Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, June 05, 1884, Image 2

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    • jjlp jtiUl|Dm Journal.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
dmrcHSnnia" School Directory.
Revs. B. Hengst', and J. B. Pox, Prcach's
Rev. B. Hengst will preach next Sunday even
Sunday School, ZERBV, Supt.
Missionary Society meets on the third Mon"
day evening of each month.
Method St.
Bets. G. P. R. Sarvis, Preacher-in-charge.
Sunday School at 10J-4 A. M.— D. A Musser, Sup't
Rev. Zwingtl A. Yearick, Pastor.
Rev. Yearick wi 11 preach at Auronsburg next
Sunday morning.
Mite society meets regularly on the first Tues
dav evening of eacli mouth.
United Brethren.
Preaching next Sunday morning.
Rev. J. O. W. Herald, Preacher-in-charge.
Sunday School.9 A.M.— J. G. \Y. Herald Sunt.
Rev. John Tbmlinson, Pastor.—
Sunday School at 9 A.M.— H. K. Duck, Supt
The Augsburg Bible Class meets every Sun
Ladies' Mite Society meets on the first Mon
day evening of each month.
Rev. IT. K. Poster. Pastor.
Loip & Societ' Directory.
Mlliheim Lodge, No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets In
heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening.
Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on
or before the full moon of each month.
C.W. HAKTMAN, Sec. E w. MAVCK. N. G.
Providence Grange, No. 217 P. of H., meetsin
Alexander s block on the second Saturday or
each month at p - M - Jl,, d on the fourth Sa
turday of each mouth at IS p. M.
D. L.ZERBT, Sec. T. G. F.UHARD,Master.
The MtUheim B. & L. Association meets in
the Penn street school house on the evening qf
the second Monday of each month.
A. WALTRK. Sec, D. L. ZKUBT, Trest.
The Miltheim Cornet Band meets in the
Town Hall ou Monday ami Thursday evenings.
of Pennsylvania.
[Subject to the decision of the Democratic Na
tional Convention,]
Richard Vaux. I B J McGarnn.
H B Plummet ,
1. John Slaviu, 15. Gerrge S Tardy,
2. JP J Sensendorf, 16. P K Ackley,
S. John W Lee, 17. John P Levan,
4. Herbert J Horn. 18. Ezra D Packer.
5. Richard L Wright, 19. K W Mmnma.
6. John H Brinton, 20. A H Dill,
7. \Nm Stabler. 21. Frank P James,
8. Chas F Rentschler, 22. JK P Duff,
9. H M North, [23. John Swan,
10. Harry G Stiles, 24. A B Wlntemitz,
11. A J nroadhead, |25. Johu H Hill,
12. F y Rockafellovv, 29. Wm A Funnier,
13. No choice, * [27. A J Greenfield.
]4. George H Irvin. 1
- • A tie vote between Michael Bead and Rich
ard Kohn.
of Bucks county.
Democratic County Committee for
Beliefonte N. W James A. M'Claln.
" S.W Al Gannau.
'■ W.W James Schofield.
Howard .... A. Weber.
Milesburg Dr. W. C. Grove.
Millheim James C. Smith
Philipsburg Ist W J. N. Cassanova.
•' 2d W J. O. Lorakie.
3d W John M. Holt
Unionville P. McDonald.
Benner.— ——. Wm. H. Close.
Boggs S——. Frank Adams.
" N—— George Brown.
Burnside—........ . H. M. Meeker.
College...--..- W. H. Tibtens.
Curtin— John McClockey,
Ferguson E. P Peter Lanck.
R . W. P Levi Walker.
Gregg 8- -2 Luther Risiiel.
" N John hossmau.
Haines E. P M. Feidier.
*' W. P.——. George Bower.
Halfmoon D. J. Gates.
H arris - Jacob weaver, Jr.
Howard.——. Geo. D Johnson.
Huston— Charles Murray.
Liberty.. Frank Brown.
Marion —. John Hov. Jr.
Miles Peter S. Beirly.
Patton Robert Reed.
Penn..—Andrew Campbell
Potter N. P- —. Dr. John F. Alexander.
" 8. P Joseph Gilland.
RushS. P-.——. John O'NeiL
** N.P— John Long.
Bnow Shoe N. P Edgar Holt.
" - 8. P
Spring John Gerbrick.
Wlor - B. V. Fink.
Union ——— Sam'l K. Emerick.
Walker..—— Sol. Peck.
Worth.—.—— Wm. Lewis.
The JotUncing are the prices charaed for an
nouncements in this paper: Sheriff. *5.00 •
Prathonotary, *5.00; Treasurer, $5.00 -.Register.
$4.00,* all other office#, $.3.00.
We are requested to announce Adam Hov', of
Beliefonte,as a candidate for the office of P'resi
dent Judge in the 49th Judicial District.subject
to democratic usages.
We are authorized to announce CHARLES
SMITH, of Beliefonte as a candidate for County
Treasurer, subject to the decision of the demo
cratic eounty convention.
