Popping and Flopping. How They Referred a Question of Harriaffe to Providence. In the days when Congressman John D. Long, of Maß3.,went a courting, his inamorata was not entirely free from the tinge of superstition which possess ed almost everybody, that is, she didn't care to spill the salt,or sit with thirteen at the table, and all such innocent di versions. Withal, she was the most charming and cultured of ladies. Well, after John had burned the old man's anthracite for the usual two years and escorted the young lady to the conven tional number of husking bees and phantom parties, he mustered up cour age(he was awful bashful in those days) to get down on his hunkers and pop the question. 4 *Dotell, John," said the fair one. "8o yon want me to wed ?" "You betl" said the future legislator. "Walal, neow, is one of the solmnest things that one kin dew—' "It needs two,"interposed the embryo huaband. "And so," she continued, "it hadn't oughter be entered into without some consideration. I love you. John, but I want to know whether the Lord sanc tions it." Here John began to murmur something about the Lord's business. "80, John, I'm going to open the good book and decide by the verse my eye lights on whether it's right or not.' "Oh pshaw I" said John ; "that's all in your eye." "But that's tlie way John Wesley us ed to decide things, John." "But I'm not asking John Wesley. I'm asking you, dear,"said John. "But go ahead." "That depends, "muttered John,sotto voice. After some little search the old fami ly Bible was hunted up, but as it was night and they could n>t fi id the hoe to remove the accumulated dust, they were again in a qutndtry At last John pieked up t v lu n - t' el-c ed poems, and proposed that she nsr that. At first she demurred but event ually gave in. If John ever did any praying in his life he did it then. Solemnly she opened the book, and with a murmured invocation cast her eyes upon the page, and read : "Man wants but little here below. Nor wants that little Long." "Oh, John I" scr- amed the maiden, falling into tears. "Oh, John, it can not be 1 I'm aorry ! Providence is a gainst it. You're not very big. John and see, it mentions your very name. Oh, dear 1" "But," said John, "it don't say any . thing about what women want, and you're not a roan." "No, John." "And you do want this little Long 1" "Yes, dear.". "Then that settles it ! Man don't W*D o\hut yon d > Q. E. D. What could be plainer ? C>;:te kb** me dir Ikig," aaid the sopbistic.il lover. M Oh,no,John! it means that we mud not wed. I know it does I Oh, dear I' 1 "Oil, bothei !" said John excitedly. "Let me see the confounded book. Eureka 1 You were altogether to pre vious, my dear. Listen to the next line. Igo by the book every time: "Tis not with me exactly so, But 'tis so in the soDg.' There, if that don't mean that Provi dence means that you must marry me I shall take an other course in English." "Oh John !" And tbey flopped. The Monroe Doctrine. People often read about "the ilonroe .doctrine" without knowing exactly what the phrase means. The following extract from President Monroe's sev enth annual message delivered to Con gress December 2,1823, give rise to the phrase: "The citizens of the United States cherish sentiments the most friendly in favor of the liberty and happiness of their fellow men on that side of the At lantic. In the wars of the European powers in matters relating to them selves, we have never taken any part, nor does it comport with our policy to do so. It is only when our rights are invaded or seriously menaced that we resent injuries or make preparations for our defense. With