Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, August 28, 1884, Image 1

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Office in the New Journal Building,
Penn St., near Hart man's foundry.
Acceptable Correspondence Solicited
Address letters to MILLHEIM JOURNAL.
Practical Dentist,
Offlco opposite the Methodist Church.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office opposite the hotel. Professional calls
promptly answered at all hours.
D. 11. MINGLE,
Physician & Surgeon
Offllce on Maui Street.
fashionable Barber,
Shop 2 doors west Millheim Banking House,
D. H. Hastings.. W. F. Reeder
Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of
the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum A
C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower.
Office in Garman's new building.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office opposite the Lutheran Church.
Practices in all the courts of Centre county.
Special attentiou to Collections. Consultations
n German or English.
J. A. Beaver. •*. W. Gephart
Office on Alleghany Street, North of High Street
Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free
Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to
witnesses and jurors.
House newly refitted and refurnished. Ev
erything done to make guests comfortable.
Rates moderate. Patronage respectfully solici
ted. M y
(Most Central Hotel in the city.)
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel
ers on first floor.
Sos. 317 & 319 ABCH ST.,
The traveling public will still find at this
Hotel the same liberal provision for their com
fort. It is located in the immediate centres of
business and places of amusement and the dif
ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts of
the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars
constantly passing the doors. It offers special
Inducements to those visiting the city for busi
ness or pleasure.
Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Jos. M. Peger. Proprietor.
9thSt. South of Chestnut,
One Square South of the New Post
Office, one half Square from Walnut
St. Theatre and in the very business
centre of the city. On the American
and European plans. Good rooms
from 50cts to $3.00 per day. Remodel
ed and newly furnished.
46-ly Owner & Proprietor.
R. A. BUMILLER, Editor.
VOL. 58.
Gov. Cleveland's Letter.
Honest Government for the
St.raip h tforward Doclarationo, with
But One Meaning, Which Ev
erybody Can Understand.
The Rights of Labor and
of the Individual Cit
izen—Civil Ser
vice Reform.
ALBANY, August 19.
The following was received to-day by
Colonel Lament, secretary to Govern
or Cleveland, who is at Upper Saranae
Lake with instructions to make it pub
ic ou its receipt:
ALBANY, N. Y., August 18,1884.
GENTLEMEN : I have received your
communication, dated July 28. ISB4,
informing me of my nomination to the
office of President of the United States
by the National Democratic Conven
tion lately assembled at Chicago. I ac
cept the nomination with a grateful
appreciation of the supreme honor con
ferred and a solemn sense of the re
sponsibility which in its acceptance I
assume. I have carefully considered
the platform adopted by Ihe convention
and cordially approve the same. So
plain a statement of Democratic faith
and the principles upon which that par
ty appeals to the suffrages of the people
needs no supplement or explanation.
It should be remembered that the of
fice of President is essentially executive
iu its nature, The laws enacted by the
legislative branch of tho government
the Chief Executive is bound faithfully
to enforce.and when the wisdom of the
political party which selects one of its
members as a nominee for that office
has outlined its policy and declared its
principles, it seeuos to me that nothing
in the character of the ofliee or the ne
cessities of the case requires more from
the candidate accepting such nomina
tion than the suggestion of certain
well known truths, so absolutely vital
to the safety and welfare of the nation
that they cannot be too often recalled
or too seriously enforced.
We proudly call ours a government
by the people. It is not such when a
class is tolerated which arrogates to it
self the management of public affairs,
seeking to control the people instead
of representing them. Parties are the
necessary outgrowth of our institu
tions ; but a government is not by the
people when one party fastens its con
trol upon the country and perpetuates
power by cajoling and betraying the
people instead of serving them. A
govervraent is not by the people when
a result which should represent the in
telligent will of free aud thinking men
is, or can be, determined by the shame
less corruption of their suffrages.
