The Millheim Journal, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY R. A. BUMILLER. Office in the New Journal Building, l'enn St., near 11 art man's foundry. SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR $1.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. Acceptable Correspondence Solicited Address letters to MILLHEIM JOURNAL. BUSIJVE SS CARDS. J. lIARTEK, Auctioneer, MILLHEIM, PA. y B. STOVER, Auctioneer, Madison burg, Pa. 'YY H.REIFSNYDKK. Auctioneer, MILLHEIM, PA. JL) K JOHN F Practical Dentist, Office opposite the Methodist Church. MAIN STREET, MILLUEIM PA. D. 11. MINGLE, Physician & Surgeon Offiice on Main Street. MILLHEIM, PA. JQR. GEO. L. LEE, Physieian & Surgeon, MADISON BURG, PA. Office opposite the Public School House. GEO. S. FRANKS Physieian & Surgeon, REBERSBURO, PA. Office opposite the hotel. Professional calls promptly answered at all hours. J)R. W. P. ARD, Physieian & Surgeon, WOODWARD, PA. O. DEININGER, ~~ Kotary-Public, Journal office, Penn at., Millheim, Pa. Deeds and other legal papers written and acknowledged at moderate charges. J. SPRINGER^ Fashionable Barber, Havinq had many years' of experience. the public can expect the best wi and most modem accommodations. Shop 2 doors west Millheim Banking House, MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, FA. QEORGE L. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Corner Main & North streets, 2nd floor, Millheim, Fa. Shaving, Haircut ting, Shampooning, Dying, Sec. done in the most satisfac tory manner. Jno.H. Orris. C. M. Bower. Ellis! L. Orvls. QRVIS, BOWER & OR VIS, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA., Office in Woodings Building. D. H. Hastings. W. F. Reeder | TJABTISGS * EEEDER, Attornejs-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, FA. Office on Allegheny Street, two doers east of the office ocupied by the late Arm of Yocum A Hastings. ________ J O. MEYER, Attorney-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, FA. At the Office of Ex-Judge Hoy. C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law BELLEFONTE, PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre county Special attention to Collections. Consultations in German or English. _______ A Beaver. " J. W. Gepbart. •JGEAVEB & GEPIIAKT, Attorneys-at-Law. BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street. North of HighStree "I3ROOKERHOFF HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, FA. C, Q. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good SamrVe Room on First Floor. Free Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to witnesses and Jurors. OUMMINS HOUSE, BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., EMANUEL BROWN, PROPRIETOR an hawlv r©flittccl und rcfuruishsd* errthtal dffi make gueets comtortable. Hatesmoderate. Patronage respectfully soUcl tedj ils fpllfwitw §vimiL R. A. BUMILLER, Editor. VOL. 59. x p 11. MUSSKR, ' JEWELER, Wntches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. All work neatly and promptly Exe cuted. Shop on Main Street, Millheim, Pa. JpEABODY HOTEL, 9th St.South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms fiom 50cts to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W PAINE, M. D., 401y Owner & Proprietor. !!! NOTICE OF OPENING!!! Mr. I. E. Couldren hereby respectfully Informs the public that he Is now prepared to do all kind of Tailoring Work from an OVERALL to a fine BUIT or OVER COAT. He is a mechanic of many year's ex perience and guarantees satisfactory work. He has opened his shop in Brown's building', oppo site Campbell's store. Main street, where be will be glad to receive the patronage of the public A line of sar pies constantly kept in stock Recpectf lly, E. I. COULDREN. Musser House. Millheim, ------ Penna. -DIMMER RESORT- Two miles from Coburn Station on L. & T. R. R. Fine Trout Fishing and Hunting within sight of town. Healthy locality and fine moun tain sceneries. The celebrated PKNNS VAL LEY CAVES but five miles distant. The |fluest drives in the state. FINE SADDLE HORSES, CARBIAGESJAND BUGGIES for the use of summer boarders. DoaUe and Smile Booms, newly furnished, for famlles with children, on second and third floors. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. 16-lv Millhelra, Centre Co., Pa. ELIAS LUSE & SON, —PROPKIKTOKS OF TU$- MILLHEIM PLANING MILL, east of the new Kv. church, Penn St., Millheim, Pa. Contractors, - Builders, —AND MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Shutters, Blinds, Brackets, Flooring All kinds of Siding. 