|onrnat. ~ ~ THURSDAY, MAY 28TH, 1885. Published by R. A. BUMILLBR. LOCAL NEWS. ~ SUBSCRIBR for the JOURNAL. —Big lot of Shawls at Spigelmyers. —For fresh groceries go to Kauff man's. —Saturday was a brisk business day for Millheim. —lnsurance men predominated in to wu last week; —Any amount of 5 cent Prints Kauffman's new store. —Let there be no lack of flowers and flags on Decoration day. —Garden vegetaion has advanced visibly the last few days. —By all means read the 4, Fair Shots" on second page of this issue. —Dr. Alexander, of Centre Hall, so journed in town a short spell last week. —"A stitch in time" often saves con sumption. Down's Elixir used in time aavea life. —Dr. S. C. Muaser, of Aaronsburg, left on Tuesday morning, bound for Europe. n , —Clevan Dinges, of Centre Hall, was in town on Tuesday filling out insur ance policies. —Miss Spayd, of Sugar Valley was visiting at F. Catherman's on North street last week. i AHEAD AGAlN.—Kauffman'S Bar gain store with a new and unexcelled stock of goods. —The masons commenced work on A. J. Harter's foundation walls last Monday morning. —The long-looked-for rains visited ns this week and the weather was dis mal enough for eeveral days. —A BUTTER CHURN with "bock," good as new, can be bought cheap for eash. Inquire at this office. tf —Miss Evans, of Potter's Mills, was the guest of Miss Clara Reifsnyder, oo Main street, for a few days last week. FOB SAL *.—60,000 Choice Brick at reasonable Ago res. C. C. LOOSE, 20- 4t Rebersburg, Fa. —Costiveness is the primary cause of much disease. Dr. Henry Baxter's Man drake Bitters will permanently cure costiveness. Every bottle warranted. —The irrepressible 'tator bug is sit ting on the fence to catch a glimpse of the first tender plants. Psris Green next I FOUND.— A bunch of keys was fotind on the diamond a few weeks ago. The loser can get the same by calling at this office. —Win. Adams was at work this week clearing away soma of the debris around the burned premises on Main street. —Rsv. Deitxler, of Aaronsborg, is absent attending General Sgpod of the Luth. church being Beld at Harrisburg this week. —Ayer's Sarsaparilla has such con centrated, curative power, that it.is by far the best, cheapest, and surest blood purifier known. —Did anyone think of making the oemetery look respectable on Decoration Day ? If not there is a little time left to attend to it. —Miss Thompson, of Centre Hall, after a few days' pleasant visit at D W, Zeigler's on ?jnn street, returned boms this week. -Prof. H. H. Weber, the efficient teacher of one of the Bebersburg select " schools, was a caller at the JOURNAL office last Saturday. ' —For a fine display of hooseflowers our neighbor, Mrs. Jonathan Harter, take* the cake. Her front porch re sembles a green bouse. —Our townsman, E. C. Campbell, Is improving his property on Main street by putting a new roof on bis rer idence and store house. RED, WHITE AND BLUE — A com plete assortment of FLAGS for sale at the JOURNAL store. Do not forget this on Decoration Day. —Tbo term of the present school board of Millbeim boro'expires the last af this month and the new officers will start in on the first of June. —Musser A Smitb are redding up a reuod tlieir lately bought premises, corner of Main and Penn streets, and are laying a new plank walk. —One glanoe into the fine and well stocked store room of D. S. Kauffman A Co., on Main street will convince yon that it is the place to boy. —Both onr landlords sport new cab driven, W. 8. Musser employing Geo. Cummings and S. T. Frain having en gaged the services of Simori King. . —Our customers are respectfully no tified that we are again headquarters for General Merchandise. D. S. KAUFFMAN A CO. —Gregg Poet, G. A. R.. dedicated tbetr new ball In Harris, building in Beltefonte on last Monday. The exer cisee wers attended by a large number of spectators. —A bucket of Mackerel at Spigelmy er'■ for 75 oeoia. -4-4 Bleached and Unbleached Mus lins for 6 cts. at Kauffman's new store. —Noah Stover, on Penn street, bought a valuable mare last Tuesday. It is said to be a splendid animal. —J. 11. Kreamer and John Kerstet ter, Jr., are most of their time absent from home at present. Both are work ing on the steam shingle mill in the woods east of Penn Hall. —The secret art of beauty lies not in cosmetics,but is only in pure blood and a healthy performance of the vital func tions, which can be obtained by using Burdock Blood Bitters. —Henry Schoenhals, foreman Henry Krug Packing Co., St. Joseph, Mo., uses Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil with his men for sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped hands, etc. It is the best. —B. F. Royer, one of our painters, who was wot king at Milton