A Sly Old Rat. [Providence Journal ] Two or three mornings ago one of our citizens missed five of his young chickens. Lifting a board near the abode of the chickens he scared a large rat away, and found the missing chickens,dead and partially eaten He found, also, a nest of thirteen active, healthy little rats, only a day or two old. He took them away,determined that they should not grow up to kill his chickens. lie disposed of four of them by feeding them to the cat, and saved the rest for some purpose, he did not know for what. He happen ed to be speaking of the matter to a friend, when the latter suggested that he put the little rats into a box and put them into a rat trap where the old rat would find tfcem, and if the trap were nicely baited ho could capture the old rat, and thus destroy tho fam ily. He thought that a good idea and tried it. The next morning he found the trap sprung and the old rat therein. He rushed to the trap, sat isfied with the result of his experi ment. The old rat saw him coming, and, putting forth extra effort, suc ceeded in escaping from the trap. Then he looked for the little ones, thinking he would set the trap again in the same way, when he discovered that the old rat had carefully remov ed the little ones to a place of safety before running any risk itself, and now had gone to join them. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with paiu of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mas. WINSLOWNJ SOOTHING SYRUP FOB CHILDREN TRETBINO. Its valuo Is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, \here is no mistake about it. It curosdysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, ro duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING STRCP POK CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant mo the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physici tns in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 23 cents a bottle. What He Used. "You say that you was forcibly eject ed ?" "No, sir ; I don't say nothing of the kind." "Didn't I understand you to say that he removed you with violence ?" "I don't know what you understood, but I didn't say that." "I inferred from what you told me that he used force to compel your ex it." "I don't see how you got that into your head, for I didn't say nothing of the kind." "You didn't go out of your own ac count V" "Not by a tarnal sight." "Then how did you get out ?" "Why, gosh it all, he kicked me out." "Well, I want to know if he didn't use violence." "No, I'll be shrunk if he did. He used his foot." No Third of Two with Him. A story is told of a farmer in Schley who rented some land last year to a colored man for a third of the crop. When the drought came on his coru and cotton were affected by it. He gathered two bales of cottou and two wagon loads of corn. The latter he penned up for his own use aud the cot ton was sold. When the landlord call ed for bis share be was told there was oone for him. He was thunderstruck and asked: "Didn't I rent you my land for a third of the crop ?" "Yes, boss," said the darkey, "but you see, dar was no third. Dar was only two bales of cotton and two loads of corn ; all mine, and nuffin' for you by the contract." Aud the landlord could not make Cuffee believe any other way. He left the premises, saying : "No d—n rascal can make me say dat two am three, nairy time." Lord & Taylor's carpets and uphol steries have long been a household word with housekeepers at all points of the compass. The variety, beauty, ex cellent quality and cheapness of the Mosquettes, Wiltons, body Brussels, Aminster, Ingrain and tapestry carp ets need no reccommendation to our readers. 