!*•< joupat. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ICTII, 1885 Published by BUMILLER. Dexsooratio County Com. for 1885. DRAWER. COMMITTKB. % B#lleiont, N. W Wm. (ialbraitli. " S. W.... ~Wn. R. Ludwtg, *' W. W William Harper, Howard Boro - A. Weber, M Resin A* •••. ames B, Proud toot, Mllßteim:. J. H. Reifsnyder. Phttlpsburg Ist W J Allen Lukcns, 2nd W A J Graham, " 3rd W Jaeksou Gorton, Union ville Boro John Bing, Bonner Twp~.~. ltobt Henderson, Bogus, S. P A A Kolubecker, " N. P.........Lewis Miller, Bnrnstde Twp Oscar Holt, College H Geo R Roan. Curtin w Thos DeLong. Ferguson E. P Peter I>auek, " W. P David II Kustcrbordcr Gregg 3 P JB Fisher, P Philip Frank. Haines E P Jno C Stover, " W P.. H H Weaver Half moon J H Griffin, Harris Hon W A Murray, Howard Twp— ... Michael Confer, Huston " fnoQ Miles, Liberty *• - Wm N Bltner, Marion " Daniel W Orr, Miles " Jared B Kreamer, Patton " -..Airnew Sellers, penn " ......W F Smith, POtter N P D C Keller, " BP W W Royer, Rash 8 Hugh MeCann, " N P Fred F Smith. Snow Shoe N P...-„....... Frank Tuberty, 44 " 5P...... Jno Ewlng, Spring EdC Wood, Taylor Vinton Beckwith, Union.... -..—.......-...1n0 H Stover. Walker....—Jas J Gramley, worth.. ......George B Williams, G W RCMBKKGEK, R M Mages, Secretary. Chairman. THE names of over 500 persons who are either dead, or out of the country, were found on the pension list of the Chicago agency in the late examina tion of that office. Those names ap pear regnlarly every thrte months on the pension lists as being entitled to pensions. Still exerything was cor rect to the cent at the Washington settlement Strange. THE democratic state ticket is one that every voter can congratulate him U self upon. Our man for state treasurer is of the best material, fit for the office in every respect and all that is left to be done is to roll up a rousing democrat ic vote in every county of the state. Let e very democrat do bis best to add to a democratic president and govern or a democratic state treasurer. Iu voting for Conrad B. Day, you do not east your ballot for a political ringster like boss Quay, but for a con scientous and able business man,taken from the foremost ranks of Phila delphia's merchants. Do your duty and success may crown the Day. THE war-cloud is hanging over Spain and Germany. The Caroline Islands are the bone of contention. Germany thinks Spain has no right to them and demands satisfactory proof to the contrary, before it will keep quiet. A German gunboat in truded upon Spanish waters recently and the Spaniards were very indig nant and mad over this seeming impu dence of a German naval officer. A mob in Madrid shouted themselves hoarse on the streets calling emperor William, the Crown Prince and Bis mark the vilest names, attacked the German embassy, destroyed the coat ot-arms and behaved badly in gener al. Germany wants a satisfactory a poiogy for the events of that night, or else fight. Spain's position in the quarrel is by no means a peaceful one and indications clearly point to war between tbe two nations, in which others may take a hand, when the bail commences. GOVERNOR HO ADLY'S SPEECH Governor Hoadly opened the Ohio campaign on Saturday. The Repub lican side bad been opened previously by Senator Sherman and Judge For aker and the Democratic keynote had been struck by Congressman Hill, but there is always interest in what Gov ernor Hoadly says, because it is well said, and this year his voice borrows potency for the reason that his ad ministration is on trial and he is him self the leading advocate in the cause. In his speech on Saturday, Govern or Hoadly spent considerable time in answering tbe speeches of Senator Sherman and his competitor Judge Foraker. Those gentlemen having waved the bloody shirt until it was torn into tatters, Mr. Hoadly turned his attention to tearing them up, and he succeeded most admirably. He pointed out to his auditors the folly . of discussing war issues twenty years