Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, June 04, 1885, Image 2

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Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
Democratic County Com. for 1885.
Bellefonte, N. W Win. Galbraitli.
M 8. W............W m. R. Ludwig,
W. W ......William Harper,
Howard 80r0................A. Weber,
James R. Proudfoot,
Millheim J. H. Reifsuyder.
PhiUpsburg Ist W.. J Allen Lukens,
44 2nd W.....-...AJ Graham,
44 3rd W....~ Jackson Gorton,
Unionville 80r0......... John Ring,
Benner Twp...... Robt Henderson,
Boggs. S. P.. A A Kohibeckor,
" N. P Lewis Miller,
Burnside Twp Oscar Holt,
College 44 Geo R Roan,
Curtln 44 Thos Delxing.
Ferguson B. P Peter I^iuek,
" W. P David H Kusterborder
Gregg S P.-~~ JB Fisher,
" NP Philip Frank.
Haines B P Jno C Stover,
44 W P-. H H Weaver
Half m00n... J H Griffin,
Harris -...H0n W A Murray,
Howard Twp.—-.-.-...Michael Confei ,
Huston 44 Jno Q Miles,
Liberty *• WmNßitner,
Marlon 44 Daniel W Orr,
Miles 44 —— Jared B Kreamer,
Patton 44 —— —Agnew Sellers,
Penn 44 w F Smith,
Potter N P —.D C Keller,
44 S P W W Royer,
Rush 8 P Hugh McCann,
44 N P -.—.--Fred F Smith.
Snow Shoo N P ——..Frank Tuberty,
44 44 8P—....Jn0 Kwing,
Spring...— KdC Wood,
Taylor—.- —Vinton Beckwlth,
Union.—...—..——Jno H Stover.
Walker —Jas J Gramley,
Worth George B Williams,
Secretary. Chairman.
THE legislatures in ten states have
this year passed laws demanding that
the physiological effects of alcohol be
taught in public schools.
New Appointments.
WASHINGTON, May 29.—The presi
dent tc-day appointed James W.Whelp
ly, of New York, assistant treasurer
United States, and Charles Derby, of
Indiana, minister to China.
IT is said that for the 300 Consul
ships for which President Cleveland
will make appointments, there are no
less tfcan 8000 applicants, with the
natural consequence that about 7TOO
of these willing fellows will be left.
BY the new apportionment bills
counties are left whole, and that is
about the only merit the bills possess.
But as to equality and justice, they
deserve the condemnation of every
fair thinking citizen and Governor
Pattison emphatically vetoes them.
A Warning to Councils.
WILKESBARRK, May 29.—The grand
jury has indicted the town council of
Plymouth for maintaining a nuisance
and for neglect of their official duties in
not keeping the town in a good sanitary
condition. The trial will take place in
June. Three deaths occurred to-day.
IN reading the proceedings of our
legislative bodies, we must not forget
that they have large republican major
ities. Whatever bad and worthless
laws are made, and whatever time and
money is uselessly spent in the pres
ent session the majority must be blam
ed for, of course.
THE manufacture of steel nails has
made rapid progress since 1883, in
which year this industry may be said
to have had its beginning.During last
year there were 393,482 kegs of steel
nails manufactured, the production of
the three leading nail making states
being as follows: West Virginia,
204,336 kegs; Ohio, 730,636 kegs, and
Pennsylvania,29,324 kegs. In 1882,
this country produced only 18,224
kegs of steel nails.
THE republican journals lift their
heads in exultant pride and exclaim
"Youßee,Qot a cent was missing at the
investigation of the U.S. treasury and
we were wrongfully blamed by the
Democrats." So it is, as far as the
treasury is concerned. But how about
the discovery of Secretary Whitney,
that John H. Russell, spent $900,000
for the repair of the "Mohican" which
Is about three times for what a new
vessel of the same style could be built.
There is more than one way to squan
der the people's money.
The Lutherans at H&rrisburg.
H ARRISBURG ,May 30.—At the open
ing of the General Synod of the Lutb.
