I The Great Desert. Ri A Graphic Picture of Fearful It; Scenes in Sahara. t A traveller who has journeyed a- I cross the great Sahara desert in Afri ! ca, thus describes in the New Orleans I Times the terrible scenes that he wit | nessed : Riding five hundred metres II ill advance of our little troop, the S horseman who acts as guide directs jB our way over the dead level of the I dismal solitude. For the last ten f minuses he kept his horso at a walk, i sitting motionless in his saddlo, and r singing in his own tongue a melan || choly, long-drawn chant; with siugu f larities of Oriental rhyme. We imi ■ tate his 'pace. Then all of a sudden / he starts off at a trot, standing in his ■ stirrups erect, with his great bum |; our floating behind him. And we all f trot after him, until he draws rein a | gain to re-commence a gentle pace. I ask niy comrade .♦ |i. "How can he guide us through these naked wastes without a single i| mark to show the way ?" * But he answered : || "There are only the bones of cam- I els." | And in fact, every quarter of an | hour, we came across some enormous I bone gnawed by beasts, cooked by I the sun—all white, in strong relief a ■ gainst the sand. Sometimes it was | part of a leg, sometimes part of a jaw, I sometimes a part of the vertebral col li umn. Tho caravans leave behind r. them every animal they cannot keep up; and the jackale do not carry all | the remains away, k And for several days we continued , this monotonous voyage,always in the saddle, always behind the same Arab, almost without speaking. Now,one afternoon, as we were ap . preaching Bou-Saada, I saw, far off, before us, a great dark mass, made larger by the mirage,—the form of which* astonished me. At our approach 5 two vultures flew away. It was a ear ■ cass, still slimp in spite of the heat, — S glossy as though varnished, with put rid blood. The chest alone remained; the limbs had doubtless been torn off and carried away by the voracious de vourers of the dead. "Ah! There are travelers ahead of us !'* said the lieutenant. Some hours later we entered a ra vine, a sort of a defile, a frightful fur nace, bordered by huge rocks toothed like a saw—sharp, pointed, ragged, rabid, in revolt, as it were against the implacably ferocious sky. Another corpse was lying there. And a jackal that had been devouring it flew away. Then, we passed out of the ra vine, a gray heap of something before ua moved; and siowly, at the end of a [ disproportionately long neck, I saw he head of an agonizing camel rise up. He was lying there —and had been lying for three or four days, per haps—on his side, dying of fatigue and thirst. His long members, that seemed inert, broken, all mixed up to gether, were stretched upon the fiery soft. And, hearing us coming, he had lifted up his head, like a light-house His forehead, already gnawed by the sun,was but one wound—one running sore ; and his resigned gaze followed us. He did not utter a moan, did not make the least effort to rise. One would have thought, that he had seen •o many of his brothers die in their long voyages through desolation he knew to well the merciless of man. Now it was his turn—that was all! And we passed on. qßut when I looked back a long,long time afterward, I saw still rising up . 4 from the sand the lofty neck of the abandoned beast,watching to the end the last living creatures he could ever """St £"* & m' " behold, passing beyond the horizon. An hour later it was a dog, crouch ing close to a rock, with jaws wide o pen and fangs glittering, incapable of moving a paw, with eyes fixed upon two vultures who sat not far off,plum ing themselves while waiting for his death. He was so possessed with ter ror of those terribly patient birds, waiting for his flesh, that ho nevar turned his head, and did not even feel the stones that a saphi flung at him. And, suddenly at the outlet of a nother defile, I saw the oasis before me. It was an apparition never to be forgotten. One has traversed endless plains, climbed mountains all craggy, bald, calcined, without ever seeing a tree, a plant; a single green leaf, and lo !