Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, May 14, 1885, Image 1
The Millheim Journal, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY R. A. BUMILLER. Office in the New Journal Building, Penn St., nearHartman's foundry. •1.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR SI.BO IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCB. Acceptable Correspondence Solicited % 1 Address letters to MILUIKIM JOURNAL. BUSINESS CARDS. AHARTER, Auctioneer, MILLHEIM, PA. y B. STOVER, Auctioneer, Madisonburg, Pa. n.REIFSNYDER. Auctioneer, t ' MILLHEIM, PA. |yR. JOHN F. HARTER, Practical Dentist, Office opposite the Methodist Church. MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM PA. jy. D. 11. MINGLE~ Physician & Surgeon Offllce ou Main Staeet. MILLHEIM, PA. GEO. L. LEE, Physician & Surgeon, MADISONBURG, PA. Office opposite the Public School House. yyi GEO. S. FRANK, Physician & Surgeon, REBERSBURO, PA. Office opposite the hotel. Professional calls promptly answered at all hoars. J)R. W. P. ARD, Physician & Surgeon, WOODWARD, PA. "O DEININGEB, Notary-Public, Journal office, Peon at., Millheim, Pa. JVDeeds and other legal papers written and acknowledged at moderate charges. ~ . J. SPRINGER, < Fashionable Barber, Saving had many years 1 of experience. the public can expect the best work and most modern accommodations. Shop 2 doors west Millheim Banking House, MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. L. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Corner Main & North streets, 2nd floor, Millheim, Pa. Shaving, Haircutting, Sbampooning, Dying, &c. done in the most satisfac tory manner. Jno-H. Orvis. C. M. Bower. Ellis! L.Orvls. QRVIS, BOWER & ORVIS, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTB, PA., Office in Woodings Building. D. H. Hastings. W. F. Feeder ~j |" AtSTINGS & BEEDEB, Attornejs-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum A Hastings. J C. MEYER, Attorney-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. At the Office of Ex-Judge Hoy. rjrrM. C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law BELLEFONTE, PA. Practices In all the courts of Centre county Special attention to Collections. Consultations In German or English. „ A. Beaver. W. Gepbart. JgEAVEB A GEPfIABT, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street. Nor th of High Btree JgROOKERHOFF HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. v C, G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Samite Room on First Floor. Free Buss to and from all tralus. Bpecial rates to witnesses and Jurors. HOUSE, BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., EMANUEL BROWN, PSOFRIBTOS House newly refitted and refurnished. Ev- IMS y lie ipilleiti Hittwtal R. A. BUMILLER, Editor. VOL. 59. j-RVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel In the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODS^ALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel ers on first floor. pEABODY HOTEL, 9th St.South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms from 50cts to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W PAINE. M. D., 46-ly Owner & Proprietor. jp H. MUSSER, * JEWELER, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. All work neatly arid promptly Exe cuted. Shop on Main Street, Millheim, Pa. JpKNNSYLYANIA STATE COLLEGE. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 10,1884 Examinations for admission, September 9. This Institution is located in one of the most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following courses of study: 1. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. 3. The following SPECIAL COURSES, of two Sears each following the first two years of le Scientific Course (a) AGRICULTURE ; (b) NATURAL HISTORY: (c) CHEMIS TRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGIN EERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE In Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6. A reorganized Course in Mechanicle Arts, combining shop-work with study. 7. A new Special Course (two years) in Litera ture and Science, for Young Ladies. 