Presidential Handwriting. Abraham Lincoln wrote'a small,care ful hand. The handwriting of General Grant is easy to read. Andrew Johuson's handwriting was large and labored. His figures seemed all thumbs. Zachary Taylor wrote with a blunt peu,with a few florishesand no attempt at ornamentation. John Tyler, next to Garfield, was the best writer among the Presidents. He wrote a clear, legible, open hand. Martin Van Bureu did not like to write, hut;when he did sign his name it was in large, round characters. Franklin Pierce was the worst writ er of all the Presidents. His writing was not pretty, hut it could he easily read. The handwriting of William Ilenry Harrison was classic. He was a man of varied accomplishments and wide in formation. No one would ever be able to counter feit the handwriting of Rutherford B. Hayes. He neyer made the same let ter the tame way. James Buchanan was proud of his handwriting. He prided himself on his punctuation, spelling and the ele gance of his style of composition. James K. Polk made a signature which looks like copper plate. Every line of it is well made, and there is a flourish under it which would do honor to a writing teacher. The Enlisted Man. A strange spirit of comradeship;exists among sailors, and instances are com mon of whole crews being punished by irksome restrictions because they re fused to denounce some rogue or rogues who had, in a mood of contempt or pet ty spite, mutilated gun tackles or the ringing, thrown arms overboard, or betbn otherwise guilty of some criminal proceeding. To protect the service a gainst the re-admission of such persons only one course is open —the placing of a tiny but indelible mark upon their persons in such a spot as would he no ticed only by the examining medical offi cer. Until this be done there will he no protection in this regard. A worth less character dischaiged in New York Harbor goes to the receiving ship to enlist. Failing there he tramps to Bos ton or some other station where men are wanted, and, under the fostering care of some land shark, is properly scrubbed, dressed, aud shaved, and be ing naturally of good physique and pos sessing the intelligence necessary to make so capable a villain, he passes a satisfactory examination, and is soon borne again upon the books of the Gov ernment. If it he known that the cat has been re-established in the navy for extreme cases it is firmly believed that a marked improvement will at once be noticed in the punishment hooks throughout the seivice, and also that its use would be extremely rare and never undeserved. It has been remark ed that the man-o'-war's man is well fed, and, speaking generally, this is true. The ration is so generous that in each of the small messes into which a crew is divided a certain number of rations are commuted, the canterer of each mess receiving the money in lieu. This, with $1 or $2 apiece monthly, goes to the purchase of bread, ("hard tack" being furnished with the ration,) fruit, etc., when in port, and supplying sea stores when preparing for a cruise. The men,however, frequently complain of the quality of the ration both at sea and in port, and with'much reason. By the trickery of dealers and carelessness of some purchasing paymaster much worthless trash is foisted upon the ser vice, and so constant are the require ments for surveying portions of the ration that are unfit for issue that on every man-o'-war a certain number of officers are appointed a hoard of survey for three mouths at a time. The price paid for the articles should have insur ed the quality, and the blame for the useless waste should he placed where it belongs. The sum total of the value of articles ot condemned to l>e thrown overboard would, if made public, tie appalling. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth t If so, send at <>uc* and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOBCHILDBEK TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces iuffamination, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MAS WINSLOW'B SOOTH ING SYRUP POK CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physlci tns in the United States, and is for sale by alj druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Rat Traps at Texas Pacific Fig ures. He had a dozen rat traps slung over his shoulder as he promenaded up New street in search of customers,and when asked the price he replied : "Down—way down. Rat traps have followed Wabash, and you can take your pick for fifty cents." "But that's too hieh." "Well, being Western Union has shrunk you can take one at forty-five." "Too high." "Well! Well, I must follow New York Central. We'll say forty." "Come down." "Say, mister, do you want a rat trap at Texas Pacific figures ?" asked the old man. "What are they V" "Why, you take a trap for nothing, and I'll give you a quarter to buy cheese with Wall Street News. The shortest day of the year is just before pay-day. EXIGENCY, NOT CHARACTER. Clara Belle writes in one of her New York letters : "Theie is a character in every step a person takes," said a man who thought he knew it all, so far as the science of gait was concerned. "When I saw you pass our house the other day, Miss Clara, 1 was impressed by the easy, independent freedom of your walk. Such firm yet gentle strides betrayed the dominant urcoyentionali ty of your character." He was a Doctor of Divinity, and I didn't care to sass him,but I felt bound in Christian honesty to ask him : "was I wearing my brown and black plush suit ?" lie believed so. "Then L'was making a special elTort to take long, swinging steps," I said, "because that's the only way I can make the drapery switli right. Timt meant exigency,not character. See ine !n my new dark blue street costume, with its narrow skirt and internal strappings and you'll say I'm a micer from Miceville." It is not an observation of natural history that a steam whistle makes a horse My. A couple were married in lluthland, Vt., the other day who had been spark ing for seventeen years. It takes some women a long time to run a man down, j A Westchester farmer explains that in wet weather his cows absorb more moisture, and, as a consequence, the milk i> thinner. The milk can't be much thinner than the story. An exchange has an article telling people how to go home from church. ■ That is not what the people want. It wants a system that would he effective in getting the people to go to church. 4 What is economy ?' asks the Phila delphia "North American." We'll tell you. It is paying ten cents for a cigar, and compelling your wife to earn her last season's dress to make it do for another winter. The country is fairly bulging with such economy. 'llow like your little girl is to you, Mrs. Brown 1' 4 llow odd that you should think so ; she's my husband's child by his first wife I' 4 A —a—at all events I don't think I'm wrong in say ing that your little hoy is the imago of Mr. Brown !' 'lie's my son by my first husband, Mr. Green !' A very ragged author was. talking in a sanguine way of his dreams and schemes the other day. 'Yes,' said he, 4 there to put a piece of mine on the stage at the Francais soon,and another at theOdeon.' 4 lt would he kindei of them if they'd put a niece on his pants,' murmured a candid friend. Little Tom—''You are going with us to our picnic, ain't you V Young Squihhs—' Yes, my dear child. Your sister honored me with an invita tion and I would not miss such an op portunity for tlie world. By tlie way, Tom, here is a new silver dollar. Now, I want you to te'l me something I want to know. Mr. Gavfellow isn't going, is he ?' Tom—'Oh, yes.' Squibhs—'Haug him ! I thought I would have your sister all to myself to day.' Tom—'But you shouldn't want to hang Mr. Gay fellow. lie was the one who told sister to inyite you,' Squiobs—'lie ? What did he want me for ?' Tom—'To carry the baskets.' JHE BEST; HOTBBSBS! I AT * Buck b ros ' rliir a?lLl,Eiir! FAMILY GROUPES AND CHILDREN —TAKEN BY TIIE— IVSTAMAVKOIIS IMIOCES! Satisfactory Work Done bv RAIN OR SKENE! We furnish everything in our line 1 lrom a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. —- Pictures copied and en larged in the best style. FRAMES can be procured at our place 011 short notice our prices are down so as to suit every purse. Gallery on North St., Millheim, Pa ■ ASmore money than at anything else Uf I H| by taking an agency for the best W | !