Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, May 14, 1885, Image 3

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    | Journal.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
—This is Ascension Day.
—Where, oh where is our band ?
—A slight enow fell on Saturday.
—Everybody looks for the promised
—C. W. A Ibright was to Mtfflinburg
on Friday on business.
—Lewisbu rgers talk of getting up a
4th of July centennial celebration.
—Eyerybody does their share of
grumbling about the backward spring.
—The yatds and meadows are cover
ed with the yellow dandellion flowers.
—Extra Seed Barley for Sale by
J. 11. MUSSKR, Aaronsburg,Pa.
—J. H. Reifsiiyder, Esq , and wife,
spsnt the greater part of last week at
—The westward bound train on Mon
day forenoon was nearly two hours late
at Coburn.
—"A stitch in time" often saves con
sumption. Down's Elixir used in time
saves life.
—The Confers are building a shed
along the front of their plauniog mill
on Mill street.
—Miss Flora Kuizenknabe, of Har
risburg, returned to her home on Fri - 1
day morning's train.
WANTED.—Two fair sized shoats.
Inquire at D. S. Kauffmau A Co's store
Main street, Millheim.
—J. C. Meyer, auditor for the estate
of John Hosterman, dee'd, publishes his
notice in another column.
—We trust the improvement mania
will continue in our town until eyery
unsightly building looks creditably.
—Costiveness is the primary cause of
much disease, Dr. Henry Baxter's Man
drake Bitters will permanently cure
costiveness. Every bottle warranted.
—The fruit trees are in their glory.
They are full of blosoms and promise a
good crop if the frosts do not injure
—Rev. Day's lecture on Saturday
evening was so poorly attended that
the gentleman refused to delayer the
—For the last few days B. O. Dein
inger had men at work in the Journal
store making repairs and improve
—Sam. Weiser,Jr.,enclosed his prem
ises on Water street with a fence.
Next he will be weatherboarding and
painting his house.
—C. W. Hartman, one of our lucky
anglers,pulled outl4 fair-sized trout the
other day, just one more than his com
panion . Jesse Kreamer.
—We are told that several colored
ministers are casting their eye on Mill
heim for a place to hold a colored camp
meeting. What next ?
—Decoration day comes on Saturday
the 30th of May. Don't forget it and
if it is to be observed it is high time to
be making.arrangements.
—The Messrs. Grenninger, of Co
born, will moye their saw mill from be
low the first tunnel to Gentzel's woods
in Penn township, this week.
—W. S. Musser has added a fine wa
ter cooler to his bar fixtures at the
Musser house. The next improvement
he talks of is a large refrigerator.
—The tunes of a harmonious band
organ, propelled by a blind man, were
heard ip town on Monday. The usual
crowd of youngster were on his tracks.
—B. F. Kister looks like a new man,
since that boy made bis appearance at
bis bouse. Another mouth to be fed
but Frank seems glad enough for the
—'There is nothing like Dr. Thomas'
Electric Oil to quickly cure a cold or
relieve hoarseness.' Written b/ Mrs.
N. J. Fellows, Burr Oak, St. Joseph
Co., Mich.
—Wm. Pealer, of Spring 3fills, is do
ing a big business. He sells at low
figures and his stock is all new. l?ou
get no old, shop-worn goods when you
buy from him.
—The talk is that the Lutherans in
tend making a crossing from the north
west corner of Penn and Mill streets to
the front entrance of their church in
the near future.
—The Misses Alexander, of Centre
Hall, were here on a visit to their broth
er, A. R. Alexander, residing south of
Millheim. They expect to start for
Kansas next week.
Rev. Diven has made extensive im
provements on his farm at Saloua, and
converted it into one of the attractive
places of that village, says the Lock
Haven Daily Democrat.
—We are told that Geo. W. Sbunk,
known to many of our readers, expects
to leave his present place of residence,
and will move West with the intention
of purchasing farmland.
—Our friend, F. D. Luse, is rather
"rough on rats." He succeded in find
ing a nest of fifteen of the young ro
dents last week on his premises, which
were meat for the cats No wonder
the corn cribs suffer,at that rate.
i —A weak back, with a weary, aching
lameness over the hips, is a sign of de
ceased kidneys. Use the best kidney
curative known, which is Burdock
Blood Bitters.
