Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, August 13, 1885, Image 1

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    The Milllieim Journal,
Office in the New Journal Building,
IV nil St., near Uartman's foundry.
Acceptable Correspondence Solicited
Address letters to MILLHEIM JOURNAL.
Madisonburg, Pa.
Practical Dentist,
Office opposite the Methodist Church.
Physician & Surgeon
Offllce on Main Street.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office opposite the Public School House.
"j~yR. QEO. S. FRANK, _
Physician & Surgeon,
Office opposite the hotel. Professional calls
promptly answered at all hours.
-yy # P. ARD, M. D..
Physician & Surgeon,
Journal office, Penn at., Millheim, Pa.
A9" Deeds and other legal papers written and
acknowledged at moderate charges.
Fashionable Barber,
Havinq had many years' of experience,
the public can expect the best work and
most modern accommodations.
Shop 2 doors west Millheim Banking House,
Fashionable Barber,
Corner Main St North streets, 2nd floor,
Millheim, Pa.
Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooning,
Dying, &c. done in the most satisfac
tory manner.
Jno. H. Orvls. C. M. Bower. Ellis] L. Onris.
Office In Woodings Building.
D. H. Hastings. W. F. Beeder
Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of
the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum &
Hastings. _
At the Office of Ex-Judge Hoy.
Pr3i>tiM in all the courts of Centre county
Special attention to Collections. Consultations
in German or _______
a Reaver J - w - Gephart.
Office on AUezhany Street. North of High Stree
"T)rockerhoff house,
Good Sample Room on
Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to
witnesses and jurors-
hinnewlv refitted aud refurnished. Fv
ted *
R. A. BUMILLER, Editor.
VOL. 59.
Tom put his head into the little back
parlor, where sat the ladies of the fam
ily. Syd-who had been growing
sleepy over her sewing for the last half
hour, with Belle writing a love-letter
in the bay-window ; her mother yawn
ing oyer her account,-book ; and Grand
ma Grey son, nodding over her knitting
by the fire—bailed bis adyent with de
"Sjd 1"
"Here, Tom I Whither bound ?"
queried Syd, rising anil putting her
work away.
"To Ihe lake," waving his fishing
tackle before her longing eyes. "Prop
er cloudy day for fishing. Come
sis I"
"All right, I will. Good-bye,grand
ma, and here's a kiss. Don't worry,
mother. You needn't look so shocked,
Belle, for I've been an angel all sum
mer^—haven't whistled for a fortnight.
I will to-day, though !*' muttered Syd,
rebellionsly, as she drew on her rubber
boots and buttoned her waterproof in
the hall.
"Girls didn't go trapsin' off so when
I was young 1" and grandma shook her
head wisely over her knitting needles.
"Seventeen years old," sighed Mrs.
Grey son, "and such a romp 1"
"Too bad, for she can be a little lady
when she tries I" added Belle.
Meanwhile Syd,at once the pride and
torment of the family, with fishing-rod
over shoulder, was dashing through the
wet fields, in the direction of the lake.
"How that girl does go !" mutter
ed Tom, who brought up the rear
pauting and out of breath. "Syd !
Hold on ! It's a-going to rain. Here's
the umbrel! Hold on. I say !"
Syd "heid on" accordingly, her
cheeks flushed, her eyes sparkling, her
hair hopelessly down. Very pretty was
Syd, especially with all that shining
hair oyer her shoulders, and not at all
"fast" looking either, though she could
fish, swim, play ball, row, ride and
shoot, as well as her brother Tom.
The two "sports" aimed for a favorite
fishing station, a sort of plateau, with
a fringe of sturdy shrubs along the
edge over-hanging a narrow sirip of
sandy shore. Just beyond was a deep
hole, where the big fishes of the lake
lay concealed.
"Stay here and fish, Syd, while I get
some more grubs. There ain't half e
uough bait."
Syd nodded, and Tom darted away.
The fair fishei viewed the wriggling
mass of worms in Tom's tin cup with
evident disgust, took a thick brown pa
per from her pocket, opened it, disclo
sing fragments of fre3h pork, and then
baited her hook, whistling "Ye hanks
and braes" with all her might during
the operation.
