Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, August 14, 1884, Image 3
journal. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14TH, 1884 Published by R. A. BUMILLER. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. —The following list of prices will fully show that D. S. Kauffmau & Co , the live merchants, offer the best bar gains in town or surrounding country and that it will pay you to patron ize their popular BARGAIN STORE. Men's Good Suits. $4.00 44 6.00 44 44 " 10.00 44 " *• 12.00 *• • " 15.00 " Good fine Shoes 1.00 44 medium 44 44 1.25 " 44 44 44 1.75 i* a i %k 2 H5 " best " M 8.00 Bovsßest. 44 44 1.25 44 Good 44 44 .. 1.00 44 Best Box 44 2.25 44 Common 44 1.00 Men's Best Hand Made Boots 2.50 44 Kip 41 3.50 Boys' 44 Boots ... 2.50 Youth's 4 * 44 1.25 Ladies Fine Shoes 1.25 44 1.50 " 4 * M0r0cca. ................ 1.75 44 44 44 2.00 • it 2.25 44 " KHI NUNIIIIU"UIR 2.50 44 best 44 4...... 1.00 44 Slippers 1.00 Children's shoes from 25 to 1.75 Misses 44 " 75 44 1.75 Calico Prints marked down to 4 and scent per yd. Ladies' Hose - 10 to 25c. Ties .. 5 " 50 44 44 Shirts 50 "1 00 Delaines * - 5 44 15c Cashmeres 18 44 1.00 Muslins, Appleton A, best 44 Good - 5 44 44 6 44 Fruit of the Loom 9H Best Arbuckle's Coffee 44 Green 44 15 Medium 44 44 12 Granulated Sugar - 8U Best Soft White Sugar- - 7H 44 Brown 44 - o Medium 44 5 Honey Syrups 10 cts p. qt. N. O. Baking - 15 44 44 " Good Rice - 7 44 p. lb. Best Green Tea 55 44 44 44 Good 44 44 —4O 44 44 44 44 Black Tea -.30 4 4 44 44 Coal Oil 10 44 a gal. Queen swaie, In pieces from 1 to 25 ets. 44 44 sets 44 25 44 50 44 Chinaware, 44 44 - 44 1.00 44 3.00 All kinds of Drugs carried in our drug department. Prescriptions filled by experienced salesmen. Also a full line of Patent Medicines always on hand. All summer goods such as Light Shawls, Lap Robes, Fine Lawns and many other articles too numerous to mention sold AT COST. A full line of Rubber Goods just re ceived, which will positivily be sold at the very lowest market figures. We carry a full line ot Canned Fruit which we are selliug off at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. During this pleasant season we have always a full supply of Fresh Green Groceries, such as cabbage, Tomatoes, Melons, Roasting Ears, Peaches. Ap ples, etc. We can also accommodate customers with good Country Lard, Sugar Cured Hams and splendid Shoulders. Pure Apple Juice Vinegar just re ceived from New York. The best made. Remember—Country Produce buys goods just as cheap as cash and we al ways pay the highest home market prices for produce. The question arises, "Why we are selling goods so low ?" We answer- First, because we bought the stock at a figure which enables us to sell low an d still have a reasonable profit. Second ly, we want to make room for an im- ' mense fall stoch. Thirdly, because we buy all our goods for cash, and conse quently get our goods cheaper thanjpar ties who buy on credit. We give our customers the benefit of the discounts made by cash purchases and all this to gether enables us to consistently keep up the reputation of the BARGAIN STORE. N. B. Our goods are always fresh,as onr drayage man takes them directly from the cars and at once delivers them at our store. Very respectfully, D. S. KAUFFMAN & Co. SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. —Blackberries are sold at 5 cents per qt. in this neighborhood. —Bellefonte resembled a bee hiye on Tuesday—convention day. —For first class ice cream go to Eis enhuth's saloon on Main Street. —Since the convention we miss those pleasant gentlemen—the candidates. —Miss Mamie Hall, of Mill Hall, is a visitor of her brother John at this place. —lf nothing happens the yield of the corn and potato crop will be an abun v dant one. —Mrs. Alice Hoover, of Sunbury, was here on a visit to Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Frank. —Two bagpipers treated the Main street residents to some sweet(?)strains of music last week. —We are glad to see that Mrs. Kate Lamey, who had been quite ill for the last few weeks is out again. —The band expect their new helmets end of this week and then they are ieady for their Bellefonte trip. FOR SALE.