Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 12, 1885, supplement, Image 3

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    "3MM nHfc BfIHP 'MP : PBr a Bg Bg IB Br ißf W fcMfc
flSi gt f9 Fx ■ H .7-• BB IB pi flf B B Itf JEH JR. B
Receipts and Expenditures
Year. District. Collector. Bl. 1u -ln.
IS-4 Bellefoute Dor J M Kichline $ 1160 s.)
•• Howard do Jno W Smith. 44ft 52
•• Millhoim do A J Hurttr...„ (llit 07
•• Milesburg do (too Taylor 416 36
•• I nionvine do Wm H Smith.. 1189 47
•• Phiiipsburg do J W Drown 1149 86
■• Hoggs twp Coo Taylor 1232 9S
1 tenner do Wm Isliler 1870 it'
•• do Jacob Croft... 119 97
•• College do W Grove 2250 19
•• Curtiu do N J ftPCloskey 253 A'
•• Ferguson do It K IVHtori... livSl 99
•• Gregg do Jno Coldren .. ISIO 79
•• ILJIUVS do Jno J Orndorf 2160 78
•• Harris do 1" W Weber... 1481 07
•• Howard do K C Leathers.. 173 00
•• Huston do 1> W Kline-... 417 7*3
•• llalf Moon do W R ltiddle .. 9.>7 58
•• Liberty do l)auT Uituer.. 9:17 So
•• Marion do Sll Benuison 1391 12
•• Muea do Geo W Hubler 1839 36
•• P&'.ton do Wm Tressler,. 126S 98
•• IVuu do Reed Alexan
der 1331 4;t
•• t Potter do Geo M Bpang
ler 3781 68
•• Knsh do Robert Laws.. 499 48
*• Spring do HC tt oods 2974 lo
•• Snow Shoe do Jno Gunsallus SSI •"■6
•• Union do JohU Spotts... f>77 81
•• Walker do Mich, Shaffer 1862 14
•• Worth do Wm M Chron
icler... 299 49 #B9S4S IK)
1-72 Libertv twp David Robb... 14 i>-
1-76 Deilefoute ltor Juo 11 Morri
son 59$ 78
1876 Marion tw p David liaiter.. 4ft 00
1,-78 Denuer do Titos Purdue- S-l 56
1-s.i l.ihertv do Pan'l Herring 46 ft!
l—l Plulipsb'g Dor A V Carpenter At 304
DM Howard twp Jac Leathers.. 11 29
1."52 Howard Dor HC Holter 119 09
• *Phiiipsb'g do Geo E Parker., 82 So
•• Deuner Twp M Myers 175 97
•• Harris do Ed. Kreamer.. 310 07
•• * Howard do A Montgomery 124 35
lssa Mill helm Bor JuoHartman . 191 81
•* Pbilipsb'sr do J R Herd 319 67
- Hoggs Twp W H Musser... 394 81
- *colleee do WmHTibbeus 400 55
••♦Howard do Sam'l l'leteher 107 29
•• l'atton do C A Cross— 255 32
•• Hush do J Onllen 242 74
•• Snow Shoe do SomT Boyer... 453 00
•• spriug do 11 J ltothrock 1013 96
•• Worth do H H Oman... 57 81
•• 'Walker do 11 S Wiukle
lnau ... 39 32 $5659 25
BaL Outstanding, Jan. 1, 'S">... #45534 15
• Duplicates settled since January 5,1885.
I do do in part siuce Jan. 5, *BS.
IS7B Philipsb'gbor E O Mattern.. 4214 30
1879 Howard twp Jno M Kline.. 372 69 S,"S6 99
FOE 1334
District. State Tax. Co. Tax
Hellefonte Hero #864 60...#3 i<l S3
Howard do 59 81... 383 s$
Millheim do 16 08... 59t S3
Unionville du fto 23... "286 58
Phiiipsburg do 41 39... li>9
Mi'.esburg do 1 65... 424 32
Boosts Township 5 95... 1304 57
Benuer do 21 31... 1919 13
Bumside do 5 (X)... 209 14
College do 45 93... 27.08 3
Curtiu do ...... 674 248 38
Ferguson do SI 82... 2855 (. •
Urea" do 53 00... 3Oot> <9
Haines do 55 58... '2400 OS
Harris do 97 <9... l-> 42 16
Howard do 10 62.- 709 77
Huston do 22 50... 430 9,
Half Moon do 20 53... 1232 68
Liberty do 40 19... 899 28
Marion do 30 19... 1367 75
Miles do 79 65... 2389 8.1
Pattou do 11 00... 1297 91
Penn do 22 03... 1455 18
Potter do 105 3... 3669 20
Rush do 21 35... 866 17
Spring do 76 52... 2958 39
Snow Shoe do 44 90... 839 64
Taylor do 2 95... 307 06
Union do 6 40... sBB 43
Walker do 21 86... 2148 44
Worth do 4 54... 349 22
#1683 20 #14666 68
To balance In hands of
Treasurer, Jan. 1,1884 8 7622 37
To ain't ree'd on Dup of 'M 98
-• "83 32591 02
from redemp
tion.... y™ 3 L 90
To am't received from. Un
seated Lands - 5155 35
To am't ree'd from Treas.
