Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, August 21, 1884, Image 1

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Office in the New Journal Building,
Penn St., near Hartman's foundry.
AccejMe Corrapface Solicited
Address letters to MILLHS IM JOURNAL.
Practical Dentist,
Office opposite the Methodist Church.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office opposite the hotel. Professional calls
promptly answered at all hours.
Physician & Surgeon
Gffliee on Maui St reet.
Fashionable Barber,
Shop 2 doors west MUlheim Bankinc House,
D. H. Hastings. W. F. Keeder
Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of
the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum &
C. T. Alexander. C, M. Bower.
Office in Gariuan's new building.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office opposite the Lutheran Church.
Practices in all the courts of Centre county.
Special attention to Collectious. Consultations
n German or Englisn.
J. A. Beaver. W. Gephart.
Office on Alleghany Street, North of High Street
Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free
Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to
witnesses and jurors.
House newly !rcfttted and refurnished. Ev
ervthing done to make guests comfortable.
Rates moderate. Patrouage respectfully solici
ted. 51 y
(Most Central Hotel in the city.)
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel
ers on first floor-
Aos. 317 & 319 ARCH ST.,
The traveling public will still find at this
Hotel the same liberal provision for their com
fort. It is located iu the immediate centres of
business and places of amusement and the dif
ferent Rail-Road depots, as weU as all parts ot
the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars
constantly passing the doors. It offers special
inducements to those visiting the city for busi
ness or pleasure.
Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Jos. M. Feger. Proprietor.
9thSt. South of Chestnut,
One Square South of the New Post
Office, one half Square from Walnut
St. Theatre and in the very business
centre of the city. On the American
and European plans. Good rooms
from 50cts to $3.00 per day. Remodel
ed and newly furnished.
46-ly Owner & Proprietor
R. A. BUMILLER, Editor.
VOL. 58.
A Westerner's Way.
A tall man, with a full beard the col
or of old gold, and a wide-brimmed bat
such as is invaribly associated with the
denizens of the wild west, and wearing
a suit of ready-made clothes with the
shelf marks of an Omaha store plainly
visible, got off the train as it reached
theJNorthwestern depot, at Chicago,
and bad his gripsack checked for safe
keeping in the waiting-room.
"I'm goiip to take in the town.pai d
ner," he confided to the man I ehitul
the counter,"and the grip might be un
handy like."
"Say, mister," said be of the checks,
" mebbe you'd better leave that thar
gun," pointing to a 44-calber revolver,
the 'down-pointing muzzle of which
hung some inches below the tail of his
short sack coat. "The perlice might
take you in, and then you'd bo fined
SSO, besides confirskatiu' the shoot
"P'rhaps you're right, parduer,"said
the westerner,after a moment's consid
eration. "I never been in a big town
before, and ain't exactly fly on the
ways of the people. You're sure I
won't need it ?"
"No, you won't need it," said the
checkman, "leastways if you don't
drink too much V"
"I never drink," said the newcomer,
unstrapping the formidable weapon
and handing it over.
Then he stepped out of the depot and
walked east on Kinzie street, looking
curiously at the buildings and the pe
culiar merchandise of that thorough
fare, and making up his mind that the
trade in hides monopolized Chicago
peeple. When he reached the corner
of Clark street be glanced up and down
admiringlv at the crowded street,
througed with wagons, street cars and
people. Setting his hat firmly on his
head the stranger stopped a hurrying
man and asked :
"Say, stranger !" •
"Well, sir," said the other, stopping
"Say, can you tell me where the bus
iness part of town is ? I'm a stranger
But the man hnd gone before the sen
tence had concluded.
" 'Pers like they didn't tumble to
innercent jokes, he said to himself.
Then he looked across the street and
saw the signs of the Chicago museum.
