Journal. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY SRII, 1885. Published by R.~~AT. BUMILLER. SALE REGISTER. Feb. 17th.—David M. Krt'.o, Mndisonburg.—live stock and household goods. Feb. 21st—J. C. Rote, executor of the estate of Hrnon Rote, late of Haines township, dee'd—personal property. A . Ilar ter, Auct. Feb. 26th—T. Sclioll, Haines township,—live stock and farming implements. A. Ilarter, Auct. Mar. 12th—B W. Shafer, Wolfe's Store,—live stoek and farming implements. 1). Mor ris, Auct. Mar.l.lth.—Henry Benin and Jeremiah Winkel bleeh, administrators of the estate of Isaac Behm, late of Haines township, dee'd,—live stock and farm Imple ments. Mar. 19th—Abs. Musser, Haines township,—live stock and farming implements. A. Ilar ter, Auct. Mar 24th.—Mrs. Maria Stover.Haines, township —live ssock and farm implements. Mar. 26th—M. J. Hall, Rebcrsburg—personal property. ri K , s . u. Zeigler. a gent for the estate of s. B. Zelgl -r, ltcbersburg—real es tate. LOCAL NEWS. SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. —More snow on Monday night. —Correspondences are scarce litis week —Sleighing parties are all the go at present. —Fancy Valentines for sale at the JOURNAL store. —Lutheran Almanacs just received at the JOURNAL store. —Come to the JOURNAL oflice for cheap and attractive bills. —A. J. Ilarter is hauling lumber for his new shop on Penn street. —The Lutherans are having a pro tracted prayer meeting this week. —Nearly all the ice houses of towu are filled with a good quality of ice. —Wheat is going up a little in price and the farmer is in better spirits. —The list of the Democratic county committee appears in this week's issue. —A yearly tax of $30.03 has been laid on the skating rink by the town council. —Mr. C. A Sturgis, of Lewisburg, gave us a brief call, while in town on Monday. —Mr.M L. Wagenseller, Selinsgrove, the genial salesman, was in town on Tuesday. —lce is thirteen feet thick at Dako ta. At that rate we prefer old Penn sylvania. —We noticed Mr. Thomas,the music store man of Lewisburg, in town the other day. —The statiou building at Centre Hali is finished and is now occupied by the R. R. agent. —Sorry to hear that Mrs. A M. Weaver of Millheim is confined to the house by illoess. —Poster work is booming at this of fice. But come ou. We can accommo date many more. —lf in need of an attractive poster come to the JOURNAL oflice. Satisfac torv work guaranteed. —Miss Sarvis, daughter of Rev. Sar vis, Centre Hall, was visiting at R. B. Ilartman's this week. —The United Brethren congrega tion of this place started a protracted meeting OD Monday evening. —We notice that Millheim i 3 to have another show next Saturday evening. Will be held in the town hall. Don't forget that the JOURNAL store is headquarters for school sup plies, writing papers, envelopes, &c. —The wagon sale of Mr. Krumrine, of Lewisburg, was well attended. Some four or five wagons were sold. —Mr. John Kurzenknabe, of Harris burg, was in town on a short visit to his brother Harry and other relations. —We are informed that there are about 10 or 15 applicants for the Mill heim post office. Don't all speak at once. —An interesting letter from our friend, Mr. P. B. Siover, Pleasant Val ley, Kansas, appears in another column. Bead it. —We see by the Centre Hall Report er that Mr. Aaron Barter, of Ilartle ton, expects to move to Centre Hall this spring. —A large and appreciative audience listened to a fine sermon delivered in the U. B. church last Sunday forenoon by the pastor, Rev. Raver. —The Keystone Thespian Club, of Aarousburg have billed an entertain ment for Saturday, Feb. 7th,at Wolfe's school house, flaiues township. —Mrs, Maria Stover, residing 2£ miles east of Aaronsburg, will make sale of her personal property on the premises, on Tuesday, March 24th, 1885. Mr. Abs. Musser, of flaines to wn ship, expects to make sale of lis live stock, farming utensils and household goods on Thursday, March 19i.1i. A great amount of lumber and grain is being hauled through town to Coburn station since the roads are in such excellent condition for sledding. —TIIE GREAT ZINGARI for tooth ache and neuralgia has no equal. War ranted, Only 15 cents at all drug stores. Sold by J. Ei.3enhuth, Millheim, Pa. Regular monthly meeting of the B. & L. Association next Monday eve ning. The association w.ill then have completed the 10th year of its exist ence. —The