the movements of this hemisphere we are of necessity more immediately concerned, and by causes which must be obvious to all en lightened and impartial observers. The political system of the allied powers is essentially different in this respect from that of America. This difference pro ceeds from that which exists in their respective governments. And to the defense of our own, which have been achieved by the loss of so much blood and treasure and matured by the wis dom of their most enlightened citizens, and under which we have enjoyed un exampled felicity, this whole nation is devoted. We owe it, therefore, to can dor and to the amicable relation exist ing between the United States and those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any poition of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies of dependencies of any Euro pean power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the gov ernments which have declared their in dependence we have, on great consider ation and just principles, acknowledged we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or con trolling in any other manner their des tiny, by any European power, in any other light than as the manifestation of * an unfriendly disposition toward the United States.' An Elegant btore. A Mußio House that Would do Gred it to Any^City. In our search for happenings in the city Are noticed an unusual commotion abeut Third and Cumberland streets, and on investigation found it to lie flu* removal of J. H. Kurzenknnlw & Sons, with their immense stock of musical goods, from their former*quarters to the large, and elegantly fitted store room at 1202 North Third street. The success of these gentlemen in the music business is simplv astonishing and for. cihlv impresses the lesson of what !luel< and grit with a thorough knowledge of the business will do. Five daily and seventeen weekly pnpe s run their reg ular advertisements and to use their language "it pays to advertise." In pianos those gentlemen have so far handled for their leading instrument, the celebrated 'Bans." Forty-two of tiiese were sold during last year, and the firm contract to sell fifty of the same during 1885. A number of Bill ings & Richmond, a very superior low price instrument were sold, and now the Messrs. Kurzenknube have made a great hit, by adding the elegant piano of the well-known house of Geo. Steek & Co., a piano that needs no introduc tion to Hairishurg musicians. In or gans the "United States''is their favor ite. It sells on sight. The noted 1 Ithaca", is another of their ele ant or gans, and the "Paul & Hamilton" of late so prominently noticed by the mus ical exchanges for its many excellencies is pushing to the very front. Their stock of violins, guitars, banjos, flutes, clarionets,cornets.aeconl iff ns, harmoni cas. Is certainly the largest and finest, in the city. In strings a glance at this case shows thirty-five different kinds, and all of the finest grade. The line of stools and covers is immense, while in sheet music, bv actual inventory, they have eleven thousand thiee hundred pieces, and not an unsalable one among the lot. Church and Sunday school music books, eighty-three different kinds. Instruction books of all varie ties and sixty-three kinds of the cheaper musical publications are to t o found on their shelves. The French decorative art department is the nn st complete out>ide of the larger cities. An elegant stock of fancy gonds com pletes t heir display and on to-morrow [Mond iv] evening. M ireh ,10, llierr grand opening takes place. .S'iiv*i. i is to 1 1-.e value of tifi v cents each will I•' presented to e\eiy lady and gentleman visiting the store A fine orchestra will enlivm the occasion, and a brass iiand will pav a visit during the even ing.