|l|t j|i'I f| cim journal. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11TH, 1884. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. LITTLE GIANT GANG Lath & Picket Mill. Howl by & Co., Sunburv, Pa.. J Manufacturers, f E. H. ZIMMERMAN, MillheiiD, Pa. Pel sons wishing to procure one of these machines will please apply to K. H. Zimmerman. that to make a proper se- lection of Holiday Gifts you must see for yourself and try to find the right place. We invito you to visit the Journal Store on Penn street during this holiday season where you will find a line of Holiday Goods, conspicious for beauty and variety The following are a few of the many articles suitable for presents and kept on hand at our place .• Latest stifles of Ladies' Leather Satchels. Velvet Cahi net Frames ,A a togmi ph $ Photograph Albums, Fau ci/Shell Boxes, Fine 'ot of Scrap Pi eta res, Holi day Cards, Toy Books,S/c. S'C. ALAJimCS. LOCAL DEPARTMEAT. SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. —A fox crossed the pike above town on Tuesday. —ltead the JOURNAL stoie adver tisement in this issue. —Gilt edged note pupr just received at the JOURNAL STORE. Call on us. —For the choicest selection of Scrap Pictures call at the JOURNAL STORE. —We are crowded with advertis ments and must ask a little indulgence from our readers. —A number of our dilapidated side walks have been repaired by the High Constable last week. —Prof. Johnson, known to many of our readers as "Blind Charley" now resides at Catavvissa. Our stores are filling up with Holi day goods and the juvenile part of the population is becoming excited. —We understand that there is to be some kind of a show in the town hall this evbniug by an Indian doctor. —Last Suuday evening the protract ed meeting of the Evangelical Asso ciation at this place commenced. —Ed. Zimmerman has the sole agen cy for Bowlby & Co's. Gang Lath Mill. See advertisement at another place. Mr. C. K. Sober, the champion wing shot, woile out hunting one day last Aveek, brought down 25 pheasants. —Just received a new stock of Holi day Goods at the JOURNAL store. Our patrons are requested to come and see. —We noticed brother Tom Harter of the Middleburg Post and Mr. Aaron Harter, of Hartleton in town on Sun day. —Headquarters ior school books, Slates, Slate and Lead Pencils, Paper and Envelopes, etc. at the JOURNAL STORE. —Mr. D. W. Duncan, of Spring Mills, goes to Sunbury, as assistant ticket and freight clerk at the stat'on of that place. Wfiat everybody says must be true and that is that D. S. Kiuffmaii & Co's at Millheim, is headquarters for general meichaudise —Game seems to be plentier in this immediate neiglib -rhood, than it has been for several years and our hunters are in a good humor about it. —The communication by "Observ er" in this week's JOURNAL is brimful of news and does credit to the writer. Hope we may hear from him often. —E. E. Knarr is local agent for Jam ison, Fausset and Brown's great Bi ble commentary, of which we gave a detailed description in our last issue. The sparrows have moved to their winteiqnarters and are on the lookout for stray breadcrumbs which the house wife rnay shake from tin table cloth. Notwithstanding the rain, the sale of the personal property of Miss Caro lina Gobble, dee'd. was well attended and many articles sold at high prices. —FOR SALE.—Seven grey-hound pups for sale at reasonable prices. Ap ply to J. W. MUSSER. tf - Wood ward, Pa. WANTKD. —A lot of Walnut, Ash and Poplar Lumber at J. E. Fetter oil's Furniture Shops, Main street.Millheim fforiLerly S. K. Sankey's cultivator works.] * —Frank Collier got his Christmas present a littfa ahead of time but lie willingly accepted it nevertheless. It is a fair girl baby and Frak feels like setting Vm up. —Henry IVhm and Jeremiah Wink elblech are the administrators of the estate of Isaac Behui, late of Haines township, deceased. See notice among legal advertisements. —Nevci mind the weather, but bear in mind that at D. S. Kanffman & Co's bargain store, Millheim, jou can buy more goods for less money than an ywherelse in this section. —Rev. J. A. Koser, of Roalshurg, this county, has accepted a call from the Lutheran congregation at North umberland, where he will enter upon his duties as pastor on Jan. Ist 1885. Read the advert Dement of Cook & Spelling's Skating rink in another col umn. These gentlemen conduct their establishment in a very creditable man ner and invite everybody to give them a call. —D. A. Musser and F. P. Musser, accompanied by Mr. Frank Kauffman, were out on a few day's hunting expe dition last week and returned with one deer. They started on anolbert rip last Monday