sales on same 920 78
To surplus on salo of lis- cl ---. 3 , no
trays GO / &—• &>>>3l 00
Cash Paid Treasurer
by Commissioners ■'
To amount from Dupli
cate in hands of Att y 516 40
To sale of Unseated Lauds 1150 (X)
To redenipt'n on" " 309 36
•• Overseer of Poor on Lu
natic cases....* 1616 51
•• Wm. F Reynolds A Co.
lor Harper's bonds. 10000 00
•• same for J B Fisher's
Bonds ... 2000 00
- 1111 JJenuer, one Etovc 1 off
•• am't lor Curtiu's old
Bridge —-. i. 16 00
•• amount for W C Heinle, __
Light and Fuel lo 00
- orders drawn remaining
unpaid 12 66 81o".?7 12
Totul $71168 42
Wm. C Heinle - 449 18
N A Lucas >'
J C Harper lp*| 00
J 1 Rankin 9o 10
Hustings & Reeder Sundry
costs...- J- 1
H II Montgomery 98 4"
W F Olewine '7 ™
T J Dunkle 21 00
Wm. R Haynes 26 60
Isaac Lose 7 \"f.
(J Walker -
Charles Grimes - **
J W Stam * jf}
D H Yeagcr £
Rose Ilaines.. ; •> f*
J H Reifsnyder 4 20
Peter Smith
Mrs. D H Yeager § 94
Mm. Solt o 94
John Pacine 4 m
D F Fortney 4? ?l
Alex. Haverly 5 o3
George Eaton 4 no
Aaron Baum 4 W
Dennis 0'C0nne1...,.,. y \r
F X Lehman - 1 ™
P.oss Whiteman 9 44
Girod Gardner 8 40
Austin Gardner... - °
J A Quigley 6 53
D b Kunes 1 ' 18
Franklin IVatts 1 00
Edward Elite
E B Freyer... 9 9>
Charles Bolecue 9 44
F S Wilson 8 o3
II n Snyder f 53
E Saxton - 44 '4
Rachel Saxton 0 00
E Stevenson
F B Fullerton 3 °2
H Deck 9 90
Daniel Hall f 98
Irwin Morris 00
John Powers * 3 QO
Sol Barlett 3 90
Jacob Confer 6 80
Frank Hartman 6 68
Joseph Yenon ' 40
David McCloskey 1 10
Benj. Housh 61 20
Frank Blair 3 00
W J Miller 7 its
Arehey Kmigh 7 08
A B Herd Js 44
J Miles Green 4 75
Salley Melov 6 68
J BGnere..... 12 61
Jacob Shunk 1 50
J P I.inn 13 22
A J Uasstnger 2 04
.111 Mitchell 12 oO
Jacob W Bear 4 o
Mnrv Moreley - 1 23
A B Thomas 6 06
Thomas Butcher 7 56
Adam Squires 7 56
M Woonier. 7 08
John Ilaupt 7 20
Joseph Ilaupt 7 20
George Haupt 720
1. Loyd Goss 7 20
Charles Resides - 7 20
Theo. Lewis 7 us
David Kennedy 703
Harry Lauc - 7 t'B
K T "Tntou 4 OS
D 11 Hastings 22 25
1) W Jones 6 60
Richard Morgan 19 oft
Wm. K Duck - 70
Jnuies Sinitit - 270
Adam Yearick 2 22
J W Snook 2 70
Vinton Beekwith 2 n
Wm. Potter 12 00
Ed Brown. 'J 75
George Harris 1 80
l> W White 5124
J C P J0ne5...... 3 IS
A Walters - 11 10
M J Doluu 4 87
James Lucas 1 2-5
Thomas Shearer 3 06
James Sharp 3 06
Harry Ginter 3 00
Thomas McCatferty 3 06
John Garbriek 3 06
Frauk Lehman 9 40
Wm. Dorstiue — 3 00
Al S Gannan 58 01
Moyer Lyon 3 00
Joh'n Kennedy..— 4 ftft
B J Laport 10 46
A S Athertou - 7 56
W E Beales 3S 30
Sarah Sullivan 7 56
Locy Gainsford 7 56
Lewis Hess 10 51
Win. Hudson 7 56
Wm. 7 56
Charles Ennis 7 56
Johu Kenvon 7 56
Samuel Ard 13 27
C \Y Kleckner 4 86
Rush Rhoiles 6 12
F H Mever 4 50
Abram Haurn 4 50— $2924 91
John Woi.f. Cr.
By one day at Beech Creek
Bridge $ 3 CO
- 4 days delivering Elec
tion blunks f. 12 00
•• 4 davs delivering Assess
Books 12 00
•• 3 days delivering Trau- *
scripts 9 00
- 1 day delivering Reg
istration Books 3 00
- one day at ltoopsburg
Bridge 3 00
•• 1 day at Curtiu's Bridge 3 00
•• 4 days delivering Regis
try "books I' 2 00
~ 6 days delivering Dupli
cates 18 09
•• J£ day delivering 60 day
List 1 60
•• 4 days delivering Elec
tion papers 12 00
•• 107 days services us
Commissioner 321 00
409 50
To orders 011 account $l3B 00
Henry C.Campbell. Cr.
