Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 02, 1885, Image 2

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PubTtShed by R. A. BUMILLER.
are announced to be at the encamp
mentof the National Soldiers' Reunion
at Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, on
the Fourth of J nly.
THE papers are full of commence
ment accounts of the many colleges
throughout the state. Thousands of
young people are graduating and
ready to take a hold of the first paying
position or job presenting itself. Time
will only tell whether or not their ed
ucation is of practical benefit to them.
GOVERNOR PATTISON has signed the
marriage license act. The bill requires
couples intending to be married to
take out a license one month before.
The law will go into effect about the
first of October next and it is to be
hoped that much of the crookedness
and folly which exist in the marriage
business will be straightened out by
this law.
■ i. i n ■—— lll ■
NEW YORK'S three most important
offices, from a political standpoint,
were filled on Saturday by President
Cleveland in the appointment of the
following men : Edward L. Hedden,
to be Collector of Customs, in Mr.
Robertson's placa ; H. S. Beattie, Sur
veyor of Customs and Silas W. Burt,
Naval Officer. Cleveland made these
selections after a very careful consider
ation,well knowing the peculiar politi
cal color of New York's Democracy.
Mr. Hedden is an experienced
merchant and pure business man and
has never been an active politician.
He is approved by Irving Hall and as
a man is not objectionable to Tam
many Hall.
Mr.- Beattie is ako a County De
mocracy man and a warm friend of
Secretary Whitney. He is a lawyer
and at present Deputy County Clerk
of New York.
Colonel Burt was the Naval Officer
under Hayes, when Arthur took the
chair. Burt received the cold shoul
der and he turned and voted for Cleve
land both for Governor and President
His appointment makes the second
important office given to Independent
To please both tie county democracy
and Tammany was almost an impossi
Tammany is hard to please and in
this case as before is mad at Cleveland
and everybody else.
GENERAL GRANT is slowly but sure
ly neariug his end. The following
statement of Dr. Douglas, his attend
ing physician, fully explains the pa
tient's condition :
"His life has been prolonged by the
invigorating air here instead of the
great beat ot New York. The disease
has progressed in the natural way. As
I have said before, his disease is one of
increasing debility. Tne General was
likely to die at any time in New York,
and had he remained there instead of
coming he e he would in all human
probability have expired before this.
His present weakness is the natural re
sult of the disease. He is each day less
strong, and though the step from day
to day is scarcely preceptible, the ag
gregate of fourteen days becomes no
ticeable. Two weeks ago Grant left the
city, and if he was in New York to-day
he could not be moved here. "His
strength to-day is unequal to such a
journey. Now if you ask me when the
end will probably be, I canuot tell. No
one can tell. He grows weaker and
weaker,and at last the point of exhaus
tion will be reached. That is all, and
nobody can say when that shall be."
Franklin and Marshall College, Lancas
ter, Pa., is the oldest and leading insti
tution of the Reformed church. The
commmencement exercises begau June
the 14th with the baccalaureate 6ermon
by Pres. T. G. Apple, D. D. The
Board of Trustees conferred the honor
ary degree of Ph. D. upon Prof. D. M.
Wolf and L. L. D. upon the Hon. John
Cessna. The college received a gener
ous donation of SIO,OOO from Charles
A. Santee of Philadelphia. At the re
union of the Diagnothian Literary so
ciety, W. U. Hensel, a graduate mem
ber, occupied the chair. He was also
appointed on the committee which
lias io charge the publication of a Cen
tennial Memorial volume of the college.
Among those who responded to toasts
at the alumni dinner and semi-centen
nial celebrations or the literary societies,
were Hon. J. H. Wickerssham L.L.D ,
a member of the Board, Hon. J<hn
Cessna L. L D., Hon. John W. Kil
linger, Major A. C. Reinoehl, Mayor
D. P. Rosenmiller and Rev. Kryder E
The clft3B day exercises, characterized
by wit arid humor, were exceedingly
entertaining to a large audience on the
college campus.
The graduating class numbering
twenly'four were arrayed in gowns and
caps, ten of whom delivered oraiions.
