A strange Use for the Telephone. A poKce inspector at Odessa, says an English journal, whose name, Do brijiusky, deserves in spite ot its diss onance to be mentioned on account of his cleverness, has discovered a new use for the telephone. One day re cently a policeman brought to the station a Jew, having in his possess ion a quantity of silver believed to be stolen. The silver was in a semi-mol ten condition, and had none of its or iginal features remaining to assist in its Hence,as the Jew stoutly declared the metal to be his own property, the police inspector was put in a fix, from which all his cross examination of the presumed thief failed to extricate him. At last a bright idea struek him. He went to the telephone in the adjoining room, and, mentioning to the officials at the police master's office what had happened, instructed them to utter in solemn tones,on a signal being given, the words, 'ltsno Smeliansky, it will be better for thee to confess that thou hast robbed somebody, otherwise thy punishment will inevitably be more severe,; Afterwards summoning the Jew into the room, he pointed to the instrument on the wall, aud told him that it really did not matter whether he divulged his crime or not, as the 'machine' would do it for him. At this the Jew laughed out-right, while the inspector placed a sheet of paper on the table and prepared to take down the confession. When every thing was ready, he told the Jew to put the tube to his ear, and decide whether he would confess himself or allow the 'machine' to do it for him. Then, giving the signal, he returned to the table, when a second or two later he had the satisfaction of seeing the Jew's face turn deadly pale at hearing the solemn advice mysterious ly conveyed to him by the 'machine' and of noting down directly after wards a penitent confession from the thiefs own lips. Novel Use of Greenbacks. "What becomes of all the green backs and bank-notes after they have served their few years of usefulness ?" is a frequent inquiry. A bank-uote has its life just the same as all other things useful. What an interesting story the travels of a greenback from the moment it leaves the press until it returns to the macerating machine would make ! The average life of a bank-note is about three years, per haps a little longer. After serving its purpose as currency it is metamor phosed into rabbits, birds and other figures. The process of the destruc tion of the notes is an interesting one The readers will often see in the daily papers a paragraph something like this: "National bank-notes received for redemption to-day, five hundred thousand dollars." The next day these notes are carried to the bureau of Engraving and Printing and piac ed in a machine containing large knives, which chop the notes into fragments. The operation is conduct ed under the supervision of three offi cers of tfae Treasury Department, es pecially detailed for this business. No one is allowed to be present at this daily maceration of the notes except the officials and the men who run the machine. They are compelled to re main in the room until each separate note is destroyed. They must account in detail afterward to the Redemption Bureau for each note ; and should one become lost or-mislaid, and afterward find its way into circulation, the re sult would be the immediate discharge of the three men who daily have in their custody from $500,000 to $2,000 000, or $3,000,000 worth of notes and bonds. The shreds are reduced to pulp, and then by a patented process this mass is molded into figures of birds and animals and sold as memen toes to visitors. Oftentimes it will happen that one little object will be , composed of what was once SIOO,OOO - worth of money. "V * "Young man" writes to learn what multwni H n parvo means. "Young man*" did you ever call on your best girl and have her cruel father meet you at the door and with one crushing glance say "Go I" Well, that Is mul tum in pa r rvo, and it is abaut all you want! ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken o* yonr rest by a sick child suffering and crying witlgDjKtn o% cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STROP FOR CHILDREN TKETBING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there Is no mistake about it. It cures dvsentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach anil bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription or one of the oldest and best fetoale physicians and nurs ers in the United State, and is for sale bv all druggists "throughout the world. Price 23 coots a bottle. WANTED— LADIES TO TAKE OUR NEW fancy work at their homes, in city or count ry, and earn •• to 912 per week, making goods lor our Fall and Winter trade. Send 15 cents for CRAZY PATCHWORK ! Having e large assortment of remnants and pieces of handsome brocaned silks, satins and velvets, we are putting them up in assorted bundles and furnishing them for -'Crazy Patch work ' Cushions, Mats, Tidies, &c ,&. Pack aire X I—is a handsome bundle of exquisites silks, satins ami brocaded velvets (all different). Just the thint? for the most superb pattern off(in oy work. s ent postpaid fo 56 c-jnts in postal note or 1-ceni at am; s PACKAGE No. 9—Con taining three times as much as package No. 1. Sent postpaid for SI.OO. These are all of the very,finest quality and cannot be equalled at any other silk works in the U. S, at three times our prices. They will please any lady. One order always brings a dozen more, ewlloa* Manual of Fancy, with tut illustra ons and full instructions Tor artistic fancy work, hand somely bound, postpaid 50 ots. Order noic Address, THE ROCHESTER MU CO-. Rochester. X. Y. 17-81 PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Term begin* Jan. 4, \HHt. This institution is located In one of the most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following courses of study: 1. A Fuli Classical Course of Four Years. 2. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. 3. A Latin Scientific Course. 4. The following SPECIAL COURSES, of two years each following the first two years of ihe Scientific Course (a) AGRICULTURE : (b) NATURAE HISTORY : (o) CHEMIS TRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL KNUIN EKRING. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture, t). A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 7. A Classical atul Scientific Preparatory Course. 8. SPECIAL UOUSKSare arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Princi pal. For Catalogues, or other informationaddress CEO. W. ATHERTON, PRESIDENT, lyr STATE COLLEGE, CENTRE CO., Pa the'sewing machine world ReTolnticnized bj the Introduction of tie —:—IMPRO V EI) WHITE SEWIM, MACHINE, Tie King of all Sewing Machines. Conceded by all expert* to be the finest ma chine ever placed on the market. The only machine in the world with an AUTOMATIC BOBBIN WINDER, with which a CHILD can wind a bobbin as evenly as a spool of cotton is wound. The ONLY Machine with a Practical Embroiderer, with which BEAUTIFUL WORK can be done The ONLY Machine with a HEM STITCHING ATTACHMENT. The "WHITE 1 has a Self-Setting Xecdle, Self- Threading throughout, .11l Bearing Adjustable, Case} Ha rdened an d of Steel. The "WHITE" has no COG WHEELS, which are only used in the cheaper grades of machines, therefore soon become noisy and hard-running. Be sure and —EXAMINE TEE WHlTE— before buying a sewing machine. XT ALL KINDS OF SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED AT REASONABLE RA TES. 4®~OILS, NEEDLES AND ATTACHMENTS always on hand. I also keep the Beat Quality of LADIES',MISSES' t CHILDREN'S FINE SEWED DRESS SHOES. C. G. BRIGHT, Agent, AARONSBURG, PA. * * * * * ♦** * D.I. BROWN, DEALER .IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE, &c. # ■ tm ♦ Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. #£r~Repairing done at short notice by practical workmen. Spouting a Specialty Shop on Main' St., opposite Tomlinson MILLHEIM PA. CUT THIS OUT! A MAKE S Sls is S4O W P EEK. We have stores in 15 leading Cities, from which our agents obtain their supplies quickly. Our Factories and Principal Olliees are at Frio, Pa. Send for our New Catalogue aud terms to agents Address My I fIWCI B '3 Spring Ca-den St. I Hi LUtf CLL PHILADELPHIA,PA. Lcwista'?. and Tyrone Railroad Time Me. LKAVIi WESTWARD. 