By S days delivering Elec
tion blanks 9 00
- C days delivering Assess
books 18 00
•• 2 days delivering Tran
scripts 6 00
•• 4 days delivering Dupli
cates 12 00
•• 4 days delivering Elec
tion blanks 12 00
~ 1 day at Roopsburg
bridge 1 00
- 107 days services as
Commissioner 321 00
379 00
To Sundry Orders 011 ncc't $379 00
A. J. Giifist. Cr,
By balance aoo't of 1883 .. 109 09
- 2 days delivering Elec
tion blanks 6 09
- 1 day at Eaglevillc
bridge - 3 00
•• Expenses lo same 1 50
•• 5 days delivering Assess
books lo 00
•• 5 days delivering Tran
scripts 15 CO
•• 1 day* at Roopsb'g bridge S 00
- 1 day delivering Regis
try books 3 00
•• 1 day at Roopsb'g bridge 3 00
- I day at Curtin's bridge 3 00
•• 1 day at Roopsburg - 3 00
•• 8 days delivering Regis
tration blanks... 24 00
•* 8 days delivering Dupli
cates 21 00
•• ft days delivering Elec
tion blanks 15 00
- 136 days services as
Commissioner 408 00
626 50
To Sundry Orders 011 acc't $6;? 50
Alexander & Bower, coi
tion fee $ 18 65
D M Butts ass't Engineer
Bellefoute bridge 75 00
I)o on Eagleville " 12 60
D F Fortney expenses to
Hurrisburg taking testi
mony in Lunatic eases 15 52
J C Harper Stove lor Pro
thonotary's Office 37 85
G H Lehman removing
Plank off Milesburg
bridge and putting the
same on Curtin's bridge 20 00
Rob't McKnight Gas for
lamps in Court House
Yard 47 20
Telephone Co. use of lust's 0 00
J 11 Orris, Att'y fee in Lu
natic cases 50 00
C G M'Millen. 13 meals for
Jurors u 50
1) C Keller Books for Treas
urer's office 39 00
Silas M Bailey, State tax
'B3 1574 46
JQA Kenuedy, repairs 011
Safe 30 00
D C Keller, Commission on
State tax 15 71
J C Blair, Stationery for W
F Reber 20 00
Jos. L N'eil, cryiqg gules of
Unseated Lands....' 12 90
Win. C Heinle. Stove for
District Att'y's office... 32 37
L L Beck, services in Com
missioners' office 3 00
E Brown, 13meals for Ju're 4 55
Telephone Co. use of Tust. 6 25
D F Fortney, taking testi
mony in Lunatic cases 6 10
C G M'Millen, 13 meals for
Jurqrs <1 50
Sam'l Bfugger, Eng. serv'es ft 45
Telephone Co., use of lust. 000
J C Harper, Docket for Pro
thonotary's office 18 00
E L Orvis, surveys on Un
seated Lands 25 00
J C Harper, costs, Centre
Co, vs. College twp.,
Lunatic cases 70 76
L L Beck, services Com
missioners' office..,s 00
James Dumbleton, witness
Ifes on special appeal U.
S. Lands, Centre Co. vs
A O Furst et al 10 08
f J N Hall, planking How-
ard bridge 184 10
D V Keller, blank for U. H.
Lands 24 00
Adolf Feinbrener, tuktug
deposition in Lunatic
ease 8 00
Charles penmore, same '1 36
Charles Smith, acknowl
edging Cmn'rs' Deeds 25 00
K 1. Hotter. Registers and
Order book 05 r>o
D Z Kline,etal Arbitrators
in ease Centre Co. vs.
Bellefonte borough 3 00
Telephone Co., use of Inst. 6 00
K B Spang ler, Chair for
Register's office 7 75
K Brown, 13 meals for jur's 4 20
J 11 Orvis, Att'y fee in Lu
natic cases 25 00
A O Furst, exp's of J 11
Mitehel taking test'ony
College two. Lunatic
cases 15 00
Sam'l Gilliland et al divid
ing Bogg township 53 70
Win F Keber, copying Tes
ti'otiy in I.nnatic cases 5 00
F L liutter, Deed book for
Recorder's office 20 00
\V F Mnrphv A Sous. Deed
A: Mortgage book for
same —• 26 50
1) F Fortney. taking testi
mony iii Lunatic ease,
Centre Co. vs. Kennertp 8 04
Richard Mctiwin, writing
fluid 2 75
John A Dunkle, expenses
to Cnrtiu's bridge - 2 00
George W Tate, makiug
Specifications for irou
iug cells in jail 3 50
E Brown, Ft meals for Jury 4 55
Telephone Co., use of lnt. 6 00
Uazet.e A Bulletin Sale
book for U. S. Lands 14 00
J X Hall, hauling and pil
ing plank of Howard
bridge -1 00
Do repairs Howard dam
bridge 2 00
Telephone Co., use of lust. 6 00
Clearfield Co. Com., i i ex
penses Fainting Mo
shamion bridge 22 50
E I. Orvis, taking testimo
ny in l.uuulie case,
Centre Co. vs. l'hilips
burg borough 30 00
Telophoue Co., use of lust's 6 oo
Sam 1 Prugger, Eng. serv'es 32 :*>
L L Beck, 31 days work ou
Assess books 02 00
F L 11 utter. Order book 0 25
John T Fowler, exp's on
double Assessment on
I*. S. I-ands 11 48
Telephone Co., use of lust's o 00
J X Hall, repairs on How
ard dam bridge - 00
L L Beck, copy Kegistra
tiou book 5 00
W G Morrison, for same... 35 ".
