General News. A Ghost in a Jail. Ohip Smith, Who was Hanged, Re turns With a Hangman's Noose. NEW HAVEN, NOV. 11. A ghost has appeared in the County Jail in this city. Two years ago 'Chip' Smith was hanged in the jail. Last week moans and sepulchral sounds were claimed to have been heard by some of the prisoners, but nothing was thought about it by the authorities. Last night one of the gentlemen who saves lodging by staying in one of the cells was startled from his sleep by hearing a series of moans. He got oil his cot, and looked out the window, thought the noise was caused by the tree boughs rubbing together and went to bed again. Again the noise began and a something oozed in between the bars and stood by his cot. The ghost held a long hangman's rope in one hand and waved the other. After it had come m it stood on the window sill and made a speech to the terrified prisoner : 'I am chip Smith,' it said. T have come back to my old cell first of all. 1 am returned to take vengeance on those who were mv friends but deserted me.' According to the prisoner the ghost made quite a speech. The prisoner faiuted and told his story in the morn ing. Other prisoners claim to have had similar experience. There is a panicky feeling in the jail, even among the employes, and the prisoners are greatly wrought up oyer their spook. Diphtheria in Chicago Schools. CHlCAGO,Noyember, 11.—Diphtheria has broken out among the scholars of one of the public schools of this city and several fatal cases are already re ported. The Health Department ofii cials are considering the advisability of closing the school. The Health Com missioner declares that diphtheria is of a certainty epidemic in the city. One family is reported as having lost six children out of seven in the past two weeks through the disease. The Coaohman's Wife Going on the Stage. NEW YORK, November, 11.—Mana ger Ambtrg, of the Thalia Tneatre, to day concluded an engagement with Afrs. Victoria Schilli ng-Hue!skamp [Miss Morosiui] for six months for con certs and after that fcr opera bouffe. She appears next Sunday at the Thalia Theatre in sacred concert, and goes from here to Boston,thence all over the West. Mr. Auiberg says she has a good voice aud is a real artist. Overjoyed with Cleveland's Elec tion. WASHINGTON,November 11.— W. W. Corcoran, who is oyerjoyeo with Cleve land's election,yesterday gave the local democratic committee his check for $7, 200 to # pay up the arrears of its cam paign expenses. The Washington Monument Nearly Completed. WASHINGTON, November 12.—The Washington Monument to-day reached a greater height than that of any other structure in the world, being five hun dred and twenty feet tea iuciies aboys the floor of the monument. The next highest structure is the spire of the Cologne Cathedral, which towers five hundred and fifteen feet aboye the floor of the building. It has been estimated that it will take but twenty-five woi k ing days to complete the monument, so that there is no doubt of its being fin ished in time for its dedication on the 22d of next February. A Story of Landlord and Tenants. George Worley tells some extrava gant gopher tales about Florida. He says on one occasion a certain gentle man went to Florida with the idea of getting rich from an orange grove and was exceedingly anxious to buy land. A tract was offered him at a price that he thought would be very cheap for any kind of land in any country, and he bought it and paid for it before he eyer saw it. After getting his deed he con cluded hi would ride out and look at it. Hi found it so full of gopher holes that it was impossible for him to ride over it,land he hitched his horse and under took to walk over it. lie did not go far, however, until lie became so dis gusted that he pulled out his deed and, sticking it in a gopher's hole, said: 'Here, d m you, you have got posses sion and I will give you the title also." He then quit Florida in disgust. The Cholera in Paris. No Abatement of the Epidemic— The Daily Record of Mortality. , PARlS, November 12. It is not clearly known how the cholera originated in the Breteuil A sylum for Old People. It is supposed, however, that it was brought in by some inmate returning from a Holiday. So far 44 deaths haye occurred in the asylum. The mortality is the greater among the men than the women. There are altogether 250 inmates in the asylum. The district round about is healthy. The nuns fearlessly attend the patients in the asylum, where the chapel has b en converted into a chol era ward. Steps are being taken to re move the troops of the garrison to racks outside the city. M.Jules Valles has an article in the Crida Piuph which urges the people who dwell in the slums of Paris to migrate to the weal thier pkrtß of the city. He tells them to occupy the fashionable houses that are deserted and to help themselves to wholesome food. MlDNlGHT.