Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 16, 1885, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, JULY 16TH, 1885.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
AND still the "offensivo partisan"
has to go.
THE MERCURY iu New York city last
Thursday ran up to 96 degrees* Ten
persons died of the heat, and eleven
persons became sick.
THI CHOLERA in Spain is ragmg
fearftilly. On the 6th and 7th inst,
2800 persons were lying sick in that
kingdom and 980 died of the pest.
BENBOW, a new vessel of the British
navy, which has been launched lately,
carries guns that will throw shot
weighing 1800 pounds.
AMONG the bills lately passed by the
Pennsylvania Legislature is the one
forbidding the manufacture and sale
of the deadly toy pistol. The article
is but small but it bad become one of
the greatest nuisances out and fully
deserves the "bounce."
MRS. DUDLEY, the would be murder
ess of O'Donovan Rossa,in New York,
slipped clear on the popular insanity
dodge. The jurj brought in a ver
dict of "not guilty,"and it was recom
mended to have the notorious lady
put in an asylum. It is said that her
relatives petitioned to be allowed to
take her back with them to Englaud.
THAT the "general depression" in
industrial circles, does not make itself
felt in all localities, is proven by the
boom of the masons and bricklayers
in Chicago. As it seems, that city is
spending an immense lot of capital in
building projects, and while other la
borers must be glad to haye employ
ment at any wages, and many manu
facturers, merchants, etc., have hard
work to keep above water,the masons
and bricklayers in Chicago are all
busy everyday at from $4.00 to $6.00
per day and at headquarters of the
Union, demands have come in for sev
eral hundred more men. This is a
splendid opportunity for that class of
mechanics to save up for a rainy day.
THE TORIES, who at present have
hold of the government wheel in Eng
land, must enter the elections with a
popular programme, if they would be
successful Their conservative prin
ciples, to wit "upholding of the old
ways' 9 and "opposition to innova
tions" even if the latter are improve
ments on the old, do not with
the people's approval By observing
a strong foreign policy, which will se
cure the friendship of Germany, Aus
tria, Turkey and other nations, the
conservatives will stand the best
chance of victory in the elections. The
new ministry, however, seems to be
aware of the necessity of such a
course, and the liberals are becoming
alarmed at the strategims employed
by the conservatives in the coming
THE Republican State Convention,
at Harrisburg, on Wednesday, July
Bth,nominated Col. Wattbew Stanley
Quay, of Beaver county, for State
Treasurer. This is as most people
who keep posted in political affairs,ex
pected. The arrangements had all
been made in the well-known machine
style and it was with but little
trouble that the nomination of boss
Quay was accomplished. But as in
the memorable campaign of 1884
there is a dissatisfied and rebellious
element in republican ranks, repre
senting the better class of republicans
who do not expect to keep quiet in
the coming struggle aud should the
Democrats nominate a man who is in
all respects superior to Colonel Quay,
there is a probability of democratic
success. The platform of the conven
tion and the candidate nominated are
well suited together
Mr- Malcolm Hay Retires.
Ex-Congressman Stevenson, of Illi
nois, to Succeed Him.
WASHINGTON, July 3. Malcolm
Hay has tendered his resignation as
First Assistant Postmaster-General.
The President has accepted it to take
effect Monday July 6th, and appoint
ed Ex-Congressman Stevenson, of 111
inois, to succeed him. Mr. Hay has
made an efficient officer in spite of his
feeble health, but has found himself
unable to cope with the business of
his position, which is one of the most
exacting in the whole civil service. It
is the intention of Colonel Hay to
leave in a few days for Colorado or
Wyoming. Mr. Hay refused to re
ceive any compensation for the time
he was absent in Florida and turned
over the voucher which he received
for his salary for that time to the
Treasury department.
From ourltoffular Correspondent.
WASHINGTON, D. July 24, issr.