•—right before you, at your very If feet, is an opaque mass of sombre verdure—as it were/ a lake of foliage extending upon the sand. Then, further on, the desert recommences, lengthening infinitely to the indefinable horizon where it mixes with the sky. Says the Scientific American : "In consequence of the increasing number of grave-yard desecrations, the genius of the inventor has been incited to de- Yiee means for their defeat. Among the most recent patterns is one for the ' coffin torpedo,which consists of a can ister containing powder, halls and a firing trigger so arranged that on placing the torpedo within the coffin, and finally closing the lid, should any attempt be made to open the coffin the torpedo will be instantly exploded, a noise like thunder ensue, and deadly balls will fly in all directions. pBNNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Term beirins Jan. -1,1884. This institution is located In one of the most beautiful ami healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, ana offers the following courses of study: 1. A Full Classical Course of Four Years. 2. A Full Seientille Course of Four Years. :i. A Latin Helen title Course. 4. The following SPECIAL COUKSNB, of two years each following the first two years <>f the Scientific Course (a) AtJUICI I I.TU it K ; (b) NATURAL HISTORY; (el CIIKMIS TRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL KNGI.V EKRINO. f>. A short SPKCIAI. COl RSK in Agriculture. 6. A short SPECIAL CtiURSF in Chemistry. 7. A Classical and Seientille Preparatory Course. 8. SPECIAL COUSES are arranged to meet the WMlts of individual students. Military drill is hundred. Expenses for hoard and incidentals very low. Tuition free. " Young ladies undercharge of a competent lady Princi pal. For Catalogues, or other informaliomuldress GEO. W. ATHKRTON, PKESIDKNT, lyr STATE tou.EoK, CKNTUECO., Pa THE SEWING MACHINE WORLD ReTOlutioaized by the Introdaction of the WHITE SEWING MACHINE, The King of all Sewing Machines. Conceded by all experts to be the finest ma chine ever placed on the market. The only machine in the world with an AUTOMATIC BOBBIN BINDER, with which a CHILD can wind a bobbin as evenly as a spool of cotton is wound. The ONLY Machine with a Practical Embroiderer, with which BEAUTiriILWOBKcan be done The ONLY Machine with a ITEM STITCHING ATTACHMENT. The "WHITE ' has a Self-Setting Xcedte, Self- Threading throughout, All Bearing Adjustable> Case Hardened and of Steel. The "WHITE" has no Coo WHEELS, which are only used in the cheaper grades of machines, therefore soon become noisy aud uard-ruuning. Be sure aiul —EXAMINE THE WHlTE— before buying a sewing machine. ALL KINDS OF SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED A T REASON A RLE RA PES. 4®-OILS, NEEDLES AND ATTACHMENTS always on hand. I also keep the Best Quality of LADIES',MISSES' I CHILDREN'S FIXE SEWED PRESS SHOES. C. G. BRIGHT, Agent, AARONSBURG, PA. iitii i i i i D I. BROWN, DEALER IN Y * Y STOVES, I - v .. , HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE, &c„ I ' i • m ♦ Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. K&JT' Repairing done at short notice by practical workmen. Spouting a Specialty Shop on Main St., opposite Tomlinson MILLHEIM PA. CUT THIS OUT! A ISAKE S SI 5 IO S4O WE"K. We have stores in 15 leading Cities, from which our agents obtain their supplies quickly. Our Factories and Principal OHicci* are at Erie, Pa. Send for our New Catalogue and terms to agents Address MIJ I flllCl I 913 Spring Carden St. I HI LUF TLL PHILADELPHIA,PA. YTTANTED-LADIES TO TAKE OUR NEW T V fancy work at their homes, iu city or count ry, for our Fall and Winter trade. Send 15 cents for sample and particulars. HUDSON MFG. CO. 267 Sixth AVK., NEW YORK. p 11. MUSSEIt, JEWELER. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. A! 1 work neatly and promptly Exe cuted. Shop on Main Street, Millheim, Pa. A.W. II AFLU, Surgeon & Oculist. Office on Penn Street, South of Lutli. church. MILLHEIM, I'A A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stock In the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, TIIE BOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN^ I There is no exenso for suffering from I CONSTIPATION and other diseases that follow a dis- B j$ ored state of the Stomach and Bow- ■ ■ els, when the use of DR. HENRY BAXTERS | MUME SITTERS Will give immediate relief. After constipation follows Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver Rheumatism, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Loss of ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-i Boplexy, Palpitations, H Eruptions and Skin Dls - 3eases, etc., all of which these! jSI Hitters will speedily euro bj removing the cum*. Keep the Stomach, Bowels, aud bigertieo Organs Din good trorkiug order, and pcrlect hraltll MB al will bo tho result. LadiOS Dj fcingravlngs. For 50 cents in paper covers; id.oo in elegant cloth. In German or English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazines—32 Pa ges.a Colored Plate in every number and many fine Engravings. Price *1.25 a year : Five Con ies for s>.oo. Specimen Numbers sent for 10 cents ; 3 trial copies for 25 cents. JAMES VICK, tf ROCHESTER, N. Y. Steam Rending Shops, ( FARMERS' .MILLS, I'A. } All kinds of bending in wood done on short notice. Orders filled for —ttT'JULS— of all sizes, and of the best material. Bob Sled Runners, Shafts, Bent Hounds, Plow Handles, Phaeton Buggy Reaches. Send for price list. Orders by mail promptly attended to. All work guaranteed. J. 15. REAM & SON. DOCS- OjtSSjSwiE 3 Not wanting a Dog, scad for a O A. T alogne of Newspapers and Magazines flint clol) with in B i, 1am l IIjY Stop Thief Sealc—capacity, 1 oz. to 10 lbs. I nee, sl.so—whereby you get a Newspaper L 3XTO> 3 Z i X2:X3KrcS- I Address, JOKES OF EIKGHAWITOM, BIN-QUA JITON, N. Y. 81000 REWARD^ For any machine hulliujC and fit for VflU liun imiVf market m much Clorcr 6ed in una /vLvl_/ v r Puapblat NfWARK MACHINE Co.%7fAhr\ NEWARK, a -firfhfr^"-^' iOAV ELIAS LUSK. F. I>. LUSF. Elias Lusc & Son's fLAKING JJJILL, In the roar of th* Fv. Cl.uicb, IVn Street millheim, pa. ALL KINDS OF PLANING MILL WOKK. SUCH* AS Doors, Window Frames & Sash, Shutters & Blinds, Siding, Brackets, Stair Rails, Balustrades, Verandahs, AND ALU STYLES OF IMZOTTLZDHnTO made to order at the most reasonable prices. A share of public paironiip.e respectfully so# Uctted. 36-ly D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, A.ARONSBURG, IP A. Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or.Wood Seat Chairs. Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Ilair Matrasses, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Speciality. A share of the public patronage re spectfully solicited. 30-ly U.S.STANQARD. C TON JONES WAGON SCALES, WUA 'Mttr I l ull Lavora, Start lirarlhr*. llt.M QP" I Tare De*m and Beam llui, BkGHAMTDM S6D and JONKS hn )*>• ttiefrelffht—KM !ir y k'rtoo Lint mention this pier *twl J 1 udicJONCS OF BINOHAMTON, lVIh i M (linsliuuteu, N.l. rjuiE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now snjgdied with Goon^HESSES and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. ! LETT Ell HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tastg Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. jroivrss jr-sA* binchamton Prom i urns giveijrvvhh HEALTHS WEALTH! 7 C ,T' i- ■av '-'j Dir. i:. c. '.vim's ;.'i:*:VE ami mum teatxket. a Riierni'.| ii|teriUe |.r lt>*t> >. i. V !t •<; 1t ... /(• KCI VKUS Kmraljria. llMilarl'n, Nitvocm i'u. iliatl .il ri. -i- .t l-ytlm of atrolinl or tatweo, V-'aicofHlm T.J'-i t.'-l I'— pr.KHlnii.ffotenhig cfi'ie Drain I i.. ulll j teaiting t Kiaerjf, I'-cnv ;•.! Li-nt:. ; l'r.-ire ill,, Oil .1 p, Barii'iineiw. Lo,-.i of P-'" er • > lli..r*ex. luv<>: jm.ry I.us. j Miit .rrtma cauaetl I'" ovvr -yori!. i. ~f i|, 3 t.ra?:i, •eli-m.q*,, „ r oi-rr-friluicexco. Fnrh t-.