—Duringthe past twenty four hours there have been 47 deaths in this city by cholera, including the fatal cases in hospitals. At Melun in the last forty-eight, hours there have been 7 cases and 2 deaths. Two deaths from cholera occurred in Toulon to-day. Sev eral fresh cases have been reported. An actor was seized with vomiting last night as he went upon the stage and died shortly afterward of apoplexy. The city is dirtier than ever. llll.tlOlKll'S I'lCßim "Do cats think ?" queries a wiiter. Yes, they sometimes think that the man up in the window with the night cap on is a mighty poor shot with a boot-jack. "The half dollar of IS2*> is not rare," says a Philadelphia authoiity. Indeed, no. It is the half dollar of 1881 that is rare.— Louisville Courier-,Tour- When Clara was asked what she would do if a nice young gentleanan would ask her hand in mariiage, she naively said : "I dou'l think I'd no." Yankees Statesman. An absent-minded teacher amused hi r class at the re-opening of a school the other day. Having carefully re ceived the naniis m the class from each member, slit said : "I shall now call the roll, to see if you are all pres ent." Mother : "Do hurry up, Robbie ; unless you hurry more you'd never be anything of a business man when ye l grow up." Robbie: "O, yes, 1 will, ma. When I grow up a>d g into bus iness, I'll have a lot of eleiks to do mv hurrying for me."— Pkilaklpk a Call. It is claimed that a new species of hippopotamus has been d scov led o a remote pari of the liiver Nile. This intelligence will be received with a de gree of great satisfaction. Next to an otliei professional base-ball club there was nothing this country \ea'iied for with a morcyearniug yearnfuluess rh in a new species of hippopotamus.—JYor ristoicn Herald. "What's the matter with your eye, old man ; somebody nio you ?" "Yes. I told Smith last night he was no gentleman and he pas'ed me one." "Did you wipe out the in sult ?" "I didn't, but I went right home aud my wife t wiped it out as well as she could. I in tv have to outgiow some of it. Go<:t Wheat, Rye. t Barley, Corn, &c. Coal, Se Jt & Fertilizers For Sale. \V II IT 31 ER & LINCOLN. Coburo, ?i Aug . i, ; 1884. THE MILLKEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office vJ is now supplied with ; Gqqjp Pm ss&& i and a levje assortment of DSSPUY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, . VOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS. STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS. POSTERS, and, in she r', neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. D I.BROWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE &c„ ♦ o - Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. done at short notice by practical workmen. Spouting a Specialty Shop on Jlain St.,o]>posite, Kauffman A. SIMON&SONS, WHOLESALE, AND RETAIL GROCERS keep tlie largest .stock In the county • - 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK IIAVEN. GO I 'O SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTHIERS lor your CloGlii i„. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK ITAVE^L Vick's Floral Guide. For IKRJ in mi Flcurnnf Book of 150 FJIJJPS 3 Folor*l I* utei of Flower* ud Vejjc InblcM.ntid more titan lti/7 ill UNlratioua of the choicest Flowers, Plants and Vegetables and Directiais for growing. It is handsome e nnugh for the Center Table as a Uoi'id iv Pres ent. Send mi yoar name and ' *OH'- OlHee ad dress, with 1U cents, and i willseud you a copy postage paid. This is n< t a quarter of its cost. It is printed in b<>t!i i ngltsh and Germ >n f you afterwards order seeds deduct the loots Vleli's Seed are tlie- Bet in t lie Hud ! The FLOUALGUIDE will tell how togetaadgrow them- Vick's Flower and Veg:et ible Garden, 17" I'a ees, 6 Colored, a G Engr.ivin is. For f>o cents in paper covers; SI.OO in elegant cloth. In German or E iglisli. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazines—32 Pa ges.a Colored Fiate in every number and many hue engravings. I'rice fsl-In a year ; Five Cop ies for s>.oo. Specimen Numbers sent for 10 cents ; 3 trial copies for 25 cents. JAMES- VICK, tl JROCHESTER k. Y. MI LLH EIM , G9AR3LE WORKS | The Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, TIT J V* 1 • T "i most Reliable Est?bli jhment. in ini' pt' iof Pennsylvania. ' t, v \" v ii v • W ". " x -jfi • ( ' f - ifcrflu 41 fr#lfll Monuments, Tablets ' and Headstones, manufactured in the a tost ! artistic sti/le and of the best material. i// work warranted and put up in the most substan tial manner. l±POar prices are so low that it will pay persons in need of marble work to give us a call. \ DEININGER &MUSSER proprietors Shops cast of Bridge, Mailt St., Millheim, Fa. t " :"v no v i • ■ ;i V J . V.J jr.. it : . ..n j}-U..;y. V-. , . . : hri'. r fi 1 Bcra I A ■ •. HUttliM r. . .■? j • < .or rti;c for list of eu r >i 1 sic! rr.' , ii -* .rent aicrt by nrxil. * 1 _ • ri'f'SllCtl I) Hfi r.-'s (-* /?>. it R M 0 si rn L yy 8 £ ACi£i; vG ;•? rz fit /i M.'IIOLI *£!'- l. -> -•- <--• -A ' WE sE tf V/c'.' . ;o in- 3 leading 1 Cities, f mi • • oufcaln their ftjttHok QTrieily. /.. 10 10 )ij. Ir. ••,—warn >y\<-a get a Newspaper JOWEG OF BBF!C.HAM?ONy BJNGIIAXIOX. N. Y. "lATiTU! ; j-i Z ■ ■>■ . j v r i*> q£ ■ f"KvcJ j t.OVUd tij ~<3 .AV JO. f, ': •■ ■'•tj v /?-'.**> %' -J-ML ' XX''X! :: f'i F< . ' "X •' ■' ■; X "jJ |.. . . " '■ ' ■r' ■; jiK. h. r. hi.,, S V, i *: \ T, a ap'rittft) l llietib. S • . . NtTV'.uK ::<•!.tiV.ij.ll '..:*'i*e.X' i. 1 l,y tlir' r, 1 v. ; r. .-,r t. - . ' . ■ . -O i l> - prntalon Solbkllif bf ta.* Sri' •r< ■ ■• i t • I, ■ mu . le I'm!.-o> irlj-ry. 1 t v d n ill :,, >, tr>'i.ti;i lit .'ln b;,-, <".r £lz b '* • -• >/)' V. •:ft - DaiJ i.u , ".'.a .|" J..1.M. VJ2 CUftRAtiTEE C:X DOSIES T c*tr# ftf.v we. w I'• c'rii '' - : • ' ' ■ r f'X by.eH. ucroni,\uh "'.v.'.-is. i ' r - i' **'• < r u viu..j riiarHiilee! r • i i - . i. I! (til I'UCOV.J, : .7, ••, \ y jjrho (• x. > • • ' 1 i 5 < aetttiwvki*, ( • .Ha i 5 Qp r• . . .>f ' Wrpis*3'i lof fl / I Children. EfS4!IR d (VliiND£L.SOii, b |_g2'J Raca Streot, Phil&dalpli|a a i BELLEFONTE • \r££2A iTsttitn WBUSII Mason & Eamlin Smith American and other -rrfniiß s • : Orcr^nq. •oi. & ' J| J BSEffiSPSESEKMBaB <■ _ XX JR. X> 3MC A. IV f* ''#{ ''ixi ■ . ■ . ■ ' X-V; €* , * CHICKEEING. SXEINWAY, HAINES, ARION. DOBOHSTIC SEWIKfI BwlW MACHINES. BTTIErJ7TIBI_iILi &c A TTTTmvTg | N. M. DOWNS' 1 I Vegetable Balsamic H I For B Consmption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, || fe Croup, Asthma, Fletirisy, Hoarseness, fJ InSnenaa, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, and nil diseases of ottle warranted toS| 3 §p v © satisfaction. Send ad-Bj 1 dress for pamphlet, free, giv- R n gl full directions for theHj y treatment of above diseases. O Price 25 cts. and 59 ets. per M 01 mm Motile. Sold everywhere. H !| Usury, Jolirsou tt Lord, Proprietors, S , For bait at bPIQbLiSL i bit's. i i Miilhwn & Mmlwffinbicrff, PU. j B There is no excuse for suffering from B CONSTIPATION ■ And other diseases that follow a dis- B Bored state of the Stomach and Bow>B B els, when the use of 1 DR. HENRY BAXTER'S | 11 mm Will give Immediate relief. After constipation follows B B Biliousness, Dyspepsia,! ■ Indigestion, Diseases offl ■the Kidneys, Torpid Liver I ■ Rheumatism, Dizziness, B 8 Sick Headache, Loss of I ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Apfl joplexy, Palpitations, 1 i Eruptions and Skin Dis*fl leases, etc., of which these fl Pp Litters will speedily cure by removing tbeemw. ■ pl| Keep the Stomach, BoweU, and Digeetie* Orgam B ■in good working order, and perfect health B Ip will be the result LadiOS aod others sub-1 pjecttoSick Headache win find relief B kg and permanent cure by the use of theee Bitters I Ba Being tonic and mildly purgative they B I PURIFY THE BLOOD. I Prico 25 cts. per bottle. Eg For sale by oil dealers in medicine. Send B Sg address for pamphlet, free, giving full directions. I B IIEJiiiY, JOHSSOI& L6&o,Props., Boriingtea, FL B For Sale at SPIGELMYER'S, MiWteirm & Mrfditor&vrg, P