"A show, hey ? Well, I'll take that
in sure." He bought a ticket and pass
ed in, and was soon contemplating the
pretty girls in the costumes of all na
tions. Round and rouud he walked,
and all the time his wonder grew. He
glanced furtively and bashfully at the
beauties in their gorgeous and becom
ing custumes. "Wonder if they can
talk United States ?" he thought. Fi
nally he found a post against which he
could stand, and, thus braced,he push
ed his hat brim out of the way and
stared long and earnestly at one of the
young ladies, who seemed to take his
eye. The girl was fully concious of
his admiring look, hut like a well be
haved girl, took no notice of it until
after the space of some minutes, when
the steady gate brought the color to
her cheek and a half smile to her face,
which she attempted to hide by quick
ly turning about. This was not lost
to the keeu eye of the western man,and
several times he moved forward as if to
speak to the girl, hut each time he
shrank back bashfully and resumed his
first position. The girl became some
what nervous. She attempted to dust
off the front of her boot with a feath
er brush, but it flew from her fingers
upon the floor. The western man
sprang quickly forward and handed it
to her with untaught grace.
"Thank you, sir," she said, with a
a smile and a blush.
"Oh, can you talk American ?" he
"Yes, sir,'' she replied,
not ?"
"Oh, I dunno ; you wearing a furrin
rig, you know."
"Yes, I am an Americau," she said.
"It's a mighty purty rig, anyhow,"
he said.
"Do you think so ?"
"Yes. Do you stay here all the
time ?"
"No ; I live at home. I'm only here
for a couple of weeks."
"I'm a stranger in town," said he.
"Yes ; Elive in Arizony."
- "Is that far away V"
"Yes ; it is lonesome out there some
"Why don't you live in the city ?"
" 'Cause I've got a ranche and a lot
of cattle."
She looked at him with sudden res
pect, for she had heard of the western
cattle kings.
"I was going east to see a gal," he
said after a pause. "But I don't think
I'll go now."
"Why not ?"
" 'Cause I'ye found one that suits me
*U t >H£S,S Aii" M
iu Chicago." *
"You're lucky," said the girl smiling
at the simplicity of the man. "Who is
she ?"
"Oh, go on with your foolishness,
you never saw me before."
"No," said he, "hut I'm going to
stay in Chicago and see you again.
Fact is I want a wife. I'm a plain
man. If you'll marry me, say so."
"This is so sudden,and I don't know
you, and "
4 'Never mind that. Where do you
live ?"
"No. street."
"Father and mother living ?"
"Father is dead. I live with moth
"And you come here to make a little
money toward paying the rent V"
"llow did you know ?"
"Never mind. I'm coming up to
see you to-night. I can convice your
mother that lam able to take care of
you, and I've got letters to Chicago
men that'll show who and what I am.
If your mother will go along out I'll be
glad to have her along. Anyway, I'm
going to take you.
41 You're very confident, seems to
me," said the young lady, who had
suddenly come to think a yellow beard
"Never mind," said the Arizonian.
"Tie up your dog and leave the latch
string out to-night, for I'm coming,
sure as thunder," and he walked a
To-day there is a vacancy in the
4 'Bazaar of Nations," for one of the
prettiest girls has gone ; and in a neat
little cottage in the northern division
an old lady and a girl are sewing for
dear life on a serviceable bridal out
A Pitcher of Blood.
'Half a pint*of blood, please.'
'Come this way.'
The butcher led the way into the
hack of the store into a temporary
shambles where a cow had just been
knocked down and was having her
throat scientifically cut.
In a few .moments the small white
pitcher was returned to the girl full of
the smoking red liquid.
'llow is M this morning
4 IIe is better and he says it's the
blood is helping liiin.'
The girl went out with her pitcher of
blood and the butcher picked up an or
dinary glass, stepped back in the sham
bles aud returned with it half filled
with the liquid which was now of the
consistence of thick cream.
'There are dozens of men and women
in Detroit who drink blood. We used
to serve a great many sustomers with
it. Now we have only one.'
'What do you charge for it ?'
'Nothing. We never sold a spoonful.
Anyone is welcome to come here and
drink it. We let the girl come with
that pitcher because the old man for
whom she gets it is dying and ho won't
take any other nourishment; taste it.'
'No, thanks.'
'lt is like rich,warm mils; there is no
taste or smell to it.'
Thus encouraged the representative
of the Free Press took up the tumbler
and swallowed a mouthful Qf the fluid
it contained. It had a sweet, milkisli,
sickish taste, half of which was imagin
ation and the other half b-l-o-o-d !