Church, Rev. J. W. Richard, of York,
Pa., secretary of the board, read the
eighth biennial report of the Church
Extension Society. The total receipts
for the two years were $77,806.92, a
large increase oyer the am ount reported
at the last meeting. The amount paid
by the district synods on apportion
ment was $37,472.99. The amount re
ceived in response to a special appeal
for Grace Church, Chicago, was $lO,
961.14/ for the children's memorial at
Kansas City, $3,340*86 ; for Christ
Church, New York, $2,560.48. The
Women's Society contributed $7,045
for the erection of a church at Freeport,
111. The board asked for $50,000 for
the next two years.
The treasurer of the Synod reported
receipts of $3,561.16.
The order of the day being church ex
tensions, the afternoon was consumed
on the subject; $2,200 was raised to
liquidate a debt resting on Christ's Lu
theran Church, New York. Rev. Dr.
Morris, from Baltimore,revealed to the
synod the fact that some generous do
nor had given $20,000 into his hands
with which to found a lectureship.
From our Regular Correspondent.
WASHINGTON,D. C., May 30,1885.
By degrees the work of change is in
creasing its motion,as President Cleve
land is putting more of Democratic per
emptoriness into his utterances. The
result is more pleasing to Democrats,
and is not satisfactory to Republicans
who of late have been jubilant outside
of the departments and more and more
overbearing in. Thus far more than
200 changes have been made in the
Presidential post ollices by Mr. Cleve
land, who sees the importance of mak
iug changes but is desirous of placing
none but solid men and good stayers in
positions everywhere.
First Assistant Postmaster General
Hay is now at his post and at work.
He is a slim, middle-aged man, with
hair rapidly changing from black to
gray. lie has bright,;handsome eyes,
a fine set of teeth, smiles pleasantly, is
quick to see, and acts about as quick as
he thinks. To him are referred about
all of the minor appointments and he
gives promise, if his health holds out,
of letting Democrats know that he is
their friend. To the date of May 27th,
about 1,500 changes have been made in
post offices outside those made by the
President, making a total of about 1,-
700 changes made in post offices gener
ally, Democrats going in as Republi
cans go out.
Postmaster General Vilas has moved
into the elegant house No. 27 lowa cir
cle, where at night after office hours
those who persist in obtaining what
they want, find him and explain. Jle
stands the heavy pressure brought to
bear upon him by Democrats with good
nature, and says.that when the harvest
is ended Democrats will be satisfied. Of
late he has been feeling around pretty
lively in old Virginia, and is by his
good appointments in that State adding
greatly of courage and strength to Dem
ocrats. Democrats aie being urged to
give Democratic papers increased cir
culation at once, so that in all parts of
the country they may know what is go
ing on, especially in Washington city.
In the Treasury Department Secre
tary Manning has already made over
500 changes, and hundreds more are be
ing marked for n. f. u.—no further use.
Manning is the strongest and most dar
ing Democratic politician in the Cabi
net. A man of much sagacity, clean
in his courage, and decidedly intent on
making New York State solidly and
reliably Democratic. In appearance he
so much resembles President Cleveland
that the two are often mistaken for
each other. PIIONO.
Miscellaneous News.
A Clearfield jeweler named Snyder
constructed, and has in running order,
the smallest steam engine in the world.
It is so small that a human hair is us
ed as a belt to run the governor.
—Oh ! Oh ! This howling, jumping
raging toothache ! I would give any
thing for relief. Well, it won't cost
you much. 15 cents wiil get you a bot
tle of the Great Zingara Toothache
Drops. Guaranteed. For toothache
and neuralgia the Great Zingari lias no
equal. Keep them in the house, they
may save you hours of agony. Sold by
J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
Severe Storm in Lancaster County.
LANCASTER, May 31.— A very heavy
thunder and hail storm, accompanied
by strong wind, passed over the north
ern end of this county this afternoon.
The wind tore strong trees up by the
roots and tiirew them across the road
ways, and in several instances tobacco
barns were picked up bodily and demol
ished. The hail stones, which were
very large, fell to an unusual depth.
