j|ttl!|{im Journal. THURSDAY, AUGUST6TH, 1885 Published by R. A. BUMILLER. LOCAL NEWS. SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. —Big lot of Jars at Kauff man's store. WANTED,— Good Spring Chickens at Abs. Hartet's grocery on Main Street. —MissMinervaMauck.of near Salona, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. C. Smith. —Mrs. fl. J.Kurzenknabe who had been confined to the house is able to be about again. —Still a large supply of summer goods at COST at D.S.Kauffman & Co's store, Millheim. —P. S. Meyer's dwelling house on Penn street presents a gay appearance since it is painted. —A beautiful rainbow was visible in the eastern sky on Tuesday evening af ter the thunder shower. * • J : • —A BUTTER CHURN with "bock," good as new, can be bought cheap for j cash. Inquire at this office. . tf —One day last week E. J. Brumgard, J. 11. and Wm. Maize went to fish for eels. Tbey went for them, that's all 1 —Frank Weaver, of Ilaines town ship, was uufortunute one day last week iu losing one of his most valuable cowa. Geo. L. Springer,the junior barber left for bis home near Sdiusgrove on Monday to spend a few days with bis mother. —Lovers of music and literary treats should attend the entertainment in the Refoimed church at Aaronburg on Fri day evening. JUST RECEIVED.— New Sweet Pota toes, Mush Melons,Cantelopes,Peaches, Pears, Plumbs, etc., at Abs. Harter's grocery, Main St. —John Musser and wife, accompan ied by the two Misses Hunaickers, of Philadelphia, were the guests of J. C. Smith over Sunday. —The Reformed church Mite Society of Aaror.sburg will hold an ice cream festival m the afternoon and evening of the 22ud of August. • —Grant Memorial Seryices will be held in the Evangelical church on Sat urday forenocu at 10 o'clock,conducted by Rev. Benj. Hengst and others. -Frank Bender, of Elisabeth town, Pa. paid Fred Gutelios a short visit last week. Tbey were chums while at tending music school at Mifflinburg. —For Bums, Scalds, Bruises and all pain and soreness of the flesh,the grand household remedy is Dr. Thomas' Elec tric OiL Be sure you get the genuine. —Jonathan Harter gives notice in another part of our columns that he is administrator of the estate of George Breon, deceased, late of Gregg town ship. . . —Fresh Watermelons, Cantelopes, Bananas, Oranges. Lemons, Cabbage* Apples, etc., always to be found iu D. S. Kauffman & Co's grocery depart ment , 4 * —Dr. Charles Gutelins, of Mifflin- ( burg is at present visiting his brother S. G. Gutelius at this place. The gen tleman paid a pleasant call to the JOURNAL. I NOTICE.—The new Process Boiler ' Floor, manufactured by J. B. Fisher, Penn Ball, is for sale at D. 8. Kauff man & Co's new store, Main street, Jfillbeim, Pa. —Geo. A.Harter, onr former grocer, left for the West last week with an eye to the f ntnre. He expects to locate at Berrien Springs, Mich, for the present. We wish him success. -J| W. Holman, Esq., of Lancaster, Pa., one of the members of the Bote Automatic Brake Co., paid a visit to bis brother-in-law, Bev. N. J. Miller, at Bebersburg. over Sunday. —The real estate of Jeremiah Hoy, deceased, late of Gregg township will be offered at public sale by the execu tors, Israel Vonada and Sam. Wise, on Saturday. Sept. 12th. See bills. i_Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Stine, of Hasfisborg, Pa. and. Mrs. M. Neff, of Carlisle, Pa.* are the new arrivals at the First National Hotel, expecting to spend par? of the summer here. —-Mrs. A. Walter has been confined ta the house for nearly a week by ill ness. The lady has to contend with a good deal of sickoess and we hope she may speedily recover from ibis spell. .*-We are sorry that P. E. D's. com munication failed to reach us last week in time for publication. It is a Very ittteiesting tetter and we are sore our | readers will enjoy reading it in this | Week's paper. —Noah Stover, one of the Penn street residents is building an addition to bis house. Tber summer house has been roiled away and a two-story kitch en wfll be erected at the place where the scanty stood* Take Simmens Liver Legulator to improve the appetite, to strengthen the system, to stimulate tin liver, to cleanse the skin of its yellowness,to re move boils and pimples and cause new life in tb3 blood. . WANTED.