THE CRAZIEST CRAZE. u Who is that young man ?" "The one leaning against the show case ?" "Yes the same." "He looks like a dude or a fashiona ble loafer, but he is really a dotectiye, placed here to watch the ladies." "To prevent stealing ?" "Oh, no ; the ladies who visit our establishment do not steal. They spe culate. They carry small scissors with them and snip pieces out of the cur tains, draperies and even each other's cloaks and dresses. They cannot help it. The crazy quilt rage has become a maniac, and now that the storekeeper will no longer give samples, and they have begged all the neckties and pieces from their friends,they just appropriate a patch from everything they see. I know a dozen ladies who have elegant garments ruined by a piece cut out. One lady wore a blue velvet brocade suit to church, and when she got home one of the tails of her basque coat was gone. She thought some eyil-minded person had done it to distress her, but a few days after she discovered the piece in the block of a crazy quilt." The gentleman was one of the pro prietors of a large and elegantly appoin ted establishment on Woodward aven ue. and while he talked he watched a beautiful giil who lingered near the su perb plush drapery of one of the por tieres. The young man leaning against the show case also watched her in a sleepy, indifferent way, but ready to spring and stop ber hand if he saw a suspicious movement. "But," said the representative of the press, "these are l.idies of position and wealth. They cau buy all the pieces they want for a crazy quilt." "Ah 1 that's all you know about it. There is not a bit of pleasure to them in what they call commercial patch work. It is like smuggling. There must be a spice of adventure in it, and there is. They beg all the old Knight Templar badges, menus or mottoes printed on ribbon, bookmarks, neckiies —why, a bashful man is actually afraid to call on a lady, alie demands so much of his wardrobe—and odds and ends obtained by the most hazardous pro ceeding. "I have no doubt a pocket-book fill ed with money would be no temptation to those ladies, but an old-gold satin lining in a man's coat sleeves will be cut out aDd appropriated without a struggle. 'Tis true,'tis pity, pity 'tis, 'tis true," and the disgusted proprietor reached into bis coat pockets after a handkerchief. It was gone, and so were the pockets. They had been qui etly abstracted while he was explain ing the modua operandi of the crazy quilt business, and as they were blue satin they no doubt form a harmonious discord by this time in a demented Well. D'ye Accept. When Archbishop Moore died, Man ners Sutton was Bishop of Norwich and also Dean of Windsor. He was at that moment residing at his deanery, and was entertaining a party of friends at dinner. In the middle of dinner the butler came up to him with an excited face. "Beg pardon, my lord, a gentleman wishes to see your lordship directly,but he won't giye me his name." "Nonsense!" said the Bishop. "I can't come now, of course." "The gentleman says it is very im portant—very important, indeed, my lord—or he wouldn't disturb you." "Well," said the Bishop, somewhat crossly, "ask him to wait a few min utes till I have finished my dinner." "Beg pardon, my lord," said the but ler, persistently, and with some confi dence, "but you had better see the gen tleman directly." The Bishop, amazed at the man's coolness,made an apology to his guests, and went into the next room, where he was still more amazed to find King George 111, who as usual, was breath less and rapid. "How d'ye do my lord ?—how d'ye do ?—eh—eh ? Just came to tell you Archbishop of Canterbuiy is dead died this morning—want you to be new Archbishop, you kno\4— new Archbish op. What d'ye say, eh—eh ?" The Bishop stood dumbfounded, and the King broke in again, "Well,d'ye ac cept, eh—eh ?" Tne Bi shop had by this time recover ed himself sufficiently to bow gratefully and murmur his thankful acceptance. "AH right," said his Majesty. "Go back —got a party, I know —very glad you accept. Good night—good night." And with that he bustled away. The fact was that he had anticipated exactly what happened. Mr. Pitt came down to his Majesty next mrrning to inform him that the Archbishop was dead, and to recommend to his Majesty Bishop Prettyman (Tomlin) for the ya cant primacy. The King, who had rather too much of Prettyman at Mrs. Pitt's hands, resolved to be first in the field,and was now able to tell his Prime Minister that he had already apjiointed the Bishop of Norwich. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken or your r£st by a sick child suffering and crvins with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once AND GET A bottle ot MRS. W INSLOW'S SOOTHING STBCP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, its valutj is incalculable, it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers there Is no mistake about it. It cures dvsenterv and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wftid colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to tfie whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs ers in the United State, and is for sale by all d niegists throughout the world. Price 25 coats a bottle. CRAZY PATCHWORK! Having ft large assortment of remnants anil pieces of handsome brocnoed silks, satins and velvets, we are putting them up in assorted bundles and furnishing them for "'Crazy Catch work 'Cushions, Mats, Tidies, &n . Si. I*irk age No. I—ls a handsome bundle of exquisites silks, satins and brocaded velvets (all different). Just the thinii for the most su wrb pattern fan ey work. Sent postpaid to 50 cents tn postal note or 1-cem stamps Package No. ti -Con taining three times as much as package N<>. I. Sent postpaid for SI.OO. These are all of the veryjinest quality and cannot be equalled at any other silk works in the C. S, at three times our prices- They will please any lady. One order always brings a dozen more, ailtc*' manual ol' Fancy, with TO lllustra ons and full instructions for artistic fancy work, hand somely bound, postpaid St) ets. ( )r. A short SPECI AL CoCKSE in Chemistry. 7. A Classical and Scientific Preparatory Course. 8. SPECIAL CO USES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill Is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Princi pal. For Catalogues, or other informalionuddress GEO. W. ATHRRTOX. PRESIDENT, lyr STATE cot LEGK, CENTRE CO. ,Pa THE SEWING MACHINE WORLD Revolntionized Dy the Introduction of the IMPROVED WHITE SEWIMi MACHINE, " The Kins of all Sewini Machines. Conceded by all experts to bo the finest ma chine ever placed on the market. The only machine in the world with an AUTOMATIC BOBBIN WINDER. with which a CHILD can wind a bobbin as evenly as a spool of cotton is wound. The ONLY Machine with a Practical Embroiderer, with which BEAFTIFUI.WOKK can lie done The ONLY Machine with a HEM STITCHING ATTACHMENT. The "WHITE" has a Self-Setting 'eedle, Self- Threading throughout, All Bearing Adjustable, Case Hardened and of St eel- The "WHITE" has no Coo WHEELS, which are only used in the cheaper grades of machines, therefore soon become noisy and liard-runlung. Be sure and —EXAMINE THE WHITE— -before buying a sewing machine. **~A LLSEUTXG MACIUXES REPAIRED A TTTKASOXAIILE RA TES. OILS, NEEDLES AND ATTACHMENT- always on hand. I also keep the Jiest Quality of LADIES\MISSP:S'* CHILDREN'S FINE SEWED DRESS SHOES C. G. BRIGHT, Agent, AARONSBURG, PA. ***** * * * * D. I. BROWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE, Sec. ■ ■ ■ ■ Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. done at short notice by practical workmen. Spouting a Specialty A Shop on Main St., opposite Tomlinson MILLHEIM PA. CUT THIS OUT I A ISAKE S Sls IS S4O week. ! We have stores in 15 leading- Cities, from which our agents obtain their supplies quickly. Our Factories and Principal Offices arc at i Erie, Pa. Send for our New Catalogue and terms to agents Address My I fttfEl | 913 Spring Carden St. I I IMS LUICLL PHILADELPHIA,PA. ' LewisMrg anil Tyrone Eailroatl Time s Table. LEAVE WESTWARD. 13 5 7 A. M. A. M. I*. M. R. M. I'. M Montnndon 7 fis 0.40 2.05 b.imi 7.55 Lewisburg 7.25 10 05 '2.20 Fair (! round 7.10 10.13 2.25 IMehl 7.40 10.27 2.35 Vlekshurg 7.15 18.3d 2.40 Milllinburg 8.00arll.oi) ar 2. V. le. 3 u5 MUlniont 8.22 3.28 Laurel ton 8.33 3.40 Wiker l.'un 8.57 4.00 Cherry Run 0.15 4.25 , Fowler 0.35 4.47 I Colli!I'll 0.43 s.oft Spring 10.15 nr.5.30 LEAVE EASTWARD.; 2 4 tt N 10 A. >[. I'. M. Spring Mills 3.50 1.60 Unburn fi 13 2.20 Fowler 0.2S 2.33 Cherry Uuu d.43 2.65 Wlker Bun 7.05 3.15 Laurelton 7.30 3.40 Millmont 7.40 3.52 A. M. Miffllnburg 8.00 11.45 4.15 R. M. Viekshurg.,,,.... 