Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, June 04, 1885, Image 3

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    sl|< JtJournal.
Published by R A BUMILLERT
—Moths are now on the wing.
-Several fine showers visited us cn
—Look out for the seventeen year
—This is what they call the "month
of roses."
Fourth of July—four w?eks from
next Saturday.
—Palm Leaf Fans 1 cent a piece at
—Monday was a cool and stormy day
for the first of June.
—Regular Town Council meeting
next Saturday evening.
—25 pieces of Fine Dress Lawns at
Spigelmyer's f6r G cents.
—The ice cream saloons will soon
have their harvest time.
—Mr. James Gephart left for Kansas
on Tuesday afternoon's train.
—Harrisburg was full of Lutheran
preachers and laymen last week.
—Did you say we will have a Fourth
of July celebration in Af illheim ?
—This summer's building boomgiyes
our mechanics any amount of work.
—Dr. A. W. Ilafer, of Bellefonte,
was seen in town one day last week.
—Straw Ilats are being sold at half
price at Kauffman's grand new store.
—Spigelmyer always has the largest
stock and the best styled shoes in town.
—Survival of the litest.Downs' Elixir
has outlived eyery other cough remedy
simply because it is the best.
—Rev. C. F. Deininger preached a
fine sermon in the Ev. church last Sun
day forenoon.
—S. D. Afusser is repairing and fix
ing up around his damaged premises
on Afain street.
—Mrs. Haas, of Miftlinburg, is vis
iting her daughter Mrs. W. T. Mauck,
on Penn street.
—Miss Elizabeth Reighard is visiting
her niece, Mrs. J. C. Motz at Wood
ward this week.
—The ladies of the of this
place contemplate holdiug a festival on
the Fourth of July.
—Fred. Sturgis of Lancaster, arriv
ed in town yesterday forenoon, stop
ping with A. Walter's.
—All cigar stores in the county must
be closed on Sunday. Such has teen
the order by the court.
—Mr. and Mrs. Buck, of Lewisburg,
are here on a visit to their son, Geo.
Buck, the photographer.
—Henry Fiedler is getting lumber
ready to build a new stable on his
premises on Penn street.
—J. W. L. exhibited the patience of
Job in that little unpleasant occurrence
last Saturday. Bravo, John !
—Mr. Bunnell, one of the proprietors
of the Bellefonte music store, was in
town on Monday, on business.
—The array of new and attractive
goods in Kauffman's bazar is a con
stant attraction for our people.
—Jeweler Sturgis, of Lewisburg,
came up on Monday and stayed over
night. He nurses a badly cut thumb.
—A BUTTER CHURN with "bock,"
good as new, can be bought cheap for
cash. Inquire at this office. tf
FOR SALE.—6O,OOO Choice Brick at
reasonable figures. C. C. LOOSE,
20-4t Rebersburg, Pa.
—Every bottle of Arnica & Oil Lini
ment sold is warranted by the proprie
tors to give satisfaction or money will
be refunded.
—Since the fine rains the prospects
are better for a good hay crop iu this
section. We are having maguificent
growing weather.
—Our neighbor, W. J. Springer, has
commenced operations on his house on
Penn street. Carpenters are at work
weatherboarding it.
—Mis. Won. Reifsuyder, the aged
and estimable mother of J. 11. Reifsny
der is staying with her son on Main
street several weeks.
TAKE NOTlCE.— Farmers having
good hay to dell can dispose of the same
for cash to J. Frank Torbert, Coburn,
Pa. He needs about eight ton.
—JTr.Shem Spigelmyer.of Antes Fort,
Pa., and Ralph Spigelmyer of Spring
Jfills, were here on Tuesday visiting
their brother Jerome Spigelmyer.
—C. K. Sober, the most successful
sporting man in this section,topped the
climax last week by angling 104 good
sized trout in less than half a uay.
—Now is the time t ) buy new, fiesh
and cheap goods, and the latest styles
at the Millheim Oak Hall.
D. S. Kauffman, Prop's.
—James D. Lose, Peon street, sprain
ed his ankle the other day by a mistep,
while working at E. 0. Campbell's.
Though painful,the injury is not serious.
—More people, adults and children,
are troubled with costiveuess than with
any other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's
Mandrake Bitters will cure costiveness
and prevent the diseases which result
from it.
J —Good liag Carpets at 35 cents at
Kauffman's. Ingrain Carpels at 28
—For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neu
ralgia, Cramp and Co'io there is no
remedy superior to the genuine I)r.
