AMONGST THE ICEBERGS. Commander Schley's Vessel Runs Plump Into One. Arotio Region Fascination Describ ed by Lieutenant Greely's Finder. The following is from an interview with Commander Schley, who rescued the remnants of Lieutenant Greely's party : "Had you any unexpected ex periences when you got in the higher latitude aside from the general one pertaining to the expedition ?" i4 Oh, yes. One morning, for in stance, when the atmosphere was hazy from a light fall of snow, in going a stiff nine-knot gait, we ran plump into an iceberg that was in our way, and whicn no one could see. For a mo ment 1 thought eyery mast would go by the board, and that my hair and teeth had proceeded them. . I never got quite such a shock. I was nearly thrown out of the crow's nest. 1 ex pected soon to hear the Alert was leaking. But, strange as it may seem, with a rebound of at least thirty feet, there was not a seam started. It was almost miraculous that we had no cat astrophe, and shows how thoughtfully that ship was built for just such en counters in those seas. On another oc casion, when over against the Green land coast, I counted not Dss than 1,- 500 icebergs that had been pushed from the glacial formation on the sloping headlands of the coast into the sea. We could occasionally hear the cracking that indicated the fissure; but the sight of these majestic monarchs of the sea sailiug off in the morning sunlight, with all the colors of the prism, was something that cannot be/described. Fascinating region ! do you ask ? Nev er a one more so. I wanted to stay there awhile. Eyen the men I took at New Bedford and New London jumped at the chance to go, though some of them said they did not expect to come back again. Why, after we got Greely and our mission was accomplished. I never felt such a pang of disappoint ment that, with seventy-two days of summer weather before me, and an o pen sea, 1 was obliged to turn my prow homeward and abandon the chance to get a higher Jatitude/than any other explorer." "Do you think you' would have had success had you been at liberty to have entered on'such a trip ?" "It seemed so; at least, just then. And this leads me to say that the re mark I haye quoted from Weyprecbt was vindicated in my experience. The theory of winter sojourneying in the high latitudes, in order to be on the ground for another season's continu ance, is, in my judgement, all a mis take. The men might as well come home and have the advantages of civili zation. Nothing is gained by remain ing within the arctic circle that cannot be realized the next season by starting early if the conditions are fayorable. And these conditions rest upon an open sea. Now, some seasons all the waters are filled with ice that it; is impossible to penetrate. The yery next season ev ery strait, bay and channel is likely to bejfopen water. The winds, currents and many unknown or undemonstrated influences affect the ice. What should be done is to get everything in readi ness early in the 3 ear, and by May or early June be at the upper settlements. Then follow promptly the open water, and the occasion will come, sooner or later, when the pole will be reached. In my case I could have got far to the northward, and. if caught in the upper seas, I had proyisions that would have lasted possibly two years, before which time I should have worked out of the trap. ID this connection, let me tell an anecdote. We were buttirg pretty effectually one day some ice that imped ed our progress, when one of the Dun dee whaling captains said, in admira tion of our powers : *Ye did that but ting in foine style, and it is a tough ship that you have ; but if you keep it up, you will ruin your ship for a sec ond season.' 