Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, June 25, 1885, Image 3

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Published - by R. A. BUMILLErT
—Cheap r Summer Silks at D. S. K." A
—Bellefonte will have a circus nn the
30lh instant.
—Good Dress Cashmeres for 25 cents
a yard at Kauffman's.
—W. T. Auman is home from the
New Berlin seminary.
WANTED.— One or two nice Shouts.
Inquire of D. S. Kauffman A Co.
—Some of our farmers in this neigh -
borhood have started to make hay.
—D. W. Zeigler, Penn street is
breaking ground for his new house.
—The Bellefonte Court House is un
dergoing necessary repairs at present.
—Survival of the litest.Downs' Elixir
has outlived eyery other cough remedy
simply because it is the best.
—Ladies, for a fine and complete line
of Embroideries call at Kauffman's
—Last Sunday was the longest day
and summer is already on the decliue.
llow time flics !
—New Cabbage, Beans, Peas, Pine
apples, Ac., to be bad at the Millheim
Grocery this week.
—J. Spigelmyer moved into David
Scholl's property, at the eastern end of
Main Street, last Friday.
—Mr. Bolinger, of York, Pa , is a
visitor at C. F. Deiuinger's and was
one of oui callers this week.
—Gospel Hymns, No. 1 2 A 3 combin
ed,with or without music—at the Jour
nal store. tf
—Eyery bottle of Arnica A Oil Lini
ment sold is warranted by the proprie
tors to give satisfaction or money will
be refuuded.
—Mr. A Mrs.Creisher,of Mifflinburg,
were sojourning in Millbeim for sever
al days, the guests of Mrs. A. J. Har
—The Lewisburg nail works are
running a double set of hands day and
night. The demand for their nails is
very large.
—Sunday night we had a rerfeshing
rain which greatly helped vegetation
and rendered the atmosphere cool and
pure on Monday morning.
— ( "Have used Dr Thomas' Electric
Oil for croup and colds, and declare it a
positive cure." Contributed, by Wm.
Kay, 570 Plymouth Ave., Buffalo,N.Y.
—The plasterers have started on
their job in A, J. Harter's new house.
That boss mechanic, "Wm. Shafer, of
Spring Mills, has the contract for the
—T. F. Moyer,the agreeable proprie
tor of the Rebersburg hotel, gave the
JOURNAL a business call last Saturday
forinoon. Will be glad to have him
call often. ,
are selling our Straw Hats at half pr ice.
Come and get the benefit of this extra
ordinary offer.
D. S. Kauffman & Co.
—Mr. Donehower, of LewisLurg,
spent a few days last week along our
mountain streams enjoying the sport of
fishing for trout. By all reports he is
a success in that line.
—Mr. P. S. Meyer's house on Penn
street, occupied by Rev. Mountz, is be
ing greatly improved by new weather
boarding and a very neat porch. And
still the good work goes on.
—Mrs. John Keen had the gutter a
long the pavement in front of her Main
street residence cobbled with stone,
which prevents the rain water from
standing and stagnating there.
—Dr. Keber, who formerly practiced
medicine in this town, but is now lo
cated at Lilyville, Mifflin county, was
here last week, and removed his furni
ture to his present place of resideuce.
—Mr. Thomas Kister informs us that
he heard the peculiar noise made by lo
custs, while at Aaronsburg the other
day. They must be the advance agents
of that great and destructive plague.
Look out for them.
—Do not forget the festival of the
Reformed Ladies' Mite society next
Saturday afternoon and eyening. You
may expect first-class ice-cream and
cakes and an agreeable time. Go and
"help those women."
—A. D. Dtdninger is home on a few
weeks* visit to his parents, after which
he expecti to fill the position of a clerk
in Thomas' hardware establishment,
York, Pa. May success attend him In
the commercial field.
—Ayer's Sarsaparilla operates radical
ly upon and through the blood, and is a
safe, reliable, and desoluto cure for the
various diseases, complaints, and dis
orders, due to debility, or to any con
stitutional taint or infection.
to raise a balance wanting in the Town
Clock fund,the Town ClocK Committee
btfve decided lo bold an ice cream festi
val in the afternoon and eyening of the
Fourth of July, in the Town Hall of
3f'llheim. AH are concerned in this
enterprise and a cordial invitation is
extended to all to assist in contributing
the necessary balance.