—One or two nice Shoats Inquire of D. S. Kauffman & Co. —For Ready-made Clothing go to D. S. Kauffman's & Co's store. —The town clock for the Evangelical church arrived las Wednesday and was put together and in running order by jeweler Musser. It will be put in i;s place as soon as tlie steeple can be got ten in proper shape. —The Rev Wm. Stout, Wlarton, Out., states: "After being iueflfectu ally treated by seventeen different doc tors for scrofula and blood diseases, I was cured by Burdock Blood Bitters." Write him for proof. LOOK HERE.—I cure Piles. 1 have a positive remedy for piles. By its use uiauy cases ,of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. It cures as if by magic. Money refunded to dis satisfied patients. Address, HK. SUMMERS. Aaronsburg, Pa. —The real estate of J. Adam Morr, deceased, on Main street, is advertised for sale by Michael Uirich, Jr., execu tor, in this week's issue. The stle will cume off on Saturday, Aug. 15tn, at oue o'clock iu the afternoon. —The remodeled Evangelical church at Rebersburg is presentiug a fine ap pearance. The change has greatly Im proved the buildiug. The seating ca pacity has been increased and the work is rapidly nearing completion. —A number of ladies and gentle meu from Nittany valley had an excui sion to the Penn Caves hist Saturday, and were hospitably entertained at the Musser house, Millheim, in the even ing, before they returned home. —A. C. Mingle, aud wife, of Belle fonte, were bere on Thursday of last week, paying a visit to Dr. D. 11. Min gle. Cap looked around in the JOUR NAL office and thinks it is an impiove ment ou the old shanty. Call again. —Miss Lydia Albright and her little niece, Carrie, weie lost on the moun tains north of town, while out berrying one day Inst week. They did not reach home until late in the evening and were veiy much fatigued from their wanderings. Music SCHOOL.—The next session of the MitHinburg Musis School will open August 10th, 1885. Instructions will be given in Voice Culture, Harmony, Piaro, Organ, Violin aud Guitar. KATE L. SIIRINER, Principal,' Mifflinburg, Pa. —The members of the Ev. J Associa tion of this place have dug a well on the ground where tbeir carapmeeting will be held, beginning next Thursday. We understand that their intention is to lease said f round for a permanent campground. —The heavy rains on Sunday and Monday were just what was needed for the corn, potatoes and garden truck. Of course, some of the worst croakers at ouce predicted that things would rot ia the ground. How seldom some folks are satisfied 1 —A. S. Buhl, of Rockford, 111., was in town several days last week. Antes pays bis native place a visit whenever it is possible, which proves that Mill* heim still has its attractions for him. His many friends always love to greet him and talk over his boyhood days. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS.—J. H* Frank, west of Millbeim, gives notice that he has for sale a superior quality of Wheat, which he calls "Farmers' friend," for seeding purposes. Farm ers desiring some of this excellent wheat are requested to apply to him, —ln another column our readers will find the marriage of L. H. Stover, of Coburn, and Miss Landa Hartman, oue of the daughters of oar townsman, R. B. Hartman. The newly married par ty will at once got to housekeeping. Their flitting left this place on Tues day. —The curative power of Ayer's Sar saparilla is too well knowu to require the specious aid of any exaggerated or fictitious certificate. Witnesses of .its marvelous cures are to-day living in every city and hamlet of the land. Write for names if you want home evi dence. —Prof. Hoffman, a first-class musi cian from Beading, Pa.,tarried in town several days, tuning pianos. He enter tained the crowd at last Saturday's harvest home picnic by some of his comic songs. He is a yery lively old gentleman and seems to be perfectly at home on the piano. —The most deadly foe to all malaria diseases is Ayer's Ague Cure, a combi nation of vegetable ingredients only, of which the most valuable is used in no other preparation. This remedy is an absolute and certain specific, and suc ceeds when all other medicines fail. A cure is warranted. —We have sent out a large number of bills to those who are in arrears for subscription, advertising and jqh work If those to whom the bills come knew, how much we stand in need of our money in order to meet expenses, they would remit at once. Please pay your dtbts to the printer. —Next Thursday, August 13th, all the