Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 19, 1885, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 19TH, 1885.
Published by R, A. BUMILLER.
Loiie t Society Director?.
MUlhelm Lodge, No. 955, 1. 0.0. F. meeting
heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening
Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on
or before the full moon of each month.
0. W. HART*ah, Bec. E. W. MAUCK, N. Q.
The MlUhelm B. ft L. Association meets in
the Penn street school house on the evening of
the second Monday of each month.
A. WALT*B. See, D. L. ZKRBT, Prest.
The Millheim Cornet Band meets In the
Town Hall on Monday ami Thursday evenings
H. J. KU*IK*ABB, Sec. SAM. WEISER, Pres.
Democratic County Com. for 1885.
BeUefonte, N. W Wm. Galbralth.
44 8. W............ Wm. R. Ludwlg,
W. W William Harper,
Howard 80r0.——....A. Weber,
Milesburg . James B. Proudfoot,
Millheim J. H. Relfsnyder.
Philipsburg Ist W~ J Allen Lukens,
44 2nd W A J Graham,
44 Srd W..—...... Jackson Gorton,
Unionvllie Boro John Bing,
Benner Twp— —Robt Henderson,
Boggs, 8. P A A Kohibecker,
N. P Lewis Miller,
Bnrnstde Twp Oscar Holt,
College 44 . Geo R Roan,
Cnrtln 44 - Thos DeLong.
Ferguson E. P Peter Lauck.
S W. p DavW H Kusterborder
Gregg 8 P J B Fisher,
44 N P.. Philip Frank.
Haines EP JnoCstover,
44 W P - H H Weaver
Half moon -J H Grlffln,
Harris Hon W A Murray,
Howard Twp.— ."..Michael Confei,
HusUn 44 Jno Q Miles,
Liberty 4 * WmNßttner,
Marion 44 Daniel WOrr,
Miles 44 —• Jared B Kroamer,
Patton 44 Agnew Sellers,
Penn 44 WF Smith,
Potter N P —D C Keller,
- SP WWRoyer,
Bosh S P.—— Hugh McCann,
" N P- Fred F Smith.
Snow Shoe N P Frank Tuberty,
44 44 8 P..— JnoEwlng.
Spring 1,, —RdC Wood,
ftylor Vinton Beckwitii,
Union - ..Jno H Stover.
Walker— —Jas J Gram le v,
Worth George B Williams,
Becrttary. Chairman.
WASHINGTON reports without an ex
ception show that Cleveland and his
Cabinet are perfectly agreed upon the
Civil service question. They are de
termined to put a damper on the hun
gry crowd of officehunters by calling
the attention of the spoilsmen to the
civil service law and by introducing
firm and decisive rules regulating
written applications for government
positions. Besides that, Cleveland's
reform in the closer official circle of
the White House has a chilling effect
on the plunder crowd. He made a be
ginning by reducing his own person
nel by four employes and notified his
private secretary, Mr. Lamont, that
he must try and get along with this
reduced force. This proves that the
new president commences the reform
work at the right place—at home—
and if he continues to clean out at
this rate the superfluous and worthless
element in other departments, we can
expect an economical and orderly ad
ministration before long.
VERY few Democrats may be ac
quainted with the fact that ex-senator
Bayard, the new secretary of state in
President Cleveland's cabinet is the de
scendant of one ot the most celebrated
families of the French nobility.
Thomas Francis Bayard's forefathers
were a mighty set of knights in the
province of Dauphine, at present the
Isere Department in southeastern
France and the ruins of castle Bayard
can be found to vhis day on the peak of
a mountain proudly overlooking the
neighboring country. Several mem
bers of his family first immigrated in
America in 1647 landing at New
York,called New Amsterdam in those
THI appointment of General Blacky
of Illinois, as pension commissioner at
Washington, is the first commendable
move of the new secretary of interior
affairs, Mr. Lamar. Black was a brave
Union soldier in the.late war and the
veterans of the country can rest assur
ed that the pension office will be con
scientously filled and that he will make
it hot for pension frauds.
THE railroad strikers on Jay Gould's
Wabash and Missouri-Pacific lines in
the southwestern part of the United
States, after a determined but orderly
strike won the day at last The rail
road companies more tt an yielded to
their demand by restoring the wages
to the rates given before the Septem*
ber cut. All hands are now at work
EUROPEAN war talk is on the decline.