12 3 7 9 A. M. A. M. P. M. V. M. 1. M Montandon 7 bo 0.40 2.0) o.uo 7.5 ft Lewlsburg 7.25 10 05 2.20 Fair Ground 730 10.15 2.25 Rich 1 7.40 10.27 9.35 Vicksburg 7.45 18.36 '2.40 MitlUuburg B.ooar 11.00 ar 2.55 le. 3 u5 Mill moil t 8.22 3.38 Laurel ton 8.83 3.40 Wiker Run 8.57 4.06 Cherry Run 0.15 4.25 Fowler 0.35 4.47 Cobnrn 0.48 s.oft Spring MlllH.irlO.l3 ar. 5.30 LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 H 19 A. M. !'. M. Spring Mills 5.50 l.fto Coburn 018 2.20 Fow let- 0.2S 2.33 Cherry Run 0.48 2.55 Wiker Run 7.oft 3.15 iAurelton 7.30 8.40 Millmont 7.40 3.52 A. M. Mifflin burg 8.00 11.45 4.15 P. M. Vicksburg 8.15 12.10 4.32 Blehl - 820 12.17 4.38 FairGiound A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.48 r. M. Lewisburg 6.35 8.45 12.50 5.10 7.30 Moutuiulonar. C.45ar.9.00ar 1.05 at*. 5,20 a r 7.40 No*. I ami 2 connect at Montaudon with Erie Mall West; 3 ana 4 with Sea Shore Express East; ft ana 0 with Day Express and Niagara Express West; 7 and 8 with Fust Line West: 0 ana to with WiUiumspoiT Accommodation East. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stock in tlie county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE liOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. ■ There is no excuse fop suffering from I CONSTIPATION K and other diseases that follow a dis- I Jjj ored state of the Stomach and Bow-1 I els, when the use of | DR. HENRY BAXTER'S fiiME mm Will give immediate relief. After constipation follows B Biliousness, Dyspepsia, 1 Indigestion, Diseases of ■ the Kidneys, Torpid Liver I Rheumatism, Dizziness, JgSick Headache, Loss of ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-I ioplexy, Palpitations, II Eruptions and Skin Dis- 9 !ieases, etc., all of which these! jafl Bitters will speedily cure by removing tliera**-. fl Keep tlie Stomach, Botcelt, and Digestive Organ* R5 i good ,corking order, and perfect health *3 Eg will bo the result Ladies and others sub. W pljccttoSiCk Headache will find reliefH H and permanent cure l>y the use of these Bitten 9 m Being tonic ami mildly purgative they 9 3PURIFY THE BLOOD. I jj Price 25 cts. per bottle. BH For 6alo by rII dealers in medicine. Send M H address for pamphlot, free, giving full directions. ■ j9 HDRY, JoiliSOS £• LORD, Props., Burlington, Tt. I Iron Levers, Steel Bearings. Brass TAKE BEAM. 9 JUXES, BE PAYS THG FRTIGUr. I A Sold on trial. Warrants 0 years. AU aUes as low. I id For free book, address ■ '-.-J JONES OF BiNGHAMTON, Jfcmrgifr/ Buwuaie:., a, Vick'sFloral Guide. FrlßBll*jn Eegant Bulk of 150 Pag e*, 3 Colored Fate* of flower* and Ve ge table*,and mure than 1037 Uliis trntl ou* * a lite choicest Flowers, Plants and Vegetables, aud Directian* for growing. It is handsome e yougli for thojCeuter Table as a il.rlid.iv Pres ent. Send.on your name- and Post Ufllce ad dress, with 10 cent.--, and 1 willsend you a cbpy, pa-stage'pald. This is n< t a quarter of its cost. It Is printed in both r.nglish and nerm HI. It you afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 cts. Yicli'* Seed are the Best in the World ! T!i* FLOUAL GLIDE will tell how toget and grow them. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 175 Pa ges, 6 Colored Platns, 5 u Etigraviugs. For 50 cents in paper covers; SI.OO iu elegant cloth. In German or English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazines—32 Pa ges.a Colored Piate in every number and many line Engravings. Priee jl. Jft a year ; Five Cop ies for ♦ >.OO. Specimen Numbers sent for 10 cents ; 3 trial copies for 25 cents. JAMES VICK, tf ROCHESTER, N. Y. Steam Bending Shops, {FA HUE Its' MILLS, PA. [ All kinds of bending in wood done on short notice. Orders filled for —JRIUVCS— of all sizes, and of the best material. Bob Sled Runners, Shafts, Bent Hounds, Plow Handles, Phaeton Buggy Reaches. Send for price list. Orders by mail promptly attended 10. All wtrrk guaranteed. J. !). REAM & m. DOG CHEAP Not wanting a Dog, Bend for a O A. T alogue of Newspapers and Magazines that clnb wi'h the FAMILY Stop Thief Scale—capacity, l oz. to 10 Jbs. Price, $1.50— whereby you get a Newspaper FOR : Address, JONES OF BWCHAMTON, BINGSAMTW, N. Y. ELI A 8 LUSE. F. D. LUSE. Elias Lu:e & Son's pLAMING SJILL. In tho roar or the Kv. Clutch, Pen ctrfft MILLHEIM, PA. ALL KINDS OF PLANING MItL WOKK. BUCII3AS Doors, Window Frames & Sash, Shutters & Blinds, Siding, Brackets, Stair Rails, Balustrades, Verandahs, AND ALL'STYLF.S OF IMIOTTLZDIItTO made to order at the most reasonable ntlcp.s. A share of public patronage respectfully so licited. 