Sunday School of Mifflinburg will be conveyed in a special excursion train to the Old Fort, on this side of Centre Hall, where they will picnic in one of the groves near by. The schools will furnish between 600 and 800 excursion ists who will bs accompanied by the Mifflinburg band. The train will leave in the morning before the regular morning train and will return after the arrival of the 5 o'clock traio at Centre *HsU. % —The harvest home picnic last Sat urday was well attended, but was ah ruptedly broken up by the thunder storm which visited this section about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. A promi nent feature of the picnic was a game of baseball played by the two Aarons burg teams, after dinner. —Under 'legal advertisements'' w ill, be found the sale notice of Adam Weaver, executor of the estate of Ad am Weaver, deceased, late of Haines township. This property hud been of fered for sale last winter, but was not disposed of. Time of sale, Saturday, August 22nd, at 1 o'clock. —Rev. M. L. DieUler, will preach at Aaronsburg next Sunday evening in English. Miss Nannie Britt, the fine solo singer of Wheeling, West Va., will during the service render that celebrat ed song "Consider the Lilies," in which she will bo uccomimuied on the instru ment by /'rof. W. T. Meyer. NOTlCE.— Having been appointed U geut by the Middletowu Tube & Iron Company of Middletowu, Pa., for the sale of their Iron Pipes, &c , all persons needing anything iu this liue will save money by calliug on me. W. 11. BARTHOLOMEW, 20-3 m Spring Mills, Pa. Hay Fever Specific. I found It a specific for Ilay Fever. For ten years I have been a great suf ferer from August 9th till frost. Ely's Cream Balm is the ouly preventive I have eyer found.--Frank B. Ains worth, of F. B. Aiusworth A Co., Publishers, Indianapolis, Ind. 28 4t —A grand picuic will be held iu Reuben Grimm's grove, \ mile east of Madisonburg, on the sth of September (Saturday.) Balloon Asceusiou, Cake Walk, Rope Walking, Fishing Pond. Comic Songs and Dancing will be some of the amusements of the day. The Millheim Cornet Band has been engag ed to furuish music for the occasiou. —The members of the fire depart ment are specially requested by the foreman to meet at the truck house to morrow (Friday) afternoon. It is the intention to give the building a coat of paint and whitewash and as many members us can possibly be there are requested to assist in the work. Those who have brushes should bring them a long. —A grand opportunity will be given to the women of the Lutheran church es to show forth genuine christian hos pitality and good hearted ness at the Missionary Convention, to be held in Aaronsburg, September 2Jth, and 30th. Let all unite their endeavors and make it a successful meeting. It promises to be a good convention. Auxiliary socie ties will report for the year. —lf tbe weather be fair next Satur day the Lutheran Lawn Social at Aa ronsburg promises to be a very pleas* ant gathering. The Millbeim band is billed to furnish the music in the even ing, while the managers of the social will serve of the very best icecream and cakes to be had. We should all make onr arrangements to attend and spend a few hours agreeably with our Aarons burg friends. —Theodore Deshner's gunsmith shop in Bellefonte, is well located—being handy to the depot and near to Spring Creek bridge. Mr. Deshner the pro prietor makes it a point always to keep a complete and fine line of Guns, Revo lvers, Fishing Tackle, etc., and is doing a good and prosperous business. Our sportsmen when going to Bellefonte should never fail to call at his place for the very best articles. —Jonathan Cearfoss,of Bellefonte,an experienced baker and oveobuilder, is at present at D. W. Zeiglers' erecting an oven and assisting in tbe bakery and ice cream business. Afr.Zeigler tells us that tbey will be ready to bake in the new oven by Tues day, when they will begin to run a bak ery wagon for tbe accomodation ot their many customers. —Fierce mountain fires raged on Egg Hill, Gregg township and around Phil ips Creek, north of this place, last Thursday and Friday. Several shan ties which had been erected preparatory for the harvest home picnic in Smith's woods, were detroyed by the fire on Friday night. The rumor circulating in this town that the George's Valley Lutheran church in the mountain had been burned,proved, upon closer inqui ry, false. —Tbe