Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, May 22, 1884, Image 2

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    Jj ounnat.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
Ctmrch & Sniifla g School Directory.
Evangel leal.
Revs. B. Hengst] and J. B. Fox, Preach't
Rev. J. B. Fox will preach next Sunday even-
I Off, English.
Sunday School, IKT.M.— D.L. ZKRBY, Supt,
Missionary Society meets on the third Mon.
day evening of each month.
Rev. O. P. R. Sarvis, Preacher-in-charpe.
Sunday School at 10*4 A. M.— D. A. Musser, Sup't
Rev. Zwingli A. Yearick, Pastor.
Preaching in Millheliu on Sunday evening,
Mite society meets regularly on the tlrst Tues
day evening of each month.
United Brethren.
Rev. J. O. IF. Herald, Preacher-in-charpe.
Sunday School.9 A.M.—J. G. W. Herald Sunt.
Preaching next Sunday morning.
Rev. John TomJinson, Pastor.—
Preaching at Aaronsburg on Sunday morn
ing, German.
Sunday Bchool at 9 A.M.— H. E. Duck,Supt
The Augsburg Bible Claas meets every Bun
Ladies 1 Mite Society meets on the first Mon
day evening ofeach month.
Rev. TF. K. Foster, Pastor.
Loige & Societ* Directory.
Millhoim Lodge, No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets In
heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening.
Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on
or before the full moon of each month.
O. W. HAMMAN. Sec. E. W. MACCK, N. G.
Providence Grange, No. 217 P. of H., meetsin
Alexander's block on the secoud Saturday ot
each month at 1)4 p - k., and on the fourth Sa
turday ot each month at IT4 P. M.
D. L. ZKRBY, Sec. T. G. ERH ARD, Master.
The MlUhelm B. & L. Association meets in
the Penu street school house on the evenlug of
the secoud Monday of each month.
A. WALTER. Sec, D. L- ZKRBY, Prest.
The Millbeim Cornet Band meets in the
Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings.
of Pennsylvania.
[Subject to the decision of the Democratic Na
tional Convention.]
Richard Vaux. I B J McGarnn.
H B Piummer, I
1. John Siavin, 15. Gerrge S Pardy,
2. JP J Sensendorf, 16. P K Ackley,
3 John W Lee, 17. John P Levan,
4. Herbert J Horn. 18. Ezra D Packer.
5. Richard L WVight, 19. E W Munima,
6. John H Brinton, 20. A H Dill.
7. W m Stabler, 21. Frank P Jnmes,
8. Chas F Rentschler, 22. JK P Duff,
9. H M North, S3. John Swan,
10. Harry G Stiles, 24. A B Winternitz,
11. A J Broadhead. 25. John H Hill,
12. F V Rockafellow, 29. Wm A Fnrquer,
13. No choice, * 27. A J Greenfield,
14. George H Irvln,
• A tie vote between Michael Bead and Rich
ard Kohn.
of Bucks county.
Democratic County Committee for
Bellefonte N. W.—. James A. M'Clain.
" 5.W...... Al Garman.
•* W. W...... James Schofield.
Howard—. A. Weber.
Milesburg ——. Dr. W C. Grove.
Miilheim —— James C. Smith-
Philipsburg Ist W J.N. Cassanova.
" 2d W J. O. Loraine.
3d W John M. nolt
Unionville P. McDonald.
Beuner Wm. H. Close.
Boggs S
" If —...... George Brown.
Burnside H. M. Meeker.
W. H. Tibfcens.
Curtin...~.~. John McClockey,
Ferguson E. P Peter Lanck.
" W. P...—— Levi Walker.
Gregg S ~ Luther Rishel.
" N John Kossman.
Haines E. P M. Feidier.
" W. P....... George Bower.
Ha1fm00n......... D. J. Gates.
Harris Jacob Weaver, Jr.
H0ward.................. Geo. D Johnson.
Huston.- Charles Murray.
Liberty.. Frank Brown.
Marion John Hoy, Jr.
Miles Peter S. Beirly.
Patton Robert Reed.
Penn Andrew Campbell?
Potter N. P- Dr. John F. Alexander.
* 4 8. P Joseph Gilland.
Rush S. P John O'NeiL
'• N.P John Long.
Snow Shoe N. P.... Edgar Holt.
tt u 3 p
Spring John Gerbrick.
Taylor B. V. Fink.
Union Sam'l K. Einerick,
Walker..Sol. Peck.
Worth.......—Win. Lewis.
The following are the prices charged for ant
nouneements in this paper: Sheriff. $5.00;
Prgthonotary, $5. 00; Treasurer, 85.00; Register,
#4.00; all other offices, S3.(JO.
We are authorized to annouuee CHARLES
SMITH, of Bellefonte as a candidate for County
Treasurer, subject to the decision of the demo
cratic county convention.
We are authorized to aunounce Maes WALK
of Ferguson Township as a candidate for
Sheriff, subject to the decision of the democrat -
ic county convention.