We are authorized to announce I). M. NEID
IGH. of Ferguson township, as a candidate for
sheriff, subject to the decision of the democrat
ic county convention.
We are authorized to announce S. K. FAUST.
of Miles township, as a candidate for sheriff,
subject to the decision of th e democratic coun
ty convention.
We are authorized to announce MILKS WALK
**of Ferguson Township as a candidate for
Sheriff, subject to the decision of the democrat
ic county convention.
We are authorized to announce W. B. MIN
OLg.of Centre Hall,as a candidate for Prothono
tary, subject to the decision of the democratic
county convention.
We are authorized to announce J.J. Lingle.of
Philipsburg,as a candidate for Associate Judge,
subject to the decision of the democratic coun -
ty convention.
THE Republican Presidential Con
vention at Chicago on last Tuesday
was called to order at 12.24, and elect
ed John R. Lynch as chairman of the
body. The convention adjourned un
til yesterday (Wednesday) 11 o'clock,
a. m. As we go to press too early to
catch the result of the convention, we
must defer the publication of the pro
ceedings until next issue.
Arrest of John O. Eno.
, John C. Eno was arrested on Satur
day evening, May 31st, at Quebec, on
board the Dominion steamer Vancouv
er, which sailed for Liverpool on Sun
day. Detective Fahey has been on his
track since Friday last, following him
from Ottawa to Toronto, Montreal and
Quebec. He arrived at Montreal on
Thursday, and put up at a private
boarding house under the name of Mc-
proceedings of the hist Democratic State
Convention, in Allentown, April 0 lias
been published by the State Committee.
It is a pamphlet of 20 pages, uniform in
appearance with the similar publi
cation for 1883. Single copies can lie
had 011 application (with enclosure of
two two cent stamps), to W. C. II EN
SEL, Chairman, Lancaster Fa.
THE banking house of D. W. Middle
town A Co., in Washington assigned
for the benefit of its creditors on May
31st. The capital stock of the bank
was $40,000.
From our Regular Correspondent.
WASIISNOTON, I). C., June 2,1884.
Tilings seem to be working admira
bly" for a grand explosion at Chicago
this week, and when the pieces come
down old John Sherman is going to be
on hand to gather them up. T have
thought all along that there was some
thing in the air,when John affected indif
ference while the eyes of the rest of the
party were upon Chicago. Believe me
when I tell you that the wily old coon
has made at ttie bottom of every family
quarrel that has happened among the
Republican leaders for the last four
years, and now it is at his instigation
that Gorham, the Cheap John.of the
Stalwart phalanax, has gone to Chica
go to kicK up a muss between the ad
herents of Arthur and Edmunds and
Logan. Chandler, the hitrh-cock-a-lor
urn of the Cabinet, and Frank Ilatton,
by whose kind permission the world re
volves, have both gone to Chicago in
the interest of Mr. Arthur first,
and the man who promises most after
wards—and he is John Sherman. The
status of the Blaine movement is one of
the surprises of politics and politicians.
It is of the Irishman's flea order .and it
won't lie discovered until it hops up at
Chicago and surprises Blaine himself.
By the way, I saw the inexorable Jim
to-day upon the street, looking as com
placent as anybody who is'nt a candi
Ohio wool couldn't save poor McKin
ley after all. By a majority of 58 the
House jerked his seat from under him
and gave it to Wallace, the contestant,
who gave a better showing for his title
than is ordinarily the case in these con
tests for Congressional honors. With
in three hours after the vote was taken,
McKinley was on his way to Ohio,
with clentehed fists aud teeth grating.
Mac did yeoman service and a good
deal of dirty work for his party in the
last Congress, but in this he has scarce
ly been heard from. PHONO.
A Prison Keeper Murdered.
The Shocking Tragedy at the East
em Penitentiary on Saturday.
ing murder under singular circumstan
ces was committed yesterday morning
at the Eastern Penitentiary, of which
one of the widely known keepers was
the victim. A fe.v minutes before 9,
as Overseer Farley was making a round
of the cell yards, he was terrified as he
passed over the yard door of cell A. 14-
83, to see the prostrate body of Keeper
Michael F. Doram in a pool of his own
Such a ghastly sight was calculated
to inspire the utmost terror, and Mr.
Farley summoned a number of prison
officials,who found no 'difficulty in get
ting into the cell yard, but could not
force an entrance into the cell itself.
Poor Doran was found, upon investi
gation, to be about to breathe his last.
It was at once suspecttd that the in
mate of the cell, James Taylor, had
committed the crime, and the officers
attempted to get into the cell by the
door leading to the yard, where the dy
ing keeper was breathing his last. The
cell door was found to be fastened on
the inside. Through the barred win
dow, however,could be Seen the crouch
ing figure of Taylor, who refused to say
a word m reply to questions addressed
to him.
A detachment was sent around to
the door of the cell opening on the main
corridor, where an entrance was easily
made and Taylor captured without re
sistance. At ten o'clock Doran died at
the hospital of the piison ,and the coro
ner was summoned.
