POVERTY OP PRESIDENTS Most of the Nation's Rule rs Dy ing Poor. Financial Condition of the Presi dent s From Washington Down to Garfield. If you Will look back over the list, writes the Washington corresi>oniiisc. Kj H Keep Out Stomach, lUncclf, mid lhjc.dica Or./..'tl MM ■ i* />.>!i relief' 4 ■ and permanent euro bv the mo of thoo Hitter* kjj H ileittg tonic and mildly purgative they PS I PURIFY THE BLOOD.® Prlco 25 cts. per bottle. ■ For Kilo by nil dealers in medicine. Send it-; fiS| ml dross for pamphlet, free, giving full directions. [£j jaH lilAkY, JOH.NSOY A* LSKfi, Props., liurlnigtoii, It. fig For sole at SDIG ELM ) /*. il'S, Milifit'im tl' MiuhsonltuTj, I'd SCHOOL SUPPLIES! (A full line at the v JOURNAL STORE. 1 Parents are invited to call al our B place on Penn Street. ' AAff 3 Alaioiv money than at anything else \SLS I 9klby taking an agency fn is immi: in ati t Y forwarded us with the jo ice. rla> > in all ill receive the American Ayrh iilmrht for Dec. lss|. and all of 1--'.. and W ill be pic . pled with the Americitii Ag r icuttir Ist I'niiii ly <> < lottlo warranted tohS 1 give eatialaction. Send ad-H j SjrfSsaßZSl dress for pamphlet, free, giv-H |3 ~ ing full directions for tlio® |J treatment of above diseases, w Price2s cts. and 60 cts. perH| I Lottie. Sold everywhere. 8 Henry, Johnson k Lord, Troprietori, g Burlington, Vt. g For Sub at HP 10ELM V Eli's. MillTlcim A* Madisonbur g, Pa SICOO REWARD ass SA fgt any uap-liiM Lu lit tig and rlrr.nl tij; lit for *a( /j ft hik ittn!( uarkcl on n h h c< i J n ~1 4| % - if,!/ rt COLT.KGK, NEWARK, NEW JKItSEV. Occuplea three Duildiiigs. Largest and Rest. More positions for graduates than all other school's com bined. I.ife Scholarship, sjo. Write for circulars. COLEMAN, PALMS & CO., Proprietois. CONSUMPTION. I bavo a positive remedy for tho above disease, oy us uso thoasanils of cases of the worst kind anil of long standing have been cured. Indeed, soetrong! sm yfin 111 fa Its elHcacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES IHEE, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any sufferer. Give express and F. O. address. - - PB. X. A. SLOCUM.ISIXcarISt., New York, E DOWNS' | H. DOWNS' 1 VegetaMo Balsamic '■] t-; II i i,\ y bit y F >r the euro of Consumption, Co?*-is, Cclds, Catarrh, kj fil Croup, Asthma, T.rirhy, Hoarseness, H §y InHucasa, r.'..A: 0 * I-I ood, Bronchitis, 6$ T'fl irol oil ill .4t-f *l . Throat, t'hert, and KeS J' . I.mgr. Inn'.! •■ ; m'cto this Elixir is \c „•* ii.sol i:j tflliMcy nl o:n:o manifested, con- j r' tho ie->.-t 'nerr.hilinis Mint \ co^sotriPTECM not iiicm alio, if p;<>poily amnio 1 t>>.— L 2! m At lis c.'ttmii'tiep.uent it D hut a flight irritn Run of the momtoano v. hi li rovoni tho Lungs; thru nit Inflniiiutl-m, when tho rough is rntlier ilrv.loni 1 ft vor.nttd the palm- tuoro frequent,the £2 o checks fluslicilatulrhillsmoreconimoit, 'l'lils JJ"f- Elixir in curing tho nhovo complaints, ojcr-S" jnS itcs so ns do femovo till laorbld lri tli. £slt lons ami intlninntloii fiom tho lunj j Syl to the surface, nn-:l Ilia fever. It i : lice ftuni Rj| MS itrougo|ilatc and astringent nrtf ' ■*, which an- Ei2 Lsj of * j ilr;. ing a na'uio as to I - i up! cat liuugcrot fl, N J ■Mdcsln ving tho patient; mheroa* this tin .licinc Md IrS never dries <>r l >ps tho cough, hut, h_v rem<>v- jjjjj f "4 ing tho cat-: , c. )i-r< ( ocntly, v lion the cough BB S3 in cured tho pat font is well. Sent! address fot Efl Bw pamphlet giving full directions, free. HI I raj l'rico 33 cts., 50 ct* and ft.on por 1-ottlc. EE SOLD EVERYWHERE. H RJ unr.T, jon'iso\ k ICED, Props., Burlington.Vt. ■■■DOWNS' Fl.iXlß.eeaß lor Sole at SPIG EE MVtiirS Mlll ht'i in if' Madisonbury, l' cover the whole fieldoj pro gressi ee journal turn. No subject is too great for it to discuss intelligent lg without bias,ami none so insigmji cant us to escape its notice. It lugs the Wo/ Id tributary to it s wants, and everywhere its agents may he found uteri to gather the jiarliculurs of all passing events and send them by tele graph up to the last moment of going to press. It is a brief and abstract chronicle of the time and contains all that is worth knowing in the his tory of the world for the past twenty• four hours. sloo. The Weekly Times. slooTyear. The Largest, the Brightest and the Boat, ax, tor Uvt-ry Household. 