Cruel America was almost ready to
laugh in its own sleeve over the pros
pects of opening foreign markets In
ease of war across the sea. Always
taking care of No. 1.
IT IS said that W. U. Hensel, of
Lancaster, chairman of the democratic
state committee of Pennsylvania is
slated for the office of marshall for the
district of Columbia.
-"-SAYS neighbor Smith, "My little
girl was pale and sickly, rapidly losing
flesh, appetite variable, and sleep much
disturbed. Her condition was becom
ing alarming. Was advised by a friend
to try Celebrated Worm
Powders. Administered three and she
-expelled the enormous number of 132
worms. Neighbor Smith now thinks
McDonald's Worm Powders are the
greatest .vermifuge in existence.
. Philadelphia Agents.
Bold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
From our Regular Correspondent.
WASHINGTON, D.C.,March 1G,1885.
It is said that the President has a
vowed a determination to adhere not
on 4 y to the lefter but to the spirit of the
civil service reform law, and that all
appointments to office hereafter to bo
made by this administration shall he in
accordance with civil service require
ments. There is,however, a very grave
danger that the thimble-rigging Repub
lican politicians who have thus far e
vaded the enforcement of the law in the
retention of an army of incompetents
in every department offthegovernment,
will find it not at all difficult to produce
reasons enough tojprevent any consider
able number of changes for the coming
four years of Democratic management.
What I want to see,and what the coun
try expects to see, is a thorough reno
vation in the government's ollices every
where, and the administration of its af
fairs placed in the hands of those to
whom the people look Ifor the fulfill
ment of our repeated pledges for re
trenchment and reform.
Among the first things that President
Cleveland should see to is the introduc
ing of some of the customs and habits
of civilization in the State
Department, which under the snobbish
Frelinghuysen has become a nest of
foreign lackeys and gilt-edge flummery.
The idea that anybody is important e
nough to make it absolutely essential
that he should be retained in office,
should now'be effectually exploded. If
through the opportune visitation of a
pestilence, th last one of these State
Department clerks should be culled
hence, I will wager a horse that some
body or other will be found to fill their
places, and fill them acceptably too.
Old John Davis has survived and pere
grinated through every administration
for half a century as Assistant Secre
tary of State. And Hunter, another
assistant, has kept a grip on the pay
roll for almost two generations. Yet
the Republicans declare that the De
partment of State will go to pieces un
less these two antiquated specimens of
senility are preserved through another
In the War Department, which for
four years has been ostensibly under
the guiding band of that mighty man
Bob Lincoln there will be found a lot
of venerable barnacles who have glided
down to us from a former generation,
and who found their way into position
at a time when competency counted
but little beside the potency of political
influence. In this particular depart
ment, my mind reverts to an old fellow
who has for his tenants something like
a score of officials, one of whom is the
chief of the division in which the old
chap draws his regular rations of sl,
800 per annum. His property at the
Capital is worth hundreds of thousands
of dollars,and many a poor devil is now
waiting in vain to get some recompense
far the sacrifices he has made to secure
the ousting of just such old cormorants
as this. He is only one of the hundreds
other bloated bondholders and real es
tate speculators who live in Washing
ton and figure upon the government
pay-roll year in and year out through
all administrations.
John Quincy Adams became a mem
ber of the lower House of Congress af
ter haying served a term as President
of the United States, because, as he dc
clared, the one position was equal in
every way to the other. Now, howev
er, we have Congressmen and reverend
senators who'are not only willing but
anxious to serve their country in any
possible or impossible capacity, so long
as they ctvh have their names retained
upon the Government pay-roll. To-day
some of the ex-members of the recently
expired Congress are applicants for
menial positions in the next Congress,
just as the ex-members of a previous
Congress have accepted service in this.
Fifty of those members have got to be
provided for, though why a defeated
candidate for re-election should not suf
fei the consequences of his own unpop
ularity is>nfathonable. PIIONO.
—JUST SO ! Seven out of ten you
meet have a bad cold, and with cough
ing,hawking and snoring are kept busy.
Do a good thing for yourself at once,by
going to the nearest drug store and get
ting a bottle of Dr. Kessler's English
Cough Medicine. If you are not satis
tied that it is worth all your pay, the
druggist wil' hand you back vour mon
ey. Sold by J.Eisenhuth,Millheim,Pa.