A million and three-quarters of dollars bo
longiiiß to the whole people of (he I'nKedSlntes,
Is the sum that has been sunk in the attempt to
hold an International Exposition at New Or
leans. The sum of money obtained from Con
gress In the tlrst Instance (a million of dollars)
was gotten by the most palpable and glaring st
ray of false pretenses that ever confronted that
body, and why, after this was discovered, Con
gress should have voted another six hundred
and fifty thousand dollars, Is past all compre
hension. The exposition is a dead failure, but
in the way of contributions to the landlords and
peanut-venders of the Crescent City, the con
cern has met with phenomenal sueaess.
The Commissioner of the General Land Otllee
has rendered a decision lately in which is the
emphatic avowal e# his determination to put an
end to the fraudulent entries of the public land
throughout the country, so far as the power of
accomplishing It Is vested in him. This decla
rat.on, in the face of the tremendous influences
that have been and will continue to be brought
to bear upon the local olllees, and Indeed the
General Laml Office Itself in favor of the rings
of land-grabbers, is an indication that Mr.
sparks means business in his future dealings
with these frauds and will enforce the laws a
gatnst all who attempt to override or evade its
provisions, either as to the Incipient step of ob
taining possession of the public lands or the
ultimate occupancy of it in securing the title to
an absolute pstent. PIIONO.
Miscellaneous News.
A Pure and reliable medicine—A
compound fluid extract of roots, leaves,
barks and berries is Burdockßlood Bit
ters. They cure all diseases of the
blood, liver and kidneys.
—A misstep will often make a crip
ple for life. A bottleot Henry & John
son's Arnica and Oil Liniment at band,
will not prevent the misstep, but used
immediately it will saye being a cripple.
A number of leading men of the Sal
yation Army in Plymouth, Pa., are in
jail because of their refusal to pay a
fine of $2 each and costs, imposed upon
them by the burgess for parading the
streets and making noisy demonstra
A buxom country girl rode into Car
lisle, Pa., the other day, wearing a
jaunty-looking hat of strictly domestic
manufacture. It was made wholly out
of oat straw and corn shucks tlmt grew
upon her father's farm, and was trim
med with-chicken feathers dyed in poke
berry juice and blue writing fluid. She
created a sensation.— riiihtda. Press.
The latest deyice for raising money
at church fairs is to hayc an "auction of
veiled beauties." Each lady will be
wrapped in a gossamer waterproof and
will carry a lunch basket filled. They
will be sold at auction to the highest
bidder and the purchaser will secure
the lady's company as a partner for the
eyening and will share in the contents
of the lunch basket.
The new rate of postage which went
into effect on the Ist inst., may not be
properly understood. It affects the
public only in this particular : Former
ly all letters weighing over half an
ounce required double postage of four
cents. Under the change a two-cent
stamp will carry a letter to any point
in the United States that does not
weigh more than an ounce.
LAY TIIEM AWAY —We mean the
horrible, nauseous worm-seed com
pounds called worm syruus and vermi
fuges ; many of them as worthless as
they are obnoxious. They have out-liv
ed their usefulness. People do not
want them since McDonald's Celebrat
ed Worm Powders,so easy and pleasant
to take, can be had from any dealer.
Everyone who has tried them say they
are the nicest and best vermifuges ever
discovered. The children take them
and never know a medicine is being ad
ministered. Any case of failure to
cause expulsion where worms exist the
money promptly refunded in every in
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
not generally known that a man wlio
refuses to pay for his newspaper can be
prosecuted like an ordinary criminal or
thief. A New York paper has begun
suit against several delinquent subsot ib
ers under the U. S. Postal Laws, which
say, "the taking of a newspaper and
the refusal to pay for the same lendeis
the person liable to a criminal prosecu
tion as a thief, and a person guilty of
the same can be punished as if he had
stolen the goods to the amount of sub
scription." Postmasters are also liable
for price of subscription for allowing
papers to accumulate in their offices
when subscribers have moved away or
refused to take them from the office.
Accident to a Farmer.