3||ERANDAS A OPECIAI.ITY. Having our'own planing mill,it will be to the advantage of those intending to build to con sult us. .... - - made on all kinds or buildings. Plans and Specifications furnished on application, with est imates of cost. 18-ly CASH STORE! The MOST goods for the LEAST money i AT 0. A. HARTER'S OBOCBRT, No- 32 Main Street Millheim, Pa. Headquarters for Gro ceries, Provisions, Con fectioneries. Tobacco and Cigars, &c. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AT THE HIGHEST HOME MARKET PRICES. • Remember we do a strict cash business and sell at close margins. MILLIIEIM, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 18., 1885. Finding a Home. "1 lull you what 'tis Henrietta, I'm a-goin' to speak my mind fur onco in my life, if I never speak ng'in," an nounced Miss Matilda Fennil, as alio briskly bit oIT the thread witli which she was basting a flounce ou a skirt of pearl gray cloth. Miss Matilda looked as severely In dignant as was compatible with her plump, mild face, which was still fair to look upon in spite of her "thirty odd" years ; while her sister-in law, Mrs. Henrietta, looked supremely in different to whatever she might have to say. Mrs. Fennil was quite the anlipode of her sister-hi-law, being a showy brunette, with eyes that could look de murely coquettish, or spitefully scorn ful, according to her mood. "You're a-doin' wrong, Henrietta, an' you know it," went on Miss Matil da, "a-takin' up with this here strang er man, an' acshilly goin' to marry him, when you've been promised—an' you know you have—to Nat Norroway fur the last two years." "Oh, indeed !" sniffed the widow. "Mebbe you kin console Nat yourself, seem' you're so anxious to take up fur him." "It's a burning shame so 'tis," con tinued Miss Matilda, without noticing the interruption. "An' him way off in Maine, or Floridy, or some o' them Western SUtes, where there's Indians and bears, a-diggiu' an' a-delvin' in the mines, to git money enough to marry you. You'd orter be ashamed !" "Indians an' bears ! a-diggin' an' delyiu'—te-he 1" tittered Mrs. Fennil, aggravatingly. "Thank you, Tilda. I aiu't a-goin' to marry an Indian—nor a bear, neither !"j "Now you know I uever said nothin' of the kind," protested Tilda, indig nantly. "I said Nat was a-diggm' in the mines, an' so he is ; an' here you're a goiu'to marry this Mr. What'a-his name—" "His name is Mr. Theocrastus Belle ville," snapped the widow, tartly ; an' if you ve gat any more to jay agi'n him, you kin go some'rs else to say it ' This is my house, an' if you don't like my doin's, you needn't stay under my ruff another day longer. I've give you a home here ever sence Joe died, an' I ain't a-goin' to put up with no preach in' from you I" "I've done my sheer o' the work, Henrietta," said Miss Tilda, mildly, while a suspicion of tears started in her gray eyes, "an' I think I've earned my vittles and clothes ; but if you don't want me any longer, I kin go." "Y'ojti'd have to go sooner or later, anyhow," said the widow, slightly mob ified by her sister-in-law's pacific tones. "Tain't no ways likely Theocrastus would want to be saddled with a poor relation at the very start. As for mar ryin' him, I'm a-doin' the best I kin for myself. He's just bought the ni cest house in town, an' furnished it complete, from garret to suller : and I alius did want to live in town. 'TaiD't no ways likely Nat'll ever make a forcbin' out in the mines, anyhow. An' as I said before, when I marry Theocrastus, you'll hey to find another home ; an' you might well be a-look in' out fur it now." Miss Matilda finished sewing the flounce on the pearl- gray cloth, which was to be the widow's wedding-dress and then betook herself to her own room to have a good cry, and think o ver her future prospects. Finding another home was easier said than done, and Miss Matilda was naturally of a timid, retiring disposi tion, notwithstanding the bold manner in which she had "spoken her mind" on the present occasion. But she was not to be left long to her own meditations, for Mrs. Henrietta Fennil was not above asking a favor of her sister-in-law, though she had as good as turned her out of the house half an hour before. "I want you to go with me to see the house, Tilda," she explained, tripping into the room, in her test dress and a hat bristling with ostrich plumes. "Theocrastus wanted me to meet him and look over it, to see if it suits me ; and to go alone." And Miss Matilda obligingly donned her black-and-white shawl and her old fashioned hat, and accompanied her sister-in-law on her tour of inspection. Mr. Theocrastus Belleville