THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL, PIBLTSUF.P EVREY THURSDAY BY R. A. BUMILLER. Office in the New Journal Building, Penn St., near Hartman's foundry. •1.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR SI.S6 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. Acceptable Correspondence Solicited Address letters to MILLHEIM JOURNAL. ~B usIJY KSS CABUS. HARTER, Auctioneer, MILLHEIM, PA. 13 R JOHN F * HAKTER ' Practical Dentist, Office opposite the Methodist Church. MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM PA. JQR. GEO. S. FRANK, Physician & Surgeon, HEBERNBURG, PA. Office opposite the hotel. Professional calls promptly answered fct'all hours. JQR D. H. MINGLE, Physician & Surgeon Offllca on Main Street. MILI.HKIM, PA. J. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Shop 2 doors west Millheim Blinking House, MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. D. H. Hastings. W. F. Reader AS TINGS & REEDER, Attorney s-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum Hastings. C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower. Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office in Carman's new building. GEO. L. LEE, Physician & Surgeon, MADISONBURG, PA. Office opposite the Public School House. VU" M - C - HEINLE, Attorney-at-liftW BELLEFONTE, PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre county. Bpecul attention to Collections. Consultations In German or English. J. ▲. Beaver. J - W. Gepbart JGEAVER 4 GEPHART, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street, North of High Street "GROUKERHOFF HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. O. G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to witnesses and Jurors. OUMMIXS HOUSE, BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., EMANUEL BROWN, PROPRIETOR. House newly refitted and refurnished. Ev erything done to make guests comfortable. Rates moderate. Patronage respectfully solici ted. s-iy JRYIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) COBNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODS CALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good Banu>le Rooms for Commercial Travel ers on first floor. QT. ELMO HOTEL, Nos. 317 & 319 ABCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATES REDUCED TO $2.00 PER DAT. The traveling public will atUl find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts oi the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger. Proorietor. JPEABODY HOTEL, QthSt. South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms from 50ct8 to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W PAINE, M. D., 46-1 y Owner & Proprietor* R. A. BUMILLER, Editor. VOL. 58. A. W. HAFKR 1 Surgeon & Dentist. Office on IVnn Street, South of Luth. church, MILI.UEIM, PA. p H. MUSSER, ' JEWELER. Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Ac. All work neatly and promptly Exe cuted. Shop on Main Street, Millheim, Pa. J. L. Stingier. C. I*. H ewes gPANGLER & IIEWES, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office in Furst's new building. YJT H. REIFSN YDER, Auctioneer, MILLHEIM, PA. PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. FAI.I. TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 10, ISA* Examinations for admission, Seutember 9. This institution is located in one of tli most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the fol.owiug courses of study: 1. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. 3. The following SPECIAL COURSES, of two Sears each following the first two years of le scientific Course (a) AGRICULTURE ; (b) NATURAL HISTORY : (c) CHEMIS TRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGIN EERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6. A reorganized Course in Mech.micle Arts, combining shop work with study. 7. A new Special Course (two years) in Litera ture and Science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COUSES are arranged to meet the wants of Individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Princi pal. For Catalogues, or other inform itionaddres9 GEO. W. ATHERTON.LL. D., PRKSIDKNT lyr STATE COLLEGE. CENTRE Co., Pa. A T ~ Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Millheim, Pa. of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quautity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES or Weddings, Picnics and other social gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3ra SCHOOL SUPPLIES f (A full line at the v JOURNAL STORE. 