A Young Doctor's Bill. JL romantic story is told byjthe Chicago Inter-Ocean. The charming daughter of a wealthy gentleman re siding in the suburbs of Chicago was seriously ill, and finally Her case was pronounced hopeless by all the emi nent doctors summoned to attend her. As a last resort a young physician ot the place was called in. He modestly but emphatically declared his ability to save the patient, and he was en trusted with the case. Constant watchfulness and unremitting atten tion were crowned with success. In a week the invalid began to improve ; two weeks found her out of danger; in three weeks sho could sit up, and at the end of four weeks she was well and could take long drives with her devoted doctor. He had indeed re deemed his pledge—had saved bis charge. Here is the sequel: One day, after the complete recov ery of the young lady was positively assured, the father called the young doctor into his library. Taking him by the hand, he said .• 'Young man. you have saved my daughter. I told you that if you did so you would be compensated at whatever price you choose to fix your services. I am now ready to carry out any part of the agreement, as you have so noblv done your work.' 'Do you really "wish to pay me my own price ? 9 asked the young doctor, anxiously. 'lndeed, I do,sir.' 'Then I ask you to give your daughter to me in marriage,' was the unexpected request The old gentle man was naturally a little astonished at the nature of tbe answer. He hesi tated a moment, then touched a bell. A servant answered. 'Tell Hattie to step here,'was the command. In a minute the daughter entered the room. The father and the doctor stood fac ing each other 'Hattie,' said the old gentleman, 'do you feel that you have fully recovered ?' 'I am as well as ev er, father.' *Do you imagine what your doctor wishes in compensation for his services in saving your life ?' was the sternly-put question. 'No,' said the girl, anxiously, 'but I am sure he deserves anything reasonable."But I consider his charge extortionate,' was the emphatic rejoinder. 'What is it, father, I feel sure that Doctor would not be unreasonable ' 'Not un reasonable ! Why, Hattie, he asks that I consent to his making you his wife. What have you to say to that?' Hattie blushed violently for a minute, her little foot played with the rug on on the floor, then looking up archly, first at her father and next at the young doctor, who had meantime ut tered no word, she said : 'You say, father, when I was sick all the othei doctors gave me up and assured me nothing but death ?' 'Yes, my daughter.' 'And Doctor took my case nnder those circumstances, told you he would save me and nursed me back to htalth and life? 9 'Yes.' 'Then, father.it strikes me that if I was an au diting committee and a had to pass upon this bill, I'd argue that the one who brought me back to my health from apparent death would be pretty safe for me to be entrusted to when health was fully regained. I would check his bill 0. K., and say nothing about extortionate charges.' The wed ding will be duly celebrated in a very short time. . ODDS AND ENDS. Florida will raise 3,(00,000 boxes of oranges this season. A hundred thousand dollars are left In charity by the will of the late Baron Bothscbild. Three hundred arrests have been made ia connection with the latest plot to murder the Czar. The fruit crop of this country, ac cording to Mr. Marshall P. Wilder, is worth a hundred and forty millions a year. The population of the United States increases at the rate of 32 per cent, every ten years. It will be 88,000,000 in 1900. A drug trade journal is advertising a new patent medicine which is declar ed, to be "the only specific for the fear of lightening." The amount of money now in the United States, both paper and coin, has reached the comfortable sum of $1,8CK),0G0,000. One hundred miles in seyen hours and eleven minutes, the fastest bicycle time yet made, is the record of Mr. George Smith, of London. It is 3,023 miles from New York city to Mecico by one line of railway and 3,729 by the other. By water it is nearly twice that distance. The Pullman Palace Car Company owns 1,148 sleeping cars "and has 2,531 stockholders. The company has a surplus of over $7,000,000. A premium of $30,000 is offered by the Mexican government to any one who will establish in that country a paper mill at a cost of $150,000. An Every Day Oocurence. Once upon a time a Donkey fell into a deep bole, and, after nearly starving, caught sight of a passing Fox, and im plored the stranger to help him out. 