Hard Times. "Where'er you may roam you will hear toon talking About the hard times, and predicting that we are to have a very bad business year. But then it is a consoling reflection that the time was neyer known that moneyed'men didn't groan about the financial outlook. Let a couple of banks break, and the merchant who has been doing a pros perous business begins to weai his face long, and to tell his clerks that he has been a heavy looser, as a prelude to tearing down the salaries. Therefore, it is not well to listen to the song of the bondholder,because bus iness will be brisk, anyway. The baker *will never fail, bqeause people will never stop eating bread. The barber will never fail,because the lonesome people want to be talked to and cheered up. The bauk will never fail, because the washerman must have a place to depos it her savings. We might go on and make a list of facts to prove that business must keep Dp; but we will not do it. We will •imply point out a few signs which go to proye that times are not flush. The times may be adjudged hard— When a man shovels the snow off his sidewalk— When the Niagara hackman pawns his watch to get food and drink— When a man wears a full beard to save the expense of.being shaved— When Charles Francis Adams match es himself against a refrigerator— When the aged beau dyes his hair and side whiskers with stove blacking— When the merchant-prince carries his provisions home from the market- When a woman is willing to coyer a summer hat with velvet to last through the winter- When the man with a short reach is always to be found closest to the free lnnch counter- When you see a plumber wearing Arctic overshoes to conceal the breaks in a pair of Oxford ties— When the dude cannot change his scarf eight times a day, and have on a louder one every lime- When the poet puts on advertising terminus on a love lyric, and sells it to a tooth-powder establishment— When a man feels in his vest to satis fy a creditor, and then says in an off band way ; "I'll just send you a check to-morrow"— When a man makes his calls in full dress, saying that he has just been din ing, when in reality his other clothes are not fit to be seen in.— Purk. ADVICE TO ■OTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crving with pain of cutting teeth ? I f so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value, is incalculable. It will relieve the p>or little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It enresdysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING STREP POR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physici tns In the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 85 cents a bcttle. Dreadful Mistake. 'There has been a mistake—a dread ful mistake/ she said as she called at the chief clerk's window in the postof fice yesterday. 'What is the matter ma'am ?' 'Why, I called here on Saturday for a letter.' 'And I hope you got one.' 'Yes sir. My husband is in Buffalo, you kuow, and I've been expecting a letter from him every day for a fort uiglit. He was to send me some mon ey you know, and I was on my last sniiling when I got that letter.' 'Well f 'Well, sir, 1 hurried right home and opened the letter and out fell a dollar bill. Just think of a loving hnsbaod sending his loving wife a dollar bill with which to run the house and pre serve her station in society for a whole month !' 'But you put the money in your pock et and burned the letter.' 'Oh, no, sir ! I threw the bill into the fire aud set out to lead the letter. It started off with: 'Dear Madam,' and then I began to suspect something, as mv husband always calls me his angel. And then it went on to say : 'So you want a bangie eh? Well, take the en closed and Jingle down town and bangle your old head off and be hanged to you!' 