By order of the Town Clock Com.
—Daily adding new goods to their al
ready immense stock—D. S. Kauffman
A Co.
—The Burdock Plant is one of the
best diuretics or kidney regulators in
the vegetable world, and the compound
known as Burdock Blood Bitters, is
unsurpassed in all diseases of the kid
neys, liver and blood.
Next Monday evening is the time
for the regular monthly business meet
ing of the Millheim Fire Department,
when the election of several proposed
members will be proceeded w th. The
otlicerß request a full turn out.
—A black snake measuiing over four
feet in length was killed in Wra. 11.
Smith's woudhouse last Wednesday.
One of Mr. Smith's boys on entering
the building almost tramped on the
snake with his bare feet. A close escape.
—L. ltufus Bierly,of Miles township,
put out circulars this week, stating
that he will open a select school at
Madisonburg, commencing Monday,
July 27tli, to continue for ten weeks.
All select and common school branches
will be taught.
NEW GOODS.—J/VS. E. J. Brumgard
just received a new lot of Millinery
Goods, which comprises the latest and
most beautiful styles of Ileadwear ever
brought to town, ller prices are mod
el ate and the ladies are kindly request
ed to give her a call. tf
—Philipsburg experts to make a big
day of it on the Fourth, Arrange
ments are being made for a grand pa.
rade of bands, fire companies, G. A. R.
posts, Ac. Ilorse races and dancing
in t e afternoon and pyrotechnic dis
plays in the evening, to wind up the
WE ARE GOING.— We hear that
quite a crowd of our people expect to
go to Lewisburg on the Fourth, to
spend the day agreeably among our
Union county neighbors and witness
thegiaud Centennial proceedings of
that burg. Think the JOURNAL cr6w
will be iu th 9 crowd, devil and all.
NOTlCE. —Having been appointed a
geut by the Middletown Tube & Irou
Company of Middletown, Pa., for the
sale of their Iron Pipes, Ac , all persons
needing anything in this line will save
money by calling on me.
20-3 m Spring Mills, Pa.
Session of six weeks, opens Monday
evening, July 27, for the study and
Training of Young Ladies in Vocal
and Instrumental Music. For circu*
lars, address
F. C. MOYER, Director, •
Freeburgh, Pa.
—The undersigned wishes to inform
the citizens of this community that be
expects to teach a fallterm of school
iu the Grammar room on Penn street,
and respectfully solicits the public pat
ronage. Due attention given to advan
ced scholars and terms reasonable.
—Farmers will please notice the ad
vertisement of W. L. Suyder, of Spring
3fills,who deals extensively in all kinds
of agricultural implements,and is agent
tor steam engines and machinery. You
will find Mr. Snyder a first-class man
to deal with and his prices will com
pare well with the times. Give him a
—Avoid by all means the use of calo
mel for bilious complaints. Ayer's Ca
thartic Pills compounded entirely of
vegetable ingredients, haye been tested
for forty years, and are acknowledged
to be the best remedy eyer devised for
torpidity of the liver, costiveness, and
all derangements of the digestive appa
—The JOURNAL scribe acknowledges
the generous treat of our friends, Mr.
Geo. B. Mensh and Mrs. Ilgen Musser,
in the shape of excellent strawberries.
As this delicious fruit does not grow in
our garden we appreciate the rare dish
so much more and do not hesitate to
pronounce the berries first-class. Many
—Oh ! Oh ! This howling, jumping
raging toothache ! I would give any
thing for relief. Well, it won't cost
you much. 15 cents will get you a bot
ile of the Great Zingara Toothache
Drops. Guaranteed. For toothache
and neuralgia the Great Zingari has no
equal. Keep them in the house, they
may save you hours of agony. Sold by
J. jSisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
CHILDREN'S DAY.— Children's Day
will be properly observed in the Evan
gelical church at Millheim next Sab
bath, June 28th. The exercises will
consist of singing, responsiye reading
and addresses by Rev. S, M. Mounlz,
Rev.C.F.Deininger and the superinten
dent, D. L Zerby. Exercises begin at
2p. m. All are invited to attend.