Ladies' Mite Society of the Reformed church at Aaronsburg will giye a musical and literary entertain ment in their church on Friday evening the 7th of August. The Kister broth ers and the Ocker sistei s will contri bute to tbe musical part of the pro gramme. W. T. Auman, the mastdr elocutionist of Millbeim, will render some of his best selections. The enter tainment will be free and all are invi ted to attend. —No ONE, better than the mothers, knows the amountof persuasion ,threat enings and force required to induce the children to take,when necessary,a dose of the nauseating, sickening worm syrups; and no one more highly appre ciates the virtues of McDonald's Cele brated Worm Powders. So pleasant and ea&y to take,so effective as a worm destroyer, the dose so small that the children never know they are taking a medicine. There is nothing in the shape of a vermifuge that can compare with them. Don't be deceived. Take no other. Money refunded to dissatis fied purchasers. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY& CO. Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the town council of the borough of Millheitn,at a regular meet ing held Ausr,lst,ii>Bt., passed resolut ions requesting the undersigned to issue his proclamation to the citizens, recom mending a general cessation of busi ness, the tolling of the several church bells and the holding of a religious mem orial service in the churches, on Satur day, August the Sth next, the day on which Gen. U. S. Grant will be laid in to his grave : Now therefore, approving of the ac tion of council, I reommeud that their resolutions be observed in letter and spirit, in honor of the great mili tary hero and distinguished citizen, so recently departed this life. A. C. MUSSKR, Millheim, Aug.3rd,lßHs. Chief Bur. —That enterprising Bellefonte firm, Messrs. Joseph Bros. & Co., know just how to make business lively in dull times. They insert a conspicuous ad vertisement in the JOURNAL, to the contents of which we call the special attention of our readers. We feel as sured from what we know of the firm, that they will give all their customers full value for their money, and will fully live up to the announcements in their advertisement. Their stock is complete in every department, and their prices to low that all can be ac commodated. Do not forget to call on them wheu iu Bellefonte. —BOILS, pimples, skin grubs, black maggots, eruptions, scaly skin, &c., in dicate poisoned blood, and besides being disagreeable to you, atfiicteJ reader, they are unpleasant to your friends and those compelled to come in contact with you; you owe it as a duty to your health and your friends, to take a bottle or two of McDonald's Great Blood Purifier or Sarsaparilla Altera tive, and be more pleasant and agree able to look at. Money refuuded to dissatisfied purchasers. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim ,Pa. —Four different proclamations are to be observed next Saturday—President Clevelaud orders nil the post offices closed during the time of Grant's fun eral, Gov. Paltison appoints the day a legal holiday in honor of the deceased hero, and chief-burgess Jfusser requests the citizens of Millheim to pay tribute to the dead ex president by appropriate ly decorating their houses and business places. Besides that the democratic voters of the county are called upon to elect delegates to the county conven tion. Better cut this item out so that you will not forget any part of the in structions. -A real pleasant and quick ride we had on last Thursday over the new rail road to Bellefonte. Th< track seems to be in first-class condition and travel is already quite lively. The present schedule however is not very commo dious foi passengers from Cobum. Tins end of the county must either Ret up very early to reach Spring Mills in time for the morning train leaving there at 4.35, or else go in the forenoon train leaving Cobum at 9.45 and return at 10.35 to Spring Mills, six mtt&s from home, without any chance of getting further that night. We were informed at Beliefoute that a change of schedule will take place in the near future, and for the sake of oar end we hope the change may be for the better. The fare from Coburn to Bellefonte is 93 cts. Communicated. JULY 28th, ISBo. The "Journal" with its newsy col umns is read_,with much interest. It is praised for its bright, clean type, lo cals and reliable