We are authorized to aunounce W. B. Mix-
GLE, of Centre Hall,as a candidate for Prothono
tary, subject to the decision of the democratic
county convention.
THE Supreme Court of Pennsylva
nia has rendered a decision of general
interest in the matter of road tax. The
right of farmers to work out their
road tax has generally been conceded,
but Supervisors in a few townships
insist that the tax must be paid in
money. A test case has been decid
ed in favor of the taxpayers, and their
right to work out their tax distinctly
affirmed. In other cases, collectors of
road tax have claimed a commission
on the part worked out, as well as
that paid into the township treasury.
The Supreme Court decided that all
claims for such commissions should be
rejected, the working out a tax impos
ing no labor on the Supervisor,who is
paid for his services.
THE Grand Encampment ot the I.
O. of Pennsylvania is in session
at Harrisburg this proceed
ings are not public, being only of in- ;
terest to the members of the order.
The officiers present are: R. W. G.
P., Joseph EJicCabe,of West Bridge- !
water and R. W. G. scribe, James B. j \
Nicholson, of Philadelphia. ) ]
A California congressman, who
was one of a delegation from that
state, which had an interview with
Samuel J. Tilden, says that for his
part he is firmly convinced, judging
from all the surroundings, that Tilden
will accept the nomination for Presi
dent if tendered to him by the Chica
go convention. He also remarks that
Mr. Tilden's ability to stand the fa
tigue and excitement of the campaign
is as good as any other man's of equal
age, his mind being as strong and
clear as ever before in his life.
THE following six conventions will
be held this year for the nomination
of President and Vice President:
Anti-Monopoly, in Chicago, May 14 ;
the Green backers, in Indianapolis, May
28; the Republican, in Chicago, Juno
3; the American party, in Chicago,
June 19; the Democratic, in Chicago,
July 8, and the Prohibition in Pitts
burg, July 23.
THE indications are that the nomi
nee of the Republican National Con
vention, a week henee, will be a dark
horse. Blaine and Arthur both claim
almost the same number of delegates,
and they can't both be nominated,but
they can both be left out of the race.
WALL STREET affairs are more quiet
again up to this writing and the
market is gaining strength. Occasion
ally one of the smaller banks closes its
doors, but most of the principal bank
ing houses have resumed business.
THE Bellefonte Watchman savs the
Republican National Convention pre
fers to meet at Chicago, because it
has one hundred more saloon keepers
and bartenders than preachers.
Rough on R—epublicans.
IN Pittsburg the Blaine men are su
ing Arthur men for fraudulent voting
in the primary elections.
ANOTHER tariff bill. Hew-it down,
and forever after hold your peace.
From our Regular Correspondent.
WASHINGTON, D. C., May 21, 1884.
I don't Know how much Mr. Arthur
will make out of his business men's
game that the office holders in New
York are just now playing,but it shows
pretty plainly that the President's
chances have become so yery desperate
that he has been compelled to resort to
desperate means to raise what little
boom he has got. But it is neither a
shrewd,"sagacious or prudent device to
haye such names as John Jacob Astor
and Horace B. Clafliu to lead in any
political movement,for they at once put
the rank and file upon their suspicions.
Mr. Arthur's administration has been
purely a negative one, and it is appro
priately endorsed by these negative
men, for nobody knows how Mr. Astor
votes, or how Mr. Clallin votes, if they
vote at all. Mr. Arthur has done no
harm, simply because there was no
harm to be done. The machine would
have run as well if Mr. Aithur had
been in Kamschatka. The politicians
in the "grand old party" have all a
long credited Arthur without harmon
izing the differences that for three
years have kept their leaders in hot wa
ter all over the country. The recent
action of the local conventions for
choosing delegates to their Chicago fu
neral hardly looks that way, and Mr.
Arthur's appointments haye calculated
to keep up the estrangement between
the two or three wings in which the
party is divided. Talking with a lead
ing Democrat the other day, he seemed
ito think that the killing of the Morris
on bill was, after all, the best thing
that could have happened this year to
shape things for Democratic success.
There was no leading Democrat that
had been or would be talked of in con
nection with a Presidential nomination
who had not pronounced views upon
the tariff, and it was not for Congress
to be making; tariff platforms in ad
vance to" suit any possible candidate, i
and the Morrison arrangement
wouldn't suit any of them. The drop
ping of the question altogether, gives
us a Democratic President just as sure
as if the thing had already happened.
I should like to know if the country
is to continue this pampering of the
Grant family during the term of their
natural lives ? Grant has been given
three or four fortunes in the last twen
ty years,and now Congress puts him on
the retired pay-roll at about the same
salary that he got when President dur
ing his first terra ! If he is foolish
enough to invest his own and other
people's money in Keeley motors and
other South Sea bubbles, I don't see
why the country should keep on en
couraging him in that sort of out-of
pocket speculation, and this talk of our
being unable to compensate him for his
brilliant services, smacks a good deal
more of sentiment than of justice to
ourselves and regard for posterity.