Ihenseof lodoform or Mercurials in the
treatment of catarrh—whether in the form of
Btippusitnrles or ointments—shonld be avoided,
as they ,ire both injurious and dangerous. lodo
form is easy detected by its offensive odor. The
only reliable catarrh remedy in the market to
day is Ely's Cream Balm, being free from all
poisonous drugs. It lias cured thousands of
chronic and acute cases, where '1 other reme
dies haye failed. AparticleH q. tied iuto each
nostrili nopaihi agreeable to use. Price firty
ceuts; of druggist*. 7-4t
season of the year, when your cows fail
' in milk, your horses become rough in
coat, your pigs refuse to thrive, the
hens won't lay as many eggs as they
should, you will And a package or two
of McDonald's Celebrated Tonic and
Blood Purifyer Horse and Cattle Fow
ders judiciously administered an invest
ment that will pay dividends. They
are positively the best Jloise and Cat
tle Powders made. Dissatisfied buyers
can haye their money refunded. What
other manufacturer dare make this of
Philadelphia Agents'
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
—MCDONALD'S Improved Liver Pills
are endorsed and perscribed by many
eminent physicians. They do not make
hair grow on bald heads or set broken
bones, but they are the best corrector
of a disordered liver yet discovered.
Money refunded to dissatisfied purchas
PhiladelDhia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim,Pa.
Convinced. £
Mr. IT. G. King, foreman of the Lec
tonia Democrat, Lcetonia, Ohio, writes - :
44 DR. S. B. HARTM AN, Columbus, Ohio,
Gentlemen: Some time since, I had occa
sion to doubt the genuineness of most of
the articles that appear in different papers
in regard to your wonderful PKRUN A, and
my curiosity was so great that I deter
mined to write to one of the many people
that claimed to have been cured by this
medicine, and accordingly wrote to Mrs.
J. W. Reynolds, of New Lisbon, this
county, and received the following reply."
44 1 received your letter this evening, and
in reply would say that PKRUN A, I be
lieve, saved my life, and I can not recom
mend it too highly; for all complaints it
is the best medicine in existence. It
seems to help you as you swallow it. I
would advise any one suffering from my
complaint to take PKRUN A and be con
vinced. Yours truly, Mrs. J. W. Rey
nolds." Now, that's her card, word for
word, and as I am well acquainted with
the lady, I do not believe she would lie.
It is truly wonderful how your medicine
does do good.
■James L. Mooncv, Prospect, Ohio,
writes :" u For the past ten years I have
been suffering from constipation and
dyspepsia, and all the evil efleets that
accompany them. I was treated by a
number of doctors, nil to no effect 1 ,
used several patent medicines, which did
me no good, and about three years ago I
was seized with a severe nervous trouble,
and was obliged to quit farming. I
thought my days would soon be over, but
last winter I received one of your pam
phlets called the 44 Ills of Life/' I at once
tried your PKRUNA and MANALIN.
They helped me right away. I used nine
bottlesof PKRUNA and three of MANALIK;
and now I am quite well, and able to
resume farming. I also had a little child
which was attacked with a severe cramp
in the stomach; we thought it would go
into spasms. I used nothing but PKRUN A.
We gave it an injection of PKRUNA and
warm water, and gave it a teaspoontul of
the medicine internally every half hour.
It was relieved in one hour, and has not
been bothered since. I have also used it
with as good effect in case of croup and
colds. I know that it is a wonderful
medicine, and recommend it to all who
aijt in poor health. The above statement
I am willing to swear to." r
,W. M. Plants, Deep Valley, Greene
countv, Pa., writes: 4 ' Please scud me
your book on the ' Ills of Life. I have
used one bottle of PERUNA, and am great
ly benefited."
—Fon scrofula, erysipelas, tetter,
salt rheum, skin diseases,!minors,sores,
eruptions, pimples, blotches, swellings,
tumors, boils, ulcers, scald head, ring
worm, hives, and all blood
remedy eyer devised equals in ellieacy
and power McDonald's Great Blood
Purifier or Sarsaparillian Alterative
Phi'adelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
31 lllheliu farkof.
Corrocted every Wednesday
Wheat, old, M
nats White
Flour 4 -^
Salt,per Br! LSW
Cement, per Bushel •* 1 to ->o
Barley 0 9
Flaxseed J,-!
Hains 14
ERR* r,
Lard 10
Journal office, Penn St., Millheim, Pa.