Taylor's record is a very bad one. He
was a member of the old Reading hdse
gang and was considered a violent pris
oner. He is twenty-eight years old and
is'under a sentence of two years and
ten months for aggravated assault.
Michael F. Doran, the murdered
keeper, was 42 years old and was well
built. He was well known throughout
the city and during Coroner Gilbert's
official term served as bis clerk and
four years ago, in 1880, ran for police
magistrate on the county democratic
ticket. lie leaves a wife and six chil
dren at his home, No, 1750 Warnock
SHOWS.— The great shows of L. W.
Wasburn & Robert Hunting having
been consolidated fortius season, thus
making one of the largest and grand
est shows in America, as their shows
before united were two of the leading
shows of America. This great consol
idation will be in this borough Thursday
June 12th. The menagerie contains
numerous cages of rare animals. The
great black elephant being a great feat
ure which is by far a greater curiosity
than a white Elephant.
The museum contains many curiosi-"
ties, and Sergt. John Mason the would
be slayer of the assassin of our great
martyred President, Garfield, will hold
receptions in his tent. In the circus,
although large enough for three rings
contains but one, as a person can only
! look at one ring at a time. In this large
I ling will be seen the best performance
j ever given by any show. Among the ;
I performers are M. Robert Whittaker,
the champion hare back rider of the
world, who was with Forepaugh last
year. Also the daring equestrienne.
Miss Lizzie Keys. The Hunting's,
Robert and Clarice, the tinest trapeze
performers in the world. Reomer and
Lurouk, Bariium's $5,000 challenge
horizontal bar performers, and lift y
other performers, the best in the circus
profession. In speaking of this show,
the Keystone Courier, of Connelsydie,
Pa. says:
"Nearly live thousand people were a
greeably surprised last Friday, by the
performance ef the Washburn A: Hunt
ing circus. The circus performance
was the best ever seen in this city, and
we have had Foregatigh and Harnuii).
Roemer and Lerouk came in for the
greatest applause, they being the favor
ites. Wo hope Messrs. Washburn A
Hunting success, as they deserve it."
Don't forget the date, Thursday, June
12th. (J rami street parade at 11 o'clock,
on day of show. Usual price of ad
Frost has frozen the corn in many
Pink eye is prevailing among our
Fishing parties visit our town six
nights every week and yet tlnre are
plenty of fish left.
Pennsylvania Railroad officials spe nt
several (Dys fishing in the mountains
below Coburn. They appeared to en
joy themselves and well they could.
—DRUGGISTS as a rule are ex
tremely jealous and careful of the hon
or of their profession, and are 'otli to
praise a medicine which they do not
from personal knowledge know to lie a
meritorious article. They all agree,
however, that for smalluess of dose,
easiness to take, and effectiveness as a
worm destroyer, McDonald's Celebrat
ed Woim Powders are the best and
most desireable vermifuge in their
stock, and do not hesitate to recom
mend them. Dissatisfied buyers can
have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
CAI'TION.— The undersigned hereby cautions
all persons not to sell or trust his chi hlren
Daniel Ling and Sadie Louisa Long, 011 his no
count, as he will pay 110 debts contracted by
them after this date. LEY! LONG.
Madisonuurg. May 29th, ISM. 22-Jt
TATE.—The undersigned offers his
property, one mile soutliwest of reun liall, at
private sale.
It contains one and three fourth acres of
ground, with a (ioau, TWO-STORY DWELLING
HOUSE,STABLE and all other necessary out
buildings erected thereon.
A never-fulling well of excellent lime-stone
water and an orchard of all kinds of fruit on the
For forms and particulars apply to
1). I*. HECK MAX,
tf Penn Wall, l'a.
administration on Use estate of Jacob
Steffee. late of Miles township. Centre Co.. Pa.,
deceased.having been grunted to the undersign
ed. ail persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate are hereby requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims ugulnst
the same to present them duly authenticated by
law for settlement. SAMUEL FRANK.
Rebersburg. May 29th, KM. Administrator.
AND PREVIOUS YEARS.—Notice is hereby
given that in purmiuuce of an Act of Assembly,
passed on the 12th day of June. A. I>. ISIS, en
titled "An Act to amend an Act, directing the
mode of selling unseated lands in Centre coun
ty," and the several supplements thereto, there
will be exposed to publie sale or outcry,*the fol
lowing tracts of unseated lands in said county
for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the
Court House, in the borough of Beliefonte, on
Monday, June 9th, A. I>. 1884, at one o'clock, p.