—Harrisburg Sunday Telegram, ADVICE lO MOTIIF.KS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest bv a sick child suffering and Tying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so. send at once and get a bottle of Mas. WIN-LOW S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CUII.DUVN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the p>or little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, ihe re is no mistake about it. It enrosdysontevy and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colie. softens the cunts, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mm W IN-LOW s SOOTH ING SYUCP FOR CUII.DRKM TEETHING is ltleas.tllt ao the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physici tns in the United States, ami is for sale l>\ all druggists throughout the world. I'ric- 2.1 cents a bet tie. —•—- Swift Retribution. 'Officer,you say this nan was drunk on the street, whooping and yelling and using slang and quoting bad poe try to the passers-by V 'Yes. sir.' 'Ten days.' 'But, yer honor, I'm a poet, and / don't want to be sent up.' 'A poet ? ' 'Yes,sir. I'm the boss poet of this country, / am. My work:, have the largest circulation. E very body, yv bet h er heeled or broke,tony or yvay doyvn, has my poetry in their house.' 'What do you write 1' 'Yer honor, /'m the gentleman what gits up the poetry on the comic valentines for a big publishing house.' 'Oh, you art 4 . Well, that alters the case. Did I say ten days ? We'll call it six months then.' —Extra Seed B irley for Sale by J. 11. Aaronsburg.Pa. GUNS: GUNS, BREECH LOADERS, ) from 81.00 for a single shot gut., up to $lO 00. DOUBLE B. L. SHOT GUNS, from $13.00 for a good serviceable gun, to $35.00 for something extra. REVOLVERS , from SI.OO up to SIO.OO. WINCHESTER RIFLES, Model '73. Central Fire $17.00 '76. •• •• twenty eight inch barrel sl^.oo Muzzle loading shot guns from $2.50 for a single gun,ss.so for a double gun. FISHING-TACKLE! SET NETS, 7 Hoops, 1*1.50, 8 Hoops $2.25. THROW NETS, Z'A feet SI.OO. FINE JAPANESE BAMBOO POLES, for 20 cts. each. JOINTED (3) RODS, 25 cts. A fine asortment of LINES from 1 cent to sl. Also an immense assortment of l/OOKS,)oosc and si.elled. Fine Rods, Fishing Baskets, Leaders, Files, Artificial Bait Ferrates, Reels, tyC; fyC' • Also Fishing Tackle repaired. Musical Instruments ! VIOLINS from $1.25 up to SIO.OO. GUITARS and BANJOS from $2.50 up to SIO.OO. Ten-Keyed Richter MOUTH HARMONI CAS, 10 cts. ACCORDIONS from SI.OO up to SIO.OO. Also FLUTES, PICO LOS, CLARIONETS and FIFES at astonishing low rates. Violin and Guitar Strings from 5 cts. for good ordinary E, to 15 cts. for line Silk E. Banjo Strings, best, 10 cts. each. Bass Viol and Cello Strings. 49* My line of strings cannot be excelled in this State, for Trice and Quality. Orders by mail receive prompt atten tion. 49-Repairing of fine Guns a specialty. THEODORE DESHNER, Prop. Great Central Gun Works, Bellefonte, Pa. 49-Send for Trice List and illustrated cata logue, containing Game Laws of Pennsylvania i npvjmofor l ucrative. Houllfiy, nn nllij™ loornhlc t Term uncut business up plyto Wllmot Castle iv Co., Uoche*tor, N V. To Make I.lie Itrlghter. The dyspeptic's lot is not a happy one. Pen son's Capolne Plasters are Hie remedy. Price 25 cents. I'.Mt HB imore money than at anything else taking an agency toi tin* li.si ®ti? W tjWsellinc b "iune's ueceisl grnmily None fail Terms free. IIAt LKTT BOOK uv. Portland Maine. FOR SALE! * Mp