A Tale of a Tunnel. A newly married couple were en route to Washington by the Baltimore & Ohio. There are many tunnels on this road the other side of the Ohio riv er. All through Ohio the face of the young man wore occasional looks of pain, despite his great joy. lie seemed to want something. Apparently he yearned. Over in West Virginia the train entered a tunnel. Upon emerg ing into the light the young man's face was seep. to wear a studious expression. He was thinking. At first he seemed perplexed, then interested, then trium phant. He had had a revelation. Then he smiled with a firm, manly, continu uoas smile, and his eyes peered ahead for the first sign of a yawning cavern in the mountain side. The bride was happy and demure. Whish —shadows — rumble—darkness. The veil is drawn. It is another tunnel. Light again, and the young man looks happier than ever. The bride's cheek disports a gentle blush—a modest, experienced blush, discoverable only to the initiated and envious. No perplexity, no anxiety now. The reyelatiou has been tested and found a success. There arc many tunnels, but not enough. If the whole Mne were a tunnel the bride and groom would net care how slow the train pro ceeded. The man who has not lived to bless the builder of tunnels does not know what happiness is. lie is hut lit tle above the brute which never troubled the Creator for passing clouds over the moon on prayer meeting night. But our bridegroom was not one of these parties. He appreciated all the bless ings which man and nature had bestow ed upon him. He did not miss a tun nel. But all things must have an end. Daylight always comes to the newly married. Strawberries and cream must be paid for at the cashier's desk. With in the blissful cucumber hides a mic robe. Our young husbaud goes for a drink of water. While *on this errand his eager eye catches the signs of an other tunnel. Of course he fears his birdie will be sore afraid if left alone in the darkness, and he hastens to her side. Quick are his feet, but faster moves the train. Darkness gathers while he is not yet halt a dozen seats a way. But the brave mau does not falt er. He groupes along, he reaches th e seat [or thinks he does] and slides into it. Deep are the shadows, and hums the train. A scream,long and vigorous—a sound of scuffling—a thump or two—and the bright light of a May day breaks upon the scene. The young husband franti cally endeavors to disengage himself from the grasp of an angry colored wo man sitting in the seat just behind the bride. He at length succeeds and re tires sullenly to his seat. The tunnels come and go, but their shadows are scarcely deeper than those upon the face of the young honeymoon. —Chicago Herald. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. 7 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crving with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STRCP FOB CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, vbere is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription oi one of tbe oldest and best female nurses and physici tns in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, i'rice 25 cents a bottle. THE invention of lithography is as. cribed to a German named Seuefelder, who lived in Munich. The invention was made between the years 1796 and 1798. Like some other inventions, it was partly the result of chance. Seue felder was a very poor man, and was trying to discover some method of im proving plate printing. Not being able to purchase plates of copper, he used smooth slabs of stone. Being ignorant of the composition of the varnish used by engravers for their etching ground, he invented a kind of crayon composed of wax and tallow. One day his moth er wished bim to write out a list of clothes to be sent to the laundress. -Pa per and ink not being at hand.he wrote tbe list upon a stone with his ciayon. When he was about to clean off the stone, it occurred to him that the body of the stone could be eaten down by ac vuafortis, leaving the written lines in relief,so that printed impressions could be taken from them. His experiments .in this line were partially successful, and subsequent discoveries enabled him to bring printing on stone to such a de gree of success as established the art li thography. jp