revival meetings being held in the church at Coburn are well attend ed and successful. Rev. B. Ilengst, who conducts the same, is a zealous worker. —Mr. B. W.Shaffer, of Miles town ship will make sale of his livestock and farming utensils, on his premises, near Wolfe's store, on Thursday, March 20th See posters. —J. C. Rote, Executor of the estate of Simon Rote, late of Aaronsburg, de ceased, will sell the personal property of decedent on Saturday, Feb. 21st, at one o'clock, p. m. —Mr. E. 11. Long, of Kauffman & Co's. store, was confined to the house for a few days with a bad cold. At this writing he has almost recovered his wonton health. —The ventriloquist with the "babes in the woods" had not a very large au dience last Friday evening, but those who were there expressed themselves pleased with the show. —On Thursday, Feb. 2dth, Mr. Thomas Sholl, of Haines township,will sell at public sale on bis premises,three tuilee east of Aaronsburg, bis farm stock and implements. See large pos ters. LOST.— Friday evening the 23rd, inst, a good woolen horse blanket, be tween Millheim and Spring Mills. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at the JOURNAL of fice. —On Wednesday evtMiing las' the Howard Cornet Band was in town to furnish music at the Millheim skating link. The boys maki a fine appliance in their neat suits and ate good musi cians. Mr. David M. Ertle, of Madison burg, will sell at public sale on Tues day, Feb. 17th, on his premises, some live stock and household goods. He expects to move to Kansas shortly after the sale. —The business card of Mr. L. B. Stover, of Madisonburg, appears in an other column. Mr. Stover is one of the best auctioneers in tins section and persons giving him their sales will not be disappointed. —Monday, ground-hog day, was sunny in the forenoo -, ,and consequent ly that oracular animal,saw its shadow. According to the old folk's saying, it means six more wiotery weeks. We pity our coal pile. —Our neighbor, Mr. David Ulrich, suffers with a large boil o:i one of his kness. He is confined to the house most of the time and must bear cjnsid erable pain. We hope to hear of it is improved condition. —Mr. Phil. D. Stover,of Mifilinburg, former editor of this paper, who is a member of the G. A. R , was kindly remembered by his comrades the other day, who brought a liberal donation to his residence at that place. —Henry Behm and Jeremiah Wiuk elblech, the administrators of the es tate of Isaac Behm, late of Haines township, deceased, will offer at pub lic sale on Friday, March 13th, the per sonal property of decedent. See Bills. FOR SALE.—Six large mules will be sold at private sale by the undersigned. There are no better mules in the state and will be offered at reasonable prices. Apply to or address C. K. SOBER. Sobers P. 0., Pa. —The Mt. Carmel News says that Mr. Lemuel Shipman has suspended all work on the reservoir at that place.and has taken his best workmen to Centre county to work on the railroad. This indicates an early completion of the L. &T. railroad. Lewisburg Journal. —Mr. Thos. R. Zeigler, agent for the estate of 8. 13. Zeigler.will offer at pub* lie sale at Itebersburg the real estate consisting of a town lot with a large brick house thereon, and also lots south of Itebersburg as well as valuable woodland convenient to said town. See bills. —That valuable annual "The Phila delphia Times Almanac" for 1885 lias come to our office and it fully equips our table. There is no more complete and convenient work of its kind pub lished anywhere and the book, contain ing 90 leaves, in indispensible as a means reference and information. —Our friend, Mr. C. A. Sturgis, of Lewisburg, presented his little daugh ter, Bessie, with a splendid life-size crayon portrait of her deceased mother. The picture is finely executed and is a striking likeness of the late Mrs. Stur gis. It will be Bessie's most valuable heir-loom and an adornment to Mrs. Walter's parlor. — WHEN your children are threaten ed with croup or whooping-cough, be ware how you lull them to sleep with cough syrups whose principle ingredi ents aie morphia or opium. The natu ral effort of the lungs toexpel the suffo cating mucus is coughing. Dr. Kess ler's Celebrated English Cough Medi cine contains no morphia or opium in any form, and bv its stimulating ac tions on the kidneys, bowels, and pores of the skin, more than any other reme