A Sad History of Grant's House A New York correspondent tells this story .• The saddest history of Gen. Grant's financial misfortunes has neyer appeared in print until now, and it comes to me on indisputable authority from lawyers. When the General returned from his trip around the world and decided to make New York his place of residence for the fu ture, a number of leading* citizens of the metropolis subscribed SIOO,OOO to buy a house for him. After looking the ground over, the brown-stone structure on East Sixty-sixth street, between Madison and Fifth avenues, was decided upon as in every respect eligible. The price, too, was within the amount subscribed—sloo,ooo ; but when the donors came to purchase the property they found there was a mortgage for $60,000 upon it which the holder was not willing to yield up. He was entirely satisfied with his interest of some six per cent, and assume the mortgage. This was done, and the remaining $70,000 was turned over to Mrs. Grant, the prop erty having been purchased in her name. It was decided to let the mort gage expire by the limitation of its own terms,and when it fell due to meet it. Meantime the $60,000 was in vested by Mrs. Grant at the current rate of interest, and the family moved into their new home in the city of . their adoption.' When the General got into the firm of Grant & Ward and became dazed by the vista of financial possibilities which opened up his nnsophistic ated eyes in WaJ street, a family council was called, and it was deemed advisa ble to invest Jfrs. Grant's $60,000 i n Wall street enterprises, which the head of the household fondly believed were paying magnificent and legiti mate interest Why should $60,000 be allowed to draw a beggarly rate of five or six per cent, when it might just as well be turning over fifteen or twenty per cent on the Street ? The $60,000 that was to clear the mortgage on the Grant home on Sixty-sixth street was invested with Grant & TFard, and it was sw r ept a way with the rest Thus the Grant's are, in one sense, merely tenants of the house in which they live, and all because the original holder of the | mortgage thought he had too good an investment to let go of when J/rs. Grant had the money to wipe it out. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with paiu of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING • BYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, ibere is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, ro duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription or one of the oldest and best female nurses and physici tifs in the United State*, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. She Was Mad. As a lady opened the door of a San Francisco residence to a ring, a neatly dressed individual bowed politely and iuserted one foot in the doorway far enough to gurantee tliat proceedings would not be brought to too summary a close. The lady concluded that he was an ageut and remarked in vigorous tones, 'I don't want anything !' at the same time giving undeniable indications that she desired to shut the door. 'I beg your pardon, madam, I am not offering you anything,' said he,with an injured and dignified air. •Pray excuse me,' she answered, 'my mistake arose from the fact that I have been greatly annoyed by agents. Whom do you wish to see V Without noticing her inquiry he said: •Madam, it is difficult to reconcile your reception of me with what a gentleman would naturally expect at the hands of a lady. Such brusqueness is chilling to refiued and sensitive natures,accustom ed to the usage of polite society.' Again apologizing, she was about to ask him in,when he drew from his coat pocket a little box and opening it, ex plained : •Madam, I have for sale here an invaluable—' The feat of extracting his foot from that doorway before the door slammed with a noise that could be heard two blocks, so distracted bis attention that he left the sentence uncompleted. —The Millheim Marble Works are turning out some yery fine work. The yard is full to repletion of excellent monuments and headstones of beauti ful and chaste design. Mr. A. O. Musser, the proprietor is an expert me chanic and a square man to deal with while his prices can not be undersold anywnere. 3t ■" " —-Deiniuger's Beady Reference Tax Receipt Book ts growing in public fa vor. Customers from a distance are beginning to call for it. It is an ad mitted necessity for every tax-payer who does his business in a practical manner. It it arranged to last for ten years and sells at the low price of 40 cents. Call and see it at the JOURNAL Store. tf CONSUMPTION. I htrta positive remedy for the above disease; by Its see thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have boon cared. Indeed, so strong Is my faith la Its efficacy,that I will seadTWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any sufferer. Give express snd P. O. address. i l IT T. A. SLOCUX. 1U Ptarl St., New York. AnPWPOfor Lucrative. Ilcultliy. llon nUuN lurall© A Permanent business ai> plyto Wilmot Castle v*t Co., Rochester, N. Y. To Make Life Brighter The dyspeptic s lot is not a happy one. Ben son's Capctne Plasters are the remedy. Price 25 cents. 4d-4t DO YOU KNOW THAT Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tin Tag; Hose eat' Fine CulCl'.rw ing; Navy Clipping:*, and Black, Brown and Yellow SNUFFS are the best audeheai est, 4lla!- I ty considered. JIIVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN ANI) JAY STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S. W OODS~CALD WELL PROPRIETOR. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel ers on first tloor. pEABODY HOTEL, 9th St. South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post Ollice, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On thd American and European plans. Good rooms from oOets to s3.uo per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W PAINE, M. D., 40-l.v Owner & Proprietor. p H. MUSSKR, ' JEWELER, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. All work neatly and promptly Exe cuted. Shop on Main Street, Millheim, Pa. LITTLE GIANT GANG Lath & Picket Mill. Bowlby & Co., Sutibury Pa. —— •{ Manufacturers. [ E. H. ZIMMERMAN, Millheim, Pa. ■{ Sole Ageut. } Persons wishing to procure one of these machines will please apply to E-'JJ• Zimmerman- Musser Brothers' ROLLER * RINK. The proprietors respectfully inform the public that their TP I—TC1 —TCI —Pf —JrOJ LN Corner of Penn and Mill' Streets, Millheim, Pa. Is open every Wednesday and Saturday even iiig, and Saturday afternoons. (Size of Rink 40 x 100.) The building is commodious ami finely arrang ed, has a splendid floor, and patrons will always And new and strong skates on hand. General aim : ssien 5 cenls, Use of stales,for 3 tionn'session, 10 " Ladies admitted free! JpENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 10, ISM Examinations for admission, September 9. This institution is located in one of the most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following courses of study: 1. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. 3. The following SPECIAL COURSES, of two years each following the first two years of the Scientific Course (a) AGRICULTURE ; (b) NATURAL HISTORY; (el CHEMIS TRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGIN EERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6. A reorganized Course in Mechanicle Arts, combining shop-work willi study. 7. A new Special Course (two years) in Litera ture and Science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preoaratory Course. 9. SPECIAL COUSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Y-mng ladies under charge of a competent lady Princi pal. For Catalogues, or other informationcddress GEO. W. ATHKRTON.LL. D., PRESIDENT lyr STATE COLLEGE, CENTRE CO., Pa. A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Millheim, Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m guns: GUNS, BREECH LOADERS, fiom SI.OO for a singltf shot fiui., t | to $lO 00. DOUBLE B. L. SHOT GUNS, from $13.00 for a good serviceable gun, to $35.00 for something extra. REVOLVERS, from SI.OO up to SIO.OO. WINCHESTER R1 ELES, Model "7.3. Central Fire $17.00 '7O. *• " twenty eight inch barrel sl^.oo Muzzle loading shot < una from S*2.AO for a single gun,S>. 0 f<>i a double gun. SKT yPCS, 7 Hoops, 11..',(i, S Hoopss2.2.">. Tuitow XKTS, ivci *:UH>. PIXKJA PA XKSK JIA MROO POLKS, for 20 ols. imeh. JOIXTPP (!) JIOD&, i'.ds, A line iisortmont of LISPS fi>m I *vtii to |l. Also an immense assortment of IfOOh's, loose ami snelled. Fine Bods, Fishing Boskets, Leaders. Flies, Artificial Bait Ferrates, Beets, 4*6*. Also Fishing Tackle repaired. Musical liistrunioiits! VIOLIXB from |1.25 tip to SIO.OO. GUITARS and HAS JOS from 12.50 up to *io.oa Ten-Keyed Richtcr MOUTH HARMOXI CAS, 10 ets. A CCOKDTOXS from *1 .M up to |lo.oft. Also PLUCKS, PI CO LOS, CLA RIOXKTS and PJ PL'S at astonishing low rates. Violin and Guitar Strhy/s fr>m 5 ets. for good ordinary K. to 15 ets. for fine silk K. lianjo Strings, best, lu els. each. liujn Viol and Cello Strings. My line of strinj s cannot ho excelled In this Slate, for Price and Quality. Orders by mail receive prompt atten tion. WRepairing of flue Guns a specialty. TIIEODOUE DESHNER, Prop. Clreat Central (Jun Works, Bellefonte, Pa. Ad' Send for Price I.ist and illustrated cat a logue, containing Game Laws of Pennsylvania free. £'* .\r - ,-v ®,>> J £- ?j* ti' ■■ -v. . ■. 1 • IntJVviiJK'd 'e.t^ v y.; • V ' S >la l-ropii. U>rl II astifao'. r. • • ;i f - %-- * • w.i -1. *' kL.v.v 2l Oi luIUo it'iJ,o. f -- .* A r ; ! Nt- f- i /Sv. . / V; F ' V-LAVI-v' V • " ■ -.Vc> r ' *" "v i NSfc VS.'ii'iV ,II J |i i j B \ 1 ' 1 I *'• 1 : 8 • - if (L t t It W 1 m \ Vt'sm's 7orgs Howar. VTA: C:rr-.".! Hoit's Paienl Siei.u t aibjo. r tic llYcaaadStit! yEag.o to: I S: J.\ *: v> T f Gillcs: O t .7T-107 Ltr-ict, lulvlLAhj, Caij. " " " PIOTfIaSS! AT JJTJCK B r °S' stBT (LaiiEiir! FAMILY 6ROUPES AND CHILDREN —TAKEN BY THE— I\STA\TA\EOIS PROCESS! Satisfactory Work Done bv RAIN OR SHINE! We furnish everything- in our line * irom a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. # - Picturse copied and en larged in the best style. can be procured at our place on short notice our prices are down so as to suit every purse. Gallery on North St., Millheim, Pa, A. SIMON & SONS; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stock in the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, 1 LOCK HAVEN. THE MOST PERFECT SWEEPER MADE. 1 A Mitch iu" Unit Sells Itself. CO.NSIDKUFD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALER* THE STANDAUD SWEEi'EB. UNRIVALED FOR BEAUTY, Strength and light running; performs its labor easily and noiselessly. The Brush is easily adjusted to all grrnlon of carpet. Tho maimer of discharging tho dust is superior to all others. ASK FOB IT AND BUY NO OTHEK, for Sale by alt Dealers, Manufactured by lb Gcshcn Swespsr and Wringer Ca, GOSHEN, IND. , D. I. BROWN. DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE &c., ♦ ___ Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, & c. fiifis°*Repairing short notice by practical workmen. Spouting' a Specialty Shop on Main St.,opjHi.. For Salt at SPIGELM \ EISS Mill/aim t' Madisonburg, Pa tn Iff 3 B Pffii 101 ' working people. Send 10 '2 ' a RJcents postage, and we will mail H Lr you free, a roy;U, valuable sani a j,j e l)X u [ goods that will put you in the way of making more money lit a few nays than you ever thought possible at any bus iness. Capital not required. You can live at home and work in spate time only, or ail the time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. oO cents to easily earned every evening. That all who want work nu.y test the business.we make this unparrallelcd offer • to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particu lars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense bay absolutelysureror all who start at once. Don't de ay. Address STIXSON & Co., Portland, Maine. d*rk/w\ /\/w Jn presents given away. Send '[ H)I91 II l us Cl ' nts postage, and by tp/WV/V/j" "v/vf inil jj vou will get nee a pack ago of goods of large value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America. All a bout the *200,000 in presents with each box. A gents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers ab solutely assured. Don't delay. H. IIALLETT & Co., Portland, Maine. A DID APC|?I? I To introduce them 1) 1(IUrl ft li I we are colng to Give Away 1,000 Sell-Operating Washing Ma chines. Ifyou want one send us your name, address and express office at once. It is a great, labor saving invention. Address NA TIONAL CO., 25 Dey St., N. Y. IpryTP WANTED beautiful ElectrlO t e'Sb S "1 i \ Corsets. Sample free to those be- NU Lll I'U roiuimr agents. No risk, quick sales. Territory given, satisfaction guaranteed. Address DR.SCOTT,B42 Broadway St.,N.T. MONTH and BOARD for 3 live y%I \YOuii r the euro of U Consumption, Ccujhs, Colds, Catarrh, fi 1 Croup, Asthma, Hourisy, Hoarseness, g' R Influensa, Snltilng Blood, Bronchitis, [§ all dl c I mi(' fli Throoi, CJicxf, and l.aiiys. In all (a is vvhoro this KU.vir IsE used its offbary !: at oaro ininifoatod, con- g> m* Tlneing the jnoet 'ncrodulons that § CONSUMPTION St (s not iucuruhlo, if properly attended to.— a3L m At its commence ju-nt it is hut a slight irrita tlon of tho nn-mhrtuio which covers the Lungs; zz then nn inhumation. when tho rough is rather .• dry, local L ver.nnd thopuhe more frequent,tho C 3 cheeks 11 ushwlnii.l chills ni ire common. This g \ Elixir in curing tho ahovo complaint*, opcr- W fates ho us To retnovo nil morbid li rltn B f-J tioti* ami iuiluiiintiou from tho lunge 5 to tho Burfuco, and finally expel them from §& H tho system. It facilitates expectoration. a It heals the ulcerated surfaces 'jund relieves tho cough nnd make* tho breath- K9 wing easy, it supports tho Ktu-ugili and at tln-B sumo tituo reduces the fever. 1; i > tree from KX ■M itrongopiatn and astringent nrtl< I which an-■ *g of so drying a nature as to buingtiiat daugerof ■ ilestrcying tlio patient; whereas this modiOneP"; U never dries or stops tho cough, but, by rent"* !jj ing iho oavsk, consequently, when tho cough ■ fl is cured tho patient is w ell. Send address for ■ ' J pamphlet giving full directions, free. M I'rico 3s eta., so cts. ; and Sl.oopor bottlo. SOLO EVKimVHERB. •J MARY, JOIIYSOX & LOUP, Props., llurllnsrtcn. Vt. Bp ittSDOWXB' FUXiR.KSdI For Sule at SPJGELM VP ICS, MMhtim & Madisonbvg, la. Mc H U RNc . TTo make frcm tho boat material Snprior Ar ticle 3 of Dairy Goods, that are models of strength nud simplicity. Unquestioned proof given of their durability. Solo manufacturers of fnrtU* Improved Factory Churn, Mason's Power Batter Warier, I.cvcrWorker, Curtis' Square Box thorn, Kerf angular Charn, Cream Vats, Dog Power, Ac. '•One Family Churn at wholesale where wo have no agent."' Ail gooda warranted exactly as represented. TWO GOLD. lOIKTKIN SILVER AND FHiilT LUONZL JILDALS awarded for su periority. 9 COME, CUIUS & G3ENE, Fort AtidM, Fa improved Western Washer ALICE!. No-1 for family of C _ $S Ko. 2 for large family • No. S for Hotel and Laundry, .... 19 Over 20,000 in use.(* Jyjfsfeil Thousaods of ladies are using it, and they speak of it in the highest terms. Baying that they would rather dispense with any other household article, than this excellent Washer. Ho well-regulated temily will be without it, as it saves the clothes, saves labor, saves time, saves fuel, saves soap, and makes washday no longer a dread, but rather a pleasant recreation, as much as such is possible, HOKTON M'F'G CO., Agents Wanted. FL Wttjne, lad. MBffigaBBDDHHi y There is no ezcuse for suffering from CON STB PAT ION I and other diseases that follow a dis orcd state of the Stomach and Dow els, when the use of OR. HENRY BAXTER'S DIE BITTERS Will givo immediate relief. After constipation follows Biliousness, Dyspepsia, indigestion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver Rheumatism, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Ap oplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Dis* eases, etc., °f Which these . Bitters will speedily euro by removing tliocatw. HB Keep the Stomach, Btficck, and Digestive Organ* kd t> good working order, and perfect healtli pj will bo tho result. Ladies and others aub pijoct to Sick Hcadacho Will find relief Bj and permanent euro by tho use of these Bitters B Being tonic and mildly purgative they § PURIFY THE BLOOD. Prico 23 cts. per bottlo. ■ For twilo by all dealers in medicine. Send H address for pamphlet, free, giving full directions. ■ lIEXUY, J Oil Y SOS k LORD, Props., Burlington, Vt. For sale at SPIGELM VEK'S, Millheim & Madisonburg, Pa* (STAFFORD'S BLACKING f Gives a MORE BRILLIANT SHINE THAN ANY OTHER. irt BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS.I I SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. | IS. S. STAFFORD,! New York. A beautiful work nf "150 nages, Colored Plate, and mm D illustrations, with description* of the best Flower* and y them. Printed in English and German. Price only 10 V/**- cents, which may be deducted from dm order. It tells what yon want for the garden, and how to get it instead of running to the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to he left over, meeting with weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. VICE'S ILLUSTRATED HOIITHLYKAOAZIMZ, p^*.