8.15 12.10 4.;2 Biehl 8.20 12.17 4.38 Filil- GiOIIIId A. XI. 5.30 12. 33 1.48 l". M. I.ew isliurg 0.35. n.45 12.50 5.10 7.30 Motitiindonnr. fl.lsiir.y.oonr 1 .<>s av. 5,20 w 7.40 No-*. ! and 2 eon no -t at Montaudon with Erie Mail West; 3 aud 4 with Sea Shore Express East ; 5 and 0 with Day Express and Niagara Express West; 7 and S with East Lino West; ami hi with William.snort Aeeonunodatioii East. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stock in the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, TIIF. l!OSS CLOTIII KIIS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. CONSTIPATION and other diseases that follow a dis ored state of the Stomach and Bow- 9 els, when the use of DR. HENRY BAXTER'S 1 lICEME BIT® Will give immediate relief, jl After constitution follows) Biliousness, Dyspepsia, y Indigestion, Diseases of a the Kidneys, Torpid Liverg Rheumatism, Dizziness, S Sick Headache, Loss of i Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-i oplexy, Palpitations,! H Eruptions and Skin Dis-i? peases, etc., all of which these Eg Bitters will speedily care by removing the mute. fa BH Keep the Stomach, Botceh, an.l bijeztire Or j ihj H £flt'<7eof these Bitters jfl Hj Being tonic nnd mildly purgative they |3 FL PURIFY TIIE BLOOD.LL 9 Price 25 cts. per bottle. Hj For Kile by nil dealers iu medicine. SendLj £3 address for pamphlet, free, giving full directions. I B HENRY, JOHNSON & LORD,Props., fiurliitgfon, Vt. ra For Sale by II 11. 7<>Ml IXSOX, Mil Ih aim, Fa. Iron Levers. Steel Beßticgs, Braes TARf BCf M U JOXts, me PAYS THE FKte:;i. 3 A told on trial. Warrants & yeuiu. Ailki-ca&j low- I • I for tree book, address . M J JONES GF BINGHAMTOH, J Mii(.in ah'A'.X. .x, Vick's Floral Guide. For .1 Colored l'nteH of Flottrrs antl Vege table*.nn• llicfrt-iffht —!•■. !h o I'rloe Lll mention tills pei-.T ou.l , .JdrsM JON£S OF BINGHAM TO *. ijti-TTT-JgßK' in■ mat CJitMfteeuutuu, .X. rpiiK MILLHEIM JOURNAL' JOB Printing Office is now supplied with POOD and a lavyc assort menl of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, RILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, ROSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. JOKTES i ' H C " AMT ?"r uud free Price Litl of - ■ are—V-. scales. .. ALTS! | ' " - •' ■ ■. •• ■ i Kit. E. r. \V 's R s: AMI T:?KAT3ES, a t'.rnnu-n i U.wVt,DUJ Herv ■■ , IV.M.t<6li.>!) Cii •. l■ y 111 une of ah-.i:ii.l t.r v.. V*..'- M- litnl 11 - K •• •■ :. ' " c.: .. tir, ■ In | . . anj Iv ""I ■ j i .■ l.i-.' <) I \ ?, M. ';• '.*<••• biviiiu. i ■ ■••S3 •Ctl n I •' ••'■■ '. : ■■ ■.,,■■ ■ t ti l|. n tif D.j brats, • •• • Jl,' ii i...t r italasoc wwtti'a trcttiii nt .! n '..'3. cr t'... ij.'S.'j nr !?•', r.< :it by n-'.ip'.o --i>a!j dii I ■ . . \ i f V' in A. J l "\ C - \ -y T'ic-1 n>: y, . •. or " f - .. !• ,i : ~s f„ r - It XC... COCOWJ :;•(. e.(s\-.•.-.•'lr. i:r! t v .: JCTCI-.IS-Trcr 'l:i-!i 1. iti .... i .lut. jatMjntUcca ~ t „,r ( . t , r, 1 M-.:,r ' J KiSSKK A Ist'SSShJSKX, SJ ;5 v-. I*;.:'" 1 . To. "" - . .■ ' - - I L. .. * * .V-..2: :r..rk>r*.." t i ' - v . .t. It<:tar-' / d I L ' ''' ' '*aacfe, rartatit'i® feii'ii. MU. I § g illivdl m u;:uli rcc(.i]it ,i; ">J cenls. lllliUT|>aß3ed lor 1 I Scuwrcii. EISWZFI & | Streot. Phitadetphlaj Pa. j ' MILLHEIM - - * tmm ®obks The Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, Most Reliable Establishment, in this part >f Pennsylvania. Monuments, Tablets and Headstones, 7 manufactured in the most urtis tic style and of the best material. .Lit work warranted' and put up in the most substan tial manner. Zki'Our prices are so loir that it will pay persons in need of marble work to give us a call, DEININGER& MUSSER proprietors ■Shops oast of Bridge, Main St., liillheim, Pa. I" N. H. DOWNS' I Vegetable Balsamic For the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, I Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, v 3 Influenza, Spiking Blood, Bronchitis, am! all diseoscsof tho Throat, Chest, ami Hj Lungs. In nil cases where this Elixir is|j|r. j," used its cfilcacy i; r.t once manifested, con mm vincing tho most incredulous that CONSUMPTION fIS mis not Incurallo, if properly ntteudod to r2 At its commencement it is Imt a slight irrita- O® tion of the mctnbrano which covers thoLuugs; 22 then an inflomation, when the cough is rather r %$£ dry, local fcver.and tho pulse more frequent,the cheeks flushed ami chill* morscoinmon, This Elixir in curing tho above complaints, opcr-f, rj ates so as 1o remove nil morbid irrita- |&B f" v fitionannd inilamation from tho lungs Kq 'y. to the surface, and finally expel them from tea By the system. 