The callow clap-trap politicians of
the Republican school who in the
departments and affect base-ball, are
the ones who have staited this hue and
cry for Bob Lincoln as a Presidential
candidate. While there maybe a sad
dearth of statesmen in this country
just at tiiis time who may be ayailable,
it must strike an intelligent citizen
with the idea that we have got on our
last legs altogether when such a states
man as young Lincoln can be seriously
talked about as a candinate. Why,
Henry Clay tried three times, and Dan-
iel Webster as many more, after thirty
! years of as zealous service and able
statesmanship as the world has seen,
and yet failed to reach a position that
this political aspirant proposing to
jump into without even having exhibit
ed the first qualities for the place either
as a citizen or public ofllcial! These are
liot'tlie times and the country's inter
ests cannot permit the electiou of Presi
dents upon mere sentiment, and Mr.
Robert Lincoln would do well to bide
his time until lie can acquit himself of
something that will entitle him to con
sideration, besides his father's name.
The Republican Congressional Com
mittee are in a peck ot trouble over the
discovery all at once that |their connec
tion with the political machinery of
their party is in contravention of the
Civil Service law, which makes them
amenable to all the pains and penalties
incident to its infraction. The eleventh
section of the law expressly hits them,
and Senator Ilawley admits that the
duties of the committee cannot be per
formed without the inevitable follow
ing of a term in the penitentiary. To
see such men as Ilawley.Sabin, Logan,
Frye, and Don Cameron in company
with the House Members of the Com
mittee all going to the penitentiary,
would be a sight entitled to our com
miseration. however deserving the fel
lows may be out of that sort of nuiu'sli
rnent. Seriously however, if the Civil
Service law means anything, it means
that these men shall not exercise the
functions of political machines and
Federal officials at the same time,and if
they do they ought to be punished the
same as any other malefactors,
Waterspout and Hail in Kansas.
LF.VEN WORTH, Kansas, May 18.— A
waterspout washed away the track of
the Missouri Pacitie roads south and
west of here yesterday. On the former
road 150 feet were washed away and
seven caw loaded with cattle and the
engine and tender went into the river.
They were completely wrecked and sev
enty cattle killed. The track was cov
ered with water in some places and in
others the water was two to live feet
deep. On the Union Pacific hail fell to
the depth of two inches. Three-quarters
of a mi'e of track was carried away.
Further west all trains have been de
layed. There was a heavy fall of rain
hereout uo damage has been reported
to crops.
—Deininger & Musser have just re
ceived a full car load of marble direct
from the quarries, and are now busy as
beavers in preparing and putting up
seme of the finest monuments and bead
stones that can be seen any where. They
are prepared to furnish the best in their
line, whether an elaborate monument
or a plain headstone, and at prices that
can not be undersold by any establish
ment in this part uf the state, 2t
—Mr. John Kerstetter, Jr., still
makes a business of doing special jobs
at carpentry. John is really an expert
at the business and has large experince,
both in making out plans.specifications
and drawings, as well as a practical
workman. People who entrust their
work into his hands can safely rely on
having it done in best style at the low
est prices. tf
LANDS FOR TAXES PO.< 1882 AXl> 1*43
AND PREVIOUS YEARS,—Notice Is hereby
given that in pursuance of an Act of Assembly,
passed on the 12th day of June, A. I). ISI. r >, en
titled "An Act to amend an Act. directing the
mode of selling unseated lands in Centre coun
ty," and the several supplements thereto, there
will be exposed to pub) if sale or outcry,'the fol
lowing tracts of unseated lands in said county
for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the
Court House, in the borough of Bellefonte. on
Monday, June 9th, A. i>. 1884, at one o'clock, p.
58 Hoi mas, Robt 2 04
100 Dale, Christ Sr., (owner) 490
143 Dale, Ann. nart 14 27
383 I* 3 Fra zier ,N olbroa 23 83
433 163 Fishburn.Hannah 4191
433 163 <sray. Wm 38 95
431 137 Godfrey. Martha 45 12
433 I<Vl Harvey, Jonathan- 28 86
418 40 Hood, Win 42 86
431 40 Hood, Moses 33 87
181 Lucas, J M& J P Packer 24 60
433 163 Lewis, David.. 43 55
300 M'Coy, Frank 30 30
50 Paker & Lucas 5 04
458 f i Russel, WM 31 13
433 lt>'l Russel, Tljomas 29 42
50 Walker. J0n.(0wner)...... 4 50
46 Leathers, Jacob, (owner) 211
383 163 Weiss, Michael 29 69
415 Black, James .. 934
433 163 Brady, Robt 19 44
433 163 Brady, Win P 9 72
433 163 Brady, John 9 72
433 163 Bell, Win 12 96
433 153 Bingham, Wm 56 99
415 Boyd, John 18 67
433 163 Bi'Oi'B, John 19 59
4.33 163 Cook, Will. 19 44
433 1(3 Cowdon, John 12 9*5
433 163 Dewart, Win 6 48
433 163 Dewart, John, 6 48
433 163 Donelly, Henry o 48
433 163 Donelly, John 12 6*5
433 163 Fox, Sainuei M 12 96
4.33 163 Gray, Robt 6 48
433 163 Gray, Win 6 48
433 I*3 Grant, Thomas 12 96
433 163 Graves, Alex 12 96
433 I*3 Goben, Charles 648 '
43) 163 Hamilton, Thomas 12 96 '
140 Harris, Henry 12 60 '
433 153 Harrison, Geo 19 52 .