information. It is well performing and fulfilling it duties and missions and should be well sus tained. The newspaper is a powerful educator alid the children in the homes quickly learn to read and appreciate the local paper. Good books and good pa pers exert a refining andjelevating influ ence on the young. The habit of reading and study is to be coveted. It i 3 Judge Tourger who says, "Ignorance and neglect are the mainsprings of mis rule." - A thought well worth ponder ing over. The Executive Committee of the Woman's Home and Foreign Mission ary Society of Central Penn.Synod held a meeting last week to devise liberally for the annual meeting this autumn, the time and place decided upon was Aa ronsburg, Sept. 29 and 30 just before the meeting of Synod at Rebersburg. Rev. Dietzler assured the Committee of hearty co-operation of Pastor and peo ple of his charge in the success of the meeting, which largely lies in the pow er of the congregations to help the Committee in making it the grandest and best convention yet held. It is es sential to the furtherance of the cause, and the good of all interested that they be united in action and sympathy. A mong those who have been invited and will be present to take part in the meet ings will be Mrs. Dr. Hamma, Balti more, Mrs. C. S. Weiser, York, Rev. J. A. Clutz, Baltimore, Rev. S. B. Bar nitz, Omaha, Neb., Dr. C. L. Keedy, Hagerstown, 111., and others. The pro gramme will be interesting and edify ing and the members of the churches in the charge as well as sister denom inations are invited to attend the sess sions. Rev. C. E. Keller, of Salona has gone to Yirgihia, his home, for a months vacation. The Harvest is ended. Some fields yielded fairly well. The Self-Binder, one of the greatest labor saving in ventions among argricultural imple ments, has been extensively used. The Lutherans of Lock Haven and others will take an excursion to Bell's Gap next Thursday. Loydsville is 2300 It. above sea level,and the celebra ted "Rhododendron Park" combined with all the natural attractions and the merry crowd will make it a pleasant picnic Excursion. The Clintondale Campmeeting will convene Aug. 13. P. E, D. CAM I'M FETING AT MILLHEIM.—The ground which is now being prepared for the Camprnoeting is located one third mile north of Milliieim, in one < f the finest groves bordering the town. It isjsurrounded with unparalleled scenery, virescent hills and moss-clad rock*. On cither sule a scene of unusual grandeur presents itself to the eye of the yiewer. Not more than a few miles distant are t he celebrated Penns Caves,which adds greatly to the prominence of the ground. Now to the attendants of the camp meeting we would say that their expen ditures can be largely alleviated by call ing at I). S. KaufTman & Co's mam moth store, if in need of anything in our Mne,such as Dry Goods,nice Jteady made Suits, latest styles and lowest prices, Fancy Notions,such as Parasols, Embroideries,bilks,Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents' and Ladies' Ties, &c., Fine Ci gars, Pure Drugs, Fresh Groceries, Provisions,etc. In plain English any thing and everything handled 111 a first class general store. A visit to the campground and a call at our store will convince you of the truth of the forego ing statements. Truly Your Friends. D. S. KAUFFMAN & Co. —' TIIK" Liver is the largest gland in the human organism and stands guard, as it were,at the portals of health.Prop erly performing its functions it elimin ates all impurities and disease germs from the blood ; failing in this misery and disease follows. An occasional dose of McDonald's Improved Liver Pills will insure regular, healthy and vigorous action of this gieat land, and saye doctors' bills and days of misery. Dissatisfied purchasers can have their money refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WA Y& CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Milliieim,Pa. Neighboring News. SMITH TOWN. Four of Frank Bowersox's children, of Itock Spring, tnis county, formerly of this place, were among us over Sun day. The cornfields at this writing are io a bad condition oa account of the storm and rain of Monday. On Friday nearly all of the Brush mountain, north of this plate was on fire. After a hard and persevering bat tle the men and boys got it under con trol. E. B. has commenced printing. He is now ready for small jobs. Jfiss 3/ary Emerick, one