Thomas' Electric Oil.
—We are very much pleased with the
•Toe Mills Scrap llook" appearing in
this week's issue and hope the author
will repeat his valuable contributions.
—W. L. Eright took a carload of
cattle to Philadelphia last Monday, j
Will is fully up to the business and
ships a large amount of cattle during
the year.
—Erysipelas and Salt Rheum was
entirely driven away from Mrs. J. C.
Anderson, Peshtigo, Wis., by Hurdock
Rlood Ritters. No equal as a blood
—Mrs. Sam. Reesman, of Nebraska,
who had visited at John Toners, at
Reech Creek, for several weeks, is in
town to spend somß time with her
—Sunday School officers and teachers
will find a fine and complete stock of
Cards at the Journal store. Just re
ceived a new supply. Special bargains
in this line.
—Mrs. J no. Ilarter,Penn street,prides
herself with the first red-ripe tomatoe
in town, grown in her garden. Mrs.
Ilarter wears the belt as a gardener and
—Afark Afooney, of Noilh street,
who had been suffering from a very
sore eye, which partly blinded him for
the last six weeks, we are glad to see is
able to be around again.
—D. W. Zeigler is hauling the stone
for tlie foundation walls of his new
house on Penn street. The necessary
lumber is nearly all on the ground and
work will begin i a few weeks.
—"When the cat's away, the mice
do play," and so with our high consta
ble aud the pigs. Since A/r. heeu is
away the borough i 9 running over with
pigs. Guess they know that he is
—Constable G. W. Ilarter, of Mill
beim would hereby respectfully inform
the people of these valleys that he has
taken the agency for the Spring Tooth
Harrow,formerly handled by Abs. Ilar
ter. 3t
—A full line of Fresh Drugs, guaran
teed to be pure, also a large assortment
of Patent put up in neat
style and sold cheaper than anywhere
in the county at D. S. Kauffman &
Co's new store.
—This week's bill of fare at the First
National Hotel is ; Clam Soup, Roast
Beef and Veal, Fresh J/ackerel, Peas,
Beans, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Rid
dishes and Onions, all of this season,
Strawberiies, Bananas.
—S. J. Herlng, Esq., and wife, were
in town last Thursday on a brief visit
to some of their friends. The squre
combined business with pleasure by at
tending to some insurance matters for
the Centre Ilall company.
Work on the foundation walls of
the new Truck House on Penn street
commenced yesterday morning under
the supervision of the committee , con
sisting of about twelve, more or less,
Hon. J. R. B. chairman.
—Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highly con
centrated extract of Sarsaparilla, and
other blood-purifying roots, combined
with lodine of Potassium and Iron. Its
control oyer scrofulous diseases is un
equaled by any other medicine.
—ln next week's Journal there will
be an announcement of something new
and interesting and everybody is urged
to pay particular attention to it. It
will be an exhibtion and presentation
by D. S. Kauff man & Co., Jfillbeim.
—Mrs. John H. Thomas, of York, a
daughter of Rev. C. t\ Deininger of
this place, arrived here last week with
her family, to spend a few days at her
parenls'house on Main street. She ex
pects to return home 011 Jfonday next.
—An abundant supply of noveltie?
and fancy goods, such as stamped linen
and felt goods, flower pot trelises, puff
boxes, powders, toilet soaps, &c. arriv
ing weekly at the Journal store.
School books and bags and blank books
a specialty.
NEW GOODS.— Afrs. E. J. Brumgard
just received a new lot of J/illinery
Goods, which comprises the latest and
most beautiful styles of Ileadwear ever
brought to town. Her prices are mod
erate and the ladies are kindly request
ed to give her a call. tf
—Next to the cowardly ti ick of wri
ting anonymous letters comes the con
temptible act of secretly posting up
slanderous and abusive cards in public
places. Such however had been the
case in this town one day last -week and
we are disagreeably surprised at the lit
tleness of some people.
Our town council passed resolu
tions at their la.t meeting making it
unlawful to allow buildings to become
so dilapidated as to be exceedingly dau
gerous in case of fire and, sent a thirty
days' notice to Wm. Walker to either
repair or remove the old smithy on
Main Street. The council makes a
step in the right direction in this mat
ter. This town has too many tinder
boxes, making especially Main street,
which is built very compactly, an un
safe district.
—Lai gest stock of ready-made cloth
ing iu town at Spigelmyer's.