433 163 HouseLJohn 12 96
433 153 Hunt, Person 45 47
433 163 Kldd, John 10 35
415 Levy, Nathaniel 12 4.3
433 163 Lyon, John 12 96
43) 153 McLanahan, Blair 19 52
433 163 McLanahan, Geo 45 47 !
433 153 MuLffuahun, Pol}y 45 46 I
433 153 McLanahan, Ann 4ft 46
433 150 Mean, Geo 64 93
-8)0 Miller, Wm 600
431 163 Morris. Joseph 12 96
433 153 Nicholson. John 38 98
233 15.3 Pettit, Ana 39 47
433 163 Shaffer, Henry 12 96
41 ft Tallman, Sarah AI 12 43
433 Li.) Tench, Francis 32 54 ;
433 163 Towers, James 972 .
US fe'S,IS :
433 163 Wallace, Joseph 12 96 ;
415 Weitzel, John.. 1147 1
415 Wcidner, Jacob 37 23 ,
J23 Wheeler, Henry 366 '
433 163 Wilson, Bird 12 86
204 Withington, Martin 305 ;
121 Johnston,Ross 15 43 •
434 Ainsley, Robt 50 09 s
415 Allen,Clias 50 90 4
Baird, Samuel 38 35 I
185 Brady, Wm P 37 92
297 ' Carscadden, D 45 78
337 tiba.U, LJpt| ley 23 00 2
150 Custer, Pau1....,,.... 13 74 a
30 Curtin, John 2 0,3
200 120 Carscadden. D 14 60 4
311 Deliaven, Peter % 52 82 4
106 Devling, Joseph 12 40 4
434 Devliug, Joseph 50 78 4
135 Donald, Henry 33 60 4
311 Evans,Cadvvalder 52 82 3
415 Elliot, Wm 70 44 4
415 Eddy, Ester 82 84 2
448 99 Epple,Ana 73 38 3
415 Gray, R0bt...., 64 24 4
415 Gray, Wm ~ 64 34 4
415 Gilbert, Wm 82 90 $
SCO Godfrey, Martha. 83 00
300 142 Godfrey, John W 44 10
120 Halm, Peter 12 24
415 Hallo, Susan 64 24
60 Hollo well, lid 1120
112 Humphrey. Thomas 14 47
203 Irvln, James 3912
;W0 Kelso, .Joseph 50 80
403 Kelso, Relieeea 00 18
400 Kelso, Joseph 48 00
200 Lane. Mary - 33 20
150 Lane, Sarah - 44 50
415 L o vy. Nathaniel 82 00
207b> IJOWIIH, Caleb 32 40
207Jst Longstreth. Isaac 38 56
207J* l<owns, Caleb. 38 26
70 MasoJWohu 5...* .... 1236
4. r >o MoCaoley. John.—. 45 11
200 Meyer, Philip 47 oo
100 Meyer, Slinon 23 50
420 48 Meyer, Michael 05 80
420 Meyer, Valentine 05 80
106 Miller. .James 2012
4(W Mitchell. WmP 40 80
434 Mitchell, Win P... 40 78
220 Mitchell. Win P 25 74
200 Mitchell, John P 83 03
110 Meyers, It o* or 640
313 112 Orvls. Kills, L 30 04
434 Packer, J W 40 78
42 Parker, J W 4 01
15 Packer, J W 1 50
110 Packer, WM 12 87
320 Packer. J W - 3814
>•2 Gulgley, Cllne 5 54
100 Smith,' Peter 10 20
433 153 Scott, Samuel 86 88
433 163 Taliman, Mary. 50 78
200 Tunis,Ulchard 20 40
200 Tunis, diehard 10 80
415 Wain, Jacob 41 04
217 Wharton, Flshburn 85 50
217 Wharton, Flshburn 35 50
160 Willis,Jonathan 11 10
415 Wlstar,Caspar 114 00
433 163 White, James 01 '.Bl
100 Willis, Jonathan 11 10
461 Yardley, Win 47 OO
100 Hurchtleld, Win 5 08
10 Hicks, A brain 1 4S
150 Thomas, l'eaeock(owner) 12 0C
130 Askln, Robt . . 468
110 Mozely, Jacob 2 <*s
1.30 Mercer, John 4 OS
120 Reese, Daniel 4 9*
150 Zelgler, Michael 17*
52 A Custer's est. (owner).... 30*
1 363 60 Burr, Thomas 651
406 60 Barr, Mar Kit ret - 7 2f
87 Barrows. John of 1 21
375 60 Barr, James 6 71
388 60 Barr, Mary 6 9i
154 Beck. Henry 2
446 28 Dndbrldpe, Hannah •> %
181 Fees, Jacob 2 4*
-406 89 Gratz. Michael 7 21
4(H) (iratz. Bernard 5S'
i 262 140 Gillmaii. H& S Snyder.... 17
253 (iillnian, H& s Snyder.... 12 9:
[ 435 Hall, Chas 16*8
400 60 Links, Mary 72(
106 Lowery 1 ft
1 200 Parker. Win 17t
' 170 Stover & Wolf 3(8
5 88 Field, Will - 82
150 D Hcnsel (owneri. 1 32
• 125 D Hensel (owner) 1 U
25 139 Wiess, John & Sol Neldlgh 42
48 Beck, Danl 13 W
95 Keith, Jacob ... 28 4(
216 Lainburn, Josiab 32 21
24 Jacob Vaupool (owner)... 49t
, 63 89 C Vanpool 44 93:
67 76 , C Vanpool 44 115:
1 45 C Vanpool 44 31
400 Audre. Absalom—.— 30i
■ 133 Fox. Geo 18i
400 Harrison, Wm - 3W
50 Irvln, John.. 12!
[ 400 Parker. Richard 38(
400 Reed, James 3 8u
407 92 Wharton, Kearney 4 22
100 Young, Samuel..... •>
107 104 Brown, Buinuel.... 66*
; 136 92 Harris, Jas IX- 38]
55 Harris, Jas i) ~ 2 0*
I 160 Willis, Jon. S E End 14 3:
, 160 Willis, Jonathan ... 14 3]
433 163 Barter, James - ... 25 1<
13) Kuhn, Adam 8 st
59 Kuhns • 4 :ii
' 433 163 Price, John 25 l(
433 163 Rolllugton, Johll 3511
' 4.13 i3 WlieeUnd. John . 2.511
166 Hayes, Robt A Jas 25 9?
171 lless, Geo D 10 82
' 309 3 Irvln, Robt 29 61
310 Jackson. Jere 22 62
180 Ll'tle, Peter. >*
150 Lytie, Peter ~2 601
175 Outglcy, James A 105f
168 Slww & Lingle 8 21
349 • Smith. Christian 16 72
17 Robt 4 07
37 100 McKluney, David 6 2(
70 Ilohrer, Chris 18 Of
50 Wlll Tiighman (owner).. 12 9(i
100 J P Harris 44 12 3d
19 Isaac Kraln 44 7 04
28 .lohnZeigler 44 7 9S
60 Yarger, Simon 4 0"J
0 Yarger, Simon 4 02
200 Young, Robt 22 8(1
430 Brady Robt - 794
410 Brady, Hannah 7 56
255 Brady, Jane ... 470
8§ IIS
146 Brady. Wni 2 66
424 Calhoun, George..—... 7 80
4n3 Carothers, James 7 42
I 150 Cooper, Wm 2 78
320 Fearon, Joseph 5 92
I 429 Gray, Robt 7 88
476 Grant, Thomas 8 78
203 Hainer, William 5 77
460 Hunter, Alexander 8 50
430 jackson. Jeremiah 6 28
320 Kitts, (ieori.e 5 92
300 Levy, Aaron 5 4.)
425 Norton,Bnml...„ V 0:1
I*o Parker. Wm 8 54
:$4 , Parker, Rjchard —. 598
324 Parker, Jeremiah ~... s*B
58 Parker, Win - 1 03
125 Rtedtnan, Win..— .. 291
2(io Smith, Thomas...... .......... 370
100 Scott, Abraham 1 84
50 Roott. Saml—- 91
150 Scott, Abraham 2 77
90 Scott, Rami 1 65
130 Taggart. Robert..—2 39
275 Tripp John - 507
425 Toland. Henry...—...-....-. 783
100 Long.C (owner) 175
125 Wharton. Moore— 2 38
425 William, David - 7 82
150 Armstrong, James 6 00
150 10 Cowdon, John 6 00
1 19 3IS
150 Hepburn, Japies 6 00
116 $1 Hepburn, James 4 U8
150 Kennedy, John 6 00
150 Kennedy, James 6 00
104 89 Kennedy, And 3 62
108 131 Kennedy, John 3 72
113 8 Kennedy. James 3 81
200 Lyon, Robert 8 00
200 Lyon, Ezekial 8 00
200 Lyon, Bon] Bno
100 Montgomery, Wiu 4 00
300 Montgomery,Dani.,,,,,,, 4 4t)ti
M'Calley, Wm..,, 80S
200 MpCalfflv,JQhn. 8 00
- 0
288 Bound, Mary 4 00
81 111 Camcrou, Alex 149
182 Carothers, 210
20 Fullmer. H B 64
400 Gaiigus, Edward 5 69
400 (iarlgus, Wm 5 69
400 Harrison, Wm 8 04
40 Livingstone 74
105 McClellan, Geo 167
70 Peck, Jos 1 49
90 John Bitner (owner) 191
186 115 Purdon, John 6 1.1
300 Robison, Catharine,,,,.., floo
30*1 Roltison, Rebecca 9 90
ISO Robison, Richard 4 97
66 Fool, Henry 0 60
92 1< Thorn burg, Thomas 6 60
100 J Gordon (owner) 3 30
75 Kmlllne Whitney (owner) 742
433 By a id, And— ... 107 79
433 153 Bingham, Wm 80 95
433 153 Brunt, Felix 80 95
60 Clymer, Geo, ... 46
438 153 Campbell, Geo 80 95
412 44 Carscadden, David 67 56
412 44 carscadden, David 77 04
287 86 Carscadden, David 47 06
433 153 Cox. Paul 80 95
433 153 Cuthburt, Thos 80 95
