Hints About Winter Figs. The farmer who ia this year making his first experiment tn raising winter pigs, would do well to bear in mind, that in his zeal to make h s brood sow per.s snug and cosy, he is eyery whit as likely to overrun the mark, as the re verse. rlis anxiety to have everything as warm and comfortable as possible, will be .very apt to lead him to close all means of ventilation, to exclude eyen a proper amount of light, or to give the little strangers no chance whatever for exercise. Then he will probably be as tonished to find that his pigs, though seemingly heathy and thriving, sud denly begin to die off. It is not from being lain upon, evidently ; it surely can not be from starvation ; and cold is out of the question. There is no ap parent cause to his raihd for this start ling mortality ; and yet the explana tion is simple enough, viz., vitiated at mosphere, and lack of exercise. Farm animals are • riot so widely different from human beings In tlieir physical requirements, as many are inclined to think. "It's only for the hogs," is an argument that appeals only to the un enlightened. Make your pens as warm and tight as you please, but, for pork and profit's sake,give them decent ven tilation and plenty of light. Give your young pigs a chance to run about, and stretch themselves, too. If your pens are in a piggery, let there be a small opening into another and larger pen.where the pigs can scamper around and pick up a little extra feed, thrown in from time to time ; or if they aio in your barn, make an opening through which your pigs can get out to the barn floor, and loot about among the grass seeds. In either case, it is a good plan to have small, hinged doors, opening outward (to the south, if possible), which yon can opeu on sunny days, and let your pigs out for a run in the open. Keep them in close confinement, and failuie is certain. You can no more expect to raise winter pigs successfully, in a small, stuffy pen, than you can hope to grow Jacqueminot roses in your eellar.— L. C. MILLER i>\ Ameri can Agriculturist for July. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a siek child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? if so, send at once and tret a bottle of Mm*. WINDOW'S SOOTIUNO SYIU'P eon CHII.V:U:N TKRTUING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon if, mothers, there is no mistake about it. I* cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the sums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whoie system. Mas WISSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYBCP KOU CHH.DKKN TEETHING is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physiei tns in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Must be Enforced. [Arkansaw Traveller.] Abraham Stockton, who, during'many years lived in the southern part of Ar kansas.was,in honor to his great learn ing and also to the fact that he had once killed a mad dog, elected justice of the peace. The people were very anxious to see a case taken before the old man, for every man knew that Stockton's opinion would be one which the supreme court could not reverse. The opportunity came. A man named Eckford sued Mr. Chesley. The litiga tion grew out of a dispute concerning the ownership of a lot of sheep. A ju ry was impaneled,the evidence was tak en, and the lawyers made their speech es. The verdict of the jury declared that the sheep should be eqnal'y divid ed. Before discharging the jury the magistrate said : 'Gentlemen, you've did your duty,but you ain't made no proyisions fur the cost in this thing. The constitution of the United states says that, when jury men make such an oversight, the judge shall take the matter into his own hands. Gentlemen, I'll charge you S2 apiece. I have heard a heap o' people talk about the judge's charge to the ju ry, an' I reckou some o' you will talk about this one, hut if you say anything outen the way I'll whale the whole kit an' bilin' o' yer.' 