11 TilE WEEKLY TIMES" is foremost among the largest and best of the Enmity and (lateral weekdy news/mpers published in the country, and is now offered to single suhscrdi -9 ers at (hie Dollar a year and an c.r tra copy given with every club of JO. | It is the most progressive journal of its class. It aims t9.be the newspa \ yr of the ] eople of the ivhole coun try : to meet ou in money luster than anything else in America. All a bout the 4-00,000 in presents with each box. A gents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all lne time, oi spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers nb- Colutely assured. Don't delay. 11. IIALLETT & 0., Portland, Maine. | £saa|. |( ijj.-ii 'uiii'help you to more money right away than anything . else in this world. All. of either sex, succeed , from llist hour. The broad road to fortune o pens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, Tkuk & Co., Augusta, Maine,, A ftp Mm Of or f.iterative, Healthy, Hon iiuliri lljorable A Permauent business ap ply to Wilmot Castle & Co., Rochester, N. Y. 49-± FLORAIGWIBI ■ • V''- / rv'ij A beautiful work of 150 pages, Colored Plate, and 1000 illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and J\ Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow j v 1 1/ *" them. Printed in English and German. Price only 10 cents, which may be deducted from first order. \ j It tells what you want for the garden, and how to get it instead of running to the grocery ;it tin last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting with disappointment after weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3* WBt*. * Colored Mate IIT 1 'I 1 J ' N CVCR Y number, and many fine engravings. Price, £1 .as a year; Five Copies for ' ,/ Specimen numbers ro cents ; 3 trial copies as cents. We will spnd to any address v _Vick's Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below f —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, £4. so; Harper's Monthly, £4.00; jflr St. Nicholas, £3.50; Good Cheer, £T.CS: Illustrated Christian Weekly, £3.00; OR jiSSl Wide Awake, Godti Cheer, and Vick's Magazine for $3.00. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, 210 pages. Six Colored J Plates, ucarly souo Engravings, £1.25, in elegant cloth covers. jnWbj* ' JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. . When tho word Estey or the r"i\7nannu Or\ CStßy t V-U • Y ) eac h euscro3t tho ether, so widely RPiXttl G.DQ TD \f' Vgffic SMrJ known arid so popular arc the in ■ll -""l 1T- ?" 1 '?"J, I Bj*i' A j Five letters in each cf tho two ' v V a words or© romindero cf enjoyment *' .4 pV] ~ in multitudes of hcracc. Illustra- Everybody acknowledges that TIIE CHEAPEST AND TEST PLACE io buy FURNITURE IS AT 1 J IK'S STORE ON Penn street, Millheim, Pa. PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, LI BR AH I', DINING ROOM A KITCHEN FURNITURE, LOUNGES, PATEKT ROCKERS, RAT TAN A REEI) CHAIRS, all styles, TABLES, STANDS, BOOK CASES, WARDROBES, WHAT NOTS, BUREAUS, Z?£Z>- STEADS, SINKS, CUPBOARDS, CRADLES, MAT TRESSES, front the finest curled hair to the cheapest ' Straw, (t ij re at variety ".:;;roTc ! I scVry I. r.r::, Mason's Power Batter \j :: acv, i o .or worker, Curtly' SqasroUoxChurn, lic. t.:!sa!.'.rCh:::ui, Crcaai Yat, Dog Power, Ac. •-0::o r.::::I'y Chnrii ft wliole*:ilo where we Fn - 3 no r-r ::i." -'-11 g -odn warranted exactly an ; rprasent 1. T'JO awarded for su i-oiiarl.;*. •. © --si j COSH, CZIT3 & CilSlij, Pert Atkmsan, Fn, 9MHTABI32I. lihrerride, Cul. Tho '