>x r.in taina ll C ", we v.'ill <„•;. d 'I..- y>i-' it--. . ru.* vrittrq guarantee to reiund too .loi.ry t.-o tn\a*iluttin not ofT-ct a cure. Onarn'it.-i". Insiuot only by tISXKR JinXDKLSON", 320 lii i-a Ftreet. riilladolplda, Pa. 1 " zz r 1 I n.e oetabruted v.-Kutablu lllcod l'nrid. r. 11 Irrrmodlitc!y V B cures Ha(Ja!:i.o, Constlpntion, I'-jriliea the Sill Jd:iil< il ;j I anvvvliore coon receipt oi SH Hnsuroaseed ibr 3 j Children. EI3KER m MENDELSCN, ij j 320 Race Strant, Philadolphla, Fa. g MILLHEIM MARSLE WORKS The Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, Most Reliable Establishment. in thin part of Fcnusylvftula. Monuments, Tablets and Headstones, manufactured in the most ailistio style and of the best material. All work warranted and pat up in the most substan tial manner. lOur prices arc so low that it will pay persons in need of marble work to give us a call. DEININGER & MUSSER proprietors Shops cast of Bridge, Main St., Millheim, Pa. E ■DOWNS' ELIXIRJBan I. H. DOWNS' 1 Vegetable Balsamic ELIXIR For the cure of mmptioa, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, I ip, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, I lensa, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, ■ ill dLeases oftho Throat, Chest, aud H if/.s. luall cases where this Elixir is B * used its efficacy 1? Nt onco manifested, con- g rnmrn vincing the most incrodulous that O iS CONSUMPTION £ is not incurable, if properly attended to.— 32 m At its commencement It is but a slight irrita- 09 09 tion of tho membrane which covers the Lungs; 32 then an infiamation, when tho cough is rather dry, local fever,and the pulse more frequent,the O chocks flushed and chills more common. This Elixir in curing tho abovo complaints, oper lates so as 1o remove all morbid irrita- ■■ tioua and inilamatlou from the lungs B to the surfaco, and finally expel thorn from fl tho system. It facilitates expectoration. It heals the ulcerated surfaces and relieves tho cough and makes tho breath-H ing easy. It supports the strength and at the H same time reduces tho fover. 11 is free from B strong opiate and astringent articles, which are of so drying a nature as to bo in great danger of B ■ destroying tho patient; whereas this medicine B B uover dries or stops tho cough, but, by remov- B B >ng the CAUSE, consequently, when the cough H Dis cured the pationt is well. Send address for B B pamphlet giving full directions, free. ■p l'lico 35 cts., 50 cts. ; and SI.OO per bottle. ■■ SOLD EVEUYWIIERE. 1 IIESRY, JOBS SOS & LORD, Props., Barlington.Tt. 1 ■■■DOWNS' ELIXSR.SBbH aroiJraaei BIN^AMJON anfree Price Liet o s. * ' " - ' W* W — Address, CLOUCH Sl WARREN ORCAW CO , Detroit,Mich. Lcwislinrg. and Tyrone Railroad Time Table. LEAVE WESTWARD. 13 5 7 9 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M Montandon 7 (ft 9.40 2.05 (i.OO 7.55 Luwisburg 7.26 10 05 2.20 KiUr Ground 7 M 10.13 2.25 Rielil 7.40 10.27 2..r> Vlcksburg 7.45 16.36 2.40 Miflliaburg 8. OOar 11.00 ar 2.55 It*. &o5 Mlllmont 1.....8.22 3.28 Laurel ton 8.33 A4O Wiker Run 8.57 4.06 Cherry Run 9.15 4.25 Fowler - 9.35 4.47 Coburn - 9.48 5.01 Spring M il Is *r 10.15 ar.5.30 LEAVE EASTWARD. .2 4 6 8 10 A. M. P. M. Spring Mi 115..... 5.50 1.50 .Coburn 6 18 2.20 Ko ler ('>.2B 2.33 Cherry ltun.... 6.48 2.65 Wlker Run...— 7.05 -3,15 L iureilou..... - 7.30 3.40 Mlllmont 7.40 3.52 A. M. Mini in burg..... 8.00 11.45 4.15 P. M. Vleksburg 8.15 12.10 4-32 lfiehl 820 12.17 4.38 Fair Giouud A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.48 P.M. Lewlsburg 6.35 8.45 12.60 5.10 7.30 Montandon ar. 6.45ar.9.00ar 1.05ar.5.20ar 7.40 Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Montandon with Erie Mall West; 3 ana 4 with Sea Shore Express East: 5 and 6 with Day Express and Niagara Express West; 7 and 8 with Fast Line West: 9 and 10 with Williaiusport Accommodation bust. FOR MAN AND BEAST. SJP THE BEST mtam v EXTERNAL * SJJ REMEDY FOR dK RHEUMATISM, v NEURALGIA, = CRAMPS, J Sprains, Bruises, - Burns and Scalds, bhJ SflitiM, Fieheke, Frosted Feet and OZars, and all other Pains and Aches. It Is a safe, sure , and effectual Remedy for Galls, Strains, Scratches, Sores, fte.,* on HORSES. Bk One trial will prove its merits. Its effects are in most cases INSTANTANEOUS. Every bottle warranted to give snthsfaction. Send ad gj m aress for pamphlet, free.giv g ... tng fall ilirectiona for the ■ MPP treatment of above diseases. ■ ■■■■■ Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. per bottle. Sold everywhere. ■ rfSf Henry, Johnson k Lord, Proprietors, Borllngtoa, ti. Y.'nrrnnte4 the mood Mrftet VSiM*Feed Fertilizer Drill in ciiMcnoo. Send for cir. vtilcr, A. 11. lAnQMIAIt, Fork. Pa. Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, Pa. STEAM ENGINES, A. E. FAEQU2AR, York Pa Cheapest aud beat for .1! pur- i p., strong and tfu- i ralJe. Saw, Guutr Suud lor Illustrated Catalogue '• 7 ssaSiii " , Vertical Engines, with or . . IJL without wheels, very" j f —. a 9 H C y convenient, economical po 3.? . W and complete In every §S = s tj detail, bent and c hen peat -31 V ~ 3 THE F.4EQUIIAR SEPARATOR Ad-JretsA. B. FAHQUZAB, Tort, Pa. PABaUHAS 2E73T01T3 CORK PLAETES Warranted tbo beat com dropper and most force-feed fertlizer distributor lu the DR. JOHN BULL'S Smith'sToiiicSyriiD FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. , The proprietor of this celebrated medi cine justly claipis for ita superiority over all remedies ever oSared to the public for the SAFE, CEBTAIIT, SPEEDY and PEB MAKENT cure of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether Of short or long stand ing. He refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no oass whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are strictly fallowed and oarried out. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every ease more certain to cure, If its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases. Usu ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be suf ficient. BULL'S 3ARSAPAMLLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Serofalouß affections—the King of Blood Purifiers. EE. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WOE* DESTROYED is prepared in the form of candy drops, attractive to the sight and pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN BULL'S , SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SABSAPARIU.A, - BULL'S WORN DESTROYER, The Remedies of tlw Day. Pl inci;al 031ce, SSI I2 sin St., LOUISVILLE, AT -O.S. MORGAN & GO, UAHOTACTTOT TOT DURABLE LIGHT DRAFT Triumph Reapers AND THB NOISELESS New Clipper Mower. The TRIUMPH REAPERS are uneqnaled fo* simplicity in construction, esse of management, light weight, durability and good working capacity in all conditions of grain. Tho NEW CLIPPER has all the advantages of the OLD CLIPPER MOWER with many valuable Improvements, • rizjfo ron lixtrsnuTZD Cmctrua. GOOD AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied territory. D. S. MORGAN & CO., 1 Brockport,Monro©Co„N.Ya THE Buchanan Wind Mill BUUTT, mimm jflt Hew method of attach* MM <'n a THE MOST POWEBFUL El twe naa-wft ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. Bo sure to send for our new Catalogue before bo, tag, BUCHANAN WIND MILL CO., SUGNAMAM, MICHIGAN. PdjSkl4 und iluaex.—Xervon* DcbllUj-, Vnpotenrr, flrpUft Vsllcr i, 'Gonarrliaa, SrphllUie and Hcreurial ACcetioa-. treatmeut; soft aud turo wmo(li<. Deionnidoo Tccatod. Call or write for list of questions to be answered by those deiiriug treatment by mall. gPereoa* freßr-rlasrroin Hoptcre nhouid send tfcelraddreoa.% qand loarn scicoth'.ns to their ai!vantage. It U not n Addre.ii Pr. C. L. LaPICOK, I'rest and Pkyalelna fat Charm Central Hed. ft Snrv. In-tlttrte.B3o Lornxt t- St. Limit, It, Puccefcwr to Dr. Dutts' Dlspem>ary. tftibllitft SO Yearn, THIS PAPER a P r Advertising Bureau (W Sprnotj Street),where adver- mipnaaa aooaaau NEW. YORK-