H. MUSSER, ' JEWELER, Watehes, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. All work neatly and promptly Exe cuted. Sbop on Main Street, Millheim, Pa. JRVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK HAYEN, PA. S.WOODSOALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel •rs ou first floor. A It it I m W V* Send six cents fo H U I*l m postage, and receive Pt 1 a cosily box of "goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. AIL of either sex, succeed from first hoar. The broad road to fortune o pens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, TKUK & Co., Augusta, Maine. Hf | more money than at anything else flflf IIM by taking an agency for the best WW ■ |A selling book out. Beginners succeed grandly. None fail Terms free. BALUTT BOOK Co., Portland Maine. PF "•. A f > rW£l. A i. wOM | ESTABLISH ED I foUJ. Thomson&Cos Celebrated Terwilligcr Pattern TRIPLE FLANGE Fire and Burglar Proof SAFES. POINTS OF SUPERIORLY OYKR ANY OTHKR MAKE AK1I: I'mriti ltiNith* Holt Work. Solid Welded Anitlc Iron Frame*. Extra Thick Walls. Superior Flro Proof FlUinii. liOrka and flolt Work l*rotocted With Hardened Steel. Extra Heavy Material t Hence nre More Fire and Ruritlnr Proof. Send for Circulars and Prices. THOMSON <& CO., 273 it 275 State Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. QUAKER Zs -blio Ess-b rABLE SAUCE. Thousands of articles are now manufactured that in former years lud to bo imported, paying high import duty as it is now being dono on Lea A; Per kins table aauco ; tlio QCAKXB TARLK SACCK takes its place; it has been pronounced by competent judges just as flood and etm better. The Quaker SACCK lias Slowly but surely gained great im portance and is replacing tlio very best imported sauco on the shelf of tlio grocer, the tables of the restaurant and tlio tables of tho rich and poor men, greatly prized and relished by all on aecouut of its piquancy, aroma, tasdo, strength and pnreness. Tho inventor has by years of stndy of the secret virttms contained in tho aro matic spices of tho Indies and China, such as mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger, and peppers and buds of trees unknown to most men, and by long practice .succeeded to combino their extracts in such a liquid form as wo now find it, of agreeablo taste, and so invigorating as to be taken in place of stomach bitters. By man ufacturing this sauce hero, hoary import duties and freights arc saved, and it is sold at a lower figure to tho IO.OO. Ten-Ki'f/cd Richtcr MOUTII HARMONI CAS, 10 cts. ACCORDIONS from SI .0!) up to *IO.OO. Also FLUTFS, J'KXfLOS. CLAIHONKTS ami FIFES at astonishing low rates. Violin ami Guitar Strings fr>m 5 cts. for good ordinary E, to 16 ets. for fine Silk K. Ranio Strings, best, 10 ets. each. J lass Viol and Otllo Strlnys. tgrMy line of strings cannot l>e excelled in this state, for Price and Quality. Orders by mail receive prompt atten tion. 4&*llepairing of tine (Inns a specialty. THEODORE DESIINER, Prop. (Ircat Central flun Works, Rnllefonto, Pa. *5-.-seud for Price List and illustrated eata logue, containing (lame Laws of Pennsylvania free. Masser House. Millheim, ------ Penna. -gMMMER RESORT V Two miles from Coburn Station on I. & T. 11. It. Fine Trout Fishing and ITanting within sight of town. Healthy locality and tine moun tain sceneries. The celebrated I'KNN' s VAL LEY CAVES but tlve miles distant. The jfinest drives in the state. FINE SADDLE HOUSES. CAItIUA(ESJAND BUGGIES for the use of summer boarders. Double aiii Smile Rooms, newly furnished, for familes with children, on second and tliirros fiom 50cts to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W PAINE, M. D., 46-ly Owner & Proprietor. Musser Brothers' ROLLER •* RINK. Tlio proprietors ronpoctfully luiorm tho public tliattbPlr - :R,l2nt:K:- (Junior of IVnn uiul Mill.Strceta, Millheiiu, Pa. is open every Wednesday and >uturday even in}?, ami Saturday afternoons. (Slzo of Rinlc 40 x 100.) Tlio building is entninodlous and finely arrant? Ed, has a splendid floor,and patrons will always find now and strong abates on hand. General admission 5 cents. Use of Ladies admitted free! A T Mra Sarah A. Zoigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Millheiiu. Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m T HE B EST AT Buck B ROS ' gftTGaEs&Eftr! . FAMILY GRODPES AND CHILDREN —TAKEN BY THE — INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS I Satisfactory Work Pone bv RAIN OR SHINE!! We furnish everything in our line Irom a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. — Picturse copied and en larged in the best style. 4FRAMES&- enn lc procured at our place on short notice g^vßemambor— our prices aro down so as to suit ovory purso. Gallery on North St., Millheim, Pa, A. SIMON Si SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stock in the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, TIIE ISOSS C'LOTII IE IIS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. d/\/\ i\f\f\ in presents given away. Send .H VJ >1 II M H I ,IS 5 cents postage, and l>y qJr/VVjv/v/V7 ma }i vou W |jf Ket f ree a pack ago of goods of large value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America. All a bout the i'2i)<),U<>() in presents with each box. A gents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all tne time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers ab solutely assured. Don't delay. H. IIAELETT & Co., Portland. Maine. AIII.D 1117 PHI! fTo introduce them 1)1*1 "FT f Ijli I we are going to (live Away I,IKK) Self-Operating Washing Ma chines If you wantonesendusyour name, address and express ofllce at once. It is a great labor saving invention. Address NA TIONAL CO.. 25 Dey St., N. Y. I pry-TP WANTED beautiful Electric fi fill If I _1 Corsets. Sample free to those bc- HU l 11 S'U coming agents. No risk, uuick sales. Territory given, satisfaction guaranteed. Address DR.SCOTT,B42 Broadway St.,N.Y. Pi/i-AMOMH and BOARD for 3 live rKI A, Ayoung Men or Ladies, in each county- Address P. NV. ZEIG LKli & CO., Phila delphia Pa tpPHmctfor Lucrative, Hcaltliy, llou- AliLn lljorable A Permanent business ap ply to NVnmot Castle & Co., Rochester, N. Y. BH DOWNS* CLiXIR.HHBj 1 N. H. DOWNS' I Vogctablo Balsamic I Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, E ||j Croup, Asthma, Phuris7, Hoarseness, |w £ Influcnia, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, frjj md ull dUoaeos of tlio TThroatt t Chest, and Lttt: tfr. Jiiftl! GUMM tvlioro this Elixir h f|£ - •u vluciug the moid inorcduloua that o LJ CONSUMPTION Se la not iucurablo, if prosily atteudol to.—SB m At Its commencement it is but a slight irrlta- C 0 CO tlon of tlio mombrnno u hicli covers tho Langs; 3E then an luflamatlou, when the cough is rather ftm 5? dry,local fevor,nnd the puho more frequent,tho C 3 cheeks flushed and chill* more common, Tills J** 1 B2 fjiixir in curing tho above complaints, oper-! latessonsto remove nil mot bid it i ltn MAI linns and liifli.mnt ton from tlio lanes H to tho surface, nnd finally ox pel them from I tho system. It farllitates expectoration. Jt heals the ulcerated surfaces and relieves the rough and makes the breath lug easy. It *up|MrU (ho strength and at name time reduces tlio fever. 11 in free from H strong opiate and nstringon! urtii h vhidiarißH of so drying unature as to destroying tho patient; whereas this medicine H nover dries or stops the cough, but, by remov- H ing tbo CAUSE, consequently, when the cough H, is cared tho patient is well. Send address for Hf pamphlet giving full directions, free. . J Prico 35 cts., 50 cts., and 51 .00 per bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE. RELIT, JOHNSON k LORD, Props., Burlington, l't. I DOWNS' FUXIR.nnI fur fair 111 Hl'lU ELM Yfll'ti, Millheim & Mad If on I uen*o if not satisfactory. A thousand per cent, the heat Washer in the world, and pays cupuble orients BIG money. In trinsic merit makes it a phenominnl success every, where. For Illustrated circular and terms of agency address, J. WORTH, St. Louis, Nlo. Si-vc-lsiUs Siesid Gauge Os. Slo ri Oj.il. t.'f j ainl Manufauturera of W a tson's Portable Forge, jglm Wafsoa'e Forge Dlawcr. Vatsca's Esrre! Tiller, Holt's Patent Steam Gauges For Locomotives aad Stati ma- Loceactiru Cprhff Lai:::::. Tott Pnars t:d Test Civges. FEND FOII CIKCUt.AU AM) THICK LIST. WO EE 3: 13, 15 ATM 17 WF.ST STREET. m: 211 SrasriM Stat, CLEVELAND, OHIO. RAINBOW RUPTURE "SVfl* Simple, safe, reliable nnd a perfect retainer. It to not a Truss. Worn Duy and Niht and its presence forgotten. Send for circulur with testi