—H. G. Shafer, the landlord of the
Spring Mills Hotel, was one of our
callers 011 Monday. Ileury is a popular
hotelist and understands his business
in all its details. Call again.
—The striking of the town clock at
Aaronsburg can be heard plainly at this
place and sadly reminds our citizens
that Millheim was promised the luxury
of a town clock for quite 1* while.
—No other preparation so concen
trates and combines blood-purifying,
vitalizing, enriching and iuvigorating
qualities as Aver's Sarsaparilla. Qnali
ity should be considered Jwhen making
com parisons.
—We are indebted to Messrs. A. G.
Elliott ACo , wholesale paper, envel
ope and card manufacturers, of Phila
delphia, for a very fine photo lithograph
of Piesident Cleveland and his Cabinet.
It is an ornament to our office.
—You will find McDonald's Improv
ed Liver Pills so satisfactory as a cor
rector of a torpid liver, as a regulator
of the bowels, as an eradicator ot bill
iousness, that you will regret not hav
ing tried them sooner Mouey refund
ed to dissatisfied purchasers. Sold by
J. Eiseuhuth, MilMieim, Pa.
—J. C. Coudo's new advertisement
appearss in our columns this week.
Condo's carriage works at Penn Hall
haye a splendid reputation for flue and
satisfactory work, which always speaks
for itself. Give him a call and you will
not regret it.
—3frs. Elizabeth McGregor, of .Phil
adelphia, formerly of Lewisburg, and a
daughter of Samuel Iteam, an old resi
dent of Penns Valley, is at preseut vis
iting friends and relations at Millheim
and surrounding country after an ab
sence of some 50 years.
—Geo. L. Springer, the junior bar
ber of town, wishes to inform the peo
ple of Aaronsburg and Haines town
ship, that he will be glad to serve his
patrons who may want to be shaved
or have haircutting done at the Penn
House during the day and evening ev
ery Friday.
—Several heavy frosts occurred since
our last issue and they did more or less
injury to early potato plants, garden
truck and fruit trees. A few more
like it would do much damage. The
weather in general is extraordinarily
cold and raw for this time of the year.
LOOK HERE.—I cure Piles. 1 haye
a positive remedy for piles. By its use
many cases ,of the worst kind aud of
long standing have been cured. It cures
as if by magic. Money refunded to dis
satisfied patients. Address,
H.K.SUMMERS, Aaronsburg, Pa.
—On Saturday, May 16th,S. K. Faust
will offer atpublic sale at his coach
shops, Centre Mills, a fine lot of new
and second hand buggies, spring wag
ons and carriages. Also a Mare, a
yearling Colt, a Cow, a lot of lumber
and shingles, and other articles. See
—D. S. Kauffman & Co., are about
putting the finishing touch on their
new store building on Main street and
expect to take possession of it next
week. Then look out for a grand o
pening and a fine display of goods. It
will be the finest "and most pleasant
store in town.
—Geo. P. Rowell & Co's valuable
newspaper directory for 1885 is on our
table. This work is published regular
ly every year and contains a full and
complete list of all the newspapers and
periodicals iD the United States. The
book is of special worth to advertisers
and newspaper men.
—The Revs. B. llengst and S. M.
Mountz, of this place will pieach at
Spring Mills, in Grenoble's hall, com
mencing on Sunday, the 17th iustant,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and will
continue every two weeks at the above
named hour and place. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all.
—On Saturday evening next, there
will be a congregational meeting in the
Lutheran church of this place for the
purpose of taking into consideration
the project of starting a new cemetery.
The members are urgently requested to
attend said meeting and take an active
part in the discussion of the matter.
NOTlCE. —Having been appointed a
gent by the Buck Thorn Fence Co.,
for the sale of the celebrated Buck
Thorn Steel Barbed Fencing, I invite
persons wanting this handsome, lasting
and cheap article to call on me.
10-3 m. Penn Hall, Pa.
