga.
Frank, west of Millheim, gives notice
that he has for sale a superior quality
of Wheat, which lie calls ••Farmers'
frieud,"f<>r seeding purposes. Farm
ers desiring some of this excellent
wheat are requested to apply to him.
—Clothing ! yes, any amount, any
style,and at any price at D.S.Kauffman
& Cos.
—"Dutch Bill" got into the wrong
box last Sunday forenoon, of which
fact Dr. Harter informed him in an
emphatic way.
—We learn with regret of Mrs. Mar
garet Stover's serious sickness. She is
lying at the residence of her daughter,
Mrs. Geo. Ulrica, on Main Street.
—Mrs. Beesman's house on Penn
street is now weatlierboarded and will
be painted in the near future, which
will give it a real neat appearance.
—C. W. Hart man's purchased a fine
organ of Prof. J, 11. Kurzenknabe the
other day and now May's heart desire to
become a musician will be gratified.
—Elmer Weaver, one of Aaronsburg
byciclists was noticed riling through
this place on Tuesday forenoon. El
mer seems to be an experienced wheel
—Among the legal advertisements,
may be found the Auditai's uotice of
C. P. Ilewes, in the matter of tho es
tate of John D. Foote, dee'd, late of
this town.
—Lydia A. Frank gives notice in
this week's paper that sUe has been ap
pointed administratrix for the estate of
John J. Frank, deceased,late of Haines
NOTICE. —Tho new Process Roller
Flour, manufactured by J. B. Fisher,
Penn Hall, is for sale at D. S. Kauff
man & Co's new store, Main street,
Millheim, Pa.
—Miss Emma Eisenhutb, who had |
been absent for a few months, visiting
friends lu the eastern counties, return
ed home lust week and is well pleased
with her trip.
—E. Brumgard and J. 11. Kreamor
are quarrying mason stone for Jfusser
& Smith's hardware building. The
quarry is in Jordan's small woods,west
of Penu street. -
— k There is nothing like Dr. Thom
as' Electric Oil to quickly cure a cold
or relieve hoarseness." Written by
Mr£ M. J. Fellows, Burr Oak, St. Jo
seph Co., Mich.
—The new furniture for the Millheim
schools arrived yesterday morning and
was put into the rooms by the board.
It will be quite an attraction for the
scholars this fall.
—ln wet weather you should protect
yourself with pure rubber shoes, and
the best place to get them is at Kauff
man's popular store, where they are
sold at low prices.
—Mrs. R. A. Bumiller had the mis
fortune to tramp into a ru3ty uail,
which deeply penetrated her foot and
caused a very painful wound. At this
writing she is doing well.
—M. C. Gephart, a son of our towns
man, Jacob Gepbart, holds a clerkship
in Samuel Stamm's general store,in Lo
gansville, Clinton Co. Clair has all the
qualities for a good salesman.
—The real estate of Jeremiah Hoy,
deceased, late of Gregg township will
be ofTered at public sale by the execu
tors, Israel Vonada and Sam. Wise, on
Saturday. Sept. 12th. See bills.
Joseph Todd, of Northumberland,
Pa., the successful agent of the Penn
.Mutual Life Insurance company of
Philadelphia, was in town yesterday
and favored the JOURNAL with a call.
Eby, wishes to give notice that he has
about 50 good Cider Bariels for sale at
his distillery at Woodward. Will be
sold cheap. 34 2t
—The Harvest Home subscription
taken up in the Lutheran church on
Sunday is left at the 'Journal Store
where the un paid subscriptions may be
settled. 34-2t
—A WEAK BACK, with a weary,ach
ing lameness over the hips, is a sign of
of diseased kidneys. Use the best kid
ney curative known, which is Burdock
Blood Bitters.
—Arrangements for the excursion
from Cobum to Snow Shae and return,
on the 24tb of this month are about be
ing completed. The 3fillheim band has
an invitation to accompany the excur
—Rev. M. I. Jamison received a call
to fill the appointments of the Ev. Su
garvalley charge;in place of Rev. Thos.
.Morris, who was compelled by sickness
to retire from active service. We con
gratulate 3filton on his promotion. .
—Daniel Baney,while helping to load
manure la9t Thursday evening on Abs.
Garter's farm, had one of the points of
a pitch fork run into his hand. It made
a troublesome wound and deprived him
of the use of his hand for over a week.