dy, assists Nature in breaking up and expeling the worst colds from the sys tem. Money refunded to dissatisfied Johnston, HOLLO WAY & co-, Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. MERCHANT TAILOR AT MILLIIKIM. —Mr. J. E. Couldi on, of Sliamokin, Pa , called on lis yesterday, and inform ed us that he will move to Millheim on or about the Ist of April. Mr. Cauldron is an experienced and skillful merchant tailor and expects to open shop iiv D. W.Zeiglei 's house on Main street, next door to Ka liftman's store. Welcome. —The Ladies' Mite Society of the Lutheran church at this place held their annuil election of officers last Monday evening with the following re sult, : Mrs. Mary K. Ilarter, Presi dent : Mrs. Sadie Smith, Vice Presi dent; Mrs. B. O. Deininger,Secretary; Mrs. Emma Frank, Treasurer. The society began its fourth year with a fair membership. SUPERIOR LEATHER.— During out stay in Hellefonte, beginning of this week,we heard it acknowledged by the largest dealers there that A J. Halter's leather from Millheim is considered to be the best in the market as to quality and finish. This is certainly a splendid recommendation and will notfail to give our neighbor, Mr. Ilarter a good trade. Call on him at his shop,on Penn street. —We call the attention of our read ers to the new advertisement of Mattck's furniture establishment oil Penn street. They will maintain their reputation for selling only the best ar ticles in the matket and for as low a price as possible. We would say bete that their store is the best place in the county to buy furniture, outside of Bellefonte. Call on them, when in need of anything. Mr. S. D. M us3er,wl:ofor about five years held the cflice of postmaster in Millheim, resigned his position the oth er day, and his partner, Mr. J. C. Smith was appointed in his place. As far as we are concerned we were not anxious for a change by any means, but since circumstances have made it so, we must say that the newly appointed post master is just the man for the place. We tip oui hat Mr. P. M. Mr. B. O. Deininger, the proprie tor of the JOURNAL Book and Station ery store, is almost continually order ing new goods and persons in need of Blank Books, School Supplies, Bibles, Albums, Stationery, or anything in his line will find a complete assortment and a superior quality of goods at low prices at his store in the JOURNAL building, Penn street, Millheim. Call and be convinced. FESTIVAL OF SONG. —A musical con vention will be held in the Evan gelical church of Millheim, commenc ing Monday, Feb. lGth and closing with two grand concerts on Friday and Saturday evenings following. Prof. P. 11. Meyer, of Lindeu Hall will be musical director, and Prof. Harry J. Kuizenknabe, of Milllheim, organist. Proceeds to go to the town clock fund. For further particulars see posters. FOR RENT.— That well known store stand at Farmer's Mills with dwelling house, bank barn and about 15 acres of farm land. This is a desirable busi ness location in an excellent fanning neighborhood, convenient to churches, schools and railroad. If so desired the store stand will be rented separate from the other property. Apply to J. B. FISHER, Penn Hall, Pa. No GRIPING,No DRASTIC PURGING. —Take two or trhr e of McDonald's Im proved Liver Pills for the first dose and fellow with one pill every night at bed time. So quietly and surely will they correct a torpid or disordered liver and regulate the bowels, that you will feel like a new person by the time you have used one box. Money returned to dis satisfied buyers. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. —High Constable A. Ilarter has his official notice posted at all public places, to the qualified electors of the boro ugh of Millheim, that an election will be he'd in the Public School House on Penn street on Tuesday, Feb. 17th, 1885 to elect the following officers : 2 persons for councilmen, 2 for school directors. 1 person for chief buigess, 1 for assistant chief burgess,l for consta ble, 1 for High Constable, 1 for Over seer of the Poor, 1 for Assessor, 1 for auditor, 1 for Judie of Election, 2 per sons fji Inspectors of Elec tiotis. —Last Sunday morning the family of Mrs. Annie Wertz, residing on east Sev enth street, this place, were discovered in an insensible condition from the ef fects of gas from a coal stove. The daughter had arisen in the morning in a dazed condition and fell down the stairs. The noise attracted neighbors who burst open the door and found the rest of the family, consisting of the mother, son and visiting lady, in an unconscious state. The house was thoroughly ventilated and a physician summoned. He stated that a few min utes more would have proved fatal in at least one of the case 3. They are now recovering. It seems they had filled the stove before retiring,and had turned the damper before the fresh coal had thoroughly caught firf, and in this way sent the gas into the room. This is a lesson that all can profit by. Lewisburg Journal Jan. 28, At a fire of the livery and boarding stables of Charles F. Smith yt Philadel phia, last Friday morning, 38 valuable horses were burned to death ; besides lqO carriages, wagons and sleighs, 80 sets of harness and a large quantity of hay and feed were consumed by the flames. The loss is estimated at $50,000. Letter from Kansas Pleasant Valley, .Inn. 2f>th ISBS. EDITOR of the JOURNAL : As I have not written anything for your worthy paper for the past year, 1 would ask you for a little space in your columns. Your paper is a weekly welcome visitor at our home, but I hardly ever see any thing in it from this part of Kansas, so I thought that a few words might be of some interest to our many friends in Penns valley, who are readers of your JOURNAL. We had an extraordinary cold winter so far. Ever since the 20th of December it was very cold and we had a great deal of snow, more than \e had the four past winters together,since we are in the coun try. Mr. Editor 1 often wish for one of my bob sleds,that I used to have in old Penns valley, J would make good use of it. But I don't want your re aders to think that we have no sleds in Kansas. I venture to say that if you would see all the dif ferent styles and patterns of sleds you would laugh. We have at present wri ting about G inchts of snow and the wind blowing cold from the North, with good indications of more snow. It keeps us busy to haul and cut wood to keep warul and to attend to our stock. This is a severe winter on Kan sas stock. Hundreds of cattle have died from the cold and for want of shel ter and feed. So many stock men here have no she ding for their stock at all. Tne poor animals are exposed to all the storms and very often do not get hall the feed they ought to have, which is all carelessness on the stockmen's side. Ftfed is always plenty with us for cat tle. Our crops were very good of all kinds last year. 1 wish, Mr. editor, that our Penns valley farmers could have seen the wheat stacks and rye and oats and barley and the tremendous crop of corn. Thousands of acres of wheat made 45 to 55 bushels to the a cre and some claimed they thrashed bO bushels to the acre. I had some on my farm thx i went 45 bushels to the acre. And then the amount that went to waste you have no idea of at all. But to test the truth of my statements you can ask my worthy friend 11. E. Duck, of Millheim, who honored us so highly with a very pleasant and much enjoya ble visit. As we were riding over our beautiful Kansas land together and over the grainfields he raav be able to give you a faint idea of the grain that went to waste in Kansas. I will give you an account of the crops we raised on our fai ms. We had 130 acres of wheat and thrashed bushels and I am suie there were 500 bushels wwas 20 cts. per bushel. Best wheat now brings 00 and 05 cts. per bushel, rye 20 cts corn 20 cts oats 22 cts and barley 30 cts. Times are dull and money scarce, I have 85 head of cattle, 9 head of horses and 30 head of hogs. Stock is on the downward road in price, and bound to come down more. Kansas land is in gieat demand. Land buyers are very numerous and j land is wild in price. All grades of j ! land have raised over sin value in the last 9 months. Emigrants are coming in from all parts of the world and are seeking homes. But there is still plen ty of room for more. Should any of our Penns valley friends wish a nice home we sav to them, come, here is the place to get* them, and cheap yet. A man with industry and snap and some self denial can secure for himself a nice home, where he can never get one in the eastern states where land is high. Elmer my son was thrashing since the middle of July right along till the mid dle of Dec. 84 and has to thrash for 0 weeks yet. lie thrashed over 30,000 bushels besides our own. He has more then paid for his machine. Well now, I must close my lengthy letter or else I wearv you. This leaves us all well and in good spirits. Kindest regards to you and all old friends in Penns valley. Yours fraternally, P. B. STOVER. THE MOST REM ARKABLE CASE OF ALL.