Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 23, 1885, Image 3
THURSDAY, JULY 23RD, 1885. Published by R. A. BUMILLBR. LOCAL NEWS. SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. Dog Days began last Sunday. —The days are growing shorter and warmer. —Mr. John Kauffman, of F. &M. College, is here on a visit. Mr. Smeltzer, from Illinois, is the guest of Dr. D. H. Mingle. —Millheim has been exceedingly dull, since the farmers aie harvesting. WANTED. —One or two niceShoats. Inquire of D. S. Kauffman & Go. —Miss Kitty Musser, of Hartleton, is visiting relatives at this place. —The small boy is strongly tempted by the green apple. Better not 1 —Advertising is a branch as indis pensable to good business as book-keep ing-! —Go to Wm. Pealer of Spring Mills for general merchandise. He is a reli able dealer. —The July meeting of the Millheim Fire Company will bo held next Mon day evening. WANTED.—An experienced baker at Mrs. Zeigler's bakery on Penn street, Millheim, Pa. • —Huckelberries are selling at 6 cents per quart and the market is running o ver with them. —The Democratic County Conven tion will be held at Bellefoute, August 11th, [Tuesday.] DRUGS—a full line, strictly pure and fresh at Kauffman'a store. All kiuds of patent medicines. —The Evangelical ladies have billed a festival for next Saturday in the town hall. Don't forget it! —Rev. Memminger, of Milroy, will preach in the M. E. church at this place on Sunday evening. —The painters are at work on P. S. Mever's house on Penn street. It will look splendid when done. —The interior of A. J. Harter's new and fine house on Penn street is ready for its final coat of plaster. —The Bellefonte Daily News counts 33 practicing lawyers in that place. Quite an array of legal lights. —Miss Mamie Hall, sister of our townsman John Hall, is staying at her brother's residence on North street. —Bellefonte expects to have another eircos on the sth of August. This time it is Cole's great Railroad show. —Gospel Hymns, No. 12 & 3 combin ed,with or without music—at the Jour nal store. tf —The summer heat seems to have effected our regular correspondents last week. They are out again this week. —Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best ef fective blood purifier ever deyised. It is recommended by the best physicians. —A BUTTER CHURN with 14 bock," good as new, can be bought cheap for * .cash. Inquire at this office. tf —Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cure in- ( disgestion, Heart Burn, Costiveness and all malarial diseases. Twenty-five < cents per bottle. -We are requested to announce that i the Augsburg Bible Class will meet in £ the Lutb. Chapel next Saturday even- I log. J —Miss Cora Beifsnyder of this place will teach an eight weeks term of school at Coburn, commencing next Monday. { —Reports of cases of sunstroke will , soon be coming in if the mercury con • tinues to stay up between 90 and 95 in the shade. I —Mrs. Nogle, of Philadelphia, and < Mrs. Toner, of Eagleville, are visiting their parents, ex sheriff Mussers, on Penn street. —Mrs. Sam. Beesqian, who bad been spending several months among friends in this town, left for her home(Nebras ka) on Monday. —Harrjsflurg is commencing work for its centennial in September. Elab orate preparations aye being oqafle. It is to last six days. —A bright meteor, falling from the heavens and illuminating the mountains north of town, was seen by several of our citizens on Friday eyening. —Mr. A Mrs. D. A. Musser intend starting on a Western trip some time next week, expecting to pay a yisit to T. R. Stam's,at West Uaion, lowa. —Mrs. Ida Musser, of Altoona, a sis ter of Mrs. J. F.Harter,and Miss Bella Musser, of Pine Grove Mills, are visit ors at l)r. f . F. Barter's, on Main St. —For Earache, foothache, Sore Throat, Swelled lseck,and the results of cold and iuflamation, use Dr. Thomas' fglectric Qil-the great pain destroyer. —Tflp fancjeqt, best cheapest *{<eq Setts, Fruit Baskets, fake Dishes, Jelly Glasses, &c., at D. S. Kauffman & Co's mammoth store on Main street. —Miss Mary Musser, of Aaronsburg, and Miss Mable Musser, of this town, are attending the concert of Miss Kate L. Shriner's Music School at Mifflin burg this week. —TheGreatZingari Toothache Drops, for toothache and neuralgia, have 110 equal. Only costs 15 cents at any drug store. Warranted. Sold by J. Eisen huth, Millheim, Pa. NEVER BEFORE WITNESSED IN MILLHEIM,— As complete a line of Embroideries as is now.on exhibition at D. S. KaufTmau & Go's store,Millheim, Pa. —The lawn social of the Luth. Sun day school of Aaronsburg, which was advertised for August Ist, has been postponed- to August Bth. For partic ulars see bills. NOTICE.