Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, August 13, 1885, Image 3

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    I'F Journal.
Published'by" R. X BUMILLER.
Mechanics all seem to bo busy.
—Almost a sensation, wasn't it V
—Evangelical campmeeting commen
ces to-day.
WANTED. —One or two nice Shoals
Inquire of D. S. Kauffman A Co.
—An infant child of Mr. John Jones,
oUAaronsburg, died on Saturday morn
-IVm. Pealer, at Spring Mills, has
just received a large lot of Ohio stone
—Gospel Hymns, No. 1 2 A 3 combin
ed,with or without music—at the Jour
nal store. 11
John Rhyrastine, of Selinsgrove, is
here enjoying the hospitality of the pa
rental roof.
—II. F.Confer is constructing a neat
picket fence in front of his residence on
Penn street.
—The most popular Roller Flour—
"The Chaim" ol the Penn Roller
Mills. Tiy it.
—The rains of the last few days have
cooled and purified the air and lessoned
the danger of disease.
—Now that Gen. Grant is laid to
rest the newspapers are likely to give
the matter a rest too.
—Mr. Philip Anraan, of Spring Mills,
is canvassing this and neighboring
towns with Grant's history.
—A BUTTER CIUTRN with "bock,"
good as new, can be bought cheap for
cash. Inquire at this office. tf
—Services will be held in the Metho
dist church, Millheim, by Rev. Z. A.
Yearick next Sunday eveniug.
—Henry Fiedler, of Penn street, is
improving bis premises by buildiug a
cistern and a bakeoven thereon.
—But little interest, was manifested
in last Saturday's delegate election and
the result was A very light vote.
—Mrs. John Poor man, of Lock Hav
en, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R.B.
Hartman. Sbe arrived on Tuesday.
—Landlord Musser bought himself a
fine and huge bunting flag to decorate
his hotel on extraordinary occasions.
—There are one or more festivals a
liead nearly all the time, But then the
people will neyer get tired of ice-cream.
—Mrs. Ada Herald,of Roaring Creek,
Columbia Co., Pa., is at present visit
ing her parents, Dennis Lose's at this
—A head of timothy measuring 9£
inches was brought to thi3 office. The
timothy was grown on F. F. Wetzel's
farm on North street.
—We would call the attention of our
readers to the new advertisement of
that excellent institution, the Penn
sylvania State College.
—The Reformed church Mite Society
of Aaronsburg will hold an ice cream
festival on the afternoon and evening
of the 22nd of August.
—There will be preaching in the
Lutheran church of this place next
Sunday evening by Rev. M.L. Dietzler,
in the English language.
—The three outlets of disease are the
bowels, the skin and the kidneys. Reg
ulate their action with the best purify
ing tonic, Burdock Blood Bitters.
—Th9 B. & L. Association met in
regular monthly session last Monday
eveniug and a special meeting was then
appointed for this (Thursday) evening.
—Among other of town is
Mrs. Cearfoss and children stopping
with D. W. Zeigler's, and Mrs. Spring
er, the mother of Geo. L. Springer, at
NOTICE.—The new Process Holler
Flour, manufactured by J. B. Fisher,
Penn flail, is for sale at D. S. Kauff
man & Co's new store, Jfain street,
Millheim, Pa.
—Mrs. H. H. Weiser and her daugh
ter Teresta, who had been spending
several months in the land of the set
ting sun, with friends, returned to thi3
place the other day.
—Remarked by R. C. Joiner of Allen
P. O. Hillsdale Co., Mich : "Nothing
gaye my rheumatism Siich quick relief
as Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil—believe it
infallible for rheumatics."
—The real estate of Jeremiah Hoy,
deceased, late of Gregg township will
be offered at public sale by the execu
tors, Israel Yonada and Sam. Wise, on
Saturday. Sept. 12th. See bills.
LOOK HERE—I cure Piles. 1 have
a positive remedy for piles. By its use
many cases ,of the worst kind and ol
long standing have been cured. It cures
as if by magic. Money refunded to dis
satisfied patients. Ad dies:,
H.K.SUMMERS, Aaronsburg, Pa.