■ selling book out. beginners succeed grandly. None fail. Terms free. HALLETT BOOK CO., Portland, Maine.; P|np | |^f° r working people. Send 10 fIH MB 1 fc#cents postage, and we will mail you free, a royal, valuable sain ■ pie box of goods that will put you in the way of making more money In a few days than you ever thought possible at any bus iness. Capital not required. You can Jive at home and work in spare time only, or ail the time. All of botli sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. 50 cents to *5 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test the business.we make this unparralleled otter : to all who are not well satisfied we.will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particu lars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutelysurefor all who start at once. Don't de , lay.Address STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. 1 There is no excuse for suffering from I CONSTIPATION land other diseases that follow a dis- P ■ ored state of the Stomach and Bow-1 Pels, when the use of 1 DR. HENRY BAXTERS | mm era Will givo immodlato relief. After constipation follows 1 Biliousness, Dyspepsia, I | Indigestion, Diseases of J jtho Kidrtoys, Torpid Liver | I Rheumatism, Dizziness, I ■ Sick Headache, Loss ofH ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-p Poplexy, Palpitations,! B Eruptions and Skin Dis-L leases, OtC., all ol ' which thosel 3 ltittora will fjuvililv euro l>y ivuioyin ; ilioohiim . M | Ivoop the SfniNiicA, ix>Nvfa, I'll' si wo (>'oi} i corLtiij oilier, mi I perfect llcnltll Cfl I will to the remit. Ladi(?S others tml- I jeet to Sick Hond.lShO will 11 tul relief H | anil pennumiit cure hy the ti-e of these llittors H j iteing tontci niul mildly purgative they P PURIFY THE BLOOD. I S Price 23 cts. per bottfo. Tor silo !•>' nil dealers in medicine. Semi Si address for |wmipllot, free,giving full directions. mn.mnwllft INl,frops., Burlington, Vt. W For salt' at A..*/ 1 ti i*" l , Mil Ihe im <(' Mathsoaha rj, / a SCHOOL SUPPLIES . A full line at the v /JOURNAL STORE. I I Barents are invited Icall at our w \ place on I'eun Street. * ID3ALTHSS WEALTH! rr cr.v r V I LHAI ii i n A [MM '± '-V X '"'l i V.J fcaAniX* -r.-W;':r. - :r: 1 " j ML i:. C. Wlsra KINI a\" i "tT. ruai ihiic c I *ll ' • • 1 4 ■ ; WillniM Kti Bi • -• P !!•*• II t..e MM of oil •••I or I . . prHwkin.fui'ti nluj et • • . i • i !•• • • '• • lead ".; :• nil . .'' 1 * 11 ' • i • t t •• • Bah time*. 1.0P2 of r aor r *•.. \ I \ i tni >!"• ni •rrh.t A i*;j I ! 1 : •* t vt- -• • ■ !• " * ' • lret::t ;-t .I 4 t't'T. w. L- LI•• I V ( C I*' . paid tul t ni i't f 1111*"?. WE GUARANTEE Ci.i UCXE3 Toenr. any <•••<>. V'!'i f f 'r. !I, '■ I fr i' . l.>xi. ccom|l •'! wi 11 !i '• ' '* f< : * jfnaiaiili" In I - , *r* v.-. i t -i ... < - nl off rt a r lir. Oi. ra l :...' • vlj Mm ft IQNItWS, 31 i ". "P'oA" r.'V... "•* !, Thei-i-!.Vr..t..l \ fur.,; r. It R riirv. Hrada he, Ci tia. i j,-1 t'u. Unil ••* I • aa,where api r tet ii crm*. I ■•■ur-... i i . I ct.iiiirra. EISNER ft MENDELSON, 320 Rnco Stroe*, t. Pa. ; GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, tiie r.oss cloth i Kits for your Clntlil 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stock In the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. DR. JOHN BULL'S Sffli'sTiicSYmj FGIt TEE CURE OF FEVEIt and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AHD ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. The proprietor of thi3 celebrated medi cine justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT cure of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. Ke refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are strictly followed and carried out. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every caso more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after tho disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases. Usu ally this medicine will rot require any aid to keep the boweh in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartio medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY TILLS will he suf ficicuti BULL'S GARSAPAEILLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blooi and Scrofulous atfectiouc —the King of Blood Purifiers. _ „ DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER is prepared, in tho form of candy irops, attractive to the sight and pleasant to the taste. XJR. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, B'J LL' S SAR SAP ARiLL A, BULL'S V/ORid DESTROYER, Tba Popu'.'