8. ACarefully graded Preparatory Course. a SPECIAL CO USES are arranged to meet the wauts of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and Incidentals very low. Tuition free. ladies under charge of a competent lady I" rinci pal. For Catalogues, or other informationeddress GEO. W. ATHKRTON.LL. D., PKESIDKNT lyr STATB COLLEGE, CENTRE CO., Fa. A* 7 Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Millheim, Pa. Bread, Pies & Gakes o r ouperior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Pic nics and other social gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m ABSOLUTELY! THE BIST STORE! G. A. HARTER'S GROCERY Main St., opposite Bank, Millheim,Pa Finest Groceries in the market. Choice Confectioneries I FRESH OYSTERS ! Best Tobacco and Cigars! COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN AT THE HIGHEST HOME MARKET PRICES ! Call and get Low Prices! TERMS CASH 1 MILLHEIM, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 14., 1885. Old Bullion's Bride. Let me sea—where was it that I first met her ? Oh,yes, it was under the su perb arches of High Bridge, boating by moonlight. A globe of reddish pearl slowly ascended out of the East—the shadows of the great bridge resting softly on the mirror-like surface of the Hudson river ; the sound of a flute played soltly afar off, and all of a sud den the keel of my boat came sharply In contact with somebody olae's oars. "Hallo, you 1" cried out a clear inci sive young voice. 41 Where are you go ing to i Why don't you look which way you are steering V" "Charley Dresden !" cried out I, lit tle heeding the torrents of obloquy he was beginning to heap upon me. "Old Mottimore," he responded joy ously. "Why, who on earth would have thought of finding you dreaming •u Harlem River. Here ! Come into my boat ; hitch on your old craft be hind, and let me introduce you to Miss Sophy Adriance." I looked as sharply at Mies Sophy as the moonlight and my own modesty would let me, for I knew that she was the especial admiration of my friend Charley Dresden. She was pretty, slight, round and ro sy, with china-blue eyes, a dimple in either cheek, and golden-brown hair worn in loug, loose curls There was something flower-like and delicate in her prettiness—something unconscious ly imploring in her way of lifting her eyes up to your face. We rowed home together—or,at least as far on our way home as the Harlem Riyer would take us Sophy sang little boat ballad 9 Charley roared, out tenor barcarolles. I even essayed a German student song which I had learned in Heidelberg no one knows how long a go, and we parted the best of friends. A week afterward Dresden and 1 met face to face on Wall street. "Hallo, Mottimore I" said Charley, his honest visage lighting up. What do you think of her ?" "I think she is a pearl—a jewel—a princess among women 1" I answered, with perfect sincerity. "Congratulate me, then !" cried Charley, beaming all over, "for I am engaged to her I Only last night ! Look here !" opening a mysterious sil ver case which he took from his inner vest pocket. "What do you think of that for an engagement ring ?" 44 A fine diamond," said I, putting my head critically on one side ; "and fancifully set." "We're to be married in October," said Charl6V, lowering his voice to the most confidential tones. "It might have been sooner if I hadn't undertak en that business in Europe for our firm. But I shall be sure to be back by Oc tober. and the money I shall make will be acceptable toward fitting up and furnishing our new home. Be cause, you kuow, Mottimore, I'm not rich." I spent an evening with her after ward at the genteel boarding house where she and her mother—a nice, bright eyed little woman, the full blown rose to correspond with Sophy's budding loveliness—dwelt in the cosi est of apartrneuts, furnished in dark blue reps, with a turn-up bedstead, in geniously disguised as a high-backed sofa, and canaries and geraniums in the windows. "It is so kind of you to come," So phy, with a gentle pressure of the hand when I went away. "I am so glad to welcome Charley's friends." And I felt that I could cheerfully sit through another evening of common place chit chat and photograph albums for sach a reward as that. Well, Charley Dresden went away, and as he didn't particularly leave So phy Adriance in my charge, I didn't feel called upon to present myself at the genteel boarding house. I suppos ed, naturally enough, that all was go ing right, until one day I received a note form my old friend, Bullion, the banker, a man of sixty, who wears a wig and spectacles, and counts his in come upon the double figures. Bullion wrote from Saratoga, where he had gone because he didn't know what else to do with himself in the dull season. He asked mo to be his