LOOK HERE.—-I cure Piles. 1 have
a positive remedy for piles. By its use
many cases .of the worst kind and of
long standing have been cured. It cures
as if by magic. Money refunded to dis
satisfied patients. Address,
H.K.SUMMERS, Aaronsburg, Pa.
—The person who helped himself to
Rev. Benfer's leather flynet in Rev.
Hengst's stable the other day is re
quested to return the same at ouce, if
he would save himself from getting in
to trouble.
FOR SALE —S. K. Faust gives no
tice that he wishes to sell his valuable
farming land situate in Millheim bor
ough north of Abs. Barter's farm, and
which he lately bought of Divid Scholl.
The laud is in first-class condition and
purchasers will find it a good invest
—Tho county paprrs are urging llio
citizens of Aatnnbmg to hold a centen
nial next venr.the town Being 100 years
old then. Our aiatertown seems to
have but litilo to say on tlie subject so
Clan isborg will celebrate her one
hundredth anniversary or centennial
next week. Immense preparations are
being made for a line celebration. Ev
ery trade and industiy will bo repre
—Ayer's Ague Cure acts directly on
the liver and biliary apparatus, and
drives out the malarial poison which
induces liver complaints and bilious
disorders. Warranted to cuie, or mon
ey refunded.
—Our fiiend, John Miller, of the
Mala street meat maiket feels very
much relieved since tho passage of that
31 foot monster last Saturday. It was
duly bottled and corked up and kept
on exhibition in MU asor's hotel.
—lt. I), Bierly, tho boss carpenter
from Iteborsburg, assisted by his crew
of men are putting the finishing
touches to A. J. Haiter's new house
on Pent) street, which when completed
will be a credit to the mechanics.
- On our ride to Madisonburg last
Saturday, we noticed that Brushvalley
is richly blessed with apples, many of
the trees fairly groaning under their
heavy load, while the crop in most of the
eastern counties is said to be a failure.
—We understand that the Madison
burg people contemplate holding an
other picnic next Saturday, on the
same ground in Grimm's woods. The
band is again invited to attend during
the day and they have concluded to go.
Weaver aud A. D. Weaver, executors
of the estate of Frederick Weaver, , de
ceased, late of Haines township, will
sell the farm and mountainland of de
cedent, one mile east of Aaronsburg,
on Friday, September 25th,instant.
Hay Fever Cured by Cream Balm.
I HAVE BEEN a periodical sufferer
from Hay Fever since the summer of
1879, and, until I used Ely's Cream
Balm, T was never able to find any re
lief. I can say that Cream Balm cured
me.—L. M. Georgia, Bioghainton, N.
Y. 32-41
—The picnic of the St. Paul's Sun
day School, in Ilaines township, which
was announced for the 12th instant,
has been postponed until Saturday,
Sept. 19th, when the Woodward and
Wolfe's Suuday schools will partici
—Friday and Saturday evening the
diamond was ti'led with big crowds of
people to see and hear the open air con
cert given by a party selling patent
medicines. Everybody was pleased
with the show and quite a number
bought of the medicines.
—Miss Puella E. Dornblaser,of Clin
tondale, was in town over Sunday, and
in the evening delivered a floe lecture
in the Lutheran church, on her favor
ite subject, "Home and Foreign Miss
ions." The lady is one of the most ac
tive mission workers in the synod.
—Captain John A. Miller met with a
painful accident last Monday morning.
As h was rolling a log on Lamey's
saw mill, a few mills west of town, it
caught his one leg and tore his big toe
almost entirely from the foot. It is
feared that amputation will be neces
--D. A.Musser and lady departed
yesterday morning for Spring Mills,
where they took the westernbound
train. They expect to make an ex
tended trip to several of the western
states. Mr. Musser iutends to go even
as far as Montana territory. We wish
them a plaasant and safe journey.
—J/rs. John Hess, an old widow
lady of Woodward, died suddenly last
Friday at her residence ID said place.
She had been out to the garden and
when on her way back to the house she
took very sick and had to be carried
on the back porch A hemorrhage set
in and in a very short time life was
gone. She was buried yesterday.
—Lycoming county is greatly afflict
ed with hog cholera. Henry Decker,
residing in said county recently
lost 65 head. The porkers are covered
all over with sores and the flies succeed
in pesting the animals. Nine
ducks which caught the flies on Mr.
Deckers hogs, died, doubtless poisoned
bv the flies.
—Preaching in the U. B. Church in
Christ in Millheim next Sunday at
10.30, a. m ; Rebersburg at 2.30, p.
m. ; Washington Furnace, 7.30, p. in.