—A BOTTLE ot Curtis' Carmelite
Cordial should occupy the bandy corn
er of eyery travellers satchel. No pru
dent person will think of undertaking a
journe} involving changes of climate,
diet and water, without first procuring
a bottle, It never fails ! It never dis
appoints ! Money refunded in every
case when a single bottle, as directed,
fails to cure any case of cholera, dysen
tery, cholera morbus,diarrhoea,cramps,
pains in the bowels, or any intestinal
irritation. Sold by all dealers.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
The Great Iron Strike.
PITTSBURG, May 31.—The iron work
ers' strike, which will be inaugurated
to-morrow, promises to be almost gen
eral throughout the west. Piye firms
in this city have signed the scale, and
will continue their mills in operation.
Other mills, it is expected, will close
down, thus throwing out of employ
ment nearly 100,000 men. The work
men are cheerful, and assert that the
strike will be of short duration,Jand
that its ending will be fayorable to
—A Crownover, Saulsbury, Pa.,
writes : 'J. A. McDonald.
Dear Sir : —Your Liver Pills are giv
ing good satisfaction here and there is
quite a demand springing up for them.
Please send me three dozen boxes at
once, as I am out and some of my cus
tomers won't have any other.'
Comment needless. Dissatisfied pur
chasers can have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents*
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
Bad Outlook for the Wheat Crop.
CHICAGO, May 31.—Reports received
by the "Farmers Review" from all the
western and southern wheat growing
states, including the Pacific region, in
dicate that the outlook for winter sown
wheat is the worst in ten years, and
wader the most favorable conditions
will fall considerably under the short
crop of 1881, when the total product
was 380,000,000 bushels. They ha ye
received reports from over 3,000 corres
•Superior Ilxt'clltuit'C.
The reason * for PKIUJN A'S superior ex
cellence in ail diseases, and its modus op
erandi, arc fully explained in Dr. llart
man's lecture, reported in his book on the
41 Ills of Life nrul How to Cure Thcni,"
from page i to page 10 though the whole
book should be read and studied to get the
full value of this /.:/• excellent remedy.
These books can bo had at all the drug
stores gratis.
W. 1). Williams, U. S. Pension Agent
and Notary Public, New Vienna, Clinton
County, Ohio, writes : 44 1 take great
pleasure in testifying to your medicines.
1 have used about one bottle and a half,
and can say I am almost n new man.
Have had the catarrh about twenty years.
Before 1 knew what it was, had settled on
the lungs and breast, but can now say I am
almost well. Was in the army; could get
no medicine there that would relieve me."
Col. E. Finger, Ashland, Ohio, writes:
I am happv to say I have used several
bottles of your medicine called PEHUNA,
and my health has been greatly improved
by it. I cheerfully recommend I'KKUNA
to all who suffer with heart trouble, as
being an invaluable medicine."
Rev. J. M. Ingling, Altamont, 111.,
writes: 44 My father-in-law, who resides
with me has been using your I'KKUNA
for kidney disease, which has nfilicted him
for fort y years and could get no relief tin- (
til he saw your medicine. I induced him
to trv a bottle, which he did, and the one
bottle of I'ERUNA and one bottle of MAN-
A i.iN lias given him more relief than all
the other medicines he ever used."
Mr. Robert Grimes, Rendville, Ohio,
writes: 44 My wife has been an intense
sufferer from chronic catarrh, end after
every other remedy had failed she com
menced to use your PEHUN.V and MANA
MN. They have helped my dear wife
more than anything she has ever used.
She has now taken two hottles, an 1 is so
much better that she will never quit its
use until she is entirely well. It has won- ,
derfully improved her sight. We think
PERUNA and MAN A LIN will cure any
R. Palmer, Pastor of the A M. E.
Church, No. 192 Canal Street, Wilkcs
barre Luzerne Co., Pa., writes : 44 Hav
ing used your PERUNA, and by experience
became acquainted with its value, I write
asking vou to please send me five hottles
of PERUNA and one of MANALIN by ex
press and oblige, your humble servant. "
Cook Bros., Pro pcet, Marion County,
Ohio, writes: 14 We have a good trade on
PEUUHA, our customers rpeuk well of it
NOTICE. —Having been appointed a
gent by the Back Thorn Fence Co.,
for the sale of the celebrated Buck
Thorn Steel Barbed Fencing, I invite
persons wanting this handsome, lasting
and cheap article to call on me.