— A gentleman writes to us from Philipsburg, Centre Co., Pa., that his little girl was horribly afflicted with scrofula. Iler body was full of sores, ears discharging continually thick yel low purtrid matter, and her eyes so swollen and inflamed as to be almost blind. One Bottle McDonald's Blood Purifier lias to all appearances entirely cured her. Our neighbors as well as ourselves consider the cure remarkable. A bonafide case. The addiess of the family can be obtained from the editor of this paper. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY A- CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. —Many of my customers are ac ouaiuted with the fact that for some time past I have been the only member of the firm of Benson,Maule & Co. The world-wide reputation of thi-. firm's name as sending out none but the best of seeds, has been so great that I have heretofore hesitated to change it, but now that the name of Maule is almost pquaily as well-known, I decided Janu ary 15th, 1885, to change the name of our firm from that of Benson, Jfaule & Co., to simply Win Henry Maule. Very truly, WM. HENRY M AULE, proprie tor. —Tn horrible nauseous worm-seed vermifuges and worm syrups have had their day. It's downright cruelty to compel a child to take when Mc- Donald's Celebrated Worm Powders are so easv and pleasant to take that children take them and never know a medicine is being administered. Can be procured at any drug store for the small sum of 25 cents. JOHNS TON, HOLLOW AY & CO., Philadelphia Agents, gold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim,Pa. Perm Hall Shavings. Mr. Bidwell is with us again, doing work for J. C. Condo. Mr. Calvin Weaver, one of Aarons burg's boys,was in our midst last week. Always glad to see you, Cal. Our little town can boast of a dentist now. And Frank is not so slow at it, either. Reuben Kline is as busy as a bearer, serving subpoenas, warrants, fcc. Boys,go at once and buy a new blank et ! The one you lost will never turn up. Take my word for that. The festival at Spring Mills netted $75, which will pay the dubt on the church. Glad to hear it. One of John Condo's Guinea Pigs went where "The Woodbine twiuetli, and the Whang Doodle mourneth." James Condo has all his sleighs sold and is now as happyas a hug in a rug. James, advertise in the JOURNAL for the spring trade and you will be sure to succeed. Birthday, surprise, and other parties are still going on, and our young folks don't seem to tire of it. We think the "Mountain Boy'' might as well show his colors in regard to the school affairs. It is very singular, that the directors do not make a better choice of teachers. It is really no won der that some of the citizens growl a bout the teachers in some of the dis tricts. Turn the rascals out. JACK PLANE. MARRIED. On tho 20th. ult , by Rev. Z. A. Yearick. at Aaronbunr. Mr. Ileston s. Arncy, of Woodward ami Miss Lizzie Buyer, of Freeburg, Snyder Co. I'a. ■ _ _ _ _ _ M Chronic Cntarrli LATAR H H The bridge or dl visum of my aMTrPCAkI rM result of 35 years' •^"rrv\^ , ' ltt; >rtii. 1 obtained ■ fc^^£ U ßES C iNl a U),ne of ,:| >' S 1125f Htihl • 'ream Balm : have ■ sfl LAD! used four bottle.*, Jiiv/rr\/rri C\u5 M which has alxiutcur p5" C ,v liiui previously tried iiio. JJA 1 lam cured of ca- BfiflK- \r ' 'J turrit and deafness UAVOETFVFP bv lily's Cream Halm " ■ My aunt was deaf. It restored her hearing.—K. I>. Morse, insur ance, Elizabeth, N. J. Give it a trial. KEY'S CREAM BALM CAUSES NO PAIN. (JIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. A THOROUGH TREATMENT WILL CURE. NOT A LIQUID. NOT A SNUFF. APPLY INTO NOSTRILS. I*llee 50 cents at druggists; 60 ets. by mall* reg i-lered. Sample bottlelby mall 10cents. ELY BROTHERS, Diugglsts, Owego, N. Y s.jt * A MON TH and BOARD for 3 live > i, Ivoung Men or Ladeis. In each county. 