'The it in some cases,'
said the Jefferson avenue butcher,* 'but
with most folks who come here it is a
tradition. They take it because some
other member of the family took it.'
4 Do healthy people ever take blood in
this way r"
~'Yes, occasionally; just as they would
take a stimulant of any kind. Drink
ing blood won't, make a fighter of a
man. It isn't men that drink it as
much as delicate, consumptive women.
We drink it fround the shop when we
feel like it. A pint of blood is equal to
a good lunch at any time.'— Detroit
Free Press.
'The new materials for the coming
seasonjare beginning to make their ap
pearance, and are very stylish, espec
ially the handsome embroidered cash
meres and the figured velvets, both of
which promise to be very popular.—
Paris letter in Peterson's Magazine.
Cleveland and Hendricks,
Democratic Candidates
The Right Sentiments.
Feelings With Whioh Grover Cleve
land Approached the Duties of
the Governorship.
The following letter was written by
Grover Cleveland to his brother on the
day of his election to the Governorship
of New York :
M A YOR'S OFFlCE,Buffalo,Nov.7,lßß2]
MY DEAR BROTHER : I have just
voted. I sit here in the Mayor's office
alone, with the exception of an artist
from Frank Leslie's newspaper, who is
sketching the office. It mother was
here I should bo writing to her, and I
feel as if it were time for me to write
to some ono who will believe what I
write. 1 have been for some time in
the atmosphere of certain success, so
thai I have been sure that I should as
sume the duties of the high office for
which I have been named. I have
tried hard, in the light of this fact, to
properly appreciate the responsibilities
that will rest upon me, and they are
much, too much, underestimated. But
the thought that has troubled me is :
Can 1 well perform my duties, and in
such a mauner as to do some
gopd to the people of the State ?
I know there is room for it.and I know
that 1 am honest and sincere in my do"
sire to do well, but the question is
whether I know enough to accomplish
what I desire.
The social life which seems to await
me has ulso been a subject of much
anxious thought. I have a notion that
I can regulate that very much as I de
sire, and if I can I shall spend very lit
tle time in the purely ornamental part
of the ofiice. In point of fact,l will tell
you,first of all others, the policy I in
tend to adopt, and that is to make the
matter a business engagement between
the people of the State and myself, in
which the obligation on my side is to
perform the duties assigned me with
an eye single to the interest of my em
ploye! s. I shall have no idea of rfc-elec
tion or of any higher political prefer
ment in my'head, but he very thankful
and happy if I can wel 1 serve one term
as the people's Governor. Do you
know that if mother were alive I should
feel so much safer V I have always
thought that her prayers had much to
do with inv success. I shall expect you
all to help me in that way. Believe mc,
your affectionate brother,
The Fatal Blunder.
Mrs. Shabby-Genteel [in the train]—
'Well, I am glad we are off at last. You
attended to everything, didn't you,
dear ?' *
Mr. S. G.—'Oh, yes. I telegraphed
to Uncle Jake to meet us at the depot
with the farm wagon and sent personals
to all the papers saying 'Mr. and Mrs.
Shabby.Genteel are still at Saratoga.
That was all right, wasn't it ¥'
'Of course, hut I was referring to the
house. You know some of our neigh
bors, who have been off all summer,
will he running in about this time to
look after their houses and '
'Oh ! That is all right. They will see
our front windows all boarded up and
the door knobs almost black with tar
'Yes; I noticed that bottle of tarnish
worked beautifully. By the way,where
did you buy it V
'At the hardware store where I got
the nails.'
'What !'
4 Where I got the nails.'
'For the front window boards V
'Oh, mercy. Our social reputation is
'Ru ine! llow can it be ?'
'Oil! you horrid old goosey gander,
'Why, Mariah !'
'Fresh, new nails along side of tar
nished door knobs! Oh, you—you, I
thought any fool would know enough
to use rusty ones.'
Embroideries and lace are still
much used, but will be superseded by
heavier adornments later in the seas
on.—Paris letter in Peaterson's 3lag
Vests are worn by many ladiet, es
pecially young ones.— Peterson's
Our Nerves.