Goldsmith Bros.,wrapping
Paper 30
H Beck, adding Asscs-tn is 2 so
1) C Keller, copying Treas.
Sale Book 100 00
II I* Harris, Cofliu lor Jos,
Potter - 2' 0?
Sam 1 Brngger, Eng. serv .se 80 4o
Telephone Co., use of lust. o l* l
Daniel Garman, horse hire 0 00
K M Spear, Telegram 25
Telephone Co., use of Inst's 0 00
Martin Morrison, watching r
Court-house 1
F L lluitcr, Elect'n blanks 70 05
Telephone Co., use of Inst. 0 00
D C Keller, selling Wm.
Bell tract 3 C 2
Wm. Jones, Water Tax for
Jail... .. 78 00
Sam'l Briigger, Rug. serves 4
Goldsmith liros., Wrapping
Paper —~
John 11 Orvis, Map of
lttiniside township 200 00
John H Orvis, Att'y fee ou
Lunatic eases 110 CO
P Garman, 14 meals and
room lor Jury ami Tip
stall'. ' 00
D F Fortney, collection fee
in Lunatic cases 50 0Q
Telephone Co., uso of Inst. 0 00
p O Keller, tax on state
LOAU, 'B3 108
I) C Keller, same, for '84... 120 82
do Deeds for U. S.
Lands - 18" 20
D C Keller, for Adv. same 13 00
D F Fortney, extra services _
in Lunatic cases . 00
Edison Electric Light Co.,
Fixtures 4815 HMO 01
Year. District. Assessor.
, 18S2 Boggs, D B Mttlone .$ 9 30
•• lluuton, G W Miltfc 1 ft)
•• Howard bor. JII M'Elvraln 1 oo
IWH Boggs, D B Maloue. C 00
•* lerguiam, J 11 Mi11er...... w
•• Potter, J B Fpangler 5 55
•• Harris, J 8 lioal 300
- Howard, Jos. Turner 14 50
•• Half Moou, Isaiah Beck— 11 00
„ Howard boro., W DNefT.., 100
•• Ponu, John Kerstetter 4 00
- College, John E Murray... 100
" Curtin, Wm. Robb 540
•• Bellefonte bor, E J Bradley 200
•• Patton. Sam'l I Gray .. 1 00
•• Uuionville bor, Juo. Bing,
Assistant 2 2.5
•• Uuionville boro, John Al
exander, Assistant 2 25
- Hurris, Samuel Yearick.. 4 lo
- Cnrtin, Peter Robb, appeal 200
•• Curtin, X J M'Closkey 200
- Benucr, Jos. W Marshall 700
•• Millheim bor, DWZcigler 8 (X)
1884 Bellefonte " II U Benner 40 50
do S W., W J Gerritv 12 00
do N W., John A
Wagner .. 22 00
do W \V. t A H Cox... 17 00
•• Philipsburg boro, T G
Dunkle 85 06
, •• do Ist P., II O lloffer 500
do 2d P., li C Warfel 500
do 3d P.,SO Fleming 500
- Milesburg bor, W R Camp
bell 14 12
•• Millheim boro, A CMusser 15 25
*• Uuionville bor, H Patter
son 18 63
•• Howard bor, 11 J Holter... 872
•• Benner. James Clark 83 86
•• Boggs, Elias llaucoek 81 48
•• Burnside, A V Dougherty 19 68
•• Curtin, J W Packer 21 02
•• College, Michael Grove... 19 42
•• Ferguson, W E Meek 18 26
•• Gregg. Wm. l'ealer 42 90
•• Half Moon, S I) Eves 13 38
•• Harris, D F Weiland 28 00
•• Haines. Henry Rheinhait 30 68
•• Howard, D 8 Dunham 26 72
•• Huston, John (J Miles 19 00
•• Liberty, C C Corter 30 00
" Marion, C F Yearick 11 60
•• Miles, J A Gramley.gQ Oil
*• Patton, P A Boilers 15 72
•• Penu, J 8 Meyer .. 28 06
•• Potter, M M Coudo 83 04
•• Rush, Jos. Dumblcton 54 00
- Spring. M F Riddle 42 80
•• Snow Shoe, Sam'l Royer... 75 32
•• Taylor, II LBlowers 24 30
•• Union, Peter II Bush 25 10
.. Walker,Jue. Walkey 84 58
•• Gregg, NP. Jno Rossman 4 00
•• Ferguson EP, L W Walker 200
•• Rush, J W Collins 2 in
•t mines, W u philips £ do— fiooi 85
Feb. Nov.