58 Hoi mas, Robt 2 04
100 Dale, Christ Sr~
143 Dale, Ann, part 14 27
383 13 Frazier,Noloroa 25 83
43-3 103 Fishburn.llannah 41 91
433 103 Gray. Win 38 95
431 137 Godfrey, Martha 45 12
433 103 Harvey. Jonathan 28 86
418 40 Hood, Win 42 86
431 40 Hood, Moses 33 87
181 Lucas, J M & J P Packer 24 60
433 163 Lewis, David 43 55
300 M'Coy, Frank 30 30
50 Paker A Lucas 5 04
438 5*4 Russel, Win 31 13
433 lt>B Itussel, Thomas 29 42
50 Walker, Jon. (owner) 4 50
46 Leathers, Jacob, (owner) 211
383 163 Weiss. Michael 29 69
415 Black, James ... 934
433 163 Brady, Robt 19 44
433 16.3 Brady, Win 1' 9 72
433 163 Brady, John 9 72
433 I<>3 Bell, Wm 12 96
433 153 Bingham. Win ~.. 56 99
415 Boyd,John ]3 67
433 163 Byers. John 19 59
4.33 16-3 Cook. Win 19 44
' 433 103 Cowdon, John 12 96
4:13 163 Dewart, Win 6 48
433 163 Dewart, John 6 48
J. 33 163 Doneliy, Henry 648
43.3 163 Doneliy, John 12 66
4.33 163 Fox, Samuel M 12 96
433 103 Gray, Robt 6 48
433 163 Gray, Win 6 48
433 163 Grant, Thomas 12 90
433 163 Graves, Alex 12S><3
433 163 Gobeu, Charles 648
433 163 Hamilton, Thomas. 12 96 ■
140 Harris, Henry 12 60 •
4.3.3 153 Harrison. Geo 19 52
433 163 House). John 12 96
433 153 Hunt, Person 45 47
433 163 Kidd, John 10 35
415 Levy, Nathaniel 12 4.3
433 163 Lyon, John 12 96
433 153 AlcLanahan, Blair 19 52
433 153 McLanahun, Geo 45 47
4:5:1 15.3 AlcLanahan, Polly 45 46
4:5:5 15.3 AlcLanahan, Ann 45 40
433 150 Alead, Geo 64 93
*2OO Aliller, Wlll 600
4-33 163 Morris. Joseph 12 96
433 153 Nicholson, Jobu— 38 98
233 153 Pettit, And 39 47
4:5.3 16.3 Shaffer, Henry 12 96
415 Tall man, Barah M 12 4.3
4:5:5 15.3 Tench, Francis.. 32 54
4.5.3 163 Towers .James {172
415 Thomas, Joseph 12 43 '
415 Wallace, Joseph 9.34
4.'t's 163 Wallace,.Joseph 12 96
415 Weitzel, John 11 47
415 Wehlner, Jacob 37 23
123 Wheeler, Henry 366 '
4:5:3 163 Wilson, Bird 12 86
204 Wjthlngton, Martin .3 0.5 *
421 .Johnston, Boss 1543 •"
434 Ainsley, Robt 50 6*9 •
415 Allen,Chas 50 90 4
376 Baird, Samuel 38 35 t
185 Brady, Win P 37 92
3y7 Carscadden. D 45 78
337 Coats, Lindley 23 00 <
150 Custer, Paul 13 74
30 Curtin, John .3 98
200 120 Carscadden, D. 14 60 4
311 Delia veil, Peter % 52 82 4
106 Devling, Joseph 12 40 4
434 Devliug, Joseph 50 78 4
135 Donald, Henry 113 60 4
311 Evans, Cadwalder 52 82 j
415 Elliot, Will 70 44 4
415 Eddy, Ester 82 84 •.
448 99 Epple.And 73 38
415 Gray, Robt 64 24 4
415 Gray, Wm 64 24 4
415 Gilbert, Wm 82 90 4
; ~ Dodfrev,Martha 83 on
V ( J H- Godfrey, John W 44 10
V?" Hahn, Peter 12 24
V" llahn, Susan 04 24
Hollowell, Kit 1120
'J'- Humphrey, Thomas 14 47
Irvln, James :12
• ss,l ?4 . Jumho, .Joseph 60 80
1 4" ; l Kelso, Rebecca 00 IK
460 Kelso, Joseph 48 (Nl
f** Lane. Mary 33 20
1 ;><) Lane, Sara 11 44 50
U'J, . Levy. Nathaniel 8290
h.-i Louus,Caleb 32 10
lanijrstrelh. Isaae OHSO
Lou as, 38 20
Dnrgstrclli, Isaac .'>B 20
<0 -Mason, John H 12 S2
P>o MoCunlcv. .John 45 11
Meyer, Philip 47 (Mi
100 Meyer, Simon 20 60
•-'<> 48 Meyer, Michael. 05 80
420 Meyer, Valentine 05 80
190 Miller, .lames 2012
4ft> Mltehell. Wm 1' 40 80
484 Mltehell, Win P 10 78
220 Mitchell, Win P 26 74
200 Mitchell, .lohn P 33 98
110 Meyers, Ro\er... 0 40
:u:i 112 (>r vis, Kills. 1 30 04
434 Packer, J W 40 78
42 Packer, 4 W 4 01
15 Packer, J W 150
110 Packer, W W 12 87
326 Packer, 1 W 3814
• r, '2 (Julgley, Oil lift 6 54
UK' Smith, l'eter 10 20
4.3.3 153 Scott, Samuel 80 88
4.3.3 103 Tollman, Mary.. 507s
