Two Washington Women. A Washington correspondent says: I noticed an instance ot Washington snobbishness the other night in one of the leading groceries of the Capital which well illustrates the character of one class of our high toned court soci ety. I was waiting to bny some lit tle things and a very pretty and mod est lady was standing at the counter watching the clerk do up some packa ges for ber. Another lady, the wife of an old Washingtonian, was also waiting, as I was, when Mrs. General —, a leader of the capital, and one of the newest of the "nouveau riche" came strutting in, dressed in velvet and sealskin. She was a tall, angular women, with a nose which seemed to tarn up at everybody and everything. She had an eyeglass attached to a long handle in her right band, and this she presented in front of her right eye and began looking superciliously around the store. All the clerks were as busy as they could be. Bat wkh the most arrogant air she turned to the one above spok en of, and said: "Do you not see,sir,that I am wait ing V 9 The clerk dropped the bundles he had and rushed over to her. She then pointed with a majestic air to a lot of tomatoes marked twelye cents a can. She said: 'I will take one of those cans of to matoes ; you may carry it out to my carriage,' and with that she swept out of the store in the same regal way in which she had entered. As she did so I noticed a smile of contempt on the countenance of tie old Washington ian, who had the blood of some of the most noted families in the country in her yeins. She quietly waited until her time came to be served, and tak ing her purchase, which amounted to many times that ot the snob who had pushed into her place, in her arms,she said, T thank yon, bat I can carry these out myself.' She took the bun dles in her arms, and going to the door, stepped into a finer carriage than that of the female snob and was driv en quietly away. It is no wonder that some of the old Washington la dies object to the rude ways of those who in part compose our great court circles. A Bum Grazed Father. The Heroism of a M other in the De fense of her Babe. From the Morning Journal. With a ghastly white face, bandages covering five ugly wounds on his head, a murmured as he moved restlessly upon a]cot in St. Catherine's hospital, Brookliu : •It was my own fault —my own.' As he made this confession his tremb ling wife stood in a justice's court tell ing in faltering tones how she had stricken her husband down with an axe as she guarded the life of her babe. •It was to save my child's life, Judge, I would died to save him, the wo man said. The woman was Mrs. Julia Fox, of No, 150 South First street, Brooklin, Jfi. D., and she was telling her story to Justice Nacher. She said that on the previous eyening her husband William came home and said to her .* •YOU MIGHT AS WELL SAY YOUlt PRAYERS, for I am going to murder you to-night. I am going out to get drunk, and when I came home /will kill you and the young one.' •He threatened me,' said Mrs. Fox, 'because I would not give him money to buy rum|with. He left the house an gry. At midnight he returned. He was intoxicated. I was reclining. He or dered me to make him a cup of coffee, and while I was making it he said : •Hurry upland give me that coffee ; then you can say your prayers for lam going to finish you to-night.' •He finished the coffee,' continued Mrs. Fox; 'then he tried to grab me. I ran into the bed room where my little two-year-old child Georgie, was sleep ing. My nusband pickod up from the stoye a bowl of boiliDg oatmeal and threw it at me. it missed me, struck the bed scattered over my child. The peor little fellow was dreadfully burned. I ran to the door of the bed room and closed the dooi in his face, and latched it. Ho stormed around audjthreatened to burn the house. Then I shouted to him : •if you come in here you must take the consequences, YOIJ SHALL NOT KILL MY CHILD. *J seized something on the floor which in my excitement