*Colomd PUt. ( f\\ u in every number, and many fine engravings. Price, sl.2} a year; Five Copies for >rsgßteMPy*L. (v V# #v Specimen number* 10 cents ; 3 trial copies as cents. We will send to any address Vick's Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, $4.50; Harper's Monthly, I 4.00; 0 St. Nicholas, <3.40; Good Cheer, fi.aj; Illustrated Christian Weekly, 13-00; Oft I Wide Awake Qood cheer ' And Vlck'a Magaxine for 93.00. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, 010 pages, Six Colored / Plates, nearly sooo Engravings, 31.25, in elegant cloth covers. JAMES VICK, Rooksstsr, H. T. - When the word Eetey or the t= —7 . nl. re, "Wft/ word Organ is xnentlonod, they fcs+ey ta " Hi 1 ■( 16 Five letters in each of the two fli \ \ • worde are reminders of enjoyment V ■ tod Catalogue mailed free to all n applicants. Pattens ' POIJMO/ MUPMMIOmiTT OVCS AMY OTNXM •AMSaM, PATENT INSIDE BOLT WORK. SOLID WELDED ANGLE IKON FRAMES. EXTRA THICK WALLS. XUPEEIOE ros PRooFrojj*a, LOCKS AND BOLT WORK W/WiP^ EXTRA HEAVY MATERIAL* •CB ARB MORE PXEE A*> BURGLAR WbOOft. DMSON ft CO., Eft-eK &MM&*miw. NEW HAVEN, Conk Everybody acknowledges that THE; • : CHEAPEST AMD BEST PLACE to FURNITURE MATCH'S STORE ON Penn street, Millheim, Pa. r All LOR SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, LIBRARY, DINING ROOM A KITCHEN FURNITURE LOUNGES, PATENT ROCKERS, RAT TAN *t REED CHAIRS , ail TABLES, STANDS, BOOK CASES, WARDROBES, WHAT HOTS, BUREAUS, BED STEADS, SINKS, CUPBOARDS, CRADLES, JMT- Tll ESSES, from [the finest curled hair to the cheapest Straw , a yreaf variety of SPRING BEDS , all styles, and ererythiug in the furniture line , on /tand or procured on short notice Not undersold by any Store in the County. An extra large stock of Paper Hangings, Decorations. s*c. Give me a call. T. JfAUCK. T, MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOIB Printing Office is now supplied with GOOD PitM and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. |g||o) Jti'oxB.WATER-PROQF, Does Mt'rust or rattle. Is also A SUBSTITUTE forPLASTEH ! nt Half tlie Cost. Outlasts the building. CARPETS and ItUGS of same, double the wear of oil olotha. Catalogua pies free. W.H.FAY&CO.CAMOEN.N.J, DR. JOHN BULL'S Sii'sTflßicSynip # FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AID ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. The proprietor of thia oelebmted medS> cine justly claims for it a superiority erer all remedies ever offered to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT cure of Ague and Fever, er Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand* ing. He refers to the entire Weetern and Southern country to bear him teetimony to the truth of the apportion that in no ease whatever will it fail to euro if the direc tions an strictly followed and oarried out In a gnat many oaaea a single ieee has been sufficient for a can, and whole tal lies have beencund by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It ia, however, prudent ana in every oase mon certain to cure, if its use is eon tinned in smaller doaes for a week or two after the disease has been checked, mon especially in difficult and long-standing oases. Dsn ally this medicine will not require any hid to keep the bowels in good order. Bhould the patient however, regain a cathartic medicine, after having taken thne er four doses of the Tonie, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY FILLS will be suf ficient BULL'S SAXtSAPABILLA is the old and reliable nmedy for imparities of the blood and Scrofulous affections—the King of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORK DESTROYER is prepared in the form of candy drops, attractive to the sight and pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARtLLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER; The Popular Remedies of the Day. Principal Offlee. 831 lain St., LOUIS VILLI. *V. A FOR SALE! ClydwCala stal. Itoiu auU QaDawaj Ball*. The best in America. All from re nowned Sires In Scot- I&& W lsnd. Allrejristeredßnd T Prk* p lyr tuad| HcKAY MOS., Sroohaide FaneJFt.' Wi|St. fed. COLLEGE, NEWARK, NEW J£f|HKYt Occupies three Buildings. largest and Qeet.. More positions for graduates than all other school's oum* bined. .Life Scholarship. *4O. Write far circulars, COLEMAN. PALAW 4 00,, Proprietor* gggpoTA CAR DEMI IF YOU HAVE CCCIK YOU WILL NEED And will want ill* Beat a* the !*•* money. Thin my new Seed Catalogue will iurpt yon. No mattay where you hare been dealing 0 tS mm money. tt >S mailed Free to all, and ju onght to hnre II before baying anywhere. a