A fine-looking young fellow, sitting
on a camp-stool beneath Syd's perch,
looked up at the sound. It eyidently
disturbed him, for he frowned angrily
up at the bushes that concealed the un
conscious offender ; but seeing no one,
went on with his work. This was not
fishing, however. Au easel stood be
fore him ; he held palette and brushes
in his hand. He was an amateur ar
tist, probably. He bad been trying in
vain that afternoon to catch the effect
of rain on water, and his failure had
put him out of sorts apparently, for as
the unseen whistler went from "Bon
nie Doon" to "Captain Jenks," he
contracted his brow and muttered
something ill natured about"confound
ed boys."
But he was destined to a worse doom
than this, for as the line, which had
lain still in the water a few minutes,
was jerked sharply up, a monstrous fish
dropped off, and the hook, relieved of
its weight, swung suddenly round,
burying itself on the back of the ar*
tist's hand. He started up, uttering
an exclamation more expressiye than
"Deuce take that boy 1" said he with
an emphasis so energetic that it reach
ed unlucky Syd.
"Oh, my soul I" she exclaimed, and
dart3d down the rocks.
Meanwhile the artist, holding his
jackknife in his left hand, was endeav
oring to open it with his teeth.
"Good heayens! What have I
done ?"
He looked up in astonishment, to see
a lovely young lady with a mass of
bright hair around her shoulders, and
great, startled violet eyes, bending over
him, looking very pile aud anxious.
"Oh, lam so sorry ! I didn't mean
to 1 Please do forgive me V Are you
very much hurt ?" all in a breath.
So surprised was he at the unexpect
ed apparition, that he didu't hear half
she said.
"Nothing serious. Pray don't be a
larmed. Nothing, upon my woid !
Only some confounded boy up above
there, who has been distracting me for
a half hour with his whistling, sent me
this favor—by way of climax, I sup
Then lie showed hi* hand to Syd.
"0!", >ir, it was I ! I'm Syd. I
didn't know—l never—l—can I help
you, sir V"
"Thank you, you can if your nerves
are strong. I can't cut this out with
my left hand. If you'd bo so kind—"
"Pit try. sir. It's no more than I
deserve as punishment."
Syd set her teeth and went to work.
Calm and collected, her hand did not
shako once, while she cut out the offend
ing fish-hook, washed tho wound, and
bound it up with her handkerchief.
But when the operation was oyer she
was paler than her patient.
"Now, sir, we must go home—it's
going to rain. And if you w ill only stop
at our house a moment, mother will
give you some wonderful salve that
never fails to cure. You must lei me
do something for you, or I shall never
forgive myself "
"Don't apologize, pray. I ought to
beg your pardon instead of having
spoken so slightingly of your whistling.
I think now it was a very creditable
performance, full of spirit and grace.
But if you must make some amends for
your misdeeds, I'll burden you with
this camp-stool to carry byway ol
penance. My paint-box nd canvass
will be all I cau manage. Never mind
the easel ; that will be all right here."
"Tom can cariy it, sir. Tom !"
That individual, who had been en
joyiug the dramatic scene from behind
the bushes, now descended and follow
ed the couple from afar, bearing the
easel, and stopping only twice to stand
oti his head byway of expressing his
In the middle of the afternoon, as
Belle was looting listlessly out of the
window at the driving rain, she gave a
"Mother, see here !"
Syd was at 2the gate, her splendid
hair down,carrying a camp-stool in one
hand, and with the other holding an
umbrella protestingly over a tall young
gentleman, one of whose Bands seemed
to be somehow disabled.
'•Mr. Lester, Bessie Grant's New
York consin ! He's a distinguished
artist, and is visiting at the Grant's
during his summer vacation. What
will he think of that wild girl of ours ?
Why, he's coming in, as I live !"
He was coming in, for Syd had said
in an earnest tone,—
"Please stop, and let mother do
something for your hand ! Beside, I
shall have to 'fess my wrong-doing,and
shall want your protection."
"With pleasure. Miss Geyson. Only
don't, Topsy like, 'fess auything you
haven't done."
"Y"ou think me bad enough with
out," said Syd, with a laugh, as they
stood on the steps. "I have brought
you a patient, mother," she continued,
as soon as she had introduced them
"I beg pardon, madam,for intruding
upon you unceremoniously, but Miss
Sydney tells me of some magical medi
cine you have. I was so unfortunate
as 10 hurt my hand."
"I hurt it, you meau," interposed
"Well, yes, Mrs. Greyson," said
Godfrey Lester, laughing, "I believe
your daughter did mistake me for a
fish." Here he bowed to grandma,
who had advanced from her corner.
"I assure you she found me a trouble
some one, and had hard woik to get me
off her hook."
