Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, May 21, 1885, Image 3

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    | Journal.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
—This feels like summer.
—Arbuckle's Coffee, 15 cts. a pd. at
—Extra Seed Barley for Sale by
J.H. MTR*BKR,AaronsMurg,Pa.
— U A stitch in time" often saves con
sumption. Down's Elixir used in time
saves life.
—Mrs. Martz, of Shamokin, is the
guest of her sister-in law Mrs. Coul
—A large lot of Clothing just rcceiv •
ed and will be sold cheap at Spigelmy
—S. J. McMullen is erecting a shed
at the lime kiln on North street for the
purpose of storing his lime.
—David Ulrich, in the employ of the
pike company, was repairing the street
in front of the First National Hotel.
—Mrs. H.H. Weiser departed for the
West on Monday afternoon. She in
tends visiting her son, Sol. Weiser.
—lrvia Williams left for Phiiipsburg,
Pa,, last Thursday where he expects to
work the greater part of this summer.
—Rev. Peters, of the Ey. Asso
ciation, and a former minister on this
circuit, is visiting friends in this place.
FOR SALE.—6O,OOO Choice Brick at
reasonable figures. C. C. LOOSE.
20- 4t Rebersburg, Pa.
—The Millbeim band meets regular
ly every Monday evening. The boys
want to trim up for the summer work.
—Aleck Weakly, who is staying with
Wm. Adams on North s?reet is very
low. He is not expected to live long.
—Costiveness is the primary cause of
much disease, Dr. Henry Baxter's Man
drake Bitters will permanently cure
coetiveness. Every bottle warranted.
—Dr. W.P. Ard, of Wood ward, gave
at a pleasant call last week one day.
Always glad to see you, doctor. Call a
—Several quarts of .Minnesota Early
and Stowell's Sweet Corn, the two best
varieties known, for sale by W. N.
—Rev. Raver will preach in the U.
B. church on Sunday morning at 10*
o'clock. Subject—-Prosperity and Ad
—Rev. M. L. Dietzler will preach
his initiatory sermon in the Lutheran
church of this place on next Sunday
—The clothlineß were hunted up by
a good nsqny fellows after last Friday
morning's fire. They bad receivod an o
verdose of water.
—Henry Brown, our enterprising
blacksmith on Main street, greatly im •
pioved the front of his shop by laying a
substantial plank walk.
—Michal Lamey moved his steam
situate along the tarnpike and on this
side *)f Musser's fcollgate.
—The work of repairing, weather
boarding; shingling roofs and painting
bouses goes bravely on and will be so
pientler since the fire.
—The members of the H. & L. com
pany are requested to attend tbeii first
regular meeting next Monday evening.
Important business on hand.
the Lock Haven
Clothier, has a proclamation published
among the locals in this issue, which is
of special interest. Read it.
—E. H. Musser gives notice in an
other column that he is the executor
forth* estate of Elizabeth Shirk, late
of Haines township, deceased.
Rev. Heck man preached to a
very large congregation last Sunday
evening in the M. B. church when the
Lord's supper was administered.
—Miss Rose Kreider, an aged maid
en lady, who for many years resided
with Geo. Stover's, Penns Creek, de
parted this life on Monday night. #
—lsrael Vonada and Samuel Wise
give notice of their appointment as exe
cutors of the estate ot Jeremiah Hoy,
deceased, late of Gregg township.
—Dr. P. T. Musser, ot Aaronsburg,
enjoys the dignity of being grandpapa.
His daughter, Mrs. Ella Irey, is tbe
happy mother of a chubby boy baby.
—The hardware building and S. G.
Gutelius' reideuce on Main street were
improved by new roofs. Both these
buildings were in need of a new cover.
—Jeremiah Hoy, an old and well
known citizen of Gregg township, died
at his residence two miles west of Mad
isonburg, on Wedoesday of last week.