In two weeks from Sunday next, in
ihe forenoon at 10.30, Sept. 27th, I will
preach my farewell sermon. A collec
tion will l>e lifted,and I hope the breth
ren and friends will give me a liberal
farewell send-off. C. W. RAVER,
U. B. Pastor.
Great Blood Purifier or Sarsaparilla Al
terative is the most highly concentrat
ed, most harmoniously and skilfully
combined of all the blood medicines of
fered the public. Many certificates
from well-known and worthy persons
could be furnished to substantiate the
virtues claimed for this great medicine,
but the manufacturer prefers simply to
say any purchaser feeling the benefit
derived from the use of a bottle not
equivalent to the seventy-five cents in
vested in the purchase can have their
money returned.
Philadelnhia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenliuth. Millheim,Pa.
—Livery stable keepers should always
keep Arnica & Oil Liniment in the
stable. Nothing like it for horses, lm
| -The rain oil Saturday completely
spoiled the picnic in Grimaa's woods
near Madisonburg. The Millheim
band had no occasion to leturn to the
grounds after dinner, and whihd away
the afternoon by entertaining the
disappoiiiUd plcuickera at Bart gen' ho
--Geo. W. Swart7., and family, of
Lewistown, Pa.,were sojourning among
us for a week, having been on a visit to
his parents on North street. George
U a whole-souled fellow and his many
friends always greet him with pleasure.
He was one of our callers on Monday
—The Farmer's Fair at William's
Grove, near Mechanicsburg, Pa., wa3 a
grand success this year. It far surpass
ed previous years in the display of
farming implements and machinery
from many states. All the latest im
provements of every design were on ex
—By taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla
many a poor sutferer who submits to the
surgeon's knifo because of malignant
scrofulous swellings, mignt be sayed,
sound and wnole. This will purge out
the corruption which pollutes the blood,
and by which such complaints are ori
ginated and fed.
—The atiuual picnic of the Patrons
of Husbandry of Centre county will
take place on next Thursday, Sep
tember 17. The old ground on top of
Nittany mountain near Centre Hall has
been selected for the occasion. Among
the speakers will be Col. Victor E.
Piollett, of Bedford Co., aud CoI.R.H.
Thomas, of Cumberland Co.
—Mrs. Sue A. Richart, of Cedar
ville, Stephenson Co., 111., arriyed in
town last week and spent a few days
with Mrs. J. 11. Reifsnyder, an old
friend of hers. The western lady is al
so one of the JOURNAL'S oldest pat
rons. We wish her a very pleasant
time during her visit among the bills
and valleys of old Pennsylvania.
—On Friday, Sept. 25th, 1883 at one
o'clock,P. M„ the heirs of George Bre
on, dec' their agent., Jonathan Bar
ter, will sell at public sale on the prem
ises in Gregg towship, the real estate
of decedent, consisting of 175 acres of
cultivated and timber land,with a good
dwelling house, barn and all necessary
outbuildings thereon erected.
—FOR habitual constipation,billious
ness, sick hsadache, torpidity of the
liver,congestion of the kidneys,malaria
and all complications arising from a
degenerated condition of the bowels,
liyer or kidneys, McDouald's Improved
Liver Pills can be depended upon for
certain and permanent relief ; as a din
ner pill, gentle cathartic and safe aperi
ent, they are without an equal. Many
eminent physicians use them in their
daily practice. Money refunded to dis
satisfied purchasers.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
Any man or woman making less
than S4O weekly should tiy our easy
money-making business. We want A
gents for our celebrated MADAME DEAN
COMBINED (for Men and Boys). No
experience required. Four orders per
day give the Agent $l5O monthly. Our
Agents report four to twenty sales dai
ly. $3 outfit free. Send at once for
full particulars. State sex.
35-131 390 Broadway, New York.
be held in the grove opposite the rail
road station at Coburn, Pa., commen
cing Friday, Sept. the 11th and closing
Monday, Sept. 21st, 1885. The meet
ings will be conducted by Rev. J. F.
Lyons, D. D., and Re7. Taylor Brown,
of the A. M. E. church, Harrisburg,
Pa., assisted by other prominent min
isters,and a flne choir of male and fe
male singers from a distance. Parties
from a distance will be furnished with
tents on the giounds. Boarding on the
ground or in the immediate neighbor
hood at reasonable rates. Excursion
tickets will be sold at stations along
the railroad. No hucksters allowed on
or near the grounds.
Committee of Arrangements.
Neighboring News.