2ft> Tun is, Richard 20 40
200 Tunis, Richard - 10 so
415 Wain, -faeoh 41 04
-'l7 Wharton, Ffthluirn 35 st)
217 Wharton, Pishbii 1 n 85 50
100 Willis,.Jonathan II 10
415 \v istar,Caspar 114 90
4.3.3 103 White, James 01 50
hjO Willis, Jonathan 1110
401 Yarilley, Win 4100
100 lUirehlleld, Win - 505
lo Hicks, \brain 1 42
160 Thomas, Peaeock(owner) 12 00
180 A ski n, Robt 4 OH
110 Mor.ely, Jacob. 205
180 Mercer, .lohn 4 03
120 Reese, Daniel 4 00
150 Zeiffler, Michael 170
52 A Custer's est. (owner).... 3 00
30.3 60 Barr, Thomas 6.51
4ft> 6u Barr, Mar caret 725
87 Barrows, John of. 120
375 60 Barr, James 0 73
.38s 60 Barr, Mary 6 02
154 Jieck, llcnry. 2%
440 28 DudDrldgc. Hannah 5 92
181 Fees, Jacob. 2 40
406 89 Gratz. Michael 7 23
400 GraU. Bernard 535
202 140 Glllnian. II & s Snyder.... 17 06
253 Glllnian. H& b Snyder.... 12 0.3
46"> Hall, Chas 16 90
400 60 Links, Mary 7 20
106 Lowcry 1 38,
200 Parker. Win 1 78
( 170 stover & Wolf 304
88 Fldd, Win 3
' 150 D Hensel (owner) 1;&
. 125 1 Hensel (owner) 1 1
2*> 130 Wiess. John & Sol Neldlgh 46
48 Beck Danl 13 86
5 Keith. Jacob.. 28 40
216 I ..-unburn, Josiah 32 28
24 Jacob Vaupool (owner)... 406
63 so G Vaupool 44 0 33
67 76 C Vaupool 44 11 52
43 C Vaupool 44 3 us
400 Andre, Absoloni - 3 80
133 Fox, Geo 1 SO
400 Harrison, Win - 380
5o irvln, John 1 22
4(* Parker, Richard 3 80
4il) Reed, James .... 3M
4n7 92 Wharton, Kearney 4 2.3
led Young, Samuel 96
107 104 Brown, Samuel 60S
130 02 Harris, Jus 1) 3 si
.55 Harris, Jas D 200
160 Willis, Jon. b K lind 14 32
ltK) Willis, Jonathan 14 31
4.13 163 Barter, James 2510
120 Kuhn, Adam - s
50 Kuhus 4 24
4:'.3 163 Price, John - 2310
413 163 KulMllgtoil, John. 17 11
413 161 \Ylceland. John 2511
hki Hi yes, Kolit Jt Jas 25 05
171 Hess. Geo 1) lOS7
309 3 Irvln, Robt 2y64
310 Jackson. Jere 22 63
ISO Lytle, Peter 680
150 Lytic, Peter 605
175 Qi'ilgley, James A 1056
168 Shaw & Dingle 8 21
340 . Smith. Christian 16 72
17 LSWtI, Robt 4 07
37 100 McKlnney, David 620
70 Rohrer, Chris is nc
.50 Win T Ugh man (owner).. 12 00
100 Jl* Harris 44 12 30
19 Isaac Frain 44 7 04
28 John Zeigler 44 7 03
60 Yarper, Simon 4 62
no Yurger, Simon 4 02
200 Young, Robt...,*. 22 80
430 Brady Robt 7 04
410 Brady, Hannah.. 7 .6
255 Brady, Jane 4 7o
200 Brady. John - 370
440 Brady, Win P, 8 14
146 Brady. Win 2 66
424 Calhoun, George 7 so
463 Oa rot hers, James 7 42
150 Cooper, Wm 2 78
120 Fearon, Joseph .... 502
429 Gray, Robt 7 88
476 Grant . Thomas.. 8 78
203 Hamer, William 5 77
460 Hunter, Alexander 8 50
430 . jaekson. Jeremiah 6 28
320 Kitts, George 5 92
.'too Levy, Aaron 5 4.5
425 Norton, Sa ml 7 83
.300 Parker, Wm - 5.54
324 Parker, Richard 5 08
324 Parker. Jeremiah 5 08
58 Parker, Win 1 03
125 Stedman, Win 2 01
200 Smith, Thomas - 370
lft) bcott. Abraham 1 84
50 Scott. Saml 01
150 Scott, Abraham 2 77
00 Scott, Saml 1 65
130 Tacgart.gtobert 2 30
275 Tripp John- 507
425 Toland. Henry..— 7 S3
100 Long.C (owner) 1 7.->
125 Wharton. Monre 2.38
425 William, David 7 82
150 Armstrong, James 6 00
150 10 Cmvdon, John 600
112 19 Cowdon, John 3 01
150 Hamilton, Thomas 6 no
15Q Hepburn, James 0 (K)
116 31 Hepburn. James 4 08
150 Kennedy, John 0 00
150 Kennedy, James 600
KU W Kennedy, And 8 02
108 131 Kennedy, John 3 72
113 8 Kennedy, tames. 3 81
200 Lyon, Robert 8 00
200 Lyon, Ezekial 8 00
200 Lyon, BenJ 8 00
100 Montgomery, wm 4 oft
100 Montgomery,Danl 4 00
200 APCalley, Wm 8 00
2tx McCallev.John 8 00 TOWNSHIP.