—Picnics at the Penn3 Caves, near
Farmers 1 Mills, are quite frequent oc
curances. Nearly every fair Saturday
some party or organization spend the
day there by picnicing. Last Saturday
the Fanners' Mills band held a festival
and picnic there and our townsman,
Wm. M. Ilartman, who was in atten
dance, reports a good and profitable
Deininger's Ready Reference T..x
Receipt Book ts growing in public fa
vor. Customers from a distance are
l>egiuning to call for it. It is an ad
mitted necessity for every tax-payer
who does his business iu a practical
manner. It it arranged to last for ten
years and sells at the low price of 40
cents. Call and see it at the JOURNAL
—Just got in a new lot of White
Dress Goods at Kauffman's Store.
—On Saturday landlord Frain dis
sected his 341b. turtle and in the even
ing dished up a fine supper consisting
of turtle soup, cherries, Ac. The band
whom be bad invited to play in honor
of the occasion was treated to this* de
licious repast.
—B. O. Deininger left homo on Mon
day morning for Gettysburg, to attend
the annual meeting of the Seminary
Board, of which he is a member. He
expects to stop at Carlisle, Abbotts
town, East Berlin and York before he
returns, which will he about beginning
of next weea. We wish him a pleasant
journey. Meanwhile the Journal Book
A Stationery store is loft in our care.
—A Crownover, Saulsbury, Pa.,
writes : \T. A. McDonald.
Dear Sir Your Liver Pills are giv
ing good satisfaction hero and there is
quite a demand springing up for them.
Please send me three dozen boxes at
once, as I am out and some of my ens
tomers won't have any other.'
Comment needless. Dissatisfied pur
chasers can have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents-
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheiui, Pa.
FESTIVAL. — The undersigned would
resiK'ctfully inform the public that
they will hold a festival in the town
hall at Millheim on Friday and Satur
day, July 24th and 25th, at which ICE
seryed in the best manner. The pro
ceeds are to go for the benelit of the
unfinished Ev. church and they extend
a cordial invitation to all to attend and
patronize the festival.
—A letter from Dr. O. Sumner Mus
ser to his parents at Aaionsburg states
that he completed his sea voyage the
next day from the date of his letter,
(June 11th) and reports a very pleasant
tiip, unmarred by any sea sickness or
mishaps. This is good news to his pa
rents as well as to his many friends
whose good wishes accompanied the
gentleman on his journey over the wild
waves. The letter was written on board
of ship at Flushing, about a day's jour
ney from the haven of Antwerp.
Two ACCIDENTS.— On Wednesday
evening of last week at Grenninger's
saw mill, which is at present operating
on Gentzel's tract iu Penn township,
Mr. Luther Shreckengast had the mis
fortune to come iu too close contact
with the c'ucular saw and had a deep
gash cut in his arm at the wrist.
The following evening, Mr. Jacob
Steiger, working on the same mill had
some of his toes smashed by tlie fall of
some heavy timbers. The injured par
ties are doing as well as can be expect
ed under such circumstances.
—A BOTTLE ot Curtis' Carmelite
Cordia 1 should occupy the bandy com
er of eyery travellers satchel. No pru
dent person will think of undertaking a
journej involving changes of climate,
diet and water, without first procuring
a bottle It never fails 1 It never dis
appoints! Money refunded in every
case when a single bottle, as directed,
fails to cure any case of cholera, dysen
tery, cholera inorbus.diarrhoea,cramps,
pains in the bowels, or any intestinal
irritation. Sold by all dealers.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
—The farmers of Penns and Brush
valleys will be pleased to learn that the
Steam Thresher owned and operated by
Mr. Geo. W. Vonado, of Madisonburg,
Pa. will again be ready to give the al
most unbounded satisfaction that mavli
ed its last years' performance. Farmers
should be careful what machines they
get, as the best is always the cheapest.