—The thanas of the Reformed La
dies' Mite Society of Aaronsburg are
due W. T. Auman, T. J. Kister and
Prof. Wm. T. Meyer for their able as
sistance in adding variety and interest
to the programme of Friday evening's
entertainment. The collection from
different sources a mounted to $30.35.
Notwithstanding the rain the attend
ance was very good and the affair was
a success.
Friday and Saturday wcm r^iny
days but since then the weather has
been very fair. Some of the weather
prophet would predict but yeiy litt'e
warm weather in this month. Falsi
Prophets '
—Mr. A..T. Hurler will have every
thing convenient about his new man
sion on Penn street. At present he
has men at work building a cistern and
lie also expects to dig a well at some
future time.
—ln another place we publish Coun
ty Superintendent Wolf's notice of
Teachers' examinations, lie expects
to strike Millheim on the lfith of Sep
tember, and our prospective school
masters would do well to brush up in
the meantime.
—The real estate of J. Adam Morr,
deceased, on Main street, is advertised
for sale by Michael IT I rich, .Tr, execu
tor, in this week's issue. The stlo will off on Saturday, Aug. 15tn, at
one o'clock in the afternoon.
l>r. Calvin Fisher, of lloalshurg,ac
companied toy his son and daughter,
spent a few hours in town last week.
Miss Liura Mo Ahster, of Mc Alister
ville, and Miss Katie Mussar, of Aa
ronsburg were also with the party.
—A. Ilarter, of the Millheim Gro
cery, gives notice that his delivery wa
gon will be at the camp at 3 o'clock,on
Saturday afternoon with Watermelons,
Sweet Potatoes and Peaches, Cigars
and Bolognas. Ministers will be serv
ed gratuitously.
—We owe many thanks to Mr. &
Mrs. John Keen, of near Millheim, for
a basketful of delicious pie apples and
a large and full grown head of cabbage.
They seem to know the printer's way
of thinking, "It is more biessed to
receive than to give."
—On last Thursday Uriah Reifsny
der, of North stieet lost a cow, valued
at S3O. The cow got in among the
rocks on the mountain near Michael
Smith's, and broke her left hind leg.
To relieve the animal from her suffer
ings, she hail to be killed.
—P. S. Meyer is making preparations
to have a well dug on his yard on Penn
street. It there is one thing most de
sirable in a town it is an abundance of
wells and cisterns, and Millheim cer
tainly has that. In case of fire we gen
erally have plenty of water.
Weaver aud A. D. Weaver, executors
of the estate of Frederick Weaver, de
ceased, late of Haines township, will
sell the farm and mountainland of de
cedent, one mile east of Aaronsburg,
on Friday, September 25th,instaut.
Frank, west of Millheim, gives notice
that he has for sale a superior quality :
of Wheat, which he calls "Farmers'
friend," for seeding purposes. Farm - 1
ers desiring some of this excellent are requested to apply to him,
—Mr. H. H. Weaver, of Aaronsburg,
is gathering up signers for his petition
to be appointed storekeeper at the
Woodward distillery. Mr. Weaver is a
veteran of the late war, a faithful dem
ocrat and a good citizen and we hope
hisefforts may be crowned with success.
'—Frank Van Ormer, a former com
positor of the Centre Democrat office,has
left Bellefonte, and entered one of the
large job offices in Philadelphia. Frank
always was a bright boy and is sure to
make bis mark in the art preservative,
for which he seems to have a special
NOTlCE. —Having been appointed a
geut by the Middletown Tube & Iron
Company of Middletown, Pa., for the
sale of their Iron Pipes, &c , all persons
needing anything in this line wil) save
money by calling on me.
20 -3m Spring Mills, Pa.
—For soothing and grateful influence
on the scalp, and for the removal and
prevention of dandruff, A/er's Hair
Vigor has no equal. It restores faded
or gray hair to its original dark color,
stimulates the growth of the hair, and
gives it a beautiful, soft, glossy and
silken appearance.
Hay Fever Specific.
I found it a specific for Hay Fever.