Bellefonte 8 W..8 750 f9 00
do N W.. 7 5o 900
do W W.. 750 9 00
Philipsburg Ist W.. 15 87 23 45
do 2d W.. 26 87 23 45
40 2d W.. 15 87 53 45
Howard Borough. 19 91 14 69
Millheim do 21 76 15 25
Milesburg do 19 11 13 55
Unionville do 20 35 14 85
Benner Township 8 10 9 72
Boggs, S P 18 55 14 26
Boggs, XP 11 75 13 85
Burnside Township 25 80 19 85
College " 19 36 14 (#
Curtin •' 18 90 16 91
Ferguson, E P 20 55 12 60
W I' 19 95 16 65
Gregg, S P 22 27 19 45
N I' 12 95 14 80
Haines, E P 15 63 18 60
1 .. W P 23 19 20 29
Half MpOu Twp.... 22 35 17 25
Harris Township 19 95 13 65
Howard 17 80 14 86
Huston - 20 15 16 50
Liberty " 20 7ft 17 65
Marrlou " '22 85 18 25
Miles •• 19 61 18 05
Pattou " 22 75 18 65
Ponn " 24 65 20 8-5
Potter, N P 21 96 17 45
S 1' 17 90 18 Bft
Ruth, Sl' 22 Ift 21 W
N P 27 95 23 6ft
Spring twp 16 70 19 20
Suow Shoe, W P... 17 ftft 18 o5
E P... 21 75 15 66
Taylor Township 14 35 II 85
Union •* 19 3ft 15 oft
Walker " 19 12 15 28
Worth " 19 87 17 65
Penn twp Special
Election 20 55
Vinton Beck with
Const.Taylortp 7 80
Isaac I/wo. Const.,
Hellefonte 12 60
J C Meyer, Clerk,
Election Uct'us 6 00
John Daley, use of
Stove for elec
tion, 'B4, Curtiu
tow usblp 10 00
J C Meyer, Judicial
Ueturu Judge... '2 00
W C Heinle, Cougr.
Return Judge... 200
H 1) Blowers, Const 3 50
W 1) Port, Const.,
Ferguson 2 25
W F Reber, clerk,
Judicial Elect.. 2 CO
L A Shaffer, clerk,
Cougr. Election 4 00
Johu KUnc, Clerk,
Geuer'l Eleet'n
returns C 00— $1567 50
Grand Jury, Jan Ses $219 68
Traverse •• •• *• 520 36
_ 2d W 615 72
special term 843 Oil
Grand Jury Apr.Set 188 79
Trav'se •• ~ 521 28
- -2d W* 401 08
Grand Jury Aug Ses 146 80
Trav'se ~ " 276 16
Grand Jury Nov ~ 182 80
Trav'se " " 548 40
2d week 297 <vi
\V F Reber, Stenographer 776 4ft
B G&lbruith, Court-crier... 138 00
C Derr, Tip staff'. 126 ort
J S Parsons, do 94 00
S F Foster do 94 00
MartiuMarriroudo 96 00
N A Lucas do '2 00
Samuel Bechtol, Talesman 4 00
8 M McMulrio do 4 00
J B Mitchell do 4 00- 15505 12
Bellefoute Gas Co., Gas...„ f 56 90
Edison E. Light Co. Light 37 19
Alexander A Co, Coal 133 7ft
L L Brown, Coal 65 59
Bayard <k Cunningham
Pavement 196 94
H K Hleks <fc Bro, hard
ware. repairing and
cleaning stoves 27 54
E R Artman, Window cur
tains 16 00
Geo Whtppo hanging some 125
Jas Flick, Kindling Wood 5 50
W T Irwin do do 3 25
Wilson & M'Farlane, hard
ware ft 39
R B Spaugler A Co, Disk... 40 00
Jas Harris & Co, hardware 165
Johp A Dunkle, Repairs... 2 00
Moses Plukney, Removing
Ashes 1 50
W II Weaver, Removing
Rubbish 2 50
Thos Shttiigheucy, clean
ing ditch 3 50
M Morrison, Work on C.
If. Yard 75
Loueberger A Co. Repairs
on Court House 3 40
H K Hieks, Repairing C.
11. Yard Fence 41 57
name, -tove for Reg. Office 27 00— $666 17
H KTlicks, hardware 43 08
do Repa'iug Range 20 87
do Liuiug ft Cells... 822 00
do 1 water buck for
range 11 00
do extra work ou
end cell 5 20
do 225 lb Iron rods 6 75
do 9 Rivets 1 80
do drilling boles in
wall 4 50
do 2 Iron Window
Frames 19 80
do Pett'nis for same 8 20
do 12 Bolts 75
do Work 011 Win
dow Frames 8 50
do Spouting for jail 6 10
Jno A Dunkle, Repairs 31 'AI
do making Ticks 2 70
do ftVashing, etc 4 00
do Plasterrg Jail 130 00
Bellefoute Gas Co, for Gas 11C 90
Phoenix l'laning Mill,
Lumber 23 39
Theo Deshucr, 1 Key for
Jail 1 00
Joseph llros, Stove 9 00
do Merchandise 32 80
Sam'l lx;wins do 5 75
Harper Bros do 20 01
C H Hoffer A Co do 1 50
Lyou fc Co do 1 50
D Garmon & Sons do 812
Hicks kGriffith,rt Iron bed
steads 68 50
do do 1 Grate 1 25
WnvS Galbraith, Plumb'g 16 90
L L Brown, Coal 372 12
Peter M'Mahou, mending
shoes 8 00
CShrock, Repair". 25 "
John Rishel, Straw 7 00
P B Krider, kindling 8 (
John Powers A Son. Shoes 1 50
P. R. R. Storage Prisoner's
Trunk 2 00
AC Mingle, for Shoes 1 50
Mrs. A E Garman, washing 102 86— 819&) 83
Michael Eby $ 60 00
John Eby 258 2)
Moses A Henry Eby 74 12
Moses Eby 63 10
Henry Hartsock 25 22
Wm A Tobias 120 00
C Awl ' 200 00
Wm F Reynolds k Co 844 18
Harper Bros 400 00
Chestie Harper 32 80
J 1 Gepbart 181 05
J B Fisher 411 95
Auuie Ettlnger 110 00
Cue H Neff.?. 98 00
Johu Marks 58 98
Daniel Z Kline 50 00- $2472 60
To ain't p'd for Road Vlews
Gregg 21 20
" ~ p'd for Bridgo views
Benner 2 00
•• ** lor Rood views Rush 35 60
~ - for Curtin views 35 00
•• - fyr Road ylcws Snow
Bhoe 62 60
'To am't paid lor Road
5 views, Liberty 44 40
paid for Road
. views, Worth... 16 90
paid for Road
views, Union... 23 00
paid for Road
views, Harris... 28 90
paid for Road
views, Penn 10 40
paid for Road
views, Bogg9 11 10
paid lor Road
views, Spring... 12 CO
pfiid for Road
views, Philips
burg 27 30
paid for Koail
views, Howard 12 80
paid for Road
views, Marion... 9 20— S3S6 40
II K Hoy, body of Jno
Keeler 21 50
H K Hoy, body of Thomas
Bard 43 60
D B Kuhns body of Italian 10 20
do do do 18 24
do do Thos.
Bard IS 00
II II llurshberger, body of
C l>a vis 11 87
D II Hastings, body ol < ieo
Jeitks 10 62
Robert J Hajncs, body of
Jos Yorkes 15 85
II 11 Mothcrahuugh, Post
Mortem Kxam... 15 00
Lewis lies*, body of Stmuk 10 87
H K Hoy, body of I> 1'
tlpieer .. 21 10
do Dody of Infunt 19 18
J II Brown, oodv of A
Sherlock 15 72
W F Reader laxly of D
Trauover 11 87
II K Hoy, body of George
Whippo - 15 13
Hastings A Reeder for Wm
Laughlin, Rob't
Murray and S
Shearer .. 37 86- F292 27
Phoenix Planing Mill
Lumber for Belle
fonte Bridge 485 48
Columbia Bridge Co, acc't
same 1587 C 2
L II Brown, acc't same 13 50
Columbia Bridge Co, acc't
of Spring Mills Bridg" 96 00
Columbia Bridge Co, bal.
Eogleville Bridge... 4281 30
Pittsburg Bridge Co. acc't
of Curtin's Bridge... 1000 00
Wm Lyon, Abutments of
ltoopaburg Bridge... 581 50
John A Dunkle, Pier, Cur-
tiu's Bridge 725 00— sß<2o 40
J II Reifsnyder 530 86
John Germit 13 50
John C Uhle 73 73
J S Ford 3 89
R G Brett 10 86
E 8 Dorworth - 45 21
Wni Young 0 w
Samuel Hoover 10 80
Samuel Hall 1 94
Child* Bros. A Co 3 44
PGrav Meek 90 00
A O Furet 8 35
John T Fowler 9 28
James A Beaver 24 G7
Joseph Devling 3 t"9
T Merryman 8 16 _
John H >rvis 53 11— S3B, 83
To Orders on acc't Com
missioners' Clerk $650 00
To am't paid forlsHO S2OO 00
do do 1884 JUO 00— S4OO 00
P Gray Meek, for 'B3 $206 90
do do 'B4 261 15
Shugart ACo for *84......... 123 57
Deininger A Bumiller, 'Bl 94 20
E T Tuten 124 SO
W F Bair 58 56
Fred Kurtz 197 70 — SIO6B 38
X *
D F Fortney, Henry Irwin sls 00
8 D Ray, Martin llaldcman 16 00
J c Meyer, Job. W Lucas... 15 00- $46 00 -
EJ Pruuer, Wm iKmtler
Tract sl2 54
John McGhev, L Hays
Tract IS 24
C Qaigley, J Parker Tract 10 34
C M Bower. Sundry do 36 8*
Jnc ;Gerbric, Rob't Young 25 52
J II Reifsnyder, Weiland
A Xcidigh Tract 19 47
J L F ngler, R Homes
t . 9 81
A O l 'eU-r Delias*, .
v. . Tract 37 29 8170 09
14H4 Skunk Scalps $742 00
448 Fox do 448 00
5 Wild-cat do 3 75
2 Catamount do 1 50
1 Wolf do 12 10— $1207 25
F P MiiKser -..5. 539 00,
C P Hews 33 00'
JflrllWiil SC 00
H Beck, Auditors' Clerk... 42 00
L A Shaffer, auditing Reg.,
Rec., Ac. officers' act 15 09
A O Furst, Att'y for Aud'ns ~35 00— S2OO 00
Const return, Jan ses sll4 46
do Aprses.—_.. 10$ 48 , l\
do 1' Augce......... 9(02
do Xovses 91 56 $393 52
q. Y. x snTZER.