— The new Process Holler Flour, manufactured by J. B. Fisher, Penn flail, is for sale at D. S. Kauff man & Go's new store, Main street, Millheim, Pa. —Milton already speaks of its cen tennial anniversary in 18(H) and has e veu sent out some invitations to neigh boring organizations. Nothing like being in time. NOTICE.— Tho festival of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Evangelical church will be held on Saturday afternoon aud evening insteadot Friday and Saturday evenings, as announced. —The railroad company has taken the new road from Bellefonte to Le* mout from the contractor's hands and regular trains are running on the B. N. ft L. branch since yesterday. —Ladies, here goes at GOST— our Lawns, Swiss and all light summer goods are marked down down to GOST, in order to run them out with the sea son. D. S. KAUFFMAN ft Go. PIANO TUNING.—I expect to spend my vacation in Centre county during the month of August aud persons wish ing any piano tuning can address me at Aaronsburg, Pa. W. T. MEYER. —M. I.Jamison wishes to give no tice that his summer school will com ment e next Monday morning in the Grammar department on Penn street. He respectfully solicits a liberal patron ige. —Mr. &Vfrs. E. Hoover, from Sun bury, are visitors at Thos. Frank's since Saturday. The baud gave them a musical treat on Saturday evening, to which Mr. Hoover made a suitable re spouse. —Adolf Lalloz. carriage manufactur er, 119 Carroll Street, Buffalo, N. Y. writes : "I was troubled with nausea of the stomach, sick headache and gen eral debility. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me." —The Ist Evan. Lutheran congrega tion at Selinagrove comtemplate secur ing the services of Dr. Kiotel of N. Y. City, at the Dedication of their new Church which will take place sometime in September. —The Democratic Party rules with list of delegates and chairman for the Delegate elections to be held Saturday August Bth,reached us too late for this week's publication. Will appeal in our next issue. —The grain is nearly all cut and most of it in the barns. If the weath er stays fair it will be all in the dry by the eud of the week. The crop iu this section is better than was expected sev eral weeks ago. —The real estate of J. Adam Morr, deceased, on Main street, is advertised for sale by Michael Ulrich, Jr , execu tor, in this week's issue. The s*le will come off on Saturday, Aug. 15tn, at one o'clock in the afternoon. —Musser & Smith's horse, while be ing partly unhitched the other day, started off on a run with the truck wa gon, upsetting the same and breaking the shafts. The run-away was caught before any more damage was done. —Benjamin Smith, of the firm of J. R. Smith & Co., MiltOD, spent several days with hts aunt, Miss Elizabeth Reighard, on Main street. He gave us a very pleasant call on Monday morn ing and returned home on Tuesday. —MUSICAL COLLEGE.— The 2Sth Session of six weeks, opens Monday evening, July 27, for the study and Training of Young Ladies in Vocal and Instrumental Music. For circu lars, address F. C. MOYER, Director, Freeburgh, Pa. -Ex-sheriff Musser had an attack of famtness yesterday at theMusser house. Just as he entered the office door he dropped helplessly to the floor, presum ably oyercome by the heat. After ap plication of restoratives he reyiyed a galq. —The following citizens of Millheim have been chosen as jurors for the Au gust court : Wm. P. Catberman, grand juror ; Wm. M. Ilartman and J. W. Snook, traverse jurors, Ist week ; Adolph Miller, traverse juror, second week. —ln our item of last week giving an account of the wedding of Miss Mary Ann Maize and Wm. Cassel we erron eously stated that the ceremony took place in J. H. Maize's house. It oc curred at the residence of his brother, Wm. Mai^e. —Hall's yegetalfle Sicilian IJair Re , newer never fails in restoring gray hair to its youthful color, lustre, and vitali ty. Dr. A. A. Mayes, State A-ssayey i of Massachusetts, endorses it, and all , who give it a fair trial unite in grateful i testimony to its many virtues. LOOK HERE.—I cure Piles. 1 have a positive remedy for piles. By its use many cases ,of the worst kind and of * long standing have been cured. It cures B as if by magic. Money refunded to dis - satisfied patients. Addres3, H.K.SUMMERS, Aaronsburg, Pa. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS.—J. H* Frank, west, of Millheim, gives notice that he has for sale a superior quality of Wheat, which he calls "Farmers' friend," for seeding purposes. Farm - ers desiring some of this excellent wheat are requested to apply to him. NEVER FAILS.—NO instance of a failure on record when Simmons Liver Regulator has been properly taken. It removes bilious secretions, cures dys pepsia, constipation and sick headache, strengthens the kidneys and gently as sists Nature. Music SCHOOL.— The next session of i the Mifllinburg Music School will open August 10th, 1885. Instructions will be given in Voice Culture, Harmony, Piaro, Organ, Violin and Guitar. KATE L. SHUINEU, Principal, Mitllinburg, Pa. —S. T. Fraln, of the First National, reclved another 123 pound turtle on last Saturday. Ho expects to have a turtle supper on Thursday evening, and is ar langing for a tubraco at the Main strcot bridge 011 Saturday evening be tween 6 and 7. Three Gash prizes will be put up. —Or. P.T.Musser having withdrawn his permission to have the Harvest Home picnic 011 the flrstof August held in his grove,the committee of arrange ments would notify the public that they haye secured J. C. Smith's woods, ad joining Dr. Mussel's on tho north for that purpose. —Glad to hoar that the members of the M. E. church of this place have succeeded in raising over SI9OO for the purpose of repairing and renovating the exterior and interior of their church edifice 011 Main street. A thoiough overhauling will make quite a line building of it. NOTlCE.— Having been appointed a geut by the Middletown Tube ft Iron Company of Middletown, Pa., for the sale of their Iron l'ipts, Sec , all persons needing anything in this line will save money by calling on me. W. N. BARTHOLOMEW, 20 3m Spring Mills, Pa. J GOOD FOR MALARIA. —E. James, Thompsontown, Pa., wiites : 4 J. A. McDonald. DEAR Slß.— Send me two dozen box es of your Liver Pills at once. Some of our people say they have cured them of chills and fevei and they do not want to be without them.' JOHNSTON, HOLLO WA Y A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eiseuhuth. Millheim ,Pa. Hay Fever Specific. I found it a specific for Hay Fever. For ten years I have been a great suf ferer from August 9th till frost. Ely's Cream Balm is the only preventive I have eyer found.--Frank B. Ains worth, of F. B. Ainsworth ft Co., Publishers, Indianapolis, Ind. 2S-4t LAWNSOCIAL.— There will be a Lawn Social under the auspices of the Luth eran Sunday school of Aaronsburg on the lawn in front of Mr. Emanuel Et tinger's residence, on Saturday after noon and evening, August Bth, 1885. The refreshments will consist of ice cream, cakes,&c. A cordial iuvitation is extended to all. —Persons should particularly avoid throwing decomposing articles, which make an unhealthy stench, into the al leys or streams in the borough. In this kind of weather it is a very dangerous transaction and we were disagreeably surprised to hear that somebody had violated this important rule of health in our own town. The good sanitary condition of the community is at stake in such a case. - —The Millheim band expects to at tend the harvest home picnic, in J. C. Smith's woods, near Smithtown, next Saturday a week. We undeistand that ice cream, lemonade and other delica cies will be served on the grounds. Let us all get ready and spend a pleasant day in the woods. The committee who have the matter in hand have spared no labor to make the programme for the day as attractive as possible. —Notice is given to the public that Prof. Miles O. Noll, of Lewisburg, will take charge of the Aaronsburg Acade my after harvest. A term of TEN weeks will begin on the 27th of July. All grades of scholars will be admitted on reasonable terms. Special attention will be given to those preparing for teaching. The patronage of all desir ing the education of their sons and daughters is respectfully solicited. —H. E}. Duck, Esq,, of Penn town ship, has purchased the lot, on Main street, where formerly stood Alexan der's store room, from Me3sers. Mus ser & Smith. We are informed that Mr. Duck contemplates erecting a good-sized building on said lot, with a fine storeroom on its first story. We earnestly hope that this may be so, as it will improve that part of Main street wonderfully. Besides that, we gladly welcome Squire Duck as a freeholder and citizen of our borough. LAY THEM AWAY —We mean the horrible, naiiseops worm-seed com pounds called worm syrups and vermi fuges ; many of them as worthless as they are obnoxious. They have out-liv ed their usefulness, People do not want them since McDonald's Celebrat ed Worm Powders,so easy and pleasant to take, oan be had from any dealer. Everyone who ha 3 tried them say they are the nicest and best vermifuges ever discovered. The children take them and never know a medicine is being ad ministered. Any case of failure to cause expulsion where worms exist the money promptly refunded in every in stance. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. THE LUTHERANS' DAY. —On Son day morning early the Lutherans of Millheim and immediate vicinity were awakened by I lie ringing of their bll, reminding them that a day of religious services had dawned for them. And it was a clear and bright Sunday morn ing, the glorious rays of the midsum mer sun inspiring the churchgoing peo ple with happiness. After Sunday school from 9to 10, a. m. the spacious auditory of the Lutheran church soon Idled up with the large crowd of people who had'.ussembled from all directions to witness the installation of lie v. M. L. Dietzler as pastor of the Aaronsburg charge. The choir opened services with an appropriate anthem. Rev. W. E. Fisher then preached a masterly sermon from 2 Timothy, IV : 2 "Preach the word ; be instant in sea son, out of season ; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doc trine." The gentleman posesses a rare combination of qualities, which make his discourse paticularly pleasing to his hearers. lie is a man of learning, a fine orator and an earnest and outspo ken minister, and bis text was analy zed in the most pointed and effective manner. This sermou was principally directed to the new pastor and was in dorsed with emphasis by ltev. Divens who followed in a trief address of ex hortation and instruction. The instal lation cermonies were next in order af ter which the large congregation was dismissed. At 3 o'clock in the after noon a children's meeting was held, when Revs.Fisher and Divans addressed the I'ttle and big children, interspersed by prayer and singiug. The work of the day was capped in the evening by a splendid discourse on "And ho brought him to Jesus," from St John I : 42, by Rev.Divens. That gentleman gave some sharp and well-directed admonitions practically applying the words of the text to the professing christian of the present day and his remiuks were eagerly re ceived by the attentive people. The church on this occasion was a gain filled to its utmost capacity and all went to their homes satisfied that their knowledge of scripture was in creased and their hearts and minds en lightened with gospel truth. WHAT WK ARE INDEBTED TO TIIE SOUTH FOR.— There appears in our col umns to-day the advertisement of the well-ki own (and universally used in the Southern States) Simmons Liver Regulator. Years ago it won its way into every household of the South by pure, sterling merit. It there takes the place of a doctor aud costly pre scripts ns. The medicine is becoming widely known in the North,and where ever used the demand for it lias steadily increased. It is a family medicine,con taining no dangerous and deleterious qualities, but purely vegetable, and so gentle in its action that it can bo safe ly given to any person, no matter wnat age—the centenarian of the crowing youngster. Working people are often in that miserable state of health which really renders them unlit for labor; but they havn'ttime to take medicine and be sick. Simmons Liver Regulator can le taken without causing any loss of time,and the system will be huilt up and invigorated by it. The Regulator promotes digestion,dissipates nasty sick headache,aud gives a strong,full tone to the system. In malarious climate it is invaluable, both protecting attack from the disease and expelling the poison af ter it has entered the system. It has no equal as a preparatory medicine,and can be safely used when a doctor can not be called in. Persous of the very highest character and eminence have given Simmons Liver Regulator their cordial and hearty endorsement. Neighboring News. AARONSBURG. Oulp 9!) in the shade at tliis writing. Clias. 11. Stover lives in his new house now, on tanneiy hill. 11. 