James Mowery, a former resident of
this place, was sojuiuing in our midst.
Last week our little hamlet was
made quite lively by three steam
threshers—Duck's, Wert's and Krum
rine's, all of whom are boss threshers.
On Monday while J. 11. Frank was
cultivating his Geld, the horses got
on a soft place and the ground sudden
ly gave away under them. Had it not
been for the stump of a large tree the
roots of which supported the horses,
they would have gone down pretty deep.
Miss Minnie Duck was to Penn Hall
and Spring Mills over Sunday visiting
We now enjoy the convenience of
hearing the Millheim town clock strike.
Squire Duck was the Grst one to get
through with his seeding.
The papers are full oi marriages at
present and we think it will be that
way all through this month. After the
first of October the matrimonial cam
paign will likely be more quiet.
Our "young farmer" claims to have
gained five pounds in one week, since
he quit farming.
Last week one of Henry Keen's hor
ses ran off for Jerry Kern. No.dam
-ages. ' JuMBO
The Journal was one day "hut
week in its appearance at this ollice.
Your conespondent was left in the
cold, did not get a Copy.
Quite a number of our young folks
were to Millheim on last Saturday e
veiling to hear and see the patent med
icine man.
The Aaronslmrg Base Ball club fell a
victim to the Centre Hall club on last
Monday—Centre Hall 53, Aaropsburg 3.
Now is your time, Millheim club.
Aaronsburg has quite a large number
of visitois during last and this week,
A Mrs. Seltzer and daughter, of Lock
haven, and Mr. Jacob Mingle, from 111.
are the guests of 11. A. Mingle. Condo
Bros, from Indiana are stopping with
their brother Wm. Condo. A Mr.
More, wife and two daughters, from
Mi 111 in burg, at J. 11. Mussel's, and
many others whoso names and address
es we did not learn.
Susie Lenker paid a flying visit to
her sister Maggie at Lemont,Pn.
That opening at the harvest services
in the Lutheran church on last Sunday
evening was splendid, especially the
Bass Solo by D. K. Musser.
Weaver and Kister's brick kiln,
north of town, which is in full blast, is
quite an evening resort for some of our
young girls and boys.
Klinefelter'scorps of painters left
town and have gone to Fred Limberts,
north eastof town, to paint his house
inside and outside.
Some of our farmers are selling their
potatoes to butcher Hoy, delivered at
Coburn at 30c.per bushel. ANOTHER.
—Jas. It. Irwin, druggist, Curwins
ville, Pa., writes :
•J. A. McDonald. DEAR Slß:— Send
us 1 gross of your Worm Powders —they
give good satisfaction to our trade.
Professionally, I always recommend
them, as I consider they embody to the
utmost the principal and most desirable
points in a vermifuge— sraallness of
dose, easiness to take, compactness and
eligance, while our steadily increasing
sales attest their value as a worm de
stroyer and the satisfaction they give
our trade.' •
Dissatisfied purchasers can have their
money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim ,Pa.
Miss Musser is visiting friends
in Woodward.
Boys, are you going to attend camp
meeting next Sunday. You can have
my horse and buggy for XX.
The work on our new buildings is
i slowly moving along.
Oar town is rather quiet just now,
but we think there will be enough stir
next week, when the colored camp
meeting will be coming off at this
John Bowersox's cow had its ear and
tail cut off iu a collision with the ircu
ho;se on Monday morning, as the train
was going West. Z,
Farmers are very busy putting out
Tie largest gang of gypsies this sum
mer was seen last week passing through
our town.
Twenty-eight of our jolliest fellows
helped in the serenade of James W.
Mr. "Wm. Kreamer now also has a
good stable on his premises.
Whltmer & .Lincoln moved their
scales from near the tavern over to their
grain house.
The long talked-of (colored) camp
meeting will commence to-morrow,
Miss Claud Smith, from Logansyille,
is yisiting at Jos. Kleckner's.
Trumpfheller, Vonada & Co., have a
new sign up, indicating that they still
live. * * *
Simon Hazel is able to be out of the
house again.
Most of our farmers are done seeding.
Some few farmers have commenced
to cut off corn. The corn will yield a
good crop this season.
The picnic on Saturday was almost a
complete failure. The prospects in the
morning were good and a lai ge crowd
ot people was expected, but the rain at
noon kept them all at home. A real
good dance in the evening at the hotel
wound up the day. The committee ex
pect to try it oyer next Saturday.