of Nittany Valley's best seamstresses, in company with her sister and brother were visit ing here. On Saturday morning at 3 o'clock some scamp set fire to the picnic grove. Had it not been seen in good time, much damage might have resulted from it. JUMBO. AARON3BURG. Union county blackberries were of fered at 5 cents a quart. Prof. W. T. Meyer & family, from Shamokiu, Pa. are here on a visit. H. H. Yearick and family returned to Philadelphia, their home, on last Saturday. David Schumaker from Jacksonville spent a tew days at his uncle's, Dr. E. J. Deshler. Cap. Mingle, the Bellefonte Boot and Shoeman.and family, were here visiting parents and friends. D. 11. Lenker .and son have the con tract of building several dozen washing machines for Abs. Musser. Paul Pontius from near Lewisburg, and a Mr. Hullenback from Shamokin are the guests of J. 11. Musser. M. M. Musser is building a house on one of his lots at Centre Hall. Howard Iloman has the contract. Our boys pay they were disappointed in not meeting the Millheim Base Ball lsts (as per agreement) at the picnic on last Saturday. Error—Bs quarts, instead of 35 quarts in report of C. G. Bright's rasp berry picking as given in last week 'a Journal : At this writing he has pick ed 95 quarts. It is all over for this season. Rev. E. H. Dornblaser and family, of Wheeling, West Va., are here visit ing the lady's parents, John Brights. Miss Alice Bollinger left on last Wednesday morning, 29tb, ult., for Rock Grove, Stephensou Co., ll'., to visit her sister, Mrs. Mary Cooper. Before going to Illinois she will stop a few days with her two brothers and a sister at Lock Haven and with a broth er at Friendship, N. Y. N. W. Cronmiller has gone to Belle fonte to act as counterhopper In Jared Harper's grocery. "Rest Dandelion." L. D. Kurtz has rented and is run ning the Sankey tannery at Mifflinburg. He intends to rent a house and move his family there this comiug fall. ANOTHER. COBURN. Frank Barker sold his store to Sam uel Gettich for sllsO. Gable & Eiaenhuth are going to put up a three-story hotel building close to the depot. Next Saturday evening Coburn will have a tub race. A good time is ex pected. Tramps were after Mis 9 Lanich and Miss Smith on Sunday evening. Girls —stay at home after this. The blackberry crop in this section will be a large one. Our school will be so large this win ter that the school board find it neces sary to build an addition to the school house. Miss Agnes Raker from Miffli nburg is visiting at Daniel Eisenhuths. Miss Hoover and Miss Beachler from the same town are visiting at Samuel Evert's. . Rev. Yearick delivered a good ser mon on Sunday afternoon. Z. MARRIED. On the 2nd Inst., at the Reformed parsonage at Rebersburg, by Rev. N. J. Miller, Mr. L. H. Stover, of Coburu, ta Miss Landa Hartmau, of Millheim. On the same day and place, by the same, Mr. Lot Breon to Miss Maud Fetterhoof, both of Logansville, Clinton Co., Pa. On Tuesday evening August 4th, at the home of the bride's parents in Milton, Pa., Bishop R. Dubbs D. D., of Cleyeland, Ohio, to Miss Mary Carothers, daughter of Rev. M. J. Carothers. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. B. Hartzier,;editor of the Evangelical Messenger, of Cleveland, Ohio. Mmeop PURELY VEGETABLE. Are You Bilious ? The Regulator never /ails to cure. I mot cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer from Bilious Attacks or any Disease caused by a dis arranged state of the Liver. KANSAS CITV,MO. W. R. BERNARD. Do You Want Good Digestion? I suffered intensely with Full Stomachy Head-, ache, etc. A neighbor, who had taken Simmons Liver Regulator, told me it was a sure cure for my trouble. The first dose I took relieved me very much, and in one week's time I was as strong and hearty as ever I was. It is the best medicine i ever took for Dyspepsia. RICHMOND, VS. H. G. CRBNSHAW. Do You Suffer from Constipation ? Testimony of HIRAM WARNER, Chief-Justice of Ga.: " I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for Constipation of my Bowels, caused by a temporary Derangement of tne Liver, for the last three or four years, and always with decided btnefit." Have You Malaria? I have had experience with Simmons liver Regu lator since 1865, and regard it as the greatest medicine of the times for diseases peculiar to malarial regions. So good a medicine deserves universal commendation. REV. M. B. WHARTON, Cor. Sec'y Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. _ / THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS I LIVER RE6UUTOR!' See that you get tbe genuine, with the red Z on front of Wrapper, prepared only by J. H.ZEILIN * CO., SOLB ntoMticTou, PHILADELPHIA, PA. HALLS hair BENEWES.' 