433 153 Cunningham, DII 78 44
433 153 Delaney, Sharp 81 95
300 leveling.Joseph- 39 90
ata Dobgou, Bam , f 27 89
433 Eddy, Geo— !, d 48
200 Fltzsiinmons, Thos 23 60
433 163 Fox, Sam'l M 86 58
433 163 Fisher, James C 71 00
433 163 Fisher, Sam'l W - 80 95
60 Gray. Robert... 8 46
200 Higby, Jos 36 80
38 Hale, James T 67 18
50 Hale, James T 5 25
438 153 Hawthorn, Thos 80 y5
433 153 Raines 80 95
4.'13 153 Lewis, Wnt 80 95
43! 153 Lewis, Win lawyer 80 95
433 Llnll , Sam'l 70 99
353 Ligget. JOIIII 57 87
400 Long, JZ 60 40
200 Long, J Z 37 40
314 Long, J Z 47 41
433 153 Maylan, Jasper— 70 99
433 153 Mayston, Edward .... 70 99
433 MoMannus, 70 00
43.1 153 McLanahan, Blair 70 99
I 433 153 Meed, Geo ... 00 00
> 433 153 McPlierson. Wm - 60 00
i 43.3 163 McKwcn, Th 05....-- 70 99
1 433 153 MJ 111 ken, M T 61 03
' m 73 Mitchell. N J 57 64
t 433 M Inner, Luke 70 99
> 433 Morgan, BeiiJ It 55 45
I 423 1.53 Morris, Robt - 76 07
> 888 71 Nesbit, John M 09 09
> 43.3 153 Parker, Win 55 45
) 216 Parker, Jeremiah 27 63
> 216 Parker, Jeremiah 27 93
* 360 pm. John 59 04
> 360 153 Pirn, Hugh. —. 59 04
1 300 Kelley, Job - 54 60
i 360 ]44 Iteiley,John 59 04
I 4.'13 153 Shlppen, Thos L 70 99
1 4.33 153 Scott, Edward 70 99
) 433 155 Taliman, Benjamin - 55 45
> 162 Tomkilis, Jos 17 23
) 453 163 Taliman, Sarah M 70 99
> 4:13 153 Valentine, A S 62 99
2 1 **o 8 Vandyke, Henry 81 16
1 433 158 Wain. Rebecca 55 45
( 413 163 Wain, Pheby 70 78
I 433 153 Wliarton, Moore 70 99
J 433 153 Wharton, Elizabeth 55 45
9 4:i3 163 Wharton. Thos F 70 99
I 433 153 West, Francis 70 99
4 433 153 West. BenJ 70 99
1 265 West, Frances.— 27 80
t) 433 153 West, Wm H - 45 57
7 433 153 West, John - 45 57
1 169 West, Frances 13 89
s 433 153 Allison, John 17515
8 328 Allison, James... 132 50
i) 2 0 Allison. And -! 119 50
l) :K> Allison, A A J Lilly 143 4C
4 327 10 Armstrong.And 'M 27
1) 40 10 Atlierton. Richard 18 04
0 164 10 Allison, James 19 97
0 104 Bnuman, Joseph - 12 80
0 52 Hantaan, Joseph - 14 18
ft 433 163 Beverage, David 37 67
0 433 163 Brlckley, Dan'l 44 99
0 433 163 Briltziimu, Peter- 154 65
4 of
433 163 Boreland.John - 23 04
5 100 Copenhaver, John 910
2 438 153 Cunningham,John- 11010
0 100 Clymer, Geo 39 70
100 Campbell, Geo - 39 7o
a 300 Cuthburt, Thos -. 11910
\ 433 163 Del any. Sharp... 37 67
0 155 99 Dorsh, Frederick 46 09
u 433 153 Edwards, Thus 154 65
; 433 163 Elder, Danl 65 58
u 50 Frence, Edward 960
* 438 158 Fitzgerald, Dan 86 58
433 153 Funk, John 43 50
1 250 Fltzslmmons, Thoe 29 86
15 274 Graff, Sabastian 90 34
u 433 158 Graff, Sabastlan 19.5 31
3 216 1.56 Grant, Tims 77 26
r> 438 153 Grant, Thos— 177 78
Ki 213 ' Gray, Wiu BB 18
rj 438 |IG3 (ilentworth. Jas 37 67
9 50 Grove, Elizabeth. - 69
13 100 Gray. Robt— 39 76
121 152 Grove & McKean 3 84
* 4:13 153 Hatr.Chrlattau 49 37
13 426 14 Hair, Christian 3910
10 4:13 153 Hair, David - 49 37
!0 216 153 Haiuiltoii.Thoiuaa 77 26
tH 433 153 Hamilton Hugh—...... 27 50
8 433 153 Hand. John 49 37