—A good dwelling house 1R ilfillheim, centrally located. For particulars inquire at this office.' tf FOR SALE. —About one thousand feet of Dry Linn Boards. Inquire at this office. W. tf. —A crowded house listened to the a ble harvest home sermon of Rev. Tom linson in the Luth. church at this place on Sunday evening. —Rev. John Tomlinsou's sale of per sonal property will take place at the Luth; parsonage at Aaronsburg, on Saturday, August 30tb. —Our friend Geo. Buck, has return ed from his matrimonial trip, but alas ! he forgot to bring the bride—to the disappointment of an expectant public. —ln order to close out my stock of wall papers I will sell them at half price. Call at our furniture store,Penn street., Millheim, Pa. E. W. MAUCK. —The workmea are making splendid headway on the rail road from Le mont to Bellefonte and it looks as if trains could ran before many months. —Bellefonte has a very fine Drink ing fountain on the square in front of the court house yard erected by the Women's Christain Temperance Un ion. —On account of the pressure of work on their new church the members of the Ev. congregation have determined not to hold a campinoethig this sum n er. —Mrs. Rose Stam has returned to her western home. Her many friends here miss the pleasant lady, but 110 doubt she was gladly welcomed by her hus band. —Mr. J. R. Van Ormer, of Philadel phia, and wife, who are on a visit to his parents at Bellefonte. spent a day with friends and relatives iu this place. —Mr. Charles Smith and the oilier heiis of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, dec'd, will make sale of the personal property of the decedent, near Woodward on Saturday, August 23rd. —The campaign has fairly begun and very soon the bauds 'll begin to play, ban fires and torch light processiou, will be in full bUst and the boys 'll whoop her up in general. —A notice appears in another col umn which auuounces that jurors drawn for the second week of the Au gust court, need not atteud as there will be no court that week. —Many of the unsuccessful candi didales for county offices have reason to believe that there is a large majority of voters in the county, who went square back on what they had promis ed. —The Ladies Aid Society of the Ev. church, will hold a festiyal in the town hall at Millheim on Saturday, August the 23d, for the benefit of the new church now in course of erection. A liberal patronage solicited. —Millard Mechtly, the well-known boss brick layer arrived in town on Fri day, bringing with him four hands, to lay the brick of the Ev. church. They commenced work on Saturday and the walls are going up rapidly. —Messrs. Bunnell & Aikens, of Bellefonte, delivered a tine upright piauo at Mr. J. W. Suook's, last week. Those gentlemen always do the square thiug to their customers which ac counts for the popularity of their mu sic store. —The announcement that an Evan gelical campmeating would be held in Jacob Gepliart's grove near Millheim is hereby recalled. The Society contem plate purchasing a ground, and arrange it with tabernacle cottages and tents for permanent use. —Mr. E. J. Swavely has severed his connection as local editor of the Cen tre Democrat, and that paper is now published by the following staff : S. T. Shugert & E. L. Orvis, Editors, George P. Bible, Manager. —The Methodists of Aaronsburg were not favored with yery good weath er last Saturday evening for their ice cream festival. They concluded to hold it over on next Saturday, evening when they inyite everybody to attend. —lt is not a good idea for people who want their town to boom, to sit around and wait for somebody to come along and boom it. The citizens of a town must do their own booming, and if they are not disposed to do that much for themselves they are not likely to get much of a boom.— Ex. BUGGY FOR SALE.