4 Second season,' exclaim ed I—'none for us, if yuu please ! We shall find Greely and be back again long before we begin to divide the sea sous I" And so it turned." ADVICE TO MOTHEBB. Are you disturbed at night and broken of . your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? if so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHJNG BYBUP FOB CHILDREN TEETHING. Its vaiuo is incalculable. It will relieve the p<>or little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces lutlammation, and gives tone aud energy to the whole system. Mas WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYBDP FOB CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physici tns iu the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. The Carman's Smart Horse. A gentleman travelling through Ireland with a .very stout companion had occasion to hire a jaunting-car, and, having agreed with the driver for half a crown, stepped back to the inn wfcere he was staying and called his fat friend. The driver, as soon as he caught a glimpse of the enormous dimensions of his 'fare,' walked up to the head of his horse, and holding up the tatteied lappets of a worn-out jacket, said : 'Whist, sir, get up as lightly as ye can, will ye V 'What,is your beast skittish V asked the gentle man. 'No, sir,'said Pat, with an in imitably shrewd leer, 'but if he saw the big gentleman he'd most likely say, 'Whist, Pat, but it ought to be five shillings. 1 —Call at the JOURNAL Store tor choice Cards and Pictures, The Fly Screen Agent. He had six fly screens under his arm, and was talking to a man in front of a house on Hastings street. 'I am offering these at fifty per cent, below their cash value/ lie explained, 'becauso I want to get out of town/ 'Vhell, it vhassoon coming winter, und I like to know-how some flies come aroundt den ?' the man answered. 'That's true enough, my friend, but the fly question is not the only thing. These screens savt twenty-flye per cent. in fuel.' 4 Vhell ?' 'They give an air of re flu erne at to the house.' 'VheP V' 'I don't say that they keep out chole ra altogether, but jon can't point to a house in Detroit provided with them which lias had a case of cholera.' 'Yhell, dot vitas so.' 'ln buying them von help a poor man to reach the bedside of his dying wife in Buffalo.* 'Yes.' 'You add at least $;i00 to the value of your place.' 'Yes.' 'They are not a burglar alarm, but when a burglar finds them in the win dows he turns away discouraged.' 'Dot vhss good.' 'The air which enters your house is strained, as it were, and must therefore be free of chips, gravel, sand, dust and other substances deleterious to health.' 'I see.' 'And you will take 'em ?' 'My frendt, vhas dose fly screens like a watch dog ?' If some poys come in der alley does dey raised a big row und let me know ?' 'lf I vhas in a row roit my vliife does does fly screens help me oudt ?' 'Of course not.' 'Why, no; of course not.' 'lf I come home in der night und der front door vhas locked, und I can't get in, does dose fly screens make it all right V 'No, sir—no sir. flow can you ex pect any such things from fly screens ?' 'Yhell, I doan' know. I guess you petter moof along to der next corner. Eaferypody says I vhas sweet-temper ed und kind, but if a man come along und impose on me und take me for some greenhorns, I let myself oudt und knock him so far into next Shanuary dot fly screens doan keep him warm.'—Detroit Free Press. Dynamite. 'I see by the latest dispatches that there has been an outbreak, and the English authorities are very much a larmed about it,' remarked a reporter who called on Mr. O'Donovan llossa at his cozy little office in New York. 'l've not seen anything about it yit in the papers,' said Mr. Rossa; 'but I could hrve told ye of that long ago, if I only had a moind. The outbreak was planned right here, bedad, in this office, bv meself and a lew more Oirish ' J pathriots.' 'The outbreak is in India.' 'Av coorse. Among the down trod den natives of India.' 'At Madras,' observed the reporter. 'Right yez are agin.' 'lt is believed that it will spread.' 'l'll see to that meself.' 