1 ' 'Address I'. W. ZEIULEU & CO., Phila delphia, I'a. A| A LcadincLondonPhy- SlVIVin itirian KamblUht-n aa fglllllml Olttce iu New York. ML ■ Am. Journal of M*L "Dr. Ab. M*rol*. who * rr i* MM I IAS without doubt treated idfc ■■ gQI Pg and ciirad mora CAMS, than any other livm* phyaiclan. Htseucoeae baa simply been astonishing: we hare heard of caaea of over 90 rears at and ing cured by him. H fftmranteea a cure. 1 jirpe I Kittle and Treatise acut free. Give P.O. and Kjpre-.saddrviwto . _ . Dr. AB. MESEUOLE, No. 96 John St., New York. \%S€V\ IVV.VSC, WATER-PRO OF, Hon wot ru.t or rattle. I> alo A SUBSTITUTE for PLANTER at Half the Coat. the building. CAUPKTS anJ Kl'bS <>f •am.', double the wear of oil clothl. Catatofua t'loa frt*. W. H. FAY & CO.CAMDEN.N.J. CONSUMPTION. 1 have a poaltt ve remedy for tho above dleae, by tt u.o thou*anda of cae of the worat kind and of ion* a* miiintr have l>ffn curod. IND©**L. poitronffl' ®y fßlth l^hSalßdSylthlti will .end TWO ItOTTI.ES KRKB, "crther Wltfi a VAIX AUI.ETREATISE onthl.dlaea* HAVE YOU A GARDENf IF YOU HAVE Ef BE? |T| YOU WILL NEED Kfi SkL And will want the Heal at the leat mooY. Then mi new Seed Catalogue will urprie you. ho mutter w litre vou have been dealine it 'rill *u* money. It la mailed'Kree to all, and you on a lit to have It iiafore buying anywhare. WW). H. MAULE, IJ9 & 131 Front St., Philadelphia. EIGHT FIRST PREMIUMS WITHIN A MONTH. Baugh's Raw Bone Manures and High Grade Agricultural Chem icals and other products, on exhibi tion at the Pennsylvania State Pair, September Bth to 20th, 1884, were awarded five first premiums. They were also awarded three first premiums as follows : Lehigh County Fair at Allentown, Fa., September 30th to October 3rd; Berks County Fair at Kut/town, Fa., October 7TH to 10th; Northampton County Fair at Naz areth, Fa., October 7th to 10th. The above arc the only exhibits made by Baugh & Sons during 'B4. Baugh's Raw Bone Manuroa have se cured a great many premiums including Cen tennial, "Paris and other medals. Farmers have discovered that Raw Animal Bone is a most valu able enrichcr of the soil and pro ducer of crops. Baugh's $25 Phosphate contains the life and essence of Animal Bones. This article is manufactured only by ILa ugh & Sons, Office No. 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Whitmer & Lincoln, COBURN, PA. Having leased the GRAIN HOUSE of Smith & Co., at Coburn, Pa., for a number ot years, we are prepared to pay cash FOR Wheat, Rye, Barley, corn, &c. Coal, Salt & Fertilizers For Sale. WHITMER & LINCOLN. Coburn, Pa., Aug. 1., 1834. A NEW DEPARTURE. i 'Jki A Strictly Cash Store Where good are bought and sold -FOR CASH :j - ' T 7 •'' if ** ■ f? •/•£.< jtUi Believing that the people of Centre county arc fully awaKe-te thctt* • best interests and that they have the intelligence to comprehend and the courage to recognize the means best calculated to bring about the most 4 *•' desirable results, we would most confidently and earnestly submit the following for your careful consideration: ••• > v That king credit has slain its victims by the thousands upon its tended battle fields is a fact beyond successful contradiction, and would only ask you to call to your recollections your own in pr cof of this fact, and, the pitiful appeals of those still under ths; :\< crushing heel of the tyrant fall upon our ears with unmistablc certainty and we would say, come, let us rush to their rescue by wielding the sword of justice and striking the monster down with a decisive blow and keeping him there by eternal vigilance. This can be done only by a system which pays as well as demands CASH on delivery. This system we will adopt and put into operation on the twenty-sixth day of December 1884, after which we will buy and sell positively for cash *. r and produce only and will nnnfc such figures on goods as will fully convince every intelligent person that it is to their interest to buy their goods where KING CREDIT finds no quarter, but where the CASH SYSTEM: ■ is radically and permanently established and strictly adhered to. Kindly in viting and soliciting the co-operation of every one in giving this system a , thorough trial, we are -w- Very Respectfully Yours, * I / Dinges, Trumpfheller & Co., OOBTJRN", PA. P. S: Country produce taken in exchange for goods and cash paid when desired. J. H. KURZENKNABE & SONS' MUSIC HOUSE. 1307 N. THIRD STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. BAUS & C'OS Square, Grand Boudoir Gem & Orchestral Upright, Grand • * ; The best now made and endorsed by all eminent artists. OR.GJLIV S The most beautiful and sweetest toned in the world Smaller Musical Instruments. Organettes, Musical Boxes, Musical Toys