morning. —Mr. John Moore.editor of the Ilar risbuig Sunday Teleyram lias been sen tenced to pay a fine of SBOO, all the costs of suit and sixly days of impris onment iu the county prison, for libelh ing J. X. Giering. —ln a letter from H. 11. Tomlinson, Ellsworth, Kansas, we see that he and his family are well and getting a long finely. They seem to like the country, but mis 3 the Pennsylvania mountains and lulls. — l The Lutheran Sunday school of this place is making preparations for lidd ing a Holiday entertainment oa New Year's evening. From present indi cations the exercises promise to be of more than ordinary interest. —We had quite a variety of weather since our last issue. On Friday it was as warm and sunny as in May. Satur day gloomy and rainy, Sunday and Monday stormy and cold, and Tuesday brought several snow squalls. —Our neighbor, W. N. Auman, was made the happy father of a bouncing boy on Tuesday of last week, and on Wednesday he slaughtered a big pork er, no doubt to show the young Strang er that he shall be amply provided for. —By all accounts all the Sunday schools in town are making arrange ments for a proper celebration of the joyous holiday season. We will an nounce the different festivities whm the programmes have taken a more de finite shape. —A dreadful disease, commonly call ed flux, and similar to cholera, prevails in parts of Virginia and Kentucky. Its cause is ascribed to bad water and over a thousand people have already died. In some localities coifins cannot be fur nished fast enough. —Rev. B. Ilengst's youngest son, Mr. Lewis A. Ilengst, of Baltimore, was here on a short visit to his parents on Monday. lie left for his field of labor on Tuesday noon, being an official on the Northern Central railroad, a posi tion very confining. —The storm on Saturday night and Sunday played havoc with the tarpiper on the roof of the Evangelical church. It was torn into shreds and scattered to the four winds. We understand that the church roof is to be slated without the packing. —Our townsman, G. W. Stover, Jr. has been appointed constable, in place of Rev. Shanon, who removed from town some time ago. JFusA is the right fellow for the office, as he was there before and cosi-queutly is exper ienced ia the business. —Some of the smaller scholars of the Lutheran Sunday school at this place are engaged in soliciting contribution 9 for the re-building of the burnt church edifice (Lutheran) at Centre Hall. We hope our Lutheran friends will give them a warm reception. —YOUR tooth is too sound to be ex tracted, yet y<>u cannot endure the ago ny it is inflicting. Your only recourse is a bottle of Zingtri Toothache Drops. Relief certain, and only costs 15 cents. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW A Y & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. —LOOK, LOOK, LOK at the bar gains ! D. S. Kauffman & Co., Mill heim, Pa., haye on hand a very flue line of Ladies' Coats, Dolmans and all kinds of Wraps, which they wish to dispose of before Jan. Ist, 18s5. To accom plish this they have marked tlieA down to almost cost and nil' give pur chasers unparalelled bargains. —On Wednesday of last week, Mr. Michael Ulrich, an old a.id respected citizen of Potter township, departed this life at his residence near Tussey ville, having att lined the age of 81 years. Deceased was born near the Old Foat, and has been a resident of said township all his life. lie was a consistent member of the Lutheran church tor many years and died a christian's death. His funeral took place last Satruday forenoon,ltey. Fish er, of Centre Hall, officiating. A number << e ladies have been visit ing the rink during the past week to practice roller skating. Before long Millheim can boast of some giaceful la dy skaters. Rev. C. W. River, of Liverpool, Pa., the new preacher of the U. B. church at this place called on us the itln r day. Rle expects to move next week into the house at present occupied by Harvey Confer, on Penn Street. He is a i iglit pleasant gentleman and will no doubt make a good shepheid for that congregation. —Mr. John T/gspdt, of Beech Creek, whose visit t Sheiill Miuser, of this place, last sum miner, we recorded in the JOURNAL, accidentally shot himself, while out huatingon Monday, Dec. Ist. The ball entered under the arm, pass ing through one lung and on* back of the shoulder. His wound is believed to be dangerous. —Ye musicians read J. 11. Kuizen- Knabe A Son's adveitisenu lit. in anoth er column. If in ned of anything in their line, it w ill pay you to give them your patronage. They conduct the most complete establishment in liar risburg ai d their Music House is daily, growing in popularity. Apply to their ageut, 11. J. Kui/.enknabe, Millheim Pa. —SOMETHING more or less than five thousand different liver pills are on the market. Some good, some indifferent, many bad and worthless. Life is too short to try them all. so if you want to be absolutely sure you are right get McDonald's Improved Liver Pills, and if you aie not satisfied with the amount of benefit received you get your money back. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. A MATTER WORTHY OF ATTEN TION.— Do not cause the printer to spend a poor Christmas on account of your negligence to pay the bill-i you owe him. We have very many persons on our hooks who owe us considerably on subscription, advertising and cam paign work, and we must insist on a settlement of these debts. It is impos sible to carry on business without means and as long as money due us is in the pockets of our debtors, it can do us no good whatever. Please give this matter your attention and those whom it may concern are requested to re spond without much delay. NOTICE.—The ladies of the Aarons burg Reformed Mite Society will hold a musical convention in their church at Aaronsburg, commencing on Tuesday, Jan. sth, 1885 and ending with two concerts ou Friday and Saturday even ings following. The proceeds thereof are to be applied to the furnishing of the new Reformed church of Aarons burg. The convention will be conducted by Prof. J. A. Weaver, of Pine Grove Mills, Pa., and other musicians of ce lebrity are expected. Terras of admis sion are as follows : Season tickets, 50 cents ; family season tickets.Sl.OO; Concert tickets, 25 cents and single sesion tickets, 10 cents. The public are most cordialy inyited to aid the worthy cause by their pres ence and influence. —Do NOT crucify the children by compelling them to take the horrible, nauseous compounds usually sold as worm medicines many of them as worth less as they are obnoxious, but get a box of McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders. Purely vegetable. So easy and pleasant to takt that the children will never know a medicine is being administered. You will in ad dition secure the very best vermifuge possible to produce. So sure are we of this that in all cases of failure to cause expulsion where worms exist we cheer fully agree to refund the purchase price. One Box of McDonald's Worm Pow ders guaranteed equal to four bottles of any worm syrup. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. Madison burg News. The plasterers are done at the Luth eran church. The carpenters are still slowlv at work. Edie Sliafer came home the other day to go to school. He had been clerking in a store in Lock Haven. Mr. Daniel Itoush killed a wild tur key last Friday. If any one should d übt this statement.let him call at his place and be convinced. The property and town lots of Mich ael Bteily. dee'd, were disposed of at public sale on Saturday. The old home stead and the two lots adjoining were sold to George Sliafer for the small sum of $l5O. Two of the lots adjoining Mis. Reber were s>
I to SB7. Mr. John Ilazl, of Altoona, paid his sick father a v,sit on last Thursday. Our schools are in a piosperous con dition under the management of Geo Limbert and Mr. Bieily. F. F. Mayer and wife are visiting friends dawn the country. In their absence Mr, I. E. Sliafer and Miss Ma z:e Reber carry on ttie hotel business. A stray dock came to Joseph Beirly's last Siturday. The owner can tegaiu his property by calling on him. Grant Sliafer returned from the West last week. A young bear has been seen about R. Grimm's premises quite frequently of late. Miss Ida Ocker is home Ihven ou a yisit to parents and friends. The superintendent of the Lutheran Sunday School is endeavoiing to get up an entei taiument for Christmas even ing. STILL. 1 Sayings of an Observer. ~ I AT COIIUKN. The train is seldopi (>M lime of late. | Win.Kreamer lias two helpmates ami j still it keeps them husy to wait, on (eo. i W. Sam. Uh ieh wears a Cleveland hat. Daddy Stonebniker does not want to hear much of politics since the election. Wheat only seventy-live cents per bushel. AT AARONSnUnu. T. Yearick and wife returned from Philadelphia. Charles Stover is in the oyster busi ness. Ed. Mingle gracefully bears tho hon ors of a father. D. 11. Bote, Esq , has moved into his new olilce and is ready to deal out jws t ice. C. W. Burd still trades in old sew ing machines. Dr. Musserhasa new hand at the bellows in place of Sa-Sa-Sum. Adrew lmmel is tired of tho hotel business. Vis. Kurtz, from Milton, is visiting at Em'l Kttinger's. F. J. Weaver killed a beef which dressed almost nine hundred pounds. AT