for several weeks, came home on a visit. He re turned to Milton on to take up the pot and brush again. —E. H. Musser's executor's sale of the personal property of Elizabeth Shirk late of Haines township, de ceased, will take plaoe at Aaronsburg next Saturday, at one o'clock, p. m. —Willis Bollinger's new house on Water street has been raised and is partly weatherboarded. Willis is push ing the work rapidly and he will have a nice and good-sized house when done. —lf the weather be fair on Siturday evening, the decoration ceremonies promise to be an attractive affair Judg ing from the many active preparations which are being made by the different organizations taking part in the same. —Mr. Kern, of Sugar Valley,a form er compositor on the Daily Democrat, Lock Haven, and a son of John Kern, who lived at the saw mill in the Gap was in town and took in the JOURNAL office. He is in search of a job at his trade. —You will find McDonald's Improv ed Liver Pills so satisfactory as a cor rector of a torpid liver, as a regulator of the bowels, as an eradicator of bill iousness, that jou will regret not hav ing tried them sooner. Money refund ed to dissatisfied purchasers. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. LOOK HERE.—I cure Piles. I have a positive remedy for piles. By its use many cases ,of the worst kind aud of long standing have been cured. It cures as if by magic. Money refunded to dis satisfied patients. Address, H.K.SUMMERS, Aaronsburg, Pa. —Mr. Gates, of the Bellefonte Repub lican , is out ou a collecting tour and made his appearance in town on Wed nesday of last week. He looked in on the JOURNAL and reports that collect ing money is up-hill work. We can sympatlrze with bim from experience. —Baldness may be avoided by the use of Hall's Hair Renewer.which prevents the falling out of the hair, and stimu lates it to renewed growth and luxu riance. It also restores faded or gray hair to its original dark color, and radi cally cures nearly every disease of the scalp. —A Children's Missionary Society was organized in the Lutheran church the other Sunday with the following officers: President-ex officio, H. E. Duck; Vice President, Miss F. E. Deioiager ; Secretary, Mrs. Emma J. Tomlinaon ; Treasurer,J. H. B. Hart man. —By the late fire J. Spigelmyer was compelled to make arrangements for another place of residence. He expects to occupy the renovated house of David SchollonMain street, while he will continue to carry ou the mercantile business at his present stand on Penn street. —lsrael Vonada and Samuel Wise, executors for the estate of Jeremiah Hoy, deceased, will make public sale of the live stock, farm implements and household goods of the decedent next Saturday at one o'clock, p.m. at the late residence of the deceased in Gregg township. —W. G. Morrison, who formerly taught the grammar department in this place, was seen in towu last week. He canvasses the county in the interest of the new text book for common schools, Physiology and Hygiene," lately a dopted by the legislature as a regular branch of education. —S. R. Gettig. J. P.. of Coburn.call ed on us last Saturday, and planked down a dollar for the JOURNAL. Wouldn't care if a justice or any other man would visit us on such business every day. Squire Gettig is a very a greeable gentleman and is always wel come in our sanctum. NOTlCE.— Having been appointed a gent by the Middletown Tube & Iron Company of Middletown, Pa., for the sale of their Iron Pipes, Ac , all persons needing anything in this line will save money by calling on me. W. H. BARTHOLOMEW, 20-3 m Spring Mills, Pa. —Musser & Smith, our enterprising hardware meu, purchased the two lots of the Alexander estate on Main street the other day with the inteution of e rectingafine hardware store building on the same. They contemplate erect ing a brick structure, for which purpose the brick shall be burned this summer. Ibis will be a great improve ment for the central part of Main street j which since the fire presents a dilapitat- I ed and unsightly appearance. I —A first-class Black Diagonal Suit for $5.00 at Eauffman's store. —Cheapest Clothing in town at Spig elmyers. —At last Monday's regular meeting of the Are company the president called a special meeting for Friday evening, 6.30 sharp. The attendance of all the members is urgently requested. —AI. Grove and Henry Miller mpved quarters last week. The former mov ed to H. H. Weiser, his father-in-law, on Main street,and Mr. Miller took Al. Grove's place iu the plastered house. —W.T. Auman, at present a stu dent at the New Berlin Seminary, was home on a vis it to his parents and friends on Friday and Saturday. He went back to the school on Monday's train. —Aleck Weak ley, an aged citizen