13 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed .securely wrapped,to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmas ters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to. RICHARD K. POX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, N. Y H. MUSSER, ' JEWELER, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. All work neatly and promptly Exe cuted. Shop on Main Street, Millheim, Pa. TDK A BOOT HO'I'KL, 9th St.South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of tho New Post Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms from 50cts to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W PAINE, M. P., 40-ly Owner & Proprietor. JTRVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK IIA YEN, PA. S.WOODSCALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel ers on first lloor. II! NOTICE OF OPENINGII! Mr. I. E. Couldren hereby respectfully informs the public that he Is now prepared to do all kind of Tailoring Work from an OVERALL to a flue SUIT [or 0\ Kll- COAT He is a mechanic of tuauy year's ex perience and guarantees sat isfactory work. lie has opened his shop in Brown's building, oppo site Campbell's store. Main street, where he will bo glad to receive the patronage of tho public A line of sar pies constantly kept in stock Recpectf lly, E. I. COULDREN. Musser House. Millheim, ------ Penna. RESORT^ Two miles from Coburn Station on L. & T. R. It. Fine Trout Fishing and Hunting within sight of town. Healthy locality and tine moun tain sceneries. The celebrated PKNN'S VAL LEY CAVES but tive miles distant. The |finest drives in the state. FIN F. SADDLE HORSES, CAItBI AGKSJAN D BUGGIES for the use of summer boarders. Double and Smile Rooms, newly furnished, for familes with children, on secoua and third floors. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. 16-lv Millheim, Centre Co., Pa. PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 10,1884 Examinations for admission, September 9. This institution is located in one of the most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following courses of study: 1. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. 3. The following SPECIAL COURSES, of two years each following the first two years of the Scientific Course (a) AGRICULTURE ; (b) NATURAL HISTORY; (c) CHEMIS TRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGIN EERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6. A reorganized Course in Mechanicie Arts, combiniug shop-work with study. 7. A new Special Course (two years) in Litera ture and Science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COUSESare arranged to meet the wants uf individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. V'ning ladies under charge of a competent lady i riuci pal. For Catalogues, or other information!) dJress GEO. W. ATHKRTOX.LL. I)., PRESIDENT lyr STATE COX. LEGE. CENTRE CO., Pa. ELIAS LUSE &m7 —RROPBIKTOK-S OF TUB— MILLHEIM PLANING MILL, east of the new Ev. church, Penn St., Millheim, Pa. Contractors, - Builders, —AND MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Shutters, Blinds, Brackets, Flooring All kinds of Siding. A J^PECIALITY. Having our'own planing mill,it will be to the advantage of those intending to builu to con sult us. gag-Contracts made oil all kinds of buildings. Plans and Specifications furnished on application, with est imates of cost. 18-ly CASH STORE [ The MOST goods for the LEAST money 1 AT 1- G. A. HARTER'S GROCBE/ IT, No- 32 Main Street, Millheim, Pa. . Headquarters for Gro ceries, Provisions, Con fectioneries. Tobacco and Cigars, &c. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AT THE HIGHEST HOME MARKET PRICES. Remember we do a strict cash business and sell at close margins. Musser Brothers' ROLLER RINK. The proprietors respectfully inionn the public that their -ißinsric- Corner of I'enn and Mill Streets, Millheim, Pa. is open every Wednesday anil Saturday even Inp, andtfaturday afternoons. (Sizo of Rink 40 x 100.) Th . buiMln.-t in commodious and finely arraug ed, lias a splendid floor, and patrons v. ill always llnd new and strong skates on hand. General admission 5 ccnls. Use ofskatesjor 3 honrs'sessiou, 10 " Ladies admitted free! A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, millheim, I'll. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can bo bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Wedding3,Picnics and other soctal gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 3 1 -3m JHE gEST PIOTUBBS! AT JJUCK gROS' .-/ ■/? T (RRF IJLJJFTY! FAMILY GROUPES AND CHILDREN —TAKEN BY TIIE— [\STA\T V\i:0l8 PROCESS! Satisfactory Work Done by RAINORSKINc! We furnish everything in our linel from a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. Picturse copied and en- j larged in the best style, j -CFRAMESIR can be procured at our place on short notice ! I ©'•Remamb-T—our pi iocs aroj down so as to suit every purse. | I Gallery on North St., Millheim, Pa, j A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL QROOERS keep the largest stock in the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTIII EltS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. iPGAA AA presents gircnawatf. Send ♦hZIM) \ M M )" 5 contß and by \J\J "'nijxii you will get free a pack age of goods of large value, that w ill start you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America. All a bout the $200,000 in presents with each box. A gents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all tne time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers ab solutely assured. Don't delay. H. IIALLETT & Co., Portland, Maine. AflT/D f To introduce them DluUff;Eill I we are going to (live Away 1,000 Self-Operating Washing Ma chines. If you want one send us your name, address and express office at once. It is a great labor saving invention. Address NA TIONAL CO., 25 Dey st., N. Y. iprUTP WANTED fills il I 1 Corsets. Sample free to those be lt il LII I'l# coming agents. No risk, quick sales. Territory given,.satisfaction guaranteed. Address DR. SCOTT, B42 Broadway St., N.Y. m/ KA MONTH and BOARD for 3 live ?nH)young Men or Ladies, m each county- Address P. W. ZEIG LER & CO., Phila delphia Pa, inpijmnfor Lucrative, Healthy, Hon iiUDrl iOorable A Permanent business ap ply to Wiluiot Castle & Co., Rochester, N. Y. GUNS! CUXS, fill EEC II PEES, from 31.00 for a sintjlo shot gun, up to SIO.OO. POUIILE J). L. SHOT GUXS, from SI;;.Of, f or ;l pnod prrvicpaliht gun, to ST\o<> for Rnmnthitig rxlra. liEVOJ, VI'JES, ii (>,, i -Sl.oo up to SIO.OO. 117.YC7/ ES TE /.' HI EL ES, Model ('onlral Fire $17.00 '7O, •• •• twenty eight incti barrel SITOft Muzz'c IndiUmf phot i mt.s from $2. .10 for a .single uun,s."i.f>o for a double gun. FISHINGTACKLK! SKT XI.'T.St, 7 Hoops, -f 1 ..".0, s J loops fj.d.*i. THROW x i:TS\ :n.j tv-t ITXKJA I'A XICSi: 11A MllOO FOLKS, rot 20 cts. each. JOrXTRDtf) RODS, 2">cls. A line iisoitnicnt of LI XL's from 1 cent to <1. Also an linntcnsc assortniciit of //OOA'.s'.loosc ami si.ollcil. Fine Hods, Fislfino lUtsFcls, Leaders, Flies, elrlijicial lkiit Ferrules. Feels, & <\'C, t)'C* Also Fishing Tackle repaired. Musical Instruments ! VJOLIXS from up to sh>.ix>. (in TARS and 11AXJOS from $2.. r x) up to ilO.txi. 7\- ii-TO'tied Richter JilOl'TIT IfARMOXT CAS, 1U cts. A CCORFIOXS from $1 Hi' 1" *IO.OO. Also I'L UTL'S, PICO LOS. CLARIOXETS and FIFES at astonishing low rates. I'iolin and Guitar Strings froin "• cts. for good