WOODWARD. For salt river passes call on Van. Michael Hess killed tho largest pork er m this neighborhood. Dock and Jimmy have lots of busi ness. Allio Krearaer has accepted a posi tion in C. W. Ilostermau's store, as counter hopper. C. W. Ilostermun is building an au dition to the St. Elmo. Prof, ltishel has turned out to be a local preacher. Hairy thinks we ought to have a rink at Woodward. Dan, ihe miller, is feeling very hap py—it is a young Cleveland. Andy Gregg attended Court last week. Our singing class meets every Sun day afternoon in the Ei9tern precinct. Franz Geiger, our skillful tailor, says business is booming. He is full of or ders for wedding suits. Joe Nights is about to be wedded. Mesh Williams has finished his job and J. C. Motz's saw mill is in running order, and works like a charm. Sullivan showed some of his dexteri ty some time ago in laying up one of our citizen* for about two weeks. Bad business, llufus. Some of our Nimrods captured two line deer last Friday. Josh Rnush, Jr. shot the largest The rest of the party claim it was a blind one. How is it, Josh ? I am sorry to say that the protracted meeting at this place was a failure as far as conversions were concerned. It seemed as if the members made no or ganized effort*. I would urge the Bevs to follow the old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." By all appearances the next thing to happen here will tie tlie dissolution of our Sunday school. We are sorry to see it thus Would advise you to get Bev. B. flengst to straighten out matters so that the school will move on smoothly. The wedding of Win. Ilinkson and Sarah Hostel man, spoken of some time ago, seeins to have been preconcerted foi quite a number of years. William went to see Sarah for twenty-three years,and it issaid that he from the be ginning agreed to m irry her as soon as a Demoeiatic president would lie elect ed. It was a long wait siuce 1861, but it has come at last. OBSERVER. This space reserved for D. S. KAUFFMAN & CO. Holiday Goods! / DIED. On the 3d Inst, near Tusseyville, Centre Co., Pa., Mr. Michael Ulrich, aged 81 years. On the sth inst.. near the Ev. Emanuel's church, Mountains, of dropsy, Mrs. Lydla liip ka, wife of Charles Rlpka, aged 53 years, 11 mouths aud 22 da}a. .Millheini Harkct Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old, X) Corn 20 j Rye 65 j oats White 40 I Buckwheat I Flour 4.00 Salt, per Brl 1.50 1 Plaster, ground ! Cement,per Bushel 45 to 50 : Barley 60 I Tymothyseed ! Flaxseed 1-00 Cloverseed 6,50 Butter 22 ; tlams 2) Hides 12 Veal..., Pork- Beei Eggs 22 1 Potatoes 39 Lard 10 ! ABSOLUTELY I Till-: ItKSfTSTORE —IH - - t-SHk BOM H Q. A. HARTER'S GrogerT Main St., opposite Rank, M illlu'iin.Pn. Finest Groceries in the market. Choice Confectioneries J FRESH OYSTERS ! Best Tobacco and Cigars! COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN AT THE 11idtiKsT IIOME MARKET PRICES! 'Jail and get Low Prices! TERMS CASH ! The qestl FiOTCfSBS! AT JJTJCK GROS' riftT GrtLLERT! FAMILY GROUPES AND CHILDREN —TAKEN BY THE— [\STA\TA\EOUS PROCESS! Satisfactory Work Done by RAIN OX SHINE! We furnish everything in our line, irom a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. - #- ■ ■■ Pictures copied and en larged in ths be3tstyle. fFRAMES^ can bo procured at our place on short notice. tgrßomambw—our prices are down so as to suit every parse. Gallery on North St., Millheini, Pa. 0/STA OD U Many persons in UM IAWH II pi tstoH are using Ely's Cream Balm WPT t LY & for catarrh with most satisfactory results. v lady is recovering ■ iNl t,,e senses or smell ■ which She had not VRs C O/rt^ADlenjoyed Tor fifteen f HAYFEVER Wz: cts. I White Sugar, 7 and 7 1-2 cts. White Honey Drip Syrup, 45 cts. per gal. BINGES, TRUMPFHELLER & CO., COBURN, PA. HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE TRY TO THINK where they can purchase the BEST AND MOST GOODS For The Least Cash! m I answer this problem in the following prices.- 4-4 Augusta Muslin, 5 3-4 cts. Appleton Muslin, 6 3-4 cts. Lancaster Gingham, 8 cts. Good Prints at 4 and 5 cents. Better and Best Prints at 5 and 6 cents. Ladies' Rubbers at 35 and 43 cts. Gents' Overshoe, 60 cts. MATCHES, 200 IN A BOX, 2 CENTS PER BOX. Best Ohio Stone Ware, ALL SIZES, 9 cts. pr. gal. Large line of DRESS GOODS, 5 c. per yd. lately sold at double that price. AN EXCEEDINGLY LARGE BTOCK OF— CLOTHING, Boots & Shoes, —AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES— To be convinced, call and ask prices. Thanking you for past favors, I will try to suit you still better in the future. Respectfully, J. W SNOOK, jvchLiLHIIEIIM:, FJL.. OQRNER OF MAIN AND NORTH STREETS.