'Well ?' •Well,l looked down at the signature, and it was signed 'Slouch.' Then I saw, sir, that it couldn't be from my husband at all, for it was written frcin Chicago, while he is in Buffa'o. It was addressed to my name, but it couldn't have been for me.' The clerk received the letter and carefully scanned the envelope, and she handed him a dollar with the remark ; 'Put it in the letter, sir, and write on the envelope: 'Opened by mistake dreadful mistake —but the opener won't give it away.' If you can think of any thing else to sooth the poor woman,put it on, too.' •Yes, I will.' •For I know exactly how She'll feel about it, and I know if my husband should tell me to bangle my old head off and jingle around I wouldn't have any one know it for a million dollars. Dear me I but I'm so sorry, and it was such a mistake—dreadful mistake.' Just now there seems to be a fancy among fashionable people to use owls stuffed owls—as ornaments to set on the tops of bookcases or other suitable places. Common owls stuffed sell at $3 to $8 each, white owls at sls to S2O. A dealer in Boston says : "I have been cleaned out of owls entirely,the demand has been so laige of late, and I have several unfilled orders from Chicago still on hand." Taught Him Politeness. The pay train stopped at Willow Bend to pay the railroad hands and to liquidate claims for cattle on the track in that seetion. A gaunt, hungry-look ing granger stepped up to the smart young man who was dispensing tho cash in the rear end of the car. "Got my namo on vour books, Mis ter V" "How should I know unless you tell me your name ?" "Kerreet you are. You have got the edge on me there. Well, my name is llufus McConkey." "Yes," said the young man,referring to his books; "Mr. McConkey, 1 have got you down for a hog." "Have me down for a hog, have you? Well, 1 11 have you down for a half an hour, and I'll be on top of you makin' It sortin excitin' to you, if you don't revise that expression. Now, say ut ter me: 'Colonel McConkey, School Trustee, Fourth Distiict—Your name, sir, is on this here list as a boney lider creditor of the I. and G. N. Railroad ; which the amount are ten dollars, the yally of one spotted Berkshire hog: said amount of ten dollars it do me proud to hand to you. Won't you have a ci gar, Colonel ?' " The smart young assistant paymaster repeated after Mr. McConkey word for word,handed Mr.MeConkei the ten dol lars and then gave him a cigar. Colo nel McConkey put the hammer of his six-shooter back to half-cock and then strode out muttering: "Some city chaps think they're smart, but they'll find they has to come out on the peraries to learn perliteness an' grammar."—-las tin Siftings. Wolves. The excessive coldness of the weath er and heavy snow storms are report ed ta have driven herds of wolvds from the Carpathian mountains into the cultivated districts, where tliev have in some cases spread terror among the people. Atllomonna, in North Hun gary, a pack of 120 wolves entering the village while the inhabitants were at church, and were not driven out un til a squadron of Uhlans attacked them with swords and carbines. From a single grain of wheat plant ed in 1881, says the Grass Valley (Cal.) "Record," grew twenty-two stalks, each bearinga full head. These yield ed 860 grains, 760 of which were plant ed the next year, producing one.fifth of a bushel of splendid wheat. This was planted last spring, yielding seventeen bushels,making 1,020 pounds of wheat from one grain in three years. There seems to be a little vein cf hu mor in President Cleveland with all his gravity and seriousness. "You are the first Democratic President I ever saw," remarked a visitor to the President-e --elect. "I am. the first I ever saw my self," was the smiling reply. 'Do you know why you and George remind me of two shades of one color ?' asked a young lady of a companion, w ho had been engaged for a good many years. 'No,' was the reply. 