Old, but Good. The Cincinnati Gazette a number of years ago published a good story on a distinguished lawyer named Benham, of that city. He was a fine orator, but much given to a display of his vast classical learning. In a murder trial he warned the jury to not allow public opinion, which was against his client, to influence the verdict. In concluding his appeal he said : •Gentlemen of tho jury, give up ,* drop all feeling in this important matter, and be like the an cient Human in his adherence to the truth, who in its defense eloquently de clared : •Amicus Cato,amicus Plunto, amicus Cicero, sid major Veritas' [I am a friend to Cato a friend of Plunto, a friend of Cicero, but a greater friend to truth.] The papers the next morning reported the eloquent lawyer as having •closed his great speech to the jury by finally saying : I may cuss Cato,l may cuss Pluto, I may cuss Cicero, said Major Veritas.' This is something similar to a story that has been going the rounds of the press concerning General Sherman. lie was walking along the streets of St. Louis with a friend and!was very pleas antly accosted by a gentleman whom the general did not quite remember. The gentleman, seeing how it was, \ said in a low voice: 'Don't you remember me, I make your shirts.' 'Oh, yes,' replied the general, smiling, then turn ing to his friend,said: 'Colonel low me to introduce my friend, Major Schurtz.' ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING BYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its valuu is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there Is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTU ING SVBCP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription or one of the oldest and best female nurses and physici tns in the United States, ami is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Trice 25 cents a bottle. Moral Suasion. It was a pleasaut town in the Gen essee valley that a party of boys made night, or the eajly part of if, hideous to the residents of a quiet street. Partic ularly afflicted by the uproar of the ur chins was a good woman, who was at her wits end to discover any feasible method or relief. From sad experienc Bhe knew that entreaties were in vain and that scoldings were worse than useless, as applied to the juvenile rois terers. Finally, in sheer despeiation, she hit upon a happy expedient. Call ing the boys to her door, she said : •'Now, boys, if you will go quietly a way and not make any noise, I'll give you all the apples you can eat." They greedily assented to the terms of the compromise, and filled tliera selves with the proffered fruit. That night the ingenious lady ulept the sleep of the just ; but, to her honor and a roazement, the following evening the small boys again mustered in force in front of her house, with lungs redoub led in energy by the slight re3t they had taken. "Boys." she cried,in the shrill falset to of despair ; "after your promise of last night., wnat do you mean by again disturbing me in this way V" "More apples, "was all they said. —Tlie Millheim Marble Works are turning out some yery tine work. The yard is full to repletion of excellent monuments and headstones of beauti ful and chaste design. Mr. A. C. Musser, the proprietor is an expert me chanic and a square man to deal with while his prices can not be undersold anywnere. 3t What He Struck. Three years ago an Ohio man began boring for oil. Plenty of people told him that he wasn't within 100 miles of an old belt, but he set up a derrick ,aud bored and drilled, and hung 00. When he got done boring in one spot he tried another, and it was not until October of last year that he stopped for good. 4 Well, Uncle John, what have you accomplished with all your boring and drilling V 'Well,'answered the old man, as he crossed his hands on the small of his back, 'l've discoyered that when you bore a hole through three farms the end of the drill comes out right agin the poorhouse door. I've struck it plumb center.' 13 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed,securely wrapped,to auy address in the United States for three months on receipt of; pNE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmas ters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to. RICHARD K. POX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, N. Y jp H. MUSSER, ' JEWELER, Walches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. All work neatly and promptly Exe cuted. Shop on Main Street, Millheim, Pa. JpEABODY HOTEL, 9th St.South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post OHice, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms from f>octs to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W PAINE, M. I)., 40-lv Owner &■ Proprietor. TBVIN HOP3E, # (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORN EH OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK IIAVEX, PA. S.WOODSCALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Hood Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel ers on first lloor. ~ II! NOTICE OF OPENING 11! Mr. I. E. Couldren hereby respectfully informs the public that ho is now prepared to do all kind of Tailoring Work from an OVERALL to a fine SUIT or OVER COAT He is a mechanic of many year's ex p ienee and guarantees satisfactory work. He has opened his shop in Brown's building, oppo site Campbell's store. Main street, where lie will be glad to receive the patronage of the public A line of sar pies constantly kept in stock Recpectf lly, E. I. COULDREN. Musser House. Millheim, ------ Penna. RESORT^ Two miles from Coburn Station on L. & T. IE R. Fine Trout Fishing and Hunting within sight of town. Healthy locality and fine moun tain sceneries. The celebrated PENNs VAL LEY CAVES but five miles distant. The Jtlnest drives in the state. FINE SADDLE HORSES, CARBIAOESJAXD BUGGIES for the use of summer boarders. table and Smile Rooms, newly furnished, for fannies with children, on second and third floors. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. 16-lv M illhelm, Centre Co.. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 10, ltßl Examinations for admission, September 9. This institution is located in one of the most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following courses of stilly: 1. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. 3. The following SPECIAL COURSES, of two years each following the first two years of theScicntifie Course (a) AGRICULTURE ; (b) NATURAL HISTORY; (c) CHEMIS TRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGIN EERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6. A reorganized Course in Mechanicle Arts, combiniug shop-work with study. 7. A new Special Course (two years) in Litera ture and Science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. P. SPECIAL CORSES are arranged to meet the wants of Individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. V- ting ladies uuder charge of a competent lady 1 riuci pal. For Catalogues, or other informationeddress GEO. W. ATHr.RTON.LL. I)., PRESIDENT lyr STATE COLLEOK, CENTRE CO., Pa. ELIAS LUSE&SONR —PUOrittETOItS OF THE — MILLHEII PLANING MILL. east of the new Ev. church, Penn St., Millheim, Pa. Contractors, - Builders, —AND MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Shutters, Blinds, Brackets, Flooring All kinds of Siding. A Having our own planing mlli,it will be to tbe advantage of those intending to builu to con sult us. Contracts made on all kinds of buildings. Plans and Specifications furnished on application, with est imates of cost. 18-ly CASH STORE ! The MOST goods for the LEAST money 1 AT } G. A. HARTER'S GROCERY, No- 32 Main Street, Millhim, Pa. Headquarters for Gro ceries, Provisions, Con fectioneries. Tobacco and Cigars, &c. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AT THE HIGHEST HOME MARKET PRICES. Remember we do a strict cash business and sell at close margins. Musser Brothers' ROLLER RINK. ll The proprietors respectfully inlorm tho public that their - ißinsriEC - Corner of Penu and Mill Streets, Millheim, Pa. is open every Wednesday and Saturday oven lug. and Saturday afternoons. (Sizo of Rink 40 x 100.) The building is commodious and finely arrang ed, has a splendid floor, and patrons will always dud new and strong skates on hand. General admission 5 ccnls. Use ofskatcs,fer 3 boors'session, 10 Ladies admitted free! A T ' Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Mililicim. Pa. >— —- -mrntm • ———— Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gatherings promptly made to order. Cull at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m JHE JJEST MOTOB18! AT Buck B ros ' ?IRT (t.-ILLE ft I'i FAMILY GRODPES AND CHILDREN —TAKEN BY TIIE I VST AATA AIM S PROCESS! Satisfactory Work Done by RAIN OR SHINE! We furnish everything in our line I from a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. Picturse copied and en larged in the best style. -sgFRAMESS*- t can be procure 1 at our place on sl-.oit not lac j P jj prices aroj j< clown so as to suit every purso. I j Gallery on North St., Millheim, Pa, | A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GBOOERS keep the largest stock in the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, TIIE BOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothi-i;,. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. ru c\[\{ \ AA r\tn vreaentegiven away . Send .n/l II II )( M l lis 5 cents postage, and by j J\J\ y o u will get free a pack age of goods of large value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you In money faster than anything else in America. All a bout the ♦200,000 in presents with each box. A geuts wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all tne time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers ab solutely assured. Don't delay. H. IIALLETT & Co., Portland, Maine. Anic APrrn t To introduce them UIIII ur FEili J we are going to Give Away 1,000 Self-Operating washing Ma chines. If you want one send us your name, address and express ollice at once. It is a great labor saving invention. Address NA TIONAL CO . 25 Dey St., N. Y. Tprufe wantedai l iras 3l Hi 91 I .|Corßets. Sample free to those be- HU LII I'll coming agents. No risk, auick sales. Territory given, satisfaction guaranteed. Address DR.SCOTT,B42 Broadway SL.N.Y. VA MONTH and BOARD for 3 live #n! >;)ynung Men or Ladies, m each county- Address P. W. ZEIG LEli & CO., Phila delphia Pa, AprvrmOfor Lncrative, Healthy, Hon ilUliil lOorable A Permanent business ap plyto Wilmot Castle & Co., liocliester, N. Y. GUNS! ! GUNS, lilt EEC 11 LOA I) EPS, fiom SI.OO for u single shot gin., up to SIO.OO. DOUIiLE 11. L. SHOT GUNS, from Sl.'i.OO for a pood serviceable ffim, to $35.00 for something extra. REVOLVERS, from $1.01) up to SIO.OO. 1J7A77/ ES TKP PI PL ES, Model 75. Central Fire $17.00 '7O. •• •• twenty eiiflil inch barrel SH.OO Muzzle loading shot ; uns from $2.00 for ;i single gwn,s;>.To for a double gun. FISHINGTACKLK! SET .V ETS, 7 Hoops, 11.50, K Hoops f'J.Si. THROW NETS.V., foot *3.00. FINE JA PA NESE li AMR OO DOLES. for 20 cts. each. JOINTED (it) RODS , 25 cts. A flue usortment of LINES from 1 cent to *l. Also an immense assortment of IlOOh'S, loose and snelled. Fine Fods, Fishing Fas Ire is, Lea ders, Fl i es, Art i Ji ci a I Fait, Ferrates, Reels. (\'C Also Fishing Tackle repaired. Musical Instruments! VIOLINS Horn *1.25 up to *Hi.tX. G l'l TARS and RAN JOS from *2.50 up to ♦IO.OO. 'An-lunicd Jiichter MOUTH HARMONI CAS, 10 cts. A COORD IONS from *I.OO up to *IO.OO. Also FLUTES, J'ICOLOS, CLARIONETS and FIFES at astonishing low rates. Viulin and Guitar Strings from 5 cts. for good ordinary K, to 1"> cts. for line Silk E. Banjo Strings, best, 10 cts. each. Dans Viol and Cello Strings. WMy Hue of stvin(B cannot be excelled In this state, for I'rlce and Quality. Orders by mail receive prompt atten tion. -WRepairlng of line Guns a specialty. Til EG DO UK DESIINER, Prop. Great Central Gun Works, Bellefonte, Pa. *i"Scnd Tor Trice List and Illustrated cata" logue, containing Game Laws oi Pennsylvania free. D. I. BRO WN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE &c„ — ♦- -Ml • m-- • Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. Repairing done at short notice hy practical workmen. ___ ♦ 4 • 1 Spouting a Specialty Shop on Main Sf.,opjx>sile Albright 1 s. MILLHEIM. PA. BR— for man and BEAST.I |n THE BEST] IW9 EXTERNAL to remedy MBCxitFSS,! 9 NEURALGIA,! ISS CRAMPS. 1 1 —i Sprains, Bruises, E I Burns and Scalds, I ScMcs, Fuctacke, I"™ Frosted Feet and ■ Ears, and all other | Pains and Aches, It is a safe, sure, and 9 mJK effectual Remedy for I Galls, Strains, Scratches, | Sores, &c on I HORSES. 1 B% One trial will prove its IS merits. Its effects are in H most cases t 2 INSTANTANEOUS. ■ Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction. Send ad- M ■■■■ dress for pamphlet, free, giv- P3 ing full directions for the treatment of above diseases, of uEBBHI Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. per ■ bottle. Sold everywhere. ■ Henry, Johaion k Lord, Proprietors, ; Bnrlington, Vt. Lor Sale at SPIGELMYEP 1 S Millheim tfc Madisonburg, Pa IB IP I W r or working people. Send 10 B& E U cents postage, and we will mail > ES bo Em B yon free, a royal, valuable sain- , ... Pie box of goods that will put you in the way G f making more money In a few nays than you ever thought possible at any bus iness. Capital not required. You can Jive at home anil work in spare time only, or ail the time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful, so cents to *5 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test the business.we make this unparralleled offer * to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to nay for the trouble of writing us. Full particu lars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutelysureforallwhostartatonce. Don't de ay. Address STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. ' E DOWNS' ELIHIR.HBj H. DOWNS' I Vegetable Balsamic For tlic euro of iption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, I Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, |R i,a, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, \m Iwueaoftbe Throat, Cheat, nud Hj, . In nil coß<>3 whore this Elixir Is Ep * ustl ltd efficacy 1 at euco manifested, con- r—, • vim ing the moat incredulous that Q 3 CONSUMPTION i l not incuralde, if properly attended to. — S2S At Its coinincucoJiont it Is but a slight irrita- CO tlon of tho membrane v hlch covers the Lungs; I SB thou an inflamatlon, when tho cough is rather r m. dry, local fever, nnd the pulse more frequent,tho d checks flushed and chills more common. This 5? C 3 Elixir In curing tho nbova complaints, opcr- a latossouslo rcmovo all itiorltid iirlta-M tiouaand luflauiMtlon from tbo lungs I to tlio eurfaco, and finally oxpd them from I tho system. It facilitates expectoration. It heals the ulcerated surfaces and relieves tho cough and makes tho breath- KJ ing easy. It supports ilia strength and at the rag name time reduces tho fever. 11 is free from jffl strong opiate ami out ring? lit arth lee, whichare ■ ofso drying a nature as to be In groat danger of gfjPß destroying tho (gitiont; whereas this niodh-iue ■! never dries <>r stops tho cough, but, by renmv H ing tho CAX'KR, consequently, when the cough H is cured tho patient I* well. Send address foi ■ pamphlet going full directions, free. Price 35 eta., r-0 cts. ; and SI .Of) per bottle. Mb g-g 601.U EVERYWHERE. |lj Hi;SRY, JOHXSOS & LOUD, Props., Kurlintrton.Tt. jP? Sail DOWNS' iUIXIR.HWI For Sole at, SPIGE LMYEIVS, Millheivr ff- Madiaonbug, Po. Mchurn^. We make from the best material Saperlor Ar ticles of Dniry Goods, that are models of strength and simplicity. Unquestioned proof given of their durability. Bole manufacturers of Cartls' Improved Factory Churn, Mason's Power Batter Worker, LcverWorker, Curtis' Square Box Ckura, Rectangular Churn, Cream Vats, Hog Power, Ac. "One Family Churn at wholussle where we hare no agent.'' All goods warranted exactly as represented. TWO GOLD, FOURTEEN SILVER AND EIGHT BRONZE MEDALS awarded for su periority. <* • CORNISH, CURTIS & GREENE, Fori Atkinson, Wil ® ood Viol a Magatlne tar fii.CO. SMPMMM:' VICE'S FLOWER AND VSOETAXLS GARDXN, no pages, ttn Com ' n ''**' cloth coven. < When th word Bate? or tho P1.,, n[7T,~_ /7_ | word Crgan ie xaantionftd, they pEB+Ey UI"Q3J\ LO' eaoh muggmi the other*ao widely ' Rl 4 attleborOY+' known andeo pcpuler axe the in • I words are reminders of enjoyment ipj in xnoitittidM of homee. Hltu*rr ted Catalogue mailed free to all AN NURNO I I a This SULKY SLOW witl. ils patent T*UM*D. BOS* POnMrHN I I 1 ft* SION STEEI. WPEKL sud awtug.ng beaut is the most perfect | RIIHIIiIIW I I *e , J A Implemeut of the kind IU the world. We make the famous ■/ ftf ;o; 4 "SWINGBEAM" SULKY 18 I THE BEAM can be fastened rigidly when desired, or .... II 1 left to swing sideways if it strikes a stomp or stone, thus Illustrated below, also g „ <^ln g w.w g - i. n nire for tnrnlng comers without "Garden City Clipper" TBtfcx taking plow oat of the ground. PLOWS, Bn*n om Cxnoctaea irra co., &C M die# SoecMKir* to Fwvt A Bradley MTg Co., or to our Bstwu Hocsxs: DAVID BRADLEY M'F'G CO., SL Louis, RE. V' V DAVID BRADLEY B'F'ti CO., IsdisnapoUs, ISL > \ JR DAVID BRADLEY ft CO., (onaHlß laffa. la. BRADLEY. WHEELER ft CO., Kansas CM* He. Everybody acknowledges that THE CHEAPEST AMD BEST PL.Ito FURNITURE MAUCK'S STORE ON Penn street, Millheim, Pa. PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, LIBRARY, DINING ROOM A KITCHEN FURNITURE LOUNGES, PATENT ROCKERS, RAT TAK A REED CHAIRS, all styles, TABLES, STANDS, BOOK CASES, WARDROBES, WHAT NOTS, BUREAUS, BED STEADS, SINKS, CUPBOARDS, CRADLES, MAT * TRESSES, from the finest curled hair to the cheapest Straw, a great variety of SPRING BEDS , all styles, . and everythiug in the furniture line, on hand or procured on short notice Not undersold by any Store in the County. An extra large stock of Paper Hangings, Decorations. Bfc. Give me a call. W. T. JfAUCK. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with GOOD PmssM*& and a large assortment of '• ■ • * %. J DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS. POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. CCLEMMI COLLEGE, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, Occupies three Buildings. largest and Best. More positions for graduates Than all other school* com bined. Life Scholarship, S4O. Write for circulars, COLt MAN, PALMS <6 CO., Proprietors* THE MOST PERFECT SIEEPEH MASE. A HadUe Uwt Seßb Us* CONSIDERED BT ALL VTRBT-CL4BB THE STAEHABH BWEKFKB. HNRIVAUB WOtk HAIfTY, Strength and light running; performs its labor easilyandnoliat— ly. fbsßnisblseasily adjusted to all grades of nesyit. The manner ot discharging the dost Is superior to all otban. ASK FOB IT AND BUY HO OTHXOft. far Bmlm Iy mU Dealers, Manufactured by Tha Ink Svasper ui Vnnr hi GOSHEN, IND. , ... Cleveland Steam Sange Go. Sole Proprietor j and Manufacturers o f Watson's Portable Purge, Watson's Ekwor. Wition's Ptrrtl filki. Holt's Patent Steam Gauges For Locomotives and Ptati nay Engine*. Locomotive rprfcjj Test Fua?sKi TestSayy, BICVD >CB CTBCt:r..lt AVO IT.ICE Ll*T. WOI K8: |9. 15 JISD U WEST STREET, Office; 211 Japtrier