was a newcomer in the little village of Crab Orchard, but his recent purchase of a handsome house and his apparently ample supply of money, were sufficient passports to the widow's favor, and the wooing sped on rapidly. The house was a substantial brick, handsomely finished, with velvet hang ings, a dado, hand-painted panels and alcoves. The floors were covered with cush iony carpets, the windows hung with handsome curtain, the mantles covered with velvet lambrequins A PAPER FOR THE CIRCLE. Mrs. Fennil was quite satisfied. "And now the cage is ready, when can I claim the bird V" whispered Thoocratus, tenderly, to the widow, while Miss Matilda sat at the further end of the room, looking forlornly out of the window. "Why not right away —to-morrow V" persisted the nuxious suitor. The widow looked modestly reluct ant, but finally allowed herself to be persuaded, and the morrow was set for the wedding-day, when suddenly the hall-door was thrown open, and Nat Norroway strode imperiously into the room. The widow uttered a little scream, and clung to the arm of her lover, who looked as if he had seen a ghost. Nat stared c oldly at them for a mo ment. "So it Is true, Slippery Bill," he said at last. "And you have betrayed my trust and stolen my promised wife. I wish you joy of your prize," he added, contemptuously. "What do you mean, Mr. Norro way ?" cried the widow, ia alarm. "This gentleman is Mr. Theocrastus Belleville. And what do you mean by coming into bis house in this way ?" "Mr. Theocrastus Belleville—aud his house ?" retorted Nat, contemptuously. "This gentleman, as you call him, is Mr. William Suggs alias Slippery Bill, and this house is mine. I employed him as my agent to purchase it for me before I was aware of his real chaiac ter." The widow dropped her suitor's arm, and sank on a velvet covered sofa in strong hysterics. Miss Matilda rushed to her assist ance, while the quandam Theocrastus took advantage of the confusion and stole iguominously away. Under pretense of owning the house himself, he had sought to marry the widow, who was known to possess a snug sum of money herself. ******* * "I'm glad Nat has forgave me at last, an' sort o' settled like he meant to stay,"mused Mrs.Fennil to her self, a few weeks later. "But I must git rid of Tilda. It's a little trouble some to have her around every time he comes." And she took the Grst opportunity to speak to her sister-in-law on the sub ject. "I thought you was a*agoin' to look fur another home, Tilda," "she began. "Hev you found one yet ?" "Y-yes," said Mis 3 Matilda, hesitat ingly. "But " "Why don't you go to it, then ?" cried Mrs. Fennil, sharply, "1 don't need you any more ; an' if I marry Nat, as I s'pose I thill, he won't be likely to want you around." "Oh, Henrietta 1" cried Miss Matil da, turning very red. "I—l didn't like to tell you, but Nat has asked me to marry him, and—" Bang I went the door. The widow had fled to her own ; and, much dis tressed, yet with a thrill of happiness at her heart, Miss Matilda made the simple preyarations for her wedding. There was a quiet ceremony that evening at the little country parsonage —no wedding-feasts, nor presents, nor invited guests. But the newly-marri ed couple who issued therefrom felt a serene contentment with their lot. And Miss Matilda had found her home. Plain Words on Business. Samuel G. Scott, in his address on "Plain Talks to Young Men" in Asso ciation Hall, Phila., recently, the fol lowing are a few of the particular apt sentences : "The entrance into business is a mo mentous event in the life of a youth. "The applications for positions are so numerous that a man is compelled to take, not what he chooses, but what he can get." "There are two things he should be willing to do : to work, and to make small wages at first." "Happy is the youth who intends to succeed, who is ready to pick up the loose ends of knowledge." "What a temptation there is to mis represent in business ! How many lies there are even in labels !" "I tell you there is such a thing as commercial morality." "From the moment that a man is honest because it is the 'best policy,' he becomes dishonest." "In speculations it is not the one who puts up the money who wins in the long run. It is the broker. Keep away from the depositing of margins if you would avoid misery." ".Don't aim to be rich. Aim to be right. Stick to that which is right, pure and honest." "Remember that you have no certain lease on life, and make the most of the time you have while you may." 1 SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. Firmness