— The undersign ed offers for sale a good second-handed top buggy. It is the celebrated make of D. B. Krape, of Salona, Pa. Persons wishing to purchase a good buggy at a bargain, should address or call on WM. T. MEYER, At present with J.ll.Musser,Aarons burg, Pa. tf —While at Centre" t Hall the other day we stopped in to see Messrs. Harper & Kreamer, and were well pleased with their fine store and splendid stock of goods they carry. The fact is they are the merchants and naturally command alarge custom. We hope they will continue to be successful. —The corner stone laying of the new Reformed church at Aaronsburg, which was to take place on last Sunday, was on account of the inclement weather postponed until Sunday, August 24th, at 2j o'clock, p. m. Ministers from a distance will be present, and the pub lic are cordially invited to attend. —One of the busiest and most popu lar hotels in Bellefonte, is the Cum mins House, on Bishop street, uuder the good management of Em'l Brown. Mr. Brown makes a kind and consider ate landlord, and always furnishes his guests with the best meals and first class accomodations. Give him a call. —Quite a Dumber of people attended the services held in the M. E. church on Sunday forenoon, conducted by Rev. G. P. R. Sarvis. His text was taken from Revelations II : 10— "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life." He spoke in an earnest and impressive manner and his bearers were deeply touched by his forcible remarks. —Rev. John Tomlinson expects to depart for his new home in Adams county, immediately after his sale on the 30th inst. He will preach his last sermon on Sunday morning, the 31st. Rev. Tomlinson has been laboring faithfully among us and it is with deep rogret that we see bim leave 6ur midst. Our best wishes accompany our es teemed paster to his new field of labor. —Rev. Benj. Hengst, by special re quest of the masons, who laid the foun dation walls of the new Ev. church at this place, preached a sermon m the old church on Friday evening. lie chose "Solomon's temple" for his sub ject. and treated his many hearers to a line discourse. —TESTIMONIALS many times arc cut from the whole cloth, and for every one volutitarely given in praise of a merit orious article an unscrupulous and dis honest manufacturer can write up a dozen tor his worthless products ; hut the following card from the traveler of Sower, Potts & Co , a publishing house known in almost every state in the Union, is so emphatic and to the point that we cannot refrain from giving it in evidence : "Georgetown, Pa. J. A. McDonald, Dear Sir Please forward by express at once one bottle Curtis' Carmelite Cordial to C. P. Camp, Esq., Stroudsburg, Monroe Co, Pa. It cured me so quickly and com pletely last summer that 1 reccouunoiid it highly to all my friends." Single bottle guaranteed to cure any case cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, chol era morbus, sunnnei complaint, cramps or any intestinal irritation whatever,or money refunded in every instance. Should have a place in every household and everv traveller's satchel. JOJIXS TON, HOLLO WAY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. THK PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNTY CONVENTION. —The Democratic Coun ty Convention met in the Court House on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock and was called to order by Chairman P. Gray Meek, of the county convention. On motion, J. L. Spangler, Esq., was made President of the convention. W. K. Alexander was chosen for Reading Clerk, and J. C. Meyer and W. R. Morrison, Secretaries. The roll of the del-gates was then called and nominations being in order, Judge Adam Hoy was nominated for President Judge and on motion the nomination was made unaminous. Hon. A. G. Curtin was then nomin ated for congress by acclamation. Nominations for Associate Judge being next in order, C. Munson and J. J. Lingle were proposed for said of fice. C. Munson received 53 votes on the first ballot, and the nomination made unauimous. The following names were then pro posed for Assembly—J. A. Woodward, D. F. Taylor,Leonard Rhone,F. Kurtz, C. T. Alexander, B. F. Hunter, Dr. P. S. Fisher. The first ballot resulted in the nom ination of John A. Woodward, having received -10 votes. Five more ballots followed, the last ono resulting in Leonard Rliones' nom ination by 49 votes. The next business was the nomin uation of a candidate for sheriff and the following names were presented : S. K. Faust, Miles Walker, George Hof. fer,John Coldren,John Q. Miles, Joseph L. Neff. Five ballots were taken as follows : FIRST BALLOT. Faust - 19 Walker - 17 Hoffer .. •• 4 Coldren ......18 Miles - - 13 Neff - 12 Mr. Miles desired his name withdrawn. SECOND BALLOT. Faust 24 Walker .. 