The Canker Worm; As often as the season comes round we feel it to be our duty to urge upon all the importance of protecting the ap ple. cherry and elm trees from the dep redations of the canker worm. Al ready this enemy covers a wide terri tory and is yearly extending. This ought not to fce,because there is a rem edy, which, if faithfully applied, will not only prevent this pest from extend ing over any more territory, but anni hilate him where he has already made his appearance. If a law could be made and enforced, compelling every person to protect his trees, it would be but a few years be fore the canker worm would be entire ly conquered ; but as long as there is one or two persons in each town who will not protect their trees at all, and considerable numbers who afford only a partial protection, so long will the faithful have to continue the fight, or oe content to do without apples,and see their beautiful shade trees stripped of their foliage. If the only protection was through expensive patent tree protectors, there might be some excuse for those of lim ited means for not protecting their trees, but as au orchard can be fully protected by tarred paper,and some one of the different preparations of sticky substances,at a very slight cost in mon ey, and but a few hours' labor to each tweuty-five trees, there really seems to be no good excuse for rais ing cank er worms to flood a whole neighbor hood. It is true,to fully protect an orchard with tarred paper, it requires constant watchfulness, and some perseverance, qnalities which all fruit growers should possess. The work must be commen ced in the autumn, and whenever dur ing the winter the frost is out of the ground, and the weather is warm, tha paper must receive a fresh covering, and when March comes, the covering must be repeated as often as the ma terial ceases to be soft enough to pre vent the grubs from crawling over it. If the work be continued until the buds expand there will be no danger of any injury from the canker worms. We would urge upon every owner of an apple, cherry, or elm tree to see to it that no canker worms find their way up the trunks of the trees. Each One Had an Excuse. The other day a Brooklyn temper ance man concluded he would take a drink, and went into a saloon. To his horror he met a friend at the bar who was also the kind of a man who "nev er touched liquor, sir." Each felt a little better, however, when he divined the reason of the other's presence. Just as they said "good morning," and were sliding up to the bar, a third party of similar abstemious pretentions came in and would have backed out, but the others saw him. "Ah, ah, gentlemen, will you take something ?" said number one. "The fact is, I suffered all night with a terri ble cold. It was simply terrible, and I thought I'd take something to warm me up." Number two hesitated a moment and theD said : "Well, I don't care if I do. My rheumatism has been hurt ing me awfully for a week. I believe I'll join you.',' Number three then coughed, and then pnt bis hand on his side.then hes itated a moment and finally said : "Well, I gue3S I'll take one too. My wife's mother says her corns hurt her so this kind of weather that she can hardly walk." A Soldier's Bright Idea. One day soon after Pope's defeat at second Bull Run and Chantilly, a pri vate soldier belonging to an Ohio regi ment sought an interview with his Cap tain, and announced that he had a plan for a military campaign, which must certainly result in crushing out the re bellion. The officer very naturally in quired for particulars, but the soldier refused to reveal them, and asKed for a chance to lay his, plans before Pope himself. After some delay he was giy en a pass to headquarters. He did not get to see Pope, but after the chief of staff had coaxed and promised and threatened for a quarter of an hour the Buckeye stood up and replied.: "Well, sir, my plan is for John Pope and Bob Lee to swap commands, and if we-don't lick the South inside of sixty days you may shoot me for a patent hay-fork swindler !" When he returned to camp he was naturally asked what success he met with, and he ruefully replied : "Wall,they had a plan of their own." f* What was it V " "Why, they took me out and booted me for a mile and a half."