1 Parents are invited to call at our M place on Penn Street. * MILLHEIM Sewing Machine OFFICE, F. 0. HOSTERM AS, Proprietor, Main St., opposite Campbell's store. FOR TRJ World's Leader ANDTIIE "WHITE SEWING MACHINES, the most complete machines in market. machine is guaranteed for five years by the companies. The undersigned al9o constantly keeps on hand all kinds of Mies. Oil, Attachments. &c. fie. Second Hand Machines sold at exceedingly low prices. Repairing promptly attended t). Give me a trial and be convinced of the truth Of ttjeso statement*. t FO HOSTFRMAN- MILLHEIM, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1884. Tin 1 Seal Ring. "Wi 11, this is a h*fc day !" said l)r. Gray, to himself, as he guided his shag gy little horse round the sli irp turn of the road and checked him under the spreading shadow of tin* giantcherry tree, whoso broad boughs woio all sparkling with blie ruby pendants, and then walked to the house. "llalloo 1" said the doctor. He shaded his eyes with his hand and looked intently in at the kitchen win dow There was the trim figure ot his pretty daughter standing at the kitch en table, her sleeves rolled back, and a pink checked apron tied about her ta per waist, apparently deep in the sac charine mysteries of pie-making. That was nothing surprising ; but Dr. Gray could have sworn that a minute ago the apparition of a young gentleman was manifesting a remarkable degree of interest in the pan of sliced apples and various spice boxes and sugar bowls that flanked it, and yet,now that he looked again. K'tty .was trimming off the edges of her pie-crust all alone ! He walked straight into the kitchen, where the oven-lire was glowing so hot ly that Kitty's cheeks were like twin carnations as she worked away at the pies, sifting showers ot powdered cin namon and uutmegover the juicy slices of July apples, and drenching them 111 snowy sugar. "Kit 1 where's Harry Browne V" Kitty stopped to cut a little star in the centre of the white sheet iff pie crust wherewith she was covering her pastiy before she answered in a low tone : "I don't know, papa." "You don't, eh?" said the doctor, quietly pursing up his mouth in a shape suggestive of whistling. "I suppose not!" And the doctor 'proceeded through the hall into his little study, where sat his hopeful young student, Harry Browne, deep in the ponderous pages of a medical dictionary. "Been hard at work all day, eh V" said the old gentleman, taking off his hat and fanuiug himself with its broad brim. ''Yes, sir," said Jlrowne ; "I've writ ten out that abstract you left,and look ed over the papers on fractures, and—" ''All right; all right; jou're a most industrious fellow," said Dr. Gray. ''You don't leave off work on all sorts of frivolous pretexts, do you ?" "No, sir," said Browne, demurely. "Y'ou are convinced that nothing but steady peiseyerance will enable a man to succeed in the science of medicine?" "Yes, sir," responded Mr. Henry Browne, raoying a little uneasily in his chair. "Very sensible of said Dr. Gray, shrugging his shoulders. "And now—but what are you looking for ?" "My seal ring, sir, I thought it was on my finger but a minute ago. l r ou haye not seen it, I suppose ?" "No, not that I know of," said the Doctor, taking snuff as briskly as he did anything else. "I hope it is not lost," said Harry. "I value it very highly as my father's gift. Where can it have gone ?" "Don't know," said the Doctor. "Just give me that b'st of patients we expect this afternoon, and then go out, and ask Jack to look for your trinket. That boy has more eyes and ears than most people, I believe—l know he has more mischief 1" Ilarry Browne adopted his precept or's suggestion ; and the old gentleman was left alone, alternately taking snuff, rubbing his spectacles and congitating whether his fair daughter was really deceiving him as to her innocent love affairs. "Confound it," soliloquized the Doc ior, petulantly, "it takes sharper eyes than mine to see through womankind's minoevers. I'll ferret out the mystery yet, though ; hanged if I don't 1" The brazen throat of the old kitchen clock had just uttered, in a sort of ,a shrill tremble, the fact that it was two, past meridian, and dinner was nearly over at Dr. Gray's. Somehow dinner tasted better in the long, shady dining room of the Gray mansion house than it did anywhere else, for the climbing honey-suckles at the window stirred so pleasantly in the wind, and held back their green wilderness of leaves to ad mit such delicious scents of new-mown hay and blossom-sprinkled woods that the most delicate appetite could not re sist being tempted. And Kitty Gray looked so pretty