14 150 80 Harrison, John 47 20
K>7 liuriT 011, Joseph.....—.— 44 30
3 4:13 153 Hamilton, Hugh 54 78
,0 112 Hartline, Geo M- 18 38
15 433 163 Hopkins. John.— 44 98
4.33 153 Huber, John - 49 37
13 Hager, Christopher—— . 498
*> 6 Harrison. John 384
w 4.33 153 Irvln, Robt -. 154 65
* V % Of
•6 433 153 Irvln, Robt : 1115
13 100 King, Robert 4O 40
>2 162 10 Karr.Jas 6O 78
>8 433 163 Lattlmure.Goo.— .37 67
135 163 Lgttlmoie, Win U 1182
-38 158 Lenliore, Christian 195 31
® 4! 153 Lowdon, Rich 65 6.5
* 24) Long. A B 925
y Lowden, Richard 56
*33 1 53 Metzgar, Jacob- - 138 55
- 433 153 Malone, Leslie.. 2186
488 163 Mayston, Edward 37 67
200 McPherson, Wm .... 17 50
■a 4243 153 Meyers, Jacob 103 48
U 433 153 Miller, John— —49 37
m 433 163 Miller, Jacob— - 49 37
S 488 168 MeConnell, Martha 37 67
;7 4.38 153 Mead, Geo.— - 54 78
U of
438 153 Morgan, BR 1121
0 70 Musser. John —. 44 83
S 173 Musser, Geo (smith)-. 67 77
4 100 McCord, JR & A Camp
-0 bell l9 20
1 6 Nelson, Ellen— 4 22
1 3 120 Old, Davis - 1 28
321 58 Pirn Joseph 20 53
. 323 Patton, Hugh— 32 00
£ >4 of
' 433 153 Peters, Richard Ul6
\ 4.33 153 Ptnkcrkm, Henry 64 61
J 164 ion Philips, Hardiuan 56 65
V 171 84 Philips, Hardman 78 82
' 100 Passmorc & Bryson 120
1 348 i: Pirn, Henry 22 26
2 301 150 Pirn, George 19 20
218 80 Raiuey, Robt > 56 45
4-33 153 Reese, Thomas 218 66
7, 438 153 Rohrer, Christian 49 37
J 533 153 Rudlaill, Jacob 162 81
1 405 47 Rsuh, Jacob 142 63
n 4.33 153 Rush, Benjamin 177 78
V : Robison, Wm H 1.28
2 37 Robison, Wm H :128
214 stout, Jacob 79.18
n 43:1 Schafner, Casper. 195 31
433 153 Shenk, Andrew 49 37
u m 153 Shenk, Christian 49 37
433 153 Shenk, Michael - 49
4 247 16 Steek, Jacob 24 08
r, 433 153 Spcer. Roi>ert 115 20
0 167 7 Mough, Goo., 19 10
I) Ut9 Hoott, And 2513
4 408 Snyder, Barbara 77 94
5 193 French. Ed (owner) 37 03
0 80 Corkendale, W H 15 36
2 122 44 Wtldman, John 55 02
8 402 119 Weidnian, Jacob 180 56
2 12 Williams, J C 717
8 108 Wilson, John 14 89
8 326J4 Wilson, John 34 70
* 75 Wilson, Wm 30 (ri
) 4.'13 1.53 Wilson, Wm .... 154 H5
8 313 106 Witnjer, .jphß 36 00
2 .306 100 Wi|auii,Wm 9? 92
1 150 Armer & Shaffer 18 0
] 2. f >o Beckwlth, Clement 77 50
77 Bell.Wm 32 59
309 Bush, James 54 90
50 Clark,Joseph 2610
176 Coates, Moses 21 45
1 Hot
, 433 163 Hoodman, Elizaoeth 877
434 Ham lintou, Hugh 70 66
I 433 153 Hoopman, John 25 08
| 67 76 Lot No 14 CV, Jacob Van
pool 412
63 89 Lot No 11, C V, Jacob Van
! pool 3 89
| 73 147 Lot No 16 CV A, Stephen
son est 4 50
70 Lot No 15 C V, Henry St.
. nhenson 420
1 100 Masdofi,Thomas 3200
4:14 Montgomery, W W 33 59
4.3H McCamniond, John ,55 02
100 Ralston, David 1.500
50 Snyder, Barbara 26 46
90 Vanpool, C 8 46
50 Vanpool, Jacob 6 10
200 Whitehead, Richard 44 20
50 John Wells 790
60 • Yoder, Joseph,. U 58
150 20 Brower, Win 41 5l
200 Kuhu, PR 12 00
130 140 Mann, Harvey 44 56
100 Phipps, Samuel 1185
50 Thomas, H (owner) 4 10
383 P B Crlaer & Son 44 79 00
433 164 Wlster, Wm 143 77
90 94 Askln, Robt 2 15 .