30-ly | D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALKIt'IN FURNITURE, IP A. Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables. Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitclien Furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs, Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and llair Matresses, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Speciality. A share of the public patronage re spectfully solicited. 3G-ly U.S. STANDARD. 5 TON jnNFS WAGON SCALES > W WalUllr l.ou htacl Brarlnr*. Bum OF _Tra Beam and 80. i Bos, BmGHAMTON S6O and JON KB ha pay* tha freight—toi Irea Price Ltat roatiMon thla paper and a JONES OF BtNfIHAMTON, ■—PHBimni BiaghMitva. K. Y. miiK MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with Gooi? Fbmssfs and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. —— ■■ ♦ ♦ gwm —mm I I LETT Ell HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, # ENVELOPES, CIRCULA POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds A * PROMPTLY EXECUTED. JONES BINCHAMTON Premium HEALTH & WEALTH I " J?| . • f-* fA ;• v r ;, r at :m IR. E. c. WEST'S KKIIVB AND It RAIT. TSEATHENT, a it;)r.rntee. I aperlflc for H>st rla.D z-..u* Neurali;!*. Uotd.clit, ?vvrw*>* I'rcttatlan cmim-i! I.y the Hf.n r r.ioo'ml or t.iK.rca, Waki'taine**. Mantel I>- |.r --aion. !Mieiilii;; cf ihe Sreln r-eu'tlns In iii<;uiu aid l-odduc to p- leery, <"• '' V "id at.i; jvematmo (): I A-e. l,Mi.'iincf.i. 1,0r. t f I'.wji- ir. either ex. Jnv<.lui>iai'.y I>.u,es aid Sii- ini t'.nhan . v.m.v', by over-erei'th n ~f the bt-.dn, .. il-a-.u -r (>. • yeii'-o. Esrli txn contains cuo month's treat.ii. Nt : a box. or st;c boxes for Qi, sect by iniUprc paU on r. rcipt < f pi fco. - V/£ CUARAMTES ZVA COXEO To ("'re any rp- . V t'.i e <~h crir rc.-e!V' / tis for r!~ le'XSS. il-cMn)|i.lieit V nil pj, ■IJ .11,1 I'll pr-e'u>S \T fhT w rlti oi gusr.'.r,lee tore u.i Ithoioen, •• i,' t'-'il t.CatMSUt ioc3 ii t elf. rt a core. C0r.ram,,.,., log,,oiily by EISNMt A I:::x!i::L,nX, s:0 Jt-.re Ta. (MaKnu-uoorian.- * j^j r iinniiTiir"e.ine S • I-PAS." E Tl.o celebrated vcicetat.io lUocml t'uri.l.r. It Irr.mocJlatoly j I cures Hoiiilacho, Coaatijiation, Pc. lCe, tho f.k! u Mailed ! B Aiivwhera UJI.UI receipt of £3 cents Uusun-aased for j Children. EISNER & pJiENDELSON, r ' I 320 Race Street, Phlladelpblßj Pa. MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS The Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, Most Reliable Establishment, In this part-of Pennsylvania. Monuments, Tablets and Headstones, manufactured in the most artistic style and of the best material. Alt work warranted and put up in the most substan tial manner. ISfPOur prices are so low that it will pay persons in need of marble work to give us a call. i DEININGER & MUSSER proprietors Shops east of Bridge, Main St., | Millheim, Pa. ■■■DOWNS' ELIXIR.HH I N. H. DOWNS' I Vegetable Balsamic IELIXIR For the cure of ■ Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, I H Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, I % Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, I ■ and all diseases of tho Throat, Chest, and flj f Lungs . In all coses where this Elixir IsH Op. used its efficacy is at once manifested, con* jj-j km rincing tho most incredulous that © ~ CONSUMPTION £ mis not iucurable, If proporly attended to.— 3S w Atl ts commencemont it is but a slight irrita- 6© ISO tion of tho membrane which covors the Lungs; SB then an inflamation, when tho cough is rather dry, local ferer.nnd the pulse moro frequent,the cheeks flushed and chills more common. This —■ Elixir la curing the abovo complaints, oper- | ates so as To removo all morbid irrita- B B tions and lnflamatioxi from the lungy H B| to tho surface, and finally oxpel them from H Btho system. It facilitates expectoration. It heah the ulcerated surfaces and relieves the cough and makes the breath- H ing easy. It supports the strength and at theH U same time reduces the fover. It is free from H P strong opiate and astringent articles, which are ■ N ofso drying a nature as to beingreatdangerof H destroying the patient; whereas this medicine H I never dries or stops the cough, but, by remov- ■ I ing the oavsr, consequently, when the cough |H ■ is cured the patient is well. Send address for H pamphlet giving full directions, free. Price 33 eta., 50 eta- and SI .00 per bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE. |j IIESRT, JdHSSOS & LORD, Props., Burlington. Tt. H ■■■DOWNS' ELIXIR.HBOi ?iim BIWGHAMTOK (ffW for list of Newepapei ■ SSd .gssHsgarifJWM Premiums given wltl the JONES SCALE Price Lift o Ag'ts. i"*'*"'* 1 " " 1 ■ • - • -j 'j - SPECIAL BARGAINS .. 