When an election to office shall lie
the selection by the voters of one of
their number to assume for a time a
public trust, instead of his dedication
to the profession of politics, when the
holders of the ballot, quickened by a
sense of duty, shall avenge truth le
trayed and pledges broken, and when
the suffrages shall be altogether free
and uncorrupted, the full realization of
a government by the people will be at
hand. And of the means to this end
not one would, in my judgement, be
more effective than an amendment to
tbe Constitution disqualifying the Pres
ident from re-election. When wo con
sider the patronage of this great office,
the allurements of power, the tempta
tion to retain public places once gained
and, more than all, the availability a
party fiuds in an incubeut whom a
horde of office holders, with a zeal born
of benefits received and fostered by the
hope of favors yet to come, stand ready
to aid with money and trained political
services, we recgnize iu the eligibility
of the President for re-election a most
serious danger to that calm, deliberate
and intelligent political action which
must characterize a goyernniem by thy
A true American sentiment recog
nizes the dignity of laboi, and the fact
that honor lies in honest, contented la
bor is an element of national prosperi
ty. Ability to work constitutes the
capital and the wage of labor, tbe in
come of a vast number of our popula
tion, and this interest should be jeal
ously protected. Our workingmen are
not asking unreasonable indulgence ;
but, as intelligent and manly citizens,
they seek the same consideration which
those demand who have other interests
at stake. They should receive their
full shars of the care and attention of
those who make and execute the laws,
to the end that the wants and needs of
the employers and the employed shall
alike be subserved and tiie prosperity
of the country, the common heritage of
both, be advanced. As related to this
subject,whila we should not discourage
the immigration of those who come to
A**' *
acknowledge allegiance to our govern
ment and add to our citizen population,
yet as a means of protection to our
workingmen a different rule should
prevail concerning those who, if they
come or are brought to our land, do
not intend to become American citi
zens, but will injuriously compete
with those justly entitled to our tield
of labor.
In a letter accepting the nomination
to the office of Governor, nearly two
years ago, I macle the following state
ment, to which I have steadily adher
ed : "The laboring classes constitute
the main part of our population. They
should be protected in their efforts
peaceably to assert tlieir rights when
endangered by aggregated capital, and
afl statutes on this subject should rec
ognize the care of the State for honest
toil and be framed with a view of im
proving the condition of the working
man. A proper regard for the welfare
of the workingman being inseparably
connected with the integrity of our in
stitution, none ot our citizens are more
interested thau they in guarding a
gainst any corrupting influences which
seek to pervert the beueficient purpos
es of our government, and none should
be more watchful of the artful machin
ations of those who allure them to self
inflicted injury."
In a free country thb curtailment of
the absolute rights of tho individual
should only be such as is essential to
the peace and good order of the com
munity. The limit between the prop
er subjects of governmental control
and those which can be more fittingly
left to the moral sense and 3elf-iraposed
restraint of the citizen should be care
fully kept in view. Thushws unnec
essarily interferring with the habits
and customs of any of our people
which are not offensive to the moral
sentiments of the civilized world and
which are consistent with good citizen
ship and the public welfare, are unwise
aud vexatious.
The commerce of a nation to a groat
extent determines its supremacy.
Cheap and easy transportation should
thereby be liberally fostered. Within
the limits of the Constitutions the Gen
eral Government should so improve
and protect its natural waterways as
will enable the producers of the coun
try to reach a profitable market.
The people pay the wages of the pub
lic employes and they are entitled to
the fair and honest work which the
money thus paid should command. D
is the duty of those intrusted with the
management of their affairs to see that
such public service is forthcoming.
The selection and retention of subor
dinates in government employment
should depend upon their ascertained
fitness and the value of their work, and
they should be neither expected nor al
lowed to do questionable party service.
The iuterests of the people will be bet
ter protected ; the estimate of public
labor and duty will be immensely im
proved ; public employment will be o
pen to all who can demonstrate their
fitness to enter it; the unseemly scram
ble for place uuder the governmeut,
with the consequent importunity
which embitters official life, will cease,
and the public departments will not be
filled with those who conceive it to bo
their first duty to aid the party to
which they owe their places instead, of
rendering patient and houest return to
the people.