of this town, died last Thursday and was bun led on Saturday. The funeral ser vices were held in the Lutheran chapel by Rev. Dei tiler. Deceased was a suf feier from dropsy for the last few years. —Hon. J. A. Woodward provided us with two maps of the congressional and senatorial apportionment, the bills having been lately passed. The maps are gotten-up in a plain style and at a glance show the diffesflrent districts. We return our thanks. NEW GOODS Mrs. E. J. Brumgard just received a new lot of Millinery Goods, which comprises the latest and most beautiful styles of Headwear ever brought to town. Her prices are mod erate and the ladies are kindly request ed to give her a call. tf —± Bbl, No 1 Mackerel for $3.50 at Spigelmyers. —Dietrick Lamade, the business manager of the Williamsport Grit,gave us a pleasant call yesterday. The Grit is well-known in this town and has a fair circulation in Centre county. Mr. S G. Clark has been appointed agent for Millheim, Aaronsburg and Coburn. —D. S. Kauffman & Co., sell Gents' Fine 4-button Cutaway Suits from $12.00 up. —Take a look at G. A. Barter's new grocery advertisement this week. He closed his books last Saturday ana will only do a strict cash business. But his cash prices will be so low that it will pay his customers to patronize him. For a full and tresh iine of groceries George is the mac. Don't forget No. 32, Main street. —Mr. Sol. Ettinger, of Woodward, who last Wednesday moiulng made an attempt to take bis own life by shoot ing himself, is at present lying at his daughter's residence in Spring Mills, and as we are informed suffers consid - erably from the wound in his head. His condition does not allow his removal to his home at Woodward. —lncreased buoyancy of spirits, per fect assimilation of food, improved ap petite, gain in flesh, sound refreshing sleep, heightened color in the cheeks and lips, added brilliancy to the eyes, follow the use of McDonald's Great Blood Purifier or Sarsaparillian Alter ative. A bottle or two used in the fam ily would obviate the entire train of spring maladies. Dissatisfied purchas ers can have their money refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW A Y <& CO., Philadelphia Agents* Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. —Rev. M. L. Dietzler had a large audience in the Lutheran church last Sunday evening. He preached an able and impressive sermon and his hearers were well satisfied. After the services the election for church officers lor the ensuing year was held with the follow ing result t H. E. Duck—Elder ; E. J. Brumgart—Deacon ; B. O. Dein inger, Trustee. These new officers will be installed at the next regular Bervice. —On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Keen departed for Bellefonte, where they took the train on Wednesday morning to go West on a visit to their friends in Illinois and Michigan. The good couple expect to spend an indefin ite length of time in the land of the set ting sun, depending upon their likes or dislikes of the country. The writer as well as their many friends in the community wish them a safe and pleas ant trip. GRAND OPENING. —On Saturday evening there will be a grand opening in the New Store ofD .S.KauffmanACo., J when alljtheir customers and the public in general are invited to give them a call and'spend a pleasant time there. The Millbeim Band has consented to be iu attendance after the decoration services, and # the newly arranged, spac ious and well fltted-up c,tore room will contain the best display of goods ever seen iu this town. Come and look at the sights. —The new and splendid Hook and Ladder Truck which arrived on Tues day morning's train and was conveyed from the station to town by a commit tee of the town council and the fire de partment attracted considerable atten tion all along the road and especially on our streets. A large crowd of peo ple were awaiting it and everybody was pleased with its appearance and great ly admired the fine workmanship and taste with which the truck was gotten up by the manufacturers, Gleasou A Bailey. It was taken to Wm. Weiser's wagon shed where it will remain until the truck house on Penn street is com pleted. On Saturday it will be taste fully decorated for the parade in the evening when the fire company will have charge of it. The affair weighs about 2000 pounds and is,7 feet 10 inch es high at the front part. It will be an imposing feature of the procession. 'Best Corn Starch 8 cents at Spigel myers. DECORATION DAY.