and in the darkness I thought was a shoyel. William burst the door in and came at me like a tiger. Then /struck him over the head with the weapon, which was really an axe. I must have struck him more than once, for he kept striking at me. When he fell / hauled him an the bed and asked one of my neighbors to go for a doctor.' A policeman appeared on the scene and an ambulance was sent tor. Jt was found on examination by a surgeon that Fox wassuffeiiug from five wounds on the head, one of which will in all probaoility cause his death. He was covered with blood from head to foot. The infant Georgie was found to be badly scalded: The boiling oatmeal had atruck the little one's face and naked limbs and raised huge blisters. It was deemed advisable to send the child at d Fox to St.Catherine's hospital,althou git the former will recover. Yesterday Fox was conscious for a short time and seemed to realize that he was in a critical condition. To one of the physicians in attendance he said: "MY WIFE IS NOT TO HLAMK. I alone am at fault. I was ciazv drunk and did not know what I wa doing. I e mldn't have it jnred ei: her my wife or child if I knew what I was doing." Justice Nacher evidently sympathiz ed with Mis. Fox. but he wis obliged to commit her to jail to await the i e suit of her husband's injuries. Slie was surrounded by sympathizing tieign bors, but did not seem to worry s i much about, herself as about her child. Sl:e bears an excellent reputation. ADVICE TO MOTHEKN. Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest bv a siek child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth t If so, send nt once and get a bottle of Alas. WrNsnoWs Sootiiinu Stkuf for Children Teething. Its valiu is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon it, mot bet s, there Is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mas Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup Foit Childukn Tkktming is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription of one >f the oldest and best female nurses and physiel tns in the United States, and is for sale b\ all druggists throughout the world. I'lice 25 cents a bottle. Ihe Kind of a Father-in Law He Got. From the Wall Street News. Last fall, as he turned into Wall street from Broadway, rubbing his hands and smiling like a June morning, an acquaintance asked the cause of it. "Just tnadeslo,ooC was the reply. "How ?" "I'm going to marry a girl UP coun try in December, and I've just unload ed Texas Pacific on Iter old dad tit 4S above quotation. That's the kind of a father-in-law I'm to have." A few days ago he was es.c mtPered in Pearl street, and he looked might) solemn around the mouth. "Well, how does the father-in law hold out ?" was asked. "I expected to marry £30,000 with the girl," he replied, "but hang me if the old man didn't put in Texas Pacific on me at 55 above quotation for $20.- 000 of it ! That's the kind of a father in-law I've got. An Opera Glass. The power of opera glasses is from two and a half to five times th it of the average eye. That is to say, if you aie forty feet away ftotn the stage, an ope ra glass will put you on the same foot ing with those who are from eight to sixteen feet away. There ate several simple tests of the power of the opera glass. The most convenient one, per haps, is to pin a card on the wall and to look through the right barrel of the glass with your left eye. The differ ence between the actual distance as measured by your light eye and the ap parent distance as measured through the glass, will represent the difference between your eyes and the glasses. Of course tlrs is only an estimate, but a fairly accurate and sufficient one can be made. The field glasses which many people bring to the theatres range in power from six to nine timesthat.of the eye. GUNS! GUNS, BREECH LOADERS, from SI.OO for a single shot gut., up lo SIO.OO. DOUBLE B. L. SHOT GUNS, from $13.00 for a good serviceable gun, to $35.00 for something extra. REVOLVERS, from