For ten years I have been a great suf
ferer from August 9th till frost. Ely's
Cream Balm is the only preventive I
have eyer found.--Frank B. Ains
worth, of F. B. Ainsworth & Co.,
Publishers, Indianapolis, lud. 28-4t
Remarks have been made that so
many smiling face are being noticed
among the ladies who use the Penn
Roller Flour. Tie simple reason is
they have been getting such sweet and
handsome bread from that flour that
they are supremely happy and their
husbands are in the same mood about
—Ayer's Sarsapai ilia is designed for
those who need a medicine to purify
their blood, build them up, increase
their appetite, and rejuvenate their
whole system. No other preparation
so well meets the want. It touches the I
exact spot. Its record of forty yea.s
is one of constant triumph over dis
—The time for Real Estate Sales is
here and we woull call the attention of
of our readers to the fact that adver
tisements of such sale 3 will find larger
circulation in the JOURNAL in this and
neighboring townships than in any oth
er county paper, this paper having the
largest local circulation. Sale bills
printed in good style and on short no
..On MOJ d .y evening the band sere
naded the Miuimer guests b uirding aj,
i ilie First National Hotel, and the la
dies and genth men showed theii nppie
ciation of the musical treat by applaud
ing the<t>o\s heartily and by presenting
the.n with some ucrvus IT rum.
—On Monday the four dials of the
town clock were fixed in place on the
Fv. church steeple It is thought that
the clock will bo running by next week.
The boll oil the old church has been
removed and the necessary changes
are being in ado to hang it in its new
The real title of General Grunt's
book is "Personal Memoirs of U. S.
Grant." If you buy the "Personal
History of General Giant," you will
not be getting the General's own work.
There are imitations and counterfeits
out. So he careful. Huy "Personal
Memoirs of IT. S. Grant," and you will
get the right book.— Kx.
PlED.— Michael Ney, an old and re
spected citizen of Aaransburg, died on
Fri-lay night, and was buried on '1 non
day forenoon in the Lutheran cemetery
at that place. Services were held by
Rev. M. L. Piotzlcr. Deceased was
well known throughout this section of
country, having followed the trade of
carpet weaving for many years.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Resse YanOrmer,
of Philadelphia, arrived in Bollefonte
on Saturday an 5.20 p. m. and will
spend this week at tho home of Mrs.
Y's father. Dr. Swartz, on Penn St.—
HclUfontc Daily Xctcs.
We are told that they are expected to
arrive at this place to-day, intending to
pay a visit to Mr. Van Ormer's sister,
Jfrs. J. 11. Kreamer.
—We are pained to state thai Mr. E.
11. Long, of the firm of I). S.KaufTinan
& Co., is confined to a bed of sickness
with a violent attack of brain fever,
lie had been complaining of headache
for several days last week and was tak
en ill very suddenly on Monday morn
ing. His genial countenance is greatly
missed by his many friends who sympa
thize with him in this new affliction
and hope he may soon mend from this
FESTIVAL.— There will be a festival
held by the Evangelical Sunday School
of Green Grove in the woods in front of
the church on Saturday afternoon and
evening, August 22ud, ISS*, at which
Ice cream. Cakes, Lemonade and a old
supper will be served in the best man
lier. The Spring Mills C irnet Band i 3
expected to be present to furnish mu
sic. The proceeds are to go for the ben
efit of the Sunday school and a cordial
invitation is extended to all to attend
and patronize the festival. E. C. 11.
—Mr. Thomas Jacobs, an aged and
respected resident of Pleasant Gap,met
with a serious and as it proved fatal ac
cident on Thursday last. 110 was help
ing at some farm work and while thus
engaged fell from a hay mow, breaking
one of his lower limbs near the hip and
injuring himself internally. It was
not supposed at first that his injuries
were of a dangerous character, but as
he did not rally and continued to sink,
the worst fears were entertained. lie
died last Sunday morning at S o'clock.
His remains will Le taken to Altoona
for interment. He was SO years of age.
He leaves an aged widow to mourn his
sudden death.— Beliefonlc Daily X ctcs.
GAIN.—On Tuesday evenin? about half
past 8 o'clock an incident that might
have proved very serious occurred on
the diamond. Two of our smaller boys,
Frank Foote and Milford Stover had a
skirmish when the former in a savage
fit of temper threw an open knife into
the hitter's face. The point of the
blade hit Milford on the temple, inilict
yig an ugly cut, from which he bled
profusely. His father soon appeared
on the ground and at once attended to
the wound and sent the boy home.