S. 0. Stover,of Farmers' Mills and Mr.
Masataka Yamanaka, a Japanese stu
dent, were among the graduates. The
Minister of the Japanese Government
at Washington has engaged the latter
as one of ihe Japanese legation, arid he
has already gone to his post. lie is a
sii cere Christian.
The trustees are engaged in erecting
an observatory, the principal instru
ments for which were manufactured in
Europe at a great cost. For this pur
pose a lady of Frederick, Md., donated
SIO,OOO. Other contributions are being
- added.
The Hon. John Cessna L. L. D. is
President of the Board of Trustees, a
position occupied for many years by
President Buckhannan. Prof. D. M.
Wolf, Ph. P., Revs. L. K. and John
M. Evans, Dr. C. S. Musser, Harvey
MusserEsq., Prof's. Gobble, Henry
Bitner and Wra. I foster man, natives of
this valley, nnd many others through
out the county,are graduates of Fiank
lin and Marshall. Calvin M. Bower,
Esq., is a member of the Board of
Trustees. The college is being well- en
dowed and equipped. It is thorough
and progress ive in its work.
Miscellaneous News.
The Mystery Solved.
PoTTSSViLLE,June 25.— The mystery
surrounding the recent incendiary fires
here seems on the point of solution.
The police to-day arretted 4 Tony' llein
hart, 4 Skip' Mayer and *BulP Carlisle
well-known local crooks. Evidence a
gainst two of them is so strong that it
is expected they will make a clear
breast of the indentity and the opera
tions of the incendiary gang. They
were all committed for trial.
Fourth of July Excursions.
For the benefit of those who would
enjoy the great national holiday in vis
iting friends or making short excur
sions to attractive points, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets at greatly reduced rates,
on the 3rd and 4th of July, good to re
turn until the 6th between all stations
on its lines, comprising tho Pennsylva
nia, the Philadelphia, Wilmington and
Baltimore, Baltimore and Potomac,Al
exandria and Fredricksburg, Northern
Central, West Jersey, and Camden and
Atlantic railroads.
LAY TIIEM AWAY —We mean the
horrible, nauseous worm-seed com
pounds called worm syrups and vermi
fuges ; many of them as worthless as
they are obnoxious. They have out-liv
ed their usefulness. People do not
want them since McDonald's Celebrat
ed Worm Powders,so easy and pleasant
to take, can be had from any dealer.
Everyone who has tried them say they
are the nicest and best vermifuges ever
discovered. The children take them
and never know a medicine is being ad
ministered. Any case of failure to
cause expulsion where worms exist the
money promptly refunded in every in
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenliuth, Millheim, Pa.
Silver Discovered Near Pittsburg.
PITTSBURG, June 27.—The little town
of Montour, on the line of \he Pitts
burg and Lake' Erie Railroad,ten miles
west of Pittsburg,is m a ferment of ex
citement over the discovery of what ex
perts claim is genuine silver-bearing
qaartz. The quartz was found by Su
perintendent Kelly, of the imperial
Coke Company, on the property of the
company, lie had it essayed by Prof.
Hugo Blank,a prominent chemist here,
who states that it has $7.50 of silver to
the tou. Of course it was only the sur
face croppings, and it is expected to be
more valuable when it is mined. The
lode is located three miles from Mon
tour, in a ravine on a right angle from
the rtyer. Those who ought to know
say the indications are that the strike
is genuine.
—ONE dose of McDonald's Great
Blood Purifier or Sarsaparillian Altera
tive is guaranteed to contain more al
terative properties, more truly remedial
power than three doses of any other
known alterative or blood purifier.
Many other blood remedies are good e
nough in their way, only that you are
compelled to buy a gallon of medicine
to get a pint of remedy ; the manufact
urers having sacrificed strength and
usefulness to palatabilily and profit.
McDonald's Blood Purifiei is put up in
seyenty-live cent bottles containing as
much as most dollar bottles of other
makes. Dissatisfied purchasers can
have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenliuth, Millheim.Pa.
A Terrible Accident.