The persons who are not familiar
with the structure of the human body
can best obtain rational ideas of the
nervous aytem by comparing it to the
electric apparatus in common use for
communicating between distant points.
Herein the nerve centres, the brim,
spinal cord and nervous ganglions are
regarded as bitteries of telegraph offices
and the nerves as the wires that com
plete the circuit. Insulated wires,such
as are used for submarine telegraph ca
bles, illustrate especially well the dis
tribution of the nerve elements. The
life-work of these organs is not shown
by post-mortem studies, consequently
we do not know what changes, if any,oc
cur in the nerves during the transit of
nervous impulses.
Many persons appear totally uncon
scious of the existence of their nerves
and these persons are very fortunate,
for on all sides complaints of nervous
ness are heard and the extraordinary
prevalence of nervous disorders nowa
days* scarcely has escaped the notice
of even a casual observer. Nervous
ness is essentially a loss of power in
the neives and according to Beard, the
author of "American Nervousness,"
this were much better expressed nerve
lesßnes3. The symptoms of this are
well enough known to most people.
At all events the persons who are rest
less, who have flushes of heat, whose
heart palpitates on the slightest excite
meut and those who have twitching of
the muscles of various parts of the body
and divers other vague and transient
sensations of like character, iuvariably
call themselves "nervous," likely e
nougli for want of a better word.
The cause of the complaints just
named have been detailed at great
length. Inheritance, indigestion, at
mospheric conditions and the exactions
of modern life are, however, worthy
of especial note in this particular. In
herited nervousness is explained readi
ly enough by the old sayiug, "like fath
er, like son," and it is not inherited
this disposition, but who was so unfor
tunate as to be surrounded by nervous
persons, might easily be iucliued that
Hew indigestion may cause nervous
ness is well shown by the following
from a well-known writer on the sub
ject,who said : "Though there may be
much force iu tne nervous system, yet
if digestion he clogged and waste mat
ters suffered to accumulate in the di
gestive apparatus and circulate through
the nervuos system,the amount of force
generated and usable will be much di
minished. Under these circumstances
we may supply food and the best of
food in any amount and the person will
still be fseble." "We are nervous,"
says the same writer,"because the rap
id evaporation iu our dry outdoor air
and in our overheated rooms heightens
the rapidity of the processes of waste
and repair in the brain and neryous
system and because of the exhausting
stimulation of alternations of torrid
heat and frigid cold, and this nervous
ness is increased by the stress of pover
ty, the urgency of finding and holding
means of living, the scarcity of inherit
ed wealth and the just desire of making
and maintaining fortunes."
The Church of the Latter Day Saiuts
commonly known as mormons, of Fall
ltiyer, Mass., is an active organization,
and is busily pushing its missionary
operations. Its membership at present
is 125, one third of whom are native
born,the rest mainly of English origin.
Elder John Gilbert, who resides in Fall
River, is the general missionary agent
for Rhode Island, Connecticut and
Massachusetts. The society at Plaiu
ville, in the vicinity of New Bedford,
is reported to be very flourishing aud
mostly composed of native-horn mem
bers, and the one at Little Comuton,R.
1., is also composed mostly of the same
class. In that sectiou the success of
the saints is reported very encouraging,
baptisms by immersion being frequent.
These people are monega.nists and do
not harmonize with the Mormons iu U
tah. — Boston Post.
Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance.
Marriage Now and Then.
Some Modern Ideas Contrasted
With Those of Bygone Times.
"The thing can't come off," said
a young girl loudly in u crowded room,
lately, "until after Lent. It's no!, the
style at all t< think of anything In
but prayers and church. But it will
come oil on Easter Monday. That is
if my dresses are finished in time. It
all depends on that.' 1
It was not a journey or a ball that
sho was talking ot, but her marriage ;
the moat solemn ciisia Jof a woman's
life,the time when all her trust in God,
and love for the home she is leaving
come to light, if ever. - •
"Well, I declare," she continued,
"the whole thing's a horrid bore, and
so I tell Jena. Since our engagement
was announced, I can't accept an invi
tation without him ; he has to hang a
ruund the house all the time, or all the
gossips tongues will be wagging. I'm
just marrying him to get rid of him.