11. Yearick and family, from Philadelphia, are here visiting the gen tleman's parent, Tlios. Yearicks. Donahower and his assistant, Kers tetter, have finished the interior of the new Reformed church in ornamental painting and haye left our burg. Prof. \V . Frank Musser bid us good bye 011 last Wednesday morning and turned his face west ward, lie spent last Sabbath in ludianapolis, lud.,from whence he will go to Ellsworth, Kan sas. He expects to locate at the latter place. Rev. Irey left for his field of pastor al work at Chester Springs, Pa., last Saturday. Mrs. Irey and her little boy are staying with her parents, Dr. Mus ser's,several weeks longer. No—the reservoir will not be built for the present. But now a few fami lies living at the extreme northern and northeastern end of town, ask the wa* ter directors to pipe the water to their very doors. This can only be done by a wonderful expense to our citizens. By special invitation our Dutheran choir assisted in singing at the install ation services in Millheim last Sabbath. Quite a number of others from our town (your humble servant included) were out. It was considered by all a very pleasant service. Our MA ggie has returned from Le mout with Sack und Pack. We would suppose the Jfillinery trade during Ju ly and August was very slack. Guess Jlfaggie thought so too, and therefor came home. ANOTHER. SMITH TOWN. Miss L'zzie Heck man and sis* or were the guests of Lizzie Keen on Sunday. John Frank and E E. Rressler trim med up the road which leads to the picnic groye. Rusiness. Jfelville Adams left for his home at Williamsport on Saturday. Mis. S. I). A/usser and family were in our midst last week one day. W. F. Smith claims to have an ap ple tree that has more apples than any other tree in the valley. 11 . M. was hero last week to practice swinging for tho picnic. He is better at swinging than tubracing. Harvesting is over in this ueck o' woods and the wheat is nearly all haul ed in. J. 11. Frank intends threshing his crop with tho steamer tho latter part of this week. A/iss Carrie ('undo was visiting our burg. The rumor that we will liavo no pic nic is false, l'rovidcnco permitting,we will have it and make a fine time of it. Keep on guessing, George, you may nit the right man yet. JUMUO. IT WENT ROUND A MONO THE NEK HI nous.—Mr. Levi SiaW, Merch ant and postmaster at Fostoria, Pa., writes ■ •Mr. J. A. McDonald, ReedsvilleJ'a. DEAR Slß.— Some time ago I had a severe attack of chronic diarrhoea. Could obtain no relief. A friend gave me a part of a bottle of your Curtis' Carmelite Cordial, aud a few doses en tirely cured me. The balance of tie bottle went around among the neigh bors. Since then I have written to New York and Philadelphia for the medicine hut could net procure it. 1 traced up the bottle we had and found it was purchased of Mr. Jacob Cowan, merchant in Altooiia,and from him ob tained your address. Pleasu forward me one dozen bottles by express at once, as 1 do not wish to be without it in my family and wish to sell it i: my store.' Single buttle Curtis' Carmelite Cor dial guaranteed to cure any case chole ra. dysentery, diarrhoea; cramps,pains, and all irritation ot the bowels incident to change of climate, diet or water. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW A Y A CO. Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. COBURN. Adam Richard is happy now, a new giil baby having arrived at his house. Samuel Ulrich lo3t a valuable horre the other day. W. 11. Kreamei's new dwelling will present an elaborate appearance after it is painted. Miss Ella Rankle, from Woodward is visiting John Ilowersox. JelT Florence went up the road with a bundle. Anything in the wind.? David Miller has been appointed mail carrier between here and Woodward,in place of J. W. Musser, who had served four years in that capacity. It seems Miller's bid was the lowest of the two, Z. —ONE dose of McDonald's Great Rlood Purifier or Sarsaparillian Altera tive is guaranteed to contain more al terative properties, more truly remedial power than three doses of any other known alterative or blood purifier. Many otlier blood remedies are good e uough in their way, only that you are compelled to buy a gallon of medicine to get a pint of remedy ; tlie manufact urers having sacrificed strength and usefulness to palatability and profit. McDonald's Rlood Puriliei is put up in seyenty-live cent bottles containing as much as most dollar bottles of other makes. Dissatisfied purchasers can have their money refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY A CO., Phiiadelolua Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim,Pa. Spring Mills. 11. 