I believe that the public temper is.!
such that the voters of tho land are: ;
prepared to support tiie paity which '
gives the best promise of administering ,
the government in the honest, simphej
and plain manner which is consister it
with its character and purposes. Tin iy
have learned that mystery and concea .}-
ment in the management of their i tf
fairs coyer tricks and betrayal. The
statesmanship they require consists in
honesty and frugality, a prompt re
sponse to the needs of the people as
they arise and the vigilant protec Lion
of all their varied interests.
If I should be called to the Chief
Cleveland and Hendricks
Democratic CamMes
Magistracy of the nation by the suffra
ges of my fellow-citizens, I will assume
the duties of that high office with a sol
emn determination to dedicate every
effort to the country's good and with
an humble reliance upon the favor and
support of the Supreme being, who I
believe will always bles3 honest human
endeaver in tho concientious discharge
of public duty.
To Colonel William F. Yilas, chair
man, and D. P. Bestor and others,
members of the notification commit
tee of the Democratic National Con
Mr. Hendrick's Short Letter.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., August 20.
The following is a copy of Ex-Gov
ernor Hendrick's letter of acceptance
of the Demecratic nomination for the
Vice Presidency : j
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.,August 20, ISS4.
GENTLEMEN : 1 have the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of your com
munication notifying me of my nomin
ation by the Democratic Convention at
Chicago as candidate for Vice Presi
dent of the United States. May I re
peat what I s lid on another occasion
that it is a nomination which I had
neither expected nor desired, and yet I
recoguizo and appreciate the high hon
or done me by tho convention. The
choice of such a body, pronounced with
such unusual unanimity and accom
panied with so generous expression of
esteem and confidence, ought to out
weigh any merely personal desires and
preferences of my own. It is with
this feeling, and I trust it is so from a
deep sense of public duty, that I now
accept the nomination aud shall abide
the judgement of my countrymen. I
have examined with care the declara
tion of principles adopted by the con-
copy of which you submitted
to me, and in their sum and substance
I heartily indorse aud approve the
I am, geutlemen, your obedient ser
To the Hon. William F. Yilas, chair
man ; ."Nicholas M. Bell, secretary,
and othf ?rs of the committee of the
Nation; il Democratic Convention.
Gr- A. H. Encampment at Belle-
Clippings from tho Philadelphia
TIMES Dispatches.
BELLEFONTE, Aug. 1611i,1854.
"Nestling down between two pine-clad
hills Is a little valley which since yester
day lias been dotted with lints of white
tents, which stretch away upon Ilalf-
Mcon hill, andthis4n honor of the War
Governor, the boys have named Camp
Cur tin. The members of Gregg Post,
95, of this place,haye erected their;huge
canvas, which once seryed as a circus
tent, and in this group of the soldiers
seek shade and genial companionship.
T!he road leading to the camp is lined
witt i booths of peanut venders, pink
leiiK made merchants and musicians
who perform upon squeaky violins,
while the man with the mystic wheel
of fortune offers extra inducements for
anj extra dimes the visitor may chance
to have about him. It Is estimated
tha.t 10,000 people have been in town to
daj •, surpassing in number the largest
attendance at county fairs. The Phil
ad elphians J were accompanied by the
W-eccacoe Band, while there are eight
bands with.visiting posts present.
The parade this eyening was quite
imposing. After marching through
the principal itreets the men were
drawn up in tht Diamond.
Governor Cuitin was introduced by
Colonel Wilkiison, of the National
Guard. When the burst of applause
which greeted lis appearance had sub
sided he said :
I am assignel the very agreeable du
ty ot weicomiig you to Bellefonte. I
welcome you for Centre county, I wel
come you for Pennsylvania, 1 welcome
you. veterans <f the war, for the great
government ybu lniye saved to liberty
and equality t>r all humanity .Veterans
of war,we liavJ met before some twenty
years since. J gave you the blue uui-
form and the classic eagle of liberty. I
banded the regiments of Pennsylvania
the flag of the State and sent you to
service to serve liberty to humanity in
this country and teach liberty to all
the worid. Early in the war the gov
ernment of Pennsylvania determined
that the flag should have the coat-of
arms of this great loyal State in the
field and surrounded bv stars and the
thirteen stripes of theNatiopal Govern
ment. I gave that flag to' over three
hundred thousand men myself. Two
hundred and seventeen flags and only
two were lost in the struggle, for the
flag of the nation was taken and borne
by strong, stalwart and patriotic men
of Pennsylvania,who preserved the llag
of this great State, brought it back and
it remains in the archievesof this State
at Ilarrisburg now. I saw you all once
before you saw me. I gave you the
llag, the emblem cf our nationality and
power and liberty,and thanks be to God
it was neyer stained by cowardice.