ordinary K, to 15 cts. for flue Silk Eh H llanjo Strings, best, 10 et.s. each. 7fnss T7oZ and Oello Strint/s. 43~.Mv line of strinfs cannot I>6 oxcclleil in this state, for Price and Quality. Orders by mail receive prompt atten tion. of fine Guns •' specialty. THEODORE DESIINEK, Prop. Great Central Gun Works, Bellefonte, Pa. J3"Scnd for Trie - List and illustrated cata loguc, containing Caiue Laws oi Pennsylvania free. D. I BFOWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE &c„ _____ Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. JfrC Uiojoil ing done at sliort notice by practical workmen. —— • • - Spouting a Spocialiy Shop on 2la in Sf. t oj / <>.<:! a Albvijhr.<. kect.- I Bbkb I ■■ THE BEST I '*** rbmIDTI niDumiJ KB— BBB E nrafa | n a S cramps", 1 Sprains, Bruises, | „ Burns and Scalds, | mw*s ScLificir, I>Kiicsf | Frosted Feet andi Ears, and all other | Pains and Achesr I It is a safe, sure, and fl effectual Remedy for B Galls, Strains, Scratches, I Sores, on HORSES. 0$ 8% One trial will prove its S merits. Its effects are in :i most cases M ™ W INSTANTANEOUS. Every Lottlo vrarrautcil tog ri give satisfaction. Send Qd-: ? 5 are3S for pamphlet, free, giv.rl r IIM> 1.'4 * n £> directions for then -J treatment of abovo diseases. LI m fecaßwwHW Price 2* cts.and f>o cts. per" bottle. Sold everywhere. J.i | tiBL Henry, JoluiseD & lord, Proprietors, i I t Burlington, Yt. iTfr"? ft* For Sale at SPIGELM YE IPS Millhcini tt Madisonbttrg, Pa Efft'or working people. Send 10 Ira i SJCents postage, and we will mail BH H you free, a royal, valuable sam- KH B pie box of goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a tew days than you ever thought possible at any bus iness. Capital not required. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or ail tire time. All of borii sexes, of all ages, grandly i successful. 50 cents to *5 easily earned every] evening. That all who want work may test the i business,we make this unparralleled offer • to ; all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particu lars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutelysureforallvvho start at once. Don't de ay. Address STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. I N. H. DOWNS' I Vegetable EMsmJ: jj| II EF 3 F D H P>3i I I u a I ff I Pi I p Eia .La li M i lid r£ Ea For the car® of |j Cciu.umpi.lca, Coevhs, Cclcls, Catair!:, * 1 Croup, Asthma, VI r srSsy, Hear: oners, 8; Uj?vl ITl.i -*C mluynp I}A - W ... —*-•> A ; V*V-A A V •- f p/. HKI .til <1 i ii Tth. II)'O',-'VII , S/, i.iul F. Lbj i./f;*./:. In !il! ... whero (his Fl ir i' p. ii.-scl ii:i ifOcney 1 • ul ... 'O inunif. ; " J, con ;.vi vjuciug tho most ucr. b !ot!fit'iC.t GJ ~ COMSUIiSPTbOM fl r,,| In not lncural.lo, if properly attended to.— SS2 w At its commeucotuant it is lr.it ft slight irrlta- 6® (& tlon of llio memhrano which covers tho Limps; I a£•! Thou an in (lama t lon, whoa t!io cough is rather dry,local f< vor.nndthejr.il:.>inoro frequent,the CO checks flui-hodanilchiU-iiaoreconitnon. This Elixir in curing tli® ahovo complaints, oper !:itos so ns lo remove all morbid hrltn- I*3 Hons and infiutnnlinn fiem tho )ung gS to the sin face, mi l Anally exp. I them from js| the system. It f.i ilitates cxj>cctoraiion. It heals tho ulcerated surfaces 'J and relieve* the couch anil ni , ':r* the l.reath- S ingenay. It eujpurutlioHrcu;, li and at theH| tamo limo reilnees tho fever. It is free from BB strong opiate and netrhigent a •'.!■. vlilchare S3 i>fso drying a nature as t j Wiiiprcatdancerol destroying the pat! Nt; whtrw this mi !i. in. Suj never dries or stajw thorough,! at,by ing the CAt'si", r < a-eijnOßtly, vhen the ruiigli pH is cured tho path at i s well, Said address lui M j.an phi t givli jf ill dimUom, fro.