groomsman. Bullion was going to be married. "Of course, you'll think it a foolish thing for me to do," wrote Bullion ; "but even at 00 a man has not entirely outlived the age of sentiment; and when once you see Sophy Adriance you will forgive any seeming inconsistency on my part." I went straight to the genteel board - ing house. It was possible that I might be misled by a similarity of name, al though even that was unlikely "Is Miss Adriance at home V" I ask of the slatternly servaut girl who an swered the bell. "No, sir. Miss Sophy's spending a [ few weeks with a friend at Saratoga," she answered promptly. A PAPER FOR THE HOME CIRCLE. That was enough. I went home and inclosed Bullion's letter in another en velope, directing it to poor Charley Dresden's address, Poste Restante. Vi enna, adding a few lines of my own, wherein I endeavored to mingle con solation and philosophy as aptly as pos sible. And then I wrote,cr.rtly declining to "stand up" with old Bullion. It was but a few weeks subsequently that the waiter showed an elegantly dressed young lady into my room at the hotel. I rose in some surprise. Aside from old Aunt Miriam Piatt and my laundress, my lady visitors were few. But the instant she threw up her thick tissue veil I recognized the soft blue eyes and (damask rose cheeks of Sophy Adriance. "Oh, Mr. Mottimore!" she cried piteously, "I know you wouldn't mind my coming to your parlor, because you seem exactly like a father to me." I winced a little at this. "But I have receiyed such a letter from Charley,and as—as you've known him a long time,l thought perhaps you could explain it to me. Oh, 1 have been so wretched. And indeed, indeed, I didn't deserye it !" She gave me a tear-blotted letter and then sat down to cry quietly in the cor ner of the sofa until such time as I should have finished its perusal. "What does he mean, Mr. Motti more ?"asked Sophy plaintively,"when he accuses me of deceiving him, of sell ing myself to the highest bidder ? Oh, it is so dreadful 1" I folded the letter and looked severe ly at her. "Miss Adriance," said 1, gravely,' 4 it strikes me you are trying to play a dou ble part here. The affianced bride of Benjamin Bullion ought hardly to hope to retain the allegiance of poor Charley Dresden into the bargain." "I don't understand you," said So phy, looking wistfully at me. "Are you not to become the wife of Mr. Bullion, the banker ?" I asked, sternly. "Oh,dear,no," said Sophy. mamma I" "Eh ?" gasped I. "It's mamma," answered Sophy. "She's to be married next week I Didn't you know it ?" I stared straight before me. Well, I had got myself into a pretty pickle by meddling officiously in affairs that didn't concern me. "Look here, Miss Adriance," said I : "I will tell you all about it." So I did. Idesciibed old Bullion's letter, my own false deductions there - from, and the rash deed I had commit ted in sending the banker's correspond ence to Charley Dresden. "Ami now," said I, "do you wonder that he is indignant ?" Sophy's face grew radiant. "But there's no harm done." said she. "No real harm,l mean. Because I've written him a long letter all about mamma and Mr. Bullion, which- he must have received almost the next mail after he sent off this cruel, cruel sheet ot reproaches." Sophy was a true prophet. There was no "real harm" done. The next mail brougt a letter full of entreaties to be pardoned, and a brief, brusque note to me. I stood up with old Ben. Bullion,and that fullblown rose, Sophy's mamma, after all ; and when Charley Dres den came home I cut the big wedding cake at his marriage feast. The lover's fatal blunder 'Lousie,' said he, as they, despising a plurality of chairs, and practising an econemy of gas, sat in the par'or together, a tew evenings before the honeymoon, 'I ought to tell you that I belong to a Ma sonic lodge, and have to attend its ses sion; so dearest, when we are married you musn't fret if some evenings I haye to be away from my little wifey.' And the designing villain chuckled at his prudence. 'Of course I won't, William,' she said softly; 'how maDy lodges do you belong to ?' 'Only one, darling,' he answered.' 'And when does it meet V llow oft en ?' 'On Wednesday evenings.' 