—Def roit Free Tim: F h • •" ADVICE TO MOTHERS. *=Areyou disturbed at night and broken of your, rent by a siek child suffering and crying witfo paiu o£cuttiugteeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STBUP FOB CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYBCP FOB CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs ers in the United State, and fs for sale by all druggists throughout the world. .Price 25 cents a bottle. "V¥T ANTED —LADIES TO TAKE OUR NEW YYjtancy work ajt their homes, in city or count ry, Adg earn 96 to 912 per week, making goods for ouMTall bud Winter trade. Send 15 cents for sabtnp partteular*. HUDSON MFG, CO. Wsmß ▲vti.TNsw YORK. CRAZY PATCHWORK! Having a large assortment of remnants and pieces of handsome broeaoed silks, satins and velvets,we are putting them tip in assorted bundles and furnishing them for ''Crazy Patch work 1 Cushions, Mats, Tidies. &c , &. l'aok a ire No. I—ls a handsome bundle of exquisites silks, satins ami brocaded velvets (all different). Just the thing for the most suj)ert> pattern Qf fan cy work. Sent postpaid fo s<> cents In postal note or 1-cont stamps. I'scknge No. 2—Con taining three times as much as package No. 1. Sent postpaid for SI.OO. These, are all of the very finest quality and cannot bo equalled at any* other silk works in the U. 8, at three times our prices. They will please any lady. One order always brings a dozen more, udle*' manual of Fancy, with 400 illustra ons and full instructions for artistic fancy work, hand somely bound, postpaid 50 cts. Order now Address, THE R<>CHKSTKR SILK CO-. Rochester. X. Y. 17-st PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Term begins Jan. 4, IMS I. This institution is located in one of the most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following courses of study: 1. A Full Classical Course of Four Years. 2. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. 3. A Latin Scientific Course. 4. The following SPECIAL COURSES, of two years each following the first two years of ilie Scientific Course (a) AGRICULTURE ; (b) NATURAL HISTORY; (el CHEMIS TRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGIN EERING. 5. A Short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 6. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 7. A Classical and Scientific Preparatory Course. 8. SPECIAL CO USES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill Is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Princi pal. For Catalogues, or other inforinationaddress GEO. w. ATHKRTON, PKESIDKST, lyr STATE COLLEGE, CENTRE Co., Pa THESEWINGMACHINE WORLD ReyolniionizeG Dy the Introduction of the IMPROVED WHITE SEWUfI MACMXE, The Kii of all Sewing Machjnes. Conceded by all experts to be the finest ma chine ever placed on the market. The only machine in the world with an AUTOMATIC BOBBIN BINDER, with which a CHILD can wind a bobbin JUS evenly as a spool of cotton is wound. The ONLY Machine with a Practical Embroiderer, with which JBEAFTIFITLWOItK can be done The ONLY Machine with a HEM STITCHING ATTACHMENT. The "WHITE ' has a Self-Setting Needle, Self- Threading throughout, All Bearing Adjustable, Case Hardened and of Steel* The "WHITE"' has no COG WHEELS, which are only used in the cheaper grades of machines, therefore soon become noisy and hard-running. Be sure and —EXAMINE THE WHlTE— before buying a sewing machine. MS-ALL KINDS OF SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED AT REASONABLE RA TES. NEEDLES AND ATTACHMENTS always on hand. I also keep the Best Qualify of LADIES',MISSES' 4 CHILDREN'S FINE SEWED DRESS SHOES. C. G. BRIGHT, Agent, AARONSBURG, PA. ********* D. I BROWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE, &c,, ■■• - ■ Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. - done at short notice by practical workmen. -•— ■ Spouting a Specialty Shop on Main' St., opposite Tomlinson MILLHEIM PA. CUT THIS OUT! A MAKE S slsi°S4o WE e e r K. We have stores in 15 leading Cities, from which our agents obtain their aupjnliep quickly. Oar Factories and Principal Offices are at Frio, Pa. Send for our New Catalogue and terms to agents Address MX] I dViICE I 913 Spring Carden St. S SLL LUvtLL PHILADELPHIA,PA. p 11. MUSSKK, JEWELER. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. All work neatly and promptly Exe cuted. Shop on Main Street, Millheim, Pa. A. W. HAFKK, Surge on & Dentist. Office on Poim Street, South of I.uth. church. MILLIIEIM, PA Madisonburg Items. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stoek in the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK IIAYEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, TIIE BOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. ■ There is so excuse for suffering from I CONSTIPATION ■ and other diseases that follow a dis ■ ored state of the Stomach and Bow ■ els, when the use of | DR. HENRY BAXTER'S mmee im Will give immediate relief. After constipation follows Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver Rheumatism, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Ap oplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Dis ■ eases, etc., °f Which these I Bitters will speedily euro by removing thorouv. ■ ■ Keep the Stomach, Bouxh, and Digtatkts Organs ■ |S i* good i corking order, and perfect health H ■ will be the result. Ladies and others uub-■ Iject to Sick Headacho will find relief! H and permanent enre by tho use of these Bitters I I Being tonic and mildly purgative they I a PURIFY THE BLOOD. I Price 25 cts. per bottle. ■ For solo by all dealers iu medicine. Send I ■ address for pamphlet, free, giving full directions. I I HESRY, JOHSSOI4L9RD, Props., Bsrlingten, Ft. I I-r>n Levers. Steal Bearings, Brass TARF BEAM. JOXKS, BE PAYS THE FHTILar. I A Cold on trial. Warra&U A years. AU altos as low. ■ ' J Pur free book, address H / JONES OF BINBHAMTON, BiiUiiAllXO.N, ft, Vick's Floral Guide. For 1884 in an Eegant Bonk of 15) Pa ges 3 Colored Paten or Flowers nnd V ege table*,unci more than 1047 lllus trat lon* of the choicest Flowers, Plants and Vegetables, and Directions for growing, it is handsome e nougli for the Center Table as a Holiday Pres. cut. Send on your name and Post Office ad dress, with 10.ceuts and i will send yon a copy pastage'paid. This is nut a quarter of its cost It is printed in both English and German If you afterwards order seeds deducttthe lo cts Vick'N Seed age the Best in.the World ! The FLORAL GLIDE will tell liow to get ami grow them. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 175 Pa ces, (5 Colored Flatas, suo Engravings. For 50 cents in paper covers ;"SI.OO in elegant cloth. In German or English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazines—32 Ta ges.a Colored Plate in every number and many fine Engravings. a year ; Five Con ies for $5.00. Specimen Numbers sent for 10 cents ; 3 trial cojdes for 25 cents. JAMES VICK, tf ROCHESTER, N. Y. Steam Bending Shops, [FARMERS' MILLS, PA.} All kinds of bending in wood done on short, notice. Orders filled for —R-IUVCS— of all sizes, and of the best material. Bob Sled Runners, Shafts, - Bent Hounds, Plow Handles, Phaeton Buggy Reaches. Send for price list. (Irdcrs by mail promptly attended to. All work guaranteed. j. it. REAM & 80S. DOG CHEAP Not wanting a Dog, send for a .CAT klogue of Newspapers and Magazines that clnb wi!h the FAMILY Stop Thief Scale—capacity, 1 oz. to 10 Jbs. Price,—whereby you get a Newspaper FOR iNroTxacxKrcs- s Address, JONES OF BINCHAIHTOM, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. SIOOO REWARD^ For HDJ machine hulling and c-tannin*; fit for /fcf lift* _ market ninwcb Clover Seed in one pLdjfj pn NEWARK" MACHINE NEWARK, a " * ELI AS LUSft. F. D. LUSR. Elias Luse & Son's - pLAKING JjJILL, In the rear or the Kv. Chuich, Pen Street MILLHEIM, PA. ALL KINDS OF PLANING MILL WORK. BUCII* AS Doors, Window Frames & Sash, Shutters & Blinds, Siding, Brackets, Stair Rails, Balustrades, Verandahs, AND ALLjSTYLES OF ZMZOTTLIDIIfcT Q made to order t the most reasonable prices. A share or public patronage respectfully so licited. 3G-ly D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, A. ARON S BURG, IP A. Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs, Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Hair Matresses, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Speciality. A share of the public patronage re spectfully solicited. 