'l'll tell you then; it's because you don't match.' Wben you can't say anything in par ticular in praise of a man you can al ways fall back on : "A few years ago lie was mentioned as a candidate for the county otlice." This rounds him off in good shape. THE B EST PIOTUB18! AT Buck b RO3 ' tfrnrodLLEßr! FAMILY GROUPES AND CHILDREN —TAKEN BY THE [\STAm\EOUS PROCES ! Satisfactory Work Done by RAIN OR SHINE! We furnish everything in our line trom a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. Pictures copied and en larged in the best style. 4FRAMES&- can be procured at our place on short notice our prices are down so as to suit every purse. Gallery on North St., Millheim, Pa !■#■ A|more money than at (anything else ■Hf IHI by taking an agency for the best WW ■ selling book out. Beginners succeed grandly. None fail. Terms free. HALLETT BOOK CO., Portland, Maine., ■ ■Mg |f|for working peo]>le. Send 10 ft! L I Ucents postage, and we will mail ■■L L, J you free, a royal, valuable sain ■ ■ pie box of goods that will put you in the way of making more inoaey in a few days than you ever thought possible at any bus iness. Capital not required. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or ail the time. All of both sexes, -of all ages, grandly successful. 50 cents to $-5 easily earned every evening. That all who want work nu.y test the business.we make this nnparralleled offer : to all who are not well satisfied we.will send $1 to Eiy for the trouble of writing us. Full particu rs, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutelysureforallwho start at once. Don't de lay. Addvess Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. ■ There is no exctisofor suffering from I i CONSTIPATION ■ and other diseases that follow a dis- I ■ orcd state of the Stomach and i>ow- ■ ■ els, when the use of I DR. HENRY BAXTER'S | IMAIDRAKE MS jta Will glvo Immediate relief. I Biliousness, Dyspepsia,! 1 Indigestion, Diseases of I ■ the Kidneys, Torpid Livor 9 ■ Rheumatism, Dizziness, I ■ Sick Headache, Loss of! ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-?| Soploxy, §3 Eruptions and Skin Dis-llj ■ OaSOS, etc. , a " °f which thc-veS ■ Hit tors will speedily euro l,y I. !ln>\ I 11-r llier.iti.. . ■ Keep r.„r.-b, auil /.' . */,,■. (> •> R I I'M wvrti HJ o n/o tho result. LtldiOS ! >!>Sick Hondacho *Oll <'" i RH and iwraiain'iit euro |,v tho r.->o of the o bitten ■ Eat Going tonle nnd mildly purgative they ■ iPUKIFY THE lSLOOI).| I; Prlco 25 cts. por bottle. 3& For pule l>.v nil dealers in medicine. Send jfl ffi address for pamphlet, free, ri\ full directions. j mil,i. Jjjj /(;• j ((lit' (l I SI'I (r A IJ M ) All iS, Mtllhvim <1- Madisonbiti'ij, I\i SCHOOL SUPPLIES! (A full line at the v JOURNAL STORE. \ l'urenls are invited to call at our M place on Penn Street. ' HEALTH IS WEALTH! dr. e. i\ WK'.r s man*: liiuv: \ r ::\t. i irvirintrt I ipoctfic l'>r H!' rl ~ D .v * ■ n* . Ncrv u NrOrftlcU. llcad . h., J.\ m >1 ' \ r he the uf of fllQ ! t'l <-r | < lr<**aloii,fto r tn!njc of the i ■ -.•*! i •* teadiuc C rnfperi, t1- rev and .1 v. , l i t c I \ Btiirniieiw, ttisi of 1* *w in **\. I * i til l o*WkN| t i • f i I Mlfililfr i • rtf4tdil||rti I irhb u< dm Hi i ains. .r 6.. i> i . l paid our* c'j't of price. # WE CUARANTEE SIX DOXE3 Tocnr#ny fA*a. W!'i rrhc, .r i ! 1 ! ii f r ': UiXH. tcroiQi Hith n u u i I f •• wiiltt*n fuarant** t r* uud *. .• r* .•>;.: - . ii t eff 'i a cur**. C tiara--in* * i--* ci ; ' BMNUEB A IDMUWi 31 *t ap-tyOEOC ?A£l." 1 Till nWwti rt Tif Übij liiu.d fnrili r. i)'-' 9 CMM iNtofcli cn, where H|m>b rccrlpl o; 25 rrr.'.i. I uut -t .lt |[ cuiiii.cn. EiSNER U MENUELSON, j. 32'J Race Straot, Phl'a'lolpSila, P-.. , GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CI.OTIIIEUS for your Cl<>t hi v,. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS k-ep the largest stock in the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HA YEN m, JOHN BULL'S SntfsTncSinv FOS TriZ CURE OF FEVE&and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEyER, AMD A'L KALARIAI DISEASES. The proprietor of this celebrated medi cine justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies oif;red to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT cure of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of 3hort or long stand ing. He refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of tho assertion that in no case whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are strictly followed and carried out. In a gTeat many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every caso more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases. Usu elly this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartio medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dose of BULL' 3 VEGETABLE FAMILY PILL 3 will be suf ficient. BULL'S SARSAPARILLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the bloot and Scrofulous affections—tho King of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER i prepared in the form of candy drops, attractive to tho sight and pleasant to tho taste. 3Qn. JOI-I3NT BULL'S SMITH'S TONIG SYRUP, BULL'S CARSAPAR'J A, BULL'S V/OBiu VY3TROYER, The Popular Re/nc:'!:3 c: who Day. Pi :n"ii l :il O.lii'P. bhih SANITARIUM. Riverside, Cnl. Tho dry climate cures. Nose Throat, Lungs, full idea, 36 p., route, cost, free. /■_?! pj | j|i f| CAll that the doubtful curiousor Ihout'htful want to| < kn w, Cloth and giltbiodia :&!) cts, paper 2oc, 4The great specialist, Nervous Debility,lmpediments* Ito Marriage, Consultation nnd Pamphlet free,. > NO SURPRISE! THE GOVERNMENT ENDORSES The Ameican Agriculturist. I'llOM Til 14 I I NTll'lTMsrH.Voi. S. J1 8T I'i ' IH.I sj| l'l , "Hi.' A nit riran Af/rh'ulturist is o*poo|all j worlli\ ul 11 icllli*lll, hooanso <,i tho roin.irkaldo I SIIOOOSS thai has uttondod iho ntiivno and until' lii}i ollorP. ol its |>ro|>rliinis t<> hioroaso mid ox to In | Its oiroulat ion. 1 1 .oi in ten isa ro ilii|>lioatoi| ovory month tor a i.omian odiUmi. wlitoh also circulate wiiloly." '1 his Tribute Is a plvasjnjj Incidoiit in tho marvellous noarlv HALF A CENTURY ('nroor of th s n •oiiii/.oil i<*.1 vlil1 ■* Ajirioiill ural ./nurnal ot iho wm id. What it is To-Day. six months a:o tho A iiuridQN Ai/rtcultiirixt onli rod ir mi a in n oiiieei'ol l'ros|ii'i'il.v an Ito da\ it Is lar siipei lor to au\ •liuilai' pot*, lodlcal ov.-r iirodnoi ,| in ihis oi an> otlior omin try. It I oho i tu oil noii 11 stroll;; th ; i oh rln 111- Ua\ lti}S; 111 Inn dmi HIUT pai>or, and present liift In o\or> o-siio lot oo I nil) lis of in | mal road ina n utter from tho a Irion t writers. and uotirlj 1 |oa |l nsi i alinns. Ir. i Jooi yi* Thiill or. fur IMMI ly nil irti*r oI n oonlin \ tho oililm- HI ohiol o| It, • . I l,i • rill, II . | .//•(', lilt It fis(, .lo.ijill I till Is, 111 roll : t. ii tlsti d. Co;. M.U. W. ; n I s. III! I. r.llio mlior Inn ,ii no F-. , 11 :. I s.i I the other writ em who htvo •nude th • AM >ienu i/rl' iittiifi t what it |. la ii iy, an' still at thidr post. WHAT. FREE ? ? ? I Vol'V Slllisoril) r, WLIOSO si luTipti'Ml is IMMI; ! Ii iTi-1 V I nwar lod lis with tho pi 100, in all I —will rocolvo tho American AffrlcttUtirM for I 1100. ISSJ. (.1 I ill I,l' I■> | will It,, p (.-.(Hltotl 1 wllh I!n Ain I-1-ion II A|fi*ion 11 II ris t lam 1 'ly '>clo|iu'(lia. (jo t oat). 7>i fi" s and HOT L.nilO I'.TMRAVINJTH. baiuid HI CLUTLI, Id iok and gold. Tl,h entirely nnv vi'a ip i; a ro.nuka'aia s!< r •houso and book "I reference lor ovory de partment of hitin HI k.iowl • I • •. in \ i tin : an Agricultural SuppPuumtl by Dr. Thurbur. Sen i thr c 2-fsi.t *t imps/o^ m titl iff yo h •*]>■ ■- , i" ten cojty Am; eh an AgrlcuilnrUt, n.\ . I ■) fit orta payc Pre ml it n LM,with fUnstr iti mi, auotp elm in pages ttfoiir Family Cyclopu !<•'. Out v users w mi J l JCrsrytoh SE NFIIRALfib iss mm, | 1 Sprains, Bruises, ?