The Alarm. • "Burglars I" cried Mr. Jones. "Burglars I" screamtd Mrs. Jones. "Burglars! "screamed the Misses Jones. "Burglars I" screamed Master Jones,as one after the other lights Hashed in the upper rooms, and hastily draped forms appeared at the bed room doors like the signal figures of a barometer. Jones and son followed each other down stairs, one with a poker and the other with a croquet mallet, and the street door was found open, and a silk umbrella and two hats had vanished from the rack. Jones senior belieyed that he saw two heels vanishing around the coruer and yelled "police,;' but on ly the echoes answered him ; and, after a careful search of the house and la mentations over the hats and umbrella, the Jones family returned to their pil lows, though each one declared next morning that he or she had not closed an eye. "And the worst of it is," said Mrs. Jones, "they'll be here again. When burglars determine to enter a house they always do it." "I know a fellow'.who has a splendid dog that he'll sell," said Master Jones. "The fiercest fellow ; bite a piece out of you as soon as lie looks at you. I'll get him if*vou like, and we can turn him into the hall at nights." "Thank you," said Mrs. Jones. "I'd as soon have my throat burglars asjto be torn to pieces by a savage dog." "But he'd know us all in a few days," said young Jones. "Pa, don't you think It's the best plan V—the big gest fellow'; you ought to hear him howl." "A dog is impossible in a city house with four feet of garden grouud," said Mr. Jones, "but I'll buy an alarm and a pistol and keep it loaded under my pillow." "Then I shall sleep elsewhere," said Mr. Jones. "No, I'll sit up all night, every night, until I die, before that ■hall be done. "All women are idiots," said Mr. Jones. "Alljmen are crazy," said Mrs.Jones. "But you shall have your way and shoot your family if you like. That al ways comes of having firearms about." "Let them come in and murder us, then," said Mr. Jones. "I suppese you object to the alarm, too." But finally the alarm was decided up on and purchased and attached to all the doors and windows on the lower floor; and two days after this was done Mr. Jones being obliged to leave home on business, congratulated himself up on his promptitude of action. "With this alarm you are quite safe, my dear," he said as he took his de parture. "The minute you hear it, op en the windows and scream for the po liceman." Mr. Jones then stepped into the car riage, - which whirled him to a train Which conveyed him to a distant city. There he became very much occupied with certain important affairs, and when he had been absent a month for got all about, the burglars as well as all about the alarm. The letters from home did not men tion it, and so it passed entirely from his memory ; and, as at last he found himself on his homeward way upon a night train which he had taken quite unexpectedly—for he had written the day before that he should not be back for a week—it occurred to him that his arrival wou'd be a delightful surprise for the family. He had his latchkey with him, and he quite chuckled over the thought of letting himself in and being found snug in bed next morning. "Won't there be a time I" he said to himself. "Ma'll scream. The girls—l can hear 'em laugh. And Sam, will pretend not to be astonished— ha,ha, ha I" So,with his portmanteau in his hand, Mr. Jones, haying reached his home, ascended the steps of his domicile and deliberately but softly proceeded to op en his front door. As he did so the alarm was sprung, a racket and jingle filled the house, and Simultaneously Mrs. Jones, the Misses Jones, Master Jones, the cook, the chambermaid and the waiter thrust their heads out of the windows and screamed "Police!" Almost as they did so two clubs struck the pavement and two giants in uniform seized Mr. Jones by the arms. "Ah, got you this time," cried one of them. "We've been