1 The great popularity of this preparation, after its teat of many years, should be an assurance, even to the most skeptical, that it is reallv meritorious. Those who have used HALL'S HAIR KEXEWKR know that It does all that is claimed. It causes new growth of hair on bald heads —provided the hair follicles are not dead, wiiieh is seldom the case: restores natural color to gray or faded hair; pre serves the scalp healthful and clear of dandruff; prevents the hair falling off or changing color; keeps it soft, pliant, lus trous, and causes it to grow long and thick. HALL'S HAIR RENEWER produces its effects by the healthful influence of its vegetable ingredients, which invigorate and rejuvenate. It is not a dye, and ia a delightful article for toilet use. Con taining no alcohol, It does not evap orate quickly and dry up the natural oil, leaving the hair harsh and brittle, as do other preparations. \ Buckingham'# Dye i . FOE THE WHISKERS Colors them brown or black, as desired, and is the best dye, because tt is harmless; Kroduces a permanent natural color; and, eing a single preparation, is more con venient of application than any other. ► FBXFABXD BT R/P; HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines.' HAT FEVERCATARRH Is attended by au in flamed condition the lining of the nostrils, tear V ducts and throat af-M Brill fectlng the lungs. AnBS c OiA "•'UJ® acrid mucus is l if M creted.the discharger HArFtYLR &M Is accompanied i#a a burning sensation pysYm H There are sever (fIT / , spasms of sneezing dpFWKB frequent attacks ol|Bgp headache, water and inflamed Ely's Cream Halm lsl)ifMPSV>y ft i 1 a real cure for disease and can depended upon. " ■* A particle Is applied luto each instril and ds apreeable to use- Price 30cents by^niail or at Druggists. Send for circular. ELY BROTH ERS. Drugglats.Owego, N. Y. The Boss Clothiers! The Boss Clothiers! The Boss Clothiers! The most reasonable and reliable clothiers of Bellefonte are Joseph Bros. & Co. _IN— - R \ • F • ~ CTJT A "NTTD FIT our stock is equally as good, if not than any clothing made to order in the country. We are making A SIPIECI AXjTIT' this season of OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT I We are able to £ SELL GOQDS CHEAPER 2 than almost any other merchant. Our entire stock is BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH and we will give customers the benefit of our close figures. OUR STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods and Notions is so well known in this section of country that advertising it is superfluous. WWe offer this week a specialty: A Black Cork Screw Suit for $3.80. GASH STORE! % V *■ The MOST goods for the LEAST money \ AT } . A. HARTEE'S GXiOOERY, No- 32 Main Street Millheim, Pa. Headquarters for Gro ceries, Provisions, Con fectioneries. Tobacco and Cigars, &c. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AT THE HLOHEST HOME MARKET PRICES. GIT Remember we do a strict cash business and sell at close margins. .Pure And Ilnadu terated! T. Fit A IN, Proprietor of the -£First National Hotel, MILLHEIM, PA.. wishes to Inform the public that he keeps the following liquors constantly on hand aud In sures them all strictly pure, and especially *- daptcd for medical purposes: WHIKKETS: - Hanttesvilto, Imported Holland, Mug**. Huajr, Blackberry, Louisville, Elderberry. Kentucky. „ Port BRAND YM; Huckleberry, Plain, Catawba, Ginger, Grape. Sherry, .. ■ . JW These liquors arc all guaranteed to he not less tlian four years old and can 'be staougfy reccomntendeu as wholesome and healthy. MALT LIQUORS, such as PORTER, ALEand LAG Ell always on draught. 22-3 m DO YOU KNOW THAT Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO Yellow SN UFK are the best aud cheapest qual ity considered. mhiO.S.GRANT His OWN ACCOUNT of the grg?Meat gleof moderntimea. lOMWiI 1 cde awugdy taken. WiU sell immensely. Par dress HUBBARD BROS-, Pub'A, T23 Chestnut St., Phlla, Pa. GEN GRAN T iJSSf KXpublisheTVrlto and sejjtre \raauiroffiSp lrX ,CIT. BITE I. vrr 4 wmDlh —Ladles aud gentle in en to WANTED. U k. Hght. mnotat tbelr bomw wabeqSSuJ BMW". 1,01 S" 4 -