He'll have to attend to business when
he has me to keep I
"Then here are eight bridesmaids/all
fighting about their bonnets and the
color of their flowers.and I have to set
tle it all! And Susy Jackson got three
hundred wedding presents, and that
means three hundrd letters of thanks
to write ! She wrote sixty-odd the
morning she was married, and was
completely fagged out. Then there are
all the duplicates to exchange afterward.
Oh, I tell yoa, getting married is a big
job, and a horrid bore !"
Perhaps not many young girls would
talk as freely or as coarsely as this one,
but bow many of them regard marriage
from precisely the same point of view?
It is a matter of presents, of brides
maids, of gowns, a stately show at
church, and somebody to pay their bills
The recent unveiling of Chief Jus
tice Marshall's statue in Washington
brought forth a pretty, teuder story of
the great jurist's courtship of a Virgin
ia girl while she was scarcely more
than a child, in her father's home.
How jealously the sacred secret of "the
engagement" was guarded while she
was being educated and fitted for her
position as wife and mother. How
grandparents and sisters and cousins
brought their simple gift, with hearts
full of love and blessiDg for her ; how
she went at last, shy, tender, blushing,
from her motner's arms to.her husband
and was cherished by him, with a chiv
alry of devotion, for more than fifty
years. When God called her, the va
cancy in his life was more than he
could bear, and he soou followed her
into that higher life where they cannot
be parted.
Marriage comes into almost every
woman's life, and every woman natur
ally and rightly looks forward to it as
the fulfillment of her highest work in
the world. But how is she to look for
ward to it ? There are two ways, the
old and the new.
Which will she choose ?
Meteors by the Milion.
The Earth Now Undergoing a
Fierce Bombardment by the
Stray Shells of Space.
From the Boston Herald.
The earth is now passing through the
stream ot August meteors, generally
seen in the north-western sky after
midnight. A single observer under
favorable circumstances sees from six
to eight meteors an hour. But he sees
only one fifth or one-sixth of those vis
ible aboye his horizon. The total num
ber therefore visible in an hour at a
given station is about thirty-five. If
we should multiply this by twenty-four
we should get over eight hundred as
the number visible at a giveu point of
the earth's surface iu an entire day,
piovided that clouds or sunlight did
not interfere with the observation.
From a single point on the earth's sur
face, however, we see only a small por
tion of the. atmospheric envelope,and it
is within this atmospheric envelope
that the meteors become visible. The
total uumbe visible over the whole
earth in a day would be upward of 10,-
000 times the number visible at a sin
gle station, or 10,000 multiplied by 800
equals 8,000,000 as the number of mete
ors falling every day to the eartb,
which would,in the absence of the sun,
moon aud clouds, be visible to the na
ked eye.
Fortunately for us, these bodies are
not very large, and a protective atmos
phere interposes between us and their
tumultuous assault. Were it other*
wise everything on the surfaces of the
earth would be battered down to a
common level. For the most part
these bodies are dissolved in the upper
regious of the attnospheie and decend
imperceptibly as meteoric dust, a de
posit of which has sometimes been
found upon the tops of mountains.
The August meteors are usually of
an orange color, moye very rapidly and
commonly leave streaks which last for
one or more seconds. These streaks
are highly useful in enabling us to
fix the radiaut point with precision.
NO. 33.
If subscriber* order the Of
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they are held responsible until they have settled
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lwk. 1 mo. 18 mo*. 6 moo. 1 yea
1 square S2UU 0 4 ot> | 05 00 $6 00 $8(0
X " 7on id oo 16 oo :oo 4010
1 M 10 00 15 00 1 25 00 45 00 75 (Q
One inch makes a square. Administrators
and Kxecutors' Notices $2.50. Transient adver
tisements and locals 10 cents per line for frit t#
insertion and 5 cents per for each addition
al insertion.
There are two thousand school teach
ers in Arkansas, eight hundred of whom
are colored.— Pittsburgh Post.