The Borough School Board organized
on A/on day evening with the following
officers : W. It. Weiser, pros , I). L.
Zerhy, A. Walter, tiens. The
financial statement for the year ending
June Ist 1885, gives last yeai'fl total
receipts -S'JIG.SO, expenitures $785.50,
cash on hand slfil.3o,
—A communication received from
somebody inAaronsburg had to be con
demned to the waste-basket-. Once for
all we will not publish any correspond
ence unless we have the true name of
the writer and even then we will not
allow offensive personalities to appear
in its items. What wo want is news.
—One of the freight cars of the train
reaching Coburn in the morning was
entered by thieves between Philadel
phia and Harrisburg one day last week
and a lot ot good* stolen out of store
boxes for 1). S. KaulTinan V Co., and
J. W. Snook, of this place. The exact
amount of the theft we were unable to
learn. •
Backache, stitches in the side, in
tlatiou and soreness of the bowels, are
symptoms of a disordered state of the
digestive and assimilative organs,which
can he promptly and thoroughly cor
rected by the use of Ayer's Cathartic
Pills. As dinner pills, and as aids to
digestion, they have no equal. They
cure constipation.
—The Quarterly Conference of the
U. B. church will be held at Millheim
beginning on Saturday, June Glh, at 2
o'clock, p. m. Preaching in the even
ing by J. B. Daughtery, P. E. Com
munion services ou Sunday morning,at
10$ o'clock, Children's meeting at 2, p.
m. and preaching in the evening at 7$
o'clock. All are cordially invited to
attend. C. W. RAVER.
From the Lock Haven Daily Demo
crat :
A BAD DOSE. —While a lady at An
drew Albright's, at Tylersville, this
county, was filling a coal oil lamp, a
little child of Mr. Albright's, who was
playing around, picked up the bottle of
coal oil and drank quite a quantity be
fore being discovered. It of course be
came seriously ill but was, after some
effort, restored, to the great gratifica
tion of its parents.
—The Millheim 11. & L. company
gave a fair sample of their speed while
pulling the truck last Saturday even
ing after the parade. When they took
the carriage they started on a
run from the race bridge to the hill on
Main street, turning the corner at Mus
ser's hotel at a break-neck rate, and
showing that they expect to consume
but little time iu reaching their destin
—Kauffman's new store on Main
street presented the appealance of a
bee-hive during their opening and the
balance of Saturday evening. The band
rendered some of their best produc
tions, entertaining the many customers
of Messrs. Kauffman & Co., who were
attended by four or five clerks. These
enterprising merchants are now fairly
fixed and settled in lleir fine quarters
and seem to be doing a rushing busi
TIONAL.—Next Saturday evening there
will be a FREE Clam Lunch at S. T.
Frain's hotel on J/ain street, Afillheim,
commencing at 8 o'c'ock, to which the
public is cordially invited. Other sea
sonable delicacies will be dished up and
a pleasant time may be spent by all
who will attend. The J/illheim Cor
net Band has been engaged for the
evening. Come.
—An alarm ol lire on last Thursday
foienoon startled the people on Main
street and called forth the bucket bri
gade in a few moments. On closer in
spection a wood box on top of the
chimney on Albright's smithy was dis
covered to be on fire. One of the
Hook & Ladder boys was already there
and at once kicked the burning stuff
from off the roof,which proceeding put
an end to the fire. Five minutes la
ter and the blacksmith shop would
have been no more.
—A party of young folks consisting
of the following ladies and gentlemen
from Nittany arrived in this town on
Decoration day and spent a few pleas
ant hours here : Misses Maggie and
Libbie Ilewes, from Virginia, at pres
ent visiting their uncle Robt. Holmes,
Mis 3 Blanch Holmes, Misses Kate and
Mnble Shaffer, Messrs. Joe Emerick,
Will Holmes, Dr. J. G. Allison. Al
ways glad to see these • visitors to our
burg. Come again.
—P. P. Barnes, of Logansville,is out !
in a ciicular announcing that he has
contracted to run a daily stage between
this city, Logansville,Coburn and Mill
heira, beginning on the first of June,
and that a new two-horse rig has been
built for the purpose. It is a covered
wagon, platform springs and in every
point calculated f >r easy and comforta
ble traveling. Following is the time
table adopted, the stage starting from
the United States Hotel, where orders
should be left: Leave Logansyille, at
6:30 a. m.; arrive at Lock Haven at
10:00 a. m.; leave Lock Ilaven at 1:30
p. m.; arrive at Logansville at 5:30 p.
m.; leave Logansville at 6:30 a. m ; ar
rive at Millheim at 11:00 a. m.; leave
Millheim ai 1:00 p. in.; arrive at Lo
gansville at 5:00 p. m.— Lock Haven
Daily Democrat.
