Undressing Little Ned. 'Where is 'Whisky Bill,' who used to drive that old white horse in front of a twenty-five cent express wagon V repeated the man,in tones of surprise. 'Yes.' •Well, now it's a curious case,' he slowly continued. 'We all thought he'd gone to the dogs for sure, for he was drinking a pint of whisky a day, but a few months ago lie braced right up, stopped drinking, and now I hear he's in good business,and saving mon ey. It beats all, for the last time I saw him he seemed underground.' When you go home at night and find that all is well with your own flesh and blood, do you go to sleep reasoning that the rest of the ' world must take care for itself ? Do you ever shut your eyes and call upon the hundreds of faces you have met dur ing the day, aud wonder if the pale ness of death will cover any of them before the morrow ? When you haye once been attracted to a face, even if it be a stranger's, do you let it drop from memory with your dreams, or do you call it up again as night comes down, and hope it may loose none of its brightness in the whirling mists of time ? 'So, 'Whiskey Bill' was hunted down. An inquiry here and there fi nally traced him to a little brown cot tage on a by-street. He sat 011 the step in the twilight, a burly, broad shouldered man of fifty, and in the bouse three or four children gathered around the lamp to look over a picture book. 'Yes, they used to call me 'Whisky Bill' down town,' he replied, as he moved along and made room; 'but it is weeks since I heard that name. Xo wonder they think me dead, for I've not set eyes on the old crowd for months, and I don't want to for months to come. 'Tljey tell me you have quit drink ing. One could see that by your face.' 'I hope so. I haven't touched a drop since February. Before that I was half drunk, day and day out, and more of a brute than a man. I don't mind saying that my wife's death set me to thinking, but I didn't stop my liquor. God forgive me, but I was drunk when she died, half drunk at the grave, and I meant to go on a reg ular spree that night. I w r as low down, sir, but I was not-better than a brute those days.' 'And so you left your motherless children at home and went out and got drunk V 'No, I said I meant to,-but I didn't. The poor things were crying all day, and after coming home from the burial I thought to get 'em tucked away in bed before I went out. Drunk or so ber, I never struck one of 'em a blow, and they never ran from me when I staggered home. There's four of 'em In there, and the youngest isn't quite four years yet. I got the older ones in bed all right, and then came little Ned. He had cried himself to sleep, and he called for mother as soon as I woke him. Until that night I had never had that boy on my knee, to say nothing of putting him to bed, and you can guess these big fingers made slow work with the hooks and but tons. Every minuto he kept saying mother didn't do that way, and the big children were hiding their heads under the quilts to drown their sobs. When I had his clothes off and his night-gown on, I was ashamed and put him down,and when the oldest saw tears in my ©yes and jumped out of bed to put her arms arouDd my neck I dropped the name of 'Whisky Bill' right then and forever.' 'And little Ned.' 'Mebbe I'd have weakened but for him,' replied the man as he wiped his eyes. 