Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 02, 1885, Image 3

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    11(1 Journal.
Publlshed~by R. A.~BUMILLER.
—Tho busy farmers are making hay.
—Hope yeu may have a pleasaut
—A full line of Ohio Crockery at
Kauffman's new store.
—Lewisburg counts on 20,000 strang
ers on the Fourth.
—FLAGS, at large stock at the Jour
nal Store-three sizes.
—Smoking Tobacco only 5 cents a
quarter pound at Kauffman's.
WANTED.—One or two nice Shoats.
Inquire of D. S. Kauffman & Co.
—Jacob Dutweiier is making im
provements on his farm south-west of
—Mrs. E. I. Couldren left for her
home, Shamokin, Pa., on Monday
morning to visit her parents.
—Gospel Hymns, No. 1 2 & 3 combin
ed,with or without music—at the Jour
nal store. tf
—The financial committee of the
town council have decided on three mill
as the rate for this year's boro' tax.
—A BUTTER CHURN with "bock,"
good AS new, can be bought cheap for
cash. Inquire at this office. tf
—Some remarkable cures of deafness
are lecorded of Dr. Thomas' Electric
Oil. Neyer fails to cure earache.
—Remember —Kauffman's drug de
partment is always kept full of all kinds
of Drugs and Patent Medicines.
—Geo. Ulrich is rebuilding and en
larging his stable, which will greatly
improve bis property 'n "Stra ssburg."
—Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cure in
disgestion, Heart Burn, Costiveness
and all malarial diseases. Twenty-five
cents per bottle.
—The picnic and festival season has
opened for a certainty. Hardly a week
passes that we do not hear of at least
—As a fisherman, landlord Frain, of
the First National, is very lucky. He
came home with 100 fine trout one day
last week.
—The scholars of Miss Stevens'
school were picnicing in Swartz's woods,
south of town, on Friday. A pleasant
time was had.
—Hope Hose Company of Lock Ha
ven, accompanied by the Seltzer Band
will gj to Lewisburg on the Fourth, in
new uniforms.
—Children's day was observed last
Sunday by the Ev. church of this place.
There was a good programme and a
fair attendances
—By bis late and continued improve
ments Mr. S. D. Musser has already
wrought a wonderful change on his
premises on Main street.
—A splendid new lock has been pur
chased by our fire department for the
truck house, to which every member of
the company carries a key.
—Hon. John B. Linn is announced
as one of the orators in Lewisburg on
the Fourth of July. Ex-Governor A
G. Curtin will also be in attendance.
—There will be services in the Luth.
church, Millheim, next Sunday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, when the pastor, Rev.
M. L. Dietzler, will preach in English.
—'TheGreatZingari TootbacheDrops,
for toothache and neuralgia, have no
equal. Only costs 15 cents at any drug
store. Warranted. Sold by J. Eisen
huth, Millheim, Fa.
—Trying to do business without ad
vertising is like winking through a
pair of green glasses. You may know
what you are doing, but nobody else
—Oar neighbor, Jonathan Harter,
reoeived a kick on bis knee by one of
bis horses, last Fiiday. The accident
was fortunately without serious re
—Dr. F. H. Van Vilzah, one of
Spriog Mills able physicians illumina
ted our saoctum by his agreeable pres
ence on Friday afternoon. Call again,
—Some heavy thunder showers visit
ed this neighborhood 011 Sunday even
ing and the result was a refreshed veg
etation and an invigorating and pure
atmospnere ever since.
—Stated by 11. B. Cochran, druggist,
Lancaster, Pa. J 4 Have guaranteed o
ver 300 bottles of Burdock Blood Bit
ters for dyspepsia, sour stomach, bill
ious attacks, liyer and kidney troubles.'
—John Weaver, of Potter's Bank,
died at his residence at said place, on
Monday morning, of consumption.
Mr. Weaver was well-known iu this
place, haviug resided here for severa 1
—The Musser brothers would re
sp< ctfully give notice to rollerskaters
that their rink will be open on the af
ternoon and evening of the Fourth
July. Lovers of the sport are cordially
invited to come.
—Miss Cora Reifsnyder, one of the
teachers of our summer schools, is ar
ranging a picnic for her scholars, to be
held in Alexander's woods, south of
town, on Saturday July 11th. Every
body is cordially invited to attend.