[Cheers and applause.] And when
Pennsylvania decided that the orphans
of the soldier should be maintained and
educated my heart went out, in thanks
for tiie great benevolence. [Cheers.]
Commander Dyer replied to the Gov
ernor's welcome in a neat speech. Two
accidents have happened to mar the
general pleasure of the day. Ticket A
gent Bamberger, at Unionville, was
struck by a passing excursion train and
fatally injured. A carriage containing
George Stewart, aG. A. It. man, and
his wife, was overturned. Mr. Stew
art was injured slightly and his wife
BELLEFONTE, Pa., Aug. 17.
The scenes in camp to-day have been
very lively. The roads leading to camp
have been lined with a constant stream
of vehicles of all descriptions, from
those whose antiquated appearance sug
gested the days of the wonderful "one
boss shay" to the most modern. Des
pite the great crowds the best order has
prevailed in camp and citizens express
themselves as highly delighted -at the
behavior of the boys and tho livening
ui> their presence has given the place.
Religious services were held in the
large circus tent at 10 o'clock. Printed
slips containing the hymns "Rock of
Agos," "Jesus Lover of My Soul," "In
the Sweet Bye and Bye," " Tenting on
the Old Camp Ground" and "America"
were distributed, and as the multitude
of voices, accompanied by the band, a
rose many hearts were deeply touched
in away that all regulation church mu
sic would fail to accomplish. The ser
mon of Department Chaplain ltey.John
W.Sayers was full of a direct eloquence
which held the undivided attention of
his listeners. At 2p. m. quite a num
ber of the comrades met in the tent
to discuss the Berean Sunday school
leaf. The boys spent the balance of the
day lying m the shade of their tents,
singing hymns or listening to and re
peating reminiscences of their soldier
Fully ten thousand people witnessed
the dress parade this evening. Half
Moon 11 ill being literally covered with
gayly-dressed women and children,with
here and there a blue-coat who had
failed to fall into line, while the valley
was filled with the boys, who, with
guidons, post colors and national flags
flying, stepped off in good time to the
oid familiar tunes, which awaaened
memories of twenty years ago. The
whole, lit up by the last rays of the fast
setting sun, presented a scene of unpa
ralleledjpicturesqueness in this section.
There were fifteen hundred men in line.
Governor Curtin and Colonel Hast
ings, commander of the fifth Regiment,
N.G.reviewed the line with the depart
ment oilicerc.
BELLEFONTE, August 18.
The morning and early afternoon
hours in camp were exceedingly quiet,
owing to the absence of many and the
extreme heat. The Weccacoe Band
gave an early open-air concert and oth
er bands broke tbe monotony by strik
ing up lively airs in different parts of
the camp.
The love and enthusiasm for Govern
or Curtin must be highly gratifying to
the old soldier. From half-past six
this morning until lie left for camp to
witness the dress parade he was kept
busy shaking hands with soldier callers
and making speeches for numerous sere,
nudes. His appearance in camp is a
signal for an impromptu reception.
Early this morning about three hun
dred of the meu, under the guidance of
the Lambs and Razors .started in hacks
for the Penn's Yalley caves. These
cayes are a peculiar freak of nature.
They are entered by boats from a creek,
Terms, SI,OO per Year, in Advance.
which flows through the main cave for
a distance of half a mile. The water at
the upper end of the cave contains a
number of heavy logs and other debris,
which have unaccountably gotten there.
Opening from this are numerous dry
rooms depending from the roofing and
sides of which are beautiful stalactiles.
While the ride was through Bonn's Val
ley, justly celebrated for the beauty of
its scenery, it was very tiresome, being
up hill and over the roughest roads, a
distance of fourteen miles , stopping at
Centre Ilall for refreshments. The vet
erans gave the place a touch of the G.