Some machines will waste more grain
than will pay the cost of threshing,
while this machine not only saves all
the grain but also cleans it better than
any other. Farmers, giye it a trial and
you will have no other.
only owe us a dollar or two on sub
scription, and think that isn't much—
we could easy get along without that
little sum. Of course it isn't much,but
the trouble is, there are too many sub
scribers who think in the same way
and the little sums soon swell to a con
siderable figure. If we had these small
amounts in our pockets instead of in
the books we could ruu this printing
establishment with leas worry and vex
ation. Our subscribers, especially out
of the county, who owe us will please
give heed to this item aud remember
that every little helps.
Main street at present rcceiyes its
full share of improvements. S. T.
Frain 'aid a splendid flagstone pave
ment in front of his hotel and the
building and its new portico will short
ly be treated to a few coats of paint of
a light shade.
Dr. S. G. Gutelius greatly bettered
the appearance of his residence by a
coat of pure white paint, pleasantly
contrasted by bright green shutters.
W. S. Musser is repainting the Mus
ser Tlouse, which will give it its form
er clean and tastv appearance. There
are still other places along that thor
oughfare, that are very much in need of
an overhauling, and we would gladly
report progress in the improvement line
in future issues.
—The four greatest and most desir
able properties of a successful medicine
are perfectly combined in McDonald's
Blood Purifier or Sarsaparillan Altera
tive. In malassimilation of food and
dyspepsia its effects are speedy and hap
py For disfiguring humors of scrofula
and tetter, the loathsome sores of ven
eral diseases, the burning torturers of
erysipelas, no other medicine can poss
ibly tqual it. As a spring medicine,
perfect blood purifier, efficient and safe
diuretic and aperient, it meets with
gratifying favor from the medical pro
fession and the people. Dissatisfied
buyers can have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
—AN ORDINANCE to forbid the use
of fireworks and firearms of any kind
within the built-up portions of town
I on the Fourth of July :
Be it ordained hy the Town Council
of the Borough of Millheiui, and it is
hereby ordained hy authority of the
same, that the last clause of section 31
of the ordinances of £ pril 21, 1870,
reading as follows : "or upon the 4th
of July of any year" be and life same is
hereby repealed. J. 11. MAIZE,
D. L. ZERIIY, Sec. Prest.
Approved : A. C.MUSSKR,
Millheim.June 13th,1885. Chief Bur.
—There is something nice about
Holler flour, that you do not find in
flour made in a Grist mill. In order to
supply the people of Perms and Brush
valleys witli this superior article, Ma
jor J. B. Fisher, of Penn Hall, has fit
ted up his mill at Farmers' Mills with
the best and most ion owned roller pro
cess in tne country. He has procured
the celebrated Allis ltolls foi his flour
ing mill and besides has furnished the
establishment with the most complete
set of mill machinery to be found any
where. If you wish to buy choice roll
er flour,that can not easily be beat,send
or give your orders to J. B. Fisher's
Uoller Flouring Mill, where they are
now ready for business. See new ad
vertisement in another column.
—Druggists as a rule are extremely
jealous and careful of the honor of their
profession,and are loth to praise a med
icine which they do not from persoual
knowledge know to be a meritorious
article. They all agree, however, that
for smallness of dose, easiness to take,
and effectiveness as a worm destroyer,
McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders
are the best and most desirable vermi
fuge in their stock, and do not hesitate
to recommend them. Dissatisfied buy
ers can have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eiseubuth, Millheim.Pa.
—The Bellefoute Daily Netcs of Mon
day says ;
So far as we know, the excursion
train to Lewisburg on Fourth of July
will consist of twenty cars. This will
be suthcient to accommodate 000 people
comfortably. The pi ice of the excur
sion will be sl. The train will start
promptly at 6 o'clock, and go oyer the
new road. Arriving at Lewisburg a
bout 0 o'clock,seven hours will be spent
there and the train will start for Belle
foute at 4 o'clock.
—The following list of industrial
representations will form one of the
sections of the great parade which will
take place atLewisburg in the forenoon
of the Fburth of July. Taking into
consideration all the other different
parts of the procession, such as bands,
fire companies, military companies,&c.,
we may venture to say that it will be a
grand display and will do credit to
Lewisburg's centennial festivities :
No. 1. Representing an old Dutch
Oven, and a range of present style.