I —Mr. and Jfrs. Irey, of Chester
■ Springs, Pa., ure ft t home on a visit to
; the lady's parents, l)r. J/usser's at Aa
ronsburg. They arrived on Thursday.
—Wm.Pealer at Spring ATills receives
new goods every day, His business is
on the increase. His motto is "quick
sales and small profits" and the people
know it.
—We hear many complaints about
the loose plank on the sidewalks of our
borough. Will the boro' fathers give
this matter their attention, bofore
somebody breaks a limb V
—Miss Nannie Britt,of\VestVirginia,
is visiting at John Bright's, Aarons
burg,and having come to this section of
country for her health, the lady expects
to spend the greater part of the summer
—As far as we could learn the festi
val of the Reformed Ladies' Jfite Socie
ty at Aaronsburg was a successful un
dertaking, a large crowd of people hav
ing been in attendance. We are unable
to give the amount of net proceeds.
—A small pet dog, having long white
hair,with a black spot on his back and a
black ear, belonging to Jacob Hazel of
Afadisonburg, was lost in Millheim last
week. The owner kindly requests the
finder to notify him and hold the dog
until he calls for him.
NRW GOODS Mrs. E. J. Brumgard
just received a new lot of Jfillinery
Goods, which comprises the latest and
most beautiful styles of Headwear ever
brought to town. Her prices are mod
erate and the ladies are kindly request
ed to give her a call. tf
—Master G. Y. Hosterraan, of Aa
ronsburg, and Miss Katie Bartnolo
mew, of this place, both of whom are
inmates of the Deaf & Dumb Institute,
Philadelphia, arrived home on Thurs
day forenoon to speud the summer va
cation with their parents.
LOOK HERE.—I cure Piles. 1 have
a positive remedy for piles. By its use
many cases ,of the worst kind aud of
long standiug have been cured. It cures
as if by magic. Money refunded to dis
satisfied patients. Address,
H.K.SUMMERS, Aaronsburg, Pa.
—A burglar attempted to enter the
bouses of Mr. Stephenson and Wm.
Kerstetteron the road to Coburn on
Wednesday night, the men being from
home at the time. The attempt was
unsuccessful,the fellow being scared off
by several pistol shots fired by Mrs.
—The meat market on Main street,
formerly owned by Jared Kroamer, of
Miles township, was purchased by Mr.
Daniel Hoy, of this place, and tlie new
proprietor took charge of the stand on
Monday. John Miller, the popular
butcher, will continue to attend to the
practical part of the business.
—The H. &L. boys had their first
drill oti Saturday evening, chosing the
writer's property on Penn Street as
tbeir place of operation. We thought
they did right well for the first time
aud a few more trials like it will put
the boys in shape to fight any fire suc
cessfully. Of course, as usual, a fair
crowd of spectators watched the pro
ACCIDENT.—On Sunday morning,
while Mrs. llebecca Royer, residing at
Madisonburg, walked around tbe house
she bad tbe misfortune to fall and
break ber arm near tbe wrist, and also
received injuries about tbe face. Tbe
old lady bad a paralytic stroke last win
ter from the effects of which sne bad
not jet recovered, ber one side being
entirely lame.
—W. T. Mauck, our furniture dealer
on Penn street, is doing a right lively
business at present. Lately be receiv
ed some very nice furniture, such as
extension tables, lounges, cbambersuits,
stands, &c. and be seems to have little
trouble to sell his stock. His selection
is always tasty and his prices suited to
the times. Call at his furniture 9tore
when in need of anything in his line.
—Notice is given to the public that
Prof. Milea 0. Noll, of Lewisburg, will
take charge of the Aaronsburg Acade
my after harvest. A terra of TEN
weeks will begin on tbe 27th of July.
All grades of scholars will be admitted
on reasonable terms. Special attention
will be given to those preparing for
teaching. The patronage of all desir
ing the education of their sons and
daughters is respectfully solicited.
—Solomon Eclinger, of Woodward,
who several weeks ago made the rash
attempt to take his life by shooting
himself in the head, and who. suffered
from the injuries received ever since,
was relieved of his earthly troubles by
death 0:1 Monday morning at one
o'clock. 11 is aggrieved family sur
rounded the bed of the dying man and
thsir feelings under the circumstances
must have been sorrowful beyond de
scription. The remains of tbe deceas
ed were interred on Tuesday afternoon.
son lias arrived when country publish
ers and printers seek relief from the
many trials and troubles incidental to
their business in a week's vacation.