SI.OO up to SIO.OO. WINCHESTER RIFLES, Model '73. Central Fire $17.00 '76, •• •• twenty eight inch barrel sl*.oo Muzzle loading shot guns from $2.50 for a single gu0,55.50 for a double gun. FISHING TACKLE! SET JVETS, 7 Hoops, *1.50, 8 H00p552.25. THRO W NETS, 3>£ feet $3.00. FINE JAPANESE BAMBOO POLES . for 20 cts. each. JOINTED (3) RODS, 25 cts. A fine asortinent of LINES from 1 cent to sl. Also an immense assortment of IIOOKS,\owu and snelled. Fine Rods, Fishing Baskets, Leaders, Flies, Artificial Bait Ferrates, Beets, #c., #c- Also Fishing Tackle repaired. Musical Instruments! VIOLINS from $1.25 up to SIO.OO. GUITARS and BANJOS from $2.50 up to SIO.OO. Ten-Keyed Rtchter MOUTH HARMONI CAS, 10 cts. ACCORDIONS from SI.OO up to SIO.OO. Also FLUTES, PICO LOS, CLARIONETS and FIFES at astonishing low rates. Violin and Guitar Strings from 5 cts. for good ordinary E, to 15 cts. for fine Silk E. Banjo Strings, best, 10 cts. each. Bass Viol and Cello Strings. a®-My line of strings cannot be excelled in this State, for Trice and Quality. Orders by mail receive prompt atten tion. $3-Repairing of fine Guns a specialty. THEODORE DESIINER, Prop. Great Central Gun Works, Bellefonte, Pa. s3~Send for Trice List and illustrated cata logue, containing Game Laws of Pennsylvania free. SEND TO BINCHAMTON for list of Newspaper Trentiunt with m Thcro is no oxenso for suffering from H CONSTBPATICM and other diseases that follow a dis- ® orcd state of the Stomach and Bow- i'r R- els, when the use of | br. mm BAXTLTS p ll!!IE Iffi |1 Will givo Immediate rollcf. W After constiimtioti follows I Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Hg Bj Indigestion, Diseases of u Btho Kidneys, Torpid Livcrn B Rheumatism, Dizziness, 9 ■ Sick Headache, Loss of® Sj Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-[? Eoplexy, H Eruptions and Skin Dis- & g Oases, CtC., al! of which thoseg| ■ 1 titters will ejtecilily euro by reinovingtlier.ui*.-. f '| B3 Keep Iho Stomach, Tii)trr!\ ,nt.l O. . n. . pQ 85 in go,*l ,rorkij orj.r, mid JK'rfe i t licillth 10 will be the result. LftdlOS nn '' others But • wfi KjeottoSick Hcadacho 'i iiu.t relief 1. ; and permanent euro by the u of t tie e Titters Pj j-jj doing (ante and mildly purgative thov |t r j BPUUIPY tiie BLOOD. R La Prico 23 cts. per bottle. figi For cute by all dealers in medicine. Pend >' •' address for paniphlot, free,giving full direct!,m". y KS ULAkY, JOHVvOS Jl- LOXlt.Crops., Eurlin;-ton,\t. For > HI Ir U( SJ'ld FLU 1 Mi llheim " :i . ii ex ti'lill - te duplicated every month or a liermsui edition, which a'so oiiOiilalo vv i l.'iy.' - Tilt- Tripoli. ;i ptot-iug Incident 111 li e marvellous icarl MAEF A OE JTURY Curoi'V of this I'd a. at | . Ar l ll'llll lira 1 /mil iial of (ho woj Id. What it i.E nvv-[j;'. ( y. SIX months amiIII" Anwrir ui A or.' ' tori t entered onn a lieu rnrcrr l Pro*jierll.v an I to day it islar superior i any similar per iodical ever produced in this m any other coun try. Ujcher ineditorial siren nth; i eli rin en gravings ; |ii lined on liner paper. :rul present ili!< ill every issue lot) eolnilins of original read inu mailer ironi the ablest writers, ami nearly to 1 illn- ti .tions. In - . Jem ;:e Thui ber.for near ly quarter of a centurv tin- editor-in chief ot tlx* ; .too riron Afirlcultvrist. dosepb Hani . llyion I). Italsted.l'ol. M. t\ Weld. Mid Andrew • j Fuller,Mie other longtime hdlti is.tog tier with i the oilier vvi Iters who h iye e •. ISS|. tod all ot lss'v. mdwlillic picnlcd with the American Agrie ultirlrt t'umi ly Pyrloinrdtii. (]tpi out). 7 f| i'av. i d oer Id' *) t imravuips. Mrmigly bound in eluth, l'l eh and u >ld. This entirely new v i!n u > is t ivtti irk.ibt > st-r?h(aise and book of rel rcuc for every d ■- IHtrtuient. <>f human U aowi 'd .e. nicl i liu-t an Agricultural suppiemei.t by i r. S'l'Tt'l tfir ''-<■<■; ! -n/is/o' m 'itirf/ !