'lt is an outbreak of cholera,' re marked the reporter, as ho passed out. Votes, Not Reports, Will Settle It. Chris Magee's Interview in Pittsburg Post. 'How about Cameron ?' asked the reporter. 'He is well.' 'What are his prospects V 'Excellent.' 'Will there be a fight V 'None that I know of.' 'Has he votes enough to elect?' ] 'He has and some to spare.' 'The reports, circulated are not re liable, then ?' 'Reports have nothing to (lo with this contest; it will be decided by votes.' 'ls Calvin Wells satisfied V 'Calvin Wells!' thoughtfully ejacu lated Magee, studying for a moment. 'He is not a member ofthe Legislature aud has no vote.' Whitmer & Lincoln, COBURN, PA. Having leased the GRAIN HOUSE ot Smith & Co., at Coburn, Pa., for a number ot years, we are prepared to pay cash FOR Wheat, Rye, Barley, corn, &c. Coal, Salt & Fertilizers For Sale. WHITMER & LINCOLN. Coburn, Pa., Aug. 1., 1884. Ilpl ffl for working people. Send 10 ■■ k I Ucents postage, aud we will mail ■ I LLJI yon free, a royal, valuable sam pie. box of goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few uays than you ever thought possible at any bus iness. Capital not required. You can live ac home and work iu spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. 50 cents to *5 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test the business,we make this unparralleled offer : all who are not well satisfied we will semi $1 t>ay for the trouble of writing us. Full particu ars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at ouce.Don't d'e lay. Address STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. BELLEFONTE T? 4. ij c 'honino-fir y ' jm II b Mason & Kamlin Smith American Burdette. g and other Bsas3.-sx-.a5 f * ~ TT \_ _A. Ij3> is® A. IV CHICKERING, STEINWAY, KNABE, HAINES, ARION DOASESXIC w- ■..-f,- '* --- SEWING I# MACHINES. Tar i. * Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, FINE STEEL ENGRAVINGS,OIL PAINTINGS, CHROMOS, PICTURE UTIE&AIMIIES, PHOTO FRAMES, Headquarters for Weddiiii Presents. Holiday Presents. Toys. Dolls, Wapns. Dolls. Carries, aad older pis ia this line BTJ3sTiTELIL. &c SIB DOWNS' ELIXIR.MBB I N. HL DOWNS' | ■ Vegetable Balsamic ELIXIR 9 For the cure of 9 Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Py ■ Cronp, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, fa I Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, Li and all diseases of 'ho Throat, Chest, and | Lungs. In all cases where this Elixir Is foi Qg usod its efficacy is at once manifested, con ■n vincing tho most Incredulous that Q ~ CONSUMPTSON g jjj is not incurable, if properly attended to. — m At its commencement it is but a slight irrita- ©9 CO tion of the membrane which covers tho Lungs; 3B then an intlamation, when tho cough is rather dry, local fever,and the pulse more frequent,tho | C 3 cheeks flushed and chills more common. This **' Elixir In curing tho above complaints, oper-S, Bates so as To removo ell morbid irrita- H tlonaand iiiflumnliou from tho lungs Mr to the surface, and finally expel them from En tho system. It facilitates expectoration. It heals the ulcerated surfaces and relieves tho cough and makes the breath-Ira | ingeasy. It supports tho strength and at the Hjl ! same time reduces tho fever. It in free from El strongopiato and astringent articles, which are H of so drying a nature as to be in great danger of destroying the patient; whereas this medicine EK never dries or stops tho congh, but, by remov- ||r| ing the CAUSE, consequently, when the cough EM is cured tho patient is well. Send address for Ey pamphlet giving full directions, free. Eo cts.,so cts. ; and 81.00 per bottlo. 