11. Yearick, Esq., an extensive coal dealer of Philadelphia was regis tered at the Spring J/ills Hotel one day this week. Jfiss Shaw, of Washington, D. C., a former employee in one of the depart ments is visiting W. F. Rearick. W. R.From, the gentlemanly miller in Runk's mill has gone to Oil City to spend a week with his relatives. Our academy will open next week with bright prospects for a very large attendance. Alfred 3/iller and wife are visiting his parents in this place, lie is em ployed in the paper mill at Tyrone, Pa. " * —A misstep will often make a crip ple for life, A bottleot Henry A John son's Arnica and Oilljniment at hand, will not prevent the misstep, but used immediately it will saye being a cripple. MADISONBURG. Mr. Westner, of Philadelphia, a son ot John Westner, west of town is at present paying his father a visit, having been in the city for five years. George Miller's little dog was bitten by a rattle snake the other day, from the effects of which he died iu a short time. John Hazel, son of SimoD is according to last reports in Big Stone city, Dakota. George Reber and David Burd are using self-binders this season. Miss Annie Pellman, of Ilartletou, is visiting at her uncle's, R. Grimm. Mrs. Kate Klidder has returned from her visit to Bellefoute. There will be no harvest home picnic at this place as was expected. By the time your paper reaches its readers the grain will be all on shocks. The crop is much better than was ex pected by the farmers. STILL. —lf you are troubled with a 'hacking cough,' Down's Elixir will giye you re lief at once. Warranted as recommend ' ed or money refunded. -ajfor. THE GREAT 4PESSPTA^LPM LIVER MWJMG disease. CVMPTfIMC I ni,,< ' r or |,r "' ,v,,e mnutfi! O 1 Ifll I UIVI9 ■ toii|{ue cnttcd white or covered wltn aliiown fur; |>.nn in the u*rk, vide*, or joints— often mistaken for Khcumutlxni; wur *lOOlOOlll lon* of np petite | sometimes nausea and water! >r.ish. or indigestion; flatulency and acid enu'tations: bowel* alternately costive and lax : hrndnctiet loss of memory, with a painful sen sation of having failed to do something which ought to have Ik en done ; di-Mllt v I 1 >w spirits ; a thick, yellow appenram eot the skin and eyes ; a dry cough; lever ; rest lessness,' the urine is scanty and high-colored, and, if allowed to stand, dc|>otit a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, PURELY VEGETABLE, AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Iysppla, Coimtipution, ItflloUHiieM, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nauiien, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Etc., Etc., Etc., It generally used in the South to arouse the Tor pid Liver to a healthy a<slion. It acts without disturbance to the system, diet or occupation. It regulates the Liver, and Causes the bile to act as the purge. The excess of bile being removed, a torn I c effect is produced and health is perfectly restored. The Regulator is given with safety ami the happiest results to the most delicate infant. For all diseases in which a laxative, altera tive or purgative is needed it will give the most perfect satisfaction. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World I / THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS I LIVER REGULATOR! See that you get the genuine, with the rod Z ou front of Wrapper, prepared only by J. H.ZEILIN & CO., SOLS raoraißToas, PHILADELPHIA, PA. AFTER DINNER. Persons who suffer from Indigestion cn nrrest the progress of that painful malady by the use of an after-dinner pill, so composed that it will give tono to the stomach, prevent heartburn, rouse the liver to healthful action, invigorate the kidneys, and thus, through the activity of these organs, promote the natural movement of the stomach and bowels. AYKR'S PILLS are so compounded that their action, though mild, effectually pro duces the above results. They also, in curing Constipation, remove the cause of Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Kidney Dis ease, Rheumatism, and many other serious aliments. A YER'S PILLS contain no mineral nor poisonous sub stance, aud do not gripe unless the bowels are irritated, and even then their influence is healing. To continue their effect In constipated or chronic cases, they need only be taken in diminishing instead of Increasing doses. For seamen, and in habitants or travelers in sparsely settled countries where physicians are not at hand, they are of* inestimable value. There is hardly a sickness they will not alleviate, and