A. It. regulation yell.
Just as the l'ne had formed for dress
parade the most motley crowd came
whirling in, to the tune of "Johnny
Comes Marching Home," that ever
greeted t}ie eyes of superior officers at
such a critical moment. Leading the
procession, clad in blue trousers, a hat
minus a brim and a greater display of
a flannel shirt—which had once been
white—than the regulations of good so
ciety acquire, came City Solicitor Har-
bearing with tenderest care
a young pig, which he tried to initiate
in the order by ramming it into the
mouth of a cannon. Following him
came Quartermaster General John Tay
lor, Colonel E. Sellers and Junior Vice
commander Daniel Caldwell, Comrades
Shield, Gorman, Morgan, Long and
others of the Lambs and Razors, bear
ing spring chickens which had been
given an emphatic twist of the neck
that had forever silenced any warning
cackle of their sudden taking o ff;young
corn by the dozen ears, mirrors and
other nondescript articles which they
had picked up by the wayside.
As Harry Taylor got within a few
hundred yards of the line of review
some roguish comrade cut the sack,and*
the pig, with a proper appreciation of
the occasion, started down in front of
the line, giving loud, shrill squeaks,
which, together with the crowds of
boys and men who started in pursuit,
the bursts of laughter and applause
from the hundreds of spectators on the
hillside, completely nonplussed Com
mander Dyer and Adjutant General
Stewart. The parade was witnessed by
about three thousand people, which
was increased to about six thousand as
the hour for the ball masquerade drew
To-day has been the greatest day
Bellefoute ever saw. From three o
'clock crowds have been arriving from
every direction and at six p. m. the
question, "Where do all these people
come from V' was beard again and a
gain. There was cause for wonder.
The entire camp ground was massed
with people; crowds covered the hills
adjacent and the roads leading to the
grounds were so crowded with vehicles
and pedestrians that it was impossible
to drive faster than a walk, while every
avai'able spot near the grounds where
a team could be hitched was occupied.
The dim and rush of the people in
the town was must confusing. People
had driven from all partsof the country
and even from Huntingdon county,
many coming distances of twenty-five
to thirty miles. The parade was a
most creditable affair.
At an early hour this morning a
traiu of seven cais, crowded with sol
diers and citizens,started forSnowshoe,
which, after two hours of tortuous
windings up and through spurs of the
Alleghenies,was readied. Here, at the
elevation of 2, 500 feet above the level
of the ocean, the excursionists spent a
pleasant day. A country dance was
gotten up in a grove near the village
for the benefit of the Lambs, whose
fame had preceeded thorn. The figures,
as called off by the master of ceremon
ies, were in vernacular peculiar to the
country and, for the first time siuce
their existence,the Lambs were beaten.
After listening until one set had been
gone through with they gave a plain
tive bleat and sank to rest at the base
of sheltering trees. The little yillage
of Snowshoe was profusely decorated
and Citizen Samuel Boyer won the
whole band of Lambs by his kindness
to them. Tho Millheim Band accom
panied them.
The sham battle, which began at 9
o'clock, was a complete success, arous
ing a great deal of enthusiasm on the
part of the citizens, as it was new to
them. The attacking forces were un
der the command of Colonel E. G. Sell
ers. Colonel H. G.Williams command
ed the redoubts upon the hillside, while
Colonel John Taj lor held the reseryes
in control. After several desperate
charges upon the breastworks, behind
which the cannons lay, Colonel Sellers
succeeded 111 capturing the gun and
gunners. The cannons used were
three six-pounders, owned by Posts 61,
of Philadelphia, G4, of Williamsport,
and 134, of Mifflintown. Besides these,
1,500 of the largest size cannon-crackers
helped add to the illusion that a real
battle was in progress. The display of
fire works put off later, consisting of
rockets, Roman candles, and balloons
wi h pyrotechnic attachments was very
iiue. Over 12,000 people witnessed the
NO. 34.
Bellefonte, August 19.
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Her First Railway Journey.