— According to prior announcement the committee ap pointed to mnke arrangements for the proper observance of Memorial Day met in the town hall last Saturday eve ning, Mr. M. I. Jamison presiding. The following programme was adopt ed for the exercises : .Meeting in the Penn street school yard at 5 o'clock p.m. sharp, where and when the line will be formed in the following order : Chief Marshal. Chief Burgess aud other 4>orougk au thorities. Millheim Cornet Band. Speakers. Veterans. Millheim Hook & Ladder Company. Sunday Schools. Citizens. The column will march down Main street, turn on the eastern side of the bridge and then prooeed up Main street to the cemetery where the usual decora tion services will be observed. For this purpose the resident ministers of the different churohes have been invit ed to take part in the programme and deliver appropriate addresses. The pr ocession will then reform and march to the diamond where they will break ranks. The following ladies constitute the committee on flowers and will thank fully receive any floral contributions which may be given them for decora ting purposes : Mrs. A. Walter, Mrs. Dr. J. F. Harter, Mrs. F. P. Musser, Mrs. Emma Frauk, Mrs. Lizzie Kur zenknabe. —Boys good Dress Buits for $2 50 at Kauffman's. —Abs. Musser, of Aaronsburg, who has bought the sole agency and right of manufacture of the celebrated Peer lea Washer in Centre county, called on us the otner day and reports that he has several dozen of these washing ma chines ready to deliver in a few days. He has already sold quite a number and expects to work np a good boom in that business. —The Misses Kate and Maggie Alex ander were in town last week to view the remains of the home of their child hood, so co mpletely devastated by the fire. Many fond memories hung around the old homestead and the ruins must have been a sad sight for them. They requested us to return their thanks to the good people who made such stren uous efforts to save the property. —J. F. Cx>k, the gentlemanly agent of the Vermont Marble Quarries was in town last week to call on his old customer, A. C. M usser, of the Mill heim Mnrble Works. Mr. Musser is busy filling large or ders at present and has been setting up some fine monuments of late. Promi nent among them is a blue marble fam ily monument for John Roush in Mad isonburg and two heavy granite head stones on the grave of Peter Mumbow er & wife, the deceased parents of Mrs. Dr. P. T. Musser, Aaronsburg. Neighboring News. SMITH TOWN. John Kimport was unable to work the greater part of last week on account of a severe cold. Haryey Bressler from Centre Hall was visiting relatives in and around our town. The writer received a very interest ing letter from Clevan Hockman, an old Millheim friend, who now resides at Franklin, Pa. He likes his position right well and I am always glad to hear from him. Milton Kern bought a horse for $125 but for some good reason he returned him. Miss Spade, from Brush Valley, iu company with Ella Swartz, from Mill heim, were visiting in our town. J. H.Frank is still hauling lime from his large lime stack, which contained between 3000 and 4000 bushels. Miss Annie Bierly, of Jtfadisonburg, was the guest of Mrs. Emma Kimport ou Sunday. Last week a young man rode through this place with two horses, which sud denly frightened at some object in the road, and threw him to the ground. He hung to the reins, however, and in a short time succeeded in again mount ing one of the noises. He escaped with out much injury. JUMBO. Spring Mills. The necessary arrangements are be ing made for the observance of decora tion day. The Farmer's Jfills band has been engaged to furnish the music for the occasion and prominent speak ers will be present to deliver appro priate addresses. Mr. Ruuk is putting up neat wire fences on his farm, which adds greatly to its appearance. * NOTlCE.— Having been appointed a gent by the Buck Thorn Fence Co., for the sale of the celebrated Buck Thorn Steel Barbed Fencing, I Invite persons wanting this handsome, lasting and cheap article to call on me. J. B. FISHER, 10-3 m. Peon Hall, Pa. —MANY children suffer from day to day; puny, palid, fretful and feverish, variable appetite and restless sleep, fin ally die, and their parents never sus pecting the real cause, that the little sufferers'stomachs are iufestedand eat en through with worms. Twenty-five cents invested in a box of McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders would save the doctor's bills and the patient's life. Entirely vegetable. Easy and pleasant to take. Money refunded to dissatisfi ed purchasers. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AT & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim,Pa. Petin Hall. Mrs. Geo. Mertz, of the Spring Mills House, was sojourning in our town on Sunday last. J. W. Bartges is off to Centre Hall, doing some floe painting for Mr. Ilen ney. John knows how to handle the brush and is always crowded with work. Henry Bldwell has again left us and gone to Bellefonte. The carriage works of J. C. Condo are running to their full extent and are turning out some of the finest work in the country. The maxim, "Love your neighbor as yourself," is not very strictly adhered to in our town, while underselling and uudermining is going on. James Krader, who is at present pro prietor of the Bartges lime kiln,is busy as a beaver, attending to the wants of the whitewashes. The craze for whitewashing has fairly struck our town and it improves the place very much. Rev. Dietzler. of the Lutheran charge delivered an excellent German sermon to his congregation on Sundiy morn ing. Fisher's flouring mill is nearing com pletion and when finished and in ruu ning order will be one of the boss mills in the county. Some of our boys had too much Bar ley or Corn juice on last Saturday night. They were howling around on the street at a fearful rate. Boys, be have yourselves in the future and don't make the peaceful hours of night hid eous with your beastly yells. JACKPLANE. —Messrs. C. F. Deininger and H. K. Luse, of this plaoe, are the manufact urers and ageuts for Ellison's Ironing and Pressing Board, and have the right of sale in the borough of Millheim, and in Penn, Haines and Gregg townships. The board is one of the handiest inven tions out; It may be adjusted to any table and furnishes a stationary and firm support for ironing. It is made of good wood, strongly put together and can be folded up to a convenient size, when not in use. The price is $2.00 aud its merits are such that no housewife should be without one. Call on C. F. Deininger or H. K . Luse, Main street, Millheim, Pa. 3t CULTIVATION AND REFINEMENT.— Hon. B. S. Hewett, ex-Speaker House Representatives, writes: 'J. A. Mc- Donald. Dear Sir :—l have been buying my Flavoring Extracts for years from a Pittsburg manufacturer. Recently we tried a bottle of yours and found it very good indeed. Enclosed find five dollars. Send me its value in your Vanila Ex tract.' Moral—always ask for McDonald's Flavoring Extracts. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWA Y & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenliuth, Millheim, Pa. A Distinguished Brewer. Unveiling the Statue of Fredriok Lauer, at Reading. READING, Pa., May 24.— The monu ment to Fredrick Lauer, the deceaNed brewer of this city,the gift of the Unit ed States Brewers' Congress to the city of Reading, was unveiled in the City Park yesterday. The monument i 16 feet high / and represents Lauer full sized, standing uncovered, manuscript in hand,deli veiing a speech. This is the first instance on record in this country where a member of the brew ing interest has been rewarded by a public memonal. The monument con tains two significant inscriptions : 'His zeal sprung from his firm conviction that in striving to advance the brewing trade he was workiDg for the cause of national temperance.' 'Let his exam ple tell the brewers of this country to maintain good fellowship, to preserve their association and to defend their rights. Among the public bodies par ticipating in the ceremonies were the United States Brewers'Congress,which Lauer organized, being its first presi dent, Reading City Councils,the Board of Tra >, the School Board, the Liquor Dealers issociation.the County Agri cultural Society, the Knights Templars and other secret societies. mabkied On the 3rd of January. 1885, by Rev. J. M* Lathburv, pastor of Eleventh Aveime M. E. church, New York City, Geo Bible, formerly of Bellefonle, editor of the U■ 8. Economist, to Miss Sarah A. Dedrick, of Coxsackso, on the Hudson, N. Y. CASH STORE? The MOST goods for the LEAST money { AT } G. A. HARTER'S GROCERY, No- 32 Main Street Millheim, Pa. Headquarters for Gro ceries, Provisions, Con fectioneries, Tobacco and Cigars, &c. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AT THE HIGHEST HOME MARKET PRICES. flCgf 30 Remember we do a strict cash business and sell at close margins. J. H. KURZENKN ABE & SONS' MUSIC HOUSE. 1202 N. THIRD STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. BAUS & CO'S Square, Grand Boudoir Gem & Orchestral Upright, Grand The best now made and endorsed by all eminent artists. ORCr The most beautiful and sweetest toned in the world Smaller Musical Instruments, Organ ettes, Musical Boxes, Musical Toys, &c. Sheet Music (including the popular 5 and 10 cent music) Musio Books Strings, dec. CALL TO SEE US. Harry J. Kurzenknabe, Millheim, Pa., Agent for Union and Centre Counties. MIMMSIM .WrtJiBLJ? WMMS .A.. C. MTJSSER, (SUCCESSOR TO DEININQER & MUSSER,) DEALER IN 0 All kinds of Marble Work, SUCH AS Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Tombs, &c. ALL KINDS OP Granite Monuments and Headstones furnished at lowest prices. SHOP ON MAIN STREET, EAST OF BRIDGE. ' mtm nurno I ■ a Thi SUUCY PLOW with its patent Taxmano. Siww*-*"" PlnlcKdll V a won STIIL WBXBL and swinging beun is the most perfect I MUimfcllw I ■ ,1 > WJ Implement of the kind in the world. f ) We make the famous Wr m . 