This case causes us to again mention
the oft-repeated advice to parints and
guardians to keep their children at
home after dark. The street at all e
vents is an unwholesome place for any
child at late hours. They are apt to
hear and see things which do not tend
to elevate their morality and at the
same time they are more liable to meet
with some accident.
—The tax notices for the M illheim
Borough School District are posted up
and we notice in the letting of the nec
essary fuel that the board have reducfd
the winter term of school to five
months. Upon inquiry we learn that
the change was made with a view to e
The directors several months ago
purchased an entire new outfit of
school furniture from A. 11. An
drews & Co., for the three school hous
es, a step thai is certainly worthy of all
praise, as the old desks and benches
were in a very dilapidated condition.
They also expect to replace the old
stoves by new and larger ones in order
to render the rooms more comfortable
during the severe winter weather. All
these improvements incure a heavy ex
pense. The aim of the school board is
to make it as easy as possible for the
taxpayers and cons' quently they secur
ed such terms as to enable them to pay
for the new furniture gradually, name
ly in three annual payments. By re
ducing the six months' term to live
months they save teachers' salary and
additional expense for fuel and the rate
of school tax remains the same as in
former years. The gentlemen of the
school board, besides deserving credit
for their enterprise, may also be re
garded as successful financiers.
In accordance witli tin' procluma
tion of our chief burgess the merchants
of town issued posters last Thursday
announcing that they would have their
business places closed on the following
Saturday afternoon, during the hours of
I till ' o'clock. The town was ilrnpert
in mourning out of respect to (Jen.
(Jrant and memorial services were
held in tho Evangelical church at J
o'clock, p. in., the exercises consisting
of reading the scriptures,prayer,singing
and an appropriate discourse by ltev.
It. Honest. Owing to the unfavorable
state of tho weather tho attendance was
not very large.
—We had the pleasure on Sunday
evening of listening to a line musical
treat in the Lutheran church at Aarons
burg. ltov. Doitzler at that time had
regular services which were attended
by a very large number of people from
Aaronsburg and Millheim. The church
was almost uncomfortably crowded.
The choir under the able management
of Mr. Luther Stover, and assisted in
his unexcelled manner on the organ by
IVof. W.T Meyer, of SliuinoUin, open
ed tho services by a line anthem, in
which Miss Nanuio r.ritt,of Wheeling,
West Va., carried tho solo parts in a
very pleasing way. At the end of the
services the lady rendered the well
known song "Consider the lilies of tho
field" and demonstrated beyond a doubt
that she is a singer of high order and
an accomplished and natural musician.
She won the admiration of all her hear
ers by the volume and clearness of her
voice, over which she seems to have
pei feet control. 11 was such singing as
we do not hear very often in this vicin
Buinside and Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe,
Saturday, Aug. 22
Union and Unionville,Unionville,
Monday 14 24
Iluston, Julian, Tuesday 14 25
Worth, Port Matilda, Wednesday 44 2d
Taylor, Hannah, Thursday 44 27
Philipsburg and Ru3b,Philip3b'g
Friday 44 2S
Boggs and Miiesburg, Milesbutg,
Saturday 44 20
Half Moon,Stormstown, Tuesday,Sept 1
Patton, Waddle's School House,
Wednesday 44 2
Benner, Konx's 4 * Thursday 44 0
Walker, Hublersburg, Friday 44 1
Spring,Belief'spublic school house
Saturday 44 5
Ferguson, Pine Groye, Tuesday 44 S
College, Lemont, Wednesday 4 4 0
Harris, Boalsburg, Thursday 44 10
Potter. Centre Hall, Friday 44 11
Haines, Aaronsburg, Tuesday 44 15
Millheim and Penn, Millheim,
Wednesday 44 10
Miles, Itebersburg, Thursday 44 17
Gregg, Spring Mills, Friday * 4 IS
Marion, Jacksonville, Tuesday 44 22
Liberty, Eagleville, Wednesday 44 23
Howard and Curtin, Howard,
Thursday 44 24
Professional Certificates,Bellefonte,
Saturday 44 20
4 4 44 Centre Hall,
Saturday, Oct. 0
Special, Bellefonte, Saturday, 44 10
Examinations begin at 0 a. in.; be
Teachers will not be examined in the
branches in which their grades have
reached 1 or I|.