The constant confinement arouses in
the minds of all hands in the office a
natural desire to have a "week off" for
recuperation and the JOURNAL will
Hiaye its custo.nery rest next week.
We ask the kind indulgence of our read
ers during our short recess. The office
will be open however to receive any or
ders for work or payments of b*lls.
—One hundred Ladies' Jerseys on ex
hibition at Kauffman's. All styles and
—Prof. C. L. Gramley, the teacher of
one of Rebersburg's se'ect schools, call
ed on the JOURNAL on Thursday and
reports good progress in his school.
Considering the professor's well-known
capabilities, this report is quite credit
—ln no other medical preparation
have the result of the most intelligent
study and scientific inquiry boon so
steadily and progressively utilized as in
Ayer's b'arsaparllla. It leads the list
as a truly scientific preparation for all
blood diseases.
—B. O. Deiningcr, the Journal store
man, has returned from his week's trip
and at the same time he received a new
lot of specialities, which are 011 exhibi
tion at his store 011 Penn street. For
something novel and rare he takes the
lead and his prices are lower than ever.
Call and see.
—The new railroad was finished on
Saturday, but for the sake of making
the work of driving the last spike a
more ceremonious proceeding that duty
was deferred until to-day. It need not
require more than a day to inspect the
road aud then it can be opened to the
traveling public.— Daily News, (Mon
—M\ss Sadie Adams, whose accident
at Lewisburg we mentioned in a form
er issue, is still suffering greatly from
her burns and improving very slowly.
ML st of her time she must be kept un
der the influence of morphia aud is yery
weak as she takes but little nourish
ment. We sincerely hope she will have
a speedy recovery.
NOTlCE.—Having been appointed a
geut by the Middletown Tube & Iron
Company of Middletown, Pa., for the
sale of their Iron Pipes, &c , all persons
needing anything in this line will save
money by calling on me.
20-3 m Spring Mills, Pa.
—No injurious effects can follow the
use of Ayer's Ague Cure, in the treat
ment of malaria diseases. It contains,
besides a specific and uufailing antidote
for miasmatic poison other remedial a
gents which unite to expel the poison
ous humors, purify the system, and
leave it 111 a healthy and reinvigorated
STRAY MARE.—The undersigned
wishes to give notice that 011 the 26th
of June a dun mare, about 10 years old,
blind in the right eye,with black stripe
on back and weighing about 1100 pounds
came to bis place, two and a half miles
west of Millheim
The owner is requested to take her a
way. C. W. IIUBLER.
—While W.L.Bright, of Main street,
took a drove of cows to Coburn 011
Thursday, for shipment, a vicious cow
became enraged at little Harry Derr, a
sou of Wm. Derr, who had been em
ployed to help driving. The mad ani
mal knocked the boy to the ground gun
ning over him seveial times, and but
for the timely assistance of Mr. Bright
and others, would have killed the boy.
He was considerably bruised,but escap
ed without serious injury.
Afills is now in complete running order
and has already established its reputa
tion for making the best, sweetest and
richest flour in the market.
An essential of harmony in the house
hold is good, sweet, white bread. The
wife is powerlbss to accomplish this re
suit unless she has good pure flour,
with which to make bread. Try it and
have peace.
Session of six weeks, opens Monday
evening, July 27, for the study and
Training of Young Ladies in Vocal
and Instrumental Music. For circu
lars, address
F. C. MOYER, Director,
Freeburgh, Pa.
to raise a balance wanting in the Town
Clock fund,the Town Clock Committee
have decided to hold an ice cream festi
val in the afternoon and evening of the
Fourth of July, in the Town Hall of
Jfillheim. All are concerned in this
enterprise and a cordial invitation is
extended to all to assist in contributing
the necessary balance.
By order of the Town Clock Com.
—The undersigned wishes to inform
the citizens of this community that he
expects to teach a fall term of school
iu the Grammar room on Penn street,
and respectfully solicits the public pat
ronage. Due attention given to advan
ced scholars and terms reasonable.