"How do you do, Mr. Fish V" said
grandma, very politely.
She was'a little deaf and had not got
the run ot the story. Poor Syd, in
spite of her patience, was boiling over
with suppressed laughter, and Tom
stood on his head in the hall.
Mrs. Greyson bustled around, bring
ing lint, ointment and bandages, to
bind up the wound, while Belle scolded
Syd in an undertone.
"That Mr. Fish seems to be a very
fine young man," said grandma,at sup
per, after Mr. Lester had departed.
"But I didn't quite understand how he
came to hurt his hand so."
Syd bit her lips ; Tom choked, and
was sent from the table in disgrace.
Mr. Lester came every day for a re
newal of the ointment. He might
have taken some with him, and thus
saved so many journeys, but he never
seemed to think of that.
After a little, a great change came
over Miss Sydney Greyson.
"Syd's getting too poky for any
thing," said Tom. "She won't fish or
shoot, and she says things are 'very
nice' instead of 'joll.' "
"What a little lady Sydne is getting
to be !" said her mother.
"It's high time !" from grandma.
"I know why," said Belle the senti
mental, "Syd is in love !"
"Ah I" said grandma ; "with Mr.
Fish ?"
For grandma would persist in calling
Godfrey Lester Mr. Fish, to Syd's deep
disgust and to Master Tom's infinite
Long after the lacerated hand recov
ered, Mr. Luster continued IDS visits,
probably because be bad got into the
habit of going to tho Greysons', and
habits are notorious tyrants. Byd sud
denly took a contrary fit, indulged hi
freaks unaccountable, and was wilder
than ever. Mi. Lester sooraed to like
her none the less for this. I think he
understood it. Don't you V
One night, at a party,Byd was enjoy
ing herself hugely in her own way ;
that was, by horrifying a group of in •
terested listeners with accounts of her
many escapades. To shock the dainty
bells and effeminate dandies by her
bold disclosures, delighted the wicked
little creature.
She did not look like a hoyden,in her
fleecy white dress, looped with purple
panises, and pansies just the color of
her eyes in her bright bair.
"You look like an angel, Syd dear,"
Belle had said. "Be one to-night, and
let .Mr. Lester see that you can be a
This was well meant, but mistaken
adyice, and had the effect, of course,of
making Syd resolve to behave her very
worst. And sho kept her word.
"I really think I haye been too an
gellic for anything this summer. It
worries me to think of it. I fear I
shall die young like the story-book ser
aphs, for I'm getting quite heavenly.
Just think ! I've been fishing only
once this season. But that time I
caught such a large fish—enormous !
In fact—"
"Did you take him home, Sydney ?"
asked Bessie Grant.
"Of course I did 1" replied Syd.
"And—Mrs. Greyson doctored him up,
and now he's entirely recovered."
And then Syd went on to tell how
many birds she had "bagged'Mn yester
day's sport, and how she had drowned
six kittens that morning.
"Oh ! how could you, Syd ?" cried
"Because Tom wouldn't. Boys are
too tender-hearted for that sort of
thing," in a most matter-cf-fact tone.
This was tad enough, but she went
on from bad to worse, saying the most
extraordinary things in the quietest,
most ladylike way, anil in the sweetest
of voices.
"I've finished the business now,"ste
said to herself, as she took down her
liair that night. "I did my worst, and
he's doubtless so disgusted that he'll
never want to see me again. I don't
care !"
But she sobbed hersolf to sleep.
The next morning Mr. Lester called,
and fouud Sydalone in the little parlor.
She was pale, but greeted him very
"This is a farewell visit, Miss Sydney;
the last,* probably of many pleasant
ones. My business calls me back, and
I leave this afternoon."
Syd's voice was very cool, but she
dropped her work and stooped to regain
Goodfrey bent also, and as both rose,
he looked straight into her face.
"Your eyes are full of tears.Syd dar
ling 1 Why what's the matter ?"
"My great grandfather is dead I"
said Syd, in a doleful tone.
Two years afterward, a gentleman
aud lady were strolling along the banks
of the Danube, where a number of
sturdy little peasant lads were engaged
with hook and line.
"Look at tlioße little chaps, Mrs.
Lester ! JDon't you envy them V
Wouldn't you like to try it again,your
self ?"
"No, indeed. Godfrey 1" laughed
Syd, prettier than ever, and quite as
saucy. "My last exploit in that line
cured me entirely and forever of my
mania for fishing."