24 Hoffer 3 Coldren .. 21 Neff 11 THIRD BALLOT. Paast - —..24 Walker..— 24 Hoffer .. 2 Coldren .. 21 Neff 11 FOURTH BALLOT. Faust - 30 Walker 29 Coldren 24 FIFTH BALLOT. Fuust 27 Walker. 40 Miles Walker, of Ferguson township, having received the majority of votes was declared the nominee of the con vention. Next in order were the nominations for Prothonotary. Trie names of J. C. Harper, Wm. B. Mingle, and R. G. Brett were proposed and five ballots were taken as follow s : FIRST BALLOT. Harper .. 30 Mingle .. 25 Brett 28 SECOND BALLOT. Harper .. 30 Mingle .25* Brett 28 THIRD BALLOT. Harper ..31 Mingle - 20 Brett 20 FOURTH BALLOT. Harper 30 Mingle - 20 Brett 27 FIFTH BALLOF. Harper .. 39 Brett 44 R. G. Brett, of Ferguson township, was declared duly nominated for pro thonotary. The following names were proposed for the office of treasurer : Charles Smith, J. J. Gramley, J. H. Griffin, tfie first ballot resulting in the nomina tion of Charles Smith, Esq., of Belle fonte. BALLOT. Smith 40 Gramley 20 G rillin 17 A. J. Griest, John Wolf, Joseph Gates, John M. Furey .Jacob P. Shope were then put in nomination for com missioners, with the following result: A. J. Grist 79 John Wolf 74 Gates 10 A. J. Griest and John Wolf being the nominees. Mr. Soioman Peck, of Walker town ship, and Mr. J. A. Dinges, of Roals burg, received the nomination for coun ty auditors. Delegates to the state convention having been chosen, R. M. Magee was made chairman of the couaty commit tee tor 1885. Convention adjourned. LADIES 1 } MEDICAL ADVISER.—A complete Medical Work for Women, handsomely bound in cloth and illus tiated ; postpaid for two-cei t stamps. Tells how to prevent and cure all diseases of the sex, by a ilea t ment at home. Worth i ,s weight in Gold to every lady suffering from any of these diseases. Over 10.000 sold al ready. Address NUNDA PUBLISHING Co., Nunda, N. V. 23-dui. —Millheim was filled with voters last Saturday notwithstanding the con* tinuous rain. The two election polls were well attended and the democratic borough vote was larger than ever be fore at a delegate election—l 26 votes having been cast. Considerable inter est in the outcome of this election was manifested both in the township and in tho borough. —Wo are now going through our stockaml gathering up ivmanants of goods going out of season and placing them on our bargain counter at exactly one half their value. Come quick! Will add new stock each day. Our buyer will go east about September Ist, and as ho will buy for cash exclusively and also for three stores, look out for snow slides ! Dinges, Trumphfeller & Co., Coburn Pa. —ln another column appears the list of teacheis' examinations for 18S4, when our able county superintendent, Prof. D. M. Wolf,will make his rounds and single out the gentlemen most fit for the task of school teaching. It will Dehooye our prospective common school teachers le brush up their intel lectual store of grammar, geography, arithmetic, history and orthography, 30 as to be in good trim by examination day and pass muster. —ANY HOUSEKEEPER who sends at once the names of five married ladies,at same address, and 12 two-cant stamps for postage, will receive/ree for one en tire year, a handsome, entertaining and instructive Domestic Journal, devoted to Fashions, Fancy Work, Decorating, Shopping, Cooking, and Household matters. Best Paper published for La dies. Every Housekeeper wants it. Reg ular price.Sl.oo. Must send now ! Ad drfss DOMESTIC JOURNAL, 28-3 m Nunda, N. Y. Coburn Briefs. Miss Jennie Stahlhecker has opened a millinery and dressmaking store, which adds another improvement to our enterprising young town. An engino with a terrific whistle go ing westward, awoke our people about 3 o'clock op Monday morning. Dinges, Trumphcller & Co., is the new firm that succeeds Dinges, Vona da Sc Co., in the mercantile business. Post Master Grenniuger, and Sam uel