*. I'lico 25 cts.,. 0 eta., and fcl.oo per l-ottlo. p.* £OI.I> EVERYWHERE. ni'XRT JPIIVIAS f; ' ftr.n, Prrps., Enrlinrtno, Tt. M rv" Jutr Sale at SPIGELM ) El i .S, Mtflhoim /0 Matlitonfoitr, I'd. Wo make from tho bc3t c.aterial Snperior Ar tlelrr. ofPr.lry Goods, that aro models of strength anil a '• Unquestioned proof given of their drrn'ihty. Solo manufacturers of Curtis' Improved Factory Charm Bin sou's Power flutter Worf.er, LoTerWorker, Curtis' Square llox Churn, Uerfangular Chant. Cream Vat, l>og I'oiTcr, Ac. ♦•Cab l amiljr Churn at wholosalo wlicro vre have no niront. All poods warranted exactly as represented. TWO COED. FOURTEEN SILVER AND H(.!IT ItHOXZE MEDALS awarded for su periority. ** O CCiIM, CURTiS &. GREENS, F:rt iUdiam, Wis. (mprovedWesternWaslier IRICE, Ko. 1 for family of 6 $S Ko. 2 for large family 9 ho. 3 for Hotel and Laundry, .... 10 Over 20,000 in wse. Thonßands of ladies are nsing it. and they ppaak of it in the highest terms, eaying that thoy would rathor tlispenso with any other household article, than this excellent Washer. Ko well-regulated lunily will bo without it. as it saves tho clothes, Saves labor, saves time, saves fuel, saves soaji.and makes washday no longer a dread, but rather a pleasant recreation, as much as cuoh is pos6iblc, lIORTOX M'F'U CO., Agonts 'Wanted. Ft. Wajne, lad. I There b no escuso for suffering from B CON STI PATS ON I and other diseases that follow a dis-1 I ored stale of the Stomach and Bow-1 % els, when the use of I DR. HENRY BAXTERS 1 MANDRAKE WMI Will givo immediato relief. After constijiation follows Biliousness, Dyspepsia, S Sndigestion, Diseases ofij the Kidneys, Torpid Liver 1 Rheumatism, Dizziness, ■ Sick Headache, Loss ofl Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-1 goplexy, Palpitations,! g Eruptions and Skin Dis-B peases, etc., all of which these fl Bitters will speedily euro by removing thocoiuv. H 9 Keep tho Stomach, IJOWCU, and Dvjcstirc Organ* Ain gaoil working onlcr, and perfect lirnltli w gj will bo tho result. Ladies ad others pub-ra HjccttoSick Headacho will find relief I S and permanent euro by the uso of tlieso Bitters I M Being tonic and mildly- purgative they fl I PURIFY TIIE RLOOD.i Prico 25 cts. per bottle. si For solo by all d>alers in medicino. Send raj H address for pamphlet, free, giving full directions. 9 IIEMIY, Joll.\Soi'& L0K1), Trops., Burlington, Vt, For salt a SPIGE i. M > EX'S, Millheim & Madisouburg, Pa, ipS 3 extra iLMfeiliil Gives a MORE BRILLIANT SHINEg THAW AMY OTHER. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT [i SOiLINS THE BfiSDS-S SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. P S. S. STAFFORD,! New York. FL9fWtfc,§tf!®l cOj A beautiful work of 150 paces, Colored Plate, and sooo §] V illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and I^PP\ Jj "T\ Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Flnnts, and how to grow f > v v them. Printed in F.nglish and German. Price only 10 1 -\ cents, which may be deducted from first order. ,c^s wliat you want for the garden, and how to get it instead of running to the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting with disappointment after weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICE'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. 7ZS VICE'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3s pages, a Colored Plate /TI J lo every number, and many fine engravings. Price, gi.as a year; Five Copies for *■ 'iffTwlT-- K\A t r .. Specimen numbers 10 cents ; 3 trial copies a< cents. We will send to any address Vick's Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, £4.50; Harper's Monthly, I 4.00; (C 0 St. Nicholas, *3.50; Good Cheer, #1.25; Illustrated Christian Weekly, 53.00; 0T V Wide Awake - Good Cheer, and Vick'eMaaxlnefor SS.OO. UJiyRSTf' VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, sio pages. Six Cotartd /JHut Plates, nearly 1000 Engravings, gi.as, in elegant cloth covers. | )HsxtSy JAMES VICIC, Rochester, N. Y. When the word Estoy or the Cr~.