• iTiiasw t /■* i■' pi Burns and Soaks, ;i i lobbl SiitUn, Fsstaele, i 1 Frosted Feet anas M Ears, and oil other p g *s£mdf Pal lis and Ashes B P ,s a sa tfCj SiirC, and f J effectual Remedy for , j % Galls, Strains, Scratches, | Sores, &s., on HORSES, f, [i :ie tr ' r rovc t ts |a m merits. Its effects arc ink 4 i,..m ■ m m most cases INBTANTAHE I 3 Every Lottlo Ttrarranted tofe Pf vo satisfaction. Scntl ad-tb ■ ; mzSSEIS dress for pamphlet, free, gi v. H i iiig full directions for the B "■i treatment of tibovo discoses.H "H MarifeM Price2s i ts. and 50 cts. per - 3 jfe bottle. Sold everj-whcrc. H L" 5 iltmy. Jolirson k Lord, rropriilon, W L Burlington, Vt. iasaasssK^-^s^s^zssia^^asS For S lie at Sl'id ELM YEWS. M illlii im it Madis'iaburc/, PJ tVi U'co iHii'kf & 2MC -A. nr CHICKERING, STEIN WAY, KNABE, HAINES, ARION !■ S> "p-te 032>ffl[ " K S fr ' ir Cr SEWING MACHINES. Watches, - - - Jewelry, - - - Silverware. FIXH STEEL EXt 'ncTodnl r..]. ;ly attended to.—£ ?3 m At its < lumcuccuiont i' Is lut a tlight irrita- €£? * \ tion of the mcciltmio which covers tlio Lung?; SE then an infiauia'.i :i, whoa the cough U rather dry, local fiver,and the pulse more frequent, the C? cheeks flushed and chHlsmorocommon, This t * l ' h'.lxir In curing the above complaints, oper-5 fy* ales so as to rcflioro r>ll morbltl lrrltn-M SB tiona ami inHumation from tho lungr If*- to the surface, and finally expel them front M§j tho system. It facilitates expectoration. p| It heals the ulcerated surfaces kkj hi and rclioves tho cough and itial tho breath- ba Hi'U.n.y. It s- :JJ'i; Is the s!; i-u li and at il • jstf FIS "ame tiino reduces tho fever. 11 j, fi, o from tin r,fj -trongopiate and astringent avti v liichare KM ky of no iln big a nature ns to be in great danger ofJRI W. 3 dostri \ing tho patient; whereas this medicine ftm Em never dries or stops tho cough, hut, by rcmov sSj k-J| ing tho CAVSE, when the mgh g£Jj Si is cured tho patient is well. Send address for £*. l gafl pamphlet giving full directions, free. l'rico 3o cts.,aO cts.., and SI.OO per bottle. US Hp lIEVRY, JOHSSOS & LORD, Props., Burlington, Tt. || ■mBOWM' EUXHLHdi For Site a! Sl' 1(1 Hf. MY Kll'S MiU/u'ini <£ Madisonbury, Pa | "111 111 Willi mmmmmx—mwill isi ij STAFFERS! § § i extra BLAOKlititg leives a MORE BRILLIANT SHIRE I THAN ANY OTHER. Jlh BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDSJ SOLD DY ALL DEALERS. g jS. S. STAFFORD J | Xcw York. ITrnTßHlilfcT 1 "-11 'mii'll ia—— FLORMlvii /JsT cents. 49-4t *tffyp C'% ../ _ /wf \\h v . \ jw *l \ ,-say^j fa y II B M MlbnuKHi TTamaio Ivoza tho test material Superior Ar- I'elt i oi'ii. ': y Goods, thr.L aro suc-dcla of strength rod chc *. Ur-eucotb-rrod proof given of : 1 • "s of Curtis' Improve.! !' 7 ' ' •. Power Putter \7 ; .. •. 1 .ycrra T.lnxChurn, iie- C.'." : > ™potrer, &e. '•v.'.i3 fC. . ; 7 vbolessla where wo I;nv3 ;;o r- /.".Ip-tcdo warranted exactly as I i-prc. - \'v CO! It, FOURTEEN SILVER ' i: ;::: J LJU..LJ lILOiLJ awarded for su- - g, COM4 Oliiilii h GSiE, Fort Atkinson, Wis. Hfft Maay ga Send six cents for ' I m 4 U Id! I M Hi postage, and receive , 50 Bf'-ec a costly box of " " ™ "goods which will help you to more 1110: cy right away than anything 1 Ise in this world- All. of either sex, succeed . from ttrst hour. The broad road to fortune o . pens before the workers, absolutely sure. At. t once address, Truk & Co., Augusta, Maine. (mproved Western Washer |UICI£. No* 1 for family of 6 $8 No. 2 for largo family ft No. 3 for Hotel and Laundry, .... Ift Over 20,000 in w# * f ' l hytwnl I hortow MTCJ* . V/. rr.wAYWC. Thousands of ladies aro using it, and they speak of it in tho highest terms, sayiug that they would rather dispense with any other household article, than this excellent Washer. No well-regulated ! family will be without it, as it saves tho clothes, /saves labor, savc3 time, saves fuel, saves soap, and I makes washday no longer a dread, but rather a. pleasant recreation, as much as such is possible. HORTOX M'F'G CO., Ageuta Wanted. Ft* Wajue, liwU