Applicants, at the special examina
tion, ruust present a written request,as
required by decision 301, p. 140, School
Laws of Pennsylvania.
"Proprietory of character is as ranch
a requisite of the teacher as literary at
tainments."—Decision 310. p. 142,
School Laws. To meet this require
ment as fully as possible, all applicants
must present testimonials of character
from the Board for which they last
taught, or from that for which they
expect to teach.
The examination October 3d and
10th are intended for renewals, as well
as for new issues, of professional cer
A meeting of directors is desired on
examination day, in each district.
D. M. WOLF, CO. Supt.
Neighboring- News.
Splendid—the band music on last
Saturday evening.
J. C. Meyor, Esq., of Bellefonte, was
hero a few days visiting parents and
Ilarvey Musser, Esq., has returned
to Akron, Ohio.
Mrs. Ella Irey has returned to her
home, Chester Springs, Pa.
Maggie Lenker returned to Lemont,
where sho is engaged in the millinery
Ilenry S. Gross and lady and the
family of 11. 11. Yearick, all of Phila
delphia, are here and tho guests of
Tlios. Yearick.
The old Locust tree in front of Jesse
Wert's residence in town, planted a
bout GO years ago by one Geo. Iless,
was cut down last week. The tree
showed no signs of decay.
The Lutheran festival on last Satur
day afternoon and evening was a de
cided success. The net proceeds have
not yet been repoited, but the gross re
ceipts amounted to the even SIOO.
Yes, he paid 25 cents for five button
hole bouquets, then immediately offer
ed 25 cents more to have them remov
ed. There is big money in bouquets,
Michael Ney, who died last Friday
night at about 11 o'clock, came to this
county from Lebanon county, Pa., a
bout GO or Go ago. lie commen
ced carpet weaving when but IS years
of age and has worked at that trade
within a few weeks of his death. Mr.
Ney was our oldest citizen having been
four score and five yoars when he died.
Farmers are busy as boos this wo k.
Mrs. A. I. Alexwidei in company
with a friend were visiting here list
A party of our young folks were to
Bellefonte attending the show last week
and by all accounts had an enjiyahle
M ill on Kern expects a very good
watermelon crop from his patch.
M.i ny of our people were to Aarons
hurg on Saturday evening to attend the
Lawn Social, which was indeed a very
nicely arranged affair.
The disappearance of one of our hays
on Saturday caused great wonder. But
he was yit home again on Sunday and
Last week two young ladies from be
low 3/illheirn were on our mountains
benying and got lost. They had al
ready fixed on a place for tho night
when to their joy they met fiomo one
who put them on the right track
Where, oh where is the Smith Town
correspondent to the dril ? IMoase
John Stonebreaker is on the sick list
at present. Hope to see him out bo
fore loug.
Many of our folks expect to attend
campmeeting near Millheim next Sun
The lumbermen band from Fowler
gave their first open air concert the
other evening. Their music was lis -
tened to by a large crowd of people.
A grand basket picnic will be held at
(,'entre Ilall on Thursday.
Samuel Aid bought J. J. GabbePs
house at this place for $llOO. lie will
finish the buildings at once and will
move to Coburn this fall yet.
A great deal of boat riding is going
on at this place. We ought to haye
seyeral pretty skiffs manufactured for
that purpose.
A strong force of Aaronsburg me
chanics were at this place last week.
Some twenty of their best workmen
were engaged by Hosterraan and
K reamer.
The young boys who are in the habit
of playing bail and throwing stones on
the public streets shtnild bear in mind
that it is very annoying to our business
men,especially when they consider that
not one out of ten of them are able or
would be willing to pay for a five or
ten dollar window light in case they
should break one. Z.
Mr. Klinefelter has suspended work
at his grist mill, in the upper end of
town, intending to make some repairs.
William Keller and Albert Klinefel
ter are two happy men—with their girl
On Thursday, Aug. 13th, Miss Fairy
Shafer expects to leave Brushvalley, to
make her future home at Reading, Pa.,
and to attend school there. By Miss
Fairy's departure Madisonburg will
lose a fine young lady. Our best wish
es go with her.
Rev. Aurand, who for quite a
while has teen on the sick list, preach
ed in the Lutheran church on Sunday
for the first time this summor.