—B. D; Musser tenders many thanks
to all who so kindly and nobly helped
bim to save his residence on Main
street from destruction by the recent
—Cuie for croup—Use Dr. Thomas'
Electric Oil according to directions. It
is the best remedy for all sudden attacks
of colds, pain and inflamation, and for
—gamqel Klecknei, of Dakota, 111.,
wav here visiting friends. He gave us
a call and stated that during his stay in
tbe East he is filling several slating
—Our oldest residents say that the hre
which occurred on Friday morning bf
tween the hours of three and Ave o'-
clock, was tho largest conflagration
known of in this town. The first a
larui was given by F. P. Mussel, Tuib
Kreamer, Henry Miller, Adam Ilarter
and others who raturned from a night's
fishing expedition about fifteen minutes
before 4 o'clock and who on reaching
Main street discovered the store of D.
S. Kauffman & Co. to be on fire. The
flames commenced their disastrous
work in the grocery department, next
to D. W. Zeigler's tenant house, the
latter having also already caught fire.
Henry Miller at once burst open his
front door and barely had time to res
cue his wife and family, who were
sound asleep in bed.
By this time Main street and the im
mediate neighborhood were all aroused
and ready to fight the fire fiend. At 4
o'clock sharp, just as F. P. Musser and
Turb Krearner attempted to throw wa
ter against the door of the grocery, a
keg full of powder standing inside Igni
ted and caused a terrific explosion,
which shook nearly every house in
town and kfcicked both Musser and
Kreamer out into the middle of the
street Some sharp object struck Mus
ser a severe blow on the forehead above
his left eye, and caused a painful and
troublesome wound. The force of the
explosion blew out the whole bacwwall
of the storebuilding and gave the fire a
fresh and sweeping start. The allock
ing report which resembled the horri
ble rumbling ot an earthquake or a
heavy thunderclap in an instant
brought nearly every person residing
in the remote parts of town to their
feet and in less than five minutes the
whole male population of Mlllheim was
on hand and work commenced in ear
nest. To save either the store-building
or Zeigler's house had become an im
possibility and the crowd of willing and
determined fire fighters directed their
attention next to the adjoining build*
ings on each side. Alexander's fine
dwelling house, occupied by Jerome
Spigelmyer, on the one side, and S. D.
Musser's residence on the other side
stood in imminent danger of being con
sumed by the raging el ements. Sever
al men climbed upon the roof of Alex
ander's house and began to operate
with buckets and axes. The cornice
on the western side of the building had
caught fire and made rapid headway,
towards the east. Inside the people
rendered all possible assistance in re
moving Mr. Spigelmyer's personal
effects, which were all sayed with the
exception of a few minor articles. The
fire by this time had reached its highest
stage and the heat became unbearable as
all the inflamable and explosive articles
in Kauffman.'s store hou3€ throwed
up volumes of smoke and flames. The
men on Alexander's roof had to vacate
their posts and leave the building to
its fate. Zeigler's house, Alexander's
store bouse, dwelling bouse and stable
all were fiercely burning and S. D.
Musser'B residence seemed to join the
fiery ordeal, its eastern gab'e end being
greedily licked by the destroying flames
For a time it seem ed as if it were im
possible to saye that building but My
the truly heroic work of the owner as
sisted by a crew of men it escaped en
tire destruction. Nearly two hundred
men from town and surrounding yicin
ity were stationed on the opposite
buildings and on the hardware corner,
working with an iron will and nerve to
prevent the fire from spreading any
further. Wet carpets aud blankets
were bung over the cornices, backet
on bucket of water was thrown against
the walls, every available sprinkling
hose was pressed into service and axes
and hatchets were busy cutting away
small inflamable buildings and objects.
At last, after almost two hour's bard
and determined work, and after the
four buildings in the very heart and
business portion of tpwn were entirely
consumed, it became a surety that we
had won the victory and averted the
seeming calamity of having the whole
town or at least all of Main street
swept away by the fire. Our readers
who did not witness the Are will per
haps be able to form an idea of the fear
ful heat the neighboring properties had
to contend with by the tact that the
paint on Musser's hotel,on Kauffman s house, Gutelius' residence
and on Frain's hotel was drawn into
blisters and many of the windows crack
ed, while the cornices aud weather
boardiDg are black and the trees in front
scorched and killed. It was truly mir
aculous that any of. the neighboring
buildings were saved and we can only
accredit it to a kind Providence, which
gave us a calm and still morning, and
to the almost superhuman efforts of our
plucky and faithful men.