'I am too small to aid you,' said the Fox, 'but I will give you some good ad vice. Only a few rods away is a big, strong elephant. Call on him and he will get you out in a jiffy.' After the Fox had gone the Donkey thus reasoned to himself: 'I am very weak for want ot nourishment. Every move 1 make is just so.much additional loss of strength. If I raise my voice to call the elephant 1 shall be weaker yet. No, I will not wast my substance that way. It is the duty ot' the elephant to come without calling.' So the Donkey settled himself hick and evidently starved to death. Long afterwards the Fox on passing the hole saw within it a withering skrl eton.aiui remaiked : 'lf it is true that the souls of animals are transmigrated into men, that D.mkey will become one of those merchants who can never al ford to advertise C—l'hiltuh Iphia Cull. ADVICK TO .WOTIlF.lt*. Are you illsturlioil at night and lrken of vour ivsl l>v a sb'k child sutlcring and crying with pain olcuttlne tvth ? If . s'd at one • and 't a bottle or Mk*. Wis-i.o.vV. soonilNU SYllt'l* FOR CUII.OKKN TBETHIVO. Its v.llui i iucaicuhtble. It will relieve tbe poor litlle siir ferer iinineitiatelv. lVpend upon it, mot tiers, tliere is no mistake about it. it enresdysent i y and diarrboea. regulates the slomaeh and bowels, cures wind colic, sot tens the sums, re duces lutiainmatioti, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. M it* WINSI.OW'S SOOTH ING SYUI C FOK CHILDUKN TKKTIIINU is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physlei tus in the United States, and is for sale l>> all druggists throughout the world. i*rlco cents a bottle. He Experimented. lie was a bashful wooer, but there was a certain manliness about him which indicated that he only needed a little encouragement to let himself out. She saw this,and she resolved on a poli cy of encouragement. 'Do you believe these stories in the funny papers,' she asked, 'about the willingness of young ladies |to be kiss ed ?' 'I—I really can't say,' he replied. •They may be true.' Then, gathering courage, he added: 'I hope they are true,' and he drew closei to her. 'lt seems to m?,' she said, 'that theie is only one way in which a young man can discover whether they are true or not.' 'And what way is that ?' he asked. There was a brief pause. Then,with a far-away look in her eyes, she an swered : 'By experimenting when he has an opportunity.' ile experimented*— Dctroit FiccPrt. "O.'i, no. They were shot and s'ulT ed and then stood up to look as if they were alive." "Who are those ladies in the window by them, mamma ?" "They are dressed up figures to show the new styles in furs." "Aint the ladies alive ?" "No pet." "Was they shot and stuffed, too ?" Philadelphia Call. The Russians are to substitute the residnum of naphtha for coal as a fu el. It has much more heat giving properties and is easier to handle and to transport. JHE 3EST PICOTBIS ! AT BUCK BROS' FAMILY GROUPES AND CHILDREN —TAKEN BY THE— INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS! Satisfactory Work Done by RAIN OR SHINE! We furnish everything in our line, trom a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. •# ♦ • ♦ ► . Pictures copied and en larged in the best style. -CFRAMES^ can be procured at our place 011 short notice Mgg*Remember —our prices are down so as to suit every purse. Gallery on North St., Millheim, Pa M f|l||B|i Send six cents for A liKl # p postage, and receive fV 1 818 Mmm K-.Mifree a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All. of either sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune o pens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, TKUK & Co., Augusta, Maine. CUT THIS OUT! A MAKE S SlsiS4© WEEK. We have stores in 15 leading Cities, from which our agents obtain their supplies quickly. OJr Factories and Principal Ofiices are at Frie, Pa. Send for our New Catalogue and terms to agents Address MM I fllfCl I 013 Spring Citrden St. ■ Nf A.UWCI-U PHILADELPHIA,PA. BELLEFONTE jjl|f I" jl Ehollinger ' Mason & Hamlin —Smith American Bsrdotte,- . JEX TML J&. 3MT CHICKERING. STEIN WAY. KNABE. HAINES, AEION SEWWS JOpI „ C||HES Watches, - - - Jewelry, - - - Silverware, FIXE STEEL ENGRAVINGS,OIL PAINTINGS, CHROMOS, PICTURE IFIR/A-IMIIES, PHOTO ZFAR/A-IMIES, Headqnarters for VeMim Presents. Holiday Presents. Toys. Dalls. Wapns. Ms. Car.i ni oliu? pis in this line. BTJISriNrEI_.IL, _A_ZEiEisrs. f| ■DOWKS' ELiXIMB N. H. DOWNS' I Vegetable Balsamic For the euro of Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, || Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, Eg Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, If and all diseases oft ho Throat, Chest, and BSj Lungs . In all cases where this Elixir Is Kg used its efficacy is at onco manifested, coil mmm vincing the most incredulous that Q ~ CONSUMPTION mj is not incurable, if proi>crly attended to.