"Why so, Mrs. Lester? Were you
disappointed in the fish you caught on
that occasion ? Are you dissatisfied
with me, dear ?"
I shall not tell you what Syd said ;
but I should say—judging from the
tender light in her violet eyes, and the
rapturous expression on the face of her
"fish" at her answer—that she was not
Why Whiskers Could Grow.
'Here's another lie,' said Mrs.
Smith,who was reading a newspaper.
'What is it, my dear ?' asked her
'Why, this newspaper says an In
diana woman was disiuterred the oth
er day, after being buried two years,
and that whiskers four inches long
had grown on her jfacc since her bur
ial. I don't believe a word of it.'
'I do,' said Smith.'
'Well, I don't. How could whisk
ers grow on a woman's face after she
is dead ?'
'Easy enough, Jane. She would
hold her chin still long enough to give
the whiskers a chance.' Newman
Receipted the Bill.
How a Sharp Collector Suffered
Loss Through Hia Shrowdne33.
Mr. Kurry Komba, the acute and as
tute collector of tho Gas Company,
strolled into the office yesterday, laugh
ing as if his ribs had been tickled with
a horse-radish grater.
•Oh, you should have been with me
down at old Solomon Levi's just now,'
lie gasped, as he sank exhausted into a
'Why, what's the matter with old
Solomon ?' inquired the obituary edit
or, as he leaned back and clasped his
hands around the back of bis neck.
•Oh,it's altogether too rich,' respond
ed Mr. Kombs, when he had recoyered
his breath. 'You see I had a gas bill to
collect amounting to S3O, and when 1
presented it tho old galoot said : 'All
right, Mr. Gomps,' and going to the
safe, lie brought out a SIOO bill and
stuck it at me, saying : 'May be you
can shange dot bill, Mr. Gomps.' I
looked at the bill and saw at once that
it was a counterfeit. I was going to
iamn the old son of a gun, but an idea
struck mo like a pile driyer. I bad a lot
of bogus coin in my pocket that I had
been siuck on a day or two before, so I
just receipted the bill and took his SIOO
bill and gave him the change in coun
terfeit coin. Oh, bo, ho, lie, he, lie,' —
yelled Mr. Kombs, as be fairly rolled
on the floor in the excess of his merri
ment, 'how the old sucker will kick
when he tumbles to the sell.'
'Well ?' said the obituary editor.
'Well,'said Mr. Kombs, 'don't you
see how I played it on liirn V You are
about as thick-headed as old Levi, it
strikes me.'
'You say you Fgave him counterfeit
money in change ?' said the obituary
'Yes, that's where I got ahead of
him,' responded Mr. Kombs.
'And you took his counterfeit mon
ey ?' said the obituary editor.'
'Why, certainly, and gave him the
same kind of change,' Mr. Kombs re
'And you say that you gave liira a re
ceipt in full ?' persisted the obituary
'Why, of course, what's the matter
with you anyway,' said Mr. Kombs,
with a shade of irritation in his voice,
'didn't I do him up slick ?'
'Well, perhaps that's a good way of
doing business,' said the obituary edit
or, 'but I must admit that I am a little
puzzled to see how the Gas Company
got its bill paid in the deal. However,
you slick collectors are a little above
the comprehension ot an ordinary news
paper man.'
Mr. Kombs slowly arose from bis
seat with a dazed expression upon his
countenance. 4 Well,jbythe shades of
Jack China,' he ejaculated. 'I never
thought of that. There's another thir
ty dollars gone out of my salary, and I
thought I was just too smart to live.'
And lie wended his way sadly and pen
sively down stairs.
Advice to Young Married People.
"Drive gently over the stones I"
This piece of advice, which is frequent
ly given to inexperienced whips, may
be respectfully suggested to the newly
married. There are stony places on
the road to happineess, which if not
carefully driven oyer, may upset the
domestic coach. The first rock ahead
which should be marked "dangerous"
is the first year of married life. Here,
especially is the first step that costs; as
a rule, the first year either mars or
makes a marriage. During this period
errors may be committed which will
cast a shadow over every year that fol
lows. On awakening suddenly from
sleep we feel put out and rather cross.