Josiah Fry Almost Cut In Twain by
Coming in Contact with a buzz-
DAUPHIN, June 25.—A terrible .acci
dent. happened at Bayard's stave mill,
six miles from this place, about 2 p. m.,
Wednesday. Mr. Josiah Fry,a sawyer,
was working at a buzz-saw when a part
of the frame-work gave way, allowing
the saw to swing forward, coming in
contact with Mr. Fry's right shoulder
and cutting diagonally through the
body to the lower ribs on the left side.
The cut was a terrible one, almost di
viding the body. Death was instantan
eous. %
Mr. Fry was upwards of sixty years
of age, and was respected by all.having
a kind word for every one. He lias
been a resident of Clark's Valley for
many years, and the whole community
was shocked to hear of bis sad death.
The Messrs Bayard will have some dif
ficulty in finding a man to take Mr.
Fry's place.
NEIGHBORS.— Mr. Levi 8 alii, merch
ant and postmaster at Fostoria Pa.,
writes :
•Mr. J. A. McDonald, Reedsville,Pa.
DEAR Slß.— Some time ago I had a
severe attack of chronic diarrhoea.
Could obtain no relief. A friend gave
me a part of a bottle of your Curtis'
Carmelite Cordial, and a few doses en
tirely cured me. The balance of the
bottle went around among the neigh
bors. Since then I have written to
New York and Philadelphia for the
medicine but could net procure it. I
traced up the bottle we had and found
it was purchased of Mr. Jacob Cowan,
merchant in Altoona,and from him ob
tained your address. Pie, s s forward
me one dozen bottles byexpivssat once,
as I do not wish to he without it m toy
family and wish to sell it i: my store.'
Single bottle Curtis' Carmelite Cor
dial guaranteed to cure any case chole
ra, dysentery, diarrhoea; cramps,pains,
and all irritation ot the bowels incident
to change of climate, diet or water.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenliuth, Millheim, Pa.
Neuralgia of the Fare, t
C.ipl. John Orr, Pcarlington, Miss., has
been a most intense sufferer from facial
neuralgia for over twenty years. He has
had seventeen operations performed on
the nerves—that is, had them divided, cut
off close to the hone from which they
emerge. But this never did him any good;
the most excruciating pain continued
without the least interruption. llc often
wished for death to relieve him of the in
tolerable pain The best physicians failed
to relieve htm They finally advised him
to consult Dra. Hartman & Miller, at the
St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, which
he did. They prescribed UNA, and
in less than a month wascntircly relieved
of the pain. Before consulting these doc
tors fhc least touch to any part of his face
or nose would cause the most fearful pain,
while now he can blow his nose and wipe
his face without the least fear of pain.
The captain is grateful beyond measure
for this unexpected and unhoped for result.
J Mrs Elizabeth Kenner.qS Laurel street,
New Orleans, has been one of the great
est sufferers from Neuralgia of the face
during the past year that we have ever
heard of. From morning to night, ami
from night to morning, there was one
constant, racking, tearing, burning pain,
cxtendingclear around her head and deep
down through every muscle, tooth and
bone in her face. No rest and no sleep.
All physicians failed to relieve her, as
well as all remedies. She was constantly
in the most agonizing despair. She called
on Dr. Hartman, who said the cause was
chronic catarrh. He prescribed PBRUNA
for her and now every pain has left her.
She feels like another person and can eat
heartily and sleep soundly.
; Mrs. C. J. Miles, Gallipolis, O , writes:
41 DR. S. B HARTMAN & Co., Columbus,
O. M v affliction has been rheumatism, lo #
cated In the right arm and shoulder, of
more than two years' standing, and after
trying a great many remedies without any
relief, I commenced the use ot PERUNA,
which, after using three bottles, found a
decided change for the better. I contin
ued to use it and now feel entirely well."
Huldah Ward, Wellston.O., writes: 4, 1
have been afflicted for years with that
dreaded disease, catarrh. I tried a great
many different kinds of medicine, but to
no effect. I commenced taking your PE
RUNA about nine months ago; have tak
en about ten bottles. It is doing me much
good. By its continued use I hope to lie
entirely cured."