monials from grateful sufferers cured by this ap £liance. Address Central Medical and Surgical nstitute 020 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Skillful treatment given all kinds of surgical and medical cases. Weakening diseases and pri vate troubles in male and female our specialty. Be euro to write us before tuking treatment elsewhere. Consultation free and invited. TQSSS LitlV I er. Durable, perfect in operation, and of great domestic utility. Write for circular. FAMILY COFFEE ROASTER CO.. ST. LOUIB. Ma. "\Csstna. RftßAltUlM il V illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and \ Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow fr\. wZ&taM v them. Printed in F.nglish and German. Price only 10 cents, which may be deducted from first order. > Tt tells what you want for the garden, and how to get it instead of running to the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting with disappointment after weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. 7 VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3s pages, a Colored Plate I ALM\ /\jj in every number, and many fine engravings. Price, fi.as a year; Five Copies for Vi Xm f*" Specimen numbers to cenU; 3 trial copies as cents. We will send to any address .jMr Vick's Magarine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below .—really two magazines at the price of one—Century, g4.se>; Harper's Monthly, $4.00; W St. Nicholas, 13.50; Good Cheer, gt.95; Illustrated Christian Weekly, I 3.00; OT V fjTj Wide Awake, Good Cheer, and Vlck's Magazine for IS.OO. WAißEx' ™ VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, o pages. Si* Colored Plates, nearly xooo Aogravings, gi.35, in elegant cloth covers. JAMES VICE, IhdMitni M. 7. • jgverybody acknowledges that TIIE CHEAPEST AM) BEST PL/I to buy FURNITURE MAUCK'S STORE ON Penn street, Millheim, Pa. V Alt LOR SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, LIBRARY, DININQROOM & KITCHEN FURNITURE LOUNGES, PATENT ROCKERS, RAT. TA A t REEI) CHAIRS, all styles, TABLES, STANDS, BOOK CASES, WARDROBES, WHAT NOTS, BUREAUS, BED STEADS, SINKS, CUPBOARDS, CRA DLLS, MAT TRESSES, from the finest curled hair to the cheapest Straw, a great variety of SPRING BEDS, all styles, ami ererythiug in the furniture line, on hand procured on short notice Not undersold by any Store in the County. An extra large stock of Haver Hangings, Decorations. Sfc. Give me a call. W. T. JfAUCK. J. H. KURZENKNABE & SONS' MUSIC HOUSE. 1202 N. THIRD STREET. HARRISBURG, PA. BAUS c CO'S Square, Grand Boudoir Gem St Orchestral Upright, Grand PIANOS The best now made and endorsed by all eminent artists. ORG^.ItfS The most beautiful and sweetest toned in the world Smaller Musical Instruments, Organettes, Musical Boxes, Musical Toys, &c. Shoot Music (including the popular 5 and 10 cent music) Music Books Strings, &c. CALL TO SEE US. Harry J. Kurzenknabe, Millheim, Pa., Agent for Union and Centre Oounties. MIMEMMIM MUMBLE W&BMB D.MUSSEE,, (SUCCESSOR TO DEININGER & MUSSER,) DEALER IN All kinds of Marble Work, . SUCH AS Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Tombs, &c. ALL KINDS OP Granite Monuments and Headstones furnished at lowest prices.' SHOP ON MAIN STREET, EAST OF FA DIfICDC IV ft Thin SULKY PLOW with its patent Tbumkd. Sutra*.* rAVf ME.Hu Z Z V ft noM SniL Wbiu and swinging beam is the most perfect ■ "SWIN GBEAM" SULKY 1 THE BEAM can be fastened rigidly when deeired. or TUnatmted below also il A left to swing tideways if it strikes a stump or atone, thus illustrated Doiow.aiso ■ avoiding breakage; also nice for turning corners without "Garden City Clipper" taking Plow out of the ground. PLOWS, , .ILFRFFINSF SEND FOB CXBCULABO M'F'G CO., iVC., &C. Successors to Pant A Bradley MTf Co., or to our BRANCH HODSXS : , ML MMx/ DAVfD BRADLEY M'F'G CO., 8L LoaU, Mo. \ y DAVID DRADLEY M'F'ti CO., Indianapolis, lad. BRADLEY ft CO., Minneapolis, Mia a. I \ yY DAVID BRADLEY ft CO., COBBI-II Bluff*, la. 'Wilf 1 BRADLEY, WHEELER ft CO., Bans a. CD- Mo. When the word Estey or thl t ctfov riHnan Cn' word Cl * an is mentioned. they fgrlti i / Btruxnenti and the xnakezs. Mm j M \ dp Five letter® in each of the two BfJ JMkV 1 m words are reminders of enjoyment JWW HMpJ in multitudes of homes. Ulustra- mailed free to all