40 Baker, John 192
337 154 Baker. Robt & John 814
212 Barkraan, Saml 1017
129 120 Brooks. Ruth 311
300 Brady. Wm 7 20
270 129 Curvfer, Mary 6 72
115 113 Daughtery, Margaret.,.. 273
179 110 Daughtery,Elizabeth..... 4 32
69 39 Evans, Jesse,, 166
ion 39 Evans, jesse 240
92 26 Eckert, Wm 2 19
211 73 Hann. Peter 5 07
2a 47 Hahn, Ebenezer 52
65 40 llahn, Wm 154
219 39 James, Margaret 5 28
215 155 James, Edward 513
59 40 Johnston. David 1 38
161 Knox. John 747
600 McEwen, Mary 13 34
357 160 Mausell, Win 7 83
90 94 Mercer. John.,, 215
327 100 Mercgr. David.,, 7 83
384 36 Miller, Win 9 22
4 McCalmont, Thos I*o2
fill 44 Osman, Capt 5 04
86 40 Packer. Job 2 05
89 40 Packer, Jauies 2!15
182 Purdon, Richard 8 00
150 Reed, David 7 20
175 Robison, Richard.... 7 77
88 Smith, John & Henry 192
201 133 Sutler, James 9 64
382 36 Sutler, Daniel, 916
59 Swanzy, William 140
39 Wlekersham, Ainos 71
33 Clj'iner, Henry 8 99
254 Gray. J B 27 25
200 Hawthorn, Thomas...... 1334
345 Kuhns, John 49 94 / 5
278 Lawman. George 32 61 i
230 Maylan. Jasper 23 78
274 Miles, Samuel 52 33
25 Morris, Widow 477
30 Kosg, john 10 63
85 B wans wich, John 14 66
6 Singer. John 184
88 Shlppen, Wm J 15 22
160 Jonathan, Laird, owner** 1213 1
58 A Laird, owner 6 42
y Unknown, vacant .*. 75
l A Jacob Vanpool, owner.... 59
20 Wlster, Wm 1111 .
Wistcr, Daniel 21 45
P. C. KELLER, Treasurer.
The Bee Hive Store
' " ' • .j; .. .• -J-.;
.. \ ! . ' J ■ wvti'"
-■ , . - . -
gp many patrons in Centre county, the result of
many years' patient and honest dealing and a quick
insight in their wants and wishes.
>t f '- J.'in J
A large invoice of choice Spring Goods
have arrived. Will be pleased to show
them to you.
Muslins, on which our reputation is unquestioned
were never as low as they are now.
Hill Muslin at 8 1-2 cts. Very best
goods at 10 cts. The unbleached muslins
are accordingly as cheap.
We are selling a surprisingly good Gingham at
5 cts., very good at 8 cts.
Best Whittendon Shirtings at 0 cts.
You will need them before long, buy them
now before they are gone.
The Bee Hive Store is headquarters for Tickings.
An unusually fine line and cheap.
Turkey Red Table Linen warranted Fast Colors,
50 cts. Pr yd.
The oth invoice of Jamestown Dress Goods have
arrived, best goods for the money that can be pur*
chased. 25 c. A new and choice line of 121-2 cent
£5? and SiUcs in abundance. One half ton of OAR
PET CHAIN, 25 cts. We get your carpets made for you and
charge you the weaver's price.
We have just received the finest and largest line of OARPBTS
ever brought to this city. LOOL AT THEM BEFORE THE
JMIEGI/hceiilc PA.
■ 3FV • *
The people of Millheim and vicinity are invited to call
and inspect my eegant stock of
Millinery Goods!
Special attention is called to my large line of
Hats, Bonnets, Plumes, Tips,
bons, Velvets, &c.
A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicit
Anna M. Weaver.
Selling off at Cost!
W. T. Mauck & Son
To change the arrangement of their room.
SPRINGS of every description, HAIR, COTTON', HUSK A STRA W
WHAT-NOTS, Etc., Etc.
Our stock of*
are entirely new patterns, and customers calling at our shops will alter examination find that we
are prepared;to suit all tastes and fancies. The leading Wall Paper manufacturers are design
ing and printing papers so far in advance of those in former years, that we can now show styles of
to customers that will improve their homes so much that they will not be without them.
Earnestly soliciting a kind patronage we invite the public to call and inspect the goods at our shops
Fenn St., MILLHEIM, Penna.
~W~_ T.