—All we ask is your presence. After
you examined our stock you will pro
nounce our store the best place to buy.
D. S. Kauffman & Co.
—Lewisburg boro' will celebrate the
ono hundreth anniversary of its found
ing by a grand parade of Firemen, Mil
itary, Grand Army of the Republic and
other organizations on the Fourth of
July. Extensive preparations are be
ing made ly the citizens of that bor
ough to make the celebration the finest
ever held in Lewisburg. Invitations
have been issued to all the fire compan
ies in the adjoining counties and our
young company haa not been forgotten
in the list. The boys are unable to at
tend however, us they hardly consider
themselves in a shape for such occa
—The momoriai exercises on last Sat
urday evening were pronounced by ev
erybody the best conducted and most
creditable ever witnessed in Millheim.
Town was tilled with a large and ex
pectant crowd of people long before the
hour for the parade had arrived. At 5:30
sharp the procession raoyed from Penn
street, wending its way down Main,
then returning up Main street marched
to the cemetery. The long column
consisted of tlio Millheim Band, Flag
bearer, Veterans, the new Ilook &
Ladder Truck, dragged by about
twenty-five members of the company,
the Sunday schools of town, about a
dozen carriages and buggies containing
visitors from other places, and an end
less string of ladies and citizens of the
borough. We hear it stated by a spec
tator that he counted over five hundred
people in the procession.
Arriving at the cemetery the solemn
anil impressive decoration rites were
performed by the veterans, company
and the schools while the band played
one of its fine dirges. Itev. Mountz,
Hon. J. P. Coburn and Rev. C. F.
Deininger made eloquent addresses to
the large assemblage. Our space will
not allow us to go into details or give a
synopsis of the orations . They were
all masterly done and showed commen
dable research and laudable patriotism.
The procession returned to town in
nearly the same order in which they
had come and when reaching about the
centre of town, the men, stirred up by
the lively national airs of our good lit
tle band, gave vent to their patriotic
enthusiasm in three rousing cheers. At
the rownhall all were dismissed.
Everything passed off very smoothly
and succesfully, the parade was very
imposing, the U. & L. boys especially
distinguishing themselves by their fine
marching and general good appearance
and all concerned must have felt well
pleased with the success of the cele
bration. The affair was favored by
comparatively fair weather, the wind
having partly dried the streets, which
had beeu rendered very muddy from
the rain of the preceding day and
—Several quarts of J/iuueeota E.nly
and StowelPs Sweet Corn, the two best
vaiieties known, for sale by W. N.
NOTlCE.— Having been appointed a
gent by the Middletown Tube & Iron
Company of Middletown, Pa., for the
sale of their iron Pipes, &c , all persons
needing anything in this line will save
money by calling on me.
20 3m Spring Mills, Pa.
Neighboring News.
Our town is ably represented at the
General Synod, Harrisburg, by Rev.
and Mrs. Deitzler, Mr. aDd Mrs. Win.
Stover and John 11. Musser.
L. D. Kurtz was home over Sunday.
Glad to see him.
Among tho indisposed might be
mentioned D. K. Musser who suffers
from general debility ; and Miss Mary
M usser whose left or right ear (rorget
which) causes her considerable pain.
Some N ittany Yalley folks were the
guests of the Misses Minnie and Lula
Kurtz during Saturday and Sunday.
The Soldiers' graves were decorated
in the P. M. of Saturday. The turnout
was very meager.
A great many people from town were
to Millheim on Saturday evening to
witness the parade. They seemed very
much taken with the Ilook and Ladder
Howard Ilomau and apprentices have
gone to Lewistown to do some carpen
ter work. Howard is just the man to
put up a fust- class job.
The School board had a meeting at
Immel's Hotel on Monday. Important
business was trans acted but the "Boss
Tweed" of the board during former
years was not present. The amount of
embezzlement is something like SBB9.
"How are the mighty fallen."
Mr. Benj. Limbert and family, from
Brushvalley, in company with Wash
Shafer, from Carthage, Mo., were the
guests of Mr. 11. E. Duck on Sunday.