Wbeedsnnd other legal papers written and
acknowledged at moderate charges.
To Make l.ife Brighter.
The dyspeptic's lot is not a happy one. Ben
son's Caprine Plasters are the remedy. Price
25 cents. W-4t
"VTT A YTCIk —Ladies and gentlemen to
YY A.llljli. take light, pleasum employ -
ment at their homes (distance no objection);
work sent by mail; $2 t<> *"• a day can be quietly
made;no canvassing. Please address at unce
ULOBK MFG. Co., Boston, Mass., box 5:?T4.
A FEW UOOI) 31K.\ to canvass for the sal<- of
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, shrubs, Vines, Ito
WAGES. Address 11. J. UOWDKX A CO., Uriah
ton. X. V.
WT A XinmrTA -Energetic, reliable
\V iVIM 1 FJU. men t<> sell Fruit
Trees,orapo Viiies.Nip'ubs, Buses, &c. SALARY
Full instructions gjven. so Inexperienced m n
can soon learn the business. Address J. F.
LECLABE, Brighton, N. Y.
' ML Hair, Vnd all ScaTb-Diseases;j^
Will fnve'you a luxuriant-Head of Hair.
f, HILL K/.SSFIELPi'Prop.. Ppi bfenri; Maine.l
T7IX ECUTOKS' NOTlCE.—Letters testament
jrj ar.v on f lie estate of Frederick Weaver .late
of Halm* township, ivlng been gran
tea to the subscribers, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claim# against the same to present them
duly proven for settlement.
11-Gt A. D." WEAVEI!; | Executors.
(TAUTION.— Having purchased at Const,v
J ble'ssale, Februarv 2<>th. 1885, the, follow
ing property of Daniel Kennedy, Gregg town
ship, to wit: 3 Stoves. 4 Bedsteads, complete, ]
Tdbje. 2 Setts Chairs, 2 Rockers, 150 yards of
Carpet, 1 Crgan, 4 Hogs, 1 Cow. Lot of Dishes, 1
Clock, 1 Extension Table, <so., I hereby caution
all persons not to meddle <>r in anywise inter
fere with the 1 have left the property lit
his hands at my pleasure.
Spring .Wills I'a.
administration on the estate of dames
Stover, late of Miles township, deceased having
been granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate are
hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and t .ose having claimes against the same to
present them duly proven for settlement.
Re be rs b,urg, Pa.. Feb. 26th 1885. Admistrator.
A. Walter. Treasurer in account with said bor
4)u gh.
March 10., 1884. DR.
To Cash from Jno. Hurler, Treas
urer. for 1883 241 11
" (diuie 17) from Township
lipid 7 G3
• from A. Hartnr Borough
collector ~.,.118 7G
" Note A- Harter Borough
collector 30 00
" from shows &c 16 00
" from skating rink tak 2 50
sll6 00
March 9.1885. UK.
By Cash Solomon Confer work on
road 1881, No 36 100
" Solomon Confer work on
road, 1882, No 44 1 00 '
" Solomon Confer witness
too 18H3 No m *
" .tils D Hose wltneM f<'o ,
lsxa N( \\:\ 1 74
44 Ilmiry MIIUT work on road
I*B3 No 1 00
" I HVld Miller work on road
IKS.*; No 1 <>o
44 n A Humllter Attorney f*o
IHSt |sii .. lo no
It A Humillcr Printing 1884
No is; .." 10 <M)
'• 1) A Musscr crossing 1884
No Iss 52 7">
" .1 W Snook walks 1884 No
isi 1 Mi hi
" .lolm Miller work on road
1884 No I'll 1 (>o
•• IVter'WalUa work on road
ISKI No 1 fiO
" Jesse Weil %to'k on road
ISS4 NoV.rj 2 TO
" K(' Campbell work on road
IKS 4 vo lot ..a 2on
" Jacob Carl lev work on
road lAM No lid 3 75
•• .1 \V A dams work on road
issi No UkA 2 r.o
" Allison Milter work on
road 18*4 No tiki 1 oo
u Jacob Keen work on road
|ss| No lnT I ,H '
4 * .1 It Mal/o work on road
X 18*4 No IOS 1 00
44 .John Hover work on road
ISM No l'.'O 7.1
44 (ieo Hover work on road
1881 No 200....'.' 1 38
W II Heifsnvder work on
road ISSJ No '2Ol 1 13 .