Gettig and family, took in the en campment at Gettysburg, and the cit ies of Baltimore and Washington 011 their trip last week. A free bus was run from here to Millbeim an Saturday, carrying Demo crats to the primary elections. Wheat is only 80 cents with prospects of another decline of 5 cts. soon. Some farmers are feeding wheat to their hogs. A number of our citizens attended the county convention 011 Tuesday. On Saturday evening the train killed ajvaluable cow of Mr. Win. Eisenhuth. Z. Rebersburg Locals. Farmers have finished taking away their oats. The crops are good. The Evangelical Sunday School fes tival held for the benefit of their Mite Society, realized about fouity dollars. Harry Landis from Adamsburg,Sny der Co., is here canvassing for a book entitled, "Building and Ruling the Re public." It is an excellent work giv ing the origin of our government. John Bressler brought a stalk of oats to town, measuring six feet, lie says, it is Cleveland and Ilendrick's stalk. Miss Cora Iluber from Logausville is visiting our town. Mrs. Ellen Dubbs left town for Free port, 111., where she expects to make her future home. Miss Rose Brutzman, from Lock Ilaven, is visiting at Mr. Adam Bairs. Deininger & Musser have placed two very neat cottage monuments in our cemetery last week. The one at Mrs. Daniel Walkers graye, the other at that of William J. Barbgus. Woodward Sharps. Mrs. Fisher, from Rock Grove, 111. has been here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Samuel Motz, for the last two weeks, and seems to enjoy her stay in the Keystone state. The building boom has struck Wm. Ettinger. Next ! Quite a frolic at this place on Mon day afternoon. About fifty fishermen had gathered, some from Aaronsburg, under the impression '.that J. C. would draw off the dam for the party. But they were disappointed in their hopes and went home without fish. Gregg Kinmey speaks of keeping hoarders. Water melons at the People's store. Spiiit Leyel is in the dog business. Rev. Sarvis, of the Penns valley charge, will preach in the Woodward church on Sunday, Aug. [24 th, in the afternoon. Hope to see a good turnout. Wairen and Annie were to the pic nic on Saturday. [ Jfucklo started, but was driven back by the weather. BULOVER. —A* n sure remedy for Sick Head ache, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Indi j gestioii, Coesf.•. pation, Torpid Liver, Biliousness &c., 110 medicine is equal to Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. N. 11. Downs' Elixir is the oldest and best, cough remedy in existence. Bruises, j scalds, bun 18, sprains, cuts. &<•., either ! on man or beast, are speedily cured by the use of Hen y & Johnson's Arnica and Oil Liniment. For Sale at Spigelmyei's, Millbeim and Madisonbnrg oni WAN AIIOUTTOWN ORNERVES- That the brick work on the new E vungelical church is getting along nicely. That our catnpmeeting ought not to have been a fuiluie. That every democrat in tiio county should stand by the decision of the convention and vote the straight dem ocratic ticket from county auditor to president. That with liio present disaffection in Republican elides, the Democrats with a strong, united effort can place the Keystone state within their ranks. That the foul lie, started by the Re publicans about Grover Cleveland, has recoiled on it infamous authors and will make him stronger than ever in his native state. That the would-be president Widow Butler is nothing but a blatant dema gogue. That death had visited many famil ies in this vicinity within the past few weeks. That coming events cast their shad ows before" and that the earthquake on Sunday in the east was only a shad ow of the one that will on the 4th of November shako up the Republican party of this country. That fishing excursions in the seven mountains aie not very profitable. Re ferred to F. P. Musser. That our town should now have a Cleveland anil Hendricks Club. That Frank Henderson, of Watkins, N. V., placed his cognomen on the Millheim hotel register last Friday. That the editor of the Centre Report er must have been wrongly informed a bout the death of Mr. Samuel Gardner, recently. The truth is,he was twenty four