0 . I "SWINGBEAJnOLKY , * THE BEAM can be fastened rigidly when desired. or t,, v. i, .im II B left to swing sideways if it strikes a stump or stone, thus Illustrated DClOW, aiso avoiding breakage; also nice for turning corners without "Girdea Cilj Clipper" ukin plow ont of toe e roUQd . FLOWS, SEND rou CIRCULARS Cultivators, RAKES, DAVID BRADLEY M'F'B CO., A., &C Succeann to Fsnt k Bradley NT, Co., OR TO OQR BEASCH HOUSES: DATID BRADLEY M'F'G CO., St. Los is. Ho. V DADD BEADLER M'RO CO., Indianapolis, lad. * DATID BRADLEY A CO., Mianespolls, Minn. DATID BRADLEY * CO., Council Blnflk, LA. • BRADLEY. WHEELER K CO.. PENN HALL CARRIAGE WORKS ! P |! BSKKBiijflMi K9IHM| / 1 I >j~_ c. coisriDO,< Proprietor and Manufacturer of Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c. Experienced workman employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at all times. New and improved machinery in the shops. Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere r t ■ • An Efficient Remedy In *ll cases of Bronchial and Pulmo nary Affections is AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. AS such it is recognized and prescribed by the medical profession, and in many thousands of families, for tho past forty years, it has been regarded as an invaluable household remedy. It is a preparation that only requires to be taken In very small quantities, and a few doses of it administered in the early stages of a cold or cough will effect a speedy cure, and may, very possibly, save life. There la no doubt whatever that Ayer's Gheny Pectoral Has preserved the lives of great numbers of persons, by arresting the development of Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Pulmonary Consumption, and by the cure of those dangerous maladies. It should be kept ready for use in every family where there are children, as it is a medicine far superior to all others in the treatment of Croup, the alleviation of Whooping Cough, and the cure of Colds and Influenza, ailments peculiarly Inci dental to childhood and youth. Prompti tude in dealing with all diseases of this class is of the utmost importance. The loss of a single day may, in many cases, entail fatal consequences. Do not waste precious time in experimenting with medicines of doubtful efficacy, wnile the malady is constantly gaining a deeper hold, but take at once the speediest and most certain to cure, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maeaj . Sold by all Druggists.; 11 r a costly box of ■ ■■■ goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All, of either sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune o pens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, TKUK & Co., Augusta, Maine. "Intelligent SOLICITORS WANTED for the m||.S.GRANT His OWN ACCOUNT of an eventful life, including the thrilling scenes of the greatest military struggle of modern times. For particulars, ad dress HUBBARD BEOS.. Pub's., 723 Chestnut St..Phlia, Pa. 194t WT k \TPH —Ladies and gentlemen to YV All I Lift take light, pleasatit employ ment at their homes (distance no objection); work sent by mall; f2 to $5 a day can be quietly madenio canvassing. Please address at once GLOBK MHU. Co., Boston, Mass., box 5344. This remedy contains no injurious drugs. ELY S CREAMMLM Cleanses th t Inflammat i o | Heals th_e SoreS ß^Ri® Smell, A quick Relief. Ray-fevEr A positive Cure. CREAM BALM baa gained an envia ble reputation wherever known , displacing all other preparations. It is a cretins* substance. A particle Is applied into each nostril, ca using no pain and is agreeable to nse. Price 50 cents by mall or at Druggists. Send for circular. ELY BROTHERS. Druggists, Owefco, N. Y. —.■ | * —* BY THE STOCKTON JK. Corner Maryland and Atlantic avenues, Attoutic City. N. J. This splendid hotel is now ready to receive guests for tho season. Fine view of the ocean, and excellent bathing, boating, fishing, &c. Dancing pavllUou attached. KBLSBT & LEFLEK, Proprietors. [Mention where you saw this ad.] _ PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The best, cleanest and most economical hair dressing. Never fails to restore the youthful color to gray hair. This elegaut dressing is preferred by those who have used it. to any sim ilar article, on account of its surperior cleanli ness and purity. It contains materials only that are beneficial to the scalp and hair. HISOOX&UO., 164 William Street, New York. 17-41