after the war, and presented his case with such force as to make Sherman's utterances ludicrous. Governor Hoadly fitly referred to the deaths of Lincoln and Grant 'with words upon their lips and feelings in their hearts of'charity to all, malice toward none,' as the burial of strife between the sections, but he did not rest with that annihilation of the bloody-shirt issue as a sufficient ground to enlist the support of the people. He discussed the liying is sues of the contest with that ability . and congency for which he is famous, and proved that the Democratic party had kept its faith with the people and was entitled to public endorsement. It was a great effort and leaves no room to doubt the success of the party iu the State.— Patriot. Miscellaneous News. John Dubois, of Clearllehl county, has this season cut and stored away in eight barns 462 .tons of hay. llis wheat crop amounts to over 1,800 bushels. LIGHT FROSTS. T. PAUL, Minn., Sept. I.—Light frosts are reported on the Eastern Di vision of the Omaha Road, but no dam age. There were heavy frosts on the Sioux City Road, between this city and Sioux City, lowa, but the extent of the damage is not stated. Indian boys shoot for pennies on the streets of Martinsburg, ltlair county, with bows and arrows. The modus operandi is to stick a stick in the ground and place a pbnny on the end of it. Tho little copper colored fellows* then draw a bead on it and the penny drops every pop. A LARGE BKQUISBT TO LUTHERAN' COLLEGES. MACUNGIE, Sept. B.—The appraise-] meat of the personal property, without the real estate, of thqjate Ilenry Sing uiaster, Stroudsburg, amounted to $92,000. Tlie real estate is estimated to be worth SBO,OOO, making the estate worth over $125,000. James Shipmast er, Esq., of this place is the adminis trator. Nearly all the money goes to Lptheran colleges. Frightened to Death. PROVIDENCE, R. 1., Sept. 3.—Mrs. Nathaniel S. Northup, an estimable lady 4G years of age, whose husband is division master of the Pawtueket Val ley Branch of the New York, Provi dence and Boston Railroad, was*fright ened to death last evening in Natick, by a party of boys. With two other ladies she was proceeding along a road when the boys came upon them sudden ly and at a run. Thinking that they were about to be assaulted by tramps or roughs the women lied. Mrs.North up was seized with spasms, aad died while being conveyed to her homo. President Cleveland Out of the Woods. ALBANY, N. Y., Sept. 6.—President Cleveland, who arrived hero at an early hone this morning with Dr. Ward, went immediately to the latter's resi dence, where he remained until 5:20 o'- clock this afternoon, leaving for Wash ington immediately afterward, accom panied only by Colonel Lamont. lie left on the regular train over the West Shore Railroad, President Winslow's private car being placed at his disposal. During tbe day the State officers and many local politicians called on Presi dent Cleveland. A Hebrew Festival. The New Year of the lit brew people begins on September 10, 1885, or, ac cording to the Hebraic method of com putation, Tishri, tho Ist, 5G16. This festiyal is called in the Hebrew tongue Rosh Hashana, which means head or beginning of the year, and the Jews claim that SG4G years have elapsed since the world was originally created. It is one of the most important days in the whole year to the Israelite, and is consequently very sacredly observed. The services in the synagogue are of an impressive nature, and the day is com memorated by orthodox and radical Jew alike, no matter how they differ on minor points in doctrine. Cost of Grant's Funeral. Undertaker Merritt Mak33 tho Fig ures Public Bocauso the Public Must Settle. NEW YORK, Sept. 3.—Undertaker Merritt said that he did not give the public the items of his bill for attend ing the Grant funeral, because it wfnild be unprofessional. lie said lie would be glad, otherwise, to have the whole thing made public, because it would then be seen that the biP was reason able. It was suggested that, as the public was asked through the War De partment to pay the bill, there could be no harm in telling the public what it would have to put up. 