The Millheim Cornet Band spent
Saturday in our town, and we had the
pleasure of listeniug to some of their
excellent music.
Potatoes are not as plenty as was ex
pected and as a general thing are small
in size.
Again we.are compelled to record the
death of some of L. B. Stover's live
stock. A fine young calf, which he
had taken down to his farm a few days
ago, got sick and died. It is said that
too mucn lard and laudanum was ad
ministered. In my last letter I said
that Mr. Stover had lost four horses in
the last year and a half. I take that
back—it was only three. Howeyer, the
calf is the fourth case of death. STILL.
This paper la kept on file at the office of
COMMA I to at Lowest Cash Rates intt
Are You Bilious ?
The Regulator never fails to curt. I mo*t
cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer from
Hit ion* Attack* i r any Disease caused by a dis
arr.angcd state of the l.ivcr.
Do You Want Good Digestion?
I suffered intensely with Full Stomach, Head
ache, etc. A neighbor, who had taken Simmons
Liver Regulator, told tnc it was a aire cure for
my trouble. The first dose I took relieved me
very much, and in one week's time 1 was as strong
and hearty as ever I was. It it the best medicine
I ever took for Dyspepsia.
Do You Suffer from Constipation ?
Tea;anony of HIRAM WARNKR, Chief-Justice of I
G- ; "1 have used Simmons Liver Regulator for
Constipation of my Dowels, caused by a temporary
Derangement of tne laver, for tire la>t three or
four years, and always with decided benefit."
Have You Malaria ?
I have had experience witli Simmons Liver Regu
lator since ldOs, and regard it as the greatest
medicine of the times for diseases peculiar to
malarial regions. So good a medicine deserves
universal commendation.
Cor. Src'y Southern baptist Theological Seminary.
See that you get the genuine, with the Ted Z
on front of Wrapper, prepared only'by
From Pole to Pole
Area's SAKSAPARILLA has demonstrate! Its
power of cure for all diseases of tlw blood.
The Harpooner'9 Story.
Kew Bedford, June J, 18C2.
Da. J. C. ATIR tc Co.—Twenty years < 70 I
waa a harpooncr in tlio North l'at-1 tic. vlu-.i tHJ
others of trio crew and myself w ere lab! up a ib
arurvy. Our bodies were bloated, guius vwod. t
and bleeding, teeth looae, ptirpta bio tela* ill
over us, and our breath seemed rotten. Take It
by and largo wo were pretty badly off. All our
lime juice was accidentally destroy**!, but the
captain liad a couple dozen bottles of A YE* 8
HAUSAPAHILLA and gavo us that. We mov
cred on It quicker than I lnvo ever vein nvu
brought about by any otbertroatuu-utfor.Scc: vy,
aud I've seen a good deal of it. Boeing no r.u n
tlon In your Almanac of your Sarsaparilm bi lug
good for scurvy ,1 thought you ought to law w of
this, and so send you the facts.
Rei>ectfully yours. RALPH Y. \T IXGATE.
The Trooper's Experience.
Hasten, Batuto/and(S. Africa,) March 1, J -Vi ?•
DB. J. C. AYZB & Co.—Gentlemen: I Lava
much pleasure to testify to the great value or
your Barsaparilla. We have been Sta£fov*d
here for over two years, during which time we
bad to live In tents. Being under canvas for
such a timo brought on what Li cubed In this
country "veldt-aorea." I had tbo** ►or. s Kr
tome time- I wa advitcd to Inko your rjaivap
parilia, two bottle# of which made tuy ******
(Uiftppeir rapidly, and I am wow quite well*
Yours truly, T. K. BODES,
Trooper, Caps Mounted Jlifiemtn.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Js the only thoroughly effective blood-purifier,
the onlv inediclno that eradicates the poisons or
Kcrofula, Mercury, and Contagioui Disease
from lire system.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell,MASS.
Sold by all Druggists: Price 91 i
bis bottles for S3.
QUIT O BITE UURE t gives instaut re
lief, and drives them away. Address
SALIaDK A C 0.,8 East l&b St., New York.32-4t
An elegant octavo volume of RIB pages— W ill
ustrations. Price $2.00. This woric gives a full
account of Grant's eventful life, including his
military career, his life as Presideut, and bis re
new tied Trip Around the World. Every admir
er of the Nation's Here will desire this, the
best selling Life of Grant Send 50 cents at
once for outfit. Park Pub. Co., Hartford,
TT7" 4 ffTVII Ladies and gentlemeu to
\V All lull- take light, pleasant employ
ment at their homes (distance no objection);
work sent by mail ; $2 to $> a day can be quietly
MADE ;nn canvassing. Please address at once.
