fl(<|llll( Commissioners. J.C. HENDERSON. ) Attest: G. W. RIXUBUOKU, Clerk. 18-4t AUDITORS' NOTICE.—ESTATE OF ADAM FISIIFR, DEe'n.—The undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Centre co., to make distribution of the funds in the hands of the accountants in the estate of Adam Fish er, dee'd to and among those legally entitled thereto, will meet the parties in interest for the purpose of his appointment, on Tuesday, June 2ml l&is, at 10 o clock, a. 111., at his office in Bellefonte, Pa., when and where those who de sire may attend. J.C. MEYER. 20-3t Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OKCKNTUECO.. ESTATE or JOHN HOSTEIIMAN.DEC'D —The undersigned an audit or appointed to make distribution of fund paid into said court in the estate of said John Hos ternian, dee'd, to and among those legally en titled thereto w. 11* meet the parties in Interest, at his odice in Bellefonte, on Friday, May 20th, 1885 at 10 o'clock., a. in , when and where those in interost may attend. J. C. MEY ER. 10-3t Auditor. EXECUTORS' NOTICE.— Letters testament ary on the estate of Elizabeth Shirk, tyte of iJlaiiies township, deceased, having been frranted to the undersigned, all persons know ng themselves indebted to said estate are here by requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent them duly proven lor settlement. E. 11. MUSSER, 20-6t Executor. EXECUTORS' NOTlCE—Letters testament- I ary on the estate of Jeremiah Hoy, late of Gregg township, deceased, haying been granted to the subscribers, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are hereby re quested to make immediate payment, and those having demand: against the same are request ed to present them duly authenticated for set tlement. ISRAEL VON ADA, SAMUEL WISE. 20-Ct Executors T A ATTi ? Claims a specialty. Warrants, I i/\ !\ 1/ ' and ADDITIONAL HOMK STEAD CIItTIFICATES and all kinds of LAND SCRIP bought and sold. SUS PENDED ENTRIES. LAND, PATENT and PENSION cases attended to. Correspondence solicited. A. A. '1 liomim.Attorney at I.aw Kooni 33 St. Cloud Hld'g.Wttibingtoii. COSTIVENESS affects seriously all the digestive and assimilative organs, including tho Kid neys. When these organs are BO affected, they fail to extract from tho blood the uric acid, which, carried through the cir culation, causes Rheumatism and Neu ralgia. The functions of the Liver arc also affected by costivencss, causing Bilious Disorders. Among the warning symptoms of Bilious ness are Nausea, Dizziness, Headache, Weakness, Fever. Dimness of Vision, Yellowness of Skin, l'ains in the Side. Back and Shoulders, Foul Mouth, Furred Tongue, Irregularity ill the actiou of the Bowels, Vomiting, etc. The Stomach suffers when the bowels are constipated, and Indigestion or Dyspepsia, follows. Fetid Breath, Gastric Pains, Headache, Acidity of the Stomach, Water brash, Nervousness, and Depression, are all evidences of the presence of this distress? ing malady. A Sure Relief for irregu larities of "the Stomach and all consequent diseases, will be found iu the use of AYER'S PILLS. Thov stimulate the stomach, free the bowels, healthfully invigorate the torpid liver and kidneys, and by their cleansing, healing and tonic properties, strengthen and purify the whole system, and restore it to a salutary and normal condition. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. f Sold by all Druggists. To our Patrons of 1885. With Mad greeting* tor pint favors.wo respectfully solicit your patronage for the coming season. Wo aro now prepared to furnish the farmers ofCentro county with every thing In the line of FA RMINU IMPLE MENTS AND MACHINERY, such as MOWERS, It K Al* KlfS, HINDERS, RAKES, HARROWS, CULTIVATORS, LAND ROLLERS, COMMON AND CHILLED I'LOWS, GRAIN DRILLS, CORN DRILLS AND PLANTERS, CORN WORKERS, HAY FORKS, CI DER MILLS, CORN BHKLLEUS, EN GINES AND THRESHERS, SMALL SEPARATORS AND IIORSR POW ERS, and. In fact.any and everything a farmer may need, and at prices to suit the limes. Wo arc also prepared to sup ply extra parts of all the machinery wo sell, and for many machines wo do not handle; keep constantly on hand SEC TIONS, KNIVES AND RIVETS for nearly all the Mowers and Harvesting Machinery In use. We uslo make a specialty of HKAV Y ENGINES AND BOILERS, BAW MILLS &c., make estimates on all kinds ofKac torles and Mills, and guarantee to give as low or lower prices for the same class of work than any other concern in the State. Our FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP is iu first class order, and we aro prepared to make and finish all classes of Machinery with promptness and dis patch,do any and all kinds of work done in any machine shop. We guarantee in writing tliat all Machinery purchased from us is in every respect flist chiss and none superior. Also, work put out from our shop second to none, and our prices for everything as low as the lowest. ,f.T ** Call on us before purchasing your IM PLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, and" 1 wo will make It to your profit. We make an offer this Spring to a limited number oUarmers of Pcnns Valley who are us ing Corn Planters, built here at