~ nu„H M Pn ~ word Crffan ia mentioned, they ESTE}/ UPQEII\ LO each suggest the other*so widely pnart! BDO rO Yt' known and so popular axe the ta il 1 ■ T T; r ' ■2T f struments and the makers. Hp j ■( rty Plveletters in each of the two ® wACA V e wordj> aro reminders of enjoyment ted ata * CeUO Elailed renUFRS I I a Tk l * SULKY PLOW wl h lit pntrrt Thcsskd, Brim-' la KK W§ w* *> ' " Q * sion Kteki. WF xki. ntill 1 wi. ; ,ib • .la u the most perfect I Mllinitalts 2 ■ implement of the kind la iUj wot\d. "SWINGBEAM" SULKY I I TIIE BEAM can be fastened rigidly when desired, or , 4 ji , IB B left to swing sideways If it strikes a stump or atone, thus Illustrated below, a>o avoiding breakage; also nis for turning corners without "Garden City Clipper" taking ptow ot of thefcround. Besd roa Cinccuics R AREsT' T DAVID BRADLEY M'F'G CO. ; SM.'* dif. AIC. tiKcoa*ora to Rural k Bradley MT| Co., or to our Branch Houses: SkVjIW/ DATID BRADLEY M'F'G CO., St. Louis, Mo. S m V DAVID ItKADI.KY MTU CO., Indianapolis, lad. • 7 DAVID BKADLKY A CO., Minneapolis. Minn. I 1 \Y DAVID BRADLEY k CO., Connrii Blnft, Is. if BRADLEY. WHEELER k CO., KnssasCD- Mo. "P.veiybody acknowledges that THE CHEAPEST AMD BEST I'LACE to buy FURNITURE ffiira'S STORE ON Penn street, Millheim, Pa. PA 11 LOR SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, LIBRARY, DIXINQROOM A KITCHEN FURNITURE LOUNQES % PATENT ROCKERS, RAT TAN t- REED CHAIRS, all styles, TABLES, STANDS, BOOK CASES, WARDROBES, WHAT NOTS, BUREAUS, BED STEADS, SINKS, CUPBOARDS, CRADLES, MAT TRESSES, from the finest curled hair to the cheapest Strait, a great variety of SPRING BEDS, all styles, and everything in the furniture line, on hand or procured on short notice Not undersold by any Store in the County. An extra large stock of Vaver Hangings, Decorations. §c. Give me a call. W. T. MAUCK. Tiik MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now snpjdied with CfQQD &BhSSSS % and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, DILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS. POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. % COLLEGE, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. Occupies three Buildings. Largest and Best. More positions for graduates than ail other school's com bined. Life Scholarship, wo. Write for circulars, COLEMAN. PALMS & CO.. Proprietors- TIE MOST PERFECT SWEEPER MADE. ▲ Machine that Selk Itself. CONSIDERED BT ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS THE STANDAKD SWEEPER. UNRIVALRD FOR BKAUTY, Strength and light running; performs its labor easily and noiselessly. The Brash is easily adjusted to all grades of aarpet. The manner of discharging the dust is superior to all others. ASK FOB IT AND BUY NO OTHER. For Sole by all Dealers, Manufactured by The Goshen Sweeper and Trigger Go,, GOSHEN, IND. , Cleveland Siesss uauge Co. Sole Proprietor* nud Hknnfaolurere of Watson's Wotrot'o Dsrrjl finer, Holt's Patent Steim Gauges Foy I.o<>cr.u>t; ves and Stati ua y Engine. !.::jc:tiTC Cp.i:r Ic'iswi. Tect Iws ?.:i Tert flatlet BE.NJI CTKCUI.'U A , MEG LIAR. WOI FS; 3.1, la ATJ) 17 ITOT KTIIEFX. OSes: 2ii hporioi Ltrcdt, OLSVULAKD, OHIO. 'tkoxEi, WATER-PROOF, R2 L"SI or rattle. Is aUo A SUBSTITUTE brPLASTEH at Half the Coat. Outlast, the building. OiKPETH and KlJftS of same, double the wear of oil cloths Catalogue XHSW.H.FAYCO.CAHQE,W,