'That seems reasonable,' said he. 'The exact figures are $14,102.57. That includes everything I did or furnished here and at Mount McGregor, includ ing the $5,000 for carriages. We did not charge a cent more than we would have charged anyone else.' DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. SELINSGROVE AROUSED AT MIDNIGHT TO COMBAT THE FLAMES—THE LOSS AND INSURANCE. SELINSGROVE, Pa., Sept. 7.—About 12 o'clock last night our quiet borough was aroused by a sudden shock of an explosion, caused by the iguition of coal oil and powder,which was instant ly followed by the sounding of the fire alarm. The tire spread so rapidly that it was at once seen that it was 11. E. McKelvey's grocery, between Penn's Creek and the Pennsylvania Canal. The Susquehannah Hose Company and the Dauntless Hook and Ladder Com pany were at once on hand, and with the aid of many citizens with buckets the fire was kept from spreading. The engine did noble work. The grocery, with the grain warehouse attached, were totally destroyed. The loss and insurance is as follows : Johu Hum mel, building, Joss about $1,200, insur ed for $1,000; 11. E. McKeivey, grocery stock, loss $5,500, insurance $4,500 ; Geo. J. Scbock, wheat, loss SI,OOO, in sured for $700; total loss, $7,700 ; total insurance, $6,200. The grain and stock were insured by Agent Wm. H. Sny der, in the Royal, Phoenix, Halifax and Connecticut Fire Insurance Companies. How the fire origiuated is yet a mys tery. Encouraging News of Reviving Bus iness throughout the Country. E ASTON, Sept. 4.—The Hyatt Slate I Company, which recently removed its works from Slatington to Bangor, Northampton County, lias commenced the manufacture of slate. The works have a capacity for turning out J5,000 slates per day, and will give employ ment to seventy live hands, twenty of whom are to be girls. Work has been reauined at Cornish A Co'a great organ factory at Washing ton, N. J. The Philadelphia Shoe Manufacturing Company, at the same place, is erecting a large brick factory, and has more orders than it can fill. The nail factory at Oxford, N. J., will resume work on Monday next, and the furnace and rolling mill will be started two weeks later. A silk mill 50 by IGO feet is to bo built at Stroudsburg. Tbe mill is to be e rected by the contribution of tho citi zens. Tho contract for the erection of the silk mill in Pliilipsburg N. .T., has been Awarded to Jatues M. Bitter, of Allen town, Pa., for $37,985. Of that amount §35,000 litis been subscribed by the citi zens. Nailer's Wages Increased. POTTSTOWN,Sept. 4.—Ellis & Lessig have increased the wages of their nail ers 12 per cent. In conversation Mr. Lessig said-that they have lots of orders on hand, and constant inquiries are be ing made, and that tbe situation is de cidedly encouraging^ THE HAT TRADE BOOMING. READING, Sept. 4.—The hat trade in this district is better now than it lias been for years. Nearly all the factories are "working full-handed in all depart ments. The demand is greater than for a number of seasons, and the fac tories that manufacture ladies'hats are pressed to their utmost capacity. These hats are all being made on orders, and the brisk trade will continue for about two months more. Lost on Bald Mountain. WILKESBARRE, Sept. 5.