May not the young husband and wife
experience feelings not entirely Jdiffer
ent when they awake to reality from
the dreams of courtship and the fascin
ation of the honeymoon ? Everything
must once more be contemplated after
the ordinary manner of the world, once
more with subdued feelings spoken of,
considered and settled. For the first
time husband and wife see each othei
as they accuaUy are. Each brings cer
tain peculiarities into the married state
to which the other has to grow accus
tomed. They have now to live no lon
ger for themselves, but for each other,
and the lesson is not learned in a mo
ment. In all things indifferent the
husband and wife must be willing to
yield, however new it may be to them,
however different from what they
themselves thought. Self must be sac
rificed in order thereby to gain the help
of another beloved existence. A lady
once asked Dr. Johnson how in his
dictionary he came to define pastern
the knee of a horse ; he immediately
answered : "Ignorance,madam ; pure
ignorance." This is the simple expla
nation of many an accident that takes
place at the commencement of the mat
rimonial journey. The youug couple
have not yet learned the dangerous pla
ces of the road, and, as a consequence,
they drive carelessly over them.—2/ie
Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance.
The Astonlshinß Revolution a Lot
tery Prize Wrought.
llenry Christian, Cuba's partner in
the barber business, tells a story on a
venerable relative of his who lived
down in Mississippi. Jasper was his
name and a few years ago he drew a
$5,000 cash price in a lottery. The sura
was measureless wealth. The word
millions conveyed to the guileless mind
of old Jasper no idea of greater wea'th
than did the sight of his $5 900. He
was a wood-sawyer by occupation, and
bis first act after getting possession of
his money was to throw away his saw
buck and saw. He next placed $3,000
in the hands of a trusty white man of
business,and with the remaining $2,000
be resolved to buy the universe—the
earth alone being quite too insignificant
to engage his attention more than a
passing moment.
'Well, sab,' said Chris, 'de way dat
old man did lope and frow hisself beat
all. De fus' thing he did was to buy
his ole woman a silk dress an' a red
woolen shawl. Then he went fishin'—
wouldn't carry no wuras. in his mouf
no mo' but got a box to tote 'em in. I
neyer did hear sech doin's—never did
shu'. Didn't have no good luck fishiu,'
no liow, so lie hired a double team from
a livery man .and went out ridin\ Co'se
lie took his ole woman 'long, and when
he got back he jest give de hull rig a
way to a feller lie seen comin' long de
street and paid de livery man out-an'-
out full value,an'didn't never see it no
'Nex'day he bought a dawg and then
bought a collar for it, an' de collar was
so heavy and big it choked the dawg to
'On 'count of dat unlucky play he
took his ole sow an' tied her to a pos'
an' walloped her till he couldn't res'.
Every time he'd fetch down de rawhide
he'd say, 'l'll show whose yo' boss—
who's yo' mas'r. I'll let yo' know I
own yo', I does. Didn' I pay fo' yo' ?'
'But the po' ole man got lef' soon af
ter dat. Yo' see he bought a yacht
and went out salin' on Mobile Bay.
His ole woman tried to get him to let
up on sailin'—tole him a squall was
corain' an' he'd go down.
' 'Neyer you mind, honey,' says Jas
per, 'I pay for de squall, an' I'se gwine
to hab it, an' no niggaii ain't gwine to
stop me.'
'He went, and shu' 'nosgh the squall
fotched him. Over went his boat in
plain sight ob de po'ole woman, and
down to de bottom went Uncle Jasper.
'But when his drownded body was
toted ashore nobody down Mobile way
never did see no sech big funeral as dat
ole woman got up fo' her old man.' —
Detroit Free Press.
A.n Original Letter.
Just twenty-eight years ago, accord
ing to a recently-resurrected diary of a
private secretary of the fifteenth presi
dent of the United States, Mr. Buchan
an received the following letter from a
rural postmaster in Illinois, who had
just discovered that the regulations of
the department required a quarterlvjre
port from him :
Surßein required by the lustruc
ions of the Post office to report to you
quarterly I heer with foolfil that pleas
in dooty by reportin as follers : The
liarvestiu has bin goin on kinder peert
like and most of the nabers have thare
cuttin dun. Weat is hardly a ayerage
crop on rolin land, but its all hunk in
the hol'.ers. Corn is yallerish and wont
turn out more than ten bushels to the
aker. The health of the keutry is only
tolloble good, and colery has broke out
2 miles around from here. But there is
a powerful stur on the subject of relig
ion, and sixty of the bigest sinners in
Macoupin county have jined the
church. Two of Jack Kisers best set
tin hens pegged out last week, and the
gaps is among the peepies. My health
is not good, I got it so in my back.