.'* Flar.toctlaa c. L.u Day. Pi'ntijul Oiili'i 1 . 1 Jiiiiu S!., LbLISt ILLI-,Kt SANITARIUM. Rivorsido, Cnl. Tho dry clinmto cures. Nosb Throat, Lungs, full idea, 36 p., routo, cost, froo. ft ft A D D B A P rM t-\ HLvN EA fr CL'iDE. 2GO pgs.> IST?flBa ■a 1 Bar tliustrnted. f ( > M thnt tho doubtfu! curious or thoughtful want u\> f i-a- v.-. Cloth iirA giltbiudia :53 cts, paper roe, .a arc 51 iaaa tiii.le. 114 p 100. sent to dcu. money or stps.oU j 'SR. WHIT7IEB P!T"TS^ r iJRCH, HA. ' STho great specialist, Ner/oasDebility.lmpedimeiit&A NO SURPRISE! THE GOVERNMENT ENDORSES The Ameican Agriculturist. I'UOM TMK TKNTII CI"NSITH,V<>I„ s. .11 ST |M m.l Hill |> "I ho American At!ltiris( is especially worthy (1 f mention. because <>l the remarkable success (hat lias iittemleil the ttniviie ami untir ing ell oris HI its proprietors to Increase ami ex tend its circulation. Us contents ate duplicated every month for a German edition, which also circulate widely.'' This Tribute is a pleasing incident in the marvellous nearlv HALF A CENTURY Career of ties recognized lead in,.. Agricultural Journal of the world. What it is To-Day. Six months aao the American Agriculturist entered u on a new eirer ol I'rospeiHy au l to day It is tar superior |o an> similar per iodical ever produced in tin orany other coun try. Illehcr in edilot iai strength ; r cln rin en gravings; pi luted on liner paper, and present jug in t Very issue |u 1 eoluiuns of 01 igiti il read Ing matter front the able-1 wi Iters, ami nearly la 1 illustrations. Dr. George I Inn her.for near ly <|ti n ter ola century the editor so chief ot tin American Aorica'tiirist. Joseph Harris, Byron l. Ilalsted. Co!. M. c. Wdd . ; ml Andrew h tiller.ilie other long line h.d|i< is.l ig, titer v. illt the other writers wit • have made the Ant< ri<~ tit 'ari- itHiiri•! what tl is i d ty, ure still ul lheir post. WHAT, FREE ? ? ? 1 very subscriber, whose stibetip!hm H IMMI-: MAT. I Y forwarded us with T ln* price, td.(C in all —will itreive the Ann rican AttricuUurtet for Dec. IS4|. ami ill of I#-> an I wid be presented with the A lit er lean Agriculturist ('ami IjT <> el op.eitill. (ji|s| out). 7"J I'agCH ; lid over 1,1 oat ngravings. strongly hound in cloth, I id icd ami gold. '1 his entirely it *.v v dann is a remirkahte st< r dtou'e and book of reference for every de partment of hmn in knowledge, tnel i ling an Ap.rienitinui Supplement by Dr. I barber. Sen I three cent stamp* far tn tilt up tpm s/>e<-- iiucii copy Ant 'fie at Ai/ri'-iilln'is!, an . Vine tsscn s ir mtJ-l AV rju'Uere. Addre-s Pii'ilii'ni iourieaii /tgriiiiltiii'Ht. DAVID \V. .It t>.>,rres'f. SAM'I. Bt UNHAM.S'C To I Itroiulwny, Xrw Vorlt. D. I. BROWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE &c„ - Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. fteST*Repairing done at short notice lv practical workmen. Spouting aSp 3sirlt y Shop on Main St.,opposite KantJ man MILLHEIM.PA. j MAN AND BEASbj THE BEST 1 EXTERNAL ijajJUEMEDYI 2 NHIRALGIAJ I Sprains, Bruises J I Burns and Scalds, § Seiaiieir, Baelaeite, | | ac=T3 Frosted Feet and S li '-3k Ears, and all other I Pains and Aches \ y It is a safe, sure, and j if effectual Remedy fori g Qaiig f Strains, Scratches, | P larEfiS* SoreS &C, ° n HORSES. S ° ne trial will r rove its I w merits. Its effects are in I I r-HMBDi most cases 3 ' INSTANTANEOUS. 1 rj yESy-t,i Every t'Ottlo warranted to | ' K' vo satisfaction. Send od- I if dress for pamphlet, free, giv- 9 I I ffdl directions for the 9 U fiZudfidiM treatment of above diseases. I Price'2s ct*. and 50 cts. per I bg bottle. Sold everywhere. j3j llcary, Johrson & Lord, Proprietors, H r Burlington, Yt. J'nr Salt al SPIGELM \ EWS. Millhiiniil- Minlisonburt/, Pa. SIOOO REWARD /ur uuv tit i tun •1 ti lin • nn.l rlf,irj|ii|J fit for o!/7 Q!• n- !*•:!< ViniLrl lu'ivli Clo. r Svo.l in .lie /. n NEWARK MACm^E NKWAItK. O. 'Srirf. •• I> A * Iron tifvjrfl, SteeS Bcarlcgc, Brass TARE BEAM. Ho. jonics, HK PAYS IRTANI IIF I.IL/M ir. 9 A Polil on trial. YVnrrantß S years. AU sizes u Ijw. i J I'tr froc book, a eld rocs hf f ItlKtS CiF BiKCKAMTON, liii,uuAti r>e>,... v. COLPEGE, NEWAItK, NEW JERSEY. Occupies three Buildings. Largest and Best. More positions for graduates than all other sciiooL's com feiaetl. Life Scholarship, #4O. Write for circulars. COLEMAN, PALMS & CO., Proprietors. BELLEFONTE MUSIC STORE. 