at the head of the ta ble, her brown hair brushed back and ner white throat edged with a dainty lace and the faint color coming and go ing on her cheek like rosy shadows. No wonder Harry Browne looked at her so often, we should have done the same thing had we sat opposite her at the table. "I'll take another piece of that apple pie, Kate," said the old Doctor,extend ing his plate. "Capital pie ; where did the apples come from ?" "I believo Patrick gathered them from the old tree that stands ny the south wall of the orchard, papa; the apples hang there like balls of gold just sfreaked with rtsd On the sunny side, A PAPER FOBTHE HOME CIRCLE. and I baked them this morning." "Upon my world you're getting to l>e quite a little housekeeper," said the Doctor, chucklirg. "I suupose some young fellow'll bo Why, halloa,here! what's this ?" For Di.Gray's teeth,sound and white as ivory. had struck against some foreign'substance under the snowy crust of the much-praised lie, with a jar that set every nerve on edge. "Do they make apple-pies nowadays out of stones ?" demanded the old gen tleman, tartly. 44 N0, I'm mistaken, it isn't a stone—it's a seal ring !" And the Doctor quietly held up Har ry Browne's missing ornament —a heavy Canadian, set in a ring of chased gold. Kitty turned scarlet ; Browne looked amazed and confounded. "How a seal ring should happen to get baked in an apple-pie I don't know,' said the malicious old Doctor, enjoy ing the confusion of his companions. "Young people, can you tell me what i 11 this means ?" "I can tell you sir," said Ilarry, yili antly, seeing that now or never was the time for his avowal. "It means that 1 am in love with your daughter Kitty, and that if you will give me your consent to our union we will be everlastingly grateful to you." "Papa," whispered Kitty, with her round arms about his nock, "now be good, and say jes. I wanted to tell you before—only—l didn't dare." "Oh !" said Dr. Gray, dryly; "I sup posed I should find things out by and by. I wish, however, it mayn't be at the cost of the snapping toothache." "May I have tier, sir ?" pleaded Ilar ry, who had by this time got his arm a round Kitty's waist. "Well," said the Doctor, "I don't know that I've any objection. Have it your own way, young people. Only, if you have any more courting to get through with, I beg you won't do it up over my apple-pies 1" Harry Browne was a rich man that July afternoon; he had two treesure truves—a promised wife and a seal ring! And the Doctor was happy, for he had found something to tease Kitty about. Intemp ranoo. llow many are sending up prayers for help to save some dear one, that liquor is dragging down to the lowest depths of misery and despair ! llow many bright ornaments of society, substantial bnsiness men. kind hus bands and fathers have sunk so low, one blushes to know them ! Think of the blasted lives, of the wives and little children who live lives of torture, because their fate is linked with one who loves liquor, bet ter than the wife he has sworn at God's altar to love and protect. llow many a woman hears with terror the footstep, which at one time made her heart leap and thrill with pleasure in expressible. Oh ! that once bright lit tle home replete with happiness. The dainty curtains, bountifully supplied table and tasteful furniture. The neat ly dressed children waiting for father's return and evening kiss. The proud, happy wife, waiting for the central figure of her little world, the author of her complete womanly life. Now see that other picture, telling of misery without and within. See those trem bling children and down hearted wife; hear those words of abuse heaped on the "flesh of his flesh, and bone of hit. bone.'' Strife has unsurped the for merly happy abode, shadows becloud ed the sunshine of smiles. The flow ers are withered,the carpets are full of holes, the larder is empty and the children turn to the mother for tho support she begs or earns. We draw our conclusion. That man has be come a drunkard. This is the home view. Now look at its effect on so ciety at large. Testimony furnished us by our daily papers, judges, phil osophers and all keen observers, proves that the most dreadful crimes are committed under the influence of liquor. When we reflect on the life destroyed, the industry sacrificed, the shame and pauperism, the waisto of financial resources, the only wonder is that tho American people do not say this curse shall not longer exist. He who is firm in will moulds the world to himself. No sense of nature is complete with out the human element. Meddling seldom accomplishes any thing but mischief. If you are determined to live and die a slave to custom, see that it is at least a good one. Take care to be an economist in pros perity ; there is no fear of your being flnfe in adviSrstty. Promiscuous Knooimter. "My dear," said Mrs. Spoopendyke, glancing nervously out of the window and tnen timidly at her husband, "my dear, I wonder how that goat got into our yard V" 14 What goat V" asked Mr. Spoopen dyko, looking up fiom his Incakfnst. "Why, tlic goat that's out there." 