'Your honor,' said a lawyer, 'you can't make the jury pay—' 'Can't I V Wall, now, it's funny if we don't. They don't git a bite to eat till the thing's settled. Boys, git your pops an* keep your eyes on the jury. The *aws of this state have got to be enforced.' "D H. MUSSEB, ' JEWELER, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. All work neatly and promptly Exe cuted. Shop on Main Street, Millheim, Pa. "pEABODY HOTEL, 9th St.South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms from 50ct8 to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W PAINE, M. D., 46-ly Owner <& Proprietor. JRVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODS^ALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel ers on first floor. GUNS! a TINS, TiREKCH LOADERS, from SI.OO for a single shot gun, up to SIO.OO. DOUBLE 11. L. SHOT OUXS, from $13.0(1 for a good serviceable gun, to $35.00 for something extra. DEVOLVE US, from SI.OO up to SIO.OO. 117.Y(7/ ES TEE EI EL ES, Model '73. Central Firo $17.00 '7O, •• •• twenty eight inch barrel SIB.OO Muzzle loading shot ijtns from $'2.50 for a single gun,s*>.;"o for a double gun. FisTTixtPr AOKT. I !: SETXETS. 7 (loops, *1.50, 8 Hoop**'-.-"'. THROW XK7S, 31.,' feet *'koo. FIXE JAPA X KSE It A MM)() P( >LES. for 20 ets. each. JOIXTKD (:!) HODS, 25 ets. A fine asortmenl of LIXES from l cent to *l. Also an immense assortment of //OOA'.V,loose and studied. Fine I tods, Fish in'J Busk els, Tenders, Flics,, Irlijieinl Bait Ferrules, Beds, o up to *IO.OO. Also FLUTES. PICOLOS. QLAEIOXETS and EI FES at astonishing lew rales. Violin and Guitar Strings from 5 ets. for good ordinary E, to 15 ets. for Hue Silk K. lianjo Strintfs, best, 10 ets. each. /Juss Viol and CWIo Strtw/s. ■WMy line of strings cannot IHS excelled in this State, for Price and Quality. Orders by mail receive prompt atten tion. DJ^Kcpairing of line (Inns a specialty. Til EG DO UK PES UN Elf, Prop. (treat Central (tun Works, lVilefonip, Fa. 49-Scnd for Price List and illustrated eata logue, containing Game Laws of Pennsylvania free. Musser House. Millheim, ------ Fenna. -sunm;K kesoht: : Two miles from Cobuni Station on L. & T. R. R. TTline Trout Fishing and Hunting within sight J of town. Healthy hicalily and line moan tain sceneries. The celebrated I'KNN's VAL LEY CAVES but live miles distant. The J finest drives in the si ate. FINK SADDLE HORSES, CARPI AG US'AND BUGGIES for the use of summer boarders. Double ad Smile Rooms. newly fnrnisited. for famlles with children, on secona and third floors. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. 16-1 v Millheim, Centre Co., Pa. ELIAS LUSE&SONT —PBOrUIETOHS OF TIIE— MILLHEIM PLANING MILL, east of the new Ey. church, Penn *t., Illillheim, Pa. Contractors, - Builders, —AND M.VNUFACTCREKB OF Doors, Sash, Shutters, Blinds, Brackets, Flooring All kinds of Siding. | EKANDAS A Havingonr'own planing inill.it will be to the advantage of those intending to builu to con sult us. made on all kinds of buildings. Plans and Specifications furnished on application, with est imates of cost. 18 ly CASH STORE ! The MOST goods for the LEAST money G. A. HARTER'S GBOCI!RY, JVo- 32 Main Street, Millheim, Pa. Headquarters for Gro ceries, Provisions, Con fectioneries. Tobacco and Cigars, &c. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AT THE HIGHEST HOME MARKET PRICES. jjegT 3 Remember we do a strict cash business and sell at close margins. 