ALLENTOWN,JuIy 10.—Last evening
after the day's work in the harvest field
Peter Ilamerly proceeded to unhitch
the horses. lie had neglected to throw
the machine out of gear, and while he
was unhitching one of the horses the
other became restive and started lot
ward, pulling the reaper after him. Be
fore Mr. Ilamerly realized Ins danger
or had time to get out of the way the
quickly moving knife cut oft one of his
legs at the ankle. Mr. Ilamerly is one
of the best knowtt citizens of South
Whitehall and is about fifty years of
—ONE dose of McDonald's Great
Blood Purifier or Sarsaparillian Altera
tive is guaranteed to contain more al
terative properties, more truly remedial
power than three doses of any other
known alterative or blood purifier.
Many other blood remedies are good i
nough in their way, only that you are
compelled to buy a gallon of medicine
to get a pint of remedy ; the manufact
urers having sacrificed strength and
usefulness to palatability and profit.
McDonald's Blood Purifiei is put up in
seyenty-five cent bottles containing as
much as most dollar bottles of other
makes. Dissatisfied purchasers can
have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim,Pa,
Chronic Cat In nil. ,
w w
C. W. Mcllicr, of 4of> Soulh Fourth
street, St. Louis, is twenty years of age.
nnd has been ft sufferer from chronic
catarrh, which had become, epiite offen
sive. When he came to Dr. Hart man, t wo
months ago, he was told it would take six
months to cure him. But he has pro
gressed beyond nil expectations, and
nearly all signs of the disease have dis
appeared. Before being treated he could
not breathe out of the nose, and now he
lias perfect control of the nasal organ.
PER UN A did the business.
fames Dunn, of 1310 Gay street, St.
Louis, has suffered from catarrh since
IS7O. The gentleman told the reporter
the following straightforward story of
his case. "T took the disease in Mem
phis. It commenced in my head and
extended to my throat, and a bad cough
followed. I went to a number of phy
sicians, and they told me my trouble was
liver disease, and one said it was palpita
tion of the heart that caused the cough.
For the last year I have IKOII practically
worthless. \ could not ascend a llight of
stairs without suffering from shortness of
breath nnd fast beating of the heart, and
my appetite was very defective. After
eating I often coughed so hard that 1
would throw up everything in my stom
ach. I could not walk any distance with
out panting. Five weeks ago I went
under the care of Dr. llartman. and now
mv cough has disappeared nnd I feel like
a new man." PERUNA was his treat
Next came George Sauerbaum, residing
at 1929 Carr street, St. Louis, who is an
old patient of Dr. Hartman. He stated
that he had suffered most intensely from
chronic catarrh of the head and lungs, but
is now almost cured, his lungs being en
tirely well and his head greatly improved.
The gratitude of this gentleman was
almost boundless, and he expressed it to
the reporter in the strongest terms, say
ing " PERUNA will cure any disease."
I. P. Dukchart, of Cumberland, Md.,
superintendent B. & O. R. R. Co 's Hotels
(conductor on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail
road for twenty-eight years, and previous
ly a druggist), writes: " I)K. S. I>. HART
MAN & Co., Columbus, O. I have used
but one bottle of PERUNA between myself
and son. He had diptheretic sore throat,
and is now well. As for myself, it has en
tirely relieved the dullness in my head,
which has been of long standing—the re
suit of chronic malaria. I never took
anything in my life that gave me such
great satisfaction. My wile is now tak
ing it also."
—lf you are troubled with a 'hacking
cough,' Down's Elixir will give you re
lief at once. Warranted as recommend
ed or money refunded.
Two Distressing: Accidents.
Two Men Blinded by Powder and
One Man Killed by Lightning.
SELINSOROVE, Pa., July 12. —An ex
plosion occurred on Fruity in Siinon
Beaver's mine that resulted in blowing
out the eyes of an aged and experienced
miner from abroad, and also blinding a
son of Mr.Beaver,named Calvin. They
had been engaged in drilling out the
tampering of a long ago loaded blast
that they had tried to blast, but to no
effect, and while thusjengaged the pow
der ignited with this terrible result.