The total loss is estimated at about
$15,000 and falls on the different par
ties as follows : D, S. Kauffman & Co.
goods slo.Boo—insured $6,500 ; Alex -
ander's real estate, slooo—insured $3.
200 ; Zeigler's"tenant house, s3oo—
insurance ; damages at S. D. Mus
ser's house, s2oo,—insured ; damages
at Musser's hotel, Kauffman's new
store house and Gutelius' house about
s2oo—all insured.- Nearly all of Henry
Miller's furniture and clothing was
consumed, a loss of about S3OO. Im
mediately after the fiie a charity fund
was raised by a few of our citizens for
the relief of Mr. Miller's family, a
mounting to something over S7O.
The origin of the fire is not known
and will likely remain a mystery, the
wild speculations of some people not
—Evaporated Apples, 4 pound for 25
cents at Spigelmyer's.
—4 pounds of Raisins for 25 cents at
—Mauck and son, painters from Mill
beim are doing some fine painting in
the valley. They havo the contract for
painting Mr. Jas. ltaye's liouso. — Lock
Haven Democrat.
—Clipped from "Canada Presbyter
ian," under signature of C. Blackett
Robinson, Propr: 'I was cured of oft
recurring biilious headaches by Bur
dock Blood Bitters.
—Under the head of "legal adver
tisements" in this week's paper will be
found the Auditor's Notice of J. C.
Meyer, of Bellefonte, in the estate of
Adam Fisher, deceased.
—The empty space between the hard
ware corner and S. D. Musser's resi
dence on Main st reet is an odd sight to
tho&e who only a few days ago seen
the three buildings stand there.
—Sheriff May, from Clinton county
was in town on Friday, having had
some ofilcial business here. Mr. May
called on us and we found him a right
fine-looking and pleasant sheriff.
—The large mountain fires on the
neighboring mouutains ease and west
of Millheim filled the sky with a red
haze and rendered the air heavy with
smoke iu the beginning of the week.
—Our band was out last Saturday
evening and gave an open air concert.
The streets aud pavements were crowd
ed with people, many of them having
come from the country to see the ruins
of the late fire.
—II. K . Luse is canvassing town
with a garden and lawn sprinkler
which seems to be quite popular, many
of our property holders having pur
chased one. C. F. Deininger & 11. K.
Luse have the agency.
—On Wednesday of last week a fire
broke out on Mr. Warntz's premises, a
long the mountain, north of Aarons
burg, which destroyed his stable and
wash bouse before it could be put out.
His loss is estimated at S2OO.
—Rosa Pearl Eyans, the daughter of
Rev. A. E. Evans, who in former years
filled the pulpits of the U. B. chuich
on this charge, died at the residence of
of her mother, Mrs. Amanda Evans,
at Rebersburg, last Saturday.
—You will find McDonald's Improv
ed Liver Pills so satisfactory as a cor
rector of a torpid liver, as a regulator
of the bowels, as an eradicator ot bill
iousness, that jou will regret not hav
ing tried them sooner. Money refund
ed to dissatisfied purchasers. Sold by
J. Eisenhuth, Millbeim, Pa.
—Mrs. J. Spigelmyer departed for
Union county on Saturday afternoon
on a visit to friends and relatives. Tbe
lady had quite a fright at che late fire
and the trip we hope will restore he r
neryes to a tranquil and quiet condi
—We have received several copies of
The Ledger , published weekly at Phii
ipsburg, this county, and find it a right
newsy and clean paper. H. C. Will
iams and J.D. Douglass are the editors
and have started with the second year
of its publication.
LOOK HERE.—I cure Piles. 1 have
a positive remedy for piles. By its use
many cases ,of the worst kind and of
long standing have been cured. It cures
as if by magic. Money refunded to dis
satisfied patients. Address,
H.K.SUMMERS, Aaronsburg, Pa.