No. 2 Represented by the Butch
No. 3. Representing an old lady
knitting, and another one knitting by
No. 4. An old lady sewing by hand
and one by machine.
No. 5. Representing old and pres
ent shoe business.
No. 6. Blacksmith with forge and
bellows making nails.
No. 7. Nail making by machine.
Here follow two men carrying scythes,
to be followed by a mowing machine ;
then follows a bay rake ; tben two
men with sickles, two with grain crad
les, two with hand rakes ; then fol
lows a self-raking reaper, then a self
No. 8. Two men threshing with
flails. Then follows a traction engine
drawing a threshing machiue and clo
ver huller.
No. 9. Planing lumber by band on
work bench.
No. 10. Planing lumber by Power.
No. 11. Representing old Ludwig
Derr Mill.
No. 12. Crayon picture of Buffalo
steam mil).
No. 13. Steam power printing press.
Np. 14. Bearing an old Washington
Printing Press. Both presses engaged
printing the history of Lewisburg, to
be furnished a copy for distiibution.
Here follows a representation of the
No. 15. Ancient portraits and pres
ent style photography.
No. IG. Water works, pump and
stand pipe.
The paper printed and distributed to
the public shall be entitled 4 'Lewisburg
Centennial Paper."
Aaronsburg, June 22nd, 1885.
MR. EDITOR ;—Letscht Woch bat en
Kerl en Brief g'schriewa for eier Zeit
ing wega unserer Reservoir Meeting,
un er hat in sellem Brief ebbes gemen
tinned von ehra Man der so en langer
llals soli hawe das er ken frisli Wasser
in sei Mage griege kann, because es
debt allemal so warm were als sei Mage
ebs dort ana kurnma deht. Aber sell
is net halwer so schlim m als wie seller
anuer Mann wo g'sagt hat das die Frag
wer—"Quantity or Quality ?" Er hat
g'sagt er wer for Quality. Ich deuk
wann's fer Bier gieng, dann wer'sa so.
A wer wann seine Melid ilire Kleeder
Stub widder brenna debt wie sie bat
etliche Woche zurick dann glaub ich
er debt, dull wie seller "reich Mann"
wo sich in der Hell gefunna hat. Er
debt rufe fer Wasser, awer er dent uix
sage wega Quality, just so das es Feuer
ausmache deht. Sell wer about was
notliwendig wer and wer aw about was
er liawe viot.
Des duhis now fer desmahl.
accommodation of persons at Lcmont
and otlier points between Lemont and
Rising Sprimr desiring to visit Lewis
burg July 4, for the Centennial Celcbra
tion, Train No. 4, will start from Lf
inont at 5.30 a. m., stopping at interme
diate stations, leaving Ji/ifllinburg at
8.00 a. m., arriving at Lowisburg at
8 85 a. m., and for the return trip train
No. 7 will be held at Lewisburg until
3.40 p. m., and run through to Lemont,
aniving at J/iifiinburg at 4.13 p. m.,
Lemont 7.25 p. m. [Will give rates
next week.J
—Nice Dotted Swiss at the neVstore
of D. S. Kauffman & Co., on Main
Neighboring News.
Mrs. John Ilarshbirger has been in
Nittany Valley for three weeks and is
unable to return home on account of
John Keen patched up the old barn
again. Build a new one John.
B. F. Frankenberger, E. E. Bieasier
and W. F. Smith were the fishers this
week. They returned minus tlip fish.
Miss Ida M. Keen is visiting rela
tives in Mittlinburg this week.
Thursday E.E. Bressler will transfer
a colony of bees from an old hive into
an improved frame hive.
Miss Barber, daughter of that popu
lar cow drover of White Springs, Un
ion county, was the guest of Miss Liz
zie Keen last week ; also J. C. Smith,
of Driftwood.
One of our boys gave a birthday pine
apple party. A very pleasant time was
had. Kroider Frank and Chaacey
Frankenberger celebrated their birth
day in a like manner.
Mrs. S. I). Musser, J. C. Smith, B.