this place either by Harpster, tlie Centre Hall Manufacturing Company or our selves, to exchange with them our new Improved JFcrtllizer. Planter and Drill for their old ones, allowing them a large price for their old planters. So coine on with your old machines, no matter how near worn out. The first come, the first served, and remember only a limited number will be exchanged- VAN PELT, SIIOOP $ CO , CENTRE IIALL, Pa. Musser House. MilHieim, ------ Penua. RESORT^ Two miles from Coburn Station on L. & T. R. R. Fine Trout Fishing and Hunting within sight of town. Healthy locality and fine moun tain sceneries. The celebrated I'ENNs VAL LEY CA VKS but five miles distant. The |flnest drives in the state. FIN E SADDLE HOUSES, CARBIAGESJAND BUGGIES for the use of summer boarders. Double and Smile Roots, newly furnished, for fipilieawith children, on secouu and third floors. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE. W. S. Musser Prop'r. 16-1 v Millhelm, Centre Co., Fa. LADIES, THIS IS FOR YOU! THE FINEST STOCK OF AHB BUMMER HIIiHHSBK —JUST RECEIVED BY— IMTiR, S. -A-lsnST-A. IMI. WEAVER, PENN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. Ti) is elegant lot of goods was selected with great care and consists of the latest and most popular styles of Bonnets, Hats, Trimmings, Ornaments, &c. Call and see for yourselves. Journal Store Column. t This is the Jour nal Store Column: while the Journal Store itself is at No 20,Penn Street Millheim, Penna., JJI ' W \ t ■ I where you will find a full line of School & Blank BOOKS, Sunday School Sup plies, Stationery, Bi bles, Albums, Stamped Goods, Pe ncils, Pens, Toys and a general variety of goods, such as are usually kept in first class stationery and ♦ variety stores. • Call and See. * * 'B* Q* BMEMim V <*• - "* . M • > : " . . I ") v H# . .V •—* ~j x ■ * . v..- .v✓ at -*g $ - -s;• i . .fc £•*-j£ ; . X - ♦" 1 -■ S **** , '*** ~ V," *• w'w " * Next week this space will contain the announcement of ' | D. S. KAUFFMAM & CO'S —OPENING OF THE = * *. Finest, Freshest and Cheapest Stock of Goods, ever brought here, some of which arrives daily at their new store room on MAIN STREET, - - Next door west of Musser's Hotel, - - MILLHEIM, PA. Do not fail to Call and See. Ml Uheins Market. Corroeted every Wednesday by G. A. Harter,grocer. Wheat, old 100 * * * .* oats White 50 Buckwheat , 50 Flour i-00 Salt.per Brl 150 Plaster, ground Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50 Barley . £ Tyiuothyseed *•*? Flaxseed ]-J Clove rseed 6 •**; Butter Hams Sides 9 Veal - Pork Beel , Eggs * Potatoes. ® Lard 8 "Mas luse & son, —PBOPBIKTORS Or THB — MILLHEII PLASM MIL, east of the new Bv. church, Penn St., MiUheim, Pa. Contractors, - Builders, —AND MANUrACTCBKBB OP Doors, Sash, Shutters, Blinds, Brackets, Flooring All kinds of Siding. A Having our own planing mill,it will be to the advantage of those inteudlng to bulla to con sult us. GirContraota made on all kinds of buildings. Plans and SpeoifLoationa furnished on application, with est imates of oost. 18-ly FARMERS!! Don't be Deceived As there are persons offering for sale Phosphates branded "Twenty Five Dollar" and other similar brands, which look very much like ours, we caution formers not to be deceived. Use only the article which has our name and address on each bag. None other is genu ine. BAUGH & SONS, Sole Pro prietors and Manufacturers, Phila. mu THE WAS? TWENTY FIVE MIUI PHOSPHATE worm 1880 We Caution all persons not to i infringe upon our trade ?parks and brands. Bayg-h & Sons, PHILADELPHIA. THIS PAPER s ? J Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce , Street), where aflver. as—■■ lmiiHf ensrwsHEW YORK jI * a tl^epe tl^epe in a gottle. . SMARTING SSSTJrJZLfJz lag paiaet roo bum* ar scalds. It will step the pais as aooa is * noDlied. nHMBMHMMMMMM PfIIICIIIMC Abuadaaes to care a score IfUUbnliU ead tW coughing r that oftea leads the way to Coasaiaptioa, It wax rot- I mvsLV ease a Cough hi if minutes. PII H If I kl C Mo™ thaa enough to save UIIUR lIV O a do#ea chiidiM Choking with Caour. One miaute alter the first dose the hardest attach of Croup wUI he reliered. fell ||f*filPw# S A wall aa. a ka WHEEZING serere case of Asthau. The direct cares of Afitat W ■HweBMBHi o equal m A ithn eopv, • - 1 —.-..-j la the above cases Or. Themes' KcWctfk 09 MS be relied upon. It has gives relief to thaaisadh Keep it ia your house. Then is hardly a week at the year it will not be useful. i ' KMf IMI more money than at anything else ■■f IMI by taking an agency for the best WW ■ |m selling book out. Beginners succeed ■■ ■■■grandly. None fail Terms free. Hallbtt Book Co.. Portland Maine. IQ 111 NOTICE OF OPENING!!! s Mr. I. E, Couldren hereby respectfully Informs the public tftat bp is now prepared to do all kind of Tailoring Work 1 from an OVERALL to a fine BUJT or OVER COAT. He is a mechanic ol many year's ex perience 4PD guarantees SATISFACTORY Wprk- HP has opened his shop In Brown's building, oppo site Campbell's store. Main street, wberp he Will be glad to receive the patronage of the public. A line of samples constantly kept |n stock. Recpeetfnlly. E. I. COULDBEN.