of Senator Wilson. Senator Henry Wilson was a self controlled as well as a self-made man. He left his New Hampshire home early in life and changed his name, in order to get out from under the bale ful shadow of intemperance. He be gan 011 the lowest round of the social ladder, and climbed up rung by rung, until ho became a political power in the nation. The first step he took in the ascent placed him on the pledge never to drink intoxicating liquors. The sec ond step made him an industrious la borer, and the third a diligent reader. He was sent to Washington to car ry a petition against the admission of Texas into the Union. John Quincy Adams asked him to a dinner party, where he met some of the great men of the nation. lie was asked to drink wine. The temptation to lay aside his teniperanco principles for a mo ment, in order not to scorn singular, was a strong one. But he resisted it and declined the glass of wine. Mr. Adams commended him for his ad herence to his convictions After Mr.Wilson was elected to the United States Senate, he gave his friends a dinner at a noted Boston ho tel. The table was set with not even a wine glass upon it. 'Where are the wine glasses ?' ask- - ed several,loud enough to remind their host that some of his guests did not like sitting down to a wineless dinner. 'Gentlemen,' said Mr. Wilson, ris ing and speaking with a good deal of feeling, 'you know my friendship for vou and my obligations to you. Great as they are,they are not great enough to make me torget 'the rock whence I was hewn and the pit, whence I was dug.' Some of you know how the curse of intemperance overshadowed my youth. That I might escape I fled from my early surroundings and also changed my name. For what I am, I am indebted, under God, to my temperance vow and my adherence to it. Call for what you want to eat, and if this hotel can provide it,it shall be forthcoming. But wines and lhjuors cannot come to this table with my consent, because I will not spread in the path of another the snare from which I escaped. Three rousing cheers showed the brave Senator that men admired the man who had the courage to live up to his convictions. "Lord Timothy Dexter." As illustrating the diversity of opin ion among critics as to proper methods of punctuation,the atorv has often been told of an author who wrote his book and had it printed without punctua tion, and then supplied a page at the close with punctuation marks for each reader to use according to. his own taste. A few particulars about this rare book may interest our readers. This curious production is evidently the work of a man who in our day would be known as a crank, though he was of sufficient prominence to have a place in "Drake's Dictionary of Amer ican Biography." He was a New En gender by the name of Timothy Dex ter, and the notice of him in the Bio graphical Dictionary is as follows : "Timothy Dexter, known as 'Lord Timothy,' remarkable for his eccen tricity, was born at Maiden, Jan. 22, 1747, and died at Newburyport, Oct. 22, 1800. He rose from poverty to affluence, possessed much acuteness, and was honest in his dealings, but lacked kind of prudence which so frequently hides bad and sets off good qualities. By his desire to appear in print he frequently exposed his ignor ance. His vanity was exhibited by his assuming the title of 'Lord.' He built a house at Newburyport—adorned with 16 wooden statues," etc. The title of the curious book is "A Pickle for the Knowing Ones, "by Lord Timothy Dexter, with an Introductory Preface, by a Distinguished Citizen of "Auld Newberry." The copy in hand was printed In Newburyport by Blanch - ard & Sargent in 1848, and is the fourth edition. The picture of "Lord" Timothy Dex ter and his dogs the outline of his house, with its wooden statues, are as amusing as the literature of the book itself. The spelling is as bad as that of Artemus Ward or of Josh Billings, and the last page is filled with commas, semicolons, interrogation marks, and the like. An accompanying note says: "To avoid dispute all the punctua tion marks in this immortal work are printed on one page at the end, so that j the reader can pepper his dish to suit himself.'' Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance. [A Story of ti lticli Mine. A Miner who Waited Twenty Years for a Buyer. And Then Sold a Fivt -Sixths Inter est in His Claim for $1,600,000. Recently there arrived at the Giltnan hotel in this city, says the Portland (Ore.) News, a plainly or rather poorly dressed, cadaverous-looking man, a bout . r >o years of age, who took a $1 room. Soon thereafter it was whisp ered that the new arrival was Thomas Cruse,the man wlu had sold the Drum Lummond mine, in Montana, for SL,- 000,000. Half of this amount is said to be deposited in the First national bauk in this city, and the other half in a Montana bank. It was noticed during the million - air's presence in the house that he spent no money that he could possibly avoid. On Sunday be a3ked where the catholic church was, instead of hiring a carriage and traveling as becomes a man of so much wealth, he trudged on foot to the church and back. On Tues day he left for his home in Montana. Yesterday a gentleman was met who knew Mr. Cruse well, and he said : "Yes, I am well acquainted with him. For the past twenty-five years he has been a prospector in Montana and Ida ho, and his present wealth is due to the fact that he is one of those fellows that get hold and never let go.' "Why, It's twenty years since he struck the mine that he sold lor more than a million and a half. In order to develop it he would work for a while for others to obtain a stake for grub, tools, and powder. Then he would put in his time on the mine until his funds were exhausted." "Fiually he struck pay dirt, and his enthusiasm knew no bouuds, and for three or four years before he sold out he made a living out of it. How ? Why, by extracting a few hundred pounds of ore and taking it to his cab- In and reducing it to a pulp in a mor tar and washing it out in a bread-pan. You see the mine, although rich, could not be properly deyeloped without cap ital." "Being of a secretive disposition, ho had a door at the entrance of his hid den treasure which he kept locked at all times, and the miners used to call the place 'Cruse's prison.' " "The story of the great richness of the mine spread far and wide, and big offers were made for it. Among those who made an offer for the mine was Mackay, of bonanza fame, but the har dy prospector knew full well the value of his find, and would not sell until he got figure. Cruse was a stayer from a way back, and don't you forget it. Had it been me I would have sold out long ngo." "Finally an English syndicate com menced to angle with the lucky pro spector, and at one time negotiations reached such a stage that the papers were drawn up and read to Cruse, who was also represented by his attorney. A clause in the agreement was read by which the purchasers could buy the one sixth interest he retained, should they so desire. This jarred on the old man's ear like a false note to au orchestra leader. "I want that stricken out, and I'll give you iust five minutes to do so. If you don't the jig is up," sententiously said the man who had waited twenty years for a purchaser. "Well, but that's a mere formality, and it's not likely the company will want to freeze yon out," said the rep resentative of English capital. This sort of expostulotion was kept UDtil the hands of the clock marked the expira tion of the five fateful minutes. "The jig's up," slowly and sternly said Cruse. • "And indeed it was, and the failure to accede to the request made by Cruse cost SIOO,OOO extra, and it was severa months before he resumed negotiations- Had the clause been stricken out tiye sixths of the mine could have been pur chased for $1,500,000, but when the ne" gotiations were resumed $1,600,000 was asked and receiyed for five-sixths of the Drum Lummond mine." The mine is situated about three miles from .Butte City, M. T.,and is probably the richest gold-producing mine in the world. bhakespeare Versus Hash. U I tell you sir," said an eloquent boarder, referriug to Shakespeare,"that man has left his impress upon the thoughts of the world,and his influence will reach to the remotest prosterity. When we come under the influence of his genius we no longer grovel in the dust, thinking only of bread and but ter, but we—" Just then the dinner bell rang, and he fell over a chair in his mad haste to get at the provender and at the next moment he was eating soup at the rate of a quart a minute. NO. 24. NEWSPAPER LAWS If subscribers order the discontinuation of newspapers, the iiuellshors ina.v continue to send them until all are paid. If subscribers refuse or neglect to take their newspapers from the olllee to which they are sent they are held responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. If subscriber* nove toother places without In forming the publisher, and the newspapers are sent to the former place, they are re*|onaiWo. ▲DVEKTIBINU BATES. 