Penny dinners for school children
have been instituted under the direc
tion of the London School Board.
Both Houses of the Swedish Parlia
ment have passed a bill closing pub
lic houses on Sunday throughout Swe
An article in the Churchman fe y
Bishop Coxe, of Western New York,
concludes in favor of giving the Pro
testant Episcopal Church in the United
States the name of the Apostolic
Church in America.
An interesting Sunday-school con
vention was held in Waterbury, Conn.,
recently. It appeared from the report
that in the State there were 1,037
schools ; IS, 152 officers and teachers ;
134,649 scholars. Total membership,
Underlying the forty-one acres with
in the enclosure of tiirard College
walls, Philadelphia,there are 3,500 feet
of tunnel, intersecting almost every
part of the grounds. At adistaoee of one
hundred feet apart there are gas gels,
which are lighted by electricity. The
tuouels are used for the pipes which
carry the steam and hot water to the
eleven buildings on the ground.— Philar
delphia Press.
At the annual meeting of Friends re
cently held in England, Mr. Bufus
King, of Baltimore, obtained tlie sanc
tion of the society for religious work in
the south of France, Mount Lebanon,
Australia,Tasmania,and New Zealand.
Mr. Isaac Sharpe returned his certifi
cate after a seven years' mission, and
gave encouraging accounts of his work
in Africa, Australia, and the adjoining
islands, Madagascar, the United States,
Canada, Indian Territory, and Mexico.
Mr.Sharpe's certificate was renewed
for work in Norway.
A comparative statement of the var
ious colleges, complied by Mr. Taylor
Payne, shows that Harvard has thirty
two professors and twenty -three lectur
ers, instructors, tutors, etc., making a
total of fifty-five. Princeton come
next with twenty-eight professors sad
six lecturers, tutors, etc., making a to
tal of thirty-four. Yale follows with
twenty professors, and ten lecturers,
tutors, etc., total thirty. Theu follows
Columbia with a total of twenty-nine ;
Amherst, tweuty-four, and Brown and
Wesleyan nineteen each.
Extravagance in Living.
Such crimes as those of Ferdinand
Ward, while they spring often from de
pravity, are oftener the result ot mere
weakness of character. Thackeray in
many of his minor sketches constantly
draws the portrait of the man and wo
man whose means are not equal to the
style of living which they desire ; and
they desire it not for itself; but only
because others have it. They are not
strong and steady enough to be content
with that which they can command
and afford, and the means to secure the
other must somehow be obtained.
Thackeray puts the fact in the simplest
aud most amusing form. The young
couple must give a dinner, and instead
of the joint of lamb and the glass of
beer which is the only repast to "which
they have the moral right to invite ft
friend—if, indeed, the beer may ne
morally permitted—they must needs }-l
prepare a feast which they cannot hon- 1
orably afford, and for the sole reason
that other people who can afford it give
such feasts.
It is this doing a litt'e more, or a
great deal more, than the doer can hon
estly afford, which leads to the swin
dles of Wall Street. Living in a house
too expensive for his means, maintain
ing it accordingly, dressing as his rich
er neighbors dress, doing in all things
as they do—it is this weak compliance
which is hidden in the fine houses, and
drives to the Park in fine equipages,
which presently ends in Lndlow Street
Jail and hopeless disgrace. Yet it is
the poorest kind of competition, be
cause the little imitator might see even
with his dull eyes that, there must al
ways be a few persons who can "do the
thing" better than all the rest, and
without feeling it. The bull frog may
swell until he bursts, but he can not
rival the ox.
This is the tendency which all sensi
ble people—and a great many otherwise
sensible people are swept awa/ by it-r
ought quietly to resist. The power of
individual example is immense, but it
is often underestimated by the individ
ual. "My vote is of no consequence,
but, since you wish it, 1 will vote,"
said a man to his neighbor, and the
r?ght candidate was elected by a ma
jority of one. The family which in the
midst of a saturnalio of luxury and ex
travagence refuses to take part in it,
and holds to a simple, moderate, tem
perate way, is diminishing the supply
of Ferdinand Wards and Wall Street
panics. •