4 SOLD EVEUYWIIERE. " f nnxsoi t LORD, Props., Burlington. Vt. || DOWNS' EUXIR.SHH For Hale at SPIGiIL YEWS Mittheim dc Madisonbug, Pa laastsMMßaf 5 TOM JONES I WA6OJCALES >. ii a I Price List meat! a sirs m 1 rj \ UCJiI .'OHESOFB!CHAK P , m j-t-alj Elio£hainton Pi. i. SANITARIUM. Riverside, Cal. Tho dry citmate cures. Nose Throat, Lungs, full idea, 36 p., route, cost, free. MARRIAGE^S f All that the doubtful curious or thoughtful wantto> Skn w, Cloth and giltbindin :50 cts, paper 25c, Mar ? } riage Guide, 114 p 15c,sent seiled. money or^ Th© great specialist, Nervous Debility, Sto Marriage, Consultation and Pamphlet free, „ 1 SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE T K,^3DEI AT (LIMITED,) JIN/RON, PA., Nos. 110, 112 & 114, Front Street, I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN [ Musical Instruments, Furniture, Carpets, China, Silverw? re, and House Furnishing Goods Generally. ——— • m ♦ - ■■■ ■ GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. MILLHEIM | MARBLE WORKS The Oldest, I he Largest", The Cheapest, Most Reliable, I " Establishment, ia this p:u of Pennsylvania. ||jll Monuments, Tablets and Headstones, manufactured in the most a i-f isfic sft/lr and of the host material. All work warranted and put up in the most substan tial manner. tsgTOur prices are so low that it will pay persons in need of marble work to give us a call. DEININGER & MUSSER proprietors Shops eas of Bridge, Main St., Millheim, Pa. IP I"9P THE BEST H EXTERNAL REMEDY 19 NEURALGIA, Sg CRAMPS, Sprains, Bruises, § Burns and Scalds, | mssMSelafiea, ffaetaets, | "a** Frosted Feet and! Ears, and all other B Pains and Aches, g It is a safe, sure, and 8 effectual Remedy fori Galls, Strains, Scratches,! Sores, &c., on HORSES. | £E Ete* One trial will prove itefi MHRHE' merits. Its effects are inß most cases v. ZZIZJ INSTANTANEOUS, H Every t>ottle warranted toR give satisfaction. Send ad. R ;w HRI dress for pamphlet, free, giv.R i * *" fu, l directions for the m ha flrlP treatment of above diseases. H 1 f Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. peril bottle. Sold every where. &j Henry, Johnson St Lord, Proprietor!, B Burlington, Yt. For Sale at SPIGELM TEWS. Millhcim Madisonburg, Pa. COLLEGE, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. Occupies three Buildings, hardest and Best. Mors positions for Kraduates than all other school's com. Dined. Life Scholarship, MO. Write for circulars. COLEMAN, PALMS dt CO., Proprietom. fl There la no excuse for suffering from I * CONSTIPATION B and other diseases that follow a dis- H m ored state of the Stomach and Dow- H ■ els, when the use of I DR. HENRY BAXTER'S I lIHIME BITTERSI H Will give Immediate relief. ) B After counti]ntlon follows ! Biliousness, Dyspepsia, I i I Indigestion, Diseases of! Sthe Kidneys, Torpid Liver I ; I Rheumatism, Dizziness, I Rsick Headache, Loss of! pAppetito, Jaundice, Ap-1 Palpitations,! S Eruptions and Skin Dis-1 Peases, etc., aII of which these I B Hitters will speedily euro by removing tlic eiuue. H R Keep (ho Stomaek, Boicdi, and Dijrtiie* Or,jam H ■in ijiyrht tporlitnj order, and perfect licaltll fl fl will l>o tho result. Lad'lOS uJ oihors oub-fl gljocttoSlcU Hoadache will find relieffl B anJ permanent euro by tho tiso of (licso Hitters I Br iJdng tonic and mildly purgative they H I PURIFY THE BLOOD. I |P Prlco 28 rts. per bottle. 0[ Tor snlo by ell dealers iu medicine, fiend B Elj addreu for pamphlet,free,giving full directions, fl m OESBT. JOUJSOI&LeXD,Props., BnrlingUi, ft. E For wilt' at >S FIOE L M YEIV >S', Millheim tnlrrr, and destli; P • mtu.o O i J-, Bam-unce*. Le* of P -wer In either rx. |..ulu tarv I. -rt Ji nd fprnnat •rrbcea ranted by oer-#*eiit. u f tl.e br.'n, sella.!!.. orr /..rXadaiget'ee. tvtil*.i (MBtaiiM car'a treatment .1 a box, or ux boiii fur gi, •by Mid ou r.clj l of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX DC~ZO Toe'ir.anvrae. Wth *rl, er>ler rc-*l* d by m f.r !x lr>xe. tni|*iiH w i>h f5, wu wlilaen.l tin j>nrrha*rr rcr * rllten gua> ante. to r.'uiid tlie ter..-y I;the IreaimcL*. CucA li t .IT -04 a eure. flmrtntr.. tesoeJ culy ty KISVKB * BI.XDKLsOX, 3IJ It