years of ago, died at Madisonburg and from hemorrhage of the lungs. That in his opinion in the Kansas e lection—St. John against the demijohn —the demijohn will win. —The G. A. R.encampment at Belle fonte, to begin next Saturday, Aug. 1G is expected to be a grand affair and there will be an immense crowd of peo ple from al parts of the country present to witness the occasion. The annexed programme,taken from the Watchman, will siiow that the encampment is go ing to be a big tiling wortli seeing and enjoying: On Saturday, August, lfth if tlie trains bringing the comrades from Philadelphia and Pittsburg get here at one time the reception parade will take place at that time; if not a certain hour in the p. m. of the day will be fixed for the parade. Due [notice will be given of the time. Services in the camp Sunday a. m. by the Chaplain of the department. Dress parade in the evening. Monday, excursion to Point McCoy, dress parade in the evening. All night grand "Masquerade Ball" in the Ar mcry by Post 51 of Philadelphia. It will be a fine affair and will be at tended by all the best people who aie fond of dancing and enjoying themselves 111 that way. Tuesday, excursion to Snow Shoe 011 the R. R. via the famous Switchback and also to the Pennsvalley Caves by wagon and carriage. At night sham battle, with cannon and fire works. Wednesday, the 45th regiment reun ion,and the business meeting of the de partment. Thursday any programme suiting the visitors.Camp will break up on Friday p. m. Foot ball every day except Sunday, dress parade eyery day. Open air concerts by the celebrated Weccacco band of Philadelphia every evening until 9 o'clock,except Tuesday, that being the niglit of the sham battle. Tents,fuel,light and straw free to all. Boarding 25cts per meal on the ground, at number one hotels SI.OO to $2.00 per day. Boarding houses $1.25 to $1.50 per day, water in plenty 011 the ground. —At a meeting of the General Coun cil of the Evangelical Lutheran Churcli of the Aaronsburg charge, held in the St. John's Lutheran Churcli at Mill heim, Aug. 9th, A. D. 1884, the follow ing resolutions were presented by Bro. W. F. Stover and unainmously adopt ed : WHEREAS, our much esteemed past tor Rev. Bro. John Tomlinson saw fit through the providence of God to hand to the Church Council his resignation as 'pastor of the Aaronsburg charge, Therefor be it resolved,that it is with deep regret that we received his resigna tion; that during his pastorate of ten vears and five months in our midst the relation between members and pastor were of the most social and friendly character; and that we take great pleas ure in having the opportunity to ex press our highest appreciation of his conduct as a citizen, and christian character as a preacher of the Gospel while in our midst. Therefor we can most cheerfully tes tify to'his great worth as a faithful minister in God's vineyard, and while we deeply feel our loss,the brothers and sisters of his new chai ge receivtva great gain. Resolved that the above resolutions be recorded in our minute book, and a copy of the same sent to the Lutheran Observer and Millheim Journal for pub lication. 11. E. DUCK, Sec. G. C. Millheim,Centre Co.,Pa.,Aug. 9,1854. MARRIED. On the 7th, the residence of the bride's parents in Rebersburg, by Kev. F. Aurand, Dr. Geo. S. Frank to Miss Melissa G. Miller, both of Rebersburg, Pa. On the 10th iust., by the same, at the Luth. parsonage, Rebersburg, Mr. John Confer to Miss Lydia Dornian, both of Miles towuship, Centre Co., Pa. I 'JYYAYYAYYAYYAYMSIYAMAAYAAYA -HARD II BEAT yyi.y:tyy a'j AAA A . VA'-jofuoaaaa AAA G. W. EARTER'S 'J'.i'JJUa'JJJJJIJU'JJ-JUUZi-J'J'J'jrjaU New Confectioneries! yyyyyyyyyyyyyayuuayaaayyyy Largest Stock anfl Finest Selections! usaHaaQaaanayaytjaataaaaanaoo FRESH GROCERIES! * J yaaaaauaaaaaauaaQaaaaaaaa RECEIVED 'MOST EVERY DAY! yjyyyyayyyyyyyyyayyy'jayyaa COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN AT THE HIGHEST HOME MARKET PRICES! yyyayyyyyyyyayyyyyyayayyya CALL AND SEE 1 yyyyyyyyyyyyyaayyyayyaauaa —IT- WILL—PA Y—YOU ! yuyyyyyyyyyyayyaaaayyaaaaa G. W. HARTER, ÜByaaaaaaaaayaaHaaaaaaaaaa Main St., opposite Bank, Millheim,Pa aaoaaaaaaaaoaaaaßaaaaaaaa CATAB R H Hay Fever Is a t FP® of catarrh Hcl c LY b, having peculiar WfLRFAEiI R symptoms. It i* at ■r/i'™! D rVdDI tended by an lnflam- IN1 ~<' condition of the ■ *Hrjtnl membrane of ■ the nostrils, tear- WUivrrurrj u5 ducts and throat, af rHAYFfcV£Rm£ fecting the lungs. An |fr y <s*yfsw acrid mucus issecre tsfc*' <V £mted. the discharge is Up / accompanied with a KM, ' r rV gm painful burning sen sat ion. There are se /SNO vere spasms of sneez- AV'l ing.frequent attacks USA | or blinding head- Bfim.