> Dr. A. B. Lovejoy, Dadeville, Ala.,
writes: 4i I have a tine run on your PE
RU* A and MAN A I.IN. Please send me a
lot of books, 44 The Ills of Life."
—A misstep will often make a crip
ple for life. A bottloot Henry A John*
son's Arnica and Oil Liniment at hand,
will not prevent tlie misstep, but used
immediately it will sayebeing a cripple.
Iho Old, Okl Story.
BEDFORD, Pa., June 29.— Mrs. Mary
Moy'e, of Everett, yesterday noon .at
tempted to light her kitchen fiie with a
can of kerosene, with the usual result.
The oil caught fite, the can exploded,
and fragments of glass and tin wcr®
scattered all over the room. J/is.
Moyle was ablazi with fire when she
ran out of the house, but before the
flames could be subdued sbe was hor
ribly burned. She lingered in misery a
few hours when death ended her suffer
—lf you are troubled with a 'hacking
cough,' Down's Elixir will giye you re
lief at once. Warranted as recommend
ed or money refunded.
adiuiuistration 011 tlie ost.ite or Wosmua
Knder, deceased. late of Penn township, t ou
tre Co., P>t., having been granted to the sub
scribers, all persons indebted to said estate are
hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and ail who have claims against the same to
present them duly authenticated by law, tor
settlement. N. I'. KKIDKU,
Wolf's Store. June 10, 'So. I>. B. WEAVE*.
■ft I
Farmers' Mills, Pa.
The mill is now in complete running order
and prepared to exchange
Custom choping will be done as heretofore.
Flour and Feed
always on hand. The mill is lltted up with a
full and complete line of tlie celebrated ALLIS
ROLLS and has all the modern improvements
known in the roller process.
The highest market price paid for
all kinds of grain.
J". 33. FISHER,
I Send six cents fo
fits %&&& M. It San postage, and receive
inl Y fffl £ tCu KJB' I'™ 1 '™ cosily box of
a ■■■""■ goods which will help
you to more money right away than anything
else in this world. All. of either sex, succeed
from first hour. The broad road to fortune o
pens before the workers, absolutely sure. At
once address, "KCK&OO., Augusta, Maine.
A thorough preparatory School for Boys. Con
ducted upon the Military plan. Boys of any
age admitted. Send for catalogue, terms, etc.
L. C. BISHOP, Head Master, Reading, Pa.
I IIIW I 111 lull HOWELL & Co'a
Newspaper Advertising 'Bureau (10 Spruce
Street), where adver- ng ■■■i ifAnil
This elegant lot of goods was selected with great care and consists of the latest and most popular styles of
Bonnets, Hats, Trimmings, Ornaments, &c. Call and see for yourselves.
. AT
Spring Mills, Pa.
The Light Running Piano
Harvester and Binder, Piano
Reaper and Mower, McSherry
Grain Drill, Cultivators,
Hayrakes, Corn Drills and
Planters, Plows, Spring Har
rows, Lanl Rollers, Wagons,
Fanning Mills,
arid in fact everything that a farmer needs.
Engines. Portable and Station
ary Threshing Machines,
with engines having upright or horizont
al boilers.
Clover Hullers, Saw Mills
—I will also liandlo-r
respectfully invite Farmers to come and
examine my stock and he convinced that 1 liin
dle none but first cuts* machinery and am seli
ingclteaper than any one iu Centre co. 1 also
keep a full line of
Repairs on band.
A Magazine I Yr. Free.
We arc b mini to have jMo.OOO subscribers be
fore A up. Ist IW-5. to ourlarge Illustrated pub
lication. Tub Fireside M toAZiNK. In order to
net the alKve number of subscribers We must
almost give.uway subscription the first year,
and the so •<> id year we will make up the loss
as most of theni will subscribe again, paying
our regular price. Send 2- cents, silver or
stamps, to pay postage and you will have the
above Magazine to read every week for one
whole year. If you accept the above offer, we
expect you will be kind enough to distribute a
mongyour friends a few s,null books containing
our advertisements and IP7 of the best house
hold receipts, also a few sets of a ivertising
cards, for which we will make you a present of
a ban I some silver-plated castor, or a set of sil
ver knives and forks- State how many books
and cards you can give away for us, and we will
send them and the. present prepaid. Order for
a friend also, and you will receive both pres
ents. Please state how tar you live from the
railroad so we can see whether it is best to send
presents by mail or express. Address,
Fireside Magazine, Hume, N. Y.
Celebrated Terwillipr Pattern)
Fire and Burglar Proof
Pntcnt Inside Bolt Work.
Solid Welded Angle Iron Frames.
Extra Thick Walls.
Superior Fire Proof Filling.
Eocks and Bolt Work Protected
With Hardened Steel.
Extra Heavy Material t
Hence are More Fire and Burglar Proof.
Send for Circulars and Prices,
273 & 275 State Street,
WANTED.—Several good canvase rs to sell
an article which every tax-payer needs , and
which one fourth of them will buy if properly
presented and explained. No humbug, but ah
article of practical value. Those who mean
business may call in person on the undersigned
—others need not apply.
Journal Store Column.
k .. * •
This is the Jour
nal Store Column:
while the Journal
Store itself is at
No 20,Penn Street
Millheim, Penna.,
where you will
find a full line of
School & Blank
Sunday School Sup
plies, Stationery, Bi
Stamped Goods, Pe
ncils, Fens, Toys and
a general variety of
goods, such as are
usually kept in first
class stationery and
variety stores,
!■ •
Call and See.
a. BEimmms*
• ••••••••• •••• •••••• •••••• ••••• UMM ••••• ••••• •••••• •<•!(**< •••• M'M t WW >t * **MM Wt W •••••*•••• ••••• •••••••• ******
| . i
. -• i.
| i
: i.
I ' I
i • ' . - .
: ' '{
i s
: ,
Dress Parade of the Fair's Greatest
at the
! D. S. Kauffman & Co.,
| •
Main street, Millheim, Pa.
i I {
Next door west of Musser's Hotel. 5
•• • •
\ j
l i
We call the special attention of our customers to the fact thai a new |
j §IOOOO stock of goods can be sold at more advantageous figures than a i
I small stock could at any time be offered.
i " i
Our stock of goods now is
New large, fine and cheap
and comprises anything handled in a first-class
| General Merchandise Establishment,
from a pin to a heavy silk dress—from a collar to a fine dress suit.
>| I ALWAYS ready to show goods
| ALWAYS one price
| ALWAYS satisfying our customers.
Give us a FAIR trial and you will not regret it-
D. S. Kauffman & Co.
t •
_ _ . „ . PROVIDENCE, R. 1.. 10 Dexter St
I)R. J. A.SllhltMAN—Dear Filend : lam sorry. Doctor, you have left Bostou. Persons eon
tlnue to come to my house to inquire respec.tng you. while many others write me. Many who
left me said they would surely seek your aid. Yourtiucctxts has beeu wonderful, and I am quite
sure without a parallel. To my surprise my large Hernia appears to be perfctly healed, f did
not expect it at the age of 79. After receiving your treatment f was relieved from suffering which
was fast taking iny life. 1 have no iaea I should be living had you not taken mv ease In hand.
1 weigh now 1/0 pounds, over thirty pounds more than then. I think you must receive a gnat a
inount of happiness from the relief given and gratitude rendered.
You owe it to my sou in Boston, who has known many of your patients before and after heal
ing. that I applied to you. "Go," said he, "to Dr. isherman; he is doing wonders." 1 had failed
of lielp from a dozen others and doubted, but he would not let me rest tin I weut. I bless the day
1 dl<l so. It is to me a mystery, Doetor, that you have so wonderfully out-distanced aU in your
I hope your life will long be spared to relieve sufferers, aud thus bless the world. Most aflec
• tlouately and gratefully yours, REV. JOHN ALDKN.
The Rev. John Aldens case was quite as bad as Mr. James Corlew's, in Dr. Sherman's illustra
ted book. Those who value iinmumty from strangulated rapture, the injury trusses Inflict; and
the comfort* of physical soundness should lose no time in securing the benefits of Dr. Sherman's
treatment and remedies. His book, contlining likenesses of bad cases before and after cure,
with evidence of his success aud Indorsements from distinguished physicians, clergymen, mer
; chants, tanners, engineers and others, is expressed to those who send 10 cents. Dr. eherman can
be consulted daily aw ids office, 231 Broadway, New York, except Thursdays and Fridays, when he
w ill be in Philadelphia office,3o2 Walnut Street. NOTE.—No operation or detentkja from business
Patients from a distance can receive treatment and leave for home same day. 23 4t
MKillheim IHnrkei.
Correct oil ivory Wednesday
byG. A. Harter,grocer.
Wheat, old,
Corn fa
Rye 60
i oats White 60
' Buckwheat 50
?lour 4.00
■ Salt,per llrl 1.50
: Plaster,ground 9.00
Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50
f Barley 45
I Tymothyseed 1.25
! Flaxseed 1.25
Clovcrseed 6.10
Butter 11
Hams 14
Sides 9
Pork 5
Errs 12
Potatoes 80
Lard 8
T 4 "YJTI f Claims a specialty. Warrants
| liA i\ 1/ i and ADDITIONAL HOME
! kinds of LAND SCRIP bought and sola. SUS
| PENSION eases attended to. Correspondence
! solicited. A. A. 1 lioma*.Attorney at law
Koom 25 St. Cloud Bld'g, Washington
Surface Indications
What a miner would very properly term
"surface indications" of what is beneath,
are the Pimples, Sties, Sore Eyes,
Bolls, and Cutaneous Eruptions with
which people are annoyed in spring and
early summer. Tlio effete matter accumu
lated during the winter months, now
makes its presence felt, through Nature's
endeavors to expel it from the system.
"While it remains, it is a poison that festers
in the blood and may develop into Scrof
ula. This condition causes derangement
of the digestive and assimilatory organs,
with a feeling of enervation, languor, and
weariness —often lightly spoken oi as "only
spring fever." These are evidences that
Nature is not able, unaided, to throw off
the corrupt atoms which weaken the vital I
forces. To regain health, Nature must be )
aided by a thorough blood-purifying med- j
iciue; and nothing else is so effective us
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
which Is sufficiently powerful to expel
from the system even the taint of Hered
itary Scrofula.
The medical profession indorse AYER'S
SAUSAPARII.LA, and many attestations of
the cures effected by it come from all parts
of the world. It is, in the language of
the Hon. Francis Jewett, ex-State Sen
ator of Massachusetts and ex-Mayor of
Lowell, "the only preparation that does
real, lasting good."
| Dr. J. C. Ayer £ Co., Lowell, Mass . j
•. Sold by all Druggists: Price fl;
V - Six bottjS foy .
Try it for earache,
Try it for headache,
Try it for toothache.
Try it for haclrache.
For an ache or a pain Thomas' Eclectric
Oil is excellent.—Chas. F. *74,
Schenectady. N. Y.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil is the best thing
! going, pa says. Cured him of rheumatism
! and me of earache—two drops.—Master
| Horace Breniier, Clinton, lowa.
Try it for a limp,
Try it for a iamweaa,
Try it for a pain,
Try it for a strain.
From shoulder to ankle joint, and for
three months I had rheumatism which
yielded to nothing but Thomas' Eclectric
Oil. Thomas' Eclectric Oil did what no
physician seemed able to accomplish. It
cured me.—John N. Gregg, Supu of Rail
way Coos iruction, Niagara Falls.
Try it for a scald,
Try it for a cat!
Try it for a bruiae,
Try it for a burn.
Price 50 eta. and |i.oo.
Low Priced Fer
Low priced fertilizers are
not always the best Baugh's
$25.00 Phosphate is the
best and the cheapest fer
< tilizer, for the simple reason
j that it gives as good results
as articles that cost very much
more money. No farmer can
make a mistake who buys
Baugh's Animal Bone Su
per-Phosphate for $25 per
ton, in new bags, free on
board car or boat at Philadel
phia. Their address is No. 20
j South Delaware Avenue, Phil