44 David Miller work on road
1 ss| No 202 1 -■"
44 Mark Moony work on road
IKK4 No '20.1 1 71
44 (ieo Blerley work on road
1884 No'AH 2 lit
• 4 A King work on road issi
No2ol 71
44 A .1 (lenhart work on road
ISM No *2oii t 38
44 M 1 -I.unison witness fee /
ISM No 107 1 *>:t
4 * linen Mnsser work on road
ISM No 2(18 S7
44 W I' Cutlierman work on
road lsi No 200 .5(1
44 Noali stover work on road
ISB4 No 210 75
44 .1 XV Snook Plank iss.l No
•211 (is
14 A A Miller work on cross
ing ISKI No '212 100
It A ItuniiUer Printing issi
No 21.'5 1 50
44 DA Mussel* hauling I*Bl No
214 50
4 *F A Darter work and service
ISM N0'21.) 10 15
•• a I isenlnitii Attorney fee
lKSfcNo'2'ai l' 00
•' .1 Flsenlnith services as
clerk Ac !55.".N0217 It "6
4 A Darter shoveling snow
issi No'ils 2 '4l
44 .laeob (Jephart witness fee
IKK! No 1:1*2 1 W
44 Treasurers Commission on
#•270 4! 5 40
•* .1 XV Snook Auditor 1 (lav 1 oo
44 J C Smith 44 1 00
.1 R Hair 44 1 00
44 1> L Zerby clerk 4 ' 1 W
44 J Kieenhuth room rent 100
By Balance due Borough 140 14
*llO (Ml
Abs. Darter Borough Tax Collector in account
with MHlhcim Borough.
March 0. 1885 DR.
To amount of duplicate.....ls7 12
Clt. *157 12
By Cash paid Treasurer .: 118 70
Ain't exonerations 54
Collector commission 1 per cent
0n5110.13 .... .2. 7 82
Note to Treas. at OOdays 30 oo
"*147 1-
Jouathan Harter & H II AVeiser Overseers of
llHir for the Borough of M illheim in ac
count with said Isnough.
March 9.1885 DH.
To amount of duplicate for ISM 605 "0
, 4 * Balance dim Jonathan Dar
ter March 0. ISBS 22 OS
CR. *<A7 47
By balance due Jonathan Harter
from last settlement 15 40
44 By uniount paid K J Brumgard
hauling wood for paupers 1 50
44 H H Tomlinsou merchandise
for paupers 4 54
14 John H Orvis Attorney fee 10 00
44 J H Kreamer meat B F Miller 00
44 J W Hnook m'd'se 44 1 7">
44 Sani'l Otto rent 4 ' 350
44 J B Kreamer meat 4 * 05
• 4 A J Gepliart 44 Miehaei Smith is 41
44 I> 1. Zerby calculating tax and
tax bonk 2 15
44 Rev J Tomlinsou services at fu
neral of John Harter 1 00
44 (ieo A Harter potatoes Mrs
Miller! 35
44 EBart hnlomew repairing boots
for Miehaei Smith 25
44 Jacob Kisenhuth medicine Mrs
Miller 50
44 J(" Harp 4 r co-ts Franeis Hole
ease ... 7 (JO
44 J K Mover wood f<r Mrs Miller
and Michael Smith 500
44 J AX' Snook m'd'se Mrs Miller 10 20
44 44 " A XVcakley 343
44 44 Micha-1 smith 20 00
44 44 44 A Fansler 2 45
44 (ieo A llavter Buckwheat Hour
Mrs Mill, r 4*
44 Richard & Dockmau flour Mrs
Miller 5 05
14 K C Camphe 1 merchandise
Miehaei Smith 18 36
44 A K Housii Adam
Fansler 5i 00
44 John Stoner wood Mich.Smith 3 71
44 DS KinlTmaiuNCo merchandise
Mrs Miller 35
44 Jacob Kisenhuth relief order B
F Millet 50
44 l> A Mnsser wood Mrs Miller. 1 50
44 Henry Hover maintenance Ma
ria Har er 78 00
44 W RMVeiser wood Mrs Miller. 2 50
44 A King 44 Mieh.\e| Smith 250
44 D S Kauffm xn &Co merchan
dise Mrs Miller . 12 83
44 Jonathan Harter for use of Mrs
Miller 3 81
44 1)11 Mingle Medical attendance
A \AVakfey : 35 CO
• 4 I) H Mingle medical attendance
It F Miller..'. 6 00
44 DH Mingle medical-attend voce
Airs Miller 0 03
44 A F Rough making clothes Ad
am Fansler '. 50
44 H 1! WeiMr maintenance A
Weakley 31 wks $1.50 per wk 1 50
44 (IS '• $3.00 44 54 00
44 Commission of Centre co. costs
on Francis Rote case 185 02
14 H H Weiser services SW)
44 Jno Harter 44 to co
44 Exonerations 1 OS
44 Collectors commission 5 per
cent on *'i04..".l 33 21
44 Interest on balance due over
seers at last settlement f>2
$687 47
AX'e Die undersigned Auditors having exumin
ed the foregoing accounts, find them correct
and lion-hy approve .if the sure.