'Very well; then I shall have you at home every other evening in the week— that will be so nice.' As she took her tiny note book and made a memorandum.on the subject,he felt that after all, he had made a mis take. Says an exchange : A girl at si x teen wants a dude with tooth pick shoes and a microscopic moustache; at twenty, a chief justice with piles of tin; at twenty-five she'll be satisfied with a member of congress; at thirty, a country doctor or preacher will do ; at thirty-five, an intinerant tinker ; over thirty-five, anything that wears ' 1 pants, from an editor up to a coach man.' '•TOM POORHOUSE." The Old Clock takes the Farm er to Task for his Cruelty. Which Drove a Poor Boy to Death and RJade Himself a Raving Maniac. The old clock down stairs b?g.m to strike midnight as he started up. The wind was making the old farmhouse rock and tremble, and the powder-like snow was driving in through every crevice. The wife slept u ndisturLed, but the old farmer was nervous and wakeful. "Farmer Johns, aro you awake ?" It was a voice which ho had never heard before. It sounded close at his bedside, and yet, as he looked about the room, fairly lighted by the cold winter moon shining in throgh the window, he saw nothing but familiar objects. "I am your accuser 1" continued the voice ; "I am a witness against you !" "What have I done V" gasped Farm er Johns. "Last fall you took a lad from the poorhouse—had one bound to you ac cording to law." "Sartin, sartin, and it was a poor speculation fur me. The boy hain't aimed his salt." "You broke him down in the haryest field, and when you knew that he was ill you refused him medicines 1 The boy hasn't seen a well day for three months." "Yes, but boys are great shirks. Ilow'd I know whether he was sick or or playing off on me ?" "You are lying to your conscience, Farmer Johns 1 How has that boy fared for provisions and clothes ?" "Hain't he got some of my old clothes on this very minnit V" protest ed the farmer. "They is full o' holes and patches, in course, but am I going to take a boy outer the poorhouse and dress him in broad-cloth ? S'posen he does shiyer a little—shiverin' don't hurt anybody ! He gits 'nuff to eat. I reckon—leastwise all he aims. I ain't goin' to feed nobody on sweet-cake 1" "Think of his sleeping in lhat cold and dismal garret such a night as this!" whispered the accuser. "All his own fault !" replied the farmer, "I gin him a chamber by him self, but he kept coughing and groan in'till I couldn't sleep. Put it all on to git sympathy, but he made a mis take. Me'n the old woman worked for what we've got, and others must do the same." "A straw bed—a ragged quilt, and the night cold enough to chill an ox !" accused the voice. "Oh 1 pshaw 1 You can't make me believe the boys of torday are so much more tender'n the boys of my time. It hain't healthy fur boys to sleep too warm. He'll warm up at the wood pile as soon as daylight comes." "Farmer Johns, no true Christian talks as you do. Y r ou haye neither mer cy nor charity 1" • "Pooh ! Got lot of it ! And if I wasn't a Christian man bow'd I git to be a deacon in the church ? That boy is a heap better ofT'n most of 'em. "His body is black and blue from the pounding you have inflicted." "Well, he shouldn't oveisleep then." "You have a heart of stone, Farmer Johns. If that boy dies you will be ac cused at the judgement seat of his mur der 1" "Nonsense ! Nobody feels any more pity for poor folks than I do, and if 'Tom Poorhouse' dies it will be of eat ing too much." * ****** "This is the oldest patient we have in the asylum," said the guide, as we halted at the lower end of the ward. It was a grated door. I looked through and saw au old man cowering in a corner. After a moment he rose up and approached the door and whis pered : "And at daylight I called and called him, but he didu't git up. I went up with the horse-whip to teach him bet ter'n to oversleep on me that way, but Tom Poorhouse was dead on his straw bed, and the snow had blowed in till it almost kivered him up.'— Detroit Free Press. The Oldest Bank Note. The oldest bank note probably in existence in Europe is one preserved in the Asiatic Museum at St. Peters burg. It dates from the year 1399 B. C., and was issued by the Chinese Government. It can be proved from Chinese chroniclers that, as early as 2697 B C., bank notes were current in China under the name ot 'Hying mon ey.' The bank note preserved at St. Petersburg bears the name of the im perial bank, date and number of issue, signature of a mandarin, and contains even a list of the punishments inflicted for forgery of notes. This relic of 4,000 years ago is probably written, for printing trom wooden tablets is said to have been introduced in China in the year 160 A. D. Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance. Financial Item.! Young Snobberly Is a Fifth Avenue (New York) Dude, who has more mon ey than brains. The Snotbeilys are neighbors of Jay Gould, and the famil ies are quite intimate. Gould having thrown out a hint that ho would give his young friend some pointers, young Snobberly bought of Gould a few huu dred thousand dollars' worth of a cer tain stock, which paper Gould assured his young friend was perfectly good. A few days afterwards Snobberly rushed into Gould's office, pale as a piece of Swiss cheese, aud dropped into a chair. "Mr. Gould, you have treated me outrageously. I thought you were a friend of the family." "So I am, Snobberly. Why, what can the matter be ?" "That stock you sold me at ninety five is only worth, twenty cents. You told me the stock was good." "Oh, no, Snobberly, I did nothing of the kind." "I asked you if the paper was good, and you said it was." "That's a different thing. The pa per on which those-certificates are writ ten is as good paper as ever I saw. It is fine linen paper. I say still the pa per is good. If you had asked me a bout the signatures on the paper I could have toid you at once that they were no good, but that's not what you asked me. All you wanted to know was if the paper was good, and I still say that it is. It is only what is writ tea and printed on the paper that is valueless. What,going already ! Good morning, Snobberly. "It is astonishiog, Mr. Sage," said Gould, turning to an old gentleman at an adjoining desk, "bow many men there are who take everything for granted. Joaquin Miller deceived him self in the same way."— Sittings. A Valuable Customer. A merchant who has the patience to successfully deal with the Arkansas woman who wears a green sun-bonnet and who is accompanied by several children may not be recognized as a commercial hero, but in the opinion of thinking people, he is greater than a man who taketh a city. "Howdy," she says, entering the store. "W'y, how do you do, madam ? What can I do for you ?" "I want to look at some calico." "Yes, step this way." "You John I Behave yourself. Let that alone," taking a cast iron plow point from the boy and throwing it on the floor. "Never mind the calico jest now. Believe I'll look at some jeans." "Yes, mum, step this way." "You Wily. Come away from that dog. John, put down that bucket. Tildy, get up offen that floor. Now look what you done,Wiley." The boy has overturned a stack of crockery ware. "Oh, that makes no difference," says the merchant, though a mother less blind could see that, in painful anxiety he is watching the children. "Have you got any brown jeans— the right brown ( v "Yes, I think here is some that will suit you. "Wiley, come away from that water bucket. Now, look at you." He has upset the bucket, deluging his sister, who "squeals" in deafening cadence. "Never mind the jeans right now. What's these ingon sets worth ?" The merchant informs her. "Same kind you had last year ?" "l r es, I think so." "Wall, them I got here last year wan't no 'count. Is the mustard seed fresh ? "Yes, just got them." "You, Wiley,dont scatter that straw that way. John, quit scouriu' round in that dirt. Wall,here's pap with the wagin. Er good day to you."—Arfcan sa 10 Traveler. Stranger: 'I should think this thriv ing little town should have a newspaper published in it.' Native : 'What for ?' S. 'To publish the news.' N. 'We've got two barbers and plen ty of women to do that, stranger.' 8. 'Well, then, you ought to have a newspaper to b'ow about your town.' N. 'Pshaw! strauger; I reckon the wind and the real estate agents do enough of that.' S. 'Yes; but you need a newspaper to giye your citizens a sond-off when they die.' N. 'The vigilance committee gener ally attends to that, and the preacher helps 'em out on tne home stretch.' S. 'Then you ought to have a news' paper to do your lying for you.' N. 'You're off again, stranger. Four new lawyers moved iu yesterday. I guess we don't need any newspaper,rais ter.' NO. 19- ;nkwßpapeb laws If eubscribftrs onler the discontiuna*lon of newspapers, the puolishors miry continue to send them until all arrearages §re paid. If subscribers refuse or neglect intake their newspapers from the office to which they are sent t hey are held responsible until thev have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. If subscribers move toother places without in forming the publisher, and the newspapers are sentto the former place, they are responsible. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 wk. 1 mo. 3 mos. 6 mos. 1 yea 1 square *2 no $4 00 $5 00 *6 UO *BOO H 44 700 1000 1500 30 00 4OOQ 1 44 10 00 15 00 25 00 45 00 75 00 One Inch makes a square. Administrators and Executors* Notices *j/o. Transient adver tisements and locals 10 eeuts per Hue for first Insertion and 5 cents per Hue for each addition- Reinsert Urn* FLOATING GARDENS. r How They are Secured and Kept in Place. Places Where Indian Oorn, Vegeta bles and Flowers Grow Lux* urantly. 'We visited the celebrated floating gardens,' writes a correspondent in Mexico. 'When a tract ot vegetation composed of reeds, water plants and busher, intervoven and laced together, becomes so dense that it will bear a superstructure,strips of turf twenty to 30 yards long by two yards wide are cut from some suitable firm place,float ed to it down the canal anjl laid upon it; this is repeated several times, and thus an island is securely raised two '' or three feet above the leyel of the wa ter, a little soil is spread over it and it becomes a chinampa, or floating gar den, on which Indian corn, vegetables and flowers are grown. The gardens vary in size frotmlOO to 200 feet in length and from twenty to 100 in width, according to the nature of the vegetation which supports them. 'To secure these gardens in their proper places long willow poles are driven through them into the ground below, where they soon take root. The poles also throw out roots into the beds of the floating gardens, and so hold them steady. 'We took a line of street cars and were landed near an old Spanish bridge, alongside of which we found a number of miserable flat boats covered with awnings, with a seat on 'each side, covered with red calico. We held our noses, as well as our breaths. Ifpon leaving the city the canal is lined on both sides with beautiful trees of the species of the weeping willow, only that they are quite tall. The city gate, or local custom house, is then passed. Here are to be seen many boats laden with lumber, fire wood, vegetables, fruit, flowers, etc., waiting to pay toll. A large daily revenue is derived from this source by the government. The stalwart In dians swiftly pole the boat up the stream for about ten minutes mpre, and Santa Anita is reached. This is an old Indian village, which has un dergone few or no changes for the last 300 years, if we except the public school for boys and girls and a small church. It is a favorite pleasure re sort for the inhabitants of Mexico, especially during the summer months, and it is rendered doubly attractive by the numerous chinampas or float ing gardens found in its vicinity, on which are grown In remarkable abun- • dance vegetables of all kinds and beau tiful flowers, which are sold for a mere trifle. 'The water in the canal was the col or of dishwater. At Santa Anita we entered a narrow ditch just wide e nough for our boat. The little boy who pulled the. boat with a long pole worked manfully. We passed by a number of womsn washing clothes on the banks and using a flat stone as a washboard. The gardens surprised and pleased us. Here was a small strip of land of, say, 20 feet wide by 100 deep, surrounded by water, pro ducing the finest of onions, another cabbages, another radishes, another carrots, another flower, and so on, for at least a mile—a succession of the. finest cultivated gardens I ever saw. These Mexican Indians are the best gardners in the whole world aside from the Germans. Their methods are rude, but they know how to cultivate their garden patches. On our return we met boat loads of boys and girls sing ing and laughing as they slowly glid ed along. It was not a Venetian scene, but it showed that the brown shouldered, black-eyed Indian girl could talk and dream of love.' The 'thought-reader* placed his hand on the man's head, withdrew it and struck him a fearful blow on the nose. When the man got out from under the chair, and asked the reader what he had hit him for, he replied : 'Just as I placed" my hand on your head, you thought I was a blame big fool; and I don't allow anybody to think that, no matter if he's as big as a house.' —ln Henry & Johnson's Arnica and Oil Liniment is combined the curative properties of the different oils, with the healing qualities of Arnica. Good for man and animal. Every bottle guaran teed.