O. Deiuinger and R. A. Bumiller, four
ladies from Millheim, paid short but
pleasant visits to Mrs. H. G. Smith
and Mis. Chas. Frankenberger last Sat
MlssC. Ileckman, who has been
staying with Lizzie Keen for quite a
while, will return to her home near
Penn Hall until after harvest, when
she intends to go to Reading, Allen
town and Philadelphia, to visit freinds
and relatives. We are sorry to see the
lady leave us.
On Thursday evening a party of
folks unexpectedly called at 'Squire
Duck's and were hospitably treated to
ice cream. They bad some choice mu
sic and a good time in general.
J. 11. Frank bought a buggy from
Charles Gutelius for $5.00 the other
day. He spent about 50 cents at it and
now $30.00 wouldn't buy it. Business
in John. JUMBO.
A new corn doctor on the evening
Miss Jennie Stalllecker was seen in
our town last week.
Mrs. Freaster an'* Mrs. fßowersox,
from Woodward, spent Sunday last in
this place.
Geo. B. Stover and wife returned
from Kansas on Saturday, where they
were visiting friends and relatives.
Miss Lizzie Katherman from Miffliu
burg, is visiting at W. H. Kreamers.
Joel Kerstettor is building an addi
tion to his house on Main street.
Many improvements are being made
in our town this summer.
Wm. Bird and son, of Aaronsburg,
are at present engaged in plastering
Gable's house.
Thomas C. says he had a "oanged up
time," while away Sunday eyening.
Boys, will we celebrate the ever glo
rious Fourth in Lewisburg ? Z.
Jos. Bierly constructed a nice pale
fence around his premises.
Jacob W.Hazel has given his house a
coat of paint.
The farmers are beginning to talk a
bout making hay. The crop will te
much smaller than it was last year.
Samuel B. Shafer and L. B. Stover
spent a few days at State College last
Rev. Saner, of New Berlin, the son
in-law of Mrs. R*ber, of this place, i s
here on a visit. STILL.
—A full line of Jerseys just received
—all styles and prices at D. S. Kauff
man te Cos
On the 18th lust., at the home ot the bride,
Centre Mills, Pa., by hev. F.Aurand, Mr.Jacob
Heller, or Kebersburg and Miss Mary J. Smull,
of Centre Mills.
Unadulterated !
(£1 T. Fit AIN, Proprietor of the
4|First National Hotel,&
wishes to inform the public that he keeps the
following liquors constantly on band and tn
snresthem all strictly pure, and especially a
dapted for medical purposes:
Hannesville, Imported Holland,
Poughkeepsle, London,
itush, WIMES;
Hang, Blackberry,
Louisville, Elderberry,
Kentucky. Port
liK ANDYS- Huckleberry,
Plain, Catawba,
Ginger, Grape.
Sherry, , , . ,
Blackberry, Applejack,
Peacb. New England Rum.
Aff* These liquors are all guaranteed to be not
than four years old and can be strongly
reccommended as wholes jme and healthy.
LAGERalwayson draught.
Square, Grand Boudoir Gem & Orchestral
Upright, Grand
The best now made and endorsed by all eminent
The most beautiful and sweetest toned in the world
Smaller Musical Instruments,
Organ ettes, Musical Boxes, Musical Toys, &c.
Sheet Music (including the popular 5 and 10 cent musio) Musio Books
Strings, &o. *
Harry J. Kurzenknabe, Millheim, Pa.,
Agent for Union and Centre Counties.
All kinds of Marble Work,
Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Tombs, &c.
Granite Monuments and Headstones
furnished at lowest prices.
Proprietor and Manufacturer of
Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, Ac.
Experienced workman employed and satisfactorv work guaranteed at all
times. New and improved machinery in the shops.
Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere
From Pole to Pole
AVEU'S SARSAPARIIXA has demonstrate:' <
power of cure for all diseases of the blocu.
The Harpooner's Story.
New Bedforxl, June 1,1C53.
DR. J. C. ATXR & Co.—Twenty years I
waa a harpooner in the North Pacific, w!><:lt>v
others of the crew and myself were laid u,> v ih
scurvy Our bodies were bloated, gums su'.U n
and bleeding, teeth loose, purple blotches ail
over us, and our breath seemed rotten. Take it
by and large we were pretty badly off. All our
lime-juice was accidentally destroyed, but the
captain had a couple dozen bottles of AYEU'S
SARSAPACILLA and gave us that. We recov
ered on It quicker than I have ever seen uu u
brought about by any other treaUnentfor S curvy,
and Pve seen a good deal of it. Seeing no tneu
tion in your Almanac of your Sarsaparilla tt ! i: ;
good for scurvy, I thought you ought to know o.
this, and so send you the facts.