288 Bound, Mary 1 66
81 111 Cameron, A1ex..,,...,.,.. 140
132 (Rivithom 2 10
20 Fullmer. II B 64
400 Garigus, Edward 5 69
400 Garlgus, Wm 5 69
400 Harrison, Wm 8 04
40 Livingstone 74
105 McClellan.tieo 1 67
"70 Peck, Jos 149
90 John Bltner (ow tier) 1 91
186 115 Ptirdon, John u 14
300 Robison, Catharine 0 90
30ft Robison, Reliecca 9 90
150 Robison, Richard 4 97
06 66 Fool. Henry 660
02 102 Thornburg, Thomas 6 00
160 j Gordon (owner) 3.30
75 Etniline Whitney (owner) 742
43.3 Byard, And 107 70
433 153 Bingham, Wm 80 05
433 153 Brunt, Felix 80 05
60 C'lymer, Geo 8 46
4:53 1.53 Campbell, Geo 80 05
412 44 Carseadden, Davhl 67 56
412 44 carseadden, David 77 04
287 86 Carseadden, l)av)d 47 66
433 153 Cox. Paul 80 05
433 153 Cuthburt, rhos— 80 05 <
433 153 Cunningham, D II 78 44
433 153 Delaney, Sharp 86 95
300 Develing.Joseph 30 ft)
218 Dobson, Sam'l 27 80
433 Eddv, Ge0.... 45 4.8
200 Fitzsiminons, Thos 23 00
433 63 Fox, Sam'l M 86 58 <
4.' 163 Fisher, James C 7100 :
433 163 Fisher, Sam'l W .. 80 95 •
00 Grny> Robert 840 •
200 iligby, Jos 36 80 >
383 Hale, James T 67 18 >
50 Hale, James T 5 25
4.33 153 Hawthorn, Thos 80 05
433 153 Hawthorn, Jamea 80 05
433 153 Lewis, Win 80 05
43! 153 Lewis. Wm lawyer 80 95
433 Linn, Sam'l 70 99 i
353 Lisniet. John 57 87
400 Long, J Z ■ 60 40
200 Long, J Z 37 40
314 Long, J Z 47 11
433 153 Maylan, Jasper 70 99
433 153 Mayston, Edward 70 99
433 McM& nn US, 70 99
433 153 MeLannhan, Blair 70 09
433 153 Meed. Gen ft) 00
433 153 MePlierson. Win ft) ()0
433 163 MeKweu, TIIOS 70 99
433 153 Mllliken, M T 6| 03
409 73 Mitchell. N J 57 64
433 Mlsner, Luke 70 90
4M Morgan, BenJ It 55 45
433 163 Munis, Robt 76 07
368 71 Nesbit, John M 69 ft.)
433 153 Parker. Wm 55 45
216 Parker, Jeremiah 27(53
210 Parker, Jeremiah.. 27 03
30C p 111. John...*. 50 04
too 153 pim, Hugh 50 04
•3ft' Reiley, Jol *4 60
•'too 144 Kelloy,John 59 04
153 shlppi'i), Thos L 70 00
433 153 Scott, Kdward. 70 00
155 Tallman, Benjamin 55 45
162 Tninkins, Jus 17 2!
163 Tallman, Sarah M 70 00
433 153 Valentine, As 52 00
lft' 8 Vandyke, Henry .31 16
433 1 3 Wain. Rebecca 55 45
453 163 Wain, IMieby 70 78
4513 15.3 Wharton, M<>ure 70 99
4.33 153 Wharton, Elizabeth 55 45
433 163 Wharton, Thos F 70 00
4.351 153 West, Francis 70 IK)
433 153 West, BenJ 70 99
265 West, Frances. 27 Bft
4513 15.3 West, Wm 11 45 57
4.3.3 I.kJ West, John 45 57
169 West, Frances 13 80
433 l. r i3 Allison, John 17515
•>2B Allison, James 1512 sft
2M) Allison. And 110 50
300 Allison, A .V J Lilly 143 40
327 10 Armstrong. A nil .....* 5k 27
40 lo Alhcrtnit, Richard 1804
164 10 Allison, a lues 1007
I<4 Hauiuaii, cMM'ph 12 80
52 Ban mail, oseph 14 18
433 163 Beverage. Daviil 37 67
463 163 Hrlcklcy, Dan'l 44 00
433 163 Brutzmun, Peter 154 65
i s of
4533 163 Boreiand.Joliii 2-3 01
100 Copenhaver, John 910
4533 153 Cunningham,John 110 10
100 Olymer, Geo 30 70
100 Campbell, Geo :?970
300 Cuthburt, Thos 11910
43.3 163 4 I Many. Sharp ... 3767
15-> ft) Dorsh. Frederick 40ft.i
4.3.3 161 Edwards, Thus 154 65
4513 163 Killer, Danl 65 58
, M Frence, Edward 060
433 153 Fitzgerald, Dan 66 58
433 153 Funk, John 43 50
250 Fitzslinmous, Thos 29 86
, 274 Graff, Sabastiau 90 534
i 45153 153 Graff. Sabastiau 105 531
216 156 Grant, Thos 7726
4533 153 Grant, Thos 177 78
; 213 Gray, Win 88 18
4533 |163 Gjentworth, Jas - 37 67
1 50 Grove, Elizabeth 69<i
; lft> Gray, Robt 39 76
121 152 Grove & McKean 384
433 153 Hair, Christian 49 37
426 164 Hair, Christian 539 10
1.433 153 Hair, David 40 37
i I 216 153 Hamilton, Thomas 77 26
I I 4533 15.3 Hamilton 11ugh....~ 27 59
II 4533 153 Hand, John 49 537
I>o 80 Harrison, John 47 20
; 1"7 Harrl: on, Joseph 44 530
1 4533 159 Hamilton, Hugh 54 78
1 112 Harlllne, Geo M 13.38
i 1533 163 Hopkins. John 44 98
4513 153 Huber, John 49 37
13 Hager, Christopher 4 98
6 Harrison. John 3 84
1 4.33 153 Irvln, Robt 154 65
■ Uof
' 433 153 Irvin, Kolit 11 15
lft King. Robert 40 4G)