Albert Klinefelter has just completed
the new fence around his yard.
Spring Mills,
Dr. Win. Y. eminent phy
sician of Philadelphia is at presont vis
iting his aged mother at this place.
The doctor looks hale and hearty.
On last Sunday as Mrs. Zeigler was
driving to church her horse took fright
and became unmanageable and made a
wreck of the buggy. Had it not been
that her brother, J. F. Ileckman, was
near at hand and at once hell the aui
mal until some of the neighbors came
to their assistance, it would no doubt
have ended more seriously. J/rs. Zeig
ler was injured some by jumping from
the buggy.
I). W. Duncan, Esq., of Sunbury, is
visiting his many friends at this place.
Wallace is always welcome in these
parts. ***
—TESTIMONIALS many times are cut
from the whole cloth, and for every one
voluntarily given in praiseof a meritor
ious article an unscrupulous and dis
honest manufacturer can write up a
dozen for his worthless products ; but
the following card from the traveller of
Sower, Potts & Co., a publishing house
known in almost every state in the un
ion, is so emphatic and to the point
that we cannot refrain from giving it
in eyidence ;
4 Georgeto\vn, Pa.
J. A. McDonald,-Dear Sir Please
forward by express at once one bottle
Curtis' Carmelite Cordial to C.F.Camp,
Esq., Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa. It
cured me so quickly and completely last
summer that I recommend it highly to
all my friends.'
Single bottle guaranteed to cure any
case cholera, dysentery, diarrheal,chol
era morbus, summer complaint,c amps
or any intestinal irritation whatever,or
money refunded in every instance.
Should have a place in every household
and every traveler's satchel.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
ft n ■ ft I more money than at anything else
IMiSMjI'V taking nil agency for the best
W2 1 selling book out. beginners succeed
■■ ■ grandly. None tail. Tei'ins free.
JIALLBTT DOCK CO!. Portland Maine.
TVP L nNESS and how I cure it, by one who
11 hr\ L was tor 2S years. A successful home
uSmiiX AdUnJuT.S.PAOK, No. 12s K.Jt
26th St., New York. ->•*-
' Iftnum CI for Lucrative, Healthy* Hon-
Aljbrl luorabl© A Permanent business ap
ply to VVilmot Castle& Co., Rochester, N.
To Regulate
I hK warranted iu>t to contain a single par-
JL JL&Ju ticlc of Mercury or nny injurious sub
stance, but in purely vegetable.
It will Guro all Dlseaees caused
by Derangement of the Liver,
Kidneys and Stomach.
If your Liver is out of order, then your
whole system is deranged. The blood is
impure, the breath offensive; you have
headache, feel languid, dispirited and
nervous. To prevent a more sctious con
dition, take at once Simmons
¥ IUHTI REGULATOR. If you lead a
1.1 11 l f€ sedentary life, or suffer with
Mlm T JUJLV Kidney Affections, avoid
stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator.
Sure to relieve.
If you have eaten anything hard of
digestion, or feel heavy after meals or
sleepless at night, take a dose and you
will feci relieved and sleep pleasantly.
If you are a miserable sufferer with
Constipation, Dyspepsia and
Ilillousuess, seek relief at once in
Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not
require continual dosing, and costs but a
trine. It will cure you.
If you wake up in the morning with a
bitter, bad taste in your mouth,
111 ■ VT¥| Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor-
I £1 it • rects the Bilious Stomach, sweetens
A XIIXU the Breath, and cleanses the Furred
Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar
tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness.
Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic, Head
ache, Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and
the Complaints incident to Childhood.
At any time you feel your system needs
cleansing, toning, regulating without violent
purging, or stimulating without Intoxi
cating, take
Simons Lira Emulate.
affects seriously all the digestive and
assimilative organs, including tho Kid
neys. When these organs are so affected,
they fail to extract from the blood the
uric acid, which, carried through the cir
culation, causes Khouiuatism and Neu
The functions of the Liver are also
affected by costiveness, causing
Bilious Disorders.
Among the warning symptoms of Bilious
ness are Nausea, Dizziness, Headache,
Weakness, "Fever, Dimness of Vision,
Yellowness of Skin, Pains in the Side,
Back and Shoulders. Foul Moutli, Furred
Tongue, Irregularity iu the action of the
Bowels, Vomiting, etc.