ACCIDENT.—Seymour Winkelblech,a
son of Adam Winkelblech, of Haines
township, met with a distressing acci
dent, while hauling lumber last Friday.
The saddle horse, which he was riding,
happened to fall, throwing the young
man under the tongue, with the full
weight of the horse on one of his legs,
fracturing the bone right above the an
kle. The broken limb was set by tbe
attending physician and he is doing
right well.
—ln honor of the coming great na
tional holiday—the Fourth of July -
Mr. Frain. of the First National Hotel
procured a 100 pound sea turtle and
will serve the following bill of fare dur
ing the week : Turtle Soup, Clam
Soup, Chicken Corn Soup, Watermel
ons, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Beans,
Peas, Cabbage. Mr. Frain, besides be'
ing a pushing and experienced hotelist,
is an old and patriotic soldier and nev
er allows the day of independence to
slip around unobserved. For particu
lars of his proposed celebration 011 the
Fourth see in another column.
—The finest line of Swiss and all
kinds ofEmbroideries ever seen in Mili
heim, at D. S. Kauffman & Co's.
—On Monday night, June 22nd, the
hotel at Lemont, this county, was to
tally destroyed by fire. The landlord,
Isaac Armstrong,and his family barely
escaped with their lives by jumping out
of the windows. All the furniture was
burned, besides s*'2o in bills and cur
rency belonging to Mrs. Armstrong.
A gold watch and all the clothing of
one of the boarders was consumed by
the names. The origin of the fire is
not known. There was insurance on
the house and furniture.
—Mr. Daniel Shook, residing in Se
ville, Madison Co., Ohio, in a recent
letter to this otllco, writes as follows a
bout crops and business : We are hav
ing splendid growing weather here at
present. Wheat is pretty good in this
section. Ido not think it will be ready
to harvest before the 10th of July.
(rass is simply tremendous. Plenty of
lields will yield from two to two and a
half tons to the acre. Corn is not very
large, but the stand is pretty good and
if the Season is favorable will make a
good crop. Times are pretty dull and
our business men are complaining a
good deal in regard to the dullness of
—The excursion train leaving Le
mont for Lewisburg in the morning of
of the Fourth will leave Lewisburg on
its return at 10 o'clock, at night, in
stead of 4 in the afternoon as announ
ced last week. This makes it some
what unhandy for folks who live at
some distance from Coburn, as they
will hardly reach home before Sunday
morning. Many had intended to go to
Lewisburg next Saturday, but this new
arrangement will keep most of our peo
ple home. The fare for the round trip
at will be the regular excursion rate,
UEIM. —S. T. Frain, proprietor of the
First National Hotel, wishes to inform
the public of this town and neighboring
country that the national holiday will
be observed at 3fillheim by au attract
ive programme. A brass band will fur
nish music throughout the day. Glass
ball shooting and a grand parade will
take place during the latter part of the
afternoon. An address will be deliver
ed in the evening by an able orator, af
ter which a grand display of fire works
will be exhibited and two brass bands
will be in attendance. Everybody is
cordially invited to come to town and
take an active part in the festivities of
the day.
FESTIVAL.— The undersigned would
respectfully inform the public that
they will hold a festival in the town
hall at Millheim on Friday and Satur
day, July 24th and 25th, at which ICE
served in the best manner. The pro
ceeds are to go for the benefit of the
unfinished Ev. church and they extend
a cordial invitation to all to attend and
patronize the festival.
—Deininger's Ready Reference Tax
Receipt Rook ta growing in public fa
vor. Customers from a distance are
beginning to call for it. It is an ad
mitted necessity for every tax-payer
who does his business in a practical
manner. It it arranged to last .for ten
years and sells at the low price of 40
cents. Call and see it at the JOURNAL
Htore. tf
Neighboring News.
Enterprise, June 22nd, 1885.
Ich bin letz-es is ja Aaronsburg.
Meister Drucker, ich will dir nochmal
bisel Bchreiwa. Mer hen widder en
Legschen g'hat am Samstag a Woch
for en Reseryoir oder ken. Hen halt
die Persimious g'riegt. Sie hen die
Monkeys g'hat fer sie runner beisa.
Well die Townkillers hen uns gebotta.