t'lydoMliilc Slat. _ and HcHAl' IlllOM., Brookiide Farm, Ft Wayne, Ind. A PRIZED' r* m Ullss whioU XV |,i lie i p you to more inttney right away tli.iu uiiythiuu else in this world. All. of either SOY, succeed from litst hour. The broad road to fortune o pens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, ' r ui'R& Co., Augusta, Maine. *jpf Iron Lrrara, Stool PRARLNJA, Ilmta TARE REAM. 3 _ jo:a;s. K PAYS THE I'llrMur. M (told on trial. WarrouU A 79*10. Allkliwuliiw. E a Foi fire book, addre/ H j JONES OF BIHGHAMTOM, nuuiUdlrea, COIJ.KGK, KKWARK, XFAV JGRSFV. Occupies thre HuiMinur*. Largost nnd tV-st. More positions for graduates tlinn all other school's coin- Lined. I.ifo Scholarship. *trt. Write for circulars. COLEMAN, PALMS A CO., Proprietors. HAVE YOU A CARDEN? IF YOU HAVE B™ E 1 fiw VOU WILL NEED fj gQ Aud will want the Ileal at thi> !e*ft money. Then niy new Seed Catalogue wilt ur|>rie von. No matter where you have BEEU dealing it will MM money. It ii mailed Free to nil, and you ought to linre tt before BUYING anywhere. WM. H. MAULE, 129 & 131 Front St., Philadelphia. Cleveland Sieam Gauge Co. Bole Proprietors and Manufacturers of Watson's Portable Forge, M Wataon'a forge Blower. Watson's Barrel riller. Holt's Patent Steam Gauges For Locomotives and Stationary Engines. Locemotire Sprizg B&lucei. Tort Pcsps a:i Tost Cngos. SEND FOR CIRCULAR AND PRICK LIST. WORKS : 13,15 AND 17 WEST STREET. Office: 211 Superior Street, CLEVELAND, QUO. THE HEsT; PICTURES! AT SrrrriTT J FAMILY GROUPS AND CHILDREN [ —TAKEN BV THE— I\STt\TI\IMS PROCESS! Satisfactory Work Done by RAINIIRQMItyS ' MIW weeuielaGi, b| We furnish everything in our line! Irom a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. I ♦ • Pictures copied and en larged in the best style. -€FRAMES3- cull be procured at our place on short notice J r—our arc j down so as to suit every purse. Gallery on North St., Millheim, Pa, A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stock in the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS ( LOTH IE US for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. THE MOST PERFECT SWEEPER MADE. A Machine that Sells Ilsclf. C'ONSII)i:!lLI) IIY Al.fi *l' V-t . i HLALLRS TIIE STAND.'.HI> bWEMPL'it. UNfIiVALED FOR CHi".JY*Y, Siren-tli nud light running j iw-rfornn itH labor e.uol.- and U..1K01 KIV. 'iho J'rm h i.- ca.i.y iv l)uHt il la nil at^R'urpi t. 'ilivi uianucrof iliricltarj icg th" th'* t id superior to all othera. A3K FOU IT AND BUY NO OTHER. J'or Utile l-J el! Heeler it, Uuuuf.wtureby lb Lh kzv t:i Wriaga? y'a, GOSHiIN, IND. D. I. BROWN, DEALER IN STO7KS, HE.-ITEAV , S '* .. T \ -■■ ■ o i v -v .j ji w v,, Practical work or in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. ( louo "-t ii"tii ! >\ pmetic il wo! km- n pjulii' v a Special'y 1 ' ' JL O S'Ktn oa jliita Bl..oi)ijOf(ite teig'ii C '1 T e —■ • (-1 • rrw • }j t 2 - 1 .• A I ■ -. a '- . ' " I i ' SLI 1 M • 101 .123 thl • .ill' - U J 3 ijni' iv '"■ 3 y%. r- EFOR b.Ari ASD BEA3T.S C— •. .jy THE BEST H iSSsks EXTERNAL | |^E™EDT| EEEUliiIsS,i 2 NFUfiALGIAJ SI eJ Sprains, fruisss/ „ Burns and Soalus,:. t\ *iMbr s Facistle, b d Eo Frosted. Feet andi 0 Ears, and all other et P Fains and Aches. r H It is a safe, Stirs, andfr; r ; cf T ccttia l Remedy for I i p Strains, Scratches, f N Seres, &c., on r HORSES. U 1 4ZS nc? will prove 'tsp ( L- J merits. Its effects arc in * most cases 1 .''EE . INSTANTANEOUS. ! 5' Every t'Ottle warrnnt.-d tot " giv,- • • ■ Si ; 11 i dressior}iiiiiii)lilet,fr<*e,giv-n ! J A lug fill! directions ft requii <1- You can live at home and work iu spare time only, >r ail tne time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. ;V) cenls to ♦"> easily earned every evening. That.ill who want ork nu.v test the business.we make this unp.'