To Order btatiftnerj'-.-i- ' 524 11
Maintaining Insane at
Hospital : $522 49
Maint'ing: Insane at Hos
pital $657 75
. \ T\ vk
By bal acttlemeirt V sis 6 00
do salary for 'B4 200 00
To Orders on, account...;., S2OO oo
To Order on acc't Protby. $438 52
To Orders maintaining
Convicts ..... r s3*l 81— * $384 St
To Orders Express charges $5 62
To Orders serv'es as Janitor $-225 00
To Order County Detective
service $240 00
To Orders on account $2731 97
To Order Goo L Potter $75 00
do Jos A Rankin A
Son 9 00 SB4 00
To Order on acc't salary... 185 00
J H Tolbert sll 34
D B Kuhns 7 72
CDcrr, Clerk 7 50- S2O 54
To Order salary for 'Bl S2OOO 00
do stationery 10,00-* S2OIO 00
To Order salary as Janitor S6O 00— 860 00
Henry Hartsock $ 200 00
Harper Bros 16000 OO
J P Gephort 863 48
> Win F Reynolds AOo 7000 00
J B Fisher 2000 00— 526063 48
By am't Orders drawn 'B4 68169 9$
Hd balance 2898-i
Dr. to ain't i'orwar'd 711C8 42
~To balance in hands of
Treasurer, JaiL 5, 'BS $2998 44
JANUARY 1, 1886.
J B Fisher froOGO 00
Hue K Neir !*0 00
John Mark* 710 87
Cheatie Harper 65G ;5
Wm A Tobias 24< 00
John Kby <L Brother 3830 17
Annie Kttinger 2300 00
Jennie It Foster 1032 25#
Mrs. C Awl 4000 00
I> Z Kline 1000 00
W K Reynolds dt Co . r >ooo (JO- 127818 69
County Debt, Jan 1,18x2... 18:1167 09
do do do '83...' (>2647 15
do do do '84... 42142 28
do do do ,85... 27818 69
To qualifying Dlst Att'y 8 1 CO
~ cer witness fees No 35 Aug
*Bl, 60
To cer dead body George Jeuks 75
~ dead body, C Davis 75
do 1. Stein rock 75
To diacli'ge Jon Burke, etc I 5
•• Inq. on body, Geo Jeuks 75 *
•• order to view bridge No 8
Jan 'B2 1 25
- Cer of lnq. on body, Thos
Bard 75
" cer of Inq. on body B G
Casino 75
" B Galbraith, pay as Court
orier 75
Cr. By No 306 Aug term, 'B3 f 4 00
To cer bridge Liberty twp No
3 Jan, 'B2 . 2)
- entering return of same 75
•* temporary discharge of G
Stewart No 1 Aug, 'X3 1 00
•• filing and approving Co. Au
ditors' report 30
" report of Grand Jury a copy 1 50
" Tip-staves eertilieatc 40
•• Court-cricr do 75
•• tier road No 3 Nov ses *B3
| -31 Const returns Jan ten 'B4 4 65
- cer do pay do do 75
•• tier do nay 2d week do 50
" eer Grand jury pay Jan S 'Bl 75
„ cerTrav'se do do 75
do 2d week do 50
•• 5 jurymen excused 1 25
•• orders for ven's adj. 2d w '34 1 00
. do tlo do . 75
-Grand jury Apr session, '34 75
-Trav'se do do do 75
do do 2d w'k do '.ft
-No 4 Nov ses, 'B3, disch'ge... 100
- cer discharge Nos 20, 21, 23
Jan ses, '84..- 5 00
•• recording Spring Flection,
472 names 47 20
- notifying Con., postage, etc 8 80
- cer in No G Aug ses, 33 75
-■ eer do 18 427 Jan ses, 'M 150
*• serving Constables for do 775
do Dippree * Horace
'lark 50
- appoiutm't etc. James Noll
Const. Boggs 1 00
- temp'ry discharge and cer
1) L Mowry ~ 1 00
- NO 11 Nov term 'B2 2 7ft
- cer Court-crier pay Mar 10 &
11. *B4 75
•• cer C Derr pay Mar 10411*84 25
Cr. By Vena Ex. Nov, '83... 3 80
To oer No 11 Nov term, 'B2 60
_ discharge 4 cer R E Shaffer 1 U)
.. Ko 4 Jan term, 'B4 2 00
Or. By No 3 Aug term 'S3 4OO
To transfer 16 names, J. ;P's to
Sec'y Com'wth 4 00
- disch'g and cer Jas Smith... 1 5()
.. appoin't Aud'r Curtin twp 1 00
- do Superv*r Suow Shoe lp 1 on
•• % April nes 'B4 2 50
- cer in road No 3,1,0, Jun'y
ses 'Bl 00
- cer in road No 1 a 5 Nov ses
•88 40
- di3(h'g and ecr Jas Smith... 150
•• app't sup'r for Taylor twp 1 00
" do Auditor for Curtin twp 1 >
- Stationery 4 00
- cer in No 4 Jan session, 'B4 20
- eer Court-crier's pay 75
- app't Hupe'r Half Moon tp 1 00
- do do Liberty twp 1
- revoking app't Sup'r,Taylor
township 60
-31 Const, returns Apr ses. 'B4 4 65
_ No 4 April ses, *B4 20
- cer. to Jury for bridge across
Peuus Creek 60
- cer to Jury for bridge across
B. E. Creek - W
- oer coust pay Apr ses, '84... 75
- report of Grand Jury and
- : : Copy 1 50
-"Cbr Grand Jury pay Apr ses
•84 - —. 75
- cer Traverse Jury pay Apr
ses, 'B4 - *
- cer Traverse Jury pay Apr
terra, 'Bl SO
~ cer Tip-staves pay Apr tgrin 1 (*>
-cojij' lOQ- and bill of cost
ou Spicer Girl 75
- oer In No 1 Aug ses, 84 20
- Veaires Grand Jury Aug
term, 'B4 75
- Venires Traverse Jury Aug
term, 84 •
•* Venires Traverse Jury Aug
term 75
- cer Tip-staff pay June Argu
ment Court ; 25
. - cer Court-crier 75
- disch'g * cer Jas Gallagher 1 50
- cer Court-crier and Tip
staves pay, June '84... 75
- disch'g and cer Wm Pen
nington 150
Or. By No 46 August term, 'B2 4 00
To lnq. und cer on Infant in
Milcsburg 1 50
*• advertising Order of Court 860
- oer Keg. assessor DB Malone 1 00
- cer Koad No 8 Aug ses, '84... 20
•• decree No 33, Jan ses, '84... 1 00 >■
- Com. Wm Pennington 200
.*• cer and lnq.on A Shulick... 75
f do ou body Dora
Bell ~ 75 .
•• cer 4 Inq. on body Wm.
Laughlin <s
•• cer 4 Inq. on body of D Ter
miner 75
- cer Court-crier pay Aug 29,
■ 'B4 75 ••• '
•• cer Viewers pay on line be
tween Worth and
Taylor twps .. 20
- ccr Grand Jury pay Aug ses
'B4 „ 75
•• cqr Traverse Jury pay Aug
ses, 'B4 75
•• Coast, pay Aug 6cs 'B4 75
- Von** Grand Jury Nov 14 'B4 75.
- do Trav'se do .75
d do Nov T do 75
•• 31 Coust. returns, Aug 8, 'B4 4 65
- return Grand Jury- * Copy . 1 50
•• eer Reg. Ass. Ferguson twp l 00
do Gregg N P... 1 00
do Potter 8 P... . A 00
•• disch'g of David Lingle..;... 1 5o
.. Viewers pay No 5 Aug T 'SI . 20
233 Aug term. 'BO 1 20
-No 1 Nov ses, *B4. ltec. app't .. .
of Viewers 25
- ltec'ding appoin't Election
Overseers of Liberty
. twp 1 25
•• Proc'ding Penn twp.Elect'u
No 1 Nov ses, 'B4 3 00
- No 114 Nov Term, 'B4 3 00
i -No 2 Nov ses, Lunatic case 400
No 3 do . Kkclion case 300
- oer Court-qrier'B puy Kept 29 75
- cer Viewers* pay Nov ses 'B4 20
- damages to \\ m Ellenberger
No 2 Apr..........-./...... 20
I - discharge and cer in No 33
Jan ses, '84......... 150
- No 3'/ Nov ses, 'B4 4 00 •
Cr. -By No 8 Aug ses, "83 4 00
•• By Pi. Fa. No 16 Aug T., 'B4 4 00
> To discharge and cer in No 17 ' '
Apr ses, 'Bl i 00
- cerfbrsfx Return Judges... o 4'> '" '
•• ltec'ding and Filing Elect'u : c .
> Returns, 'B4 1 00 •
•• Assisting Couut'g Vote, 'B4 15 00
t " Trausfing 165 names to Sec.
Com'wth 41 25 t '
„ 2 cer for 2 Judicial Return
Judges so
•• Fo 3% Nov session, 'B4 3 no
•• cer Jon Kline, Elect n Clerk 20
R •• cer J C Meyer, do 20
0 •• cer Viewers' pay No 1 Nov
„ session, 34 20
k ('jCf<D ea d Body, A Shulick 75 ,
- report Grand Jury <jc. Cppy,
Nov ses, *84.....'„ 150 - "i
- cer Court-crier's pay, No 5, v i \ * *>