GLOBE MRU. Co., Boston, Mass., box 5514.
The Boss Clothiers!
The Boss Clothiers!
The Boss Clothiers!
The most reasonable and reliable clothiers of
Bellefonte are
Joseph Bros. & Co.
IN |
our stock is equally as good, if not better, than any. clothing made to order
. in the country. We are making
this season of
We are able to
than almost any other merchant. Our entire
and'we will give customers the benefit of our close - '
DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods and Notions
is so well known in this section of country that advertising it is superfluous.
WWe offer this week a specialty:
A Black Cork Screw Suit for $3.80.
1 4 1 ii 1 iHWiiiiwuw'i'iiii i m T- *
Ti _' , _ _ ,
Xs t*h# Best
Thousands of articles are bow msnufectursd that
tn former years had to bo imported, paying fetgb
import duty as it Is now being done on Lea Per®
tins table anco 5 the Qrakbr Tabzw BsuculriNfi
its place ; It has been pronounced byjcomyeteat
fudges Juet me good ana even bettor. The QtTAEEB
Saucb has Slowly but surely gained greet im
portance and ia replacing the swy best Imported
rauce on the shelf of the grocer, the taking
of the restaurant and the tables of the rfah and
poor men. greatly prised sod relished by hi! oft
account of its piquancy, aroma, taste, strength
and pnreneas. The inventor has tar years of
study of the secret virtues containad in the ero-1
matie spicoa of the Indies sad Chins, snoh m
mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuinesamalcsglngot.
and peppers and buds of trees unknown to most
men, and by long practice succeeded to combine
their extracts In such s liquid form as WSBOW
find it, of agreeable taste, and 10 Invigorating as
to be taken in plaee of stomach bitters. By man*
nfacturing this sance here, heavy import duties
and freights are saved, and it is soli at U ioWer
figure to the dealer, who making a better profttop
Quaker Bancs can sell it to the consumer chsapst
than the very best imported article hardly equal,
lug ours. If your grocer does not loop It, write
us for prices, etc. Bold tn bottles or by th* ghUon.
Bolt Proprietors end Maumfmotween,
10$ A 108 8* M ST., St* Louis, Xtw
Pure ' ;
Unadulterated 1
T. FHAlN,!Propritor of the
-*£ First National Hotel,^-
wishes to inform the public that he keeps the
following liquors constantly on hand aud In
sures them all strictly pure, and especially i
dapted for medical purposes: r
Ilanuesrtlie, Imported Holland,
hush, WINE*:
Louisville, Kidertenfe
Kentucky. Port
BBAHDTI; Huckleberry,
Plain, Catawba,
Ginger, Grape.
Hherry, ."T7~
Blnck berry, APPfWuf*.
Peach Next Etyland Hun t.
These liquors are all guaranteed to be not
leos than four years old and can be strongly
reccom mended as wholes iiue aud healthy.
LAGER always on draught. 22 3m
Lorillard's Climax
with Red Tin Tag; Rase leaf FinoCut Chew
lug; Navy Clippings,and Black,BroWn and
Yellow SNUFF are the best and cheapest qual
ity considered.
Next Teim begins September ft. 1885. \
This Institution is located in one of tte moot
beautiful and healthfnUpots of the entire Alle
gheny region. It Is open to students of both
sexes, and offers the following Course of study:
L A Full Scientific Course of Four Years.
2. A Latin Scientific Course. .
3. Tlie following ADVANCED COUBSES, of
two voarseach, following of
the Scientific Coarse: (a) AGRICULTUKF: (b)
4 A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture.
5. A short SPECIAL COURSE In Chemistry.
6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC
ARTS, combining shop-work with study.
7. A new SPECIAL COU USE (two years) In
Literature and Science, for Young Lad tea.
8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course.
9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet
the wants of individual students. ...
Military drill is required. Expenses for hoard
and Incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young
ladies under charge of a competent lady Prib
clpor Catalogues, or otter information addtWM
gkorgeV. atherton. JL-'D., t
27-29 BUte College, Centre Co., l^a.
IPtiTC WANTED beautHul
All I IIIA Corsets. Sample Ires to thorn ho.
Nil Lll 111 coming agents. No risk, quick sales.
I Territory given, saUsfaction guaranteed. Address
' DR.SCOTT,S42 BroadwajfSt^N.Y-