Give my luv to Mrs. Buckcannin and
subscribe myself yours truly. All fur
this quarter. JACK PLUMER.
Leaving the Far m.
The Journal of Education argues th at
if the young men from the rural dis
tricts, after receiving the benefits
education, desert the farms to engage
in mercantile and other kinds of busi
ness, 'where they can secure for them
selves a larger share of this world's
comforts and enjoyments, with shorter
hours of toil,' the schools ought not to
be blamed, but praised, for affording
them 'the grand opportunity.' This is
a matter about which there is much
difference of opinion. The boy ought
not to get the impression that all the
'grand opportunities' are to be found
in the cities. There are 'opportunities'
quite as 'grand' in rural life, and the
boy ought to be made to see them in or
der that he may not mistake his proper
course. The disposition of young men
to leave the farm does not need any
special encouragemeut.
NO. 31.
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How He Bribed Him.
ITI * '
How a Texas Army Contractor
Made Money.
Col. McCracken, U. S. A. f was the
chief quartermaster, stationed at San
Antonio, Texas. Ho had advertised
for bids to supply the post with corn,
and the contract was to be awarded
on a certain day. Col. McCracken
was believed to be an honorable and
conscientious officer who would not
take a bribe under any circumstance*..
Tom Rowell, of the firm of Rowell
& Smith, was a sharp, shrewd busi
ness man, who was very anxious to
get the contract to supply the post of
San Antonio with corn, but he did
not think it was safe to offer the 1
quartermaster a bribe, as he had on
previous occasions with other quarter
masters. After thinking over the
matter for some time, he adopted the
following plan to carry out his pur
He called at quartermaster Mc-
Cracken's office, and asked that officer
in an insinuating manner to see that
he got fair play wherj the bids were
opened. Col. McCracken replied in a
very dignified manner;
"The contract, sir, will be awarded
to tho lower,t bidder."
Tom Rowell took up his hat and
bowed himself out In so doing he
dropped on the floor an envelope con
taining five one thousand dollar bills,
the name of the firm of Rowell A
Smith being on the envelope.
Rowell immediately went to the
officejof the chief of police and notified
him that he had lost an addressed en
velope containing five one thousand
dollar bills.
Rowell argued in this way :
"If Col McCracken keeps the mon
ey, I'll get the contract, and I can
well afford to let him keep the $5,000.
If he, on the other hand, thinks I am
trying to bribe him, and gets mad a*
bout it, I will simply say I dropped
the envelope on the floor accidentally,
and had no intention of bribing him,
and that I didn't know where I had
lost the money."
Rowell had scarcely returned to his
office Irom notifying the police of his
loss when in rushed Col. McCracken,
his face flushed, very much excited,
and holding the envelope in his hand.
"What do you mean, sir ?" he ex
claimed, "by trying to bribe a United
States officer. This is an insult, sir,*'
and he slammed the envelope down on
the table.
Rowell made out that he was very
angry at the insinuation. He pound
ed on the desk with his fist and roar
ed out:
\ And what do yon mean, sir, by
charging me with attempting to bribe
anybody. I merely asked you to see
that my bid was properly considered.
I dropped that envelope without
knowing it, and have been hunting
all over town for it I want you to
understand, sir, that lam a gentle
man even if I am only a civilian."
"Now, that's just a little thin," re
torted Col. McCracken.
"Well, sir, I'll prove to you that
you are mistaken,and then I shall ex
pect an apology," replied Rowell, and
going to the telephone he requested
the chief of police to come immediate
ly to the office of Rowell & Smith.
That official was there in a few min
utes, and fully confirmed Rowell's
statement that he had notified the po
lice of the loss of the money as soon
as he missed it.
Col. McCracken was overwhelmed
with mortification at having uqjustly
accused an innocent man of having
attempted to bribe him. He was pro
fuse in his apologies, which Rowell
at length accepted.
The bids were opened next day,and
it was found that Rowell's bid was
not the lowest, but Col. McCracken,
feeling he owed itowell some repara
tion, decided that the lower bidders
were not good, and gave the contract
to itowell, who cleared upwards of
$25,000 out of it,, without having to
spend a cent to lubricate anybody.
Greenbacks are said to be so popular
in Cuba as to command a large premium
over any other money, whether gold or
-Gospel Hymns, No. 12 & 3 combin
ed,with or without music—at the Jour
nal store.
WANTED. —One or two nice Shoats
Inquire of D. S. Kauffman & Co,