—A horrible tale of suffering and privation has just come to light here. Last Friday a week John Connors, a young man em ployed as a miner at Plymouth, started out on a spree, which was his custom overy month, and continued to drink until Tuesday last, when lie. was seized with delirium tremens. lie wandered away from his companions and nothing was heard of him until yesterday after noon, when lie was discovered on Bald Mountain, a lonely spot ten miles from here, inhabited principally by bears and snakes. A little daughter of Jacob Knecht, a farmer, who resides near tbe mountain, heard strange cries on Wed nesday night and told her father that they must be those of a man lost in the woods. The father placed but little re liance in the girl's story, thinking that the noise she heard was made by a bear. Nothing more was thought of the matter until Thursday night, when the whole family was awakened by the most heartrending cries. The sound came from the eastward. That it was the appeal of a human being in distress there was no longer any doubt, and at the suggestion of Mrs. Knecht the hus band and two sons arose fiom their beds, and, procuring lamps, went out to make a search. At the base of the mountain and but one mile from tbe house a horrible spec tacle presented itself. Among the brier bushes, the home of the black snake, was found the nuae form of a man in the last stages of starvation and slowly dying. Ilis body, from head to foot, was covered with sores and he was barely able to speak. lie was car ried to Mr. Ivneeht's house and this morning brought to the hospital. The physicians are hopeful.that with proper care he may recover. The supposition is that the unfortunate man found his way into the woods and, becoming lost, roamed around in all directions, amidst hi ier brushes and rocky ledges,until all the clothes were torn from his body. He was on the mountain four days and during that time ate nothing but a few berries. A PLUCKY WOMAN'S FIGHT WITH A ROBBER. ERIE, Sept. s.—ln the heart of this city of forty thousand inhabitants masked robbers entered a prominent residence this morning occupied by Mrs. Lottie Steel and Miss Mary Doug an and plundered it of valuables. Seiz ing Mrs. Steel as she lay in bed one of the masked men put a revo'.yer to her forehead and threatened to blow her urains out if she stirred. The plucky , widow dashed away the weapon and sprang upon the robber, screaming for help and clinging to his neck. In his effort to escape tho man had to car y the lady with him to the door. He fin ally succeeded in freeing himself and escaped with his companion. IN TIME OF PEACE PREPARE FOR . PEACE.—Changes of climate, diet and water, ofttimes atmospheric changes a* lone, will subject some member of the family to cholera morbus, dysentery, i &e., when that wail ol misery in the "wee sma' hours of the night" an nounce the fact, and you are sent from your comfortable bed across lots or down back alleys for a doctor, 'twould be a good time to reflect that had you only secured a bottle of Curtis' Carmel ite Cordial in time, you could with a few drops have headed off the attack, sayed a doctor's bill, and secured a peaceful night's rest. Dissatisfied pur chasers can have their money refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY & CO. Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. —Thousands walk the earth to-day ' who would be sleeping in its bosom but l for the timely use of Downs' Elixir. 1 1 J>einingi r's Ready 11*.fercnco Tax Uoeeipl Rook Is growing in public fu VOL. CusUunors from a distance arc beginning to o>ill tor it. It is an ad mit tcil mcfsiity for every tax-payer who docs his business iti a practical manner. It it arranged to last for ten years ami Bella at the low price of 40 cents. Call and see it at the JOURNAL Store. ' tf LEG, II JIB vkji TISEMIINTS AI)!UIN|'#SA TKIV NOTICR.—d-ottom of admtiU^tration u tin* estate of John a. Frank, deceased. Into of Aavouslmrg, Fa.. hav -111". been granted in the uiiderslgmsl, sin* re quests all personaknowing themselves indebted to said e-tate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against I lie same to present them duly authenticated for seltlrinelit. I MRS. LYDIA A. Fft ANK. ITIXKfI'TOIIS' SAhKOl 1 ' RKA L I-XTATK.