looking for you for some time, too." "Let me go," said Mi. Jones. "I live here. It's'a mistake." "Yes, I've no doubt of it it's a mis take," said the policeman. "But tell tbem—tell them ; let me of fer proof," pleaded Mr. Jones. "They all know me; tell them it's Mr. Jones." "He says it's Mr. Jones," cried the policeman to a nightcap and shawl at the window. "My husband is in Chicago," said Mrs. Jones. But she peeped out nervously. How ever,she did not recognize her husband. Mr. Jones had left home in a tall hat and overcoat; but during his absence he had unfortunately purchased a trav elling ulster that touched his heels, and a cap. He wore both, as was natural upon a midnight journey. "No,I never saw that object before," said Mrs. Jones. "Do take him away."' "You'll appear to-morrow?" said the policeman. "You'll appear against him, ma'am ?"' "Decidedly. I shall consider it my duty," said the lady and shut the wiu dow. Then Jones remonstrated with the policemen, and begged to have Mr. Smith next door called, and was told to hold his tongue. Jones was not a mild man. In a few minutes his wrath boil- Ed over,iie attacked the policeman with his umbrella bravely and was totally defeated. lie arrived at the station house with a black eye and a bruise on his forehead,and frothing at the mouth with rage; and was locked up after hav ing been recognized by several experts as "Tommy the Tapper," a noted bur glar, for whose arrest a largo reward was offered. Ilis valise was taken from him, also his watch and poeketbook. lie was shut up in a cell with an intox icated tramp who had arrived at the stage of delerium tremens o" which snakes are the favorite delusion, and who took Mr. Jones for one or several of'them, and insisted on treading on his head. In argument and single combat with this gentleman Mr. Jones passed the hours until morning, when lie was tak en from his highly-perfumed sequestra tion and dragged through the black streets to a court of justice, where he attempted to explain matters once more, and was still explaining them without producing^he slightest effect upon any one when his wife end son ar rived. Even then the ulster, the cap and the black eye deceived poor Mrs. Jones for a few moments, and but for Sam th*re is no knowing what might have become of the unhappy gentleman. However, Sam came to his rescue and the three went home together in a cult,Mrs.Jones moaning and wringing her hands all the way, and Mv. Jones threatening to sue for a divorce. lie forgave his wife at last, however, but he never forgave the alarm, which he demolished forthwith. ADVICE TO MOTHEUK. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSI.OW'S SOOTHING ST REP FOH CHILDREN TKKTUINO. Its value is incalculable, it will relieve the por little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, ro duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physici tns in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Trice 25 cents a bottle. A Dutiful Son. 'Son,' said a very economical old man to his fifteen year old boy,'you have ar rived at that age in which jrou will find snares set onfall sides of you |to entrap you into sin.' 'I must believe you, father.' 'Now, in order that you may be sure to avoid such snares and cotne out of half a dozen years of danger victorious and happy,l will offer you, besides love and affection, extra inducements. If you will be a good and obedient son, a voiding all bad company until you arrive at the age of twenty-one. I will tlieu present you with a nice Waterbury watch and chain." "Father," said the grateful boy, "I will try." And then he got up and took his hat and went down to a saloon and borrow ed a quarter to play pool with. 'Mamma, why is papa bald ?' 'I am his fourth wife, darling.' 'Nervous girl' wants to know how to cure a tickling sensation about the face. Get him to shaye off his moustache ! 'Curious, isn't it ?" remarked Mrs. Bascom. 