/'■" ./ ivn n evi fi Ami ricun Af/fiPii Anr/'it. ' nt or! I ~<;/■ J'rclllilllll List.l-'Hi I • ■ • . s. omi gpcclnwi jioiic.t i,f our J'onli'y Cfyclojxzdi'. Outfit; s- I'S U 'lit t Jitei'l/uiitii't . Address PnMisSei Amen au Agraiitol. D vvid W. .LI Du.l'res't. Sa.m'i. ItruN i v See 751 llroailitnr. Xcw York, D. I. BROWN, DEALER IX STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE &e., — ♦ - • m- - ♦ Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. _ • • • i r tlti'ip f s'"i t n- tp hy practical workmen. Spouting- a Special ty Shojt on Main A a tt[) m < n mi p mm PA u , u J t-j tfa tuOJ fi i "S 4 a -'II -SCS;; R HAfl AKB BEAST. R *. I.' T. . ... s "HE BEST | EXTERNAL | |&&9 EEMEDYi I* utcuttsij 9 NEURALGIA,9 S CRAMPS, J | -mt Sprains, Braises ,| ' Burns and Scalds, l^ i Sctsifes, Eie!:aclf, g Frosted Feet andd Ears, and all othcrvi | Pains and ,/lchcs. | h is a safe, sure, and g P effectual Remedy ford A p s cra tc!ios,S I 1 Scro3, &C., on j H horses, g t j fys One trial will prove itsß? i -d merits. Its eficcts are in *;|j "i most cases g 4 INSTANTANEOUS. J Every l ottlo wan-anted to'-'i I Rive snti faction. Send ad-H j i dress forpampluct, free,giv-H s-ms-v* full directions for lhoP| i F treatment of nliovo di-eases, tvfl ; ;■ te-s.rj-iatefrgt Price 25 ct^.and 60 ets. pert j j. bottle. Sold everywhere. El |-J Henry, Join son & Lord, IToprutorc, iurliagton, Vt -it~' ISSESEKBBEHasi pur buic for " live fHi )f Jyo'd'K Men or hadcis, m each county. 1 Address p.\V. ZEIU h Lit & CO., Phila delphia, Pa mmmsv vml !! Ho Bm [| M TtMUUeSalsamSo t Kr t • fv cn p v\ 7 n rr\ • f \ b t i j I j \ / [\ r ;) r y L SLI i,\ uii N Fa- the euro of I j [• 4 Ccnsumpiicn, Con 73, C.V7, Hatoh, p :i pi Croap,ist-l-eda,' : :.i i:v,Haarxenoos, • • .! Trons'iitlnJ ! I- ft vn.l ull '.i v;\.- it f i|i • r; ut, Chert, and ; i n|£uilfsr. li. ' • : v.!;. ro tlii-i Fh'.'ilr '.. _ " umjil i: i liira y i .t < s:-'0 r.i.o.if, de.l, r ■ C , i j- i viucing tho laost fncrodaloii:) that F.A j CONSUMPTION S3 liX 5 is At Its comtucucc.nont it Is but ft slight irrita- I thai of llio nicnihrano tvhii h covers IhoLuugb; c'^. then tui inflaniution,wh a tho cougli is rather ' a J";- dry,local6 lthe* j til "morefrequent,tho C 1 -lici lis flushed ami chill.- more common. This Eli.vir In curing tho nl> .vo complainU, oper- S**' | vitissonslo r>-.rnivo oil morlild trritn-KS y ij tloit.s aa l Inllamation ftom tho - 'to ths Eurfaoo, nu l finally t>\p' l them froii. pU | vthesy 'era. Itf illtatas expectoration. i ij It heals tuo ulcoratei curfaces pi ;.in Ir< llovev tho ronjrb ami ia.i v r-the I iveth t'jfi : • .-I.; itt s ii';.♦! xtho etrec, hr.nd at li.e '• ,j ! ■ 'iiue ti tne fed.:, s til') ft' '< I•fi i f) < 'til L u -| • j •tcon'r ophite in I u-tiii:. tat a-? ■ vv l icliaie i >f so dry hu nn.< uro n-< to l - t danger ot £ t 1 ' losti..viiv.': I'ie | 'tleut; mho -a ■ this ir -dieine r.' ( d juverd." o:t.)|' ilie < oil h, tut, by ieiii"V hi. ■ lift the Oai r oj- • llv.v h , the rough R 5 ! . , -ii' : th< • ''."at .veil, .-tend o -irt-is lot jp,| f \ j•■•n:pii! ' i ing full dirt rtlo'is, fiva. L>. ] oct i udSt.oopr lottlo. iOLD XTBirrWHtMB. -: r r 7T> ; r ,**v-. .; y. I'ir.D. Prop*?., Bur!ln-I".Tf. -v -• < rtf. :• •• x; : * Tsf> c;v.T:t' ! 7 i ... •• >••.* t f .' its Win. 1 k. ,:J 1' r Stir ttf SJ'IGJJLJI VJJirS Mill/trim i'r Mtrdixonfjur*/, Pci 1835. The Philadelphia Times. J.T//.' to tot er lite whole field of j ro gre ssi re jo it ru a lism. No subject is too gn it for if to discitsa intelli gent ly without hius,and none so insignifi cant as to escai e its not ire. It lays the could tributary to its wauls, and everywhere its agents iiui;/ be found alert to gather the particulars of all passing events and si nd them lg tele graph it)) to the lost moment of going to ]>ress. It is a brief and abstract chronicle of the. time and contains "II that is worth knowing in the his ' >rg of the world for the past twenty fo 'r hoars. The Weekly Times. siooTysar. The I ri, the 1 • i; li.efit and th Best. j-- k \;s p.po 1.