'I * ' 3 . ,' .gT; v , v M Mfki i 1 • FOR THE • ; ■ J'U-,'}; 'ht y;,t . •r . I':-' M'-.iMtr ij'l Jtli— { ;s • ■> •<*•:•• SIPiELIICTGbTiRAJDS ?i; *ij *f V) MtIMCO A - ' 1 ; .*?' -ft J! i£! I f tWJOif:* C ' f•' •' £ft£9Wl' *1 OUM3ft ftdT— J. R. SMITH I CO. * "■ ' fit 1 5 r 97'.*r X .lvi'f (LIMITED,) .1 . ,(...;if MILTON, FA., • | - f. ~ * f.. ; n „ !: . •• . - : . : • Nos. 110, 112 & 114, Front Street, ' ao it l*su ?* ft 4 .:: f C W-- { WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN } . - x • , t • > : jf .'/j ' if ' 4 t Musical Instruments, Furniture, Carpets, China, Silverware, and House Furnishing jt&t | +■* -•*| | * • ta- i I? ' Goods Generally. • r i. fu i.& *■* •"*'*£ '*• ■H- ~ . f \ at u-w* t 1 miihlfifi i H *ii. s ( t „ A "* -" . i *U'. ••• A - • vJ h • • I I JggpGOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. * •' ■% ■ ■*r< ' - M. 1 • ' ,| t - Uu ( > - ORGAN TONE. Addrns, CLOUCH A WARREN ORCAN CO., Detroit, Mich. r>KLAWAim UIVKK CHEMICAL WUHM, BAUGH & SONS, Philadelphia , Feb. 1, 1884. Ib farmers of Pennsylvania : Gentlemen :—For oveer twenty-eight years we hare manufactured Raw-Bone Phosphates. and our brands have, bebome household worde in I nearly every section of the country. In many communities flic demand for them has increas ed, while in others the sales have declined, on uccouut of the preference for lower-priced goods. Six years ago.nnding that the demand for goods of lower cost had become almost universal, and having pecular advantages of raw materials and manufacturing facilities, we determined to meet this demand, and introduced a TIVICX TY-FIViSDOLLAR PHOSPHATE, made by a NEW PROCESS EXCLUSIVELY OUR OWN. The quickness with which this Phos phate sprang Into use among intelligent farmers will be shown by the following statement: Of the $25 Phosphate there were sold During 1879, 1,287 Tons. 1880, 3,957 issi, 5,147 1882 , 8,288 " 1883.10,128 The report■ of the action of the ♦£> Phosphate have been satisfactory in every case from a wide inquiry. We want to be informed upon this poinX very plainly, as it is our interest to know if the article continues to produce good results. N'c will thank any farmed, having used the $25 Phosphate with disappointing results, tol let us hear from him with full facts. Yours truly, BA UGH d SONS. AJ~pU. MP Incfiieni.'i ott'.io H cod,end Conns.—Jleruran Debility, Vapoteorr, Orsjanio UeaU urst, C<:oorrhra, B.vubUiUa •ltd Bcrrurlal Affivlion-;. e.'lrnfifle treatment; WW MM ' remerilcn. Dcfoniiitio* 'iioatrd.. Ca'l tr write for list of quettionstobeanawciT.l jlcsirhijf treatment by mall. < Persons aaffertnefrom "opiuroslionM sonu their and lec.ru tiirlr a.! ran tape. It l not a truss, g Address Dr. C. !.. I.nRAROK, I'ros't and rhyslelaa taCbarfa Central Crd. ft Sur-. li!tite,e2o Lorn-t St., St. I.oal*. 80. Successor lo L)r. Butts'Blspcnw. 7. ftab!!bed >3 Vearm, [•ATJinoAp aoj puog •.Sj.qajo aaaj 'AiipqvvLUdl oqreuoui}-I<) 'SBwaioiqpo3y 'EtJtuo^ oqi PUB J oorpo J at ll sasnm in— ii w linn JLmm FORJMANANO^Em- ZTHE BEST EXTERNAL RJU REMEDY "SRS T FOR UIMAVIBI, 3? NFURALGIA, 1= CRAMPS, hJ Sprains, Bruises, Bums and Scalds, ■sal idatki,lHhiH Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. It is a safe, sure, and dSX effectual Remedy for Galls, Strains, Scratches, Sores, Ac., on HORSES. m ° ne trial will prove its merits. Its effects are in most cases 5 INSTANTANEOUS. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction. Send ad —— dress for pamphlet, free, giv. ing full directions for the treatment of above diseases. ■■Am| Price 25 cts. ana SO cts. pee - bottle. Sold everywhere. Henry, Jotuuoa * UN, Prpriet* Barlisfton. ft. —HB———i— THIS PAPER Newspaper Advertising Boreaa (10 Spraoe Street), where adver. as— a a tflfelllf arr#s NEW YORK-