Mr. Shafer had crossed the Alleghany
mountains fourteen times and his home
ward trip will be the fifteenth time.
On Monday part of Grossman's shed
was raised and the other part will go
up as soon as the lumber can be made
Mr. Sol Kimport and wife were visit
ing their friends at this place over Sun
The farmers complain that the crows
are doing mischief in their corn fields.
Miss Alice Bierly is visiting here and
intends to stay in our midst for some
time. JUMBO.
Robert Wolf is now the proprietor of
our store, having purchased from C.W.
Ilosterman last week. Robert is very
obliging and will retain the large trade.
The members of the stung band,who
secured their instruments sonio time ago'
talk of getting a teacher and reorganiz
"Sol" Ettlinger has not yet returned
home, though we expect him before
long. We sort of envy Spring Mills its
notoriety, for ''Sol" belongs to us.
Spring Mills.
Decoration day was well observed by
the people of this place and surround
ing vicinity. Notwithstanding the
muddy roads and the threatening rain
a large crowd assembled at the grave
yard in the forenoon to decorate the
graves of our fallen heroes. Many oth
er graves were also decorated. The G.
A. R. Post assembled in a body and ac
companied by the Farmers' 3/llls band
paid proper tribute to their dead com
R. Kline is the boss fisherman of this
place. lie caught a sucker 18 inches
long one day last week.
The now school board has organized
with M. fe. Rishel, president, Emanuel
Zettle, treasurer and J. B. Crawford,
Mis. J. W. Bartges, of Penn Hall,
while visiting her mother at this place,
was taken very sick one day last week
and has not been able to return to her
home since. * * *
John B. Shafer has treated his house
to a coat of paiut. If some more of
our town folks would do likewise it
would add much to the appearauce of
their homes.
Dr. Lee has made quite a large cis
tern on his premises.
Mr. Long and Fiauk, of JMillheim,
accompanied by their wives, spent a
couple of hours on Sunday with Dr.
Ira Hazel is again able to be out to
get a breath of fresh air.
The executors'saleof personal proper
ty of the late Jeremiah Hoy was well
attended last Saturday.
Decoration day was very quiet here,
nothing of any accouut was-.going on.
The potato bug,that great nuisance,
has again made his appearance.
Reuben Grimm has bought a horse
from Fred. Limbert, near Aaronsburg.
Jared Hazel is atoout ready to raise
his stable.
Miss JfcCan is at present visiting
her sister, J/rs. Dr. Lee, of this place.
Poe Mills Scrap Book.
Poe Mills, June 2 1885.
To the Editor of the MILLUKIM Joun-
We are having rather cool weather,
especially at night, considering the
time of year. Nevertheless ihe trees and
shrubs arc decked in their summer
robes of various shades of gieeu, and
the numerous mountain peaks about
here, wnlch a month ago presented a
yery wild and rugged appearance, are
now showing forth nature in all her
glory, which is grand beyond descrip
The large stationary saw mill owned
by W. C. McCounell & Co., has been
inactive for the past few days while it
has been undergoing some slight im
Thomas R. Park, our amiable saw
yer, has gone from our midst, and is at
present engaged in the lumber business
in Dauphin County with LMs brother-in
law John Sheetz, formerly of the Arm
of Park & Sheetz of this place.
Harris B. Miller, a well-known and
highly respected young man of Millers
burg, Pa. has been visiting friends at
this place during the past week.
Henry Dunkel anticipates a visit to
Halifax, Dauphin Co., Pa. next Satur
day, where he will spend a few days
with friends and relations.
We learn that Geo. Buck, the oblig
ing photographer of Millheim Pa. will
to day be over to Fowler Station, two
miles west of here on the L. T. R
It., for the purpose of taking views,and
judging from work which we have had
the pleasure of seeing in the past, we
can refer any persons who wish to feast
their eyes on some "{/ran I scenery, to
him, feeling confident that they will tie
well pleased. Success to you Georgie,
is the wish of vour Poe Mill's friend.
Messrs.Elliot Hassingor and Gro. B.
Baskin expect to leave here for Lewis
town, 3/ifHui Co., on Thursday P. M.
where they are going to investigate
quite a number of Steam Engines.
They will no doubt bo prepared to give
some interesting poiuts on steam power
in next week's issue.
Johnnie Charles,our much thought of
shingle sawyer goes fishing occasionally.