The mine is located probably four
miles north of tins place. Mr. Beaver
has been prospecting for coal, and is re
ported to have had a good outlook.
While a patty of workmen were en
gaged in cutting grain in a field near
Mount Pleasant Mills, a small village,
seven miles from here a thunder gust
arose, and some sought refuge under a
wheat shock, wnen a bolt of lightning
struck a man bv the name of Wenrich,
almost instantly killing him. Several
others were stunned by the stroke, but
will recover.
NEIGHBORS.— Mr. Levi Stahl, merch
ant and postmaster at Fostoria, Pa.,
writes :
'Mr. J. A- McDonald, Beedsvllle,Pa.
DEAR Slß.— Some tinm ago I had a
severe attack of chronic diarrhoea.
Could obtain no relief. A friend gave
me a part of a bottle of your Curtis'
Carmelite Cordial, and a few doses en
tirely cured me. The balance of tie
bottle went around among the neigh
bors. Since then I have written to
New York and Philadelphia for the
medicine but could net procure it. I
traced up the bottle we bad and found
it was purchased of Mr. Jacob Cowan,
merchant in A!toona,and from him ob
tained your address. Please forward
me one dozen bottles by express at once,
as I do not wish to be without it 111 my
family and wish to sell it i>; mv store.'
Single bottle Curtis' Carmelite Cor
dial guaranteed to cure any case chole
ra, dysentery, diarrhoea; cramps,pains,
and all irritation ot the bowels incident
to change of climate, diet or water.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, IV.
Eeterhazy's Scheme.
To Transfer 20,000 Hungarians
From Pennsylvania to Canada.
OTTAWA .July 12.—Count Eslcrliazy,
who had a satisfactory interview with
the Government in reference to coloniz
ing 20,000 Hungarians in the Northwest
territories, is the Hungarian nobleman
banished for participation in the revo
lution of 1848. Many Hungarians weie
exiled sit the same time and settled in
Pennsylvania, vvhe.e they worked in
coal ami iron mines. From time to
time others of t heir count ryinen joined
them until they have reached the num
ber stated. Lately their lot has been
embittered by inumeiable conflicts with
other nationalities, especially during
the recent coal and iron miners'strikes,
and a large majority of them having
been engaged in agricultural pursuits
previous to tiieir exile,have determined
to return to agriculture. The land
chosen is a tract of 200,000 actes, situ
ated within the Canada Pacific Railway
Count Eslerhazy proposed to the Gov
ernment. that an equivalent in Govern
ment laud elsewhere be given to the
Canadian Pacific Kailway for the desir
ed tract. They will pay their own way
to the nearest point on the Canadian
Pacific, which will transport them free
the remainder of the route. Those who
have 110 money wil 1 he supplied from a
common fund contributed by the richer
/. EC. 11. .'I!)I •/•;/.' riSEMKA'TS
(Faction NOTHT: —The iuuii>rsku"<l wishes
J to inform the public that he has with
drawn from Hi firm <>f hupp N Springer. deal
ers in m at, Mlllheni, l'a ,wh|<lt he lia>l entered
mi tin' v 'l li lust.. inul thetvfoie gives not ire
lie will not he held re ponsllde for any accounts
cuntiacted uiiticr 111" oKt flrin name.
-7- :t \y. j, bl'ltlNiiPnt.
VUMIMSTKATOIIS* N(>| l('K.—la tleis nf
admini'tration on the estate of t.'n am a
Krider, deceased, late ol |, i n to\Mislii|. <<n
Ire ( 0., I'u., ha\tug b en granted to the *ub
.serthei's, all persons Ind -ice i tn said estate are
hereby requested to IIMI.j iuumdiaie payment,
and all who have dating a-ern-t the • ine in
present litem 1 til/ aieln nl, al< d hy law, lor
settlement. N. t'. Kill In it.
Wolf's Store, June Id, i>. It. W'r witu.