Take notice of Mrs. Weaver's ad
vertisement of Millinery Goods this
week She has opened her new stock
and it is just too lovely.' The ladies
will do well to call at her popular stand
on Penn street, where they will find
late styles, tine and tasty woik, low
prices. Do not forget the place—Penn
street, opposite Hartmau's foundry.
—The council at its last special
meeting on Saturday evening leased
ground of D. A. Musser for twenty
years to erect a carriage shed thereon
for the purpose of housing the Hook &
Ladder Truck. It will tie a frame
building 16 x3O feet, 9 feet clear in
heigth,with a false front,built over the
Mill race south of the Hardware store.
Wm. Miller and P. fl. Musser were a
warded the contract for the building.
The building will be large enough to
I accomodate the bandwagon, for which
' space the band will pay rent.
—A p*Kty of about thirty little girls
gathered at Squire Reifsnydei's resi
dence on Main street last Thursday even
ing In honor of their daughter Jennie's
10th birthday. By all reports a splendid
time was had and the little folks enjoy
ed especially tho bountiful feast of del
icacies which the kind landlady had
prepared for them and to which they
did of course full justice.
—Mrs. E. J. Brumgard, who hnd
been to the eastern cities to purchase
millinsry goods, returned last Friday
and her goods are also on hand. The
lady is well-auown for her good taste
and her patrons will find at her shop
on Main street an excellent selection of
Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, Laces, Ac.
Ladies,call on her and rest assured you
will get the best of satisfaction.
—Rev. Deitzler and family arrived on
Monday evening and hts goods were
expected to reach Coburn station on
Tuesday. Last night the members
of tho three Lutheran congregations
on this charge agreeably surprised the
new comers with a largo donation of
useful and necessary articles, and pas
tor and people spent a very pleasant
time at the parsonage.
—lncreased buoyancy of spirits, per
fect assimilation of food, improved ap
petite, gain 111 fiesh, sound refreshing
sleep, heightened color in the cheeks
and lips, added brilliancy to the eyes,
follow the use of McDonald's Great
Blood Purifier or Sarsaparillian Alter
ative. A bottle or two used in the fam
ily would obviate the entire train of
spring maladies. Dissatisfied purchas
ers can have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents-
Sold by J. Eiseuhuth, Millheim, Pa.
—We notice by the Bellefonte Watch
man that J. C. Harper, the former pro
thonotary in this county, after a
thorough examination, through whichbe
went successfully,was admitted to the
Centre county bar. Another lawyer
for Bellefoute and it surely isn't the
fault of the mountain city if the coun
try does not go according to law. We
congratulate Cal on his promotion and
expect to see him become one of the
brightest legal lights.
—The circulating library, which has
beeu instituted in this town by S. B.
Hench, tha gentlemanly agent, from
Nortbumbei land, was started on last
Saturday at the Journal book store,
with B. O. Deininger as libraiian.
The library contains thirty-five fineyol
umes of the best and carefully selected
lierature, which will circulate among
thirty members. Persons wishing to
become members after this will please
apply to the librarian.
—We are in receipt of the first copy
of "The Times," a small advertising
sheet published at Mifllinburg by G.
W. Foote, a former publisher of the
"Berichter" in this town. The editor
in his editorial very forcibly says that
"The Times is an experiment and will
only be published as long us it pays.
Should it proye a success and be too
small for its patronage, it will be en
larged." Hope Geoi ge may prosper
in his new enterprise.
—Messrs C. F. Deininger and fl K.
Luse, of this place, are the manufact
urers aud agents for Ellison's Ironing
and Pressing Board, and have the right
of sale in the borough of Millheim, and
in Peon, Haine3 and Gregg townships.
The board is one of the handiest inven
tions out. It may be adjusted to any
table and furnishes a stationary and
firm support for ironing. It is made
of good wood, strongly put together
and can be folded up to a convenient
size, when not in use. The price is
$2.00 and its merits are such that no
housewife should be without one.
Call on C. F. Deiningeror 11. K.Luse,
Main street, Millheim, Pa. 3t
—J/ANY children suffer from day to
day; puny, palid, fretful and feverish,
variable appetite and restless sleep, fin
ally die, and their parents never sus
pecting the real cause, that the little
sufferers'stomachs are iufested and eat
en through with worms. Twenty-five
cents invested in a box of McDonald's
Celebrated Worm Powders would save
the doctor's bills and the patient's life.