10-3 m. l'euu Hall, Pa.
—Druggists as a rule are extremely
jealous and careful of the honor of their
profession,and are loth to praise a med
icine which they do not from personal
knowledge know to be a meritorious
article. They all agree, however, that
for smallness of dose, easiness to take,
and effectiveness as a worm destioyer,
McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders
are the best and most desirable vermi
fuge in their stock, and do not hesitate
to recommend them. Dissatisfied buy
ers can have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim,Pa.
The Latest Telephone Patent.
An inyentor by the name of Freeman
has perfected a telephone which lie
claims is the superior of the Bell in
strument. Ilis application for a pat
ent lias been pending before the Patent
Office for several weeks. A patent for
his invention was issued 011 Monday.
Ilis telephone is the exact opposite of
the principle of the Bell telephone. The
latter is operated by a continuous cur
rent of electricity. The Freeman is op
erated by pulsations caused by the op
ening and closing of the circuit. It
was clearly shown to be 110 infringe
ment of the Bell telephone, as the pat
ent has beeu already issued. The Free
man telephone promises to make a
fierce opposition to the Bell if the latter
does not buy the new invention.
—The four greatest and most desir
able properties of a successful medicine
are perfectly combined in McDonald's
Blood Purifier or Sarsaparillan Altera
tive. 111 malassimilatiou of food and
dyspepsia its effects are speedy and hap
py. For disfiguringhumow of scrofula
and tetter, the loathsome sores of ven
eral diseases, the burning torturers of
erysipelas, 110 other medicine can poss
ibly tqual it. As a spring medicine,
perfect blood purifier, efficient and safe
diuretic and aperient, it meets with
gratifying favor from" the medical pro
fession and the people. Dissatisfied
buyers can have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
An Oil Operator's Failure.
ERIE, Pa., May 30.— Thomas Brown,
of the Brown Oil Company, failed to
day for nearly half a million. This
evening judgements for $350,000 were
confessed and recorded, representing
about three-fourth of the liabilities.
Brown was formerly manager of the
Star and Eclipse OilCompanies,branch
es of the great Standard monopoly. He
cut loose from the Standard and estab
lished oil refineries of his own in con
nection with a large producing interest
at Claredon; but cut rates and the us
ual tactics of the Standard made his
ruin inevitable. A few months ago the
crash was expected, but was staved off
by the considerate course of creditors.
It could be avoided no longer. One
judgement confessed is to Orange No
ble for $50,000. Brown's property,
could it be sold for its worth, would
realize about SIOO,OOO. It is the largest
failure occuring here for many years.
—Messrs. C. F. Deininger and 11. K.
Luse, of this place, are the manufact
urers and agents for Ellison's Ironing
and Pressing Board, and have the right
of sale in the borough of Millheim, and
in Penn, Tlaines and Gregg townships.
The board is one of the handiest invent
tions out. It may be adjusted to any
table and furnishes a stationary and
firm support for ironing. It is made
of good wood, strongly put together
and can be folded up to a convenient
size, when not in use. The price is
$2.00 and its merits are such that no
housewife should be without one.
Call on O. F. Deiuingeror 11. K,Luse,
Main street, Pa, 3t
LOOK IIKUK.—I euro Piles. 1 hayo
a positive remeily for piles. liy its use
many cases ,of the worst kind and of
long standing have been cured. It cures
as if by magic. Money refunded to dis
satisfied patients. Addles J,
II.IV.SUMMKUS, Aaronsburg, L'a.
FIMII K. OK"I>.— J'IIO undersigned auditor
appointed bv the Orphans' Court of Centre co.,
of the fund* In the hands
of the iiecountnnts in the estate of Adam Fish -
er, dee'd to and among those legally entitled
thereto, will meet the parties in interest for the
purpose of his appointment, on Tuesday, dune
2nd IKHS,ot 10 o'clock, a. in., at his ottlee In
Itellefonte, Fa., w hen and where tnose who de
sire mayattcuo, d.C. MKYKIt.
20-3t Auditor.