Yesterday he hooked out of Poe Run
quite a number of fine trout, but be
saw one which he did not happen to
i catch. John says it looked to him to
be about twenty inc lies long, but he
(John) might haye appeared iu the eyes
of the trout to measure twenty times
twenty inches long, at le.*st it must
have thought him too long company to
associate with, and acting upon its in
stinct it turned, and left John a lone
fisherman on the banks of Poe Run.
—Go no farther until you haye seen
the bargains at Spigelmyer's;
Square, Grand Boudoir Gem & Orchestra
Upright, Grand
The best now made and endorsed ,by all eminen
. ilhjW
The most beautiful and sweetest toned in the worl<
Smaller Musical Instruments,
Organettes, Musical Boxes, Musical Toys, &e.
Sheet Music (including the popular 5 and 10 cent music) Music Book
Strings, &c.
Harry J. Kurzenknabe, Millheim, Pa.,
Agent for Union and Centre Countiei
All kinds of Marble Work,
Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Tombs, &c.
Granite Monuments and Headstone
furnished at lowest prices.
|il DM CDC II I This SULKY PLOW with its patent TKWSSED, SUSREN •
PnKlßtnd Z Z V A sion Steel Wheel and swinging beam is the moat perfect
I ■ I l j Implement of tin kind in the world.
Wo make the famous Wif . Q .
"SWIN BBEAM'' SULKY I I THE BEAM can be fastened rigidly when deaired. or I
TII 11 1 left to swing sideways if it atrikes a stump or stone. thn
Illustrated Deiow, niso avoiding breakage; also nice for turning corners without
"Garden City Clipper" taking Plow out of the ground.
PLO S, STXN ran Ctbculabs
Saccesnrt to Parst Jt End) ejr UTg Co.,
\ Y DAVID BRADLEY M'F'U CO., Indianapolis. lad.
\ A/ DAVID BRADLEY * CO., Minneapolis. Mian.
\ DAVID BRADLEY & CO., Conarfl Blufflt, la.
N f BRADLEY, WHEELER * CO., Kaasas€* Mo.
Proprietor and Manufacturer of
Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c.
Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at al
times. New and improved machinery in the shops.
Repair work promptly attended to. Price 3 as low as anywhere
_ _ , Vegetable t
The great popularity of this preparation,
after its test of many years, should be an
assurance, oven to the most skeptical, that
it is reallv meritorious. Those who have
used HALL'S HAIR RKNEWER know that
it does ali that is claimed.
It causes new growth of hair on bald
heads—provided the hair follicles are not
dead, which is seldom the case; restores
natural color to gray or faded hair; pre
serves the scalp healthful and clear of
dandruff; prevents the hair falling off or
changing color; keeps it soft, pliant, lus
trous, and causes it to grow long and
HALL'S HAIR RENEWER produces its
effects by the healthful influence of its
vegetable ingredients, which invigorate
nud rejuvenate. It is not a dye, and is
a delightful article for toilet use. Con
taining no alcohol, it does not evap
orate quickly and dry up the natural oil,
leaving the "hair harsh and brittle, as do
other preparations.
Buckingham's Dye
Colors them brown or black, as desired,
and is the best dye, because it is harmless;
Eroduces a permanent natural color; and,
eing a single preparation, is more con
venient of application than any other.
R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. 11.
Sold by all Dealers in Medicines.
m M■%■ HKM Send six c ents fo
n 001 #la p°s ta ß e an , d c e> v ®
II rnil.E_-free a cbstly box of
■" ■ ™■■ "goods which will help
yon to more money right away than anything
else in this world. All. of either sex, succeed
from flrst hour. The broad road to fortune o
pens before the workers, absolutely sure. At
once address, TKUK & Co., Augusta, Maine.
WANTED.—several good canvasers to sell
an article which every tax-payer needs, and
which one fourth of them will buy if properly
presented and explained. No humbug, but an
article of practical value. Those who mean
business may call in person on the undersigned
..others toed not Q
WT AYTIiII —Ladies and gentlemen i
YY flUlDlfc take light, pleasantemplo
ment at their homes (distance no objection
work sent by mail; #2 to |5 a day can be quiet
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This remedy contains no injurious drugs.
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ELY BROTHERS. Druggists, Owego, N. "S
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Intelligent SOLICITORS WANTED for the
His own ACCOUNT of an eventful life, uicludin
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St.,Pliila, Pa. 11H
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HALLBTT BOOK CO., Portland Maine.