Entirely vegetable. E isy and pleasant
to take. Money refunded to dissatisfi
ed purchasers.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim,Pa.
—On a recent visit to Lewisburg we
had the pleasure of being chaperoned
by that priuce of fellows, C. A. Stur
gis, who shortly after our arrival at the
Union county capital took charge of us
and showed us the interesting sights of
the city. The nail factory was one of
the first places we were taken to and
we were agreeably surprised at the live
ly rate that factory is running. That
enterprise certainly is a most valuable
industry for Lewisburg aud can not
fail to make a.boom in business. An
other notable sight shown us was the
fire department building, with its fine
engine and a splendidly furinshed room
on the second story for the meetings of
the company. Accompanid by Mr.
Cornelius, the photographer, wo were
taken to the top of the.fifty-foot tower,
from which lofty place the eye is tieat
ed to one of the grandest sights in the
state. The scope of the whole city and
seyeral miles up and down the Susque
hanna present a fine panorama and it
was truly a rich feast to behold the
beautiful picture.
As our stay was but a short one we
had to decline the warm myitatioii of
our friend Sturgis to accompany him to
other places of interest, but we left the
town with the satisfaction of having
had a good look at Lewisburg's most at
tractive points and having enjoyed the
genial company of Sturgis, Cornelius
and Harris.
—Rev. W. n. Day, D. D., ot the A.
I M. E. church, llariisburg, preached a
very able sermon in the Methodist
church at this place on Sund ty fore
noon. A large audience was in atten
dance and a liberal collection was lift
ed for the benefit of colored young men
who are being educated by said church,
liev. Day is a Hue speaker and handles
his subject with great care and ability.
He preached ut ltebeisburg on Sunday
—From an exchange : "IPs amus
ing when soliciting, to hear a man say,
k it doesn't pay to advertise.' Why does
this man put out a sign ? That's ad
vertising. Why does ho obstruct the
pavement in front of hi 3 store with
samples of the goods he sells ? This is
advertising. Why does he daub the
head of a mackerel barrel or dry guods
box with the words : 4 AIL oUr gOods
chEep,' and stick it in a keg of beans
or a pile of calico in his store ?
—ln pursuance of a call for a meet
ing by the committee on organization a
number of citizens assembled in the
grammar echool room on Ponn street
for the purpose of organizing au associ-
be styled "The Millheim Ilook
& Ladder Co., No. I.''
Twenty-five members were enrolled
and the company adopted a constitu
tion and by-laws. The following were
elected the officers for the ensuing year:
Pres. Dr. D. H. Mingle; Vice Pres. C.
W. Ilartmau ; Sec.—R. A. Bumiller ;
Treas.—A. A. Frank; Foreman-J. H.
Maize; Ist Assistant Foreman,—W. L.
Bright: 2nd Assistaut Foreman—Sam.
Weiser, Jr.; Ladderman—E. J. Brum
gard; Assistant Ladderman—Loyd Au
The time and place for the regular
monthly meetings will be the last Mon
day of each month in the grammar
school room. The secretary was in
structed to transcribe the constitution
and by-laws of the company and sub
mit a copy of the same to the town
council for approval A special meet
ing for this evening was called by the
chair to transact important business
and enroll more members. The Hook
and Ladder Truck is expected to ar>
rive tins week. The first meeting of
the company was very harmonious and
all present took great Interest iu the
—Many ladies admire gray hair—on
some other person. But few try its ef
fect on their own charms. Nor need
they, since Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents
the hair from turaing*gray,and restores
gray hair to its original color. It
cleanses the sca'p, prevents the forma
tion of dandruff, and wonderfully stim
ulates the growth of the hair.
Neighboring News.
George Springer, of Millheim, offers
his services as tonsor and shampooer to
the people of Aaronsburg every Friday.
Call at the hotel ;for information or a
The town clock gives our village the
appearance of a little city. Wake up,
sister Millheim.
Miss Maggie Lenker, who is about to
go into partnership with the well-known
milliner, Mrs. Sallie Alexander, Lin
den Hali, left for Philadelphia on Mon
Mrs. M. M. Musser is about to re
turn from the city with a full stock of
spring goods.
John Bower has had his house paint
ed and improved generally.
Abs. Musser has employed Daniel
Lenker and son to ntaaufactuie the
washing machine which he is selling.
A few more such enterprising men is
what our towu very much needs.
Landlord Shafer made a short call at
his former place of residence, the'Penn
House, on Monday.
W. Sherman Musser, assistant opera
tor and ticket agent at Spring Mills,
was home on Monday. lie looks well
and frisky. Call again.
D. K. Musser has again bought sev
eral stocks of bees. Hope his misfor
tune of last winter will not be repeated.
Lnrnber has been hauled for a large
manure shed in front of Joseph Groos
man's barn, which is to be put up in
this month.
Miss Mary Bright, of Millheim, is
visiting in our town.
John Kimport traded his buggy off
011 a new platform spring wagon.
Mrs. Elizibeth Shatzer is on a fair
way of recovery from her all-winter's
John Harshbarger had the misfor
tune of losing a very fine colt. He
found it dead in the stable.
E. B. run against a washline one
evening last week with such force that
he lauded on his back with a black eye,
thereby iosing his sight for some time.
"The less haste,the more speed" young
0. Frankenberger bought a fine dri
ving horse the o her day. A three
minute horse,eh i
A stray hound is going the rounds,
killing chickens. The owner would
better fetch him or we will feed him
Mis. B. O. Deiuinger, Mrs. S. D.
Musser and Mrs. J. C. Smith, three of
Millheim's best ladiea, were visiting
folks in our hamlet.
Occasionally we hear the Aarousburg
clock strike iu our town. When will
we hear the Millheim clock ? [Echo
answers—"When V"—ED.] JUMBO.
A. J. Campbell spent a few days in
Bellefonte last week on business.
Rev.Yearick preached for us on Sun
day afternoon and Hey. B Ilengst in
the evening. If folks would only do as
tliey are told by tnese gentlemen, we
would all be O. K.
W. 11. Kreamer will shortly start on
his new house. Luther Guisewite has
the contract for building it.
Grenninger <& Bro., will be ready to
saw in a few days.
Mr. Gable is getting the cage ready
for the bird. Not so, Florence ?
Potatoes came in by the carload last
11. 11. Trumpfhellcr, from New Co
lumbia was seeu in our tewn last week.
Frank Barker is improying his prop
erty very much.
amuel Wolf and wife, of Tylersville,
were visiting friends in our town. Z.
Spring Mills.
G. A. Kunkel made a business trip
to Philadelphia last week.
W. F. Krumrine is making arrange
ments to engage in the tannery busi
ness quite extensively. lie will remod
el the old stand owned by his father.
P.S.Dale intends to start a furniture
factory in this place.
J. ll.Runkle of this place has bought
out Mr.M near Tusseyville,where
he proposes to go into the mercantile
business. Sorry to loose so good a
neighbor. * * *
Hon. B. S. Ilewett, ex-Speaker House
Representatives, writes: 'J. A. Mc-
Dear Sir l have been buying my
Flavoring Extracts for years from a
Pittsburg manufacturer. Recently we
tried a bottle of yours and found it very
good indeed. Enclosed find five dollars.
Send me its value in your Vanila Ex
tract '
Moral—always ask for .McDonald's
Flavoring Extracts.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Elsenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
Our landlord T. F. Meyer has mov
ed to Rebersburg, where he took
charge of the hotel lately vacated
Mr. Condo.
Daniel Bartges will be the future
landlord of the Madisonburg hotel.
Reuben Grimm traded horses with
T. F. Moyer.
John B. Shater lost a fine young heif
er the other day.
Luther B. Stover and wife expect to
go to Kansas in the near future on a
Ira Hazel is at this writing confined
to his bed and suffering from an attack
of inflaraatory rheumatism.
John 11. Showers traded horses with
T. F. Meyer.
Rev. Sam. Yearick spent two weeks
with friends and relatives in BrushvaU
ley, and preached for the evangelical
congregation of this last Sunday
The farmers are patiently waiting
for warm weather. They have not
planted any com so far.
William Bright, Pennsvalley's cow
drover, was in town last Monday.
Rev. P. C. Weidemyer returned
home last Tuesday from his trip South.
— IT is now conceded <fn all sides that
there is not and never has been a reme
dy of such remarkable efficacy as Curtis
Carmelite Cordial, in curing cholera,
dysentary, cholera morbus, summer
complaints, cramps, pains in the bow
els, or any intestinal irritation whatev
er, a single dose brings remarkable re
lief and a single bottle is guaranteed to
cure any case or money refunded. A
remarkable pain killer and yaluable
household remedy.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Milllieim, Pa.
Cheapest First-Class Music in the
United States.
Look at this list of gome of the most popular
music published. Printed on the best heavy
music paper, good clear print, full sheet music
size, and same as generally retailed all over the
United States at thirty to seventy-five cents per
copy. Our price is FIVE CENTS per copy, or by
mail one cent added for eostage. We give the
retail price,but remember our price is but five
cents. We will send catalogue of 1,000 best
selling pieces published free. Don't pay high,
exorbitant prices when you can get the same
music for about one-eighth the .'price; seethe
Alice, Where art Thou ? A Hcl \, er ,
Angels Ever Bright and Fair Handel 3oc.
Answers Blumenthal 50c.
Blue Alsatian Mountains Adams soc.
Bridge 50c
Bridge Lindsay .15c.
Brook Dolores Soc.
Cherry Itipe ...Horn 3. c.
Clang of the Wooden Shoon Molboy 40c.
Dream Faces Hutchinson 3oc.
Esmeralda Levy doc.
Chop Sticks, waltz - De Lulli 25c.
Black llawk, waltz Walsh 3cc.
Coin Flower, waltz Cooke 500.
Queen's Lace Handkerchief Strauss 40c.
Banquet, galop Richards 4()c.
Home, Sweet Homo SlacK 50c.
Shepherd Boy Wilson 40c.
Warbliugs at Eve .Richards 40c.
And 1,000 other swngs aud instrumental pieces
equally as good as the above only six cents per
copy, post free. Send for a copy of our MUSICAL
JOURNAL. $1.25 per year, sample copy twelve
cents. Address
J. H. THOMAS, Publisher, Albany, N. Y.
WANTED.—Several good canvasers to sell
an article which every tax-payer needs, and
which one fourth of them will buy if properly
presented and explained. No humbug, but an
article of practical value. Those whs mean
business may call In person on the undersigned
-otter, oeea uot y DEINmGEB .
On Saturday evening, the 9th last., In Miles
township Frederick Edward, son of George
and Rebecca Uuiswite, aged 2 years, 3 months
aud 4 days.
Father, I have gone home! ,
To the good home, Jesus spoke of; that blest land
Where it is one bright summer always, and
Storms never come.
Square, Grand Boudoir Gem & Orchestral
Upright, Grand
The best now made and endorsed by all eminent
artists. -
The most beautiful and sweetest toned in the world
Smaller Musical Instruments,
Organettes, Musical Boxes, Musical Toys, &c.
Sheet Music (including the popular 5 and 10 cent musio) Music Books
Strings, &o.
Harry J. Kurzenknabe, Millheim, Pa.,
Agent for Union and Centre Counties.
All kinds of Marble Work,
Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Tombs, &c.
Granite Monuments and Headstones
furnished at lowest prices.
Pinneneil . Thli SULKY PLOW wiib >:u p.ii'fit>~ Britr*!*--
ISAFC |HF§F XZ Z V A now STXKL WBKEL and nwmging beam ia the most perfect
I KIIIHIiIIw ■ ■ >li > Implement of the kind in the world.
We make the famous )W Af . 0 .
"SWIHGBEAM" SULKY I I THE BEAM can be fa*toned rigidly when desired, or
n, . .i. n IB B left to swing sideways if it strikes a stamp or stone, thin
lllnstrmrea DCIOW, aio avoiding breakage; alo nice for turning corners without
"Garden City Clipper" taking piuw out of the ground.
Ac., &C. MIL. , Succenor. to Furtt k Dr*dlY HTTCO.,
or to our B&tsca HOUSES:
V DATID BRADLEY MTd CO., Indianapolis, Ind.
DATID BRADLEY k CO., ■inaeapolla. Minn.
/ \ >X DATED BRADLEY k CO., Council BluCfc, la.
'lUfclf BRADLEY, WHEELER k CO., Kansas Me.
>j\ c. aoisriDO,<
Proprietor and Manufacturer of
Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, Ac.
Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at all
times. New and improved machinery in the shops.
Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere.
A. H. V •
uppjn Hair Vigor core® baldness.
A. JL HiXV Hair Vigor restores youth
ful freshness and color to faded and gray
hair. It attains these results by the stim
ulation of the hair roots and color glandr.
It rejuvenates the |T A TT> and cleanses it.
It restores to the AAXa P that, either by
reason of age or diseases of the scalp, has
become dry, harsh and brittle, a pliancy and
glossy silken softness of extreme beauty.
There is no dye in Ayer's HairVTfwfYß
and the good It docs is by the * AVJ "
it imparts to tho follicles, and the clean
liness and healthfulness of the condition
in which it maintains the scalp.
A "A7T7T? llair Vi & or renews tho hair.
A. JL XLjAV © Hair Vigor is tho best euro
known for Brashy Hair, Scald Head, Itching
Humors, Tetter Sores, Torpid Follicles, and
all other diseases of the acalp that cause
tho falling of the Tjr \ TTJ and its fading.
Nothing cleanses 11A1XV of the nuisance
of dandruff so perfectly, and so effectually
prevents Its return, as AYER'S HAIR VIGOR.
In addition to tho curative and restorative
virtues peculiar to Ayer's Hair
it is a toilet luxury. The Hair ' lUv/lV
is by far tho cleanliest hair-dressing made.
It causes the hair to grow thick and long,
and keeps it always soft and glossy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Contains no deleterious ingredients. Its use
prevents all scalp disease, secures against the
hair growing thiu or gray, and surely cures ull
baldness tb is not organic.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
1 Sold by all Druggists.
m f| n■wm am Send six ce nts fo
M UV I /k postage, and receive
EM 1 n1 £ B free a costly box of
■ ■ ■ ■■■ goods which will help
you to more money right away than anything
else in this world. All. of either sex, succeed
from first hour. The broad road to fortune o
peus before the workers, absolutely sure. At
once address, TKUK & Co., Augusta, Maine.
Intelligent SOLICITORS WANTED for the
His OWN ACCOUNT of an eventful life, including
the thrilling .scenes of the greatest military
struggle of modern times. For particulars, ad
dress HUBBARD BROS.. Pub's., 723 Chestnut
St.,Phila, Pa. l^-4t
Trees, Grape Vtnes,Shrubs, Roses, &c. SALARY
Pull instructions given, so inexperienced men
can soon learn the business. Address J. F.
i ECLARE, Brighton, N. Y. 15-4t
WkXTtiU -Ladies and gentlemen to
W AH Iw Us take light, pleasaui employ
ment at their homes (distance no objection);
work sent by mail; $2 to a day can be quietly
made;no canvassing. Please address at once
GLOBE MPS. Co., Boston, Mass., box 5344.
This remedy contains no injurious drugs.
Cleanses th <CATARRH
Head. ~
Influiiraal i o u.
Heals the
A qick_Kelief. HAY-EEV Ep
A positive Cure.
OREAHI BALM bas gained an envia
ble reputation wherever known, displacing all
other preparations. It is a creamy substance.
A particle is applied into each nostril, causing *
no pain and Is agreeable to use. Price 50 cents
by mail or at Druggists. Send for circular.
ELY BROTHERS. Druggists, Owego, N. Y.
Corner Maryland and Atlantic avenues, Atlantic
City. N. J. This splendid hotel is now readv to
receive guests for the season. Fine view of the
ocean, and excellent bathlug, boating, fishing,
&c. Dancing pavilUou attached. KELSKY &
LEFLEK, Proprietors. [Mention where you saw
this act.]
A FEW GOOD ME If to canvass for the sale of
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Ro
W AGES. Address H. J. BOWJDEN A CO., Brigh
ton, N. Y.