'il.'.soii & Earn lin Smith American irgans. Organs. ■i-yj -*-" V ~ . j j-air" 2EI A 1> XL A N CHICKERING. SIEINWAY, KNABE, HAINES, ABION PIANOS. 13 C^BfiJBSXIC SEWING MACHINES. Watches, - - - Jewelry, Silverware, I'IN'K STEEL KXdIIAVIXOS, OIL PAINTINGS, CHROMOB, PICTURE FRAMES, PHOTO FRAMES, Headdnarters for Weiinj Presents. Holiday Presents. Toys. Dolls, fapis. DJIIS. Carriages, and otter goals in this line. 3 i"g easy. It supportsthe strength and at the H •§2 fso drying a nature as to heingrcntduugerofH £3 destroying the patient; whereas this medicine I j9 never dries or stops the cough, but, by remov- ES H ing tho CAl'sr, consequently, when the cough ;S§ is cured the patient is well. Send address for H S3 pamphlet giving full directions, free. gj| l'rico 35 cts., 50 cts.. and SI.OO per bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE. g§ HENRY, JOHNSON* & LORD, Props., Burlington, Tt. K' DOWNS' FUXIRJMPfI tor Sale al SI'IGELMYEIVS Millh evrn <0 Madisonburg, Pa (STAFFORD'S I ™ BLACKING - Gives a MORE BRILLIANT SHINE* THAN ANY OTHER. Ih BOXES WHICH PREUEST SOILING THE HANDS. \ SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. . IS. S. STAFFORD, FLORAL SVIH jflf! M*\ A beau . liful wor Jt of 150 pages. Colored Plate, end 1000 rfk "lustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and • \ I J Vegetables, prices of Seeds end Plents, end how to grow j V them. Printed in English and German. Price only so 3* cents, which may be deducted from first order. .e grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over meetinz with disappointment after weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICE'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. lvJk , VICE'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 32 pages, a Colored Plate in cv £ r >' " uml>cr ' and roany fine engravings. Price, $1. 25 a year; Five Copies for ~IA iJF f£* . l\ c , clmcl ? "umbers to cents; 3 tnal copies as cents. We will send to any address ' ,c * s hlagarine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below r rea,l .y ,wo rna K a7 ines at the price of one—Century, >4.50; Harper's Monthly, ia.oo ( i>;.T W IJI^ ,c ] 10, as's ' f3-5o; Good (.hcer, |i.35; Illustrated Christian Weekly, 53.00; 0T |>Sj Wide Awake, Good Cheer, and Tick's TICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, 210 pages, Six Colored 7V Plates, nearly tooo Engravings, >1.25, in elegant doth coven. JAMES VICK, RMW, W. Y. ApFHipQfor l.ueratlve, Healthy, Hon fllTDll 10orab!r A- Permnnent business ap i ply to Wilinot Castle & Co., Itocliester, N. Y. 411-4 To Make l.ife llrigliter. The dyspeptic's lot is not a happy one. Ben son's Capi itit* Plasters are the remedy. Price 25 cents. 49-4t 1 Mchurn!^ Wo mako from the host material Superior Ar ticles of Dairy Goods, that are models of strength and simplicity. Unquestioned proof given of their durability. Solo manufacturers of Curtis' Improved Fact cry Cham, Id n sou's Power Butter Worker, Lever Worker, Curtis' Cquaro Box Churn, lle."fngalar Churn, Crcum Yr.ts, Dog power, Ac. "0::o Family Churn r,* wholesale where we haro liO nsriuil.'' Ail goods warranted exactly as represented. TWO 001.1), FOUBTEKN SILVER AND EIGHT DiIG.NZE iIEDALS awarded for su periority. j GOBNISB. CUTIS & GREENE. Fort Atkusoa. Wii A ffl VII m B V* Send six cents for ft WW K Www* postage, and receire M I a costly box of ™ goods which will help you to more money right away than anything • Jse in this world. AH. of either sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune o~ pens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, TKUK & Co., Augusta, Maine. improved Western Washer JUICE. No. 1 for family oft $$ No. 2 fbr large Dually • No. S for Hotel andLauadry,.... 10 Over 20,000 in uacm( j Thousands of ladies are using it, and theyspOak of it in the highest terms, saying that they wouk| rather dispense with any other household article than this excellent Washer. No well-regulated hmily will be without it, as it saves the clothes, saves labor, saves time, saves fuel, ssvss soap, and makes washday no longer a dread, bnt rather a. pleasant recreation, as much as such is possible, HORTON M'FG CO., Age&tft Wanted. Ft* Wftjie, lain .