March i'tli A. D.1884.
Attest J.C.SMITH J Auditor.
1). L. Zerhy, J. \y. SNOOK S
Cleveland Steam Gauge Co.
Solo Proprietors aud Manufacturers of
Watson's Portable Forge,
Watgon'e Forge Blower, Watson's Barrel Filler,
Holt's Patent Steam Gauges
For Locomotives and Stationary Engines,
Locomotive Spring Balances, Test Tumps and Test Gauges.
Office: 211 Superior Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO.
i -i.VTJ J.;*, v AmBQ
t/g ■ V* \SU Sao
In Cjt:u- <(." J ! . • warn Deidiltv.
.. . /. T.i e. ifc Eaiw:
icr.irii.s j !' - i. ( ! cr vritc for list of
questions to I n.:-, i ir.g treatment by mail.
(Por.nnm'V-V'. f • ■ k' 1 r-CAil ihclruddraas,^
and icira j-, . J\ ; ltlsMtatross.y
Address T'r. J ., rv.-s'-t rr.l Physlrlan In Charge
Central Eloil./; for :. ■ ) Lo<"'st st., 6t. Los. 80.
SUBcessorto l;r. Eutt'iJkjjcnu, y. fc-tablUhwi lO.ltmi
• *" •
B. O. Deininger's new stock of the
iust arrived and sold at very low prices. Will enumerate the varieties later.
Come and see. JOURNAL STORE, Penn St., Milllieim, Pa.
Low Priced Fer
Low priced fertilizers are
not always the best. Baugh's
$25.00 Phosphate is the
best and the cheapest fer
tilizer, for the simple reason
that it gives as good results
as articles that cost very much
more money. No farmer can
make a mistake who buys
Baugh's Animal Bone Su
per-Phosphate for §25 per
ton, in new bags, free on
board car or boat at Philadel
phia. Their address is No. 20
South Delaware Avenue, Phil
A Certain Bemedj for all
Cures Female Woafcncassaa*
Imparts Mew Life and Vlgor tetfcie
Per Sale Fvprywhere. Half- Pin*. Battfen
23 Cts. Ijturge Sixc, T5 G(ft
Maualactvred by
B B I*l3 n working people. Send 10
0 cents postage, and we will mail
■8 L W >ou/ree, a royal, valuable sam
pie box of goo Is that will put
you in the way of making more money In a tew
nays than you ever thought possible at any bus
iness. Capital not required. You can live at
home and work in spare time only, or ail the
time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly
successful. 50 cents to 4>5 easily earned every
evening. That all who want work ivu.y test the
business.we make this unparralleled offer : to
all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to
pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particu
lars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay
nbsolutelysureforallwhostartatonee. Don't de
lay. Address STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine.
And will want Hie Bout at the least money. Then
my new Seed Catalogue will surprise you. No matter
whero you have been dealing it trill taee money. It is
mailed Free to all, and you ought to have It
before buying anywhere.
129 & 131 Front St., FUladdpbU.
I % 'j \ % jf&ft'"!
• fi 4-
' 4
, J * -.: *.>
This space is reserved for the
new spring advertisement of
Bargain Store, Main St.,MiUheim,Pa.
4'" | "
' " 4 '* ■ . t i '
. f
. ; J *: si ?• I tf*
♦ V *•* 5
, r| #
' 4
- V- I !
* ;• iiiOwi
No. 224 Market St,
Fall and Winter Millinery of every
Ladies' and Children's Ready-Made
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