Sie hen der alt Know nothing Schtile
g'nuroma. Sie sin am Fieitag Abed
imns g'rennt, wie es dunkel is worra,
von Haus zu Haus, un hen die Weibs
leut verplaudert,das sie dergeg* schaffe
Now es hat en alte Wittfrau g sagt,
das wann mer der Reservoir baue don,
dehte sie Enterprise verlasse. Mer hen
Lots so. Awer sie hen sie so meane
Liege weis g'macht. Sie hen g'sagt
das wenn mer en Reservoir hetta dann
dehte die liublen das keh Dawdy hetta
in der Reservoir g'schmissa un versoffa
were. Now sell is just so dinn as noch
ineh vo n ihre Arguments. Mer hen
just aw so Bublen g'hat In dera Enter
prise, das ich wehs. Un der Gut Man
hat sie hehm g'holt. Ich denk wann eu
Reservoir da g'west wer, dann het er es
net hehm g'l.umma. Well wann die
Reservoir gut sin for die Bublen ver
sauffe, dann wer's gut wann ehner da
g'west wer schon for dij letz'e hundred
Jahr. Na hets net so viel von dene
Townkillers da. Now Meister Druck
er, un all das des sehna, es is net des
friseh Wasser, das sie sich so wehra—
es is der Dahler das sie so petzt. Now
hab ich en Plan fer ihre Dahler. Es is
en Mann in Milwaukee der hat en
Trade Dahler g'scliluckt, un er hat
noch g'lebt for paar Dag zurick. Now
wann seller Miser net doht geht, dann
hen unser Miners all fin Bank fer ihre
Dahler nei duh. Sell is about so
negscht das sie Americanised were. Du
hetschtsehne solle wie sie g'schatTt hen
fer uns zu biete, just fer die Dahler un
Cents. Now sin schon paar von denne
soft hep wo mit ihne g'yote henn soiry
das sie net das Wax aus ihre Ohre hen
vor der Legschen. Awer sie sin blind
wo sie hehre sotte and dawb wo sie
seline sotte. Es hen schon Kerls
g'sagt sie dehte nimma vota fer sella
Kiwel Company. Now sie hen schmer
te Kerls uf ihre Seid. Es Wasser Board
hat all das Wasser in ihre. Heiser hen
mit Branches Notice g'schickt, siemis
sa Stop Cocks an ihre Branches duh,
g'seint "By order of the President and
Board." Now Jake hat so en No
tice odder Law Babier grigl, un hat's
net lesa kenna, weil er uet in die Frei
schul gange is. Dernaw is er niwer
zum John feres ihn lesa lasse. Ja,
sagt John, ich hab aw ens g'rigt un ich
wehs net recht was es mehnt, awer ich
denk es mehr.t em President sei Board
Bill. Cock is en Hinkel Hahne un sell
is was tie now hawe wella, das mer
helfa solle bezthle. Ich geb keh Cent,
Jake* Ick ess keh Hinkelflehsh im a
gauze Jahr un wanner Hinkel essa will
mag er aw's Bill futta. Pardy odder
net, sell geht zu hart gega die Grain,
sell is zu viel g'fodert vom a Enterpris
3/r. and 3frs 11. E. Duck left for
Lock Haven on Friday to visit rela
3/r. E. Bressler. of Itebcrsburg, was
visiting in our hamlet.
,1. 11. Frank found a rye stalk con
taining sixty heads, from one grain.
W. C. Duck beats the record with ono
that has 01 heads.
3/rs. John Bright, of Aaronshurg, is
staying with her sister, 3frs. Slmrtzer,
to ilo her house work, which that laoy
is unable to do on account of sickness.
Some of our farmers contemplate cut
ting their grain the latter part of this
I). S. Kauffman, ono of 3/illheim's
merchants, accompanied by a friend,
were the guests of 3/isH Lizzie Keen.
W. F. Smith, while working in his
field,found a den of foxes. The follow- 1
ing evening he enrolled a large crowd
and led them with torch lights and oth
er utensils to the place to dig them out.
But after having excavated a good siz
ed cellar Lliej gave it up for a had job
and returned home without 3/r. Fox.
Not sly enough for the creatures.
Humor sjieaks of a grand Harvest
Home picnic at this place.