1 ! "•
WANTKD. -several food oanvaseiw to sell
, an article which every tax-par r • '♦/.. and
wldeh one fourth of them will Imy it properly
presented and explained. No hnmhuu. hut an
article of practical value. Those who mean
business may call in pel son on the undersigned
—others need not apply.
it. <>. DKININGKK.
riiiululteniled !
T. MAIN, Proprietor of the
-First National Hotel,•>:-
MI M, I'A.
ivmhes to Inform the jnitdle that he keeps the
following liquors constantly on band and In
sures them all strictly pure, ami especially a
dapted for medical purposes:
llamiesvllle, Imported Holland,
Poughkoepsio, Loudon,
hush, win i:s :
Hung, Blackberry,
Louisville, Elderberry.
Kentucky. I'ort
it It AM> Y .s ; 11 lick le her ry,
l'latn, Catawba,
Ginger, Grape.
Blackberry, A pplcjarl.
Poach. JVcir Kmjhoui Jluni
Ac 1 " Theso liquors are all guaranteed lobe not
le .s than four years old ami can be strongly
receommetided as w holes que and healthy.
MALT I.HjUOUS. such as
LA GKKalw ays on draught, -- ; m
■♦ • ♦
Practical worker in Tin,
Sheet Iron, Copper,
fifeiT'Rcpairing done at short notice
by practical workmen.
Spouting-a Specialty
Shop on Main Sf.,oj>}>osifn A Ibri'jhC.*.
N. W. Eby,
Woodward, Pa.
Distiller of
The best article eonstantly Kept <>n hand and
guaranteed to l>c unadulterated.
The best liquor for Medical t'se.
Sold at the lowest cash prices. 2'Hy
An Efficient Remedy
In all cases of Bronchial and Pulmo
nary Affections is Avkr'B CHERRY
PECTORAL. AS such it is recognized and
prescribed by the medical profession, and
in many thousands of families, for tiro
{rast fortv years, it has been regarded as an
nvaluable household remedy. It is a
preparation that onlv requires to be taken
m verv small quantities, ami a few doses
of it administered in the early stages of a
cold or cough will effect a speedy euro,
and may, very possibly, save life. There
is no doubt whatever that
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Has preserved tho lives of great, numbers
of persons, by arresting the development of
Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia,
and Pulmonary Consumption, and by
the euro of those dangerous maladies. It
should be kept ready for uso in every
family where there are children, as it is a
medicine far superior to all others in tho
treatment of Croup, the alleviation of
Whooping Cough, and thecure of Colds
and Influenza, ailments peculiarly inci
dental to childhood and youth. Prompti
tude in dealing with all" diseases of this
class is of the utmost importance. The
loss of a singlp day may, In many cases,
entail fatal consequences. Do not waste
precious time in experimenting with
medicines of doubtful efficacy, while tho
malady is constantly gaining a deeper
hold, but take at ouce the speediest and
most certain to cure,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 1
Pr, fj, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
A thorough preparatory School for Boys. Con
ducted upon tlio tlltllarv plan. Boys of any
admitted. Send for catalogue, terms, etc.
L. C. BISHOP, Head Master, Reading, Pa.
Newspaper Advertising weau (10 Spruce
Street), where alver- Baßnesa
S &|!"°i;e m°ney than -at anything else
Mfc? & iti y .,taking an agency for the best
■ ■ H^ se 'hng book out. icginners succeed
grandly. None fail. Terms free.
IIALLKTT BOOK CO., Portland Maine. 1
Tliis elegant lot of goods was selected with great care and consists of the latest and most popular styles of
Bonnets, Hats, Trimmings, Ornaments, &c. Call and see for yourselves.
Spring Mills, Pa.
• • •
W. Li
The Light Running Piano
Harvester and Binder, Piano
Reaper raid Mower. McSherry
Grain Drill. Cultivators,
Hayrakcs, Corn Drills and
Planters. Plows. Spring Bar
rows, Land Rollers. Wagons,
Panning Mills,
ami in fact everything that a farmer needs.