-r I'vrry i i CU' t ll.'ici. -THE WEEKLY TIMES" is . | foremost amovg the largest and host of the Tamil j and General weekly no wsj 'itpe rs published in the con at eg, and is now ofered to single subscrib ers at line I oU '/' a v •'/ and an e.r tra copy giecn with eve eg club of .JO. It is the most progressive journal of its ci rss. It aims t-j be the newsjia ier ef the j < ogle of the whole coun try ; to meet every intelligent want in journalism, and to male if so cheap that fill can afford to enjoy its weekly visits. 11 THE ANNALS OF THE TVAR" have been one of the distin guished features of " THE WEE LI LY TIMESf } and is now intimated in that feature by many of the lead inn journals and j eriodicals of the country. The best writers from the a< tire participants of the great strug gle on both sides will continue their % contributions to the unwritten history of the war in every number,and male I the paper s) ccial/y entertaining and ! instructive to the veti raus of both the Hive and the Gray. Tomifi cf Subscription: " TH E I YEEKL Y 7 IMES" is mailed, postyaid.for Om Hollar a year. Eviry club of 2D will be entitled to an ixtra ' C ojrlj. Address, THE TIMES. Times 3uilding-, Phila. J* M\l \ l W W \" 1 ' resents given awnii. Send S,VI Hlsr! 1{ fas f> rents postage, and by | l\ f,\ > n);l j| V()U NV jj| >ree ;l pjjyJj. ajre of goods of Isirjrc vn tie, tlmt will start yoti in work thai will at once brim: oi in money l ister than anything else in America. All a bonl the ij'oc.iMU in presents with each box. A grnts wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all tiie time, oi spare time only, to work for ns at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers sib (.'olutely assured. Don't delay. 11. llallett & 0., Portland, .Maine. ra ifcft fopj re ' 3 Send six cents fo f d r 2 tlJi ;J H t'J postage, and receive f a costly box of tti .J BiaEd A - aB p MM | S which will hel: you to more money r eht away than anything else in this world." All. of either sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune o pens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, TkukA Co., Augusta,.Maine. A npumnfor uc rat ive. Healthy, Hon ituijit lljoi-able A I'eriiianeut business up ply to Wiliuot C'aslle & Co., Uocliester, N. l r . FLORAL OWIM V"" ' A beautiful work of 150 pages, Colored Plate, and rooo HAr . '' ./ illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and ... Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow 1/ them. Printed in F.nglish and German. Price only to ' ;• cents, which may be deducted from first order. \ , If tells what you want for the garden, and bow to get it instead of running to ■, the grocery nt the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting with disappointment after weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICE'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. JY*\ VTCK'B ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3 * pag, a Colored Plate / / \ J in every number, and many fine engravings. Price, $1.25 a year; Five Copies for vVfait fi V'tf * Specimen numbers 10 cents ; 3 trial copies 25 cents. We will send to any address >, X ■ idJtj/ Vick's Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below / —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, $4.50; Harper's Monthly, #4.00; 1 m St. Nicholas,; Good Cheer, ft.35; Illustrated Christian Weekly, $3.00; or YnUTifl2® Wide Awake, Good Cheer, and Vick a Magazine for $3.00. VICK'B FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, aio pages, Six Colored V Plates, nearly rooo iiogravuigs, $1.25, in elegant cloth covers. v JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. V. SQ) "***• "Whon tho word Estey or the t=r~ f t ""ISS&V word Crgn.n in montioncd, thoy ESi'Ey Url.U • 1 !