—> ' 1 ache, a wattery and HAY-EEVER ,UD -UTEUJIIU! Ely's Cream Balm Is a remedy founded on a correct diagnosis of this disease and can be de pended upon. 50 cts. at druggists: 60 cts. by mail, wain pie bottle by mail 10 cts ELY BUGS, Druggists, Owego, N. Y. I rrreoiiimond to those suffering (asl have) with Hay Fever, Eyl's 'ream Balm, T have tried nearly all the remedies.and give tins a de cided preference over them all. It has given me immediate relief.— C T. STEPUKSS, Hard ware Merchant, Ithaca, N. Y. FAY'S CELEBRATED! WATER-PROOF MANILLA ROOFINGI Ruwimblea fine leather, for Roofs, Outride ■ Walla, and Inside in niace of plaster. Very ■ atrong and durable. Catalogue with tertimo- ■ niala and samples FRKK. Established 1866. ■ W. H. FAV& CO., Cnmden, N. J.I Spring & Summer, hsluhibt, t TBMMfm® &XD NeTIOMSl s E'VEK/YTIIIITO NEW ! LATEST STYLES IN LADIES', Misses and Children's HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. Bowrm PMI€EB m mvmmi TWI#G. |mcs, | mbroidmcs, trimmings, §illts, |ibbon& In all the new Styles and Shades. AS USUAL, WE ■ ■ .:i" i; :>• i- ,iS> CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD i -BY :. ' f : , :l' ■> ANY FIRM IN THIS SECTION RESPECTFULLY, - ' , s. Mitmaiß, njf MARKET STREET, LEITISBURGH, PA. 7000!! mmWANTEICSXI to sell the only offlefal Biogrnnhlyii f CLEVELAND ijra By Ex-Gov. Dorsheimer, of N. Y.,Memhfr of. If. S. Congress, and Hon. w. U.Hensel Cftafrtiuin 01 Bern. Mat* torn, of Pa.—intimate friends of C. and If. IT I* the most RBIIABLK, interesting and Itlchly ILLUSTRATED. heuce in iMMmßapeDa M ANI>. Agent* nre COINING MONEY. It has fine BTKEL PORTRAITS, BRLLB KASTHsT and pay HRHT, lie ware of unreliable, catchpenny books. Write to HUBBARD BOS., Put*., rhiiadelplh*, I'J. AGENTS WANTED—For the Lives of BLAINE & CLEVELAND & i LOGAN, HENDRICKS- In 1 vol by TWK nox. In 1 vol by Hon A Barnuui. Tho Best and Cheapest. Each vok. fiOO page< fit .50. 50 per cent to Agents. Outfita/rec. Ad dross , HARTFORD PUBLISHING CO , Hartford Conn. 31 4t MM? 1 M M HOOK in T^T^rpoarttreaflMwltli a AU Hi J3I X © surprise that is unexampled In what 1H now for the first time of fered by the I II KB Aft Y DEVOLUTION. Home of the libest standard la books of the world,superbly illustrated,richly bouhd. retailed at iimei* fraction of former prices. pIG DIB. WHINI* and exclusive territory D given good agents. 106-page catalogue free. Write quick. .JOHN B. ALDER, Publisher, 393 Pearl St., New York. 27-*t 5000!! AWESTS WAITED^rSt to sell the Firat Authentic Biographic* of BLAINE & LOGAN By the eminent scholars, H. J. RAMBDFLL and BEN PKItLEY POOoE. lhe_people demand this work, because the most Reliable, Com plete, Interesting and Richly Illustrat ed. It contains nearly 600 pp: fine steel por traits. Will be first out, sell fastest, and pay biggest profits. Beware of unreliable catchpenny hooks. Write at once to HUBBARDBROS. 723 (MnntSLPAilaila. PA— Outfits are ready. Send 5o e. for one and save time. 27-4* S3OO A MONTH for AGENTS fIW PT A T\TT? Bnd I-044AM. Com- J3jL|xYJLJ3I Jjj piete Official. Tliustra ted LIKE OF THE REPUBLICAN'S CHOICE, BY JUDGE BUKL. assisted,by the Editor of the Ken neitec Journal and Blaine s Private Beere tary. Cloth $2.00. CLEVELAND lIENDRIt'XS, by COL FRANK TMPLHTT. Our books are beyond all competlon In Authorship, Illustrations, Paper and Binding; Prospectus Free to actual Canvassers. Special terms to those ordering from adlstance. Also ready the hit of the year. MY WIFE'S FOOL OF A HUSBAND ! . WITH 175 ENGRAVINGS, BV WILLIAMS. S^NO MOUE DULL TIMES! Write for Circulars now. W. H. 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