-a agent ro::-
Engines, Port ible and Station
ary Threshing Machines.
with engines having -tpright orhorizont
:•) boi!< rs.
Clover Hullers. Saw Mills
ANI MAC 111 NK U V KKLoXG iN G T<) Til KM.
—1 will also handle—
fiipd r<speotfudy Invite Farmers to eome and
examine my stwk'and IK*convinced that I Inn
die iinuebut lirst class in lehineiy and am sell
ingchcupcrthan any one in Centre 00. I also
keep a full line of
Repairs on hand.
SntlNG MILL? 4 , PA.
Farmer's Mills, Pa.
The mill is now in complete miming order
an I prepared to exchaugo
Custom choplng will i>e done as heretofore.
Flour Feed
always on hand. The mill D fitted up with a
full and complete line of the celebrated A1.1.1S
BOLLS and has all the modern improvements
known in the toiler process.
The highest market price paid for
all kinds of grain.
A BFI U 1 Send six cents fo
MM W* M &■ P o9t;l ge, and receive
w\ I a costly box of
goods which will help
you to more money right away than anything
else in this world. All. of either sex, succeed
from first hour. The broad road to fortune o
p< as before tRe workers, absolutely sure. At
once address, Tkuk & Co., Augusta, Maine.
• ••••••••••••••••• •••••' IMM MMH HMM !•••• tflM* ♦ !••*••• **•••• HM **• *••••• •*•#
| | :
1 • ; • 1 '
I i • ' - V/ w . • j
i i
| j -# ' $4-*
j t "" J •* *- "" 1 " u " 'A 11 -1
Dress Parade of the Fair's Greatest
: i
at the
s i
OF j
| D. S. Kaufman & Co., (
i 1, #
Main street, Millheim, Pa.
: :
Next door west of Musscr's Hotel. . *
\ ' t
| . j
He cull (lw special al lent ion of our customerft to Hie fact that, a new : -
• SIOOOO stock of goods can he sold at more adeantageous figures than a j
I small stock- could at am/ time be offered.
I-I I j 4
Our stock of goods now is
New large, fine and cheap
and comprises anything handled in a first-class
j . i
| General Merchandise Establishment, j
from a pin to a heavy silk dress—from a collar to a fine dress suit.
: :
I ALWAYS ready to show goods
| ALWAYS one price
| ALWAYS satisfying our customers.
j i
(live us a FAIR trial and you will not regret it !
D. S. Kauffman & Co.
■ -
i i
n„ T A on.-nt, . v r G. . at " ~ PROVIDENCE, R. 1.. 10 Dexter St.
DK. J. A. SI I Lit MAN —Dear t rlend : lam sorry, Doctor, you have left Boston. Persons cou- *
tlnue to cone to my house to Inquire respectlug you. while manv others write me. Mauy who
left mo said they would surely seek your aid. Your success has' been wonderful, and I am quite
sure without a Parallel. Io my surprise my large Hernia appears to be perfectly healed. 1 did
not expect tat the age of 79. After receiving your treatmeut I was relieved from suffering which
was fast taking my lire. 1 have uo taea I should be living had you not taken my <wm in hand.
I weigh now l,u pounds, over thirty pounds more than then. I think you must receive a great a
mount of happiness from the relief given and gratitude rendered.
You owe it to my son In Boston, who has known many of your patients before and after heal
inc. that 1 applied to you. "Go," said he, "to Dr. tsherinan; he is doing wonders." 1 had failed
of help from a dozen others and doubted, but he would not let me rest till I weutT I bless the day
1 did so. It is to me a mystery, Doctor, that you have so wonderfully out-distanced all in your
profession. *
I hope your life will long be spared to relieve sufferers, and thus bless the world. Most affec
tionately and gratefully yours, , BEV. JOHN ALDLN.