11 facilitates expectoration. jb| It. heals the ulcerated surfaces |3 t ,- fi and relieves tho cough and makes tho breath- /j ■Ming easy, It supports tho strength and at the BB > same time reduces tho fover. I. is free from frS j& a rong opiate and tatriogent artl which are 53 of so drying a nature nsto be in great danger of ■3 destroying tho patient; whereas this medicine [39 fS never dries or stops tho cough, but, by remov.- HH sli ing the cause, consequently, when the cough ■ rti' is cured the patient is well. Send address fo; ©3 K pamphlet giving full directions, free, p; Price 33 cts., 30 cts., and SI.OO per bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE, pa HEXF.Y, JOIDSOX R LORD, Props., Rurllngton, l't. 1| iimS? DOWNS' EUSLEKS for Sale by tl It. TOMLINSON, Mil Ihe im, Pa. -J. ... RENO TO C crojxraziis NWM BiH iP^ ToH F-'w i**~ Premiumsgivenwitl the JONES SCALE and free Price List o BUNNELL & AIKENS, Bellefonte Ag'ts, SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE SIPIKLIIsr GTRADE AT J.R.SMITH&CO, (LIMITED,) I IWIL.TON, FA., Nos. 110, 112 & IJ4, Front Street, ,% - Musical Instruments, Furniture, Carpets, China, Silverware, and House Furnishing Goods Generally. DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. Address, CLOUCH & WARREN ORGAN CO., Detroit, Mich. DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS BAUtiH & SONS, Philadelphia , Jfe&.l, ISS4. To farmers of Pennsylvania : Gentlemen :—Fbr oreer twenty-eight years tn have manufactured Rate-Bane Pfiosjthate*. ami our brands have Iwbome household irorde h nearly every section of the country. In mant comm unities fhe demand for them has inereas ed, while in others the sales have declined, or account of the preference for loicergwiced yoods Sir years ago.tinding that the demand for good; of\ower cost had become almost universal, tmr haviny pccular advantages of rate materials anc manufacturing facilities, tee determined ti meet (his demand, and introduced a TIVEX TY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE, made b; t a FEW I'ltOf ESS EXCLUSIVELY OUJi OWN. Tim ijuichncss with which this Phos phate sprang Into use among intelligent far men trill be shotcn by the following statement : Of flic §25 Phosphate then' were sold During IS7it, 1,287 Tons. " ' mo, 3,957 " 1881, 5,147 1882, 8,288 188J, 10-128 " Tltc reports of the action of the . .s -, C-.?:.yrr!:a?a, Syphilitic ai u Mcrenrlnf A':'iv-(!o-.:v. 7 •.:If".o suic n::d sure icinedie*. Oulb—ukle, ''.••••.•9 iOltl'.u or, W si Mid KOWLLL & Co's Newspaper Advertising tmreau (10 Spruce Sti-eet), where adver- rasa* iff AMM NEW YORK- |j|—■■ FOR MAN AND BEAST. I—m THE BEST rfj | rnmm EXTERNAP f j^EEHEDY I IRUUMHBI, 2 NFIIRALGiA, 'i|= CRAMPS, I I I Sprains, Bruises, | _ Burns and Scalds, I assea Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other ; : jj Pains and Aches. $ S feA is a safe, sure, and * dWfea|lß| effectual Remedy* for I | Galls, Strains, Scratches, 1 j§ Sores, &c.; on HORSES. ■ 1 One trial will prove its 8 CbHP merits. Its effects are in most cases 1 INSTANTANEOUS. fie Every bottle warranted to rd Rive satisfaction. Send ad- H y ■■■ dress for pamphlet, free, gl v. ■ W in? fnil directions for the I Si arTST** treatment of above diseases.® RS ■■■■■ Price2s cts.and 50 cts. perl bottle. Sold everywhere. Henry, Johnson tt Lord, Proprietors, B || Burlington, Vt. For Sale bij H. H. TO3ILINSON, Millheirn, Pa. WAXTED-LADIESTOTAKE OUR NEW fancy work at their homes, iu city or count -2 j ry, and earn S® TOSIA per week, making goods for our Fall and Winter tmde. Send 15 cents for r 1 sample and particulars. HUDSON MFG. CO. 2<#7 SIVTH Avis., NBW YORK.