in most cases cure, if taken promptly. To young girls just entering upon womanhood, and to women whoso period of maternity is drawing to a close, Aver's Pills, In moderate doses, merely sufficient to ensure regular action of the bowels, will be found of Incalculable Value. RHEPAKED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists, Pure And Unadulterated! T. Fit A IN, Proprietor of the >gFirst National Hotel,§ - MiLLHBIM, PA., wishes to inform the public that he keeps the following liquors constantly 011 band and in sures them all strictly pure, and especially a dapted for medical purposes: WHINKFVN; GINS? Ilannesvllle, Imported Holland, Pouch keepsie, London, hush, WISIES; Hang, Blackberry, • Louisville. Elderberry. Kentucky. Port iut.4\ DYS; Huckleberry, Plain. Catawba, Ginger, Grape. Sherry, Blackberry, Applejack, Peach. New England Itxim. A#- These liquors are all guaranteed to be not leas than four years old aiiu can be strongly reccoin in ended as wholcs ime and liealthv. MALT LIQUORS, such as PORTE It,ALK and LAGEUalwuys 011 draught. 22-3 in CASH STORE ! The MOST goods for the LEAST money { AT \ G. A. HARTER'S GROCERY, No- 32 Main Street, Millliciin, Pa. ■ Headquarters for' Gro ceries, Provisions, Con fectioneries. Tobacco and Cigars, &c. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AT THE HIGHEST HOME MARKET PRICES. Remember we do a strict cash business and sell at close margins. PENN HALL CARRIAGE WORKS ! G. COITJUO^ Proprietor and Manufacturer of Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, Ac, Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at all times. New and improved machinery in the shops. Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere THE t MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office 18 now (supplied with GOOD PMMSSMS and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS\ NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS/ * and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. DO YOU KNOW THAT Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tin Tag; Koie leaf Pine Cut Cdew ing; Wary Cllpplaga,and Black, Brown aud Yellow SNUFF are the best and cheapest qual ity considered. HAY FEVER .CATARRH Is atteu ded byau in- flamed condition o!i|Tp^lkß| of the nostrUs, ducts and throat af-M i* *?. ■ fecttngtbe lungs. AnBgL'CW/JI7 'UAIII acrid mucus is te- uTm crated, the discharge jFJffl Is accompanied with Jws Jfmm a burning sensation. K*. There are severe and inflamed' eyes Ely's Cream Balm ISMMM Y a real cure for Mil IPFLIIGR I disease and can BEM CCVCP d epended upon. * KJBS WK* A particle is applied into each nostril and Is apreeable to use. Price 50 cents by mall or at Druggists. Send for circular. ELY BROTH ERS. Druggists,Owego, N. Y. GEUjT. GRANT! M to sell THE*- Life and Deeds of Gen. Ulysses 8. Grant." The best, cheapest, and most popular book published. Write for terms and secure territory at once. Address GLOBE BIBLE PUBLISHING CO.,7osChestuut St. ,Phila. 28*4t MOSQUITOES.^® QUITO BITE €U*E,gives instant re lief, and drives them away. Address S ALL APE ft CO., 8 East 18th St., New York. Parker's Tonic. It gives tone and power. For com plaints of the Kidneys, Bowels, Stomach. Liver aud Lungs,(or all the subtle troubles of women and lor those bodily disorders induced by anxiety, eare and mental straln.its effects will surprise and charm vou. It is not an essence of ginger. Delicious to the palate, an antidote to the iiquor habit, and exceedingly helpful to the aged and feeble. 50c. and 1 sizes. IIISCOX & CO., New York. YI7" A YTPII —Ladies, and gentlemen to W AH I fill* take light, pleasant employ ment at their homes (distance no objection); work sent by mall; $2 to $5 a day can be quietly made;no canvassing. Tlease address at once GLOBK MFG. Co., Boston, Mass , box 5344. U.S.GRANT His OWN ACCOUNT of the greatest miUtary strug gle of moderntimes. lOoJWO! ! orders already taken. Will sell Immensely. For particulars,ad dress HUBBARD BROS., Pub's., 723 Chestnut St., Phila, Pa. DP I fiNESS and how I cure it, by one who UL 111 was for 28 years. A succaaslul homo treatment. Address T. S. PAGE, No. 128 East 28th St., New York. 23-4t BY THE STOCKTON ,® Corner Maryland and Atlantic avenues, Atlantic City. N. J. This splendid hotel is now ready to receive guests for the season. Fine view of the ocean, aud excellent bathing, boating, fishing, &c. Dancing pavllliou attached. KBLSHT & LEFI.EU, Proprietors. [Mention where you saw this ad.]