It>2 10 Karr.Jas 60 78
' 4533 163 laittimore,Geo- 537 67
1.35 1653 laittimoie. Win G 1182
4.33 153 Lenhore, Christian 195 511
. 31.8 106 laiwdeii, John 535 84
433 153 l.owdon. Rich 65 65
, 4.33 1553 Lowden. aohn 177 76
; r - Long. A B 925
Lowden. Richard 56
1 4533 153 Me tzgar, Jacob 138 55
4SS 153 Malonc, Leslie 21 86
' 4.3.3 163 Mayston, Edward -.37877
2ft) MePlierson, Wm 17 50
4533 155 Meyers, Jacob 1053 48
4.3.3 153 Miller, John 40 37
, 4.3.3 163 Miller, Jacob 49.87
• 433 1651 McConnell, Mart1u.......~. 37 67
4.33 153 Mead, Geo- - 54 78
4513 153 Morgan, B R~.~ 11 21
' 70 Musser. John - 44 83
1 173 Musser. Geo (5mith)......... 07 77
100 McCord, 7 R & A Camp-
bell 19 20
6 Nelson. Ellen 4 22
.3 120 Old, Davis - 128
521 58 Pim Joseph- 20 58
3253 Patton, Hugh...... - 32 60
! ';of
453.8 l.u Peters. Richard— -... 1116
. 4518 15.8 Plnkerton. Henry 64 61
164 108 Philips, Hard mail 56 65
' 177 s4 l'hlLps, Hardman 78 82
! 120 120 Philips. Hardman 64
' ltK) Passmore & Brvson 120
348 1559 Pirn, Ifcnrv 22 26
5301 150 pim, George 10 20
216 ft) Rainey, Robt 56 45
4353 153 Reese, Thomas 218 66
1 4533 153 Rohrer, Christian 49 37
533 1.83 Kudlsill, Jacob 162 81
, 405 47 Ksuli, Jacob 142 65
1 4.3.3 153 Rush, Benjamin 177 78
38 Robison, Will H 1 28
537 Robison, Win H 4 28
214 Stout. Jacob 70 18
4533 Schafuer, Casper- lift 531
4533 153 Sbenk, Andrew 49 37
4.353 153 Sbenk, Christian 40.37
4.33 1553 Sbenk, Michael 40.87
247 16 Stcek, anoob 28 28
433 153 Kpeor. Robert 115 20
167 t Slough, Geo 1010
210 Scott, And *2513
406 Snyder, Barbara 77 94
103 * French, Ed (owner) 537 03
80 Corkendale. W H 15 30
122 41 Weldman. John 65 02
4<2 4 110 Weldman,Jacob 180 56
12 Williams, j C 7 17 1
lus Wilson, John 14 80
320U Wilson, John 34 70
75 Wilson, Win 30 03
4.83 153 Wilson, Wm 154 65
31.3 106 Witmer, John 536 00
5306 100 Wilson, Wm 07 02
150 Armor & Shaffer 18 0
250 Bcck with, Clement 77 50
77 Bell, Win 32 59
.309 Bush, James 54 90
50 Clark .Joseph .'6 10
176 t'oates, Moses 21 45
;-o of
433 163 Hoodraan, Ellzaoeth...... '8 77
4.34 Hamlinton. Hugh, 70 66
4.3.3 153 Hoopnian. John 25 08
67 76 Loi No 14 C V, Jacob Van
pool 412
63 80 Lot No 11, C V, Jacob Van
pool 3 89
7.3 147 Lot No 16 C V A, Stephen
son e5t...,,, 450
70 Lot No 15 C V, Henry Ste.
nhenson 4 20
100 Masdon. Thomas 32 00
;,34 Montgomery, W W 38 59
4353 263 McCammond, John 55 02
100 Ralston, David 1500
50 Snyder. Barbara 26 46
!H) Vaupool, C 8 46
50 Vaupool, Jacob. 610
200 Whitehead, Richard. 44 20
50 John Wells 7 00
00 YOder, Joseph... 1158
150 20 Brower. Wm 41 5^
2(X) Kuhn, P R 12 00
150 140 Mann. Harvey 44 56
100 l'hipps,Samuel 11 85
50 Thomas, H (owner) 4 10
383 P B Crlder & Son 44 70 00
4.33 lt>4 Wister, Wm 143 77
90 94 Askin, Robt 2 15
40 Baker, John 192
.3537 164 Baker, Robt & John 8 14
212 Barkman, Saml lo 17
120 120 Brooks. Ruth 311
5300 Brady, Wm 7 20
270 120 Curvler, Maty 6 72
115 113 Daughtery, Margaret 273
170 IXO Daughtery,Elizabeth 4.32
09 80 Evans, Jesse 1 66
100 39 Evans. Jesse 240
92 26 Eckert, Wm 2 19
211 72 Hahn. Peter 5 07
) 2 47 Halm, Ebenezer 52