Henry Keen was after some stray
sheep the other day. He also reports
that his fields are covered with millions
of grasshoppers
E. E. Bressler successfully transfer
red his colony of bees intohis improved
frame hive. The work was witnessed
by a crowd of curious s|>ectators who
were afterward iuvited to a liberal hon
ey supper.
A number of our folks were to Aa
ronshurg last Saturday eyening to at
tend the festival. JUJIHO.
The monkey with the organ grinder
have again made their appearance.
Aarouburg is well represented at
this place.
Fred. Kurtz, of Centre Hall, bought
a car load of wheat (nine hundred
bushel) from Ilarter and Mensch on
Geo. D. Croll, of Ashley, Pa., pur
chased three lots from Evert and Bow
er on Thursday for $550, and expects
to put three buildings OH these lots this
summer yet.
Sam uel Evert, Jacob Moyer, Wm.
Kers tetter and a few others went away
on a fishing excursion on Thursday.
Our friend, John Rotes, is selling
the best pills in the market. Buy from
him. Z.
Andrew Stovers barn received a coat
of paint.
Our farmers are busy haying.
Some of out ladies had a picnic at
Fowler's recently. A beneficial trip to
Miss Guise's school closed on Fiiday.
Dady Stoneb reaker enjoyed the soup
of a 194 pound turtle on Sunday.
One of our depot men came near be
ing shipped one day last week. Some
of the ladies had him in the box already
but could not get the lid on. Look
out, Billy.
Rev. Peters preached a good sermon
to an interested audience on Sunday
evening. *%
Spring Mills.
John Ruckle, the enterprising mer
chant from Middleburg, Pa., was here
on a visit to his parents for a few days
this week.
M. B. Duck, Esq., has returned from
a visit to Kansas. He brings unfavor
able reports concerning the crops in
the West.
Wm. M. Allison's new brick house
is under roof and when finished will
be au ornament to this place.
James B. Crawford has gone to Belle
fonte where he intends to act in the ca
pacity of a clerk in the store of the
Bellefonte Nail Works.
Many of our citizens have been to
Farmers' Mills to see Maj. Fisher's
new Roller Mill operate. All seem to
surprised at the immense machinery in
motion and all have but ono verdict—
"it must make good flour."
Levi Fullmer came home from Belle
fonte to help the farmers to make hay
and harvest.
Our citizens came together one day
last week at the Union Cemetery for
the purpose of repairing the fence and
giving the grounds a general cleaning.
The work was indeed commendable
and greatly improves the appearance
of our burial grounds. The old stable
in the yard was sold to .u. B. Stover.
Samuel B Sliafer and Dr. Lee have
painted their yard fences.
J. J. Ocker has his n*w stable ready.
The carjjenters completed their woik
on Monday.
J. L. Roush returned home from
Lancaster on Saturday.
The Sunday schools had a real nice
time on Saturday at the Penns caves.
Forty-seven spring wagons and buggies
left town. Two hundred and some
thirty members of the schools weie
present on the Picnic ground.
One of farmer John Shafer's colts
hung itself ty its mothers halter chain.
Thompsoiitown, Pa., vviites :
'J. A. McDonald.
DEAR Slß.—Send me two dozen box
es of your Liver Pills at once. Some of
our people say they have cured tliern of
chills and fever and they do not want
to be without them.'
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eiseuhuth. Millheim ,Pa.
g T. FKAIN, Proprietor of the
First National Hotel,
wishes to inform the public that he keeps the
following liquors constantly on baud and in
sures them all strictly pure, and especially
dapted for medical purposes:
llannesvllle, Imported Holland,
Rush, WINJbS;
Haag, Blackberry,
Louisville, Elderberry.
Kentucky. Port
BKANDYS; Huckleberry,
Plain, Catawba,
Ginger, Grape.
Sherry, "TTLi.
Blackberry, Applejack,
Peacb. New England Rum.
OS- These liquors are allguar&nteed to be not
leas than four years old and can be strongly
reccommended as wholesome and healthy.
LA GER always on draughV..
Square, Grand Boudoir Gem & Orchestral
Upright, Grand
The best now made and endorsed by all eminent
The most beautiful and sweetest toned in the world
Smaller Musical Instruments,
Organettes, Musical Boxes, Musical Toys, &c.
Sheet Music (including the popular 6 and 10 oent musio) Music Books
Strings, &c.