'After I got the child's night gown on, what did he do but kneel right down beside me and wait for me to say the Lord's Player to him ! Why, sir,you might have knocked me down with a feather ! There I was, mother and father to him, and I couldn't say four words of that prayer to save my life! He waited and wait ed for me to begin, as his mother al ways had, and the big children were waiting, and when I took him in my arms and kissed him, I called upon Heaven that my life .should change from that hour. And so it did, sir, and I've been trying hard to lead a sober, honest life. God helping me,no one shall call me 'Whisky Bill'again.' The four children, little Ned in his night-gown, came out for a good night kiss, and the boy cuddled in his father's arms for a moment and said : 'Good-night, pa—good-night every body in the world—good-night, ma, up in Heaven—and don't put out the light 'till we get to sleep— 3l. Quad. In some places a broken-down front gate, produced in court, furnishes all the evidence a pretty girl needs to in sure a fayorable verdict in a breach of promise suit. AOTICF. TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night, and broken of your rest by a siek child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth 1 If so, send at once and get a bottle of Atus. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STROP FOK CHILDREN TKKTIUNG. Its valuo is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend uixm it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It euros dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates tho stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, ro duces intlammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and Is the nreseription of one of the oldest and best female nursers and physici ans in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout tho world. Price 25 conks a bottle. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER. To All Wanting Employment. We want Live, Energetic an Capable Agents in every county in the United States and Can ada, to sell a patent article of great merit, ON ITS MERITS. An article having a large sale, paying over 100 per cent, profit, having no competition, and on which the agent is protect ed In the exclusive sale by a deed given for each and every county he may secure from us. With all these advantages to our agents, and the fact that it is an article that can l>e sold to every houseowner, it might not he necessary to make an "EXIKAORIHNARY OFFER" to secure good a trents at once, but we have o • pled to make It to show, not only our conk > u, the merits of our invention, hut in its * iiauiiit\ by any a gent that will handle it with energy." Our a gents now at work are making from $l5O to SUOO a month clear, and this fact makes it safe for. us to make our offer to all who are out of em ployment. Any agent that will give our busi ness a thirty days' trial and fail to clear at least #IOO in this time, ABOVE AM, EXPENSES can re turn all goods unsold to us and we will refund the money paid for them- Any agent or Gen eral Agent who would iike ten or more counties and work them through sub-agents for ninety days, and fail to clear at least *750 ABOVE ALL EXPENSES, can return all unsold and get their money back. Noother employer of agents ever dared to make such offers, nor would we if wo did not know that we have agents now making more that double the amount we guarrnnteed, and but two sales a day wouldglve a profit of over #l-1 a month, and t hat one of our agents took eighteen orders in one day. Cur large tie scrlptlve circulars explain our offer fully, and these we wish to send to every one out of em ployment who will send us three one-cent stamps tor postage Send at once and secure the agency in time for the boom,and go to work on the terms named in our extraordinary offer. We wonid like to have the address of alftho a gents, sewing machine solicitors and carpen ters in the country, and ask any reader of lids papei who reads this offer.to send us at once the name and address of all such they know. Ad dress at once, or you will loose the best chance ever offered to those out of employment to make money. RKNNKR MANUFACTURING CO., 166.smithfield St., l'ittsbu rg, Pa. jpENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Term begins Jan. -1, 18811. This institution is located In one of the most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following courses of study: 1. A Full Classical Course of Four Years. 2. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years, a. A Latin Scientific Course. 4. The following SPECIAL COURSES, of two years each rollowing the first two years of theSclentiflc Course (a) AGRICULTURE ; (b) NATURAL HISTORY; (c) CHEMIS TRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGIN EERING. а. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. б. A short SPECIAL CoUltsE in Chemistry. 7. A Classical aud Scientific Preparatory Course. 8. SPECIAL COCSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board aud incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Princi pal. For Catalogues, or other informationaddress GEO. W. ATHKRTON, PRESIDENT, lyr STATE COLLEGE, CENTRE CO., Pa D. I. BROWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINY/ARE, &c„ Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. done at short notice by practical workmen. ♦ ■■ Spouting a Specialty Shop on Main St., opposite Tomlinson NfiLLHEIM PA. WANTED— LADIES TO TAKE OUUNE \V fancy work at their homes, in city or count ry, aoda>aru 86 to 812 per week, making goods for our Fall and Winter trade. Send 15 cents for sample and particulars. HUDSON MFG. CO. 267 SIXTH AVE.. NEW YORK. PATENTS. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, D.C. All busi ness connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly at tended to. No charge made unless a patent is secured. Send for circular. tf CUT THIS OUT! A MAKE S sls IS S4O WEEK. We have stores in 15 leading Cities, from which our agents obtain their supplies quickly. Our Factories, and Principal (MIICCH arc at Krie, Pa. Staid for our New Cutaloßue and terms to amenta Address MM fi I 6,3 s P r,n £ Carden St. t ill LVH'LEBL PHILADELPHIA,PA* g'.NITARIUM. Riverside, Cal. The dry climate cures; ose.Throat,Lungs. full idea, 36 p., route, cost, free. MARRIAGPfSIpj CAll that the doubtful curious or thoughtful want to? Jkno <7, Cloth and giltbindiarGO cts, paper 25c, Mar-J jricge Guide. 144 p 15c, seat sealed, money or stas.bi DR. WHITTSER 1 >The great specialist, NervouaDobmty, >to Marriage, Consultation and Pamphlet free. i. VW V-V-V J JJIL A. W, ITAFKU, Surgeon & Dentist. Office on Pcnn Street, South of Lnth. church MILLHEIM, PA JD U. MUSSER, JEWELER. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. All work neatly and promptly Exe cuted. Shop on Main Stroot, Millheim, Pa. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stock in tho county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTIILEITS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK IIAVEN^ H There is no escnso for suffering from I CONSTIPATION I? and other diseases that follow a dis ■ ored state of the Stomach and How- 9 jffl els, when the use of | DR. HENRY BAXTER'S I Imaidrakg bit® Will give Immediate relief. After constipution follows ij Biliousness, Dyspepsia,! lilndigestion, Diseases ofl gjthe Kidneys, Torpid Liverl I Rheumatism, Dizziness,! | Sick Headache, Loss ofH Lj Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-1 ioplexy, Palpitations,! g Eruptions and Skin Dis-| H eases, etc., °f Which theseN || Bitters will speedily euro by removing thecatur. FM H Keep tho Stomach, Botrel*, and Digettice Organ* ■3 ,n Qd working order, and perfect Ileal til M U will bo tho rosult. LADLES NK< L others sub- H joet to SICK Hoadach© will find relief H M and permanent euro by tho uso of these Bitter# N R Being tonic and mildly purgative they B G PURIFY THE BLOOD. I Prico 25 cts. per bottle. For solo by n'.L dealers in medicine. SEND FJ MFL address for pamphlet, free, giving full directions. E? M HESRV, JOHSSOJ & LOW),Preps., Burlington, VL H iIBW^TP Imn Levers, Bteel Barings, Brass TARE BEAM. fl JOXES, BE PAYS TBS Fttktour. I A Fol.l on trl.L WtrranU 0 YWUTT. -AU TLIO. U low- H 1:3 Vur free book, sdJrcs. Q 7 J JOKES QF BINGHAMTOM, ./ BUiUUXUG, X. T Vick's Floral Guide. For 1881 IN nn Kcgnnt Book oflso I'ngCN 3 Colored I'atcN of Flower s ami Vcgc tables,ami more than 1007 il lustration* of the choicest Flowers, Fhints a ml Vegetables and Directions for crowing. It is handsome e nough for tlie Center Table as a Holiday I'res ent. Send on your name and l'ost office ad dress, with 10 cents, and 1 will send you a copy postage paid. This is mt a quarter of its cost It is printed in both hngllsh ami Germ in. If you afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 cts Vick's Seed are tlie licht In the World ! The FLORAL GUIDE will tell how to get and grow th em. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 175 Pa ges, 6 Colored flat >s, 5> i Engravings. For 50 cents in paper covers; SI.OO in elegant cloth. In German or English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazines—32 Pa ges.a Colored l'iate in every number and many tine Engravings. Price $1.25 a year ; Five Con ies for $5.00. Specimen Numbers sent for lo cents ; 3 trial copies for 25 cents. JAMES VICK, tf ROCHESTER, N. Y. Steam Bending Shops, {FARMERS' MILLS, I'A.} All kinds of bending in wood done on short notice. Orders filled for —IR/TIMIS— of all sizes, and of the l>cs t material Bob Sled Runners, Shafts, Bent Hounds, Plow Handles Phaeton Buggy Reaches. > Send lor price list. Orders lyniail promptly attended to. All work guaranteed. J. B. REAM & m. DOG- CHEAP Not wanting a Dog, Eeuti for a c A. r r aloguc of Newspapers and Magazines that club with the FAMILY Stop Thief Scale—capacity, 1 oz. to 10 lbs. Price, §l.so—whereby you get a Newspaper 2J*OXIL iISTOTIOuXIXrcSr S Yddrcss, JONES OF &£ftGHAi\STOti, BINOHAMTOH, N. Y. SIOOO REWARD,^ ,;„L; Por wj machine bulling and rlcnri!n* lit lor : \'/, 3 ~ , v ,, . market aainucL Clover Socd iu one /'' v V / - 0 ViiaiU-.l FREE. " ~ ('. - NEWARK MACHINE LU ' < NEWAEK. a JHYI IMK F* H RLIAS LUBK. F. I). TJTSF. Elias Luss li Son's PLACING BJILL, In Iho roav of the Kv. Chinch, IVII Street MILLHEIM, PA. ALL KINDS OF PLANING MILL WOKK. SUCH" as Doors, Window Frames & Sash, Shutters & Blinds, Siding, Brackets, Stair Rails, Balustrades, Verandahs, AND ALL STYLES OF Gr mudo to order Ht the most reasonable price*. A share or public patronage respectfully HO llciteil. 3fi-ly D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, A.ARONSBURG, Chamber Suits, bureaus, Lounges Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs. Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Ilair Matresses, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Speciality. A share of the public patronage re spectfully solicited. 30-1 y U.S. STANDARD. I 5 TON JfINFS WAGON SCALES, b bbAJw' Irou Lavr*. Siecl Urartu,;., llr.aa OJ? Tare ilaam ami Ilrani Bo*, bkghamtok S6O and JOKKB lie paya tUrln-lßtit— (or frea Price Lt.t mention thla pa|xtr ami . JONES OF IIN6HANITON. £ilo*Ua>atua, N.l. rjuiE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with Good &*essmS and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tastg Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. JOKTES BINCHAMTON .. £ for lint of Nowspcpcr the "j ONES IV SCALe| ■■■ iii Scales? 0 HS WEALTH! fwn M s \ i:n. l. tvi-xps nkhvu and isuain tseatjikxt, a I Mi-c!flel >- K).! 7J!1; C.'IIV .llfiwUi, JUfff, > ■ian Nctii.'lni.i. Ue:iachß. limmu IVoHratlon rii-.-.| lyllie u.'f Of ul-olml of te iut., W-ik-fuiiuMi.. Mental 1) - Sort.ialng r.r the Biiin ivnu'ilnr in iii.anliv ninj tear! ax taaUaarjr, deay nd dwtb; Prematura i:j Are, nnone, 1,0j3 of I'nACr In eltlir nex. Involuntary Lobeoj m l Si.ii nrnt .rrh tn rus-I L-y ti .n of tho Itrcin, •c!! nuaf oro-.vr-ia<]u>gen>o, fcarti Imx ro;i lulus one mouth's tivatnunt j (l Los, or rtx Luxes for £,>, xvut l>y mail uva lialJ on ivt eij v ,f price. V/£ CUARAMTIZS Gil* DOXCC To r'tr.i anvrive. X7 th erh or.ler r:r'r I (17 ub for r!- I"'X08, liccorapaiiiotl with !?.", wo will asm* tiu purchaser our \v I ttt-n (naratitee toreltu: I tha numey if the troaiiu.ut t'.ocj it t rir-rt a cure. onarfH-elaßHei| only Ly KISXMt & MLXDKIiSOX, Sr-lt .eeetreei.Phl'a.lolph'a.Pt. 1,., itwki T* 8 1 1,1 .''trat. 