— j The Subscribers,executors of the eslate of Frederick Weaver, deceased, late of Halne* township, will St lint public sale on the premis es, one mile east of Aarousburg. on I'm HAY, SEIT. 2y land of Enoch Krcamcr, on the cast by Levi Kurd, on the north by Wolf & Mover Co., on the west by F. .1. Weaver. The tract Is covered with pine, oak and chestnut timber. Terms will be made known on day of sale by WILLIAM WhAVKKJ viators A. D. WEAVER. \ xeuiu, is. VALUABLE FHOFERTY AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned offers at private sale his valuable property, situate I>,' mile north of Spring Mills, Centre Co , Fa., contain ing nearly Six ACKES, all of which is in a high state of cultivation. Thereon eroded a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, Stable and all neees aiy outbuildings. Good orchard of choice fruit, suth as apples, pears, plums, grapes, etc., on j the promises. Good water at the door. Tide Is a yerv desirable property and will be set I cheap. lIENIiV WAETBHS, Hj-tt Spring Mills, l'a. AFDITDIFS NOTICE.—fw Tut: Out'H'.N's CocitT OK CENTKE oountt—lN THE MAT j'Eit ok THE ESTATE ok JOHN 1> I OOTE. LATE OK MIJ.IHEIM liOllOl'OU, liKCEASEI).—The Ull d'rsigned. an auditor appointed by said Court tt> report distribution of the funds in the hands of Dr. F. T. Musser, Administrator of &c , of saitl decedent, as shown by his second partial account, hereby gives notice that he v 11' meet the parties in interest at his efflee in BelhTonte on Friday, Sept. lsth iss.\ ®t 2 o'clock F. M ..for the purposes of his appointment, when and where rill parties interested may appear if they see proper. C. P.IILWLS, ;V4—3t Auditor. CAUTION.— Having bought at Constable's sale on tlie 30th of August last, the follow ing property of Jacob Wtngart, to wit: One Cook Stove, complete, Wood Box, One Bad and Bedding, *> Chairs, 1 Cradle, - Tables, 1 Clock, Sewing Machine,2 Shouts and other articles be longing to the defendant, all persons are here by cautioned not to meddle or in any wise in terfere with the same, as I have left them in his possession at my pleasure. W. 11. BARTHOLOMEW, 34-3t Spring Milts, Fa. C CAUTION.—Having purchased at Constable's j sale, Aug. 2">th,'s. the property of A. C'. Davis, to wit: One Cook Stove, complete, Ono Bod and Bedding, Eight-day Cloek. 2 Shouts, and all the other property of the defendant. 1 pereby caution all persons not to meddle or in terfere in any wise with the satue, as I have left tt In his possession at inv pleasure. 1. J. GRENOBLE. at-Jt Spring Mills, l'a. CAUTION.—' The following property has been pure based by the subscribers at Consta ble's sale: All the lumber belonging to J. W. Barfges,ly ing on the mill: All the grain belonging to J. \V. and Robert fburtges, at their homestead at Penn Hall, and far m at Farmers' Mills. Wo hereby caution all persons not to meddle or In anywise interfere with the same. DANIEL BARTOKS, Tenn llall.Aug.2oth, 1335. J.C. CONDO. ADMINISTKA"*>B'S NOTlCE.—Letters of administration on the e-t.ite of George Hreon, late of Gregg township, deceased, hay ing been granted to the undersigned .all persons knowing themselves indebted to said ©state are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, to pre sent tliem duly proven for settlement. JONATHAN HARTER. 30 r>t Administrator. Fl!! * 4LL£iSr4S£ S ARISINC FROM AH IMPVRB A STATE BF THE ELOCD. CURES ULCERS, M ERYSIPELAS, SCROFULA, DEBILIT Y, CUTANE -1 BUS DISEASES. SOREEYLS R PIffPLES ON THE 1 fiICE,S^LTfIH£i;M.W£fiCijF!ALDiSE^SES # AND,!N I SHCRTJS THE BESTSPRINO AND SUMCR MUDI-1 CINEEVER OFFERED TO THE FDSUS.TRY I T, I AND BE CONVINCED. IT ISA PURELY VEGETABLEJ Ptf fiUUT/OX. COMPOONBEQ FROM THE FINES T 1 RDOTSJ HERBS AHD LEAVES .WHICH MATURE I HAS PROVIDED FOR THE ILLS CF MAN. FQRSALEM BY ALL DRUGGISTS. EVERYWHERE. M —Wfgffii.v'lji \l7iTj .iOf B MIBEiiMI I ' ELYS Catarrh CREAM BALM ... cv t hay Fever SUMMER |j^ VFEVER J|^43 , COLDS IN HEAB||y Sll fhbirrli A particle Is applied into each nostril and is agreeable to use. Price 50 cents by mail or at Druggists. Send for circular. ELY BROTH ERS. Druggists,Owego, N. Y. Eatabllshcu jp ,Sft6 * ' MANILLA ROOFING! RF.sKMni.us MSB LEATHER; for ROOKS, OUT SIDE WALES, and INSIDE in place of Blaster. Very strong and durable. CARPETS and RUGS of same material. Catalogue with testl monialsand samples Free. W. 11. FAY & Co., Camden, N. J. ,*U-4t R\ f> f.D A V l) To m trod nee them we ©3 111 tl ir EF ii lit win give away 1,000 sell-ope rating Washing Machines If you want one send us your name P. u. and ex press ofllce at once. 31-4t TilK NATIONAL CO., 21 Dey St., N. Y. ANY WELL RATED BQSTMESS HOUSE Min city or country, with banking facilities, who may be embarrassed or desirous of ob taining temporary accommodation on their pa per, can secure same by addressing Absolutely Confidential, Box 2517, New York. 34-4J fi SFfc 3fl| H Send six cents for W®' SH? H # postage, and receive flfSa b a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All. of either sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune o pens before the - workers, absolutely sure. At once address, TRUK & Co., Augusta, Maine. THE STOCKTON i! Corner Maryland and Atlantic avenues, Atlantic City. N. J. This spiendid hotel is now ready to i receive guests for the season. Fine view of the I ocean, and excellent bathing, boating, fishing, j &e. Dancing paviliion attached. KELSKY & f LEFLEK, Proprietors. [Mention where you saw ' this ad.] rENN ROLLER FFiOUIUNG MILLS, Farmer's Pa. Tbo mill is now in complete running order and prepared to exchange FLOUR TOR WHEAT. Custom cnoping will be done as lierelofoi e. Flour and Feed always on hand. Tbo mill Is fitted up with a full and complete line of the celebrated ALUS ROLLS and ha all the modern improvements known lit Ihe roller process. tap- THE QUALITY OF THE FLOUtt IS (J U A KAN TEED E QUAL TO ANY MADE IN TIIE STATE. Tbo highest market price paid for nil kind* of grain. J". 33. FISHER, PENN HALL, CENTRE CO., PA. D. I. BROWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE &c., I —♦ Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. r - ♦ ■ 11. i done at short notice by practical workmen. ■■ • Spouting a Specialty Shof) on Main St. } op])osite Albright's. MILLHEIM.PA. NEW GUNS I NEW PRICES! WINCHESTER RIFLES from sls (o SIS. BREECH LOADING double guns from sl2 up. llllEE CH LOA DING single gun* from $4 vp. MUZZLE LOADING guns from $2.50 up. RK VOL VING CVL IN DE R G UNS for balls or shot; CANE GUNS; The MARL IN RIFLE, The SPENCER RIFLE, The REMINGTON RIFLE or SHOT G UN. FINE BREECH-LOADING 11IFLES and SHO T G UNS. REVOLVERS! Loading Tools, Amunition, Car fridges, Leggings, Powder, Shot, Caps, Lead, and anything in the ; Shooting Line. Guns carefully repaired at the GREAT CENTRAL GUN WORKS, Bellefontc, Pcnna. THEODORE DESCHNER, Proprietor. Parker's Tonic. It gives tone and power. For complaints of the Kidneys, Bowels, Stomach. Liver and Lungs,for all the subtle troubles of women and for those bodily disorders induced by anxiety, care and mental strain,its effects will surprise and cliarm you. It is not an essence of ginger. Delicious to the palate, an antidote to the liquor habit, and exceedingly helpful to the aged and feeble, 50c. and *1 sizes. HISCOX & CO., New York. SELWYN HALL "tS. A thorough preparatonr School for Boys. Con ducted upon the Military plan- ol any age a'dmitttjd. Send for catalogue, terms, etc. i L. C. BISHOP, Head Master, Reading, Pa. WE ARE READY CI ! j IS; WITH OUR AUTUMN DISPLAY OF Seasonable, Fresh, Cheap and Well-selectol Goods. Just received and shelved the following : 50 Pieces of MUSLIN, from 5 to 7 1-2 cts. 100 Pieces of PRINTS, " sto 7 1-2 cts. - ; J A full line of CASHMERES and LA DIES' CLOTHS, all prices. All kinds of FLANNELS a specialty in our store. A splendid selection of HAPS and BLANKETS. BRUSSELS, INGRAIN and ROME MADE CARPETS and RUGS. A SICOO lot of BOOTS and SHOES, for men, women and children. A complete line of READY-MADE CLOTHING. An unequalled stock of LADIES' and GENTS' UNDERWEAR. Space does not permit to enumerate the one-half of our large stock, but before closing we would in vite the attention of our patrons to our excellent display of ZtTOTI OUSTS. CALL AND SEE! D. S. Kauffman & Co., Mam Street, Mittheim, Pa -0 ..." * jf .Hilltieim Market. Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old, 75 Corn fo Kye oats White 50 Buckwheat ?lour <-W Salt,per lJrl 150 Plaster,ground 9.00 Cement, per Bushel 45 to co Barley , r! Tyinotliyseed }-f® Flaxseed 1-if Cloverseed SfjJ Butter iiams 05 Hides Veal Pork Bei * E'KPS H Potatoes new 35 Lard AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AT Spring Mills, Pa. W. L. SNYDER, —DEALER IN— The Light Running Piano Harvester and Binder, Piano Reaper and Mower, McSherry Grain Drill, Cultivators, Hayrakes, Corn Drills and Planters, Plows, Spring Har rows, Land Rollers, Wagons, Fanning Mills, and in ract everything that a farmer needs. -ALSO AGENT FOR STEAM MACHINERY, Engines, Portable and Station ary Threshing Machines, with engines having upright or horizont al boilers, Clover Hullers, Saw Mills AXI) MACHINERY BELONGING TO THEM. —I will also handle— PHOSPHATE 1 *3rl rospeclfully Invite Farmers, to come and examine mv stock and be convinced that i han dle none but first class machinery and am sell- Ingcheaper than any oue in Ceutre co. I also keep a full lino of Repairs on hand. w! L.SNYDER, SPRING MILLS, PA. N. W. Eby, Woodward, Pa. Distiller of PURE RYE WHISKEY. The host article constantly kept on hand and guaranteed to be unadulterated. The best liquor for Medical Use. Sold at the lowest cash prices. 23 ly A if* ES iU ™ ~ er. Durable, perfect in operation, and of great domestic utility. Write for circular. FAMILY COFFEE ROASTER CO.. ST. LOUIS. Mfi. mmnnnif BITTMS roa That Ache in Small of Back. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS aauavas Weary, Aching Bones. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS cvtts Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia. GENTS:— I feel It my duty to say re spec tiug Burdock Blood Bitters, that ills the best medicine I ever took. 1 Buffered two or three years from stomach troubles and dyspepsia as wet! as from liver and kidney complaint I was not able to at tend to my business. My wife was afflicted in much the same way. We read of your Bitters in the papers and made up our minds that we would try them. The result is my wife and I began to improve at once, and 1 am now able to do more hard work than before in ten years. It relieved my kidney troubles as well. We both -wish yon, the makers of it. Godspeed. JOSEPH LANDON, Chelsea. Yt ABOUT PHOSPHATES Acidulated S. C. Phosphate Rock is not a complete manure—it is valuable for its soluble Phosphoric Acid only; and contains no Am monia. It is often called " Soluble Bone," "Mineral Bone," "Fossil Bone," &c. We are prepared to supply this article at the lowest possible rate, and guarantee 12 to 14 per cent. Available Phosphoric Acid. FARMERS, DO NOT BE DECEIVED TWENTY FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE AMn J* it WW Is not South GaroUna Rock. It is a true Ammoniated Animal Bone Super-Phosphate. We are the only manufacturers of it, and every bag has our name and address on, also guaranteed analysis. None other is genuine. BAUGH & SONS, Philadelphia ___ y-... ■ T A "\TT\ f Claims a specialty. Warrants IAAIN 1) I and ADDITIONAL HOME xjxaxy xj • sxbaD CIRTIFICATES and all kinds of LAND SCRIP bought and sold. SUS PENDED ENTRIES, LAND, PATENT and PENSION cases attended to. Correspondence solicited. A. A. 1 homas. Attorney at Uv Room S5 St. Cloud Bid'*. WmUI ugtow Villa ltd fund well* tried Remedy Jf-oi !. Rhettnmttem, Lb ceroos Socm, White Swelling*, Syphilitic Nodes, Bone Dimmes, etc, Invaluable in General Debility and dwsmias of do bility of the aged. A rich smp, joonbdmng lDjurums ingredient®. No other Remedy hag ret ©eived such encomiums, Sold by THIS PAPER s "SS? t 1(119 I rlFkll BOWEU. * Co'! Newspaper Advertising dureau (10 Spruce Street), where alver- m—an f JhH|# ftrcs HEW YORK-