'Here I've been reading these 'Notes on Husbandry' regularly ever since we subscribed to the 'Tiibune,' and they haven't said one word, so far as I could see, about husbands, or mat rimony either.' The 'thought reader'placed his hands on the man's head, withdrew it, and struck him a fearful blow on the nose. When the man got out from under the chair and asked the reader what he hud hit him for, he replied : 'Just as I placed my hand on your head you thought I was a d—d fool, and I don't allow any man to think that, no matter if he's as big as a Coney Island hotel.' JHE JEST PICTURESt AT JJUCK gROS' &mT a&LLEftrf FAMILY GROOPES AND CHILDREN —TAKX BY THE INSTANTANEOUS P ROCESS ! Satisfactory Work Don e by RAIN OR SHINE! We furnish everything in our line, trom a M iniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. Pictures copied and en larged in the best style. -CFRAMES^- can be procured at our place on short notice our prices are down so as to suit every purse. Gallery on North St., Millheim, Pa .! lAf | A|more money than at anything else ' lllf I |W by taking an agency for the best WW ■■■selling book out. beginnerssucceed I grandly. None fail. |Tenns free, i HALUCTT BOOK CO., Portland, Maine .3 1 BELLEFONTE Mason & Hamlin Smith American Eurdctte. and other Organs. jH| irgans. C^ XX jJSI ~JL MJP 3MK ~A>. TXT CHICKERING. STEIN WAY, KNABE, HAINES, ARION PIANOS. Smm MACHINES. Watches, - - - Jewelry, - - - Silverware, FINE STEEL ENGRAVINGS, OIL IAIXIIXGS, CHROMOB, PICTURE FRAMES, PHOTO FRAMES, Headprters for Wedding Presents. Holiday Presents. Toys. Dolls. Wagons. Mis. Carriages, aud oilier pods in tiiis line. BTJIsrisrELL &D A-IKEnSTS, I HH3O In. || V h Jj Consumptio' ra Croup, As; | laflueaia,, a JH ami all disease gg used its cfllcac' fiHDOWNS' EL!Xlß.aanj I N. H. DOWNS' I |j Vegetable Balsamic ELIXIR For the euro of fl Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, F la Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, |f ;B Znfiuenia, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, gj ■ auJ all diseases of tho Throat, Chest, oud H Lungs, In all cases where this Elixir is usa*! 'ts efficacy 1? at onco manifested, con ■Bß vincing tho most Incredulous that Q CONSUMPTION t.a is not incurable, if properly attended to.— ££ m At its commencement it is but a slight lrritn- 69 09 tion of tho membrane which covers tho Lungs; SEE then an inflamation, when tho cough is rather JSP dry, local fever,and the pulso more frequent,tho o cheeks flushed and chills more common. This , "* 1 Elixir In curing tho above complaints, oper raSatcssonslo removo all morbid irrlta-££3 lions and inllamatloii from the lungs B®] ;'jjS to tho surface, and Anally expel them from p?J '-SS tho system. It facilitates expectoration. : , It heals the ulcerated surfaces H Hand relieves the cough and makes tho breath-1" Fjj ing easy. It supports the strength and at .23 same time reduces tho fever. 11 in free from B B strongopiatc and astringent articles, which are B 3 of so drying a nature as to beiugrentdangerof B KB destroying the patient; whereas this medicine B l-M " cvor dries or stops tho cough, but, by remov Km |j|l ing the CAI'SK, consequently, when the cough KB ;K is cured tho patient is well. Send address for B ta pamphlet giving full directions, free. ' I I'lice 33 cts., 50 cts., and SI.OO per bottle. ' : ' ' SOLD EVERYWHERE. ■'*■ |B HENRY, JOnNSOS & LORD, Props., Burlington. Vt. 1 ■HI DOWNS' EUXIR.HMHI For Sale af. SPIQELMYEIV,S Millheim d- Madisonburg, Pa: SANITARIUM. Itiversldo, Cul. Tho dry cilmnto cures. Nose Throat, Lungs, full idea, 36 p., route, cost, free. MARRIAGPISPj A ll that tbedoiibtfu! curiousor thoughtful want to Sknow, Cloth and gilt biadiaso cts, paper 25c, JVtiir-e > riage Guide, 114 p 15c, sent sot led. money or stps,bj 03. WHITHER PITStB^ E UI&HY PA. \ STho grent specialist, Nervous Debility,lmpediments? aS.ErAHDARO? JX