'l vajfet.itlj i.'oocj I'nrifli r. It Immoillvtr'r fl j i""ivs Ileadnt nt., ( a<:Hti,.aU.>n, Parities the 8k! t. JlilLl H or.vwhero Opon receipt oi io cento. Unsurpasaed for I Chiidron. ejsner & WIENDELSON, | 320 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. I MILLHEIM MARIM WORKS A The Oldest, s The Largest, The Cheapest, Most Reliable Establishment, in this part of Pennsylvania. Monuments, Tablets and Headstones, manufactured in the most artistic style and of the best material. AIL work warranted' and put up in the most substan tial manner. I'WOur prices are so low that it wilt pay persons in need of malvbc work to give us a call. DEININGER & MUSSER proprietors Shops east of Bridge, Main St., Millheim, Pa. mm DOWNS' ELIXIR.KSM I N.H. DOWNS' I Vegetable Balsamic IELIXIRI For the cure of I Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, B 9 Cronp, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, p B Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, M and nil diseases of tho Throat, Chest, and Hj Lungs. In all cases where this Elixir is Kj used its efficacy Is at onco manifested, con m vincing tho mcst incredulous that g CONSUMPTION £ - ~1 Is not iiicuraldo, if properly attended to.— 3S m At its commencement it is but a slight irrita- 6® -J* tion of tho raembrano which covers tho Lungs; ss thou an inflamatiou, when tho cough is rather dry, local fevor,and the pulso more frequent,tho chocks flushed and chills more common. This g"" Elixir In curing tho above complaints, opor- S* atcs so a3 to remove all morbid irrita- MB lions and inlic.matton from the lungs I to the surface, and Anally expel them from HB 9 tho system. It facilitates expectoration. I It heals tho ulcerated surfaces B I and relieves the cough and makes tho breath- B| ling easy. It supports tho Btrcmiih and nt the BBS M same time reduces the fever, it i.i free from I strong opiate and astringent articles, which are Hj ■ of so drying a nature as to be in great danger of H| I destroying tho patient; whereas this medicine H I never dries or stops the cough, but, by remov- ■ B ing tho cat'se, consequently, when the cough 9H iis cured the patient is well. Send address for BB gig pamphlet giving full directions, free. gO Prioo 35 cts., 50 cts., and SI .00 por bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE. p3 nESKY, JOIISSOI & LORD, Props., Burlington, Tt. B ■■■DOWNS' ELIXIR.IIRI SEND TO 3"O]MES BIN^HA^JON tho' JONEs"scALE Price List o BUNNEIL& AIKEN, Bellefonte Ag'ts. 3M&IPE ORGAN TONE. W Address, CLOUCH & WARREN ORGAN CO., Detroit,Mich. Lewisliarg M Tyrone flailroai Time Me. LEAVE WESTWARD. 13 5 7® A. M. A. M. P. M. P. Me P. X Montendon 7On 9.40 2i05 6.00 7.55 Lewis burg 7.25 1005 2.2 D Fair <}rouQd..—7.3o 10.13 2.25 Weill 7.40 10.27 2.35 Vicksburg 7.45 10.36 2.40 Miffliuburg (LOOarll.OO ar 2.55 le. 3 o5 Millmont 8.22 3.28 Laurel ton ...8.33 3.40 Wikerltua .8.57 4.06 Cherry Ituu 9.15 4,25 Fowler 9.35 4.47 Coburn ~ 9.48 5.04 Spring Sf ills ar 10.15 ar. 5.30 LEAVE EASTWARD. ;a 4 6 H 10 A. M. P. M. Soring Mills..— ft.so 1.50 Coburn - 618 2.20 Fowler 6.28 2.33 Cherry Run..— 6.48 2.55 Wlker Run...— 7.05 3.15 Liureltou . ~ 7230 3.40 Millmont...—. 7.40 3.52 A. M. Mifflin burg s 8.00 11.4,5 4.15 P. M. vieksburjf 8.15 12.10*, 4.32 Biehl 8.20 12.17 4.38 Fair (bound A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.48 P.M. Lewisburg 6.35 8.4.5 12-50 5.10 7.30 Montandon ar. 6.45ar.9.00ar 1.05ar.5.20ar 7.40 No*. l and 2 connect at Montandon with Erie Mail West ; 3 and 4 with Sea Shore Express East: 5 and 6 with Day Express and Niagara Express West; 7 and 8 with Fast Line West; 9 ami 10 with Willianigport Accommodation East. |L— FOR MAN ANO BEAST. I ZTHE BEST I EXTERNAL ui remedy! Si liiouiiii, •P NEURALGIA, = CHAMPS, , i Sprains, Bruises, £StAB3 —■• ' . ■ ■ * Burns and Scalds, nsnJ Belt(lea,Btebul, Frosted Feet and j Ears, and all other *-Sv .s'" Pains and Aches. r . J It is a safe, sure, and |4 4 effectual Remedy forH Galls, Strains, Scratches, 8 Sores, &c.; on HORSES. One trial will prove its I CLmP merits. Its effects are infl most cases INSTANTANEOUS. g * t Every bottle warranted toH give satisfaction. Send ed-n GBsmi dress for pamphlet, free, giv- g n ing full directions for the ■ 1 treatment of above diseases. SI I Uh Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. perß H bottle. Sold everywhere. I Deary, Johason k Lord, Proprietors, B ■< " * v "' t ( Biriiiftoa, ft Warrfinted tlio moat perfect Foree.ls\ti ForiUUer Drill In exi.trnre. Send for cir cular, A. 11. lARQI tIAB, l'orlt, l';i. Pennsylvania Agricultural Pa. STEAM ENGINES, A. B. FAHQUHAR, York Pa Oieapeat antl besS for .It pur- I • pos.'H —,iiraj)le,tro!ig anJ du- tfc?' - S ruble. Saw, Gitusr Millo b, .w— f&ks. and Maoiiikxiiy rcncrally. x ~ Inquirius promptly BtuJ lorl'Juetratcd CatalogTtelja l ,*'- it Vertical Engines,with or . S\ witnuut wheels, very r>2 - H VP ronvcnlont,economical (fs \ fee 2.a . j j and complete In every g Of 13 detail, best and cheapest VZ a * ffl, VertteA in tho |||^ the FABQUHAR'SEPARATOR it ready for market. _ Address A. B. FAHQUBAR, York, Fa, FASWHAB ZSTSTODS CO2S PLAITTEB Warranted tho best corn dropper and most 1 M. iDHM BULL'S Sfflitl'sloiSynip FOR THE CURE OF FEVERandACUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, UNO Ul MALARIAL DISEASES. The proprietor of this celebrated medi cine justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies over offered to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT euro of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. Ho refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are strictly followed and carried out. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, ana in every case more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases. Usu ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dose of BULL'S VE3ETA3IE FAMILY PILLS will be suf ficiert. BULL'S SASS APABILLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of die blood and Scrofulous affections—the Xing of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORK DESTROYER is prepared in the form of candy drops, attractive to the sight and pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPAmLLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, The Popular Romedios of the Day. Pi lurijiJ era re, SSI X&lnSt., LOUISVILLE, KT- D.S.MORGAN&C3. MASTTACTUJUt TITS j DURABLE LIGHT DRAFT ' Triumph Eeapers AND THE NOISELESS New Clipper Mower. The TRIUMPH REAPERS are equaled for simplicity in construction, care of inanagomcnL light weight, durability aaJ go-xl working capacity in all conditions of grain. The NEW CLIPPER has nil tho advantages of tho OLD CLIPPER MOWER with many valuable improvements. Send fob liavtrattd CntrrLAK. GOOD AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied territory, D. S. RIORGSSS £ CO., Brookport ?^onrOßCo.)^.Y, i ——• THE Buchanan Wind Mill UNEXCELLED FOR Nh BEAUTY, DURABILITY M LIGHT RUNNING. flj^l New method of attach- ii\ THE MOST POWERFUL JKjj DURA BLE ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. lie sure to aond for our new Catalogue before bajlcg, BUOHAHAH W!B MIL 00., BUC HA74AW, MICHSCAM. suoaaßs .i\-i ..-Ijf JSfrbJ 0 % Kjt In Ciscaws oitl.i r.i. : etc-..—Xcrrons SebUty, Vcpoicu.'Y, Q trials V.f. ~ Gftcorrhcwv, Syphilitic ai.tj ■cfccrtai AiT;-! : .£anvntinstc&niCS send lbtir address,fv V.acd icr.-a UEsetMa-to II: I.- tdvaUi've. Itbnot* trass.Jr Address Or. C. T . J.auD.iMK. r-oVtrnl Phnldu la Chrr-s Control f:rt.f.rr-.-. ,* laoowf a!„ SLLoalvHo. Saeciiiorij. r. i-'ouj i-V.w.sz.7. Established KO Ycub. THIS PAPER El' Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Sprues street),where adver- dmbubs now NEW. YORK-