1 wk. 1 too. |:t iridi (i inos. 11 yea 1 square ftn||AOO *(>oo|fs (jo J IHCO X " 700 10 00 15 (to 3000 40 CO 1 w 1000 15 00 25 00 45 00 J 75 00 One inch makes a square. Administrators and Executors' Notices fcj/*). Transient adver tisements and locals 10 cents ]km- line for first insertion and 5 cents j>r line for each atMitiou al.lnsertion' Remarkable Presence of Mind. There were half a dozen old fellows sitting on a bench in a public park talking upon various subjects, and fin ally they began to tell stories as to wonderful feats and presence of mind they had witnessed. One old gentle man told of the building of a mill in York State, where a number ot up right posts had to be put in about six feet of water, with the end resting on the rocky bottom. In lowering one of these pestl, the end became entan gled in the coat tail of a man in a boat, who was steadying it, and took him to the bottom; but before he could get untangled, he was pinned last un der nearly six feet of water. 'With wonderful presence of mind,' said the story teller, 'he slipped out of his coat and came up. His coat re mained under the post.' A lean,lank-looking fellow had been listening came up, saying : 'That's a remarkable incident, but nothing to what I saw in Milwaukee Bay about thirty years ago.' 'What was it ? Tell 1* exclaimed all the party at once. 'I was out in a boat with a friend. We had started out for a fish, and had taken our guns along to shoot ducks, if any should happen along,which was a common thing in those days. Well, we hadn't been there long before I, in some way, lost my powder-horn over board, and it sunk in thirty feet of water. There it lay on the bottom in plain sight My friend said he would dive for it I tried to persuade him not to, but he was determined. I noticed he didn't take off his powder horn, and before I could call attention to it he was in the water. I waited about twenty minutes— * 'Twenty minutes !' they all exclaim ed. 'That's the exact time, my friends. I held my watch in my hand, and timed him. After twenty minutes I began to get a little nervous, and I looked over the boat; and what do you think I saw ?' *1 suppose your friend laid on the bottom of the lake drowned,' ventured one. 'No; you are wrong. Here is where he showed his presence of mind and dirty, thieving disposition. There he sat on the bottom of the lake, pour- powder out of my horn into his own and whistling. That's what I consider a remarkable incident of a man's presence of mind.' No reply was made by any of his listeners, but each one quietly got up, looking suspiciously at the story tell er, and left him alone, master of the situation.] Where the Old Shoes go To. It has long been known by many per sons what become of the old tin cans which are picked up throughout the city and carried away in wagons, but it has on'y recently been discovered to what use the old shoes are put. Occas ionally wagons go through tho city,and • return toward New York heavily laaen with old shoes ana boots—those that haye been thrown away as worthless. It is quite an industry in New York, gathering these, and they are said to be worth five cents each. The foreman of a wall paper factory in the city men tioned says that different prices are paid for different grades of leather, and that a pair of calfskin boots will bring fifteen cents. The boots and sboes are first soaked in several waters to get the dirt off them. Then the nails and threads are removed and the leather is ground into a fine pulp ready for use. The embossed leather paperings which have come into fashion lately, as well as the stamped leather fire screens, are realy nothing but thick paper covered with a layer of this fine pressed leather pulp. The foreman of the factory to which the reference is made says that the finer the quality of the leather the better it takes the bronze and old gold and other expensive colors in the de signs painted on them. Fashionable people think they are going way back to mediaeval times when they have the walls of their libraries and dining rooms coyered with embossed leather. Tbey don't know that the shoes and boots which their neighbors threw into the ash-barrel a month before form the beautiful material on their walls and on the screens which protect their eyes from the fire. Many other trades use old shoes and boots, aDd the tops of carriages are largely made of them, ground up and pressed into sheets. Book-binders use them in making the cheaper foruis ot leather'bindings, and the new style of leather frames with leather mats in them are entirely made of the cast-off covering of the feet. There is very little wasted in this world.