36-1 y U.S. STANDARD.? § TON JONES WAGON SCALES, w* D lion Ix-rrcra, Steel I'rarliif.. U:.u OF Tar* Beam and Beam Bus, BnGHAMTON S6O ,„d | JONKS he pay* the f retch t—for ire* I Price LUt mention title paper and ■ ra I addicM JONIS OF IINQHAMTON, ■S*U. t -RucaamO Blacharalua, Pi. Y, rj HIE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office ■ is now supplied with GOOD J&ESSES and a larye assortment of * DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. JONES BINCHAMTON wit. K. C. ' ' II.'UIS a cuaranteed epctiflcfor Hysteria, Dztlneaa.Cauvulaluns.Flta, NerVftn* Nenrsicla. Mead retro, Nf.-vnua prnetratlon rano-d by tire use of alcohol or tohiteco, WMtcfuineae. M-nixl De pression. Rotten Ing of tho Brain ri-eulllnc in Inaanitv ten) Icmdlny to pjlccrv, decay cud bestir; premature U!J Arc, Barretrr.caa. I.oae of Pouter In tithe, 3 >tx. InvolUniary Loneea nil.l Bpe. r.iHt •: i ocoo o.'nul by OVor-exer Hon 'f tho, •eliet.uec or. ~ flnrii box c..ntain* one month's treatment via Los, or cix boze* f ot seß t by mail pre paid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX SOXES To core any ca-e. With each or.le r rcc-icd \7 us for six hose*. accompanied u Ith *ro tvli; n .- * life % AT *:•; i .* . .*i .•' .* t -♦■* I t . , J.RSMITHtCO. I ■ fjf .1 .1 1- i> {9 (LIMITED,) •' * .> I ' *|f MILTON, PA.. • „ . .i? if r" , - c Nos. 110, 112 & 114, Front Street, \.?:J -(£ *' i .-•• < < " ****•* ' ~ }• WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ' *•' *. B,J , T , 4 - J i - Musical Instruments, Furniture, Carpets, .'* I;* as W ' v • "& ' It 'tlissl B China, Silverware, and House Furnishing t t Goods Generally. ; • : " • • ? > i,l I __ V Cl'*JN* 1 -v f ' " ; DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. > el , ■* A . . • 1 a ..i ; ?*. •"*>• ' 'i r *' " organ tone. W Address, CLOUCH & WARREN ORGAN CO., Detroit, Mtclu - ■* C®TpEirHS T>> JaJJmJ. ■ w jzrr Indltrai.-* oitho r.loofl. Skin VapolcnCT, Omal WMkaM. oorrb®. SrpkUEle and BrrrarUl Affcrtkm.. & irr.tiftc trohi*nt; ft tM WM vemcdicv. DcformitiH Trcalctl. Call or wrltt jorjtat of questions to be aniweitd by thoto dwintig treatment by mail* ifmon .nlTerlm from IZoptar"' .bonld lud loam omcthln*to t'lelr Illnotilma# AMnml*. (. 1.. L.IURfiK. Pm't d J Central Erd. ts Su'r- Inxtltulr, fliO Laro.t •(.. 8t- LMtaJte. Suoceaaor to l)r. JLtutta' Diipenaa:/. ImUMUW 10 Vein, (Spec.alty:- Patent cause, before the Patent Office! and the Courts. fleatoanble terms. Opinion as tol patcntabUity^fretofch^^ Lewista and Tyrone Railroad Time Table. LEAVE WESTWARD. 1 3 5 7 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. ¥ Montandon 705 9.40 2.0,5 6.00 7.55 Lewisburg 7.25 10 05 2.20 Fair Ground 7.30 10.13 2.25 Biehl 7.40 10.27 2.35 V'cksburg 7.45 10.36 2.40 Miftlinburg B.Goarll.oo ar 255 1e.305 MUlmont 8.22 3.28 Laurelton 8.33 3.40 Wikerßun ...8.57 4.06 Cherry Ruu 9.15 4.25 Fowler - 9.35 4.47 Cob U In -...9.48 5.04 Spring Millsar 10.15 ar. 5.30 LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 C * 10 A. M. P. M. Spring Mills 5.50 1.50 Coburn - 6 18 2.20 Fowler 6.28 2.33 Cherry Run 0.48 2.55 Wikerßun...- 7.05 3.15 Laurelton - 7.30 3.40 Millmont 7.40 3.52 A. M. Mifflinburg 8.00 11.45 4.15 p t Vieksburg 8.15 12.10' 4.32 Biehl - 8.20 12.17 4.38 FairGiound A.M. 8.30 12.33 4.48 P.M. Lewisburg 6.35 8.45 12.50 5.10 7.30 i Montandon ar. 6.45ar.9.00ar 1.05ar.5,20ar 7.40 Nos. 1 and 2eonnetst at Montandon with Erie j Mail West; 3 and 4 with Sea Shore Express t East; 5 and 6 with Day Express and Niagara ! Express West; 7 and 8 with Fast Line West; 9 i and 10 with WUlianisport Accommodation East. ZTHE BEST! EXTERNAL I UJ EEMEDYi •5? ]c£:for— I £ iiimnaiJ 35 NEURALGIA,! S CRAMPS, I Sprains, Braises,! Burns and Scalds. I Sfiltlf Sj I Frosted Feet audi OJEars, and all othatm Pains and Aches. 9 It is a safe, sure, and 1 effectual Remedy for S Galls, Strains, Scratches,! Sores, Jbc.JT on. •"H horses;. I UOne trial will prove its ■ merits. Itseffects sure inn most eases INSTANTANEOUS. I Every bottle warranted ton aive satisfaction. Send ad-■ cress for pamphlet, free, gI?.H ■ ing full directions for theHf ■ treatment of above diseases Dj m ■nnni Price 25 cts. and 60 ets. perP I bottle. Sold everywhere. 9 j ,JolusobAtarifroprbUn, 1 Tt. 9 ! THIS PAPER El'vJ i Newspaper Advertising "Qoreau (10 Spruce i street), where adve®. eg gieae If ABIE ! NEW YORK-