13 WEEKS. The FOLICE GAZETTE will be mailed,securely wrapped,to any address in ths United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmas ters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to. RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, N. Y r Musser Brothers' ROLLER RINK. - . i M*. -1 The proprietors respectfully inlorm the public that their -zriistk:- Corner of Penn and Mill Streets, Millheim, Pa. is open every Wedm sduv and >aturda> even lug, andKaturday afternoons. (Size of Rink w. a sal put runs will always find now and strong skates < u hand. General amission 5 cents. Dsn of sMes.for 3 hours' session, 13 " Ladies t-3n. * I THE WESTI \& - - MB I i J_v L A>' - ? r j ; buck 3HOS' i cmr faILLF •/ FAMILY GROUPED AND CHILDREN —TAKEN BY THE— IXST.WTWIMS riIOCESS ! Work Done by RAiNOKSK!; We furnish everything in our line trom a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. Picturse copied and en larged in the best style. £FRAMES> can bo pro cured at our place on slioit notice Remomb r—our prices are] down so as to suit every purse. [ (lallerv on North St., Millheim, Pa. | ' i A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stock in the county ft 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, TIIE ISOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothiug. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. &OAA / W \l \ in friven away. Send IS /I II I ( It II |us 5 cents postage, and by M f,\J\ M /, llail vou xvl „ get fr< , e ;l p;ick . ago of goods of largo value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America. All a bout the *2oo,htio in presents with each box. A gents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all tne time, or spare time only, to work for ns at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers ab solutely assured. Don't delay. 11. IIALLKTT & Co., Portland, Maine. A lIIC nillP f To introduce them IlllJl llr Fllili J we are going to Give Away I,y c inpetri.t I .1 r i 1 The gt-AKKB j j but rut 'y claad great hn< , : i i jii rj 1 . irn; < very bcit imported co i •! t'.:> t\ a of (he grocer, tho tables : i : . ; : 1 i > i ''• r< t* tho rich and n -or i i, r. : t i lish) I 1 y all on i unt i i, v. ma, taste, strength ] 1 ' . e 1;:.. i ly yoais of S l t , t •. •Os • .-fined in tho aro -1 .r.t.c ■ 1 t'hina. ml as ... it ■>, { nuinfc Jamaica ginger, ..a j ( i i ..i ns Lnown tj most ; lico i sect < ill d to combine 4 ■ a | si a 1 •• I firm ca W now .. i . '.j i.. :t . at. I i > invigorating as *of stomach bit tors. Ly num. ; •.tee U no, l.cavy import tiuticn 1 ■ ■ \ ,i, v.\ I it n Bold at a low: r ..t.f •. v : > u abir.f a better profit on •> tk ■' < 'inrt'.mcr cheaper .. v v ! • l art clo hardly equal . , f ■ r. lo t keep it. writ# ; .. . riot i.itt. Soldlnb ttlas or by tho gallon. C'UP'I HU NLFACTURING CO., , I V.V l'r< ;>ri'( rs and Manufacturer?, 1j •% 10b *-• * • bit) tSti Lolils) sxo TIE MOST PETiITOT SWEEPER MAKL A;. ■. t! ; a t^Sc II s 11 scUL .■" , ■ TIIE STANDARD SWEETER. UNRIVALED FOR OaAUTY, Strength and light rnnning; jjorforms Its labor easily and n ncelossly, Tho Hrush is easily adjusted to all grades of carpet. Tho manner of discharging tho dnst is superior to all others. ASK FOB IT AND BUY NO OTHER. for Sitic by nil Dealers, manufactured by Tho Gosh lioopor d Wringer GOSHEN, IND. ! (mproveii Western Washer |IUC£:. Ko. 1 for family or fi $$ No- 2 for large family 9 No. 9 for Hotel and Laundry, .... 10 Over 30,000 tit use, ' I'VTvlaU >r .'i*Vrra Thotxsands of ladies are ttsing it, and theyepftak of it in tho highest terms, saying that they wonld rather dispense with any other household article, than this excellent Washer. No well-regulated family will bo without it, as it saves the clothes, fiaves labor, saves time, saves fuel, saves soap, and makes washday no longer a dread, but rather • pleasant recreation, as much as such is possible, lIOItTON M'F'G CO., Agents "Wanted. Ft, WftJM, liitl. - / /H'- 1 i, 5. tJtrVTtr'S r-'fcP;? Doony,andnumerous rACIUiIiJCi. V 'j I J[ fl jwsicinns, resnlfc froru f*v a m VivcO ty J youthful indiscretion, Jh.A.JRIE&Ai-i V ff lo ° free indulgence, oc ... V.y over brain work, avcw \:ir% A-Vn \ (S irrcitho Impoeitwnoj prrdc.V" V i. yAstiou# remedies tor theso -h J-"' I trcublcs. Oct our ITcj A RADICAL CunS Fi Y>, Circular and Trial Pack v •' ?•', and learn importan] .Xi.ovL'Mi , ■: before takingtrcut merit cl 'where. Tak" a O r 1-1. . C.-M I.A RUMCUVthfttIIAO llffif, 1,1 V/p- .-n-\rt > -'.\ICUVMD thourar.'is, docs igaiiib It lu&hbjj. ~;v ♦ 111 rflrc with atten b • Vf*&V. 'f - d tivii to business, or cau..a . g air. .is , 'r ni'ior Inconvenience in fa? 'Zi£C&3? 9 .r'Lny vay. dou i ... r rti i• iselcutif . m al prlncl-* trA punpr.fe wucialeifißßimßy dlrtctsppaeaii Cl "oil. fr. to the scat ot'ilicearc i'd i* "• 'rp".ifo influence ia felt fFSTCD FOn SCVEM L'{J>Jwit!ioiit delay. Thcoat kfeAVfOß/usrif.'MANYVjf'-" ;r :l functionaoi the hu -1 ncuViNC f)A?sr :> > .d.* inaiioi'gr.ni. mlsres.ored. i prft'The giumntinw clementa tTT.ir /) d'fc, wliich i.aro b—:i . ijif'-i I- Zb >IJUITI7\ F/fiVjV.-nri. lore given back.and O.ioHcnth, - s3.ooSy3stlieputientbcc n 3PS f UREO PERSONS I Not a Truss, v>' y Al{ for termH (.four Ariplinnca. wV.dLJ GIV2I B working people. Send 10 Ba H f'*ent.s postage, and we will innil BB BcalaiH you free, a royal, valuable sam plofcoxol goods that Will put you in the way of making more mo ey in a lew nays than you over thought possilile at any bus iness. Capital not required. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or ail tho lime. All of both sexes, of all agfs. grandly successful. 50 cents to *"> easily earned every evening. That all who want ork nu.y test the business.we make this uuparralleled oiler • to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to nay for the trouble n f writ in u us. Full particu lars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutelysurerorallwhostart at once. Don't dc ay.AddressStinson & Co., Portland, Maine. 3mm j P. V'?s irv :f\" jim , ' h*Kf uh. v fb * ® v.J> tog ViSstiUißsls:..',! Bj. Kit rjs p ur r. p, w K, n w$P Fa J.] fei la 1 ik 1 SI. |.j, For the cm-oof | ConsaaKrn, Ccldi, Catarrh, & Craap,Hoar:: r tTtC'ior*?.. ' ~ T.rorcMtl-: | ti- • ,|;! ■ iri i - i v... ,v j i ' •]i* 'ik 1. 0011- i iii;u.. 11. •L. t' rt '. r. hbr.t !';> r ' . q g . is r..-t iavumUH i •; .r!y of.-a le 1 to.- S m At in • an.: ijt it A but a flight Irrita- C® t'.. uofth • la. :al e.iwlii iu rci* the Lungs; * llu-ii uu I.i iouuiil vlt i ib, i c.-.jrli It rather J?* 'ry.b vor.Rnd tho pal 'tn.'.rc frequent,the Eg I O liaeks flakhatl mxl cl illli more common. Tide** j Elixir lu curing tho in vo com plaint*, oj>cr- m j Pi;' itn >;. q, r,.ve r!l r.inrliltl lit-hii-HR j Lf* lioiiMntul linlnmntloii from tho Itii-gsßfl Jy'" to tho Bin fill o, r.n 1 finally evp 1 tlu-tn fnuu Mj Bh the aysteiu. Ilfi ilit iteS oxia-ctorallon. S J f , he ah tho ulcerated surfaces 9 u. 'iil i ! vcii tlr-ciin h mid niu! <"i tli - bn-atli' raj , : ,T 1 ifc ~"11'" ! *■' hirt Rt tin !£fl . in tij.to r.-hu ithofcvi Ills fret- Iron. jfaU Rj -.roii ;< , M-. 1 artiiiigct.t: , w l.lcharc R| i," 4of so \ lmc a nntnro rw to I• in prcttl ilauporo? fc<.< ' . {^2 |S uover dries <>r si qis the cough, but, by v! ing tho C'.r .K, r; ■.•.pa-lP'y, v.li i tl;.- CJUgli K MP if 4 . *3 i'yj Pfttapldct giving ; ill directions, free. fiA'*' iricv> ;ti K, 0 cis , and £ 1.00 ptr bottle. jJb SOLD EVERYNYIIERF. •" 7. yt*!: r 'M\ ?■ { 55®, Ii '-ps., Parllncton.Vt.^B .. . t For Sulr of XJ'IGFLMYEirS, Mailt tut <1 MuJitsonlug, Jo. TUTT'S PILLS /25 YEARS IN USE. i The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age I SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Losiof appetite, lluwela costive, l'ain la the head, with a dull sensation In the back part, Pain nndcr the shoulder blade, Fullness after eatlnt, with a dis inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with n feeling of having neglected some duty. Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Headache over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams. Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such C&3C9, one doso effects such a change of feeling as to astonish tho sufferer. They Increase the Appetite,and cauie the body to Take on Flesh,thuft the system is nourished, and by their Tonic Action on the Digestive Organs, Regular Stools are IJjoduced^Frici^loc^d^^gjiu^ TUTT'S HAIR DYE. GRAT Haib or Whiskkrs changed to a Glosst BLACK by a single application of this Dte. It imparts a natural color, acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of fit. Office. 44 Murray St.. New York* K*? 4 " r jfx Y NlchbrhT** Y~o mn" frcm tba best material Superior Ar-' t: ". i■' dry GooJ . that are moddls of strength Uuqsestiuned proof given of 1..- v u F :c r.zi '.ifactnrcrs of Curtis' i 1 i : ry f ..i:rr. Ilnscn's Fewer Ruttcr 1: -.!. *rl. <':*rt •Square lioxChurn, : ... DoyPeunr,An iI h-Til : fc wholesale xvhere wo I ,• ■ :i A n - :.t. ' All warranted exactly as r , rc. : 1. TWO (tOI.Ik FOLUTEEN SILVEB AM) FIMIT BRONZE MEDALS awarded for bu- COSIilSfl, GURUS & GREENE, Fort Atkinson, Wis. W.IKT AGENTS TO SELL / / ri " v. THS - ! STEAM V'. n and Women of pood character and intelHaenco. J .clu-iv o Territory Guaranteed. A weeks' trial ol n.ni. lt, Wuwhcr to be returned at, my expense if noi wit: actory. A thomuuid per cent, the best Washer in the world, and payscapsblo agents BIQ money. In t. * ru has it a pheuominul succc-severy. where. For Illustrated circular and terms of ssenoy address, J. WORTH, St, Louis, Mo. :"" • " fcl " l| &&!*&Jj tit - igSftl .- L fc# - t q !'. X t'/ll'-r -ft • . . • \ .K ,J .. . fct, r)iV I y? A —:V.'j l>, jr. j •• -;v ; i l( | l .. Sr: Falson's Forr? ri:v;r, \7stt.2'; ~:Ro:, fa f- ■ r lib:. O L .'.Loll, 1 ,'o ; i V.t . .1. : *o o* 1" ir l.ocr :i liven £2 1 Ptall ua y Tii}.':' •. SBM> l i :iin.-B / • t i mcr. lj.- t. roi J:S: 13.15 AM) 17 Y.T--T KTRILET. OSes: 211 hjßl-:? Ltrcct, CLRVELAUB, OHIO. RAINBOW RUPTURE R SV#£* Biu-plo, B:ife, reliable iiad n perfect retainer. It 18 not a Truss. Warn I>aj- and Night end its presence forgotten. Send for circulur with test i xuonials from grateful sufferers cured by this np tliance. Address Central Medical and Surgical astitute 920 Locust St., St. Louiß, Mo. Skillful treatment given till kinds of surgical Snd medical oases. Weakening diseases and pri vate troubles in male and female our specialty. Bo euro to write us before taking treatment elsewhere. Consultation free and invited. B? 3 Pi H ■RP# i kMake over 100 pet / A Q H&J B cent profit sell- I&mLIII I er. Dnrable, perfect in operation, and of grent domestic utility. Write for circular. f AMILY COFFEE ROASTER CO.. ST. LOUIS. MO. RWtttftHK 4T . < A beautiful work of 150 pages, Colored Plate, and sooo illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and ".WnL ' Vegetables, prices of Seeds aad Plants, and how to grow fA v/- • A V them. Printed in English and German. Price only 10 V./1 'A" , cents, which may be deducted from first order. JL It tells what you want for the garden, and how to get it tnstead of running to the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting with disappointment after weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE. 3 page, Colored Plate ( / /J J in every number, and many fine engravings. Price, fii.3s n year; Five Copies for i k \Jtr LiJ 1 Specimen numbers 10 cent* ; 3 trial copies 95 cents. We will send to any address r%' h. }* ■ Vitk's Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below * —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, $4.50; Harper's Monthly, £4.00; | •Jr St. Nicholas, #3 .50 ; Good Cheer, |i. 25 ; Illustrated Christian Weekly, #3.00; ®r Wide Awake ' oood Cheer, and Vick'n Magazine for $3.00. ~ VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, aio pages. Six Colored ffljPlates, nearly 1000 Engravings, 31.25. in elegant cloth covers. JAMES VICBL, Rochester, *. Y • ' ■ 1 ■ ———————n—— Everybody acknowledges that THE CUBA PEST AM) BEST PLACE if buy FURNITURE MikWOK'S STORE ON Perm street, Millheim, Pa. PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, LIBRARY, D INI NO ROOM A A ITCIIEN J- lit Nil URE LOUNGES, PATENT ROCKERS, RiPT TAN ,1 REEI) CHAIRS, all styles, TABLES, STANDS, BOOK CASES, WARDROBES, WHAT NOTS, BUREAUS, BED STEADS, SINKS, CUPBOARDS, CRADLES, MAT -7 RESSES, from the finest Ct tried huir to the cheapest Straw, a yreal variety of SPRING BEDS, ull styles, and everything in the furniture line, an hantl r % procured an short native Not undersold by any Store in the County. An extra lar-c stock of payer Hangings, Decorations. §c. Hive a call. W. T. JIfAUCK. J. 11. KURZENKNABE & SONS' MUSIC HOUSE. 1202 N. THIRD STREET. HARRISBURG, PA. j BAUS & CO'S Square, Grand Boudoir Gem & Orchestral Upright, Grand The best now made and endorsed by all eminent artists. (M JEM. €ST J&. MS The most beautiful and sweetest toned in the world Smaller Musical Instruments, Orgauettes, Musical Boxes, Musical Toys, &c. Sheet Music (including the popular 5 and 10 cent music) Mosio Books Strings, &c. CALL TO SEE US. Harry J. Kurzenknabe, Millheim, Fa. t Agent for Union and Centre Counties. MM&AEM MMBBLE WOBKS .A.. O. MUSSER, (SUCCESSOR TO DEININGER & MUSSER,) DEALER IN All kinds of Marble Work, sucn AS Moiiuments, Headstones, Tablets, Tombs, &e. ALL KINDS OF Granite Monuments and Headstones furnished at lowest prices. SHOP ON MAIN STREET\ EAST OF BRIDGE. P/iDUCDC IV k This SULKY PLOW wiih its patent Tkussed, &uspkx-• pllK IB I" M II la bion Sikel We eel and swinging beam is the most perfect ■ ■ ■ Implement of the kind in the world. "SWINGBEAM" SULET I THE BEAM can be fastened rigidly when desired, or Ulustrated below, also J| I J®" 4 ® ■*** "idowayß if it strike*.. avoiding breakage; also nice for turning corners without 4t Garden Cily Clipper" taking Plow out of the grownd. FLO W S, -wViriMt— SXMD FOB Cibculars p^- rS ' MT'6 CO.. tCc., etc. ?' SucceMor. to Furit k Bradl.y Mfg Co., or to our Biusca Houses: DAVID BRADLEY M*F*G CO., SL Loals, Mo. \ W\ y DAVID BRADLEY M'FV CO., Indianapolis, lad. V ~ J •\S DAVID BRADLEY A CO., Minneapolis. Minn. DAVID BRADLEY A CO., Council Blullh, la. BRADLEY, WHEELER A CO., Kansas CO- Ho. When the word Eatey or the npnnn Un t word Organ in mentioned, they IESTEV pLO . re|\ eaoh the other, so widely I grain euoroyiv known and so popular are the In '(I I \BL* / strumentY end the makers. ' r j.. •✓ * ,>• Bp , \ Five letters in each of the two J' J' A I m words are reminders of enjoyment | jWw JbJL " 1 21 multitudes of homes. Dlustra tSj CataloffU ° m