44 ()h !" grunted Mr. Spoopendyke, approaching the window. "You mean that one, do yu ? The principles that generally regulate your conversation betrayed me into thinking that your mind might be flxed on some other goat. A 8 for him, 1 suppose he broke through the fence from the back lot— or," continued Mr Syoopendyke, has tily, correcting himself, "perhaps he came to cull on you. Better ask him in." "I'm afraid of him," pesped Mrs. Spoopendyke. drawing closer to her husband. "What do you think we had better do ? if he stays out there he'll eat up everything." "1 believe I'll go and drive him out," said Mr. Spoopendyke,eyeing the brute with no particular amount of favor. "Y'ou come along to head him off, and you'll soon see a goat begin to wish he had been born a girl that some one might learn to love him." And with this prognostication Mr. Spoopkudyke sallied forth followed by his wife. 44 Be careful," she whispered. "When goats get angry they tutt, and that liurtß." "Shoo !" commenced Mr. Spoopen dyke, waving his hands and following the goat to a hole in the fence, where a couple of boards had been knocked out. "Shoo there, now ! Ski ! Hold on ! Head him, can't ye ! Turn him I Whoop 1" he ioared, as the goat whirl ed suddenly and clashed to the other end of the yard. "What'd ye come out here for ?" he demanded of his wife, who had made a little better time than the g<>at, and had reached the top of a step ladder. ''Don't let him come up here !" she squealed, stamping her feet on the top step, aud trying to climb up the side of the house. "Hold on to him and call a policeman !" ''Great scheme !" growled Mr. Spoopendyke,looking around for a stick "But I haven't made up my mind wnether to call a policeman, or do holding on first. What're making stucco-work of yourself up there for ? Come down and get behind that goat, will ye, while I teach him ttie ways and admonitions of Spoopendyke. If you ain't mighty careful he'll rub up against that step ladder, and you're lia ble to come down in sections !" "This prophesy brought Mrs. Spoop endyke to the ground without much delay. "Say,dear," she suggested, "suppose you should go to the other side of the hole, and call him. Don't you think he'd come ?" "Come in a minute, if I happened to hit his light name," retorted Mr. Spoopendyke, who had found a stick, and was preparing for war. "Now you edge around behind him, so as to give liirn a starter, and I'll put myself in communication with him as soon as he gets under way." "Go along, dear, lvun through that pretty little hole like a good goat I" faltered Mrs. Spoopendyke, apostroph izing the animal in a purely feminine fashion. "Shoo, dear, now, and be real nice." The goat looked at her, thereby freezing her blood, and started slowly for the bottom of the yard. "Yes, love !" ripped Mr. Spoopen dyke, bringing his stick down on the bick of ttie beast with a vindictive grin. "There's a nice little opening for goats that'a awaiting for thee!" and down came the stick once more. "Whe-e-e'e !" squealed Mrs. Spoop endyke, as ttie goot whirled around like a compass at once. "He must be look ing for the place to get out, isn't he V" VViiatdoyou suppose makes hiui act that way ? Wlie-e-e-e !" The last yell was extracted by a sud den straightening up ff the goat, wtio tore around the yard like a cat in a fit. "With that headway on, he'll be apt to go through the hole in the fence if he ever hits it," observed Mr. Spoopen dyke, who had j fined his wife in the middle of the circuit rather precipt ously. "I think I must havs struck him a little harder than he meant to have me. Now, you get behind him again, and we'll fix him so that the next time he sees a hole iu our fence he'll get a hammer and board up the temptation." Mrs. Spoopendyke eeled along the fence, and took her station with con siderable perturbation. The goat came down to a irot, and finally stopped and looked a triflle bewildered. Mr. Spoop endyke grasped his stick with a firmer grip, and figuratively speaking, waited for his wife to deliver the ball. 1 i4 NoW start himsaid he. Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance. Mrs. Spoopendyke waved her apron, and the goat aiming straight at the hole in the fence bore down upon it witli three hundred goat power. Mr. Spoopei.dyke aimed a lick at him, and went tuniiiltuously through the hole as the goat si ruck the fence and hound ed hack. 4 'Great gracious I" ejulated Mrs. Spoopendyke, swarming up the step ladder and squ tiling at ihe top. "Are you hurl, dear V" "Hurt !" howled Mr. Spoopendyke, peeping through the hole and contem plating Ins wife with a savage glare. "Think I'm a nail, to coine through a board fence and be clinched without feeling it ? Can't you scare that gofc away from this hole so I can comeback and commune with him once more? Come down off that dod-gasted step ladder, can't ye ? Got a notion that measly goat is coming up there to be scared ? Come down and throw a brick at him, will ye ?" "I haven't got a brick," murmured Mrs. Spoopendvke,as she scuttled down the ladder, "but I'll get a flat-iron," and having provided herself with a weapon the use of which she under stood, she sallied forth to effect an ex change of situation between the goat and her husband. "Now go along 1" she exclaimed sternly, holding out her war material at arm's length "A'n't you ashamed of voursdf, you nasty goat 1 Ow-w-w ! Look out, dear 1" But Mr. Spoopendyke, constant to his want of faith in his wi f e'a suggest ions, incautiously looked in, and In and the goat rolled over each other in the vacant lot. "Did the whole business work in ac cordance with the schedule ?" he yell ed, as he picked himself up and fired the remnant of his stick at the flying foe. 4 'Did the whole measly goat get through, or is there more to follow ? Don't omit a stanza in this refreshing season of worship ! Let's have the whole hymn !" and Mr. Spoopendyke presented himself at the opening in the fence, with mud-streaked face and tat tered habiliments. "Come in, dear," said Mrs. Spoop endyke, soothingly. "Come in, now. He's gone." "I know he's gone !" howled Mr. Spoopendvke, crawling through the hole. "I saw him when he went I Oh, you started him ! When he saw that vigorous mind of yours backed up by a dod-pasted flat-iron, all he could do was to go 1 Another time you see me scai ing a goat out of the yard, you let things alone, will ye ?" and Mr. Spoopendyke hobbled into the house to change his clothes. "I don't care 1" murmured Mrs. Spoopendyke, dragging a barrel against the hole as protection against further incursions. "I don't care. -The way he was chopping at that goat with his stick, he wouldn't have had him out in a month. Y"on want to treat a goat like a crease,and iroo him out,or," she continued, referring to some serious experience, "if you want to make sure of having it go might hire it out as a servant girl." And with these luminous reflections, Mrs. Spoopeudyke tore her skirt on a nail in the barrel and joined her hus band with a hundred consolatory ca resses. An Effectual Prayer. The Claim That Was Met in a Mysterious Way—A Pray er Th*t Would Not Ad mit of Defeat. "No," said ttie lawyer, "I sba'n't press your claim against that man ; you can get some one else to take the case, or you can withdraw it, just as you please." "Think there isn't any money in it ?" "There would probably be some money in it, but it would as you know come from the sale of the little house the man occupies and calls 'home ;' but I don't want to meddle with the mat ter, anyhow." "Got frightened out cf it, eh ?" "No, I wasn't frightened out of it." "I suppose likely the old fellow beg ged hard to be let off V" "Well—yes, he did." "And you caved, likely ?" "No, I didn't speak a word to him." "Oh, he did all the talking, did he ?" "Yes." "And you never said a word ?" "Not a word." "What in creeation did you do ?" "I believe I shed a few tears." "Aud the old fellow begged you hard you say ?" "No, I didn't say so ; he didn't speak a word to me." "Well, may I respectfully inquire whom he did address in your bear iug ?" "Gofl Almighty.*' NO. 46. NEWSPAPER LAWS If subscribers order the disuoutUiuath n of newspapers the publishers may centime to send them until all Arrearages are paid. Jf s iivmrUiers refuse or neglect 10 take t' elr new->p ipers from the office to which they are sent they ire hel.l responsible until they have se tied, the bills ai d ordered them diecoutioaed. If subscribers movetoother places without In forming the publisher, and the newspapers . re sent to the former o';m—. bevx rsi>onsibl\ ADVEHriBIMU MATHS. 