; 40 Hahn, Wlll 154
210 30 James, Margaret 5 28
215 165 James, Edward 513
no 40 Johnston. David 1 38
161 Knox.Johii 747
500 Met wen, Mary 13 34
.'557 100 Mausell, Win 7 83
!H) 04 Mercer. John 215
.327 lft' Mercer, David, 7 83
384 30 Miller, Wm 9 22
4 McCalmont, Thos I*o2
211 44 Osman, Capt 504
86 40 Packer, job 2 05
80 40 Packer, James 2115
182 Purdon, Richard soo
150 Reed, David 7 20
175 Robison, Richard 7 77
88 Smith, John & Henry 1 02
201 133 Sutler, James 0 64
382 30 Sutler, Daniel 916
50 Swanzy, William 140
39 Wickershain, Amos 71
.33 Clymer, Henry 8 99
254 Gray, .1 B 27 25
200 Ila w thorn, T'Hbmas...... I 3 84
345 Kuhns.john 49 04
278 Lawman. George 3>>(il 1
230 Maylan. jasper 23 78
274 Miles, Samuel 52 3;)
25 Morris, WiUow 4 77
39 Ross, John 10 63
85 Swanswlch, John 14 66
6 Singer, Joliu 184
88 Shippen, Wm J 15 22
160 Jonathan, Laird, owner.. 1213
58 A Laird, owner 0 42
Unknown, vacant 75
y. Jacob Vaupool, owner 59
2o Wister, Wm 1111
237 Wiater, Daoiiel • 2145
D. C, KELLER, 2'rcajnrjr.
The Bee Hive Store
:as many patrons in Centre county, the result of
| many years' patient and honest dealing and a quick
; insight in their wants and wishes.
A large invoice of choice Spring Goods
have arrived. Will be pleased to show
: them to you.
Muslins, on which our reputation is unquestioned
were never as low as they are now.
Hill Muslin at 8 1-2 cts. Very best
, goods at 10 cts. The unbleached muslins
| are accordingly as cheap.
; We are selling a surprisingly good Gingham at
: 5 cts., very good at 8 cts.
1 Best Whittendon Shirtings at 9 cts.
! You will need them before long, buy them
| now before they are gone.
■ The Bee Hive Store is headquarters for Tickings.
5 An unusually fine line and cheap. ,
j Turkey Red Table Linen warranted Past Colors,
| 50 cts. Pr yd.
The 6th invoice of Jamestown Dress Goods have
; arrived, best goods for the money that can be pur
r> chased. 25 c. A new and choice line of 12 1-2 cent
; Cashmeres and Silks in abundance. One half ton of OAR
i CHAIN. 25 cts. We get your carpets made for you and
4 charge you the weaver's price.
We have just received the finest and largest line of C ARPETS
i I ?
* . _
j Ad"TT..T .TmirM- i P A
The people of MilUieim and vicinity are invited to catt
and inspect my elegant stock of
| Millinery Goods!
Special attention is called to my large line of
Hats, Bonnets, Plumes, lips,
bons, Velvets, &c.
A share of the public patronage is respectfully solici
Anna M. Weaver*
- r
Largest Selection and Lowest Prices!
are ready to supply customers with a fine line of
. Ready-made Clothing, Notions,
Stationery, Confectionerie, Queenware,
Tinware, Glassware, Willowware,
Trunks, Valises, &c.
All kinds of CANNED FRUIT carried in slock.
A complete line always on hand—prescriptions filled by experienced salesmen.
BEST TQBtfßm &
I^F* 3 Country produce taken in exchange for goods, and highest home
market prices paid for produce.
CALL by all means and reap the benefits of first-olass BARGAINS !
Main Street, millheim, pa. FORMERLY H. H. TOMLMS STAKD.