—SB i m At its commencement it is but a blight Jrrita- C 80 tion of tlio membrano which covers the Lungs; then an inflamatiou, when tho cough Is rather [ dry, local fever,and the pulse more frequent,the m clieeks flushed aud chills more common. This aran ® Elixir In curing tho above complaints, Elates so us 1o remove oil morbid liiHn-TSI tlona and iuflumatioii from tiiO lungs Ito the surface, and finally expel them from H ) m tho system. It facilitates expectoration, S It heals the ulcerated surfaces p! Eg and relieves tlio cougli and makes the breath- tea *3 i tig cosy. It supports the stivugih and til the SB-amo tinio reduces tlio fever. 11 is l'reo from gj£4 fl strong opiate and astringent arti. les, w hichare go fl of so drying a naturo as to be in great danger of K rejH destroying tlio patient; whereas this medicine Kg ucverjdries or stops the cough, but, by romov- S vg ing tlio CAI'SE, consequently, when ttie cough W His cured tho patient is well. Send address for pampiilct giving full directions, free. Ee B l'rico 3o cts.,.')o cts. ; and SI.OO per bottlo. feu. SOLD EVEUYWHERE. |g IIESRY, JOIIXSAS & LORD, Props., Rurlington. Vt. fed ifcHß DOWNS' FUXIiMBKs* Fur Salr at SPWKLMYFIt'S Millhcim of thew Ithters H ileing tonic and mildly purgativa they B PURIFY THE BLOOD. \ Price 23 cts. per bottle. W For enlo 1 y all dealers in medicine. Send SB address for pamphlet, free, giving full direction*, jjl DEIIY,JOHISOI£■ LOU),Props., L'nrliogtos, ft For sale at SPIGF LtfYElfS, Millhqim & Madisonburg, Pa SCHOOL SUPPLIES! j A full line at the v /JOURNAL STORE. 1 1 Parents are invited to call at our W .\ place on Penn Street. * ML K r. Wt-TK kt.UVK ? liCITS THEiTJIfcAT. a riur.ii irr I eje-nOc l>r H • t tin D aiaui C ..u'.t a. Fu, NftrrolU Nrurl(ia. Uea?Uehc, Mrr*, . Cn-t'ktl"ll f""- I I t |lw u. • of ilcniM) or t..)a of F-.r in either •*. I- r..!u tai > ui l tifMnmat >rrbatvnaoao 3.>nt'.i' treatment ;l> box. or nx be r-- a ;„r fs.a-at ly Call paid on i, of prlct. WE CUARANTEZ SIX COUE3 Tocnr. any rae. Wth a.rt order rw-W dby n for tlx tens*. arrnat|iau!ad iih fi, * "xliter3(l t!jpircSaaer rtir written (nanu.nator.iau I lie money II 11*11 autluai.: .nl n-t o(f rt a care. fluaraut*<- iMoeJ oaty by HIHM.K A ■tISDKWIX, 3: . R m Ft e.-t, r.tVe'iM., Pi. " PXJRITAJB." The retabrate.t orx.nbia tUood I'arifi. r. It Immediate* y cure. M.adarb-, (MKtlpatioa, Purifies lb. 8k! Mail* t arnvbrt spue receipt ol Si reals Cu.un.rst4 |,r Cbttd.ra. EISNER & MENDEL.{JON, 320 Race Street, Pa. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE liOSS CI.OTIIIEnS for your Clnthh^, 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. A/ SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stock In the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. t ! ■ l I DR. JOHN BULL'S SiffsToicSyroi FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. The proprietor of this celebrated audi* eine justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the mtblio for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT cure cf Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. He refers to the entire Western and Southern country to boar him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no oase whatever will it foil to cure if the direc tions are strictly followed and carried out In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every casq more certain to sure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two &ftQ the disease has been checked, more eapooiadly in difficult and long-standing cases. Usu-. ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PELLS will be su* flcient. BULL'S 3ARSAPARILLA is thv old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Scrofulous affectionate Ring of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER is prepared in the fo?ia of candy drops, attractive to (ho eight and pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN HULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARiLUV, BULL'S WORM DESTROYED The Popular Remedlos of the Day. Pi lacteal Offleo 831 Main St.. LOVISYILLK. XT. SiOOO REWARD^ for nnj whine hulUojaml elcsalnif ttt for Al/M} '' ' a* much Clover U)