I7t \ECUTORS' NOT!CK.—betters testament
ary on the estate of Kllmhotli Shirk, late
of Haines township, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves Indebted to said estate are here
by requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same to pre
sent them duly proven l'or settlement.
20-flt Executor.
I EXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Letters testament
-11 ary on the estate of Jeremiah Hoy. late of
Gregg township, deceased, having been granted
to tne subscribers, till persons knowing them
selves Indebted to said estate are hereby re
quested to make immediate payment, and those
having demand- against the same are request
ed to present them duly authenticated for set
tlement. ISRAELI, VON A DA,
20-6t Executors.
The MOST goods for th e
LEAST money
\ AT t
No- 32 Main Street,
Millheim, Pa.
Headquarters for Gro
ceries, Provisions, Con
fectioneries, Tobacco and
Cigars, &c. -
BST Remember we do a strict
cash business and sell at close margins.
Musser House.
Millheim, ------ Penna.
Two miles from Coburn Station on L. & T. 11. K.
Fine Trout Fishing and Hunting within sight
of town. Healthy locality and fine moun
tain sceneries. The celebrated I'KNN* VAL
LEY OAVES hut live miles distant, l'lie iflncst
drives in the state.
BUGGIES for the useof summer boarders.
Don We anil Single Rooms,
newly furnished, for fumiles with children, on
secotia and third floors.
Bus to all Trains.
W. S. Musser, Prop'r.
16-1 v Millheim, Centre Co., I'a.
This elegant lot of goods was selected with great care and consists of the latest and most popular styles of
Bonnets, Hats, Trimmings, Ornaments, &c. Call and see for yourselves.
• • -. i
T 4 TVTTA t Claims a specialty. Warrants
ajiah 1/ . STEAD CIKTIFICATES and all
kinds of LAND SCRIP bought and sold. SUS
PENSION cases attended to. Correspondence
solicited." A. A. Ihomas.Attorney at Law
Kooin23fit. Cloud JJJU'S, Washington
Journal Store Column.
This is the Jour
nal Store Column:
while the Journal
Store itself is at
No 20,Penn Street
Millheim, Penna.,
where you will
find a full line of
School & Blank
w I
Sunday School Sup
plies, Stationery, Bi
bles, Albums,
Stamped Goods, Pe
ncils, Pens, Toys and
a general variety of
goods, such as are
usually kept in first
class stationery and
variety stores.
- •
Call and See.
B* DMmmmß*
•••••MM •#•••••••■••••• ■•••• •••••••••• •••••• HMI N IM MtttMll • ••••••• •••••• •••••• .••••••• HMM IMI •
: i
; i
i j
I j
I j
Dross Parade of the Fair's Greatest
I j
at the
°F jl
| D. S. Kauffman & .Co., p
i |
Main street, Millheim, Pa.
\ Next door west of Musser's Hotel. j
We call the special attention of our customer* to the fact that a new I
; §IOOOO stock of yood* can l>e sold at more advantageous figures than a i
! small stock could at any time be offered.
j Our stock of goods now is
New large, fine and cheap |
and comprises anything handled in a first-class
i 4 •
j General Merchandise Establishment, I
from a pin to a heavy silk dress—f rom a collar to a fine dress suit.
j I
| ALWAYS ready to show goods
| ALWAYS one price
| ALWAYS satisfying our customers.
: x
Give as a FAIR trial and yon will not regret it
| D. S. Kauffman & Co. j
: i
j__ _ i
.Vllliieliu .Vnrkel.
Corrected every Wednesday
by G. A. Haiter,grocer.
Wheat, old, 100
Corn 5u
live 00 |
oats White SO
Buckwheat 50
Flour 4.00
Salt,per Br! 1 50
Plaster.ground 9.00
Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50
Barley 45
Tyinothysced 1.25
Flaxseed 1-25 j
Clover seed 6.00 :
Butter 16
iiams 14 j
Sides 9
Pork 5
Eggs 12
Potatoes 35
Lard 8
east of the new Ev. church. Peun St.,
Hillheim, Pa.
Contractors, - Builders,
Doors, Sash, Shutters,
Blinds, Brackets, Flooring
All kinds of Siding.
VERANDAS A Speciality.
Having our own planing will be to the
advantage of those intending to build to con
sult us.