Harry J. Kurzenknabe, Millheim, Pa.,
Agent for Union and Centre Counties.
All kinds of Marble Work,
Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Tombs, &c.
Granite Monuments and Headstones
furnished at lowest prices.
c. ooisr
Proprietor and Manufacturer of
Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c.
• Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at all
times. New and improved machinery in the shops.
Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere
m u m m m Vegetable , j
The great popularity of this preparation,
after its test of many years, should be an
assurance, even to tho most skeptical, that
it is really meritorious. Those who have
used HALL'S HAIK RENEWER know that
it does all that is claimed.
It causes new growth of hair on bald
heads—provided the hair follicles are not
dead, which is Beldom the case: restores
natural color to grav or faded hair; pre
serves the scalp healthful and clear of
dandruff; prevents the hair falling off or
changing color; keeps it soft, pliant, lus
trous, and causes it to grow long and
HALL'S HAIR RENEWER produces its
effects by the healthful influence of its
vegetable ingredients, which invigorate
and rejuvenate. It is not a dye, and is
a delightful article for toilet use. Con
taining no alcohol, it does not evap
orate quickly and dry up the natural oil,
leaving the hair harsh andt brittle, as do
other preparations.
Buckingham's Dye
FOR Tins
Colors them brown or black, as desired,
and is the best dye, because it is harmless;
produces a permanent natural color; aud,
oeing a single preparation, Is more con
venient of application than any other.
R."p; HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H.
Sold by all Dealers in Medicines.
Comer Maryland and Atlantic avenues, Atlantic
City. N. J. This spiendid hotel is now ready to
receive guests for the season. Fine view or the
ocean, and excellent bathing, boating, fishing,
&c. Dancing pavilUon attached. KELSKY &
LEFLEK, Proprietors. [Mention where you saw
this ad.]
■ Rlmorc money than at anything else
lAf |H| by taking an agency for the best
WW ■ |y selling book out. Beginners succeed
■ ■ ■™ ™ gnindly. None fail. Terms free.
N. W. Eby,
Woodward, Pa.
Distiller ol
The best article constantly kept on hand and
guaranteed to be unadulterated.
The best liquor for Medical Use.
Sold at the lowest cash prices, 231y
WTAITRft ~M die S and gentlemen to
I vv All L L IF, take light, pleasant employ
ment at their homes (distance no objection);
work sent by mail; *2 to $5 a day can be quietly
made;no canvassing. Please address at once
ULOBK MFO. CO., Boston, Mass., box 5344.
This remedy contains no injurious drugs.
Cleanses tli ( gVTASRH
Inflaminat i o
A q"ick_Kclief. s^-fJEVER
A positive Cure.
CREAM BALM has gained an envia
ble reputation wherever known , displacing all
other preparations. It is a creamy substance.
A particle is applied iuto each uostril, causing
no pain and ts agreeable to use. Price SO cents
by mail or at Druggists.. Send for circular.
ELY BKOTHKiis. Diuggtats, Owego, N. Y.
Parker's Tonic
i Pare Familj Medicine M Refer
If you are wasting away from age, dissipation
or any disease or weakness and require a stim
ulant take PARKER'S TONIC at once ; it will in
vigorate and build you up from the first dese
but will never intoxicate. It has saved hun
dreds of lives, it may save yours.
163 William Street, New York.
50c. and $1 sizes, at all dealers in medicines.
Great saving in buying dollar size. 21-4t
Intelligent SOLICITORS WANTED for the
His OWN ACCOUNT of the greatest military strag
gle of moderntinies. 100,000! ! orders already
taken. Will sell immensely. For particulars,ad
dress HUBBARD BROS., Pub's., 723 Chestnut
St.,Pliila, Pa. 25-it
This old and well*
tried Remedy
i tmm Impure or Impover-
Blood, A* Scrof-
ALA, Rheumatlam, UL
cerous Sores, WHITE
Swellings, Syphilitic Nodes, Bone Diseases. etc.
Invaluable in General Debility and diseases of de
bility of the aged. A rich syrup, containing na
injurious ingredients. No other Remedy has RET
ceived such encomiums. Sold HY all Druggists.
' DP A PRESS and how I cure it, by one who
iILQi was for 23 years. A succassful home
i treatment. Address T. S. PAGE, No. East
26th St., New York. 23-tt