JONES WAGON SCALES, W 1 liou Lever., Steel Bearlii K H. H.... OF * are Beam ami Beam Box SINGHAMTON 1800 and JONBti he pays the freight—for Ires Price List mention this paper and J sUdroMjONES OF BINOHAMTON. Binjrhwmton, N.Ya itcs so as do gjß lions and §BS to tlio surfac fe? sj-gtom, s It heal: JFM and relieves Ming cosy. It ma amo time r : H -tronpopintc M of so drying .1 BB destroying tl. jrj never dries o H ing the CAVSI ;H is cured tlio j 9 pamphlet pi" H l'rico 3o ct S( I ■ HE SRI, JOIN Ml V ' 1 4 SPECIAL BARGAINS i I FOR THE ; f SIPIRJILTGi- TRADE " . i • } } AT | r (LIMITE D,) MILTON, I® A., Nos. 110, 112 & IJ4, Front Street, [ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN } Musical Instruments, Furniture, Carpets China, Silverware, and House Furnishing Goods Generally. — ——• m ♦— ——— DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. NO SURPRISE! THE GOVERNMENT ENDORSES The Ameican Agriculturist. FROM TIIK TF.NTII CF.NSUB.VOt. 8. J VBT PI'BUBIIKD "The American Agriculturist Is especially worthy of mention, because of tlio remarkable success that has at tended the univue and untir ing efforts of It* proprietors to Increase and ex tend its circulation. Its content sate duplicated every month for a German edition, which also circulate widely." This Tribute Is a picturing incident in the marvellous nearly HALF A CENTURY Career of this rccoxni/ud leading Agricultural Journal of the world. What it is To-Day. Six months ago the American Agriculturist entered noon a new curccr of Froaperlty au l to day It is far superior to any aimiiar per iodical ever produced in this or any other coun try. I.'l'her in editorial strength; richer In en uritviiigs; piloted on liner paper, and present ing in every Issue 100 columns of original read ing matter from the ablest writers, and nearly toi |llutraltons. Dr. George Thtirber,for near ly <|iinrter of a eentory the edltor-til-ehlef of the American Ayrivulturist, Joseph Harris, liyron I). Ilalsted. CoI.M. C. Weld, and Andrew S. I'idler,Hie other longtime hilib rs.together with the other writers wh • have made the American 'qriculturUl what it Is to day, sre Mtili at l heir post. WHAT, FREE T ? ? kvery subscriber, whose subcrlptlon Is imme iiiat. lv forwarded us with the price, ll.da In till —will receive Hi • American Agriculturist for Dee. ISH. til ill of isc>, an | will ls presented with tin' American Agriculturist I'nml ly Cyclopirtlla. (Just out). 7f knowledge, inditing an Ai.nni.ioral Supplement by nr. Ttiurber. Sen l thr. e Icent stamps'for malting you sjtec linen cony American A'/rlcuUurht. an elamnt arty paqe J'remlum List.with ii<'o Illustrations, anil siK-ciinen puqes of oar Family Cyclopivdla. Canvassers wanted Everywhere, Address PoMm Aineriean Agricultnrist, David W. Juun.l'res't. liiKMtAM.Hec 751 Itroadmty, Sfew York, D I. BROWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE &c„ Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. - • - ChsT" Repairing dotic at short notice by practical workmen. ■ ♦--*§ ♦ ♦ ■■ Spoutin % aSpecialty Shop on Main Si.opposite Kauffman MILLHEIM.PA. L| FORJMAN_AND_BEWT. ZTHE BEST EXTERNAL REMEDY | FOR BIEDHIf 191, 3P NFIIRALGIA, = CRAMPS, 1 Sprains, Emises, Burns and Scalds, IkssJ Seiitleijßiekiel*, I web Frosted Feet and I ttMmri} Ears, and all other I MmF Pains and Aches, It is a safe, sure, and I effectual Remedy for I Galls, Strains, Scratches, 9 Sores, &c., on | HORSES. | One trial will prove its S merits. Its effects are in 1 most cases I 1 INSTANTANEOUS. a e 9 Every bottle warranted to I give satisfaction. Send ad 'J HHI dress for pamphlet, free, gir- I I iiiß full directions for the si treatment of above diseases. M bHBHB Prico 25 cts. and 50 cts. per ■ bottle. Sold everywhere. ■ Hcary, Johmon * Lord, ProprieUw, 9 Burlington, Tt. For Sale (USPIGELMYER'S. Millheim & Mculisonburg, Pa. COLLEGE, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. Occupies three Buildiners. Largest and B. St. More positions tor uraduates than all other school's com bined. I.ife Scholarship. *4O. Write for circular#. COLEMAN, I'ALMS &. (JO., Proprietors. STAFFORD'S I nm BLACKING! Gives a MORE BRILLIANT SHINES THAN ANY OTHER. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS. I SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. E S. S. STAFFORD,! New York, f mil There li no excuse for suffering from CONSTIPATION and other diseases that follow a dis ored state of the Stomach and Bow els, when the use of OR. HENRY BAXTERS HEME EIHIS Will give immediate relief. After constipation follows Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver Rheumatism, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Ap oplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Dis eases, etc., *H °f which these Bitten will speedily euro by removing the earns. Keep the StonMck, Bowels, and Digestive Organs in good toorlutj order, and perfect health H will be the result L&diOS sud others sub* Hjoct to Sick Headache ui find relief Hand permanent cure by the use of these Bitter* ■ doing tonic sod mildly purgative they 1 PURIFY THE BLOOD. Ml Price 25 cts. per bottle. I Tor sale by all dealers iu medicine. Send n address for pamphlet, freo, faring full directions. m REIRY, JOHiSOI k LOU),Props., BarliogUa, TL Fur sale at SI'IGF LMYEH'S t Millheim & Madisonburg, Pa SCHOOL SUPPLIES! (A full line at the v JOURNAL STORE. 1 Parents are invited to call at our t place on Peon Street. ' HEALTH IS WEALTH! br. a. c. nwsrn *wt sxc aiui* itumrr. • ruri,ir®.| np-rlOc lr H itrU,U ti.cui Cuu.aliUßS, Fits, Nervous KrM. Fn-t .:(■ a rm-d byUie us. at alroliol or V-'-tcea, W.Vrfulu.-.. K--nl*l I) - pr. .K,tiS mtarrv, d,irn||.iMoM rarrolli't treatment kI u box. cr sis bus.* for St, *• b( br tciilpt*. Mid our i cl|A of fricJ. WE CUARANTEE SiX BOXE3 Toenr. auyrae*. WtH rh order rae-le -J by „ f.% r i'z hnxtt mrrn mi-onied ilh Si, watt 111 set: ili.a r rer written guarantee to refund t?>o Oles.-y If the treuureui duct n tiS rt a eti-e. Oii.r. iu, . !.u. i only t/ KISM U M ■KXDKLXbX, SM S r FVe,-t. r*r !enMa, Fa. " PURXTAS." Tlx celebrated vreubic ill jud I'uriS, r. It !mradU*e'y rural Headnebe, CoeallpaUoa, Po. die* lb# SU u Mali. 4 I an v where U|x> rec#l| toffS rent# Pnnrnawd fur cuidreo. EISNER in MENDELSON, 320 Race Street, Phllr.-lelphlo, Pa. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, TIIE BOSS ( I.OTIIIEHS for your OlotbDr.. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GEOOEES keep the largest stock In the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. DR. JOHN BULL'S Smitli'sTonicSyroß FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. - ' The proprietor of this celebrated medfr cine justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT cure of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. He refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony ta the truth of the assertion that ia no whatever will it fail to cure if tht dime* tions are strictly followed and carried out. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whale frtwiV lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every oaaa mora oertain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases. Hsu* ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will he iu* ficient. BULL'S SARSAPARILLA is the old anA reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Scrofulous affeoaona—the King of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER is prepared in the form of oandy drops, attractive to the sight and pleasant to the taste. Old. JOHN BTTZ.Xi'B I | SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER The Popular Remedies of the Day. PrUcloal Office. 831 Main St.. LOUISYILLE, KT. +., . , SIOOO REWARD - tor mkliir* Lulli.. aaJ cleaning MlWt /aW I ?I.'L u m. K h NEWARK MACmSiE CO.&S^/rl newark. a limlwf"' n\v