The Rev. John Alien's case was quite as bad as Mr. James Corlew's, iu Dr. Sherman's illustra
ted book. 1 hose who value immunity from strangulated rupture, the injury trusses Inflict, and
the comforts of physical soundness should lose no time in securiug the benefits of Dr. Sherman's
treatment and remedies. His book, containing likenesses of bad cases before and after cure,
with evidence of his success and iudorseineuts from distinguished physicians, clergymen mer
chants, larmers, Diiglnoersand others, is expressed to those who send 10 cents. Dr. Sherman can
be consulted daily at his office, 20l Broadway, New York, except Thursdays and Fridays, when he
w ill be in Philadelphia office,3o2 Walnut Street. NOTE. —No operation or detention from business
Pat lents from a distance cau receive treatment and leave for home same day. 23
.Wllltieliii .Market,
Corrected very Wednesday
by Abs, I latter, grocer.
Wheat, old, 95
Corn SO
Kye 60
oats White SO
Buckwheat 50
"flour 4.00
Salt, per Brl 150'
Plaster, ground 9.00
Cement,per Bushel 45 to6o
Barley TO
Tymothyseed 1.25
Flaxseed 1.25
Cloversecd 6.05 i
Butter 12
Hams 14
Sides 8
Veal 4
Pork 9
Beei 5
! Buss ~.. it
j Potatoes 30
Lard 8
14 VI 4 ? Claims a specialty. Warrants I
kinds of LAND SCRIP bought and sola. SUS
PENSION cases attended to. Correspondence
solicited.-A. A. 'I hoinas.Attorney at l.nw
Kooui 4 5 St. loud lt d K, Washington
13 the most virulent form of blood-poison
ing. Less speedily fatal, but not less cer
tainly so, is the vitiation of the blood of
which the first symptoms are Pimples,
Sties, Boils, and Cutaneous Erup
tions. When the taint of Scrofula gives
warning of Its presence bv such indications,
no time should be lost In using AYER'S
SARSATAKILLA, the only perfect and reli
able medicine for the purification of the
I blood.
Is a foul corruption in the blood that rots
out nil the machinery of life. Nothing
will eradicate It from the system and pre
vent its transmission to offspring Dut
tion is also the only one that will cleanse
the blood of Mercurial poison and the
taint of Contagious Diseases, Impover
ished blood is productive of
A wretched condition indicated by Pallid
Skin, Flaccid Muscles, Shattered
Nerves, and 3Jelancholy. Its first
symptoms are Weakness, Languor,
Loss of Nerve Force, and Mental De
jection. Its course, unchecked, leads
inevitably to insanity or death. Women
frequently fuller from it. The only medi- '
cine that," wldie purifying the blood, en
riches it with new vitality, and invigorates
tlie whole system, is
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
' Dr. J. C. Ayer "?0., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists: Price $1;
Six bottles for $5.
Purify the Blood.
Sound. Refreshing Sleep.
!• That Tired. Weary Feeling.
Sick Headache.
GENTS:—! have been subject to Sick
Headache for years, and have tried, ia
i vain, many advertised remedies and sev
eral physicians, but all to no purpose. At
last I tried your J3. B. Bitters—without
much faith. 1 admit—but to-day I can
truly say, that after taking the third bottle
1 have not suffered from it. I recommend
it to all my friends; several have been
cured by it, My little grandson was per
manently cured ot Biliousness and Sick
Headache, which were so severe aa to
catise convulsions. They have all ceased
since he commenced the use of 8.8.8.
Orange, Luzerne County, Pi,
Acidulated S. C. Phosphate Rock is not a
complete manure—it is valuable for its soluble '
Phosphoric Acid only; and contains no Am
monia. It is often called " Soluble Bone/'
"Mineral Bone," "Fossil Bone," &c.
We are prepared to supply this article at the
lowest possible rate, and guarantee 12 to 14
per cent. Available Phosphoric Add.
nu* THE
Is not South Carolina Rock. It is a true
Ammoniated Animal Bone Super-Phosphate,
We are the only manufacturers of
every bag has our name and address on,
guaranteed analysis. None other is genuine*
BAUGH & SONS,Philadelphia
will mwyanoor nJwfcwte
vSujgh a sons, ao 6. Dei.