Miss Prudence Pettingill at the ma-1
tare age of sixty-one made up her
mind to visit New York for the first,
time in her life. She had never seen a
railroad, as such things had been un -
known In Aaroostook Qounty until
this summer, and the ancient farm
house in which she lived was seven
miles from the station. So she sits
calmly upon a seat placed on the great
wooden platform which surrounds the
country depot, and gazes with amaze*
meat upon the train which arrives,
pauses a few moments to take on pas
sengers, and then proceeds upon its
journey. The stationmaster interro
gates the old lady, who sits placidly
watching the departing train.
"Why did you not get on, if you
wished to go to New York ?"
" Git on !" says the old lady—"git
on ! I thought this whole consarn
went I"
Having explained to her that the
platform was stationary, the man kind
ly advises her to wait for the express
train,into which he escorts the maiden,
and finds for her a seat by the side of a
benevolent oldTgentleinen. Clutching
fast hold of the seat in front of her,she
is at first very much alarmed at the
speed at which they are going, but
gradually becomes calm, and much in
terested in the novelty of her surround
ings. The old gentleman answers , her
many inquiries very civilly, and, a
mong other things, tries to explain the
use of the telegraph wires, and tells
her that messages are sent over them
at a much greater rate of speed than
they are traveling. "Wa'al, wb'hl, 1 "
says the old lady, "you don't ketch me
a ridin' on 'em, for this is as fast as I
want to go,anyhow." She has seen so
wonderful things that she makes many
up her mind at last not to be astonished
at anything ; and when the train dash
es into the one which had preceded it,
owing to a misplaced switch, and the
poor old lady is thrown to the end of
the car among a heap of broken seats,
she supposes it to be the ordinary man
ner of stooping, and quietly remarks,
"You fetch up rather sudden, don't
ye ?" Being provided with a seat in
the forward car, which was uninjured,
she arrives without farther accident at
her journey's end,and is surrounded by
an eager crowd of hack men,and listens
in wonder to the oft-repeated call of
"Hack ! hack !" Grasping her um
brella in one hand aud her bandbox in
the other, she looks down into the face
of the loudest driver with the compas
sionate inquiry, "Air you iu pain ?"
From the consequeuces of his wrath
she is rescued and carried safely home
by her nephew, who has come to the
depot to look for her.
A House in a Tree.
Mention has frequently been made in
the press of the peculiar places of abode
of two of the quondam residents of
Washington. Joaquin Miller's log hut
attracts hundreds of visitors, and is a
source of wonder and astonishment to
those who never saw a backwoods
clearing. But perhaps the queerest
freak in the matter of dwellings is that
of a pension office clerk, who has a
horse in the top of a walnut tree on
Mount Pleasant, which is a suburb of
Washington. This tree house was first
discovered about a year ago. It was
then built in the boughs of a giant ma
ple. Recently the occupant concluded
to change his residence to a site more
exalted, and he chose a tree farther up
the hill. The house itself is built on a
large piriform constructed around the
trunk, thirty feet above the ground,
and supported upon four heavy tim
bers. It is hexagonal in shape and a
bout ten by fourteen feet inside. It is
built of matched piue to a height of
six feet, and the roof is composed of
canvass awniug9, so arranged as to ad
mit of being raised or lowered at the
will of the strange occupant of the hut.
That Hay ward is a man of taste, in
spite of his strange abode, is evident
from his personal appearance and the
adornment of his home. He is a man
of middle age, of fine appearance, and
is devoted to literature. His house is
handsomely furnished, and contains a
very good library 'of standard works.
The platform surrounding the hut
serves as a sort of garden, and abounds
with easy chairs, hammocks and other
contrivances for comfort. The en
trance is effected by the aid of stairs,
which reach down to within six feet of
the ground, and a step ladder, which is
drawn up the platform when not in
use. Hay ward gives as his reason for
imitating the islanders of the Indian
Ocean in the selection of a dwelling #
site that he believes the. sanitary con
ditions of the altitude are better than
on the ground floor, and that it is more
"exclusive." He had been classed as a
"crank" because of his love for rare
fied air, but as he is of a sociable turn
and is said to be au excellent clerk,
there is no other reason to accuse him
of unsoundness of mind, except it be
that he occasionally "drops into poe