NOTlCE.—Having been appointed a
gent by the Middletown Tube & Iron
Company of Middletown, Pa., for the
sale of their Iron Pipes, Ac , all persons
needing anything in this line will save
money by calling on me.
20-3 m Spring Mills, Pa.
THANKS.—Henry Miller and family
gratefully acknowledge the receipt of
$70.00 which the good and charitable
citizens of Millheim donated to them
after the fire. May "He who is a very
present help in trouble" richly reward
them for their timely aid, is the heart
felt wish of tin family.
NOTlCE.—Having been appointed a
gent by the Buck Thorn Fence Co.,
for the sale of the celebrated Buck
Thorn Steel Barbed Fencing, I invite
persons wanting this handsome, lasting
and cheap article to call on me.
10-3 m. Penn Hall, Pa.
—J. W. Stover and w'fe of this place
accompanied by his brother George 8.,
of Haines township, left for Lincoln
Centre, Lincoln Co., Kansas, on Mon
day afternoon byway of Bellefonte,and
expect to spend several months on an
investigating tour through the wide
West. We wish them a pleasant jour
ANOTHER FlßE.—Shortly before din
ner on Monday a fire broke out on the
roof of Lawson Levan's house, at the
mountain north Dt town. The neigh
bors succeeded in extinguishing the
flames before they gained much head
way. Only the roof was damaged, a
hole about seven feet square haying
burned out.
—lncreased buoyancy of spirits, per
fect assimilation of food, improved ap
petite, gain in flesh, sound refreshing
sleep, heightened color in the cheeks
and lips, added brilliancy to the eyes,
follow the use of McDonald's Great
Blood Purifier or Sarsaparillian Alter
ative. A bottle or two used in the fam
ily would obviat6 the entire train of
spring maladies. Dissatisfied purchas
ers can have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents-
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
—SOO pair Ladies' Hose, only 5 cents
at Spigelmyer's.
—Mr. Geo. Buck, the photographer,
wishes to give notice to parties desiring
to have views taken of Buildings, etc.,
that he will attend to this work every
Tuesday, provided the weither is fair.
Nicw Goons Jfrs. E. J. Brumgaid
just received a new lot of 3/illiuery
Goods, which comprises the latest and
most beautiful styles of Ileadwear ever
brought to town. Her prices are mod
erate and the ladies are kindly request
ed to give her a call. tf
CAHD.— The undersigned would take
occasion to return sincere thanks to his
friends and the public in general for
their timely assistance in removing his
furniture and household goods at the
late flie and will always remember the
kindness manifested by the people in
that time of distress.
—Mr. Kauffman, Sr., went to the
cities on Saturday to buy a new stock
of goods, which are being placed on the
shelves of the new room as soon as they
arrive. On account of the Are in
which all their store goods were con
sumed the Messrs. D. S. Kauffman &
Co, and their clerks had a few days
—Notwithstanding much has been
said about the importance of a blood
purifying medicine, it may be possible
that the matter has never seriously
claimed your attention. Think of it
now 1 If, by the use of a few bottles of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla you avoid the eyils
of scrofula,and transmit a healthy con
stitution to your offspring, thank us
for the suggestion.
—The congregational meeting held
in the Lutheran chapel last Saturday
evening for the purpose of discussing
the establishment of the projected new
cemetery was well attended and the
resolutions to that effect were unamin
usly adopted. Further steps will at
once be taken to complete the necessary
preliminary work. The project seem
ed to meet with the approval of all
-The Gleason & Baily Manufactur
ing Co. have notified the town council
that the Millheim Hook & Ladder
Truck was shipped on Tuesday. It is
expected to arrive at Coburn station
either to day or to-morrow, when the
band and a committee of the H. & L.
Company will convey it from the sta
tion to town. The contractors for the
Truck House are hard at work to finish
the building this week.
—Dr. C. Sumner Musser, of Aarons
burg, will leaye next Monday for Phila
delphia aud New York, from where he
expects to embark on the 30th of May
for a trip to Europe. He intends to
spend about five or six months on
the continent, will visit England,
Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy,
Austria and will complete his medical
studies in the Berlin and Vienna hos
pitals. We wish the doctor a safe voy
age and a pleasant tour in every re
—By request of the members of the
Millheim Cornet Band it was announc
ed in the Sunday schools last Sunday
to send delegates to the public meeting
to be held in the town hall next Satur
day evening for the purpose of effecting
complete arrangements for a proper
ce l ebration of Memorial Day. Our
people seem to manifest much interest
in the matter and we have no doubt
that the ceremonies will be made im
pressive and creditable. The good la
dies of town would do well to consider
themselves in the meantime a special
committee on flowers and see to it that
we may have a fail supply.
The full programme of the day's ex
ercises will be published in next week's
morning the comfortable home of Maj.
Wm. Purman, in Sugar Valley, was
wiped out of existence by fire. The
family had been absent in Washington
city spending the winter, and just re
turned this week. Befcre going into
the house it underwent the "house
cleaning" process and to aid in drying
up the floors and woodwork generally,a
fire was built in one of the stoves. While
the family was absent, taking dinner at
the residence of Mrs. Purman's father,
the house caught fire and was totally
destroyed. The supposition is that it
caught in the flue. The building was
a laige frame one and a very good one.
It belongs to the Lock Haven Building
and Loan Association. The loss is not |
exactly known, and the insuiance is
Fortunately for Mr. Purman, none of
his household goods were in the build
ing at the time.— Clinton Democrat.
EN IN. ''—A few days ago a man whose
name is not known went to Mr. H. M.
Swenk, of Sugar Valley, and asked per
mission to erect a corn mill on his prop
erty In the valley. Mr.Swenk was dis
posed to grant the privilege and the un
derstanding between him and the
stranger was satisfactory and clear.
Before leaving to get the machinery (as
the stranger represented) he asked Mr.
Swenk to write his name on a postal
card in order that he might have his
name should he have occasion to write
to him. A day or two ago another
stranger appeared with a note written
on a postal card signed by Mr. Swenk.
It was the postal Mr. Swenk had sign
ed. The note had been written above
his name. Mr. Swenk was informed it
had been given in payment for corn
mill machinery and he was—we are
told—frightened into its payment. Of
course he has seen nothing of the ma
chinery and probably will not.
A similar trick was played on Mr.
Wagner of the same valley not long ago,
the only difference being that he forced
the fellows to deliver the machinery,
which, however, proved to be compara
tively worthless when it came.—Ciinfon
Neighboring News.
John Forster, of the Lewisburg Uni
versity bus beon sojourning with us a
few days. Always glad to see him.
Master Coburn Rogers has been en
rolled as a student in Miss Mary Bol
linger's school.
A party consisting of Adam Mai tin,
William Winkelbleeh, D. K., W. F.
and A. iS. Musser, made a trip to Oak
Hall on Ascension Day. After doing
justice to the inner man at the table of
the hospitable B. Frank Roman they
boarded the east bound train for Co
burn. Tney report an excelleut time.
"Bock Street" was in an uproar, one
day last week, oyer the mysterious
misfortune that befell Mr. Keener 'a
dog. Al. Stoyer, the wrongfully ac
cused, experienced a red hot time in
his efforts to exculpate himself.
Wm. Shafer, of Spring Mills is about
ready to plaster Charley Stover's new
Dr. P. T. Musser is the happiest man
in our town. The grandson's name
will likely be Philip Musser Irey.
The reception at the Lutheran par
sonage on last Wednesday evening was
the grand eyent of the season. The
donation was a large one and is sub
stantial proof of the generosity of the
charge with which Rev. Dietzler has
connected himself.
In the vicinity of Wolfe's school
house, a boardwalk connects the resi
dences of two of the leading families.
Glad to hear of the improvement.
Geo. Bollinger, it is whispered, has
some notion of studying for the minis,
try. "Rev. Geo. Bollinger" would re
ally be high sounding. IIAWKEYE.
Last Friday morning nearly all our
folks rushed to Mill heim to help extin
guish the big fire w hich broke out in
Kauffman's store.
Henry Keen bought an excellent
horse at Centre Hall the other day for
The orchards in this neighborhood
are in full bloo m and look very prom
Milton Keen planted a large water
melon patch. Hope he may reap a
large crop.
This is the driest cornplanting sea
son we haye had for a number of years.
Mrs. H. E. Duck's parents paid her
a pleasant visit on Monday.
Alleman Keen is the boss completer
in this section. He plants between 12
and 14 acres a day. JUMBO.
Whitmef & Lincoln took in on Tues
day fourteen hundred bushels of wheat
anu Samuel Gettig aoout the same a
mount. The total amount of wheat
brought to Coburu last week was eight
thousand bushels.
Miss Ellen Campbell has left for the
coal regions where she expects to make
her future home.
Our landlord, Joseph Kleckner, was
seen behind the plow this week.
Mrs. James Witmyer is on a fair way
to recovery from her late sickness.
Some parties at Coburn are putting
up new buildings and others are taking
theirs down.
Jacob Witmyer and Thomas Eisen
huth are kept busy hauling lumber and
stone. Z.
Mr. Moyer, our new landlord, is do
ing quite a business ever since he occu
pied the hotel. Hope it may still con
tinue to increase.
Croquet seems all the rage, parties
continue to play until the approach of
Jno. A. Miller, who was staying at
Centre Hall for several weeks, has re
turned and will agai.i resume his duty
as post master.
Clark Gram ley lost a valuable horse
one day last week.
Mr. & Mm. lteber who were visiting
at Mr. Moyer's left for their home at
Plymouth, Luzerne Co. Pa.
Last Saturday evening tire broke out
in the tanuerv but was fortunately ex
tinguished before it made much prog
ress. The ;excitem*nt, however, was
indescribable. Boz.
Jas. Ettlinger left last week for the
West where he expects to remain.
J. B. Ard, of Pine Grove .Mills is at
present sojourning in the village visit
ing his brother Dr. Ard, and iudulging
in the past-time,trout fishing.
There is a luge fire on the mountain
close to the village endangering the sta
bles located south of the towu which
intensifies the excitement.
Jas. Ketner is working for Samuel
Williams at the saw mill in this place*
Spring Mills.
Mrs. McLaughlin of Boston, deliver
ed an excellent lecture on temperance
to a crowded house on last Sunday even
ing. She has a fine delivery and she
seems to have her heart in the work of
Supt. D. M. Wolf has returned from
a trip to the east. *
On the 16th lust., at Rebersburg. Pa., Rosa
Fearl.daugkter of Rev. A. E. Evans and Aman
da Evans, aged 6 years, 7 months and 4 days.
Dearest Rosa, thou hast left us,
Here thy loss we deeply feel;
But 'tis God hath bereft us,
He can all ouv sorrow heal. C. W .R.
Square, Grand Boudoir Gem & Orchestral
Upright, Grand
The best now made and endorsed by all eminent
The most beautiful and sweetest toned in the world
Smaller Musical Instruments,
Orgauettes, Musical Boxes, Musical Toys, &c.
Sheet Mueio (including the popular 5 and 10 cent music) Music Books
Strings, &c.
Harry J. Kurzenknabe, Millheim, Pa.,
Agent for Union and Centre Counties.
All kinds of Marble Work,
Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Tombs, &c.
Granite Monuments and Headstones
furnished at lowest prices.
mm nurne ■ ■ * This SULKY PLOW with lto _ p*tcnrT*OTiar
fcUHBpKX I I f * no* STML Wenm. and swinging beam ia the moat perfect
I RIS"" WIIW I I \|i I i Implement of the kind in the world.
We make the famous Wlf ;o:
"SWWGBEAM SULKY I I THE BEAM can be fastened rigidly when deaired.or
. .... (I ■' left to awing aHeways if it strike* a atnmp or atone. thua
niuatrateaDeiow.aiao avoiding breakage; alao nice for turuiug coruera without
"Gardes Citj Clipper" plow out of e^uud.
PI,OTRTS, , s " n> TonCl * catAßa
rakesT' M'F'FI C0 R
Socceaaon toParvt A Drmaiey MTsCd.,
or 10 oar tLklicn Houstt:
\ v DAVID BRADLEY ITU CO., Indianapellf, lad.
* DAVID BRADLEY ft CO., Minneapolis Mian.
Y&r DAVID BRADI.EY ft CO., Connrtl Blflfc, la.-
' BRA DLL I. WHEELER ft CO., Kimm €*
>0". C. CO!T3DO,<
Proprietor and Manufacturer of
Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c.
Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at all
times. New and improved machinery in the shops.
Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere.
Is the most virulent form of blood-polson-
Imr. Less speedily fatal, but not less cer
tainly so, is the vitiation of the blood of
which the first symptoms are Pimples,
Sties, Boils, and Cutaneous Erup
tions. When the taint of Scrofula gives
warn ins of its presence by such indications,
no time should be lost in using ATKR ,B
SARSAPARILLA. the only perfect and reli
able medicine for the purification of the
blood. _ ___ „ _ _
Is a foul corruption in the blood that rots
out all the machinery of life. [Nothing
will eradicate it from the system and pre
vent its transmission to offspring but
tion is also the only one that will cleanso
the blood of Mercurial poison and the
taint of Contagious Diseases. Impover-
Islied blood is productive of
A wretched condition indicated by Pallid
Skin, Flaccid Muscles, Shattered
Nerves, and 31olanciioly. Its first
symptoms arc Weakness, Languor,
Loss of Nerve Force, and Mental De
jection. Its course, unchecked, leads
inevitably to Insanity or death, women
frequently suflcr from It. The only medi
cine that, whllo purifying the blood, en
riches It with new vitality, and invigorates
the whole system. Is
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists: Price $1;
Six bottles for $5.
m npa■■■ at Send six cents fo
fli I M L postage, and receive
U r n■ M r -free a costly box of
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you to more money right away than anything
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from first hour. The broad road to fortune o
, pens before the workers, absolutely sure. At
once address, TKUK & Co.. Augusta, Maine.
"intelligent SOLICITOUS WANTED for the
His OWN ACCOUNT of an eventful life, including
the thrilling scenes of the greatest military
struggle of modern times. For particulars, ad
dress HUBBARD BROS.. Pub's., 723 Chestnut
St.,Phila, Pa. ly4t
w A YTttll —Ladies and gentlemen to
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ment at their homes (distance no objectiou);
work sent by mail; #2 to $5 a day can be quietly
mnde;no canvassing. Please address at once
OLOBK MFG. CO., Boston, Mass., b0x6314.
A -JJ.
This remedy contains no Injurious drugs.
Cleanses th CATARRH
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Heals th_e Sor ® s^^R^^9l
Smell, H ear iugM^^*
A quick Rclief. |p{y■ FEVEH
A positive Cure.
CREAM BALM bus gained an envia
ble reputation wherever known, displacing aU
other preparations. It is a creamy substance.
A particle is applied into each nostril, causing
no pain and is agreeable to use. Price 50 cents
by mail or at Druggists. Send for circular.
ELY BROTHERS. Druggists, Owego, N. Y.
Corner Maryland and Atlantic avenues, Atlautic
City. N. J. Tills splendid hotel is now readv to
receive guests for th season. Fine view of the
ocean, and excellent bathing, boating, fishing,
&c. Dancing pavllUon attached. KELSKY 61
LEFLEK, Proprietors. [Mention where you saw
; this ad.]
The best, cleanest and most economical hair
dressing. Never fails to restore the youthful
color to gray liair. This elegant dressing is
preferred by those who have used it. toanysirc*
liar article, on account of its surperior cleanli
ness and purity. It contains materials only
that are beneficial to the scalp and hair.
161 William Street, New York. 17-4t