The Stomach suffers when the bowels
are constipated, and Indtgestion or
follows. Fetid Breath, Gastric Pains,
Headache, Acidity of the Stomach, Water
brash, Nervousness, and Depression, arc all
evidences of the presence of this distress
ing nuiladv. A Sure Relief for irregu
larities of "the Stomach and all consequent
diseases, will be found in the use of
Thcv stimulate the stomach, free tho
bowels, healthfully invigorate the torpid
liver and kidneys, and by their cleansing,
healing and toiile properties, strengthen
and purify the whole system, and restore
it to a salutary and normal condition.
Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Man.
Bold by all Druggist*.
Is attended by an in
llanied condition of^^pri|/nktl3W
the lining AM
of the nostrils, tear Ira
ducts and throat af-■ tir-I
feeling til • lungs. *AD|
acrid mucus is >eß,_.,Tz*(£\ n ta M
creted.tlic discharge'r ml-it
is accompanied withEaLr
a burttlttg cr <j Mm
Tltere are sever
spasms of K
frequent attacks olflbw^
headache, w at e r
and inflamed eyes W
Ely's Creatn Balm Is
a real cure for u**.j
disease and can bc|| ET P WF* O
depended upon.
A particle is applied into each nostril and .is
agreeable to use. Trice 50 cents by mail or at
Druggists. Send for circular. ELY BROTH
ERS. Druggiats.Owego, N. Y.
The Boss Clothiers!
The Boss Clothiers!
The Boss Clothiers!
The most reasonable and reliable clothiers of
Bellefonte are
Joseph BroSi & Co
our stock is equally as good, if not than any clothing made to order
in the country. We are making
this season of
We are able to
than almost any other merchant. Our entire stock is
and we will give customers the benefit of our close figures.
DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods and Notions
is so well known in this section of country that advertising it is superfluous.
E&"We offer this week a specialty:
A Black Cork Screw Suit for $3.80.
The MOST goods for the
LEAST money
\ AT i
No- 32 .Main Street,
MiUheim, Pa.
—♦ m • ■
Headquarters for Gro-'
ceries, Provisions, Con
fectioneries. Tobacco and
Cigars, &c.
Country Produce Taken in exchange
Home Market Prices.
Remember wo do a strict
cash business and sell at close margins.
Unadu terated!
T. KBAIN, Proprietor of the
->gFirst National Hotel,^-
wishes to inform the public that he keeps the
following liquors constantly on hand and In- *
suresthem all strictly pure, and especially a
daptod for medical purposes:
llannesville, . Imported Holland,
Poughkeepsle, London,
Rush, WINElij
Hang, Blackberry,
Louisville, Elderberry.
Kentucky'. Port
BRANDY'S: Huckleberry,
Plain, Catawba,
Ginger, Grape.
Sherry, .— — _
Blackberry, AppU^ack,
Peach. New England Mum.
a®- These liquors are all guaranteed to he not
lei,s than four years old and can be strongly
reccommended as wholesome and healthy.
LAGER always on draught. 22 3m
Lorillard's Climax
with Red Tin Tag; Rose leaf Fine Cut Chew
ing ; Navy i'llpptngs,and Black, Brown and
Yellow SNUFF are the best and cheapest qual
ity considered. .
His own a<-count of tlie greatest military strug
gle of modern time*. lfthOM! ! orders already
taken. Will sell immensely. For jmrticulars,iul
dress HUBBARD BROS., Pub'B., 723 Chestnut
St., Phiia, Pa-
Grant ." The best, cheapest, and mart popular
book published. Write tor terms and secure
territory at once. Address GLOBE BIBLE
PUBLISHING CO..7osChestuut Bt., Phlla. 28-41
4H71T0 BITE CURE, gives instant re
lief, and drives them away- Address
SALLADK A CO., 8 East 18th St., New York .
-VTT & UTE'D —Ladies and gentlemen to
VV AM litU. take light, pleaaauremploy
ment at their homes (distance no objection);
work sent by mail; ft! to #5 a day tan be quietly
made;no canvassing. Please address at once
Globs Meo. Co.. Boston, Mass., box 5344.