Respectfully yours, RALru Y. WIS a ATS.
Tho Trooper's Experience,
Ma seen, Africa,) X r ai\ it.. J,-S3.
1)R. J. C. ATER & Co.—Gentlemen: I have
much pleasure to testify to the great value < f
your Sarsaparilla. We have been sLklio.i. .1
here for over two years, during which tho. w •
had to live in tents. Being under canvas f> r
such a time brought on what is called s:i t.vt
country "veldt-sores." 1 had those > nr. *f. r
some time. I was advised to take your Nirfa-
Snrilla, two bottles of which made my sor.s
isappear rapidly, and I nin now quite Wi.lL
Yours truly, T. K. Boots',
Trooper, Capo Mounted Jtylcmcn.
Ayers Sarsaparih'a
Is the only thoroughly effective blood-purifier,
the only medicine that eradicates the poisons ol
Scrofula, Mercury, and Contagious Disease
from tlic system.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowel I, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists: Price $1;
Six bottles for $5.
Corner Maryland and Atlantic avenues, Atlantic
City. N. J. This spiendld hotel is now ready to
receive guests for the season. Fine view of the
ocean, and excellent battling, boating, fishing,
&c. Dancing pavllUou attached. IVELSKY
LEFI.EK, Proprietors. [Meutlou where you saw
this ad.]
■■f ■ |more money than at anything else
wfiuS rjJhv taking an agency lor the best
WW i ill selling book out. Beginners succeed
grandly. None laii. Terms free.
HALLETT BOOK CO., Portland Maine.
N. W. Eby,
Woodward, Pa.
Distiller of
The best article constantly kept on hand and
guaranteed to be unadulterated.
The best liquor for Medical Use.
Sold at the lowest cash prices. 23-ly
ANTRIM —Gadies and gentlemen to
i V take light, pleasant employ
ment at their homes (distance no objection) •
work sent by mail; *2 to a day can be quietly
mude;uo canvassing. Please address at once
GLOBE MFU. CO., Boston, Mass., box 5344.
This remedy contains no injurious drugs,
dead. Alhy,SjygM
Mammal i o
A quickßelief.
A positive Cure
CREAM BALM lias gained an envia
ble reputation wherever known, displacing all
other preparations. It is a creamy substance.
A particle is applied iuto each nostril, causing
no pain and is agreeable to use. Price 50 cents
by mail or at Druggists. Send for circular.
ELY BROTHERS. Diuggists, Qwego, N. Y.
Parker's Tonic
A Pnre Family Medicine that Neyer
If you are wasting away from age, dissipation
or any disease or weakness and require a stim
ulant take PAKKEK'S TONIC at once ; it will in
vigorate and build you up from the first dese
but will never intoxicate. It has saved hun
dreds of lives, it may save yours.
163 William Street, New York.
50c. and $1 sizes, at all dealers in medicines.
Great saving in buying dollar size. 21-4t
Intelligent SOLICITORS WANTED for the
His OWN ACCOUNT of the greatest military strug
gle of modern times. 100,000! ! orders already
taken. Will sell immensely. For particulars,ad
dress HUBBARD BROS., Pub's., 723 Chestnut
St.,Phila, Pa. 25-4t
old anil well*
ff. vahle*
p JCELEBRATEffiL I ia all diseases from
Jtoad,' nj^ e f~
nla, Rheumatism, Ul
cerous Sores, White
Swellings, Syphilitic Nodes. Bone Diseases, eto.
Invaluable in General Debility and diseases of de
bility of the aired. A rich eyrnp, containing no
injurious ingredients. No other Remedy has rev
ceived such encomiums. Sold by all Druggists,
IIP A andhOw I cure it, by oue who
UMiwaslor 28 years. A succassful home
treatment. Address T. S. PAGE, No. 128 E;st
26th St., New York. 23