Contracts made on all kinds of .
buildings. Plans and Specifications '
furnished on application, with est- j
imateo of cost. 18-ly j
- •
Surface Indications
What a miner would very properly terra
"surface indications" of what is beneath,
are the Pimples, Sties, Sore Eyes,
Bolls, and Cutaneous Eruptions with
which people are annoyed in spring and I
early summer. The effete matter accumu
lated during the winter months, now
makes its presence felt, through Nature's
endeavors to expel it from the system.
"While it remains, it is a poison that festers
in the blood and may develop into Scrof
ula. This condition causes derangement
of the digestive and assimilatory organs,
with a feeling of enervation, languor, and
weariness—often lightly spoken or as "only
spring fever." These are evidences that j
Nature is not able, unaided, to throw off
the corrupt atoms which weaken the vital
forces. To regain health, Nature must bo
aided by a thorough blood-purifying med
icine ; and nothing else is so effective as ;
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, !
which la sufficiently powerful to expel '
from the system even the taint of Hered
itary Scrofula. I
The medical profession indorse AYER'S
SARSAPARILLA, and many attestations of
the cures effected by it come from all parts
of the world. It is, in the language of
the Hon. Francis Jewett, ex-State Sen
ator of Massachusetts and ex-Mayor of
Lowell, "the only preparation that does
real, lasting good."
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
• Sold by all Druggists: Price fl;
Six bottles for $5.
Parker's Tonic
A Pure Famili Medicine that Nereni
Intoxicates. A
If you are wasting away from age,
or any disease or weakness and require aH
ulant take BARKER'S TONIC at once ; it WFL
vigorate and build you up from the firstfl
but will never intoxicate. It lias savetfl
dreds of lives, it may save yours.
163 William Street, New York. Wj&j \
50c. and $1 sizes, at all dealers in medlV
Great saving in buying dollar size.
for Cot<is. B
Fcr Croup. \
For Neuralgia.
For Rheumatism.
Doctor Thomas' fclectric Oil.
. J " Spent Fifty Dollars
In d:-ctonng for rheumatism before I tried
7 \omas' Ecltctric Oil. Used a 50-cent bottle of
this medicine, and got out in oae week. For bums
and sprains it U excellent." Jas. Durham, East
1 Pembroke, N. Y.
You Tan Depend On It.
For severe Toothache and Neuralgia of the
head I used Thomas' EcUttric Oil. This is
certainly the best thing I ever knew lor the re
lief of pain of any kind. The house is never with
' Frank, 177 Tuppcr Street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Speak* Right Up.
Have tned Thomas' Ectoctric Oil for croup J
and colds, and find it the best remedy I have fl
ever used in my" Wm. Kay, 510 Plymouth ■
Ave., Buffalo, N. Y, W
, Worked Wonder*.
My daughter was very bad off on account of m
a cold and pain in her lungs. Dr. Thomas' Ec- m
Itffrie Oil curtd her in tiv<nty-/our hours. One •
of the boys was cured of sore throat. This medi
cine has worked wonders in our family." Al
vah Piackney, Lake Mahopac, N. Y.
Baugh's Raw Bone Manures and
High Grade Agricultural Chem
icals and other products, on exhibi
tion at the Pennsylvania State Fair,
September Bth to 20th, 1884,
were awarded five first premiums.
They were also awarded three
first premiums as follows:
Lehigh County Fair at Allentown, Pa.,
September 30th to October 3rd; Berks
County Fair at Kutztown, Pa., October 7th
to 10th; Northampton County Fair at Naz
areth, Pa., October 7th to 10th.
The above arc the only exhibits
made by Baugh & Sons during 'B4.
Baugh's Raw Bone Manures have se*
cured a great many premiums including Cen*
tennial, Paris and other medals.
Farmers have discovered that
Raw Animal Bone is a most valu
able enricher of the soil and pro
ducer of crops. Baugh's $25
Phosphate contains the life and
essence of Animal Bones. This
article is manufactured only by
Baugh & Sons, Office No. 20 South
Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia.
Newspaper Advertising ftnreau (10 Spruce
Street), where alver- mi ■■■■ IfAVIII