1 wk. l mo. 13 mop. mos. 1 Vei.r 1 square 2oh ♦4pn| #5 00 $0 00 I 8 in X " 700 1000 15 00 .1000 WO 1 10 00 15 00 1 23 00 45 00 75 00 One Inch makes a square. Administrators and Executors' Notices $2->O. Transient adver. tisements and locals 10 cents per line far insertion and 5 cents per line tor each addition al insertion. "Ah ! he to:>k to praying, did he T* "Not fi.r my benefit, in the least. You see"— the lawyer crossed hts right toot over bis left knee, anl began stroking his lower leg up and down, as if to help tn state his case concisely— "you see, I found the little bouse easi ly enough, and knocked on the onter door which stood ajar, but nobody hoard mo, so I stepped into the little hall, and saw through tne crack of an other door just as cozy a sitting room as there ever was. "Thereon a bed, with her silver head way up high on the pillows, was an old lady who looked for all the word just as my mother did the last time I ever saw her ou earth. Well I was right on the point of knocking, when she said as clearly as could be ; "come, father, now begin, I'm all teady"—and down on his kneess by her side weQt an old white-haired man, still older than his wife, 1 should judge ; and I couldn't have knocked then for the life of me. Well he began ; first he re minded God that they were still His submissive children, mother and he, and no matter what He saw fit to bring upon them they shouldn't rebel at His will! of course 'twas going to be terrible hard for them to go out homeless in their old age, specially with poor mother so sick and helpless, but still they'd seen sadder things than ever that would be. He reminded God in the next place bow different all might have been if only one of their boys bad been spared ibem ; then his voice kind of broke, and a thin, white hand stole from under the coverlet and moved slowly over his snowy hair; then he went on to repeat that nothing could be so shaip again as the parting with those three sons—unless mother and he should be seperated. But at last he fell to comforting himself with the fact that the dear Lord knew it was through no fault of his own that moth er and he were threatened with the loss of their dear little home, which meant beggary and the almshouse, a place they prayed to be delivered from entering, if it could be consistent with God's will ; and then he fell to quoting multitude of promises concerning the safety of those who put their trust in the Loid ; yes, I should say be Legged hard ; in fact it was the most thrilling plea to which I ever listened ; and at last he prayed for God's blessing on those who were about to demand jus tice"—the lawyer stroked his low er limb in silence for a moment or two, theu continued, more slowly than ever : "And—l—believe-I'd rather go to the poorhouse myself, to-night, than to stain my heart and hands with the blood of such a prosecution as that." "Little afraid to defeat the old man's prayer, eh ?" queried the cli ent. "Bless your soul, man, you couldn't defeat it I" roared the lawyer. "It doesa't admit of defeat 1 I tell you he left it all subject to the will of God : but he left no doubt as to his wishes in the matter ; claimed that we were told to make known our desires unto God ; but of all the pleadiog I ever heard, that beat all. You see I was taught that kind of thing myself in my childhood, and why I was sent to hear that prayer I'm sure I don't know, but I hand the case over." "I wish." said the client, twisting uneasily, "you hadn't told me about the old fellow's prayer." "Why so." "Well I want the money confound edly the place would bring, bat I was taught the Bible all straight when I was a youngster, and I'd hate to ran counter to such a harangue as that you tell about. I wish you hadn't heard a word of it ; and another time I wouldn't listen to petitions not intend ed for your ears." The lawyer smiled. "My dear fellow," he said, you're wrong again ; it was intended for my ears, and yours, too,and God Almighty intended it. My old mother used to sing about God's moving in a myster ious way, I remember." "Well my mother used to sing it, too," said the claimant, as he twisted his claim papers in his fingers. "You can call in the morning,if you like, and tell mother and him the claim has been met." "In a mysterious way," added the lawyer srniliug.— Christian Union. Truth is the highest thing that man can wish. One vice is more expensive than many virtues. He who wants little generally has enough. The world has nothing constant but its instability. Better suffer from truth than pros per by falsehood. Nothing is politically right which is morally wrotfg.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers