Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 23, 1885, Image 1

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    The Millheim Journal,
Office in the New Journal Building-,
Penn St., near Hartman's^bundry.
Acceptable Correspondence Solicited
Address letters to MILLHEIM JOURNAL.
Madisonburg, Pa.
Practical Dentist,
Office opposite the Methodist Church.
D. 11. MINGLE^
Physician & Surgeon
Offlice on Maiu Street.
£)R GEO. L. LEE;
Physician & Surgeon,
Office opposite the Public School House.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office opposite the hotel. Professional calls
promptly answered at all hours.
9 P. ARD, M. D..
Physician & Surgeon,
Journal office, Penn st., Millheim, Pa.
and other legal papers written and
acknowledged at moderate charges.
fashionable Barber,
Having had many years' of experience.
the public can expect the best work and
most modern accommodations.
Bhop 2 doors west Millheim Banking House,
Fashionable Barber,
Corner Main ft North streets, 2nd floor,
Miliheim, Pa.
Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooning,
Dying, &c. done in the moat satisfac
tory manner. .
Jno.H. Orris. C.M. Bower. Ellis;L.Orvis.
Office in Woodings Building.
D. H. Hastings. W. F. Reeder
Office on Allegheny Street, two doers east of
the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum A
Hastings. _______ -
Attorney-at-Law, •
At the Office ol Ex-Judge Hoy.
Practices In all the courts of Centre county
Special attention to Collections. Consultations
In German or English. _______
„ A. Beaver. J. W. Gephart.
Office on Alleghany Street. North of High Stree
Annd Hamn.6 Room on First Floor. Free
B£S .WronfaU trains. Special rates to
witnesses and Jurors.
House newly reft tted and refurnished- Ev
erythlug done to make guesU ■
Bateamoderaf* tronage respectfully
fc€MtSrjj[ *
R. A. BUMILLER, Editor.
VOL. 59.
The Bound Girl.
"I'll have to do everything alone !"
Little Janet ltae stood with arms
akimbo, and looked about the great
Mason kitchen. She was nearly tweu
ty, but under-sized. She had but one
beauty—her pretty curly head. She
was Mrs. Titus Mason's bound-girl—
bound to work for that lady until she
was one-aud-twenty. Such were the
terms of the contract when Janet had
been taken from the orphan asylum, a
tiny creature of ten, nine years before ;
and it was the bard work and scant
fare which had prevented her growing.
There she stood, lookiug about her
at the array of cooking utensils, the
rows of milk-pans, the pile of wash
tubs, the shelf of flit-irons, the capa
cious wood-boxes.
That morning Mrs. Titus, the au
thorative, the energetic, had fallen
down the cellar-stairs and broken her
leg. The doctor had been called, and
set it ; Mrs. Titus had a nap, and
then lifted up her voice and proved her
self equal to the situation :
"I'm laid up for a month, Janet—
that's plain to be seen. I've done ev
erything for you ; now you must take
right hold and go 011 without mc.
There'll be the cookin' to do and the
butter to make more thau you have
done, extra. But you can do it, if you
try. You'll have to, any way. Hayin's
over, and Mr. Dent 'll be goin' home
soou, so that'll be one less to proyide
Janet heard in silence. She gave
Mrs. Titus her valerian, and then went
away, and stood looking arouud the
"I'll have to do everything alone 1"
There was such a large family, and
so much work to be done, no wonder
little Janet shrauk ; but she never
thought of shirking. With breakfast
at five o'clock and supper dishes to be
washed at eight, she bad always had
enough to do ; but to undertake all the
active duties which Mrs. Titus had
been accustomed to perform, was al
most appalling.
Janet stood thinking how it was to
be done. She was such a little thing.
It took so many of ber armfuls to fill
the wood-boxes with hard and soft
wood. She must needs stand on a box
to work at the tubs on the wash-bench ;
and her arms grew so tired at the
churning. She had been trained to
great capability; but she was not
strong enough.
But there was no time for reflection.
There was supper to get for the four
farm-hands, Mrs. Titus' gruel to make
and carry up, the milk to strain, the
dishes to wash, the wood-boxes to fill,
and sponge to be set for bread.
Janet rushed for a pail of water.
Mr. Dent was at the well.
Mr. Miles Dent was the summer
boarder. He bad bought a mill privi
lege of Mrs. Titus and was building a
He was a handsome, very pleasant
man—as perfectly healthy people are
apt to le, and he was very large and
strong. In age he might have been
thirty, or thereabouts.
"Very old, indeed," Janet had pro
nounced him; and she always had been
a little afraid of him, his manners were
so nice, and be had such nice books in
his room.
Whether he was aware of her exist
ence or not, she was not quite sure.
But he seemed to see the hurrying,
anxious little creature now—for, say
ing, "My arms are the strongest," he
took the pail, filled it and carried it in
to the kitchen.
"Have your hands full, haven't you,
little one ?" he said pleasantly, glanc
ing about him. "Your shoulders bald
ly look strong enough for all this ba
king and brewing."
Janet smiled shyly—p'eased, surpris
ed ; but she was to abashed to more
than murmur some faint response, and
Mr. Dent went away.
But she felt cheered by the friendly
words of the big, brown-bearded man;
and though Mrs. Titus scolded her be
cause the gruel hadn't milk enough,
and she was obliged to go up and down
stairs three times before the lady was
served, she laid ber head-upon her pil
low more lightly than usual—all for
one kind word. Poor little Janet.
But evil days were too surely at
It made Mrs. Titus very cross to lie
in bed, inactive, and she could not give
up the oversight of the kitchen below.
A score of times a day she would
call Janet from her work to know what
she was at, and what she intended do
ing next. Countless orders issued from
her chamber.
These idiosyncracies added greatly
to Janet's fatigue,as she toiled through
the day, and she actually sobbed with
weariness one night,when she commen
ced to bring in the wood.
She was standing in the woodshed.
Suddenly she heard a step on the gravel
of the path in the yard.
It was Mr. lie had not gone.
He came swinging along in his shirt
sleeves, his linen duster over his arm.
How rich, and prosperous,and happy
lie was.
Janet did not desire to dispossess Mr.
Dent of his good-fortune, hut she
thought it hard that a little of the
brightness of life could not bo hers.
But when Mr. Dent came opposite
the shed-door, the happy light died out
of his pleasant gray eyes.
Well it might. Janet did not dream
what a pitiful sight her poor little tear
stained face was.
Mr. Dent spoke cheerily.
"All work and 110 play makes Jill a
dull girl, doesn't it ?" he said, taking
the basket from her band and in a mo
ment carrying it, loaded,into the kitch
en. "You have too much to do ; the
spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
When Mr. Dent had tilled the big
wood boxes so the covers would hardly
shut down, he said :
"My arms are strong, and they shall
be at your service while I stay here,
though it will be only a day or two
longer. I shall be quite at leisure to
morrow or next day, and you can call
on me whenever you like."
Much as Janet was pleased, she nev
er would have dreamed of taking the
gentleman at his word ; but the next
u.orning proved a rainy one, so that
Mr. Dent's chamber, being cold and no
lire lighted in the sitting room,he came
into the kitchen with his book and en
sconed himself in the great rocking
chair beside the stove. was the pleasantest day of Ja
net's life. Mi. Dent told her such fun
ny stories, and read so beautifully
from his great book ! and then he filled
the water-pails, and kept the fire burn
ing, and jumped up to lift the heavy
tubs for her, and sat down again to
keep the bread from burning, while she
carried Mrs. Titus' dinner up.
And while he was doing all this, Mr #
Dent was thiuking what a dear little
patient thing she was, and how pretti
ly the nut-brown hair curled over her
At night he filled the boxes with
wood, strained the milk, wound the
high clock and turned the cats out; and
all day he had a jest for every thing,and
a genial glance and a kind tone, that
turned darkness into light for Janet.
She sighed with happiness as she
went to sleep though Mrs. Titus' good
night word had been that "she was a
lazy,good for-nothing thing 1" and that
she "should be down stairs to-morrow
to see what Janet was up to."
The northeast storm continued, and
Mr. Dent was sitting by the fire again,
when Mrs.Titus limped into the kitch
en with a cane.
Now, Mr. Dent had just been chop
ping mince-meat, with Mrs. Titus'
gingham apron and milled cap on, and
had bfrely cast them aside,when the la
dy opened the door and ciuglit Janet
She might well have looked amazed,
for she never had seen Janet laughing
before. Now, why she probably could
not have told, but Mrs. Titus was very
much offended.
She waited uutil dinner was served,
and Janet had gone into the well-room
to cool the pudding then she began a
bitter tirade :
"Pretty business this is, giggling and
fooling your time away, and everything
to do 1 Mr. Dent's been reading poe
try to you, has he ? How much more
churning can you do when you listen to
poetry ? Have you baked that fruit
cake ? Well,l know it's made wrong !
Did you shut that sittin' hen off the
nest V I don't believe it. What's Mr.
Dent in the kitchen for, any way ?"
"For the fire, ma'am. The chambers
are so chilly. And I had so much to
do, and he was kind, and his arms were
strong," faltered poor little Janet.
"Umpli ! Been complaining to Mr.
Dent,have you, that you work so hard?
Whining, good-for-nothing creature 1
I wish I'd left you in the asylum. I
never thought of you turning out like
this—luring men into my kitchen when
I'm siCK in bed—"
"Stop, Mrs. Titus !" interposed Mr.
Dent's heavy voice. "Better not go
too far. Janet has told you all there is
to tell. I did think she worked too
hard. I felt kindly toward her. I have
a pair of strong arms which have help
ed her a little. Aud tiiey are still at
her service. They shall be hers for life
if she will. Little Janet, will you ac
cept me for a husband ? Many a
younger mau will not be as tender and
true a3 I, Janet. Will you come, little
one ?"
And Janet -she looked once with her
wide, innocent eyes into the strong,
geiule face, then went straight into
those extended arms, though Mrs. Ti
tus stood by sniffing the air in scorn.
"Well, I never 1" she exclaimed.
"To think of it 1"
Janet never was scolded again.
Those kind, strong arms have been a
bout her ever since. To-be-sure, she
was not educated for a gentleman's
wife, but Mr. Dent took her home to
the kindest of mothers and sisters,
whose influence and tact polished her
unobtrusive manners, and soon made
her the most elegant of womeu. The
toil-worn little hands are white as snow
now ; but, better than all, her heart is
the happiest that ever beat in a wife's
Wanted Sour-Krout.
'Did I ever tell you about the time
that 1 had the whole army laughing
at mo for asking for sour-krout in Ju
ly V asked Dr. , who wan Gen.
Jackson's corps surgeon, of 1110 one
day about a year ago, when we wore
waitiug for a train at a little station
down in Virginia. 'lt was after we
reached Chambersburg,Pa., when Lee
invaded the north. At that time,you
remember Hunter was in the valley
playing the mischiefs with everything
and Lee had determined that if he did
not stop that sort of thing ho would
get even on the first town of any im
portance that came in his way. Well,
wo heard something just before we
got to Cbambersburg that made Lee
very mad, and he thought that the
time for getting even had come. So
he sent an olticer or two into the town
to say that the town council must ex
pect to pay a considerable sum of mon
ey, or its equivalent, and they sent
back the answer that the members of
the council would meet a delegation of
officers within two hours or something
like that. Our army was in a terrible
state; the men wanted shoes, clothing
of every kind, provisions and medi
cines were wanted for thejhospital ser
vice. So I was sent to say what I
wanted, and to sec that 1 got it.
'After the officers had stated their
wants, I was called on to read my bil
of particulars. I wanted so much
quininof for the men were suffering
from malaria and various fevers that
required quinine, and I had none. I
wanted a great many other things,
and did not hesitate to ask for them
under the circumstances, and at the
end of my list I read out 'ten barrels
of sour krout.' In spite of the fact
that the members of that town coun
cil were not feeling very jolly, every
one of them burst out laughing as did
our officers. One little old man be
longing to the council got up, and
asked if I bad come there to make fun
of them. 1 replied that nothing was
farther from my attention ; that the
soldiers needed acids very much, and
if they did not have any sour krout in
town I would take lemons or good
pickels. Then the testy little man
wanted to know where I was raised.
I told him I was horn in Virginia and
that I had spent the most of my life
in the state, but that I did not see
what that had to do with the sour
krout. 'Did you ever make any krout?'
he asked. I confessed that I had nev
er been guilty of making any of the
stuff, and that I did not remember
that I had ever seen any of it, but
that I had heard we were among the
Pennsylvania Dutch, and I thought
they would have sour krout if they
had anything. The little man put a
bout two years disgust into his face
and said : 'lf you had ever seen any
krout you would not be asking for it
in July. I thought everybody knew
that it don't.never get ripe until late
in the fall.' I did not hear the last of
that sour krout for more than six
months. The story seemed to get all
over the south; every new man that I
saw me for the next six month wanted
to know if I had any sour krout late
ly. >.— 67* icago Times.
A Curious Petition.
A petition has just been presented to
the French chamber of deputies to
which, it is safe to say, no parallel is to
be found in the parliamentary records
of any country. The petition asks the
chamber to provide him with a new
face to replace the one he lias lost. The
request is odd enough as it stands ; but
its oddity is, If possible, still further
enchanced by the fact that the face
which he has lost was not his own. Ex
artilleryman Moreau, the petitioner in
question is undoubtedly one of the
most severely aifiicted of the many vic
tims of the Franco Prussian war. A
shell burst immediately in front4>f him
at the battle of Bapaume carrying a
way the entire surface of his face. Cas
ualties of the sort are doubtless com
mon in war; the pecu'iarity in Moreau's
case is that he survived the terrible mu
tilation. A grateful country provided
him with an artificial face or' mask
which partly hid the deformity. But
his troubles were not over. He was at
tacked with brain fever the other day
sent to a military hospital. In one of
his struggles with the attendants his
artificial face and teeth got so badly
! damaged that they have been almost
useless to him ever since. The cham
ber certainly owes tbe best face that is
to be had for money to this gallant de
enderof his country. James Gazette.
JULY 23., 1885.
A Man as Strong as an Ox.
Louisville comes to the front again
with the strongest man in the country.
Ilis name is John Bernhardt,but he re
sembles the divine Sarah in name only,
though he is a native of Alsace, in the
south of France. Bernhardt is a new
comer to Louisville and is employed n
the foundry department of a down town
factory, where his feats of strength are
daily exhibited to the astonishment of
his fellow-laborers. lie is twenty- sev
en years old, six feet four inches high
and weighs 256 pounds, and witli 110
surplus flesh, lie is not fat, but is the
finest sjiecimen of muscular manhood
seen here for a long time. A "Post"
reporter called in to see him and bad a
short interview with the brawny
Frenchman. lie is of magnificent
build,straight as an Indian. His chest
is broad and deep and lus cheek and
chin bones indicate great strength; but
his arms are wonderful, and around the
biceps they measure seventeen inches.
His hands look like bacon hams. His
skin is smooth and red, though he nev
er drinks a drop of intoxicating liquor
of any kind whatever and was never
drunk in his life.
He gave Jthe reporter a few exhibi
tions of bis strength. Taking a piece
of iron, which was afterward found to
weigh forty-three pounds, Bernhardt
held it horizontally at arm's length for
several minutes. He then raised a huge
piece of block iron from the ground and
placed it upon the scales. It pulled
eight hundred and sixty-four pounds.
Taking a piece of bar iron two inches
wide and one inch thick, and,placing it
against his knees,he bent it double eas
ily. He took hold of a forty-two-gallon
barrel of water, and balancing himself
against a post, he went through the
motion of drinking out of the bting
liole. He took a piece of seasoned oak,
about the size of a wagon spoke, and
broke it with his hands. He did vari
ous other wonderful things which dem
onstrated the possession of most extra
ordinary strength.
Bernhardt says he was never in the
prize-ring, but says lie is not afraid to
meet John L. Sulliyan or any other
man. He professes to lie able to fell an
ox with his bare fist and often killed
hogs in that manner while employee* in
a Chicago pork-packing establishment.
His hands are as hard as wood, and a
stroke from one of them would not dif
fer from a stroke of a ma'lct.—Louis
ville Eveniny Post.
Off on a Tour.
'Hi ! Hi!' yelled a boy in an alley
off Clifford street yesterday.
A second boy, who stood on the
crosswalk, mendered down and asked
what was wanted.
'Put your eye to this knot-hole and
tell me what you see.'
'Nuthin' but a man sittin' out in
the back yard.'
'Don'tyou read the papers?'
' 'Course I do.'
'Didn't you sec in the papers three
or four days ago that this fellow got
married ? Name's Johu Blank.'
'Oh, yes."
'And it is said that the happy coup
le had started on a bridal tour to
'Just went as far as Chicago, and
headed back fur home. Got here in
the night, and walked up to the house
to escape observation. The happy
couple has got to put in about ten
days around here with the front door
locked and the curtains down, and
some morning you'll sec a great stir
aud learn that they have just ar
rived after an enjoyable trip. Say,
Jim !'
'Don't get married.'
'Never !'
'lf you ever do, don't try to Oma
ha the,public.'
'/ won't.'
' 'Cause truth is mighty and must
prevail, and deception must sooner or
later go to grass'. Detroit Free
"That's Sarah Every Time-"
An old man would not believe that
he could hear his wife talk a distance
of five miles by telephone. His better
half was in a country store several
miles away, where there was a tele
phone, and the skeptic was also in a
place where there was a similar instru
ment, and on being told how to operate
it, he walked up and shouted :
"Hello, Sarah !"
At that iustant lightniug struck the
telephone wire and knocked the man
down, and as he scrambled to his feet,
. he excitedly cried ;
"That's Sarah, every time !"
Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance.
The Contents of Her Bustle.
Clara Belle relates the following in a
letter to the Cincinnati Enquirer : "I
went to church last Sunday with just
the most sensitively devout girl that
breathes the air of thU. sphere, whence
she will arise to the azures and delights
of Heaven. She is truly fashionable,
too, and her summer costume was a
dream of beauty. She ought to haye
been spirituallyjcomposed and religious
ly happy, but I plainly saw,as I watch
ed lmrthrough the services, that she
was ill at ease."
" 'What's the matter, dear ?' I whis
pered .
414 1 can't imagine,' she said sadly ;
'but somehow or other I ara getting no
consolation from the exercises. The
rector is as enchanting as ever, the
weather is perfect,my own religious ex
perience was comforting, up to the
time I sat in this pew. lam positively
miserable in my mind. Some occult
influence is at work, I'm sure.'
"After we got home and were disrob
ing to dress anew for dinner, a sudden
exclamation from my friend airested
my attention.
" 'Clara, Oh, Clara !' she cried, 'l've
solved the mystery. Look here,' and
she wiped out a copy of the Police Go
zcltc from her bustle. 'That's some of
Brother Jack's horrid literature. How
blind I must have been ! lam so care
ful always, pretty nearly, to select t lie
Christian Union to put into my bustle
when lam going to church. Then I
seem, somehow, to get an ease of soul
from the services that is due, in some
degree, to what lam sitting on. But
to rest on a Police Gazette ! No won
der the religious exercises went for
worse than nothing !' "
Sometimes it Does Work That Way.
Only two short years ago, just a
bout this time of day,Jobn Austin Ol
iver graduated from a famous college
in a blaze and bustle of bouquets and a
speech that exhausted all the longdis
tance words in the dictionary. One
week later he cheeked his way into
the editorial department of a daily pa
per and had the sublime freshness to
ask for a position on the staff. Where
is the ambitious collegian to-day ?
And what is he doing ? Driving a
dray ? Whacking steers on a Texas
ranch ? Washing rollers in the press
room ? Well, hardly. He got the
place he asked for, stuck to his work
like a leech, made his department of
the paper hum, and to-day he is man
aging]editor, engaged to the proprie
tor's daughter and is going to Europe
for a five month's vacation. Oh, no,
.my son ; the college graduate doesn't
always have to clerk for a hod carrier.
After Mad Dogs-
A few days ago there was something
of a mad-dog excitement in the lower
end of Illinois. Some one had seen a
mad dog, or heard that one was loose,
and farmers loaded their guns and kept
an eye peeled to windwaid. One of
this class bad just given employment
to a young man from Detroit—a young
man who was supposed to be running
into consumption. This young man
took a deep interest in the mad dog
business, and didn't need to be warned
that he was expected to make a hero of
himselt if opportunity offered.
One day, when the excitement was
pitched at tne highest peg, the faimer
above referred to started for Detroit with
his team, taking ) is family of five, and
leaving the consumptive young man to
run the farm and kill the mad dogs.
The farmer, however, insisted upon
taking the gun along for his own pro
tection, and this turned out to be a bad
move. There were two old bear-trpps
hanging up in the barn, and the con
sumptive young man got them down,
cleaned up the springs, and set them
just outside the gate, remarking to
himself that he didn't propose to die of
hydrophobia without making a fight
for it.
The traps remained there all day
yawning and hungering and aching for
mad dogs, and soon after dusk the
farmer returned. As he drove up to
unload the family one of the horses put
a toot into one of the traps,and business
begau to p'ck right up from that very
second. The team reared and plunged
and kicked about, and finally started
off on a run which didn't end until a
toll-gate brought 'em up with a crash.
The wagon was demolished, one horse
hurt, and some of the children badly
bobbed about, while it took two men
half an hour to get that trap off the
horse's leg.
When the farmer finally reached
home it was night. The wind was
wailing mournfully. Dark clouds scud
ded across the sky. It wa3 just the
night a farmer would select of all oth
ers for taking an idiot by the ear, lead
ing him out behind the hog-pen, and
then and there stab him repeatedly and
fatally with a plow-point.
NO. 28.
N ifino . ■
If milJscrtlwrH orfler the. dHconttftninttmi <M
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Origin of "Hail Columbia/' i
In 1798 "Hail Columbia," appeared*
[Q the conflict between the Federalist*
and the Republicans, music was mad™
to take a part. The Republican!, all
the theatre called for "Ca ira," or thffl
"Marscllafse." The Federals wanted!
the "President's March," I 'Yankee!
Doodle," or "Stony Point." Feeling!
ran high. While the factions wrang-l
led the benefit night of a" favorite actor!
drew near. No man knew better than!
he how to profit by the popular will, I
and at no time in the whole course of!
his life, had he so fine a chance of I
profit ing by the popular will been offer-!
Ed him. Politics ruled the hour. The I
city was full of excited Federalists,who!
packed the theatre night after night for!
no other purpose than to shout them!
selves hoarse over the "President's!
March." He determined to make use of!
this fact. He would take the march, I
find some one to write a few patriotic I
stanzas to suit, and on the night of his!
benefit sing them to the house. Some I
Federalists were consulted, were pleas-1
ed with the idea, and named Joseph!
Hopkingon as the man best fitted! to 1
write the words. He consented, and!
in a few hour* "Hail Columbia" was!
produced. The night of the benefit!
was Wednesday, the 25th of April, and!
the Gazette announced that the perfor-1
manco would comprise a comedy called I
"The'ltalian Monk," the comic opera I
of "Rosina," "More Sack," an epl
logue on the character of Sir John Fal-I
staff, and an entire new song (written I
by a citizen of Philadelphia,) to the I
tune of the "President's March," will I
be sung by Mr. Fox, accompanied by I
the full band and a grand chorus
"Firm united let us be.
Rallying around our liberty ;
As a band of brothers joined.
Peace and safety we shall find.
"Long before the curtain roae the I
house was too small to hold the tbous* 1
ands who clamored to be let in. Those 1
who got in were too excited to wait I
quietly for the song. At last the comedy I
ended, and Mr. Fox appeared updn the 1
stage. Every line was loudly applaud- I
ed, the whole house joined in the chor- I
us, and, when the verse, 'Behold the 1
chief who now commands' was reached 1
the audience rose to its feet and cheer- I
ed till tne building shook to its founda- I
tions. Four times the song was encor- I
ed, was demanded again at the eod of
the pantomime, and again at the close I
of the play. A few called for"Ca ira," I
but were quickly put down. The I
word of "Hail Columbia" were printed I
in full in the newspapers of the follow* I
ing day. The Gazette hoped that every I
lady in the city would practice the mil- 1
sic, learn the words, and sing them at 1
the next repetition ; then perhaps the I
two or three French-Americans who I
remained might feel the charms of pa- I
triotism and join in the chdrus of the I
Have a Purpose.
Young man have a purpose in your
heart. Now. what is your purpose in
life ? Is it that, under all circumstan
ces, you will do what you think is
right ? Or is it to become rich at the
expanse of principle and right ? The
first purpose you should have is to care
for yourself. Young men nowadays
don't; and when the body is wrecked,
they hobble through life,making every
body about them miserable. Find out
what diet best agrees with you, and ad
here to it. Daniel began by abstaining
from wine. This would be a good start
for you, young man.
Next, take care of your intellect.
Study, if you have intellect—there are
some young men who don't know
whether or not they haye any intellect
—improve it. Many hard-working men
have acquired profound educations by
being studious during small intervals
of leisure. Get an hour a day if you
can get no more. Deyote half of it to
study of the Bible, and deride the re
maining thirty minutes, say between
astronomy, botany and geology. Do
this one year, and you will be surprised
at what you haye accomplished.
Then take care of your manners. The
manners of Americans are degenerat
ing. There was a time when a young
man would not offend a lady by puffing
cigar smoke into her face. Now I see
it done on the street-cars every day.
Imitate the sweetness and gentleness of
Daniel. Be .'affable, suave, courteous
and kind. Neyer uttear a thoughtless
word that will pain. Start in life with
the principl|: "I'll be a gentleman,
come what will."
—Deininger's Ready Reference Tax
Receipt Book ts growing in public fa*
vor. Customers frdm a distance are
beginning to call for it. It is an ad
mitted necessity for every tax-payer
who does his business in a practical
manner. It to last for ten
years and sells at the low price of 40
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