\I : each, suggest tho other# so widely RraHlabot'oYt' TM/10) known and so popular axo the in -1 KT W/ / strumentn and tho makers. yU Five letters in each cf fch© two . © l f*&C~ Par J \ _ words aro reminders of enjoyment .d tvfsl in anVdtndo3 cf hoaee. Blustra- v?i.i' ' pi tod Catalogue mailed free to all Everybody acknowledges that THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE to buy FURNITURE on * Penn street, Millheim, Pa. PAULOIi SUITS, (IIA MISER SUITS, LIBRARY, DINING ROOM & KITCHEN FURNITURE, LOUNGES, PATENT ROCKERS, RAT TAA C REEI) CHAIRS, ft/? styfe*, TABLES, SZ'ANDS, BOOK CASES. WARDROBES, WHAT NOTS, BUREAUS, BED STEADS, SINKS, CUPBOARDS, CRADLES, MAT j R ESSES, from the finest curled hair to the cheapest Straw, a great variety of SPRING BEDS, all styles, and everything in the furniture line , on /tantZ or procured on short notice Not undersold by any Store in the County, An extra stock of Rapec Hangings, Decorations, BfC. Give inc a call. * W. T. J/AUCK. TV MILLTEU JOURNAL •U ! JOB irrjilting Ouice ts poic suj jdicd with GOOD PMSSMS and a larje assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER UK ADS, XOTE HEADS, J! ILL HEADS, j STATEMENTS, I ENVELOPES, | CIRCUL.4 U POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Print ; ng of all kinds | PROMPTLY EXECUTED. STAFFORD'S f extra BLACKING! Gives a MORE BRILLIANT SHINE 1 THAN ANY OTHER. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS.| SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. | S. S. STAFFORD,! Ifcw York. CUT rMIS OUT! *sssr Wo eI o on !r. § 0 lotvJfnar Cities, fro a whiui• * a -.-t-.-Mirln tlicram*iicqv.i:hly: ()ie*F r.vJ! ; i i ?;1 :'<* no At l.i se, I'.i. >•.: . l ' oar Nc*.r C'c.t:,:v.,*:ts luu to 11 • 'i. Ad-.t J c -i . r 1 l r -re:', rt, t t ' . f ; 1 :t" .! 1 !'• t' ! : S*v " O"•; J " DA, A,i L, i ;;. i, s _.t- - •■• • oii-or.- B==|i&iaj- BIHCHAITOa I Lttl BF&3 3ST gr?—v js. sfor list of Newspapei iflt'--*—f,- * Jr and free Trice List o DR. JOHN BULL'S SnffsTonSnil FOR THE CURE OF FEVERand AGUE Cr CHILLS and FEVER, AHO ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. Ths propr*?t?r of this celebrated medi> cine justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT cure of Ague and FeveT, or Chill* and FeveT, whether of short or long stand ing. He refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no oase whatever will it fail to core if the direc tions are strictly followed and oarried out, In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every oase more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases, Usu ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartio medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be sof- I ficient. I BULL'S 3ARSAPABXLLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Scrofulous affections—ths King of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER is prepared in the form of candy drops, attractive to the sight and pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SASWAIRLIA, BULL' 3 WORM DaSTROYEfL Tho Popular Romcuioa c. t-.-.e Day. Pi!nrlal Odse.RQl SaSa St.; T. OUISTILLE. IV Vert alio from tho best materia! Superior Ar ticles of Dairy Uoo.Ts, that ara models of strength and simplicity. Unquestioned proof given of their durability. Eolo manufacturers of Curtis' Improved Factr 7 Cham, Mason's Tower Butter Woi tcr, I.DverU'orhcr, Curtis' Gqcare Box Churn. Rectangular Caai u, Cream Vat s, Dog Tower, Ac. "0:to Family Churn at wl:olesti!o where we bare no ngeat." All gocdo v.'arranted exactly as represented. TTTO GO! IK TOUBTEEN SILYEH A VI) EIGHT EROriZIS REDARi awarded for au, pcriorßy. c A raisa, mm & GSIB, FaiUtkmaai, Fa tANITAXiiIM. XviverofJ", C;u. Tho iiry ciirnato euros. Rose I'hraat.Lunes. full idpn, SO p., rocto, cost, frea. i-tfifiM pSII^C. GusDE - 200PS8.S {All that tha doubtful curiousor thoughtful want to* \fca re, Oloih aaJ ;;iUbindia N eta, pains' 28c, Var-f J. iago GuUo. 114 o 15c, eoat so iod. ma-W r SX WHITTjER MB, f J The IJervons Deoliit jr,lmp€iiitTßi2t , :d >to Maniftgie, and Pamphlet free, \ V-AV V■+ )Vw^>v*V\MvVvVvV : W'vAf THIS PAPER ES'-rJ Newspax>er Advertising Jtnreau (10 Spruce Street), where adver- at piais njrnjiu tising contracts may Mfta Uf VIUfflK k & hgvV luniv-