.i'ralleletl oiler : to all who are not well sitis ie I we will semi :•;•! t pay for the trouble ol writing us. < nil particu lars, directions, etc.. sent free. Immense pay ab.solutelysuroforallwlio.st.irl atonee. Don't de ay .Address STINSON Co., Portland, .Maine. tl* n/ i/ v /v/ \l\ ln 'rc set its plven airap. Send J\ / ) l{ Ins ."> ceuis postag , and by I V ,y mail von will get tree a pack age of goods of large value. Dial wid start you in work that will at once bring >oa in money taster than any I lung else in America. All a bout the %HKI,OOO iu presents with each box. A gents wanted every where, of either sex, of all Ino time, oi spare time only, to work lor us at their own homes. P'ortunes for all workers ab solutely assured. Don't delay. 11. HALLETT & Co., Portland, Maine, TIT" A XTrpiTt \V JL l-J men to sell l-'ruit Trei's, (irapo Vines,Klirut)s, Roses, AO. SAI.AHV AM) 1 XI'ENSIiS, or LlßKltAb t'OMMIs: IONS I'AJL>. Full instructions given, so inexperienced men can soon learn the business. Addiess J. F. j ECLARE, ilrightoii, N. Y. WANTED IMMEDIATELY ! A FEW HOOD 31 EX to canvass for the saleof ; Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, \ int-s, Ro ses, (fee. No l-.xi'eKißNOii R quiuun. I.IUBKAL WAGES. Address 11. .J. lUIWdEN A CO.,Hrtub ton, N. Y. d* / A .lIoX'TEI and BOARD for 3 live .v i l- ■ & '••<, ~ Li] p M s>fv, T Tr.-ri? i" >*■ ' ' ft Vj 1 | till E. >"i/Vj L u -..-> j j |<| Bt'lStttMC f : m Bp n r r\fi Hj I P l> i |y-! p te I |* -4 I*- ~1 (•*'- B fl *A B B 1 J f* J i-< I. - J Li*. J C*4 /<■ Ui W V-J w* J For the cuvo u B pCwn?i A saxies MS,^ i • U Ii; • v 1 - ' > J:* :-i '•-- < "i" . * * vi:;o'.ijtl *•' 'Mr •.1 r : i. " ;• -i COMCIJMPTION ; i ' '•! not in ".!]•• 'I - , 'l' J' perly iv!i: i. >ol to— /. t lDcMuin :i -voir t• it ; bat IDi lit ii • '•!." * * V > tinn of thorn in'>r..nav.i." h• ■• •. "i • tin .-Lnr.g; I '< then an lufln'iuitl-ui v'. iu tlio cough Driillcr t * ' dry,local I vor,u'l tin* pvd ;•> moro frequent,the T i*> cheek* Hindu Innlclilil luueomiaon. Tiling Elixir in curing tlio Fl' vo < ORIJ I.titd, o;>er •H Mrs eons 1o j niovn oil Jnorbiil lrlt-Sr P < tionspi.il Iniiitmnlion fiom tho lnnp* JR If Ito tli® surface, mi l idually cxpM tliom fioin oa ~ the i in. Itfiicilit.'.ti > expectoration# [ A l\ heals tie nice- atscl surfaces y r-li. vc-ihor > ■ ,-P mid r "<-th< Ii itli P* \ -iitigi . '. it h'i;T ui ilw i 'i 'trout ui li.i H BOaiiu- :11a i m • " tho fever. lin In* from H !. „ : ■ ■ i liicli'an yp f ► iiifKodnii-.. no-nro -M L. .i. .It'.jxi; t'l ; - I iiioot; v.li r-' • tliis nUMilritl.* P* | novel ! Kj : - S.-I"l rdJu->s Jo! 23 -y , ll( I,. t hi • : ill direi Hon; , fiv. 'h i I ittlo. R" l.i a \x p"j MI.Sr.Y, JC,II ' *h I' 'h ! , . Uuriinrtvr.Yl. tV-g I r "i \ ■ j., 1 ■ 1 liivi lvr bolt' I ■ i i I . ■' . inlu'l, M ' x *Sb j jf*?' / ■' >* */. .v \ \\>* :/' . - r-< : ' - \., v . •' • ■•••• Ur m . X / J p •• ' i J N y n ci [3 n ri YToir-l-a frv \ i: ; t ' i laileiiAl Sapevior Ar ticles c '.'i.' .lry (la „ thr.t r.ro nvotiole of strength : .if . l ned proof piven of t'-..1r .....v ....'. : ' tct-:r;rs of fort Is* I njiri .11 - c :w " i's ToiTor Halter Vi ui i.er,! •.. r*. >rtt ( .rt \i ' Is v .rrantecl exactly as rep re : 1. 'i IVO (.all). I<>? ItTKEN KILTER AND I UII.T IPUOAZU I.LHALS awarded for BU perlority. • C3SKIS3, OTIS h CTJZ2IE, FuUtkinsca, Wis. 1 (mprovedWesternWasher jIUCE. >'o. 1 for family of C Ko. 2 for lart;e family 0 Ko. 'i for Hotel aud Laundry, .... 10 Over 20,000 in use* r" i Ston 0 MrTcO- Thonsandß of ladies are nsinp It, and they speak of it in the highest terms, saying that they would rather dispense with any other household article, than this excellent Washer. Ko well-regulated hmily will be without it, as It saves the clothes, Aaves labor, saves time, saves fuel, saves soap,and makes washday no longer a dread, hut rather a pleasant recreation, as much ns such is possible. IIORTON M'F'G CO., Agents Wanted. Ft. Wayne, Ind. is no csciiso fo? srJTerir.j frcsntj CONST! PAT IOM " T.nc! other dircases that follow a dis- [-3 f'%* ored state of the Stomach and Bow- Rj rels, when the use of fj 1b.;.:.:. - | p-" ::d kHMyI j Lr V/dl {-,ivo irr.mcdlato relief. After cumtipation follows ALiticusr.esG, Dyspepcla, S a tndigestion, Diseases of I Sthe Kidiieys, Torpid Live:'a J Rheumatism, Dizziness, [ § Gick Headache, Loss ©v3 : ] Appetite, Jaundice, AP"|| opioxy, Palpitations s [J and Skin Dir.-[j MCases, etc., :l!1 °*" which thcaoH L \ hitters wiil spi.--J;'y cure by removin-thccei i llCecp tho&(<>u:cA, D<)u- V, oud Lij iiic Or rhirr cni.r, ant per feci 13 will ho th -rc ".It. Lr."!!OS a d othem suh-Oj |.|jccttoCsCk viil Cud reliefll I 1 andperuu:. ;.t v .1. 0i y thou •of these Hitters K| jl *. th ing ttiul mildly purgative they fJPUiiIFY TUB BLOOD.PJ I j Prioo 23 etc. por bcttlo. 3 Yd For t. lo by n'l dealers In medicine. , l ndß| PA address for pamphlet, free, giving full directions. Tj t J LfillY, JoMßojiclL:W),rroiis., Burlington, Yt. [9 tgES^EEmwTTm famM ■ For rale at MIC,ELM YEH'S, MUlheim d: dladiaonbury, i'd, j'! 'OO REWARD .<*>, f ...-• ' hulling nu& oj-.r.ing til for , t*IMHMU*!e r ,k I urt li Clover s.'ci in ct:o .xr*/l f' um i -i.nnn NEW K A E R K^^ E I BBNU TO BIHGHAMTOR j4>. | for list of Newspapei fcT,-t -vi Premiums given witi 1 * - tho JONES SCALL Sf" Price List o > j&fF rf* rs A licaulffut work of i;o pages, Colored Plate, and 1000 ff ' /) V illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and jffitm/ ' Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow "idyyf ** {✓ li them. Printed in English and German. Prica only 10 -, cents, which may be deducted from first order. . It tells what you want for the garden, and how to get" it instead of running to AtT>- the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting with disappointment after weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICK'S seeds at headquarters. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3 aColored Plate /V ' 5 In every number, and many fine engravings Price, #1.25 a year; Five Copies for V fv Y/ *<■ Specimen numbers 10 cents ; 3 trial copies a< cents. We will send to any address V>/ ■ itfAv uJr7 Vick's Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below , "AREftm*. —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, ; Harper's Monthly, $4.00; St. Nicholas, <3. so; Good Cheer, $1.25: Illustrated Christian Weekly, >3 *°: 0T V Wide Awake, Good Cheer, and Vlck'e Magazine for $3.00. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, aio pages, Sl* Colored Plates, nearly 1000 Engravings, $1.35, in elegant cloth covers. V JAMES VICK, Rooliwter, H* 7a when the word Estey or the r— —- )r ~ h word Crgan is xnontioned# they uroaa L 0 ' I' y .A \ each suggest the o'Jaer,so widely Ri 1 Stttl &BO I'D Vt' TQMy/QM) known and so popular are the in- ..., a *wmw > FrtF tffl/ s etruments and the makers. lid il BRr A, Fivo letters In each of tho two G ji a"'? A • I _ words aro remlndcmcf 3Djcyment P *"£ in multitudes of homes. Illustra y teA Catalogue mailed free to all ESCABLISTTED Iss. POIWTS 5 BTTPBMIOMITT SOLID WELDED ANGLE IRON FRAMES. LOCKS AND BOLT WORK HENCE ARE MORE FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF. THOMSON* CO., STREBT. Everybody acknowledges that a THE CHEAPEST j.IM>BEST PLACE to IS AT^ ON Fenn street, Millheim, Pa. PARLOR'SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, LIBRARY, DININGI OOM A kitcu: x 1 vjini'i ULE, LOUNGES . PATENT iu CKEBS, BAT. TAX \ EE El) CHAIRS, nil style*, TABLES, STANDS, BOOK ( ASKS, WARDROBES; WHAT ROTS, BUREAUS, BED STEADS, SINKS, CUPBOARDS, CRADLES, MAT- Til ESSES, from the ft net curled hair to the che {test Sir 'ir, a great variety < f SPRING BEDS, all styles, and cxerythiuy in the furniture line, on hand procured on short notice ~PQ tp.n VsAd by any Store in tho Dainty, An extra larye stock of Paper HcUlgLflgS, Decorations . SC. Give me a c >ll. T * T. JfALCIv, Tu, MILLHIH JOURNAL JOB Pri o is now supjdied icilh Go q>d TMMSES] I and a hiv te assortment of ' ti&rdif 8 sVe. LETTER HEADS, ; . NOTE R LADS, BILL HEADS, ** I STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, - , j CIRCULA POSTERS, i am/, in sh<>r(, neat and fast)/ Job Printing of all kinds j PROMPTLY EXECUTED. I U.S.STANEABD. \ O JtfiT TfIMF? WAGON SCALES, ! McJ .1 CsSitxv Q liua Loven, bieel BiaringH, lli.u QV H Tare Beam and Beam Box, ekgkamtgm s6oa Biashaintoß, N.W MCfjiirSi r'SPiffSlJPn may bo murm 012 9111 sPI ippk ' G: °- p 63 80 a Hia Itaßf kowell & Co'f Newsp iper Advertising "uureau (K) Spruce Street), where adver- Ki VADI# L'B. JTITIK BMLL'S^™ Smitli'sloiiicSrrao FOR THE CURE OF FEVERandACUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. The proprietor of this celebrated modi cine justly claims for it a superiority over , ail remedies ever offered to the public for . the SAFE, CERTAUT, SPEEDY and PER MANENT core of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand- • ing. He refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no oase whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are striotly followed and carried out. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient'for a core, and whole flunk lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, ana in every case more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more espeoially in difficult and long-standing cases Usu ally this medicine will net require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a single dose of RULL'fI VEGETABLE FAMILY PELLS will be sufr ficient. BULL'S SARSAPARILLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the bloof and Scrofulous affections—the King of Blood Purifiers. 1 DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WQBM DESTROYER is prepared in the form of candy drops, attractive to the sight and pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, . ' BULL'S WORS2 P^STROYEI^ The Popular Remedies cf the Day. PrUcipal Offlre. SOI Eaia St.. LOUISVILLE. (STAFFORD'S I ™ BLADKINOI Gim a MORE BRILLIANT SHtNEI THAN ANY OTHER. ID BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. ! S. S. STAFFORD,! New York. ■ 1111 1 '1 Ay £ tp MUNN & CO., of the Sc*F>''nTc AitrHi.-.A??, tluue to act as Solicitor- for Patents, C.'.vcat. I ,lV;:da Marks, Copyrights, lor "the UniteJ Stat.J-V England, France, Germany, etc. Hunwfc Book hboul J*tentß sent free. Thirty-eeYer. msr exuimi'Mß.' Futentsobtainedthr. >uen MU N'N A CO-aieaot!et<| in the Scientific American, the lai-geei.. be.-t. ana most widely circulated